void plot( TString var, TString data, TString pdf, double low=-1, double high=-1 ) { TFile *tf = TFile::Open( "root/FitOut.root" ); RooWorkspace *w = (RooWorkspace*)tf->Get("w"); TCanvas *canv = new TCanvas("c","c",800,800); TPad *upperPad = new TPad(Form("%s_upper",canv->GetName()),"",0.,0.33,1.,1.); TPad *lowerPad = new TPad(Form("%s_lower",canv->GetName()),"",0.,0.,1.,0.33); canv->cd(); upperPad->Draw(); lowerPad->Draw(); if ( low < 0 ) low = w->var(var)->getMin(); if ( high < 0 ) high = w->var(var)->getMax(); RooPlot *plot = w->var(var)->frame(Range(low,high)); w->data(data)->plotOn(plot); w->pdf(pdf)->plotOn(plot); RooHist *underHist = plot->pullHist(); underHist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); underHist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(plot->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); underHist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pull"); underHist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.12); underHist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.12); underHist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.2); underHist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.7); underHist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.18); underHist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.38); plot->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(""); upperPad->SetBottomMargin(0.1); upperPad->cd(); plot->Draw(); canv->cd(); lowerPad->SetTopMargin(0.05); lowerPad->SetBottomMargin(0.35); lowerPad->cd(); underHist->Draw("AP"); double ymin = underHist->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(); double ymax = underHist->GetYaxis()->GetXmax(); double yrange = Max( Abs( ymin ), Abs( ymax ) ); underHist->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser( -1.*yrange, 1.*yrange ); double xmin = plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); double xmax = plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); TColor *mycol3sig = gROOT->GetColor( kGray ); mycol3sig->SetAlpha(0.5); TColor *mycol2sig = gROOT->GetColor( kGray+1 ); mycol2sig->SetAlpha(0.5); TColor *mycol1sig = gROOT->GetColor( kGray+2 ); mycol1sig->SetAlpha(0.5); TBox box3sig; box3sig.SetFillColor( mycol3sig->GetNumber() ); //box3sig.SetFillColorAlpha( kGray, 0.5 ); box3sig.SetFillStyle(1001); box3sig.DrawBox( xmin, -3., xmax, 3.); TBox box2sig; box2sig.SetFillColor( mycol2sig->GetNumber() ); //box2sig.SetFillColorAlpha( kGray+1, 0.5 ); box2sig.SetFillStyle(1001); box2sig.DrawBox( xmin, -2., xmax, 2.); TBox box1sig; box1sig.SetFillColor( mycol1sig->GetNumber() ); //box1sig.SetFillColorAlpha( kGray+2, 0.5 ); box1sig.SetFillStyle(1001); box1sig.DrawBox( xmin, -1., xmax, 1.); TLine lineErr; lineErr.SetLineWidth(1); lineErr.SetLineColor(kBlue-9); lineErr.SetLineStyle(2); lineErr.DrawLine(plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),1.,plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),1.); lineErr.DrawLine(plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),-1.,plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),-1.); lineErr.DrawLine(plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),2.,plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),2.); lineErr.DrawLine(plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),-2.,plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),-2.); lineErr.DrawLine(plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),3.,plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),3.); lineErr.DrawLine(plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),-3.,plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),-3.); TLine line; line.SetLineWidth(3); line.SetLineColor(kBlue); line.DrawLine(plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),0.,plot->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),0.); underHist->Draw("Psame"); RooHist *redPull = new RooHist(); int newp=0; for (int p=0; p<underHist->GetN(); p++) { double x,y; underHist->GetPoint(p,x,y); if ( TMath::Abs(y)>3 ) { redPull->SetPoint(newp,x,y); redPull->SetPointError(newp,0.,0.,underHist->GetErrorYlow(p),underHist->GetErrorYhigh(p)); newp++; } } redPull->SetLineWidth(underHist->GetLineWidth()); redPull->SetMarkerStyle(underHist->GetMarkerStyle()); redPull->SetMarkerSize(underHist->GetMarkerSize()); redPull->SetLineColor(kRed); redPull->SetMarkerColor(kRed); redPull->Draw("Psame"); canv->Print(Form("tmp/%s.pdf",var.Data())); tf->Close(); }
