Exemple #1
// read data in packet starting at byte offset and return number of bytes parsed
int AvatarData::parseDataFromBuffer(const QByteArray& buffer) {

    // lazily allocate memory for HeadData in case we're not an Avatar instance
    if (!_headData) {
        _headData = new HeadData(this);

    // lazily allocate memory for HandData in case we're not an Avatar instance
    if (!_handData) {
        _handData = new HandData(this);

    const unsigned char* startPosition = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(buffer.data());
    const unsigned char* sourceBuffer = startPosition;
    quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();

    // The absolute minimum size of the update data is as follows:
    // 50 bytes of "plain old data" {
    //     position      = 12 bytes
    //     bodyYaw       =  2 (compressed float)
    //     bodyPitch     =  2 (compressed float)
    //     bodyRoll      =  2 (compressed float)
    //     targetScale   =  2 (compressed float)
    //     headPitch     =  2 (compressed float)
    //     headYaw       =  2 (compressed float)
    //     headRoll      =  2 (compressed float)
    //     leanForward   =  2 (compressed float)
    //     leanSideways  =  2 (compressed float)
    //     torsoTwist    =  2 (compressed float)
    //     lookAt        = 12
    //     audioLoudness =  4
    // }
    // + 1 byte for pupilSize
    // + 1 byte for numJoints (0)
    // = 51 bytes
    int minPossibleSize = 51;
    int maxAvailableSize = buffer.size();
    if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
        if (shouldLogError(now)) {
            qCDebug(avatars) << "Malformed AvatarData packet at the start; "
                << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize
                << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
        // this packet is malformed so we report all bytes as consumed
        return maxAvailableSize;

    { // Body world position, rotation, and scale
        // position
        glm::vec3 position;
        memcpy(&position, sourceBuffer, sizeof(position));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(position);

        if (glm::isnan(position.x) || glm::isnan(position.y) || glm::isnan(position.z)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::position; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;

        // rotation (NOTE: This needs to become a quaternion to save two bytes)
        float yaw, pitch, roll;
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &yaw);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &pitch);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &roll);
        if (glm::isnan(yaw) || glm::isnan(pitch) || glm::isnan(roll)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::yaw,pitch,roll; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        if (_bodyYaw != yaw || _bodyPitch != pitch || _bodyRoll != roll) {
            _hasNewJointRotations = true;
            _bodyYaw = yaw;
            _bodyPitch = pitch;
            _bodyRoll = roll;

        // scale
        float scale;
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatRatioFromTwoByte(sourceBuffer, scale);
        if (glm::isnan(scale)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::scale; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _targetScale = scale;
    } // 20 bytes

    { // Head rotation
        //(NOTE: This needs to become a quaternion to save two bytes)
        float headYaw, headPitch, headRoll;
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &headPitch);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &headYaw);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &headRoll);
        if (glm::isnan(headYaw) || glm::isnan(headPitch) || glm::isnan(headRoll)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::headYaw,headPitch,headRoll; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
    } // 6 bytes

    { // Head lean (relative to pelvis)
        float leanForward, leanSideways, torsoTwist;
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*)sourceBuffer, &leanForward);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*)sourceBuffer, &leanSideways);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*)sourceBuffer, &torsoTwist);
        if (glm::isnan(leanForward) || glm::isnan(leanSideways)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::leanForward,leanSideways,torsoTwise; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _headData->_leanForward = leanForward;
        _headData->_leanSideways = leanSideways;
        _headData->_torsoTwist = torsoTwist;
    } // 6 bytes
    { // Lookat Position
        glm::vec3 lookAt;
        memcpy(&lookAt, sourceBuffer, sizeof(lookAt));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(lookAt);
        if (glm::isnan(lookAt.x) || glm::isnan(lookAt.y) || glm::isnan(lookAt.z)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::lookAt; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _headData->_lookAtPosition = lookAt;
    } // 12 bytes

    { // AudioLoudness
        // Instantaneous audio loudness (used to drive facial animation)
        float audioLoudness;
        memcpy(&audioLoudness, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
        if (glm::isnan(audioLoudness)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::audioLoudness; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _headData->_audioLoudness = audioLoudness;
    } // 4 bytes

    { // bitFlags and face data
        unsigned char bitItems = *sourceBuffer++;

        // key state, stored as a semi-nibble in the bitItems
        _keyState = (KeyState)getSemiNibbleAt(bitItems,KEY_STATE_START_BIT);

