Exemple #1
// How did we get here you ask?  Peering received a handover request on BTS2 (us), allocated a channel and set the handoverPending flag,
// created a transaction with the specified IMSI, returned an L3 handover command which BTS1 sent to the MS, which then
// sent a handover access to BTS2, and here we are!
void ProcessHandoverAccess(L3LogicalChannel *chan)
    using namespace SIP;
    // In this function, we are "BS2" in the ladder diagram.
    // This is called from the DCCH dispatcher when it gets a HANDOVER_ACCESS primtive.
    // The information it needs was saved in the transaction table by SaveHandoverAccess.
    LOG(DEBUG) << *chan;

    RefCntPointer<TranEntry> tran = chan->chanGetVoiceTran();
    if (tran == NULL) {
        LOG(WARNING) << "handover access with no inbound transaction on " << chan;
    LOG(DEBUG) << *tran;

    if (!tran->getHandoverEntry(false)) {
        LOG(WARNING) << "handover access with no inbound handover on " << *chan;

    // clear handover in transceiver and get the RSSI and TE.
    // This instructs L2 to stop looking for and stop sending HANDOVER_ACCESS.
    // However, we cant just flush them out of the queue here because that is running in another
    // thread and it may keep pushing HANDOVER_ACCESS at, so we keep flushing them (below)
    // However, we should NEVER see HANDOVER_ACCESS after the ESTABLISH, yet I did.
    GSM::HandoverRecord hr = chan->getL2Channel()->handoverPending(false,0);

    // TODO: Move this into L1?
    if (hr.mhrTimingError > gConfig.getNum("GSM.MS.TA.Max")) {
        // Handover failure.
        LOG(NOTICE) << "handover failure on due to TA=" << hr.mhrTimingError << " for " << *tran;
        // RR cause 8: Handover impossible, timing advance out of range
        chan->chanRelease(L3_HARDRELEASE_REQUEST,TermCause::Local(L3Cause::Distance));	// TODO: Is this right?  Will the channel be immediately re-available?


    // Respond to handset with physical information until we get Handover Complete.
    int TA = (int)(hr.mhrTimingError + 0.5F);
    if (TA<0) TA=0;
    if (TA>62) TA=62;

    // We want to do this loop carefully so we exit as soon as we get a frame that is not HANDOVER_ACCESS.
    Z100Timer T3105(gConfig.GSM.Timer.T3105);	// It defaults to only 50ms.

    // 4.08 11.1.3 "Ny1: The maximum number of repetitions for the PHYSICAL INFORMATION message during a handover."
    for (unsigned sendCount = gConfig.getNum("GSM.Handover.Ny1"); sendCount > 0; sendCount--) {
        // (pat) It is UNIT_DATA because the channel is not established yet.
        // (pat) WARNING: This l3sendm call is not blocking because it is sent on FACCH which has a queue.
        // Rather than modifying the whole LogicalChannel stack to have a blocking mode,
        // we are just going to wait afterwards.  The message should take about 20ms to transmit,
        // and GSM uses roughly 4 out of every 5 frames, so 20-25ms would transmit the message continuously.

        // (pat) Throw away all the HANDOVER_ACCESS that arrive while we were waiting.
        // They are not messages that take 4 bursts; they can arrive on every burst, so there
        // can be a bunch of them queued up (I would expect 5) for each message we send.
        while (L3Frame *frame = chan->l2recv(T3105.remaining())) {
            switch (frame->primitive()) {
            case HANDOVER_ACCESS:
                // See comments above.  L2 is no longer generating these, but we need
                // to flush any extras from before we started, and there also might be have been
                // some in progress when we turned them off, so just keep flushing.
                LOG(INFO) << "flushing HANDOVER_ACCESS while waiting for Handover Complete";
                delete frame;
            case L3_ESTABLISH_INDICATION:
                delete frame;
                // Channel is established, so the MS is there.  Finish up with a state machine.
                // Something else?
                LOG(NOTICE) << "unexpected primitive waiting for Handover Complete on "
                            << *chan << ": " << *frame << " for " << *tran;
                delete frame;
                chan->chanRelease(L3_HARDRELEASE_REQUEST,TermCause::Local(L3Cause::Handover_Error));	// TODO: Is this right?  Will the channel be immediately re-available?

    // Failure.
    LOG(NOTICE) << "timed out waiting for Handover Complete on " << *chan << " for " << *tran;
    // RR cause 4: Abnormal release, no activity on the radio path
    chan->chanRelease(L3_HARDRELEASE_REQUEST,TermCause::Local(L3Cause::Radio_Interface_Failure));	// TODO: Is this right?  Will the channel be immediately re-available?
Exemple #2
static void abortInboundHandover(RefCntPointer<TranEntry> transaction, RRCause cause, L3LogicalChannel *LCH=NULL)
    LOG(DEBUG) << "aborting inbound handover " << *transaction;
    unsigned holdoff = gConfig.getNum("GSM.Handover.FailureHoldoff");