TCanvas* plotting36GS( bool logScale=false ) { std::cout << "plotting mu + standalone " << std::endl; TGaxis::SetMaxDigits(3); // channels, ordered as in the legend vector<TString> channels; vector<TString> hnames; vector<TString> type; map<TString,int> fillColor_; map<TString,int> lineColor_; int lineWidth1(2); int lineWidth2(1); bool salamanderStyle=true; if( salamanderStyle ) { fillColor_["Signal"] = kOrange-2; lineColor_["Signal"] = kOrange+3; fillColor_["EWK"] = kOrange+7; lineColor_["EWK"] = kOrange+3; fillColor_["QCD"] = kViolet-5; lineColor_["QCD"] = kViolet+3; fillColor_["ttbar"] = kRed+2; lineColor_["ttbar"] = kRed+4; fillColor_["gamma+jet"] = kMagenta+4; lineColor_["gamma+jet"] = kViolet+3; } else { lineWidth1 = 2; lineWidth2 = 2; fillColor_["Signal"] = kPink+6; lineColor_["Signal"] = kMagenta+3; fillColor_["EWK"] = kAzure+8; lineColor_["EWK"] = kAzure+4; fillColor_["QCD"] = kYellow-7; lineColor_["QCD"] = kYellow+4; fillColor_["ttbar"] = kGreen; lineColor_["ttbar"] = kGreen+2; fillColor_["gamma+jet"] = kOrange; lineColor_["gamma+jet"] = kOrange+2; } // root file, where the data is TString fname("root/"); // histogram limits, in linear and logarithmic int nbin_(100); float xmin_(0.), xmax_(0.); float ymin_(0.), ymax_(0.); float yminl_(0.), ymaxl_(0.); // titles and axis, marker size TString xtitle; TString ytitle; int ndivx(510); int ndivy(510); float markerSize(0.); float titleOffset(1.); float r0_ = 1.; float dr_ = 0.3; if( use_chi ) { r0_ = 0.; dr_ = 7.5; //dr_ = 3.0; } // canvas name TString cname(""); TString ctitle; // legend position and scale; float xl_ = 0.; float yl_ = 0.; float scalel_ = 0.0; { if( logScale ) // fname += "Zmumu_40-200_36pb"; fname += "Zmusta_36pb"; else fname += "Zmusta_36pb"; if( logScale ) { lineWidth1 = 1; lineWidth2 = 1; } channels.push_back("Zmumu"); hnames.push_back(" Z #rightarrow #mu^{+}#mu^{-}"); type.push_back("Signal"); bool revert(false); if( logScale ) { if( revert ) { channels.push_back("EWK"); hnames.push_back(" EWK"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("tt"); hnames.push_back(" t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("ttbar"); channels.push_back("QCD"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); } else { channels.push_back("EWK"); hnames.push_back(" EWK"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("tt"); hnames.push_back(" t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("ttbar"); channels.push_back("QCD"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); } } if( !logScale ) { // lin scale xmin_ = 60; xmax_ = 120; ymin_ = 0.01; ymax_ = 2100; } else { // log scale xmin_ = 40; xmax_ = 200; yminl_ = 0.08; ymaxl_ = 3000; } xtitle = "M(#mu^{+}#mu^{-}) [GeV]"; ytitle = "number of events /"; ndivx = 504; if( logScale ) { ytitle += "5 GeV"; ndivy = 510; } else { ytitle += " GeV"; ndivy = 506; } if( logScale ) { markerSize = 0.48; } else { markerSize = 0.75; } cname += "Zmusta"; ctitle = "Z to mu sta analysis"; if( logScale ) { xl_ = 0.60; yl_ = 0.50; scalel_ = 0.065; } else { xl_ = 0.22; yl_ = 0.50; scalel_ = 0.072; } } if( logScale ) cname += "MuSta_log"; else cname += "MuStaNotInThePAPER_lin"; //Open the root file containing histograms and graphs fname += ".root"; TFile* f_ = TFile::Open(fname,"READ"); TCanvas* c_ = new TCanvas(cname,ctitle,300,300,479,510); c_->SetLeftMargin( 87./479 ); c_->SetRightMargin( 42./479 ); c_->SetTopMargin( 30./510 ); c_->SetBottomMargin( 80./510 ); c_->SetFillColor(0); c_->SetTickx(1); c_->SetTicky(1); c_->SetFrameFillStyle(0); c_->SetFrameLineWidth(2); c_->SetFrameBorderMode(0); Double_t scale = 4; Double_t wbin = 42*scale; Double_t left = 8*scale; Double_t right = 5*scale; Double_t h1 = 135*scale; Double_t h2 = 45*scale; Double_t top1 = 15*scale; Double_t bot1 = 3*scale; Double_t top2 = 3*scale; // Double_t bot1 = 0*scale; // Double_t top2 = 0*scale; Double_t bot2 = 80*scale; Double_t W = left + wbin + right; Double_t H = h1 + h2; Double_t s[2] = {1, h1/h2 }; TPad* pad[2]; pad[0] = new TPad( "top", "top", 0, h2/H, 1, 1, kWhite,0,0); pad[0]->SetLeftMargin( left/W ); pad[0]->SetRightMargin( right/W ); pad[0]->SetTopMargin( top1/H ); pad[0]->SetBottomMargin( bot1/H ); pad[1] = new TPad( "bottom", "bottom", 0, 0, 1, h2/H, kWhite,0,0); pad[1]->SetLeftMargin( left/W ); pad[1]->SetRightMargin( right/W ); pad[1]->SetTopMargin( top2/H ); pad[1]->SetBottomMargin( bot2/H ); pad[1]->SetGridy(); for( int ii=0; ii<2; ii++ ) { pad[ii]->SetFillColor(0); pad[ii]->SetTickx(1); pad[ii]->SetTicky(1); pad[ii]->SetFrameFillStyle(0); pad[ii]->SetFrameLineWidth(2); pad[ii]->SetFrameBorderMode(0); pad[ii]->SetFrameFillStyle(0); pad[ii]->SetFrameLineWidth(2); pad[ii]->SetFrameBorderMode(0); } // a dummy histogram with the correct x axis // Warning: setTDRstyle() must be called before TH1F* h_= new TH1F( "bidon", "bidon", nbin_, xmin_, xmax_ ); TAxis* ax_ = h_->GetXaxis(); TAxis* ay_ = h_->GetYaxis(); ax_->SetTitle(xtitle); ax_->CenterTitle(); ax_->SetTitleOffset(1.0); ax_->SetNdivisions(ndivx); ay_->SetTitle(ytitle); ay_->CenterTitle(); ay_->SetNdivisions(ndivy); ay_->SetTitleOffset(titleOffset); ay_->SetLabelOffset(0.015); // fetch histograms and dress them vector<TH1F*> histos; size_t nChan=channels.size(); for( size_t ii=0;ii<nChan;ii++) { TH1F* tmp = (TH1F*)f_->Get(channels[ii]); tmp->SetFillColor( fillColor_[type[ii]] ); tmp->SetLineColor( lineColor_[type[ii]] ); tmp->SetLineWidth( lineWidth2 ); histos.push_back(tmp); } // // stack histograms // TH1* h_stack = (TH1*) histos[nChan-1]->Clone(); h_stack -> Reset(); TString stackName_ = TString("Mll"); vector<TH1*> listOfStackedHists; for( size_t ii=0; ii<nChan; ii++ ) { TH1* hh_ = (TH1*) histos[nChan-ii-1]->Clone(); stackName_ += "_"; stackName_ += hh_->GetName(); TAxis* xaxis = h_stack->GetXaxis(); for( int iBin=1; iBin<=xaxis->GetNbins(); iBin++ ) { hh_ -> AddBinContent( iBin, h_stack->GetBinContent( iBin ) ); } hh_->SetName( stackName_ ); delete h_stack; h_stack = hh_; listOfStackedHists.push_back( (TH1*)hh_->Clone() ); } delete h_stack; TH1* totalHisto = listOfStackedHists[nChan-1]; // colors the stacked histogram totalHisto->SetLineColor( lineColor_["Signal"] ); totalHisto->SetLineWidth( lineWidth1 ); // The data points are presented as a TGraph // - error bars indicate the Poisson confidence interval at 68% // - bins with zero entry are removed TH1* hdata = (TH1*) f_->Get("hdata"); // hdata->Sumw2(); //hdata->Rebin(2); RooHist* roohist; TGraphAsymmErrors* dataGraph; roohist = new RooHist((*hdata)); int Nn0=0; vector<double> vY; vector<double> vX; vector<double > veY; vector<double > veX; vector<double> tmp(0,2); for(int ip=0;ip<roohist->GetN();ip++) { double Y,X; roohist->GetPoint(ip,X,Y); if(Y!=0) { Nn0++; vY.push_back(Y); vX.push_back(X); veX.push_back( roohist->GetErrorXlow(ip) ); veX.push_back( roohist->GetErrorXhigh(ip) ); veY.push_back( roohist->GetErrorYlow(ip) ); veY.push_back( roohist->GetErrorYhigh(ip) ); } } dataGraph=new TGraphAsymmErrors(Nn0); for(int ip=0;ip<Nn0;ip++) { dataGraph->SetPoint(ip,vX[ip],vY[ip]); dataGraph->SetPointError(ip,veX[ip*2],veX[ip*2+1],veY[ip*2],veY[ip*2+1]); } dataGraph->SetName("data"); dataGraph->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); dataGraph->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); dataGraph->SetMarkerSize(markerSize); TGraph* dummyGraph = (TGraph*) dataGraph->Clone("dummyGraph"); dummyGraph->SetLineColor(0); dummyGraph->SetMarkerSize(1.5*markerSize); // Remove the horizontal bars (at Michael's request) double x_(0), y_(0); for( int ii=0; ii<dataGraph->GetN(); ii++ ) { dataGraph->SetPointEXlow(ii,0); dataGraph->SetPointEXhigh(ii,0); dataGraph->GetPoint(ii,x_,y_ ); if( y_==0 ) { dataGraph->RemovePoint( ii ); ii--; } } // get the ratio data/fit TGraphAsymmErrors* ratioGraph = (TGraphAsymmErrors*) dataGraph->Clone("ratio"); TH1* hfit = totalHisto; for( int ii=0; ii<dataGraph->GetN(); ii++ ) { dataGraph->GetPoint(ii,x_,y_ ); ratioGraph->SetPointEYlow(ii,0); ratioGraph->SetPointEYhigh(ii,0); ratioGraph->SetPoint(ii,x_,0 ); double eyl_ = dataGraph->GetErrorYlow(ii); double eyh_ = dataGraph->GetErrorYhigh(ii); int jj = hfit->FindBin(x_); float fit_ = hfit->GetBinContent( jj ); if( fit_>0 ) { if( use_chi ) { ratioGraph->SetPointEYlow(ii,eyl_/sqrt(fit_)); ratioGraph->SetPointEYhigh(ii,eyh_/sqrt(fit_)); ratioGraph->SetPoint(ii,x_,(y_-fit_)/sqrt(fit_) ); } else { ratioGraph->SetPointEYlow(ii,eyl_/fit_); ratioGraph->SetPointEYhigh(ii,eyh_/fit_); ratioGraph->SetPoint(ii,x_,y_/fit_ ); } } // cout << ii << " ratio=" << ratioGraph->GetY()[ii] // << "+" << ratioGraph->GetEYhigh()[ii] // << "-" << ratioGraph->GetEYlow()[ii] << endl; } TH1* hratio_ = (TH1*) h_->Clone("hratio"); ax_->SetLabelOffset(99); ax_->SetTitleOffset(99); // // now plotting // c_->Draw(); c_->cd(); TPad* p_ = pad[0]; p_->Draw(); p_->cd(); if( logScale ) { p_->SetLogy(true); } else { p_->SetLogy(false); } if( !logScale ) { h_->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(ymin_+0.001*(ymax_-ymin_),ymax_); } else { h_->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(yminl_,ymaxl_); } h_->Draw(); float dxl_ = scalel_*3.5; float dyl_ = scalel_*1.8; if( logScale ) { dxl_ = scalel_*4; dyl_ = scalel_*3.4; } TLegend* legend=new TLegend(xl_,yl_,xl_+dxl_,yl_+dyl_); legend->SetLineColor(0); legend->SetFillColor(0); legend->SetTextFont(42); legend->SetTextSize(0.048); legend->AddEntry(dummyGraph," data","pl"); if( logScale ) { legend->AddEntry(dummyGraph," ","0"); } for(size_t ii=0;ii<nChan;ii++) { legend->AddEntry(histos[ii],hnames[ii],"f"); } legend->Draw("same"); totalHisto->Draw("same"); for( size_t ii=0; ii<nChan; ii++ ) { // listOfStackedHists[nChan-ii-1]->Sumw2(); listOfStackedHists[nChan-ii-1]->Rebin(1.); listOfStackedHists[nChan-ii-1]->Scale(1.); listOfStackedHists[nChan-ii-1]->Draw("Same"); } // draw the data points dataGraph->Draw("PE"); // redraw axis p_->RedrawAxis(); //lumi pad, cms prelim pad etc.. { int txtFont = 42; // bold is 62 float txtSize1 = 0.055; float txtX1 = 0.91; float txtY1 = 0.935; float txtSize2 = 0.05; float txtX2 = 0.85; float txtY2 = 0.83; // TEST FOR THE NAME ZMT, ZMMNONISO, ZMS float txtSize3 = 0.055; float txtX3 = 0.3; float txtY3 = 0.935; TLatex latex; latex.SetNDC(); latex.SetTextFont(txtFont); latex.SetTextSize(txtSize1); latex.SetTextAlign(31); // align right latex.DrawLatex(txtX1,txtY1,"CMS"); latex.SetTextAlign(31); // align right latex.SetTextSize(txtSize2); latex.DrawLatex(txtX2,txtY2,"36 pb^{-1} at #sqrt{s} = 7 TeV"); latex.SetTextAlign(21); // align left??? latex.SetTextSize(txtSize3); latex.DrawLatex(txtX3,txtY3,"global plus standalone muon"); } c_->cd(); p_ = pad[1]; p_->Draw(); p_->cd(); TAxis* xratio_ = hratio_->GetXaxis(); TAxis* yratio_ = hratio_->GetYaxis(); yratio_->SetRangeUser(r0_-0.9999*dr_,r0_+0.9999*dr_); yratio_->SetLabelSize( s[1]*yratio_->GetLabelSize() ); yratio_->SetTitleSize( s[1]*yratio_->GetTitleSize() ); yratio_->SetLabelOffset( yratio_->GetLabelOffset() ); yratio_->SetTitleOffset( yratio_->GetTitleOffset()/s[1] ); if( use_chi ) { yratio_->SetTitle("#chi"); yratio_->SetNdivisions(4); } else { yratio_->SetTitle("data/fit"); yratio_->SetNdivisions(3); } xratio_->SetLabelSize( s[1]*xratio_->GetLabelSize() ); xratio_->SetTitleSize( s[1]*xratio_->GetTitleSize() ); xratio_->SetTitleOffset( 1.0 ); xratio_->CenterTitle(); xratio_->SetLabelOffset( xratio_->GetLabelOffset()*s[1] ); xratio_->SetTickLength( xratio_->GetTickLength()*s[1] ); hratio_->Draw(); ratioGraph->SetMarkerSize( ratioGraph->GetMarkerSize()*1. ); ratioGraph->SetLineColor( kBlack ); ratioGraph->SetMarkerColor( kGray+2 ); ratioGraph->SetMarkerStyle( kFullCircle ); ratioGraph->DrawClone("PE"); ratioGraph->SetMarkerColor( kBlack ); ratioGraph->SetMarkerStyle( kOpenCircle ); ratioGraph->DrawClone("PE"); p_->RedrawAxis(); c_->cd(); return c_; }
TCanvas* WmunuOthers( int iV=0 ) { gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); TGaxis::SetMaxDigits(3); double intLumi(36); // channels, ordered as in the legend vector<TString> channels; vector<TString> hnames; vector<TString> type; map<TString,int> fillColor_; map<TString,int> lineColor_; int lineWidth1(2); int lineWidth2(1); bool salamanderStyle=true; if( salamanderStyle ) { lineWidth1 = 2; lineWidth2 = 1; fillColor_["Signal"] = kOrange-2; lineColor_["Signal"] = kOrange+3; fillColor_["EWK"] = kOrange+7; lineColor_["EWK"] = kOrange+3; fillColor_["QCD"] = kViolet-5; lineColor_["QCD"] = kViolet+3; fillColor_["ttbar"] = kRed+2; lineColor_["ttbar"] = kRed+4; fillColor_["gamma+jet"] = kMagenta+4; lineColor_["gamma+jet"] = kViolet+3; } else { lineWidth1 = 2; lineWidth2 = 2; fillColor_["Signal"] = kPink+6; lineColor_["Signal"] = kMagenta+3; fillColor_["EWK"] = kAzure+8; lineColor_["EWK"] = kAzure+4; fillColor_["QCD"] = kYellow-7; lineColor_["QCD"] = kYellow+4; fillColor_["ttbar"] = kGreen; lineColor_["ttbar"] = kGreen+2; fillColor_["gamma+jet"] = kOrange; lineColor_["gamma+jet"] = kOrange+2; } // log scale? bool logScaleY=false; bool logScaleX=false; // rebin? int rb = 1; // histogram limits, in linear and logarithmic int nbin_(0); float xmin_(0.), xmax_(0.); float ymin_(0.), ymax_(0.); float yminl_(0.), ymaxl_(0.); // titles and axis, marker size TString xtitle; TString ytitle; int ndivx(510); int ndivy(510); float markerSize(1.); float titleOffset(1.00); float r0_ = 1.; float dr_ = 0.3; if( use_chi ) { r0_ = 0.; dr_ = 7.5; } // canvas name TString cname; TString ctitle; // legend position and scale; float xl_ = 0.; float yl_ = 0.; float scalel_ = 0.075; // root file, where the data is // TString fname("../Results/"); TString fname = "./Wmunu_Fit_pfMet"; TString dataHistName("data"); double factor; // *** // Only the following is specific if( iV==6 || iV==7 || iV==20 || iV ==22 || iV==21 || iV==23) { if( iV==6 || iV==20 || iV==22) { // MET plots in linear scale (inclusive) if(iV==20) fname = "./Wmunu_PLUS_pfMet"; else if(iV==22) fname = "./Wmunu_MINUS_pfMet"; logScaleY = false; ctitle = "W to mu-nu analysis - MET linear scale"; dataHistName = "DataMET"; channels.push_back("WTemplateMET"); if(iV==6) {cname="Wmn_MET";hnames.push_back(" W #rightarrow #mu#nu"); factor=1;} else if(iV==20) {cname="Wmn_MET_plus";hnames.push_back(" W^{+} #rightarrow #mu^{+}#nu"); factor=3./5.;} else {cname="Wmn_MET_minus";hnames.push_back(" W^{-} #rightarrow #mu^{-}#nu");factor=2./5.;} type.push_back("Signal"); channels.push_back("NonQCDMET"); hnames.push_back(" EWK+t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("QCDMET"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); nbin_ = 100; xmin_ = 0.; xmax_ = 100.; xtitle = "#slash{E}_{T} [GeV]"; ytitle = "number of events / 2 GeV"; ndivx = 506; ndivy = 506; markerSize = 1.1; ymin_ = 0.; xl_ = 0.6; yl_ = 0.53; //ymax_ = 500.