Exemple #1
// Factored code from copy_copy that computes extra interferences from
// lengthening a live range by double-coalescing.
uint PhaseConservativeCoalesce::compute_separating_interferences(Node *dst_copy, Node *src_copy, Block *b, uint bindex, RegMask &rm, uint reg_degree, uint rm_size, uint lr1, uint lr2 ) {

  assert(!lrgs(lr1)._fat_proj, "cannot coalesce fat_proj");
  assert(!lrgs(lr2)._fat_proj, "cannot coalesce fat_proj");
  Node *prev_copy = dst_copy->in(dst_copy->is_Copy());
  Block *b2 = b;
  uint bindex2 = bindex;
  while( 1 ) {
    // Find previous instruction
    bindex2--;                  // Chain backwards 1 instruction
    while( bindex2 == 0 ) {     // At block start, find prior block
      assert( b2->num_preds() == 2, "cannot double coalesce across c-flow" );
      b2 = _phc._cfg._bbs[b2->pred(1)->_idx];
      bindex2 = b2->end_idx()-1;
    // Get prior instruction
    assert(bindex2 < b2->_nodes.size(), "index out of bounds");
    Node *x = b2->_nodes[bindex2];
    if( x == prev_copy ) {      // Previous copy in copy chain?
      if( prev_copy == src_copy)// Found end of chain and all interferences
        break;                  // So break out of loop
      // Else work back one in copy chain
      prev_copy = prev_copy->in(prev_copy->is_Copy());
    } else {                    // Else collect interferences
      uint lidx = _phc.Find(x);
      // Found another def of live-range being stretched?
      if( lidx == lr1 ) return max_juint;
      if( lidx == lr2 ) return max_juint;

      // If we attempt to coalesce across a bound def
      if( lrgs(lidx).is_bound() ) {
        // Do not let the coalesced LRG expect to get the bound color
        rm.SUBTRACT( lrgs(lidx).mask() );
        // Recompute rm_size
        rm_size = rm.Size();
        //if( rm._flags ) rm_size += 1000000;
        if( reg_degree >= rm_size ) return max_juint;
      if( rm.overlap(lrgs(lidx).mask()) ) {
        // Insert lidx into union LRG; returns TRUE if actually inserted
        if( _ulr.insert(lidx) ) {
          // Infinite-stack neighbors do not alter colorability, as they
          // can always color to some other color.
          if( !lrgs(lidx).mask().is_AllStack() ) {
            // If this coalesce will make any new neighbor uncolorable,
            // do not coalesce.
            if( lrgs(lidx).just_lo_degree() )
              return max_juint;
            // Bump our degree
            if( ++reg_degree >= rm_size )
              return max_juint;
          } // End of if not infinite-stack neighbor
        } // End of if actually inserted
      } // End of if live range overlaps
    } // End of else collect interferences for 1 node
  } // End of while forever, scan back for interferences
  return reg_degree;
Exemple #2
// See if I can coalesce a series of multiple copies together.  I need the
// final dest copy and the original src copy.  They can be the same Node.
// Compute the compatible register masks.
bool PhaseConservativeCoalesce::copy_copy( Node *dst_copy, Node *src_copy, Block *b, uint bindex ) {

  if( !dst_copy->is_SpillCopy() ) return false;
  if( !src_copy->is_SpillCopy() ) return false;
  Node *src_def = src_copy->in(src_copy->is_Copy());
  uint lr1 = _phc.Find(dst_copy);
  uint lr2 = _phc.Find(src_def );

  // Same live ranges already?
  if( lr1 == lr2 ) return false;

  // Interfere?
  if( _phc._ifg->test_edge_sq( lr1, lr2 ) ) return false;

  // Not an oop->int cast; oop->oop, int->int, AND int->oop are OK.
  if( !lrgs(lr1)._is_oop && lrgs(lr2)._is_oop ) // not an oop->int cast
    return false;

  // Coalescing between an aligned live range and a mis-aligned live range?
  // No, no!  Alignment changes how we count degree.
  if( lrgs(lr1)._fat_proj != lrgs(lr2)._fat_proj )
    return false;

  // Sort; use smaller live-range number
  Node *lr1_node = dst_copy;
  Node *lr2_node = src_def;
  if( lr1 > lr2 ) {
    uint tmp = lr1; lr1 = lr2; lr2 = tmp;
    lr1_node = src_def;  lr2_node = dst_copy;

