void REXXENTRY invokeProgram(InstanceInfo *instanceInfo)
    RexxInstance *instance;
    RexxThreadContext *context;

    instanceInfo->code = 0;
    instanceInfo->rc = 0;
    strcpy(instanceInfo->returnResult, "");

    createInstance(instanceInfo, instance, context);

    RexxArrayObject args = context->NewArray(instanceInfo->argCount);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < instanceInfo->argCount; i++)
        if (instanceInfo->arguments[i] != NULL)
            context->ArrayPut(args, context->String(instanceInfo->arguments[i]), i + 1);

    RexxObjectPtr result = context->CallProgram(instanceInfo->programName, args);
    // if an exception occurred, get the decoded exception information
    if (context->CheckCondition())
        RexxCondition condition;

        RexxDirectoryObject cond = context->GetConditionInfo();
        context->DecodeConditionInfo(cond, &condition);
        instanceInfo->code = condition.code;
        instanceInfo->rc = condition.rc;
        if (result != NULLOBJECT)
            CSTRING resultString = context->CString(result);
            strncpy(instanceInfo->returnResult, resultString, sizeof(instanceInfo->returnResult));
    // make sure we terminate this first
Exemple #2
void POREXX1::application()
	log( "I", "Application POREXX1 starting." << endl ) ;

	int i ;
	int j ;

	bool found ;

	size_t version  ;
	string rxsource ;
	string path     ;

	RexxInstance *instance   ;
	RexxThreadContext *threadContext ;
	RexxArrayObject args     ;
	RexxCondition condition  ;
	RexxDirectoryObject cond ;
	RexxObjectPtr result     ;

	RexxContextEnvironment environments[ 2 ] ;
	RexxOption             options[ 3 ]      ;

	environments[ 0 ].handler = lspfServiceHandler ;
	environments[ 0 ].name    = "ISPEXEC" ;
	environments[ 1 ].handler = NULL ;
	environments[ 1 ].name    = ""   ;

	options[ 0 ].optionName = APPLICATION_DATA ;
	options[ 0 ].option     = (void *)this     ;
	options[ 1 ].optionName = DIRECT_ENVIRONMENTS  ;
	options[ 1 ].option     = (void *)environments ;
	options[ 2 ].optionName = ""  ;

	rxsource = word( PARM, 1 )    ;
	PARM     = subword( PARM, 2 ) ;
	found    = false              ;

	if ( rxsource.size() > 0 && rxsource[ 0 ] == '%' ) { rxsource.erase( 0, 1 ) ; }
	if ( rxsource == "" )
		log( "E", "POREXX1 error. No REXX passed" << endl ) ;
		ZRC     = 16 ;
		ZRSN    = 4  ;
		ZRESULT = "No REXX passed" ;
		cleanup() ;
		return    ;

	if ( rxsource[ 0 ] == '/' ) { rexxName = rxsource ; }
		j = getpaths( ZORXPATH ) ;
		for ( i = 1 ; i <= j ; i++ )
			path     = getpath( ZORXPATH, i ) ;
			if ( path.back() != '/' ) { path += "/" ; }
			rexxName = path + rxsource ;
			if ( !exists( rexxName ) ) { continue ; }
			if ( is_regular_file( rexxName ) ) { found = true ; break ; }
			log( "E", "POREXX1 error. " << rxsource << " found but is not a regular file" << endl ) ;
			setmsg( "PSYS012B" ) ;
			ZRC     = 16 ;
			ZRSN    = 12 ;
			ZRESULT = "Invalid REXX passed" ;
			cleanup() ;
			return    ;
		if ( !found )
			log( "E", "POREXX1 error. " << rxsource << " not found in ZORXPATH concatination" << endl ) ;
			setmsg( "PSYS012C" ) ;
			ZRC     = 16 ;
			ZRSN    = 8  ;
			ZRESULT = "REXX not found" ;
			cleanup() ;
			return    ;

	if ( RexxCreateInterpreter( &instance, &threadContext, options ) )
		args = threadContext->NewArray( 1 ) ;
		threadContext->ArrayPut(args, threadContext->String( PARM.c_str() ), 1 ) ;
		version = threadContext->InterpreterVersion() ;

		log( "I", "Starting OOREXX Interpreter Version. .: " << version << endl ) ;
		log( "I", "Running program. . . . . . . . . . . .: " << rxsource << endl ) ;
		log( "I", "With parameters. . . . . . . . . . . .: " << PARM << endl ) ;

		result = threadContext->CallProgram( rexxName.c_str(), args) ;

		if ( threadContext->CheckCondition() )
			cond = threadContext->GetConditionInfo() ;
			threadContext->DecodeConditionInfo( cond, &condition ) ;
			log( "E", "POREXX1 error running REXX.: " << rxsource << endl ) ;
			log( "E", "   Condition Code . . . . .: " << condition.code << endl ) ;
			log( "E", "   Condition Error Text . .: " << threadContext->CString( condition.errortext ) << endl ) ;
			log( "E", "   Condition Message. . . .: " << threadContext->CString( condition.message ) << endl ) ;
			setmsg( "PSYS011M" ) ;
			ZRC     = 20 ;
			ZRSN    = condition.code ;
			ZRESULT = threadContext->CString( condition.message ) ;
			if ( result != NULLOBJECT )
				CSTRING resultString = threadContext->CString( result ) ;
		instance->Terminate() ;
	cleanup() ;
	return    ;
//  MAIN program
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    short    rexxrc = 0;                 /* return code from rexx             */
    int   i;                             /* loop counter                      */
    int  rc;                             /* actually running program RC       */
    const char *program_name;            /* name to run                       */
    char  arg_buffer[8192];              /* starting argument buffer          */
    char *cp;                            /* option character pointer          */
    CONSTRXSTRING arguments;             /* rexxstart argument                */
    size_t argcount;
    RXSTRING rxretbuf;                   // program return buffer
    BOOL from_string = FALSE;            /* running from command line string? */
    BOOL real_argument = TRUE;           /* running from command line string? */
    RXSTRING instore[2];