*intLumi*factor; if(iV==6) ymax_ = 14e3; else ymax_ = 8e3; } else if( iV==7 || iV==21 || iV==23) { // MET plots in log scale (inclusive) logScaleY = true; if(iV==21) fname = "./Wmunu_PLUS_pfMet"; else if(iV==23) fname = "./Wmunu_MINUS_pfMet"; ctitle = "W to mu-nu analysis - MET log scale"; dataHistName = "DataMET"; channels.push_back("WTemplateMET"); if(iV==7) {cname="Wmn_MET";hnames.push_back(" W #rightarrow #mu#nu");} else if(iV==21) {cname="Wmn_MET_plus";hnames.push_back(" W^{+} #rightarrow #mu^{+}#nu");} else {cname="Wmn_MET_minus";hnames.push_back(" W^{-} #rightarrow #mu^{-}#nu");} type.push_back("Signal"); channels.push_back("EWKMET"); hnames.push_back(" EWK"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("TTbar_MCMET"); hnames.push_back(" t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("ttbar"); channels.push_back("QCDMET"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); nbin_ = 200; xmin_ = 0.; xmax_ = 200.; xtitle = "#slash{E}_{T} [GeV]"; ytitle = "number of events / 2 GeV"; ndivx = 506; ndivy = 506; markerSize = 0.9; yminl_ = 0.05; ymaxl_ = 800.*intLumi; xl_ = 0.6; yl_ = 0.43; } } else if( iV==8 || iV==9 ) { if( iV==8 ) {cname="pt"; // pT plots in linear scale (inclusive) logScaleY = false; ctitle = "W to mu-nu analysis - pT linear scale"; dataHistName = "DataPT"; channels.push_back("WTemplatePT"); hnames.push_back(" W #rightarrow #mu#nu"); type.push_back("Signal"); channels.push_back("NonQCDPT"); hnames.push_back(" EWK+t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("QCDPT"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); nbin_ = 60; xmin_ = 20.; xmax_ = 80.; xtitle = "p_{T}(#mu) [GeV]"; ytitle = "number of events / 2 GeV"; ndivx = 506; ndivy = 506; markerSize = 1.1; ymin_ = 0.; ymax_ = 500.*intLumi; xl_ = 0.6; yl_ = 0.53; } else if( iV==9 ) {cname="pt"; // pT plots in log scale (inclusive) logScaleY = true; ctitle = "W to mu-nu analysis - pT log scale"; dataHistName = "DataPT"; channels.push_back("WTemplatePT"); hnames.push_back(" W #rightarrow #mu#nu"); type.push_back("Signal"); channels.push_back("EWKPT"); hnames.push_back(" EWK"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("TTbar_MCPT"); hnames.push_back(" t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("ttbar"); channels.push_back("QCDPT"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); nbin_ = 80; xmin_ = 20.; xmax_ = 100.; xtitle = "p_{T}(#mu) [GeV]"; ytitle = "number of events / 2 GeV"; ndivx = 506; ndivy = 506; markerSize = 0.9; yminl_ = 0.1; ymaxl_ = 30000.*intLumi; xl_ = 0.6; yl_ = 0.45; } } else if( iV==13 || iV==14 ) { if( iV==13 ) {cname="ptw"; // pT plots in linear scale (inclusive) logScaleY = false; ctitle = "W to mu-nu analysis - W pT linear scale"; dataHistName = "DataPTW"; channels.push_back("WTemplatePTW"); hnames.push_back(" W #rightarrow #mu#nu"); type.push_back("Signal"); channels.push_back("NonQCDPTW"); hnames.push_back(" EWK+t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("QCDPTW"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); nbin_ = 100; xmin_ = 0.; xmax_ = 100.; xtitle = "p_{T}(W) [GeV]"; ytitle = "number of events / 2 GeV"; ndivx = 506; ndivy = 506; markerSize = 1.1; ymin_ = 0.; ymax_ = 500.*intLumi; xl_ = 0.6; yl_ = 0.53; } else if( iV==14 ) {cname="ptw"; // pT plots in log scale (inclusive) logScaleY = true; ctitle = "W to mu-nu analysis - pT log scale"; dataHistName = "DataPTW"; channels.push_back("WTemplatePTW"); hnames.push_back(" W #rightarrow #mu#nu"); type.push_back("Signal"); channels.push_back("EWKPTW"); hnames.push_back(" EWK"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("TTbar_MCPTW"); hnames.push_back(" t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("ttbar"); channels.push_back("QCDPTW"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); nbin_ = 100; xmin_ = 0.; xmax_ = 100.; xtitle = "p_{T}(W) [GeV]"; ytitle = "number of events / 2 GeV"; ndivx = 506; ndivy = 506; markerSize = 0.9; yminl_ = 0.1; ymaxl_ = 45000.*intLumi; xl_ = 0.6; yl_ = 0.48; } } else if( iV==10 || iV==11 || iV==12 ) { if( iV==10 ) {cname="iso"; // isolation plot in linear scale logScaleY = false; ctitle = "W to mu-nu analysis - isolation, linear scale"; dataHistName = "DataISO"; channels.push_back("WTemplateISO"); hnames.push_back(" W #rightarrow #mu#nu"); type.push_back("Signal"); channels.push_back("NonQCDISO"); hnames.push_back(" EWK+t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("QCDISO"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); nbin_ = 25; xmin_ = 0.; xmax_ = 0.5; xtitle = "I^{rel}_{comb}"; ytitle = "number of events"; //ytitle = "CMS preliminary"; ndivx = 506; ndivy = 506; markerSize = 1.1; titleOffset = 1.25; ymin_ = 0.; ymax_ = 5000.