  // Check for compatibility of the 2 live ranges by
  // intersecting their allowed register sets.
  RegMask rm = lrgs(lr1).mask();
  // Number of bits free
  uint rm_size = rm.Size();

  if (UseFPUForSpilling && rm.is_AllStack() ) {
    // Don't coalesce when frequency difference is large
    Block *dst_b = _phc._cfg._bbs[dst_copy->_idx];
    Block *src_def_b = _phc._cfg._bbs[src_def->_idx];
    if (src_def_b->_freq > 10*dst_b->_freq )
      return false;

  // If we can use any stack slot, then effective size is infinite
  if( rm.is_AllStack() ) rm_size += 1000000;
  // Incompatible masks, no way to coalesce
  if( rm_size == 0 ) return false;

  // Another early bail-out test is when we are double-coalescing and the
  // 2 copies are separated by some control flow.
  if( dst_copy != src_copy ) {
    Block *src_b = _phc._cfg._bbs[src_copy->_idx];
    Block *b2 = b;
    while( b2 != src_b ) {
      if( b2->num_preds() > 2 ){// Found merge-point
        // extra record_bias commented out because Chris believes it is not
        // productive.  Since we can record only 1 bias, we want to choose one
        // that stands a chance of working and this one probably does not.
        //record_bias( _phc._lrgs, lr1, lr2 );
        return false;           // To hard to find all interferences
      b2 = _phc._cfg._bbs[b2->pred(1)->_idx];

  // Union the two interference sets together into '_ulr'
  uint reg_degree = _ulr.lrg_union( lr1, lr2, rm_size, _phc._ifg, rm );

  if( reg_degree >= rm_size ) {
    record_bias( _phc._ifg, lr1, lr2 );
    return false;

  // Now I need to compute all the interferences between dst_copy and
  // src_copy.  I'm not willing visit the entire interference graph, so
  // I limit my search to things in dst_copy's block or in a straight
  // line of previous blocks.  I give up at merge points or when I get
  // more interferences than my degree.  I can stop when I find src_copy.
  if( dst_copy != src_copy ) {
    reg_degree = compute_separating_interferences(dst_copy, src_copy, b, bindex, rm, rm_size, reg_degree, lr1, lr2 );
    if( reg_degree == max_juint ) {
      record_bias( _phc._ifg, lr1, lr2 );
      return false;
  } // End of if dst_copy & src_copy are different


  // YEAH - Now coalesce this copy away
  assert( lrgs(lr1).num_regs() == lrgs(lr2).num_regs(),   "" );

  IndexSet *n_lr1 = _phc._ifg->neighbors(lr1);
  IndexSet *n_lr2 = _phc._ifg->neighbors(lr2);

  // Update the interference graph
  update_ifg(lr1, lr2, n_lr1, n_lr2);


  // Uncomment the following code to trace Coalescing in great detail.
  //if (false) {
  //  tty->cr();
  //  tty->print_cr("#######################################");
  //  tty->print_cr("union %d and %d", lr1, lr2);
  //  n_lr1->dump();
  //  n_lr2->dump();
  //  tty->print_cr("resulting set is");
  //  _ulr.dump();

  // Replace n_lr1 with the new combined live range.  _ulr will use
  // n_lr1's old memory on the next iteration.  n_lr2 is cleared to
  // send its internal memory to the free list.

  lrgs(lr1).set_degree( _phc._ifg->effective_degree(lr1) );
  lrgs(lr2).set_degree( 0 );

  // Join live ranges.  Merge larger into smaller.  Union lr2 into lr1 in the
  // union-find tree
  union_helper( lr1_node, lr2_node, lr1, lr2, src_def, dst_copy, src_copy, b, bindex );
  // Combine register restrictions
  lrgs(lr1)._cost += lrgs(lr2)._cost;
  lrgs(lr1)._area += lrgs(lr2)._area;

  // While its uncommon to successfully coalesce live ranges that started out
  // being not-lo-degree, it can happen.  In any case the combined coalesced
  // live range better Simplify nicely.
  lrgs(lr1)._was_lo = 1;

  // kinda expensive to do all the time
  //tty->print_cr("warning: slow verify happening");
  //_phc._ifg->verify( &_phc );
  return true;