Exemple #1
 * Initializes all the elements in the Sell/Sack screen.
 * @param game Pointer to the core game.
 * @param base Pointer to the base to get info from.
 * @param origin Game section that originated this state.
SellState::SellState(Base *base, OptionsOrigin origin) : _base(base), _sel(0), _total(0), _spaceChange(0), _origin(origin)
	bool overfull = Options::storageLimitsEnforced && _base->storesOverfull();

	// Create objects
	_window = new Window(this, 320, 200, 0, 0);
	_btnOk = new TextButton(overfull? 288:148, 16, overfull? 16:8, 176);
	_btnCancel = new TextButton(148, 16, 164, 176);
	_txtTitle = new Text(310, 17, 5, 8);
	_txtSales = new Text(150, 9, 10, 24);
	_txtFunds = new Text(150, 9, 160, 24);
	_txtSpaceUsed = new Text(150, 9, 160, 34);
	_txtQuantity = new Text(54, 9, 136, 44);
	_txtSell = new Text(96, 9, 190, 44);
	_txtValue = new Text(40, 9, 270, 44);
	_cbxCategory = new ComboBox(this, 120, 16, 10, 36);
	_lstItems = new TextList(287, 120, 8, 54);

	// Set palette

	_ammoColor = _game->getMod()->getInterface("sellMenu")->getElement("ammoColor")->color;

	add(_window, "window", "sellMenu");
	add(_btnOk, "button", "sellMenu");
	add(_btnCancel, "button", "sellMenu");
	add(_txtTitle, "text", "sellMenu");
	add(_txtSales, "text", "sellMenu");
	add(_txtFunds, "text", "sellMenu");
	add(_txtSpaceUsed, "text", "sellMenu");
	add(_txtQuantity, "text", "sellMenu");
	add(_txtSell, "text", "sellMenu");
	add(_txtValue, "text", "sellMenu");
	add(_lstItems, "list", "sellMenu");
	add(_cbxCategory, "text", "sellMenu");


	// Set up objects

	_btnOk->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&SellState::btnOkClick, Options::keyOk);

	_btnCancel->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&SellState::btnCancelClick, Options::keyCancel);

	if (overfull)





	std::ostringstream ss;
	ss << _base->getUsedStores() << ":" << _base->getAvailableStores();




	_lstItems->setArrowColumn(182, ARROW_VERTICAL);
	_lstItems->setColumns(4, 156, 54, 24, 53);


	const std::vector<std::string> &cw = _game->getMod()->getCraftWeaponsList();
	for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = cw.begin(); i != cw.end(); ++i)
		RuleCraftWeapon *rule = _game->getMod()->getCraftWeapon(*i);
	const std::vector<std::string> &ar = _game->getMod()->getArmorsList();
	for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = ar.begin(); i != ar.end(); ++i)
		Armor *rule = _game->getMod()->getArmor(*i);

	for (std::vector<Soldier*>::iterator i = _base->getSoldiers()->begin(); i != _base->getSoldiers()->end(); ++i)
		if ((*i)->getCraft() == 0)
			TransferRow row = { TRANSFER_SOLDIER, (*i), (*i)->getName(true), 0, 1, 0, 0 };
			std::string cat = getCategory(_items.size() - 1);
			if (std::find(_cats.begin(), _cats.end(), cat) == _cats.end())
	for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator i = _base->getCrafts()->begin(); i != _base->getCrafts()->end(); ++i)
		if ((*i)->getStatus() != "STR_OUT")
			TransferRow row = { TRANSFER_CRAFT, (*i), (*i)->getName(_game->getLanguage()), (*i)->getRules()->getSellCost(), 1, 0, 0 };
			std::string cat = getCategory(_items.size() - 1);
			if (std::find(_cats.begin(), _cats.end(), cat) == _cats.end())
	if (_base->getAvailableScientists() > 0)
		TransferRow row = { TRANSFER_SCIENTIST, 0, tr("STR_SCIENTIST"), 0, _base->getAvailableScientists(), 0, 0 };
		std::string cat = getCategory(_items.size() - 1);
		if (std::find(_cats.begin(), _cats.end(), cat) == _cats.end())
	if (_base->getAvailableEngineers() > 0)
		TransferRow row = { TRANSFER_ENGINEER, 0, tr("STR_ENGINEER"), 0, _base->getAvailableEngineers(), 0, 0 };
		std::string cat = getCategory(_items.size() - 1);
		if (std::find(_cats.begin(), _cats.end(), cat) == _cats.end())
	const std::vector<std::string> &items = _game->getMod()->getItemsList();
	for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i)
		int qty = _base->getStorageItems()->getItem(*i);
		if (Options::storageLimitsEnforced && _origin == OPT_BATTLESCAPE)
			for (std::vector<Transfer*>::iterator j = _base->getTransfers()->begin(); j != _base->getTransfers()->end(); ++j)
				if ((*j)->getItems() == *i)
					qty += (*j)->getQuantity();
			for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator j = _base->getCrafts()->begin(); j != _base->getCrafts()->end(); ++j)
				qty += (*j)->getItems()->getItem(*i);
		RuleItem *rule = _game->getMod()->getItem(*i, true);
		if (qty > 0 && (Options::canSellLiveAliens || !rule->isAlien()))
			TransferRow row = { TRANSFER_ITEM, rule, tr(*i), rule->getSellCost(), qty, 0, 0 };
			std::string cat = getCategory(_items.size() - 1);
			if (std::find(_cats.begin(), _cats.end(), cat) == _cats.end())