*intLumi; xl_ = 0.6; yl_ = 0.53; } else if( iV==11 ) {cname="iso"; // isolation plot in log scale logScaleY = true; ctitle = "W to mu-nu analysis - isolation, log scale"; dataHistName = "DataISO"; channels.push_back("WTemplateISO"); hnames.push_back(" W #rightarrow #mu#nu"); type.push_back("Signal"); channels.push_back("EWKISO"); hnames.push_back(" EWK"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("TTbar_MCISO"); hnames.push_back(" t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("ttbar"); channels.push_back("QCDISO"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); nbin_ = 25; xmin_ = 0.; xmax_ = 0.5; xtitle = "I^{rel}_{comb}"; ytitle = "number of events"; //ytitle = "CMS preliminary"; ndivx = 506; ndivy = 506; markerSize = 0.9; yminl_ = 50; ymaxl_ = 30000.*intLumi; xl_ = 0.6; yl_ = 0.45; } else if( iV==12 ) {cname="iso2"; // isolation plot in log scale logScaleX = true; logScaleY = true; ctitle = "W to mu-nu analysis - isolation, log scale"; dataHistName = "DataISO"; channels.push_back("WTemplateISO"); hnames.push_back(" W #rightarrow #mu#nu"); type.push_back("Signal"); channels.push_back("EWKISO"); hnames.push_back(" EWK"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("TTbar_MCISO"); hnames.push_back(" t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("ttbar"); channels.push_back("QCDISO"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); nbin_ = 200; xmin_ = 0.; xmax_ = 0.5; xtitle = "I^{rel}_{comb}"; ytitle = "number of events"; ndivx = 506; ndivy = 506; markerSize = 0.9; yminl_ = 1; ymaxl_ = 4000000.*intLumi; xl_ = 0.6; yl_ = 0.45; } } else if( iV==15 ) {cname="acop"; // pT plots in linear scale (inclusive) logScaleY = false; ctitle = "W to mu-nu analysis - acop linear scale"; dataHistName = "DataACOP"; channels.push_back("WTemplateACOP"); hnames.push_back(" W #rightarrow #mu#nu"); type.push_back("Signal"); channels.push_back("NonQCDACOP"); hnames.push_back(" EWK+t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("QCDACOP"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); nbin_ = 60; xmin_ = 0; xmax_ = 3.14; xtitle = "acop"; ytitle = "number of events"; ndivx = 506; ndivy = 506; markerSize = 1.1; ymin_ = 0.; ymax_ = 400.*intLumi; xl_ = 0.6; yl_ = 0.53; } else if( iV==16 ) {cname="eta"; // pT plots in linear scale (inclusive) logScaleY = false; ctitle = "W to mu-nu analysis - eta linear scale"; dataHistName = "DataETA"; channels.push_back("WTemplateETA"); hnames.push_back(" W #rightarrow #mu#nu"); type.push_back("Signal"); channels.push_back("NonQCDETA"); hnames.push_back(" EWK+t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("QCDETA"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); nbin_ = 60; xmin_ = -3; xmax_ = 3; xtitle = "eta"; ytitle = "number of events"; ndivx = 506; ndivy = 506; markerSize = 1.1; ymin_ = 0.; ymax_ = 120.*intLumi; xl_ = 0.25; yl_ = 0.63; } else if( iV==17 ) {cname="ptw_minus"; fname = "./Wmunu_MINUS_pfMet"; // pT plots in linear scale (inclusive) logScaleY = false; ctitle = "W to mu-nu analysis - eta linear scale"; dataHistName = "DataPTW"; channels.push_back("WTemplatePTW"); hnames.push_back(" W^{-} #rightarrow #mu^{-}#nu"); type.push_back("Signal"); channels.push_back("NonQCDPTW"); hnames.push_back(" EWK+t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("QCDPTW"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); nbin_ = 100; xmin_ = 0; xmax_ = 100; xtitle = "W pt (GeV)"; ytitle = "number of events / 2 GeV"; ndivx = 506; ndivy = 506; markerSize = 1.1; ymin_ = 0.; ymax_ = 200.*intLumi; xl_ = 0.6; yl_ = 0.53; } else if( iV==18 ) {cname="ptw_plus"; fname = "./Wmunu_PLUS_pfMet"; // pT plots in linear scale (inclusive) logScaleY = false; ctitle = "W to mu-nu analysis - eta linear scale"; dataHistName = "DataPTW"; channels.push_back("WTemplatePTW"); hnames.push_back(" W^{+} #rightarrow #mu^{+}#nu"); type.push_back("Signal"); channels.push_back("NonQCDPTW"); hnames.push_back(" EWK+t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("QCDPTW"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); nbin_ = 100; xmin_ = 0; xmax_ = 100; xtitle = "W pt (GeV)"; ytitle = "number of events / 2 GeV"; ndivx = 506; ndivy = 506; markerSize = 1.1; ymin_ = 0.; ymax_ = 300.