int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { ULogger::setType(ULogger::kTypeConsole); ULogger::setLevel(ULogger::kWarning); ParametersMap pm = Parameters::parseArguments(argc, argv); pm.insert(ParametersPair(Parameters::kRtabmapWorkingDirectory(), ".")); int argIndex = 1; int cameraRate = atoi(argv[argIndex++]); if(cameraRate <= 0) { printf("camera_rate should be > 0\n"); showUsage(); } int odomUpdate = atoi(argv[argIndex++]); if(odomUpdate <= 0) { printf("odom_update should be > 0\n"); showUsage(); } int mapUpdate = atoi(argv[argIndex++]); if(mapUpdate <= 0) { printf("map_update should be > 0\n"); showUsage(); } printf("Camera rate = %d Hz\n", cameraRate); printf("Odometry update rate = %d Hz\n", cameraRate/odomUpdate); printf("Map update rate = %d Hz\n", (cameraRate/odomUpdate)/mapUpdate); std::string calibrationDir = argv[argIndex++]; std::string calibrationName = argv[argIndex++]; std::string pathRGBImages = argv[argIndex++]; std::string pathDepthImages = argv[argIndex++]; Transform opticalRotation(0,0,1,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0); //CameraStereoImages camera( // pathLeftImages, // pathRightImages, // false, // assume that images are already rectified // (float)cameraRate, // opticalRotation); // CameraFreenect2 camera(0, CameraFreenect2::Type::kTypeColor2DepthSD, 0.0, opticalRotation); CameraRGBDImages camera(pathRGBImages, pathDepthImages, 1, float(cameraRate), opticalRotation); std::ofstream stats_file;"statistics.txt"); stats_file << "[" << std::endl; if(camera.init(calibrationDir, calibrationName)) { OdometryF2M odom; Rtabmap rtabmap; rtabmap.init(pm); QApplication app(argc, argv); MapBuilder mapBuilder;; QApplication::processEvents(); SensorData data = camera.takeImage(); int cameraIteration = 0; int odometryIteration = 0; printf("Press \"Space\" in the window to pause\n"); while(data.isValid() && mapBuilder.isVisible()) { if(cameraIteration++ % odomUpdate == 0) { OdometryInfo info; Transform pose = odom.process(data, &info); if(odometryIteration++ % mapUpdate == 0) { if(rtabmap.process(data, pose)) { mapBuilder.processStatistics(rtabmap.getStatistics()); if(rtabmap.getLoopClosureId() > 0) { printf("Loop closure detected!\n"); } std::map<std::string, float> statz = rtabmap.getStatistics().data(); stats_file << " {" << std::endl; for(std::map<std::string,float>::iterator it = statz.begin(); it != statz.end(); ++it) { std::string name = it->first; std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '/', '.'); stats_file << " \"" << name << "\": " << it->second << "," << std::endl; } stats_file << " }," << std::endl; } } mapBuilder.processOdometry(data, pose, info); } QApplication::processEvents(); while(mapBuilder.isPaused() && mapBuilder.isVisible()) { uSleep(100); QApplication::processEvents(); } data = camera.takeImage(); } if(mapBuilder.isVisible()) { printf("Processed all frames\n"); app.exec(); } } else { UERROR("Camera init failed!"); } stats_file << "]" << std::endl; stats_file.close(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { ULogger::setType(ULogger::kTypeConsole); ULogger::setLevel(ULogger::kError); if(argc < 8) { showUsage(); } int argIndex = 1; int cameraRate = atoi(argv[argIndex++]); if(cameraRate <= 0) { printf("camera_rate should be > 0\n"); showUsage(); } int odomUpdate = atoi(argv[argIndex++]); if(odomUpdate <= 0) { printf("odom_update should be > 0\n"); showUsage(); } int mapUpdate = atoi(argv[argIndex++]); if(mapUpdate <= 0) { printf("map_update should be > 0\n"); showUsage(); } printf("Camera rate = %d Hz\n", cameraRate); printf("Odometry update rate = %d Hz\n", cameraRate/odomUpdate); printf("Map update rate = %d Hz\n", (cameraRate/odomUpdate)/mapUpdate); std::string calibrationDir = argv[argIndex++]; std::string calibrationName = argv[argIndex++]; std::string pathLeftImages = argv[argIndex++]; std::string pathRightImages = argv[argIndex++]; Transform opticalRotation(0,0,1,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0); CameraStereoImages camera( pathLeftImages, pathRightImages, false, // assume that images are already rectified (float)cameraRate, opticalRotation); if(camera.init(calibrationDir, calibrationName)) { OdometryF2M odom; Rtabmap rtabmap; rtabmap.init(); QApplication app(argc, argv); MapBuilder mapBuilder;; QApplication::processEvents(); SensorData data = camera.takeImage(); int cameraIteration = 0; int odometryIteration = 0; printf("Press \"Space\" in the window to pause\n"); while(data.isValid() && mapBuilder.isVisible()) { if(cameraIteration++ % odomUpdate == 0) { OdometryInfo info; Transform pose = odom.process(data, &info); if(odometryIteration++ % mapUpdate == 0) { if(rtabmap.process(data, pose)) { mapBuilder.processStatistics(rtabmap.getStatistics()); if(rtabmap.getLoopClosureId() > 0) { printf("Loop closure detected!