        // hand state, stored as a semi-nibble plus a bit in the bitItems
        // we store the hand state as well as other items in a shared bitset. The hand state is an octal, but is split
        // into two sections to maintain backward compatibility. The bits are ordered as such (0-7 left to right).
        //     +---+-----+-----+--+
        //     |x,x|H0,H1|x,x,x|H2|
        //     +---+-----+-----+--+
        // Hand state - H0,H1,H2 is found in the 3rd, 4th, and 8th bits
        _handState = getSemiNibbleAt(bitItems, HAND_STATE_START_BIT)

        _headData->_isFaceTrackerConnected = oneAtBit(bitItems, IS_FACESHIFT_CONNECTED);
        bool hasReferential = oneAtBit(bitItems, HAS_REFERENTIAL);

        // Referential
        if (hasReferential) {
            Referential* ref = new Referential(sourceBuffer, this);
            if (_referential == NULL ||
                ref->version() != _referential->version()) {
            } else {
                delete ref;
        } else if (_referential != NULL) {

        if (_headData->_isFaceTrackerConnected) {
            float leftEyeBlink, rightEyeBlink, averageLoudness, browAudioLift;
            minPossibleSize += sizeof(leftEyeBlink) + sizeof(rightEyeBlink) + sizeof(averageLoudness) + sizeof(browAudioLift);
            minPossibleSize++; // one byte for blendDataSize
            if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
                if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                    qCDebug(avatars) << "Malformed AvatarData packet after BitItems;"
                        << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                        << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize
                        << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
                return maxAvailableSize;
            // unpack face data
            memcpy(&leftEyeBlink, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);

            memcpy(&rightEyeBlink, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);

            memcpy(&averageLoudness, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);

            memcpy(&browAudioLift, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);

            if (glm::isnan(leftEyeBlink) || glm::isnan(rightEyeBlink)
                    || glm::isnan(averageLoudness) || glm::isnan(browAudioLift)) {
                if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                    qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::faceData; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
                return maxAvailableSize;
            _headData->_leftEyeBlink = leftEyeBlink;
            _headData->_rightEyeBlink = rightEyeBlink;
            _headData->_averageLoudness = averageLoudness;
            _headData->_browAudioLift = browAudioLift;

            int numCoefficients = (int)(*sourceBuffer++);
            int blendDataSize = numCoefficients * sizeof(float);
            minPossibleSize += blendDataSize;
            if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
                if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                    qCDebug(avatars) << "Malformed AvatarData packet after Blendshapes;"
                        << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                        << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize
                        << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
                return maxAvailableSize;

            memcpy(_headData->_blendshapeCoefficients.data(), sourceBuffer, blendDataSize);
            sourceBuffer += numCoefficients * sizeof(float);

            //bitItemsDataSize = 4 * sizeof(float) + 1 + blendDataSize;
    } // 1 + bitItemsDataSize bytes

    { // pupil dilation
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatFromByte(sourceBuffer, _headData->_pupilDilation, 1.0f);
    } // 1 byte

    // joint data
    int numJoints = *sourceBuffer++;
    int bytesOfValidity = (int)ceil((float)numJoints / (float)BITS_IN_BYTE);
    minPossibleSize += bytesOfValidity;
    if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
        if (shouldLogError(now)) {
            qCDebug(avatars) << "Malformed AvatarData packet after JointValidityBits;"
                << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize
                << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
        return maxAvailableSize;
    int numValidJoints = 0;
    { // validity bits
        unsigned char validity = 0;
        int validityBit = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numJoints; i++) {
            if (validityBit == 0) {
                validity = *sourceBuffer++;
            bool valid = (bool)(validity & (1 << validityBit));
            if (valid) {
            _jointData[i].valid = valid;
            validityBit = (validityBit + 1) % BITS_IN_BYTE;
    // 1 + bytesOfValidity bytes

    // each joint rotation component is stored in two bytes (sizeof(uint16_t))
    minPossibleSize += numValidJoints * COMPONENTS_PER_QUATERNION * sizeof(uint16_t);
    if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
        if (shouldLogError(now)) {
            qCDebug(avatars) << "Malformed AvatarData packet after JointData;"
                << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize
                << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
        return maxAvailableSize;