*intLumi; xl_ = 0.6; yl_ = 0.53; } else if( iV==19 ) {cname="phi"; //fname = "../Results/Wmunu__pfMet.root"; // pT plots in linear scale (inclusive) logScaleY = false; ctitle = "W to mu-nu analysis - phi linear scale"; dataHistName = "DataPHI"; channels.push_back("WTemplatePHI"); hnames.push_back(" W #rightarrow #mu#nu"); type.push_back("Signal"); channels.push_back("NonQCDPHI"); hnames.push_back(" EWK+t#bar{t}"); type.push_back("EWK"); channels.push_back("QCDPHI"); hnames.push_back(" QCD"); type.push_back("QCD"); nbin_ = 60; xmin_ = -3.5; xmax_ = 3.5; xtitle = "Phi"; ytitle = "number of events"; ndivx = 506; ndivy = 506; markerSize = 1.1; ymin_ = 0.; ymax_ = 100.*intLumi; xl_ = 0.25; yl_ = 0.63; } int nChan=channels.size(); // open the root file containing histograms and graphs fname += ".root"; TFile* f_ = TFile::Open(fname,"READ"); // the canvas if( logScaleY ) cname += "_log"; //else cname += "_lin"; TCanvas* c_=new TCanvas(cname,ctitle,300,300,479,510); c_->SetLeftMargin( 87./479 ); c_->SetRightMargin( 42./479 ); c_->SetTopMargin( 30./510 ); c_->SetBottomMargin( 80./510 ); c_->SetFillColor(0); c_->SetTickx(1); c_->SetTicky(1); c_->SetFrameFillStyle(0); c_->SetFrameLineWidth(2); c_->SetFrameBorderMode(0); Double_t scale = 4; Double_t wbin = 42*scale; Double_t left = 8*scale; Double_t right = 5*scale; Double_t h1 = 135*scale; Double_t h2 = 45*scale; Double_t top1 = 15*scale; Double_t bot1 = 3*scale; Double_t top2 = 3*scale; // Double_t bot1 = 0*scale; // Double_t top2 = 0*scale; Double_t bot2 = 80*scale; Double_t W = left + wbin + right; Double_t H = h1 + h2; Double_t s[2] = {1, h1/h2 }; TPad* pad[2]; pad[0] = new TPad( "top", "top", 0, h2/H, 1, 1, kWhite,0,0); pad[0]->SetLeftMargin( left/W ); pad[0]->SetRightMargin( right/W ); pad[0]->SetTopMargin( top1/H ); pad[0]->SetBottomMargin( bot1/H ); pad[1] = new TPad( "bottom", "bottom", 0, 0, 1, h2/H, kWhite,0,0); pad[1]->SetLeftMargin( left/W ); pad[1]->SetRightMargin( right/W ); pad[1]->SetTopMargin( top2/H ); pad[1]->SetBottomMargin( bot2/H ); pad[1]->SetGridy(); for( int ii=0; ii<2; ii++ ) { pad[ii]->SetFillColor(0); pad[ii]->SetTickx(1); pad[ii]->SetTicky(1); pad[ii]->SetFrameFillStyle(0); pad[ii]->SetFrameLineWidth(2); pad[ii]->SetFrameBorderMode(0); pad[ii]->SetFrameFillStyle(0); pad[ii]->SetFrameLineWidth(2); pad[ii]->SetFrameBorderMode(0); } // a dummy histogram with the correct x axis // Warning: setTDRstyle() must be called before cout << nbin_<<endl; TH1F* h_= new TH1F( "bidon", "bidon", nbin_, xmin_, xmax_ ); TAxis* ax_ = h_->GetXaxis(); TAxis* ay_ = h_->GetYaxis(); ax_->SetTitle(xtitle); ax_->CenterTitle(); ax_->SetNdivisions(ndivx); ax_->SetTitleOffset(1.0); ax_->SetTitleSize( 1.4*ax_->GetTitleSize() ); ax_->SetLabelSize( 1.2*ax_->GetLabelSize() ); ay_->SetTitle(ytitle); ay_->CenterTitle(); ay_->SetNdivisions(ndivy); /*if(logScaleY) */ titleOffset *=1.1; ay_->SetTitleOffset(titleOffset); ay_->SetLabelOffset(0.015); ay_->SetLabelSize( 1.2*ay_->GetLabelSize() ); ay_->SetTitleSize( 1.4*ay_->GetTitleSize() ); // fetch histograms and dress them vector<TH1F*> histos; for( int ii=0; ii<nChan; ii++ ) { TH1F* tmp = (TH1F*)f_->Get(channels[ii]); tmp->Rebin(rb); tmp->SetStats(kFALSE); // tmp->UseCurrentStyle(); tmp->SetFillStyle( 1001 ); tmp->SetFillColor( fillColor_[type[ii]] ); tmp->SetLineColor( lineColor_[type[ii]] ); tmp->SetLineWidth( lineWidth2 ); histos.push_back(tmp); } TH1* h_sig = (TH1*) histos[0]->Clone(); h_sig->SetFillStyle(0); h_sig->SetLineColor(lineColor_["Signal"]); h_sig->SetLineWidth( 2 ); h_sig->SetLineStyle( kDashed ); TH1* h_tot = (TH1*) histos[0]->Clone(); h_tot->SetFillStyle(0); // // stack histogram // THStack* stackedHisto=new THStack("stackedHisto","XXX"); TH1F* totalHisto(0); for(int ii=0;ii<nChan;ii++) { stackedHisto->Add(histos[nChan-ii-1],"ah"); if(ii==0) { totalHisto = (TH1F*)histos[ii]->Clone(); } else { totalHisto->Add(histos[ii]); } } // colors the stacked histogram totalHisto->SetLineColor( lineColor_["Signal"] ); totalHisto->SetFillColor( 0 ); totalHisto->SetLineWidth( lineWidth1 ); // The data points are presented as a TGraph // possibly a TGraph with asymmetric errors where // - error bars indicate the Poisson confidence interval at 68% // - bins with zero entry are removed // TGraphAsymmErrors* dataGraph = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)f_->Get("data"); // The data points are presented as a TGraph // possibly a TGraph with asymmetric errors where // - error bars indicate the Poisson confidence interval at 68% // - bins with zero entry are removed TH1* hdata = (TH1*) f_->Get( dataHistName ); assert( hdata ); hdata->Rebin(rb); RooHist* roohist; TGraphAsymmErrors* dataGraph; roohist = new RooHist((*hdata)); int Nn0=0; vector<double> vY; vector<double> vX; vector<double > veY; vector<double > veX; vector<double> tmp(0,2); for(int ip=0;ip<roohist->GetN();ip++) { double Y,X; // double eY[2],eX[2]; roohist->GetPoint(ip,X,Y); if(Y!