\n"); } } } mapBuilder.processOdometry(data, pose, info); } QApplication::processEvents(); while(mapBuilder.isPaused() && mapBuilder.isVisible()) { uSleep(100); QApplication::processEvents(); } data = camera.takeImage(); } if(mapBuilder.isVisible()) { printf("Processed all frames\n"); app.exec(); } } else { UERROR("Camera init failed!"); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { signal(SIGABRT, &sighandler); signal(SIGTERM, &sighandler); signal(SIGINT, &sighandler); ULogger::setType(ULogger::kTypeConsole); ULogger::setLevel(ULogger::kError); ParametersMap customParameters = Parameters::parseArguments(argc, argv); if(argc < 3) { showUsage(); } bool assemble2dMap = false; bool assemble3dMap = false; bool assemble2dOctoMap = false; bool assemble3dOctoMap = false; bool useDatabaseRate = false; ParametersMap configParameters; for(int i=1; i<argc-2; ++i) { if(strcmp(argv[i], "-r") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--r") == 0) { useDatabaseRate = true; printf("Using database stamps as input rate.\n"); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--c") == 0) { ++i; if (i < argc - 2 && UFile::exists(argv[i]) && UFile::getExtension(argv[i]).compare("ini") == 0) { Parameters::readINI(argv[i], configParameters); printf("Using %d parameters from config file \"%s\"\n", (int)configParameters.size(), argv[i]); } else if(i < argc - 2) { printf("Config file \"%s\" is not valid or doesn't exist!\n", argv[i]); } else { printf("Config file is not set!\n"); } } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-g2") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--g2") == 0) { assemble2dMap = true; printf("2D occupancy grid will be assembled (-g2 option).\n"); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-g3") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--g3") == 0) { assemble3dMap = true; printf("3D cloud map will be assembled (-g3 option).\n"); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-o2") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--o2") == 0) { #ifdef RTABMAP_OCTOMAP assemble2dOctoMap = true; printf("OctoMap will be assembled (-o2 option).\n"); #else printf("RTAB-Map is not built with OctoMap support, cannot set -o2 option!\n"); #endif } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-o3") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--o3") == 0) { #ifdef RTABMAP_OCTOMAP assemble3dOctoMap = true; printf("OctoMap will be assembled (-o3 option).\n"); #else printf("RTAB-Map is not built with OctoMap support, cannot set -o3 option!\n"); #endif } } std::string inputDatabasePath = uReplaceChar(argv[argc-2], '~', UDirectory::homeDir()); std::string outputDatabasePath = uReplaceChar(argv[argc-1], '~', UDirectory::homeDir()); std::list<std::string> databases = uSplit(inputDatabasePath, ';'); if (databases.empty()) { printf("No input database \"%s\" detected!\n", inputDatabasePath.c_str()); return -1; } for (std::list<std::string>::iterator iter = databases.begin(); iter != databases.end(); ++iter) { if (!UFile::exists(*iter)) { printf("Input database \"%s\" doesn't exist!\n", iter->c_str()); return -1; } if (UFile::getExtension(*iter).compare("db") != 0) { printf("File \"%s\" is not a database format (*.db)!\n", iter->c_str()); return -1; } } if(UFile::getExtension(outputDatabasePath).compare("db") != 0) { printf("File \"%s\" is not a database format (*.db)!\n", outputDatabasePath.c_str()); return -1; } if(UFile::exists(outputDatabasePath)) { UFile::erase(outputDatabasePath); } // Get parameters of the first database DBDriver * dbDriver = DBDriver::create(); if(!dbDriver->openConnection(databases.front(), false)) { printf("Failed opening input database!