bool RlvObject::removeCommand(const RlvCommand& rlvCmd)
	RLV_ASSERT(RLV_TYPE_REMOVE == rlvCmd.getParamType());

	for (rlv_command_list_t::iterator itCmd = m_Commands.begin(); itCmd != m_Commands.end(); ++itCmd)
		//if (*itCmd == rlvCmd) <- commands will never be equal since one is an add and the other is a remove *rolls eyes*
		if ( (itCmd->getBehaviour() == rlvCmd.getBehaviour()) && (itCmd->getOption() == rlvCmd.getOption()) && 
			 (itCmd->isStrict() == rlvCmd.isStrict() ) )
			return true;
	return false;	// Command was never added so nothing to remove now
bool RlvObject::addCommand(const RlvCommand& rlvCmd)
	RLV_ASSERT(RLV_TYPE_ADD == rlvCmd.getParamType());

	// Don't add duplicate commands for this object (ie @detach=n followed by another @detach=n later on)
	for (rlv_command_list_t::iterator itCmd = m_Commands.begin(); itCmd != m_Commands.end(); ++itCmd)
		if ( (itCmd->getBehaviour() == rlvCmd.getBehaviour()) && (itCmd->getOption() == rlvCmd.getOption()) && 
			 (itCmd->isStrict() == rlvCmd.isStrict() ) )
			return false;

	// Now that we know it's not a duplicate, add it to the end of the list

	return true;