    RexxInstance        *pgmInst;
    RexxThreadContext   *pgmThrdInst;
    RexxArrayObject      rxargs, rxcargs;
    RexxDirectoryObject  dir;
    RexxObjectPtr        result;

    rc = 0;                              /* set default return                */

     * Convert the input array into a single string for the Object REXX
     * argument string. Initialize the RXSTRING variable to point to this
     * string. Keep the string null terminated so we can print it for debug.
     * First argument is name of the REXX program
     * Next argument(s) are parameters to be passed

    arg_buffer[0] = '\0';                /* default to no argument string     */
    program_name = NULL;                 /* no program to run yet             */

    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)           /* loop through the arguments        */
        /* is this an option switch?         */
        if ((*(cp=*(argv+i)) == '-' || *cp == '/')) {
            switch (*++cp) {
                case 'e':
                case 'E':                /* execute from string               */
                    if (from_string == FALSE) {  /* only treat 1st -e differently */
                        from_string = TRUE;
                        if ( argc == i+1 ) {
                        program_name = "INSTORE";
                        instore[0].strptr = argv[i+1];
                        instore[0].strlength = strlen(instore[0].strptr);
                        instore[1].strptr = NULL;
                        instore[1].strlength = 0;
                        real_argument = FALSE;
                case 'v':
                case 'V': {                                /* version display */
                    char *ptr = RexxGetVersionInformation();
                    if (ptr)
                        fprintf(stdout, ptr);
                        fprintf(stdout, "\n");
                    return 0;
                default:                       /* ignore other switches       */
        else                             /* convert into an argument string   */
            if (program_name == NULL) {       /* no name yet?                  */
                program_name = argv[i];        /* program is first non-option  */
                break;     /* end parsing after program_name has been resolved */
            else if ( real_argument )  {  /* part of the argument string       */
                if (arg_buffer[0] != '\0')  {   /* not the first one?          */
                    strcat(arg_buffer, " ");     /* add an blank               */
                strcat(arg_buffer, argv[i]);  /* add this to the argument string */
            real_argument = TRUE;

    if (program_name == NULL) {
        /* give a simple error message       */
#undef printf
        fprintf(stderr,"Syntax is \"rexx filename [arguments]\"\n");
        fprintf(stderr,"or        \"rexx -e program_string [arguments]\"\n");
        fprintf(stderr,"or        \"rexx -v\".\n");
        return -1;
    else {                              /* real program execution              */
        getArguments(NULL, GetCommandLine(), &argcount, &arguments);
        rxretbuf.strlength = 0L;                 /* initialize return to empty */

        printf("program_name = %s\n", program_name);
        printf("argv 0 = %s\n", argv[0]);
        printf("argv 1 = %s\n", argv[1]);
        printf("argv 2 = %s\n", argv[2]);
        printf("argument.strptr = %s\n", argument.strptr);
        printf("argument.strlenth = %lu\n", argument.strlength);

        if (from_string) {
            /* Here we call the interpreter.  We don't really need to use      */
            /* all the casts in this call; they just help illustrate           */
            /* the data types used.                                            */
            rc=REXXSTART(argcount,                    /* number of arguments   */
                         &arguments,                   /* array of arguments   */
                         program_name,                /* name of REXX file     */
                         instore,               /* rexx code from command line */
                         "CMD",                       /* Command env. name     */
                         RXCOMMAND,                   /* Code for how invoked  */
                         &rexxrc,                     /* Rexx program output   */
                         &rxretbuf );                 /* Rexx program output   */
            /* rexx procedure executed*/
            if ((rc==0) && rxretbuf.strptr) {
                RexxFreeMemory(rxretbuf.strptr);    /* Release storage only if */
            freeArguments(NULL, &arguments);
        else {
            RexxCreateInterpreter(&pgmInst, &pgmThrdInst, NULL);
            // configure the traditional single argument string

            if ( arguments.strptr != NULL )
                rxargs = pgmThrdInst->NewArray(1);
                pgmThrdInst->ArrayPut(rxargs, pgmThrdInst->String(arguments.strptr), 1);
                rxargs = pgmThrdInst->NewArray(0);

            // set up the C args into the .local environment
            dir = (RexxDirectoryObject)pgmThrdInst->GetLocalEnvironment();
            if ( argc > 2 )
                rxcargs = pgmThrdInst->NewArray(argc - 2);
                rxcargs = pgmThrdInst->NewArray(0);
            for (i = 2; i < argc; i++)
                                      i - 1);
            pgmThrdInst->DirectoryPut(dir, rxcargs, "SYSCARGS");
            // call the interpreter
            result = pgmThrdInst->CallProgram(program_name, rxargs);
            // display any error message if there is a condition.
            // if there was an error, then that will be our return code.
            // Although the return is a wholenumber_t we know there is no error
            // code too big to fit in an int.
            rc = (int)pgmThrdInst->DisplayCondition();
            if (rc != 0)
                return -rc;   // well, the negation of the error number is the return code
            // now handle any potential return value
            if (result != NULL) {
                pgmThrdInst->ObjectToInt32(result, &rc);


            return rc;
    return rc ? rc : rexxrc;                    // rexx program return cd