\n"); delete dbDriver; return -1; } ParametersMap parameters = dbDriver->getLastParameters(); if(parameters.empty()) { printf("WARNING: Failed getting parameters from database, reprocessing will be done with default parameters! Database version may be too old (%s).\n", dbDriver->getDatabaseVersion().c_str()); } if(customParameters.size()) { printf("Custom parameters:\n"); for(ParametersMap::iterator iter=customParameters.begin(); iter!=customParameters.end(); ++iter) { printf(" %s\t= %s\n", iter->first.c_str(), iter->second.c_str()); } } uInsert(parameters, configParameters); uInsert(parameters, customParameters); bool incrementalMemory = Parameters::defaultMemIncrementalMemory(); Parameters::parse(parameters, Parameters::kMemIncrementalMemory(), incrementalMemory); int totalIds = 0; std::set<int> ids; dbDriver->getAllNodeIds(ids); if(ids.empty()) { printf("Input database doesn't have any nodes saved in it.\n"); dbDriver->closeConnection(false); delete dbDriver; return -1; } if(!(!incrementalMemory && databases.size() > 1)) { totalIds = ids.size(); } dbDriver->closeConnection(false); // Count remaining ids in the other databases for (std::list<std::string>::iterator iter = ++databases.begin(); iter != databases.end(); ++iter) { if (!dbDriver->openConnection(*iter, false)) { printf("Failed opening input database!\n"); delete dbDriver; return -1; } ids.clear(); dbDriver->getAllNodeIds(ids); totalIds += ids.size(); dbDriver->closeConnection(false); } delete dbDriver; dbDriver = 0; std::string workingDirectory = UDirectory::getDir(outputDatabasePath); printf("Set working directory to \"%s\".\n", workingDirectory.c_str()); uInsert(parameters, ParametersPair(Parameters::kRtabmapWorkingDirectory(), workingDirectory)); uInsert(parameters, ParametersPair(Parameters::kRtabmapPublishStats(), "true")); // to log status below if(!incrementalMemory && databases.size() > 1) { UFile::copy(databases.front(), outputDatabasePath); printf("Parameter \"%s\" is set to false, initializing RTAB-Map with \"%s\" for localization...\n", Parameters::kMemIncrementalMemory().c_str(), databases.front().c_str()); databases.pop_front(); inputDatabasePath = uJoin(databases, ";"); } Rtabmap rtabmap; rtabmap.init(parameters, outputDatabasePath); bool rgbdEnabled = Parameters::defaultRGBDEnabled(); Parameters::parse(parameters, Parameters::kRGBDEnabled(), rgbdEnabled); bool odometryIgnored = !rgbdEnabled; DBReader dbReader(inputDatabasePath, useDatabaseRate?-1:0, odometryIgnored); dbReader.init(); OccupancyGrid grid(parameters); grid.setCloudAssembling(assemble3dMap); #ifdef RTABMAP_OCTOMAP OctoMap octomap(parameters); #endif printf("Reprocessing data of \"%s\"...\n", inputDatabasePath.c_str()); std::map<std::string, float> globalMapStats; int processed = 0; CameraInfo info; SensorData data = dbReader.takeImage(&info); Transform lastLocalizationPose = info.odomPose; while(data.isValid() && g_loopForever) { UTimer iterationTime; std::string status; if(!odometryIgnored && info.odomPose.isNull()) { printf("Skipping node %d as it doesn't have odometry pose set.\n",; } else { if(!odometryIgnored && !info.odomCovariance.empty() &&<double>(0,0)>=9999) { printf("High variance detected, triggering a new map...\n"); if(!incrementalMemory && processed>0) { showLocalizationStats(); lastLocalizationPose = info.odomPose; } if(incrementalMemory) { rtabmap.triggerNewMap(); } } UTimer t; if(!rtabmap.process(data, info.odomPose, info.odomCovariance, info.odomVelocity, globalMapStats)) { printf("Failed processing node %d.\n",; globalMapStats.clear(); } else if(assemble2dMap || assemble3dMap || assemble2dOctoMap || assemble3dOctoMap) { globalMapStats.clear(); double timeRtabmap = t.ticks(); double timeUpdateInit = 0.0; double timeUpdateGrid = 0.0; #ifdef RTABMAP_OCTOMAP double timeUpdateOctoMap = 0.0; #endif const rtabmap::Statistics & stats = rtabmap.getStatistics(); if(stats.poses().size() && stats.getLastSignatureData().id()) { int id = stats.poses().rbegin()->first; if(id == stats.getLastSignatureData().id() && stats.getLastSignatureData().sensorData().gridCellSize() > 0.0f) { bool updateGridMap = false; bool updateOctoMap = false; if((assemble2dMap || assemble3dMap) && grid.addedNodes().find(id) == grid.addedNodes().end()) { updateGridMap = true; } #ifdef RTABMAP_OCTOMAP if((assemble2dOctoMap || assemble3dOctoMap) && octomap.addedNodes().find(id) == octomap.addedNodes().end()) { updateOctoMap = true; } #endif if(updateGridMap || updateOctoMap) { cv::Mat ground, obstacles, empty; stats.getLastSignatureData().sensorData().uncompressDataConst(0, 0, 0, 0, &ground, &obstacles, &empty); timeUpdateInit = t.ticks(); if(updateGridMap) { grid.addToCache(id, ground, obstacles, empty); grid.update(stats.poses()); timeUpdateGrid = t.ticks() + timeUpdateInit; } #ifdef RTABMAP_OCTOMAP if(updateOctoMap) { const cv::Point3f & viewpoint = stats.getLastSignatureData().sensorData().gridViewPoint(); octomap.addToCache(id, ground, obstacles, empty, viewpoint); octomap.update(stats.poses()); timeUpdateOctoMap = t.ticks() + timeUpdateInit; } #endif } } } globalMapStats.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("GlobalGrid/GridUpdate/ms"), timeUpdateGrid*1000.0f)); #ifdef RTABMAP_OCTOMAP //Simulate publishing double timePub2dOctoMap = 0.0; double timePub3dOctoMap = 0.0; if(assemble2dOctoMap) { float xMin, yMin, size; octomap.createProjectionMap(xMin, yMin, size); timePub2dOctoMap = t.ticks(); } if(assemble3dOctoMap) { octomap.createCloud(); timePub3dOctoMap = t.ticks(); } globalMapStats.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("GlobalGrid/OctoMapUpdate/ms"), timeUpdateOctoMap*1000.0f)); globalMapStats.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("GlobalGrid/OctoMapProjection/ms"), timePub2dOctoMap*1000.0f)); globalMapStats.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("GlobalGrid/OctomapToCloud/ms"), timePub3dOctoMap*1000.0f)); globalMapStats.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("GlobalGrid/TotalWithRtabmap/ms"), (timeUpdateGrid+timeUpdateOctoMap+timePub2dOctoMap+timePub3dOctoMap+timeRtabmap)*1000.0f)); #else globalMapStats.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("GlobalGrid/TotalWithRtabmap/ms"), (timeUpdateGrid+timeRtabmap)*1000.0f)); #endif } } const rtabmap::Statistics & stats = rtabmap.getStatistics(); int loopId = stats.loopClosureId() > 0? stats.loopClosureId(): stats.proximityDetectionId() > 0?stats.proximityDetectionId() :0; int landmarkId = (int)uValue(, rtabmap::Statistics::kLoopLandmark_detected(), 0.0f); int refMapId = stats.refImageMapId(); ++totalFrames; if (loopId>0) { ++loopCount; int loopMapId = stats.loopClosureId() > 0? stats.loopClosureMapId(): stats.proximityDetectionMapId(); printf("Processed %d/%d nodes [%d]... %dms Loop on %d [%d]\n", ++processed, totalIds, refMapId, int(iterationTime.ticks() * 1000), loopId, loopMapId); } else if(landmarkId != 0) { printf("Processed %d/%d nodes [%d]... %dms Loop on landmark %d\n", ++processed, totalIds, refMapId, int(iterationTime.ticks() * 1000), landmarkId); } else { printf("Processed %d/%d nodes [%d]... %dms\n", ++processed, totalIds, refMapId, int(iterationTime.ticks() * 1000)); } // Here we accumulate statistics about distance from last localization if(!incrementalMemory && !lastLocalizationPose.isNull() && !info.odomPose.isNull()) { if(loopId>0 || landmarkId != 0) { previousLocalizationDistances.push_back(lastLocalizationPose.getDistance(info.odomPose)); lastLocalizationPose = info.odomPose; } } if(!incrementalMemory) { float totalTime = uValue(, rtabmap::Statistics::kTimingTotal(), 0.0f); localizationTime.push_back(totalTime); if(loopId>0) { localizationDistances.push_back(stats.loopClosureTransform().getNorm()); } } Transform odomPose = info.odomPose; data = dbReader.takeImage(&info); if(!incrementalMemory && !odomPose.isNull() && !info.odomPose.isNull()) { odomDistances.push_back(odomPose.getDistance(info.odomPose)); } } if(!incrementalMemory) { showLocalizationStats(); } else { printf("Total loop closures = %d\n", loopCount); } printf("Closing database \"%s\"...\n", outputDatabasePath.c_str()); rtabmap.close(true); printf("Closing database \"%s\"... done!