Exemple #1
static CString RandomFromSet(const SCString& sSet,
                             std::default_random_engine& gen) {
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> distr(0, sSet.size() - 1);
    auto it = sSet.cbegin();
    std::advance(it, distr(gen));
    return *it;
	void DelToken(const CString sToken) {
		SCString ssTokens = GetUserTokens(m_pUser);
		SCString::iterator it = ssTokens.find(sToken);

		if (it != ssTokens.end()) {
			SetUserTokens(m_pUser, ssTokens);
	void AddToken(CString sToken) {
		SCString ssTokens = GetUserTokens(m_pUser);
		SCString::iterator it = ssTokens.find(sToken);

		if (it == ssTokens.end()) {
			SetUserTokens(m_pUser, ssTokens);
	void SetUserTokens(CUser *pUser, SCString ssTokens) {
		CString sVal;

		for (SCString::const_iterator it = ssTokens.begin(); it != ssTokens.end(); ++it) {
			sVal += *it + " ";

		SetNV(pUser->GetUserName(), sVal);
	void ListTokens(const CString& sLine) {
		SCString ssTokens = GetUserTokens(m_pUser);

		CTable table;

		for (SCString::const_iterator it = ssTokens.begin(); it != ssTokens.end(); ++it) {
			table.SetCell("Token", *it);

		if (PutModule(table) == 0) {
			PutModule("No tokens set for your user");
Exemple #6
static std::tuple<CString, bool> RandomFrom2SetsWithBias(const SCString& ss4, const SCString& ss6, std::default_random_engine& gen) {
	// It's not quite what RFC says how to choose between IPv4 and IPv6, but proper way is harder to implement.
	// It would require to maintain some state between Csock objects.
	bool bUseIPv6;
	if (ss4.empty()) {
		bUseIPv6 = true;
	} else if (ss6.empty()) {
		bUseIPv6 = false;
	} else {
		// Let's prefer IPv6 :)
		std::discrete_distribution<> d({2, 3});
		bUseIPv6 = d(gen);
	const SCString& sSet = bUseIPv6 ? ss6 : ss4;
	return std::make_tuple(RandomFromSet(sSet, gen), bUseIPv6);
Exemple #7
void CHTTPSock::ReadLine(const CString& sData) {
	if (m_bGotHeader) {

	CString sLine = sData;

	CString sName = sLine.Token(0);

	if (sName.Equals("GET")) {
		m_bPost = false;
		m_sURI = sLine.Token(1);
		m_bHTTP10Client = sLine.Token(2).Equals("HTTP/1.0");
	} else if (sName.Equals("POST")) {
		m_bPost = true;
		m_sURI = sLine.Token(1);
	} else if (sName.Equals("Cookie:")) {
		VCString vsNV;

		sLine.Token(1, true).Split(";", vsNV, false, "", "", true, true);

		for (const CString& s : vsNV) {
			m_msRequestCookies[s.Token(0, false, "=").Escape_n(CString::EURL, CString::EASCII)] =
				s.Token(1, true, "=").Escape_n(CString::EURL, CString::EASCII);
	} else if (sName.Equals("Authorization:")) {
		CString sUnhashed;
		m_sUser = sUnhashed.Token(0, false, ":");
		m_sPass = sUnhashed.Token(1, true, ":");
		m_bBasicAuth = true;
		// Postpone authorization attempt until end of headers, because cookies should be read before that, otherwise session id will be overwritten in GetSession()
	} else if (sName.Equals("Content-Length:")) {
		m_uPostLen = sLine.Token(1).ToULong();
		if (m_uPostLen > MAX_POST_SIZE)
			PrintErrorPage(413, "Request Entity Too Large", "The request you sent was too large.");
	} else if (sName.Equals("X-Forwarded-For:")) {
		// X-Forwarded-For: client, proxy1, proxy2
		if (m_sForwardedIP.empty()) {
			const VCString& vsTrustedProxies = CZNC::Get().GetTrustedProxies();
			CString sIP = GetRemoteIP();

			VCString vsIPs;
			sLine.Token(1, true).Split(",", vsIPs, false, "", "", false, true);

			while (!vsIPs.empty()) {
				// sIP told us that it got connection from vsIPs.back()
				// check if sIP is trusted proxy
				bool bTrusted = false;
				for (const CString& sTrustedProxy : vsTrustedProxies) {
					if (sIP.WildCmp(sTrustedProxy)) {
						bTrusted = true;
				if (bTrusted) {
					// sIP is trusted proxy, so use vsIPs.back() as new sIP
					sIP = vsIPs.back();
				} else {

			// either sIP is not trusted proxy, or it's in the beginning of the X-Forwarded-For list
			// in both cases use it as the endpoind
			m_sForwardedIP = sIP;
	} else if (sName.Equals("If-None-Match:")) {
		// this is for proper client cache support (HTTP 304) on static files:
		m_sIfNoneMatch = sLine.Token(1, true);
	} else if (sName.Equals("Accept-Encoding:") && !m_bHTTP10Client) {
		SCString ssEncodings;
		// trimming whitespace from the tokens is important:
		sLine.Token(1, true).Split(",", ssEncodings, false, "", "", false, true);
		m_bAcceptGzip = (ssEncodings.find("gzip") != ssEncodings.end());
	} else if (sLine.empty()) {
		if (m_bBasicAuth && !m_bLoggedIn) {
			m_bLoggedIn = OnLogin(m_sUser, m_sPass, true);
			// After successful login ReadLine("") will be called again to trigger "else" block
			// Failed login sends error and closes socket, so no infinite loop here
		} else {
			m_bGotHeader = true;

			if (m_bPost) {
				m_sPostData = GetInternalReadBuffer();
			} else {

Exemple #8
void CClient::HandleCap(const CMessage& Message) {
    CString sSubCmd = Message.GetParam(0);

    if (sSubCmd.Equals("LS")) {
        SCString ssOfferCaps;
        for (const auto& it : m_mCoreCaps) {
            bool bServerDependent = std::get<0>(it.second);
            if (!bServerDependent ||
                m_ssServerDependentCaps.count(it.first) > 0)
        GLOBALMODULECALL(OnClientCapLs(this, ssOfferCaps), NOTHING);
        CString sRes =
            CString(" ").Join(ssOfferCaps.begin(), ssOfferCaps.end());
        RespondCap("LS :" + sRes);
        m_bInCap = true;
        if (Message.GetParam(1).ToInt() >= 302) {
            m_bCapNotify = true;
    } else if (sSubCmd.Equals("END")) {
        m_bInCap = false;
        if (!IsAttached()) {
            if (!m_pUser && m_bGotUser && !m_bGotPass) {
            } else {
    } else if (sSubCmd.Equals("REQ")) {
        VCString vsTokens;
        Message.GetParam(1).Split(" ", vsTokens, false);

        for (const CString& sToken : vsTokens) {
            bool bVal = true;
            CString sCap = sToken;
            if (sCap.TrimPrefix("-")) bVal = false;

            bool bAccepted = false;
            const auto& it = m_mCoreCaps.find(sCap);
            if (m_mCoreCaps.end() != it) {
                bool bServerDependent = std::get<0>(it->second);
                bAccepted = !bServerDependent ||
                            m_ssServerDependentCaps.count(sCap) > 0;
            GLOBALMODULECALL(IsClientCapSupported(this, sCap, bVal),

            if (!bAccepted) {
                // Some unsupported capability is requested
                RespondCap("NAK :" + Message.GetParam(1));