	_cbxCategory->setOptions(_cats, true);


	_timerInc = new Timer(250);
	_timerDec = new Timer(250);
 * Initializes all the elements in the Craft Weapons window.
 * @param game Pointer to the core game.
 * @param base Pointer to the base to get info from.
 * @param craft ID of the selected craft.
 * @param weapon ID of the selected weapon.
CraftWeaponsState::CraftWeaponsState(Base *base, size_t craft, size_t weapon) : _base(base), _craft(craft), _weapon(weapon)
	_screen = false;

	// Create objects
	_window = new Window(this, 220, 160, 50, 20, POPUP_BOTH);
	_btnCancel = new TextButton(140, 16, 90, 156);
	_txtTitle = new Text(208, 17, 56, 28);
	_txtArmament = new Text(76, 9, 66, 52);
	_txtQuantity = new Text(50, 9, 140, 52);
	_txtAmmunition = new Text(68, 17, 200, 44);
	_lstWeapons = new TextList(188, 80, 58, 68);

	// Set palette

	add(_window, "window", "craftWeapons");
	add(_btnCancel, "button", "craftWeapons");
	add(_txtTitle, "text", "craftWeapons");
	add(_txtArmament, "text", "craftWeapons");
	add(_txtQuantity, "text", "craftWeapons");
	add(_txtAmmunition, "text", "craftWeapons");
	add(_lstWeapons, "list", "craftWeapons");


	// Set up objects

	_btnCancel->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&CraftWeaponsState::btnCancelClick, Options::keyCancel);





	_lstWeapons->setColumns(3, 94, 50, 36);

	_lstWeapons->addRow(1, tr("STR_NONE_UC").c_str());

	const std::vector<std::string> &weapons = _game->getMod()->getCraftWeaponsList();
	for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = weapons.begin(); i != weapons.end(); ++i)
		RuleCraftWeapon *w = _game->getMod()->getCraftWeapon(*i);
		if (_base->getStorageItems()->getItem(w->getLauncherItem()) > 0)
			std::ostringstream ss, ss2;
			ss << _base->getStorageItems()->getItem(w->getLauncherItem());
			if (!w->getClipItem().empty())
				ss2 << _base->getStorageItems()->getItem(w->getClipItem());
				ss2 << tr("STR_NOT_AVAILABLE");
			_lstWeapons->addRow(3, tr(w->getType()).c_str(), ss.str().c_str(), ss2.str().c_str());
 * Initializes all the elements in the Craft Weapons window.
 * @param game Pointer to the core game.
 * @param base Pointer to the base to get info from.
 * @param craft ID of the selected craft.
 * @param weapon ID of the selected weapon.
CraftWeaponsState::CraftWeaponsState(Game *game, Base *base, size_t craft, size_t weapon) : State(game), _base(base), _craft(craft), _weapon(weapon), _weapons()
	_screen = false;

	// Create objects
	_window = new Window(this, 220, 160, 50, 20, POPUP_BOTH);
	_btnCancel = new TextButton(140, 16, 90, 156);
	_txtTitle = new Text(208, 17, 56, 28);
	_txtArmament = new Text(76, 9, 66, 52);
	_txtQuantity = new Text(50, 9, 140, 52);
	_txtAmmunition = new Text(68, 17, 200, 44);
	_lstWeapons = new TextList(188, 80, 58, 68);

	// Set palette
	_game->setPalette(_game->getResourcePack()->getPalette("BACKPALS.DAT")->getColors(Palette::blockOffset(4)), Palette::backPos, 16);



	// Set up objects

	_btnCancel->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&CraftWeaponsState::btnCancelClick, (SDLKey)Options::getInt("keyCancel"));





	_lstWeapons->setColumns(3, 94, 50, 36);

	_lstWeapons->addRow(1, tr("STR_NONE_UC").c_str());

	const std::vector<std::string> &weapons = _game->getRuleset()->getCraftWeaponsList();
	for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = weapons.begin(); i != weapons.end(); ++i)
		RuleCraftWeapon *w = _game->getRuleset()->getCraftWeapon(*i);
		if (_base->getItems()->getItem(w->getLauncherItem()) > 0)
			std::wstringstream ss, ss2;
			ss << _base->getItems()->getItem(w->getLauncherItem());
			if (w->getClipItem() != "")
				ss2 << _base->getItems()->getItem(w->getClipItem());
				ss2 << tr("STR_NOT_AVAILABLE");
			_lstWeapons->addRow(3, tr(w->getType()).c_str(), ss.str().c_str(), ss2.str().c_str());