\n", outputDatabasePath.c_str()); if(assemble2dMap) { std::string outputPath = outputDatabasePath.substr(0, outputDatabasePath.size()-3) + "_map.pgm"; float xMin,yMin; cv::Mat map = grid.getMap(xMin, yMin); if(!map.empty()) { cv::Mat map8U(map.rows, map.cols, CV_8U); //convert to gray scaled map for (int i = 0; i < map.rows; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < map.cols; ++j) { char v =<char>(i, j); unsigned char gray; if(v == 0) { gray = 178; } else if(v == 100) { gray = 0; } else // -1 { gray = 89; }<unsigned char>(i, j) = gray; } } if(cv::imwrite(outputPath, map8U)) { printf("Saving occupancy grid \"%s\"... done!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } else { printf("Saving occupancy grid \"%s\"... failed!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } } else { printf("2D map is empty! Cannot save it!\n"); } } if(assemble3dMap) { std::string outputPath = outputDatabasePath.substr(0, outputDatabasePath.size()-3) + "_obstacles.pcd"; if(pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary(outputPath, *grid.getMapObstacles()) == 0) { printf("Saving 3d obstacles \"%s\"... done!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } else { printf("Saving 3d obstacles \"%s\"... failed!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } if(grid.getMapGround()->size()) { outputPath = outputDatabasePath.substr(0, outputDatabasePath.size()-3) + "_ground.pcd"; if(pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary(outputPath, *grid.getMapGround()) == 0) { printf("Saving 3d ground \"%s\"... done!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } else { printf("Saving 3d ground \"%s\"... failed!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } } if(grid.getMapEmptyCells()->size()) { outputPath = outputDatabasePath.substr(0, outputDatabasePath.size()-3) + "_empty.pcd"; if(pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary(outputPath, *grid.getMapEmptyCells()) == 0) { printf("Saving 3d empty cells \"%s\"... done!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } else { printf("Saving 3d empty cells \"%s\"... failed!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } } } #ifdef RTABMAP_OCTOMAP if(assemble2dOctoMap) { std::string outputPath = outputDatabasePath.substr(0, outputDatabasePath.size()-3) + "_octomap.pgm"; float xMin,yMin,cellSize; cv::Mat map = octomap.createProjectionMap(xMin, yMin, cellSize); if(!map.empty()) { cv::Mat map8U(map.rows, map.cols, CV_8U); //convert to gray scaled map for (int i = 0; i < map.rows; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < map.cols; ++j) { char v =<char>(i, j); unsigned char gray; if(v == 0) { gray = 178; } else if(v == 100) { gray = 0; } else // -1 { gray = 89; }<unsigned char>(i, j) = gray; } } if(cv::imwrite(outputPath, map8U)) { printf("Saving octomap 2D projection \"%s\"... done!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } else { printf("Saving octomap 2D projection \"%s\"... failed!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } } else { printf("OctoMap 2D projection map is empty! Cannot save it!\n"); } } if(assemble3dOctoMap) { std::string outputPath = outputDatabasePath.substr(0, outputDatabasePath.size()-3) + "_octomap_occupied.pcd"; std::vector<int> obstacles, emptySpace, ground; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr cloud = octomap.createCloud(0, &obstacles, &emptySpace, &ground); if(pcl::io::savePCDFile(outputPath, *cloud, obstacles, true) == 0) { printf("Saving obstacles cloud \"%s\"... done!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } else { printf("Saving obstacles cloud \"%s\"... failed!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } if(ground.size()) { outputPath = outputDatabasePath.substr(0, outputDatabasePath.size()-3) + "_octomap_ground.pcd"; if(pcl::io::savePCDFile(outputPath, *cloud, ground, true) == 0) { printf("Saving empty space cloud \"%s\"... done!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } else { printf("Saving empty space cloud \"%s\"... failed!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } } if(emptySpace.size()) { outputPath = outputDatabasePath.substr(0, outputDatabasePath.size()-3) + "_octomap_empty.pcd"; if(pcl::io::savePCDFile(outputPath, *cloud, emptySpace, true) == 0) { printf("Saving empty space cloud \"%s\"... done!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } else { printf("Saving empty space cloud \"%s\"... failed!\n", outputPath.c_str()); } } } #endif return 0; }