    { // joint data
        for (int i = 0; i < numJoints; i++) {
            JointData& data = _jointData[i];
            if (data.valid) {
                _hasNewJointRotations = true;
                sourceBuffer += unpackOrientationQuatFromBytes(sourceBuffer, data.rotation);
    } // numJoints * 8 bytes

    int numBytesRead = sourceBuffer - startPosition;
    return numBytesRead;
Exemple #2
// read data in packet starting at byte offset and return number of bytes parsed
int AvatarData::parseDataAtOffset(const QByteArray& packet, int offset) {
    // reset the last heard timer since we have new data for this AvatarData
    // lazily allocate memory for HeadData in case we're not an Avatar instance
    if (!_headData) {
        _headData = new HeadData(this);
    // lazily allocate memory for HandData in case we're not an Avatar instance
    if (!_handData) {
        _handData = new HandData(this);
    const unsigned char* startPosition = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(packet.data()) + offset;
    const unsigned char* sourceBuffer = startPosition;
    quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();

    // The absolute minimum size of the update data is as follows:
    // 50 bytes of "plain old data" {
    //     position      = 12 bytes
    //     bodyYaw       =  2 (compressed float)
    //     bodyPitch     =  2 (compressed float)
    //     bodyRoll      =  2 (compressed float)
    //     targetScale   =  2 (compressed float)
    //     headYaw       =  2 (compressed float)
    //     headPitch     =  2 (compressed float)
    //     headRoll      =  2 (compressed float)
    //     leanSideways  =  4
    //     leanForward   =  4
    //     lookAt        = 12
    //     audioLoudness =  4
    // }
    // + 1 byte for messageSize (0)
    // + 1 byte for pupilSize
    // + 1 byte for numJoints (0)
    // = 53 bytes
    int minPossibleSize = 53; 
    int maxAvailableSize = packet.size() - offset;
    if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
        if (shouldLogError(now)) {
            qDebug() << "Malformed AvatarData packet at the start; "
                << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize 
                << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
        // this packet is malformed so we report all bytes as consumed
        return maxAvailableSize;

    { // Body world position, rotation, and scale
        // position
        glm::vec3 position;
        memcpy(&position, sourceBuffer, sizeof(position));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(position);
        if (glm::isnan(position.x) || glm::isnan(position.y) || glm::isnan(position.z)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::position; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        // rotation (NOTE: This needs to become a quaternion to save two bytes)
        float yaw, pitch, roll;
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &yaw);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &pitch);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &roll);
        if (glm::isnan(yaw) || glm::isnan(pitch) || glm::isnan(roll)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::yaw,pitch,roll; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _bodyYaw = yaw;
        _bodyPitch = pitch;
        _bodyRoll = roll;
        // scale
        float scale;
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatRatioFromTwoByte(sourceBuffer, scale);
        if (glm::isnan(scale)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::scale; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _targetScale = scale;
    } // 20 bytes
    { // Head rotation 
        //(NOTE: This needs to become a quaternion to save two bytes)
        float headYaw, headPitch, headRoll;
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &headYaw);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &headPitch);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &headRoll);
        if (glm::isnan(headYaw) || glm::isnan(headPitch) || glm::isnan(headRoll)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::headYaw,headPitch,headRoll; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
    } // 6 bytes
    // Head lean (relative to pelvis)
        float leanSideways, leanForward;
        memcpy(&leanSideways, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
        memcpy(&leanForward, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
        if (glm::isnan(leanSideways) || glm::isnan(leanForward)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::leanSideways,leanForward; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _headData->_leanSideways = leanSideways;
        _headData->_leanForward = leanForward;
    } // 8 bytes
    { // Lookat Position
        glm::vec3 lookAt;
        memcpy(&lookAt, sourceBuffer, sizeof(lookAt));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(lookAt);
        if (glm::isnan(lookAt.x) || glm::isnan(lookAt.y) || glm::isnan(lookAt.z)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::lookAt; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _headData->_lookAtPosition = lookAt;
    } // 12 bytes
    { // AudioLoudness
        // Instantaneous audio loudness (used to drive facial animation)
        float audioLoudness;
        memcpy(&audioLoudness, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
        if (glm::isnan(audioLoudness)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::audioLoudness; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _headData->_audioLoudness = audioLoudness;
    } // 4 bytes
    // chat
    int chatMessageSize = *sourceBuffer++;
    minPossibleSize += chatMessageSize;
    if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
        if (shouldLogError(now)) {
            qDebug() << "Malformed AvatarData packet before ChatMessage;"
                << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize 
                << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
        return maxAvailableSize;
    { // chat payload
        _chatMessage = string((char*)sourceBuffer, chatMessageSize);
        sourceBuffer += chatMessageSize * sizeof(char);
    } // 1 + chatMessageSize bytes
    { // bitFlags and face data
        unsigned char bitItems = *sourceBuffer++;
        // key state, stored as a semi-nibble in the bitItems
        _keyState = (KeyState)getSemiNibbleAt(bitItems,KEY_STATE_START_BIT);
        // hand state, stored as a semi-nibble in the bitItems
        _handState = getSemiNibbleAt(bitItems,HAND_STATE_START_BIT);
        _headData->_isFaceshiftConnected = oneAtBit(bitItems, IS_FACESHIFT_CONNECTED);
        _isChatCirclingEnabled = oneAtBit(bitItems, IS_CHAT_CIRCLING_ENABLED);
        bool hasReferential = oneAtBit(bitItems, HAS_REFERENTIAL);
        // Referential
        if (hasReferential) {
            Referential* ref = new Referential(sourceBuffer, this);
            if (_referential == NULL ||
                ref->version() != _referential->version()) {
            } else {
                delete ref;
        } else if (_referential != NULL) {
        if (_headData->_isFaceshiftConnected) {
            float leftEyeBlink, rightEyeBlink, averageLoudness, browAudioLift;
            minPossibleSize += sizeof(leftEyeBlink) + sizeof(rightEyeBlink) + sizeof(averageLoudness) + sizeof(browAudioLift);
            minPossibleSize++; // one byte for blendDataSize
            if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
                if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                    qDebug() << "Malformed AvatarData packet after BitItems;"
                        << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                        << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize 
                        << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
                return maxAvailableSize;
            // unpack face data
            memcpy(&leftEyeBlink, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
            memcpy(&rightEyeBlink, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
            memcpy(&averageLoudness, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
            memcpy(&browAudioLift, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
            if (glm::isnan(leftEyeBlink) || glm::isnan(rightEyeBlink) 
                    || glm::isnan(averageLoudness) || glm::isnan(browAudioLift)) {
                if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                    qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::faceData; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
                return maxAvailableSize;
            _headData->_leftEyeBlink = leftEyeBlink;
            _headData->_rightEyeBlink = rightEyeBlink;
            _headData->_averageLoudness = averageLoudness;
            _headData->_browAudioLift = browAudioLift;
            int numCoefficients = (int)(*sourceBuffer++);
            int blendDataSize = numCoefficients * sizeof(float);
            minPossibleSize += blendDataSize;
            if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
                if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                    qDebug() << "Malformed AvatarData packet after Blendshapes;"
                        << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                        << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize 
                        << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
                return maxAvailableSize;

