void SetUp() {
   RobotBasePtr robot = GetRobot(*env);
   robot->SetDOFValues(DblVec(robot->GetDOF(), 0));
   Transform I; I.identity();
int main()
    unsigned int mainthreadsleft = numThreads;
   // boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread> ( new boost::thread(boost::bind( &track_threads )));
    Ta.trans = transA;
    Ta.rot = quatA;
    Tb.trans = transB;
    Tb.rot = quatB;
    std::string scenefilename = "scenes/test6dof.mujin.zae";
    std::string viewername = "qtcoin";
    RaveInitialize(true); // start openrave core
    EnvironmentBasePtr penv = RaveCreateEnvironment(); // create the main environment
    Transform robot_t;
    RaveVector< dReal > transR(c, d, 0);
    robot_t.trans = transR;

    //boost::thread thviewer(boost::bind(SetViewer,penv,viewername));
    RobotBasePtr probot = penv->GetRobot("RV-4F");

    //removing floor for collision checking
    EnvironmentBasePtr pclondedenv = penv->CloneSelf(Clone_Bodies);
    pclondedenv->Remove( pclondedenv->GetKinBody("floor"));
    RobotBasePtr probot_clone = pclondedenv->GetRobot("RV-4F");

    unsigned int tot = ((( abs(a) + abs(c) )/discretization_x )+1) * (((( abs(b) + abs(d) )/discretization_y )+1) * (( abs( z )/discretization_z )+1));
    unsigned int tot_o = tot;
    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i <= (( abs(a) + abs(c) )/discretization_x );i++) {
	for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j <= (( abs(b) + abs(d) )/discretization_y ); j++) {
		for (unsigned int k = 0 ; k <= ( abs( z )/discretization_z ) ; k++) {
			////std::cout << transR[0] << ";" << transR[1] << ";" << transR[2] << std::endl;
			robot_t.trans = transR;
			if( pclondedenv->CheckCollision(RobotBaseConstPtr(probot_clone)) ){
				//std::cout << "Robot in collision with the environment" << std::endl;
			else {	
				do_task(Ta, Tb, penv,3);
			tot -= 1;
			std::cout << tot << "/" << tot_o << std::endl;
			transR[2] = transR[2]+ discretization_z;
		transR[2] = 0;
		transR[1] = transR[1] + discretization_y;
		robot_t.trans = transR;
	transR[2] = 0;
	transR[1] = c;
	transR[0] = transR[0] + discretization_x;
	robot_t.trans = transR;

    //thviewer.join(); // wait for the viewer thread to exit	
    RaveDestroy(); // make sure to destroy the OpenRAVE runtime
    penv->Destroy(); // destroy
    return 0;