=0) { Nn0++; vY.push_back(Y); vX.push_back(X); veX.push_back( roohist->GetErrorXlow(ip) ); veX.push_back( roohist->GetErrorXhigh(ip) ); veY.push_back( roohist->GetErrorYlow(ip) ); veY.push_back( roohist->GetErrorYhigh(ip) ); } } dataGraph=new TGraphAsymmErrors(Nn0); for(int ip=0;ip<Nn0;ip++) { dataGraph->SetPoint(ip,vX[ip],vY[ip]); dataGraph->SetPointError(ip,veX[ip*2],veX[ip*2+1],veY[ip*2],veY[ip*2+1]); } dataGraph->SetName("data"); dataGraph->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); dataGraph->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); if(logScaleY) markerSize *= 0.45; else markerSize *= 0.7; dataGraph->SetMarkerSize(markerSize); TGraph* dummyGraph = (TGraph*) dataGraph->Clone("dummyGraph"); dummyGraph->SetLineColor(0); dummyGraph->SetMarkerSize(1.5*markerSize); // Remove the null bins double x_(0), y_(0); for( int ii=0; ii<dataGraph->GetN(); ii++ ) { dataGraph->SetPointEXlow(ii,0); dataGraph->SetPointEXhigh(ii,0); dataGraph->GetPoint(ii,x_,y_ ); if( y_==0 ) { dataGraph->RemovePoint( ii ); ii--; } } // get the ratio data/fit TGraphAsymmErrors* ratioGraph = (TGraphAsymmErrors*) dataGraph->Clone("ratio"); TH1* hfit = totalHisto; for( int ii=0; ii<dataGraph->GetN(); ii++ ) { dataGraph->GetPoint(ii,x_,y_ ); ratioGraph->SetPointEYlow(ii,0); ratioGraph->SetPointEYhigh(ii,0); ratioGraph->SetPoint(ii,x_,0 ); double eyl_ = dataGraph->GetErrorYlow(ii); double eyh_ = dataGraph->GetErrorYhigh(ii); int jj = hfit->FindBin(x_); float fit_ = hfit->GetBinContent( jj ); if( fit_>0 ) { if( use_chi ) { ratioGraph->SetPointEYlow(ii,eyl_/sqrt(fit_)); ratioGraph->SetPointEYhigh(ii,eyh_/sqrt(fit_)); ratioGraph->SetPoint(ii,x_,(y_-fit_)/sqrt(fit_) ); } else { ratioGraph->SetPointEYlow(ii,eyl_/fit_); ratioGraph->SetPointEYhigh(ii,eyh_/fit_); ratioGraph->SetPoint(ii,x_,y_/fit_ ); } } // cout << ii << " ratio=" << ratioGraph->GetY()[ii] // << "+" << ratioGraph->GetEYhigh()[ii] // << "-" << ratioGraph->GetEYlow()[ii] << endl; } TH1* hratio_ = (TH1*) h_->Clone("hratio"); ax_->SetLabelOffset(99); ax_->SetTitleOffset(99); // // now plotting // c_->Draw(); c_->cd(); TPad* p_ = pad[0]; p_->Draw(); p_->cd(); if( logScaleY ) { p_->SetLogy(true); } else { p_->SetLogy(false); } if( !logScaleY ) { h_->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(ymin_+0.001*(ymax_-ymin_),rb*ymax_); } else { h_->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(yminl_,rb*ymaxl_); } h_->Draw("hist"); float dxl_ = scalel_*3.5; float dyl_ = scalel_*(nChan+0.5); TLegend* legend=new TLegend(xl_,yl_,xl_+dxl_,yl_+dyl_); legend->SetTextFont(42); legend->SetTextSize(0.045); legend->SetLineColor(0); legend->SetFillColor(0); legend->AddEntry(dummyGraph," data","pl"); legend->AddEntry(dummyGraph," ","0"); // skip a line for( int ii=0; ii<nChan; ii++ ) { legend->AddEntry(histos[ii],hnames[ii],"f"); } legend->Draw("same"); stackedHisto->Draw("samehist"); h_sig->Draw("samehist"); totalHisto->Draw("samehist"); // draw the data points dataGraph->Draw("PE"); // redraw axis p_->RedrawAxis(); //lumi pad, cms prelim pad etc.. { int txtFont = 42; float txtSize1 = 0.055; float txtX1 = 0.91; float txtY1 = 0.935; float txtSize2 = 0.05; float txtX2 = 0.85; float txtY2 = 0.83; TLatex latex; latex.SetNDC(); latex.SetTextFont(txtFont); latex.SetTextSize(txtSize1); latex.SetTextAlign(31); // align right // latex.DrawLatex(txtX1,txtY1,"CMS preliminary"); latex.DrawLatex(txtX1,txtY1,"CMS"); latex.SetTextAlign(31); // align right latex.SetTextSize(txtSize2); latex.DrawLatex(txtX2,txtY2,"36 pb^{-1} at #sqrt{s} = 7 TeV"); } c_->cd(); p_ = pad[1]; p_->Draw(); p_->cd(); TAxis* xratio_ = hratio_->GetXaxis(); TAxis* yratio_ = hratio_->GetYaxis(); yratio_->SetRangeUser(r0_-0.9999*dr_,r0_+0.9999*dr_); yratio_->SetLabelSize( s[1]*yratio_->GetLabelSize() ); yratio_->SetTitleSize( s[1]*yratio_->GetTitleSize() ); yratio_->SetLabelOffset( yratio_->GetLabelOffset() ); yratio_->SetTitleOffset( yratio_->GetTitleOffset()/s[1] ); if( use_chi ) { yratio_->SetTitle("#chi"); yratio_->SetNdivisions(4); } else { yratio_->SetTitle("data/fit"); yratio_->SetNdivisions(3); } xratio_->SetLabelSize( s[1]*xratio_->GetLabelSize() ); xratio_->SetTitleSize( s[1]*xratio_->GetTitleSize() ); xratio_->SetTitleOffset( 1.0 ); xratio_->CenterTitle(); xratio_->SetLabelOffset( xratio_->GetLabelOffset()*s[1] ); xratio_->SetTickLength( xratio_->GetTickLength()*s[1] ); hratio_->Draw(); ratioGraph->SetMarkerSize( ratioGraph->GetMarkerSize()*1. ); ratioGraph->SetLineColor( kBlack ); ratioGraph->SetMarkerColor( kGray+2 ); ratioGraph->SetMarkerStyle( kFullCircle ); ratioGraph->DrawClone("PE"); ratioGraph->SetMarkerColor( kBlack ); ratioGraph->SetMarkerStyle( kOpenCircle ); ratioGraph->DrawClone("PE"); p_->RedrawAxis(); c_->cd(); c_->SaveAs("plot.pdf"); return c_; }