            memcpy(_headData->_blendshapeCoefficients.data(), sourceBuffer, blendDataSize);
            sourceBuffer += numCoefficients * sizeof(float);
            //bitItemsDataSize = 4 * sizeof(float) + 1 + blendDataSize;
    } // 1 + bitItemsDataSize bytes
    { // pupil dilation
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatFromByte(sourceBuffer, _headData->_pupilDilation, 1.0f);
    } // 1 byte
    // joint data
    int numJoints = *sourceBuffer++;
    int bytesOfValidity = (int)ceil((float)numJoints / (float)BITS_IN_BYTE);
    minPossibleSize += bytesOfValidity;
    if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
        if (shouldLogError(now)) {
            qDebug() << "Malformed AvatarData packet after JointValidityBits;"
                << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize 
                << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
        return maxAvailableSize;
    int numValidJoints = 0;
    { // validity bits
        unsigned char validity = 0;
        int validityBit = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numJoints; i++) {
            if (validityBit == 0) {
                validity = *sourceBuffer++;
            bool valid = (bool)(validity & (1 << validityBit));
            if (valid) {
            _jointData[i].valid = valid;
            validityBit = (validityBit + 1) % BITS_IN_BYTE; 
    // 1 + bytesOfValidity bytes

    // each joint rotation component is stored in two bytes (sizeof(uint16_t))
    minPossibleSize += numValidJoints * COMPONENTS_PER_QUATERNION * sizeof(uint16_t);
    if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
        if (shouldLogError(now)) {
            qDebug() << "Malformed AvatarData packet after JointData;"
                << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize 
                << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
        return maxAvailableSize;

    { // joint data
        for (int i = 0; i < numJoints; i++) {
            JointData& data = _jointData[i];
            if (data.valid) {
                _hasNewJointRotations = true;
                sourceBuffer += unpackOrientationQuatFromBytes(sourceBuffer, data.rotation);
    } // numJoints * 8 bytes
    return sourceBuffer - startPosition;