Exemple #1
void* serial_interface(void* mParam)				// serial port used for arduino connections & GPS.
	LoadCell_SerialInterface* mFoot = (LoadCell_SerialInterface*) mParam;
	static char  app_name[12];
	static char  read_r[4];
	static char  no_write_w[4];
	static char  device_p[4];

	static char  read_[20];
	static char  no_write_[20];
	static char  device_[20];

	sprintf(app_name,   "./avisual");
	sprintf(read_r,     "-R");
	sprintf(no_write_w, "-w");
	sprintf(device_p,   "-p");

	sprintf(read_,     "ascii");
	sprintf(no_write_, "0");

	//printf("mFoot=%p;  left_foot=%p\n", mFoot, &left_foot);
	if (mFoot == &left_foot)	{
		sprintf(device_,   "/dev/ttyACM0");
		mFoot->_cl_rx_dump = 1;
		mFoot->_cl_rx_dump_ascii = 1;		
		mFoot->_cl_port = strdup("/dev/ttyACM0");
		mFoot->_cl_tx_bytes = 0;
		mFoot->left_foot = false;
	} else {
		mFoot->_cl_port = strdup("/dev/ttyACM1");	
		mFoot->_cl_rx_dump = 1;
		mFoot->_cl_rx_dump_ascii = 1;		
		mFoot->_cl_tx_bytes = 0;
		mFoot->left_foot = true;		
		//sprintf(device_,   "/dev/ttyACM1");
	char * argv[] = { app_name, read_r, read_, no_write_w, no_write_, device_p, device_ }; 
	mFoot->serial_loadcell_main( 7, argv );	
	return NULL;
void read_main_battery()
//	mot.SetMainVoltages ( address, 100, 250 );	
//	mot.SetLogicVoltages( address, 100, 250 );

	uint16_t volts1 = mot.ReadMainBatteryVoltage( 0x80 );
	float volt = ((float)volts1)/10.;
	printf("\nMain Battery board #1 = %6.1f volts\n", volt );
	volts1 = mot.ReadLogicBatteryVoltage( 0x80 );
	volt = ((float)volts1)/10.;
	printf("\nLogic Battery board #1 = %6.1f volts\n", volts1 );

	//mot.SetM1MaxCurrent(0x80, 20.0);
	//mot.SetM2MaxCurrent(0x80, 20.0);	
void CheckVoltages(void)
#ifdef AVS_PIN
    uint16_t wVS = analogRead(AVS_PIN);
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (g_fDebugOutput && (wVS != g_wVSPrev)) {
        Serial.print("VS: ");
        Serial.println(wVS, DEC);
        g_wVSPrev = wVS;
    if ((wVS < (uint16_t)AVAL_MIN) && g_fServosInit) {
        // detach any servos we may have...
        MSound( 3, 100, 2500, 100, 2500, 100, 2500);
#elif defined(PACKET_MODE)
    // Using Roboclaw in packet mode, so we can ask it for the
    // motor voltages... Note: This requires us to send and receive
    // stuff serially, so probably only do this every so often.
    if ((millis()-g_ulCVTimeLast) > 1000)
        // more than a second since we last tested
        uint16_t wVS = RClaw.ReadMainBatteryVoltage(PACKETS_ADDRESS);

#ifdef DEBUG
        if (g_fDebugOutput && (wVS != g_wVSPrev)) {
            Serial.print("VS: ");
            Serial.println(wVS, DEC);
            g_wVSPrev = wVS;
        if ((wVS < (uint16_t)VOLTAGE_MIN1) && g_fServosInit) {
            // detach any servos we may have...
            MSound( 3, 100, 2500, 100, 2500, 100, 2500);
        g_ulCVTimeLast = millis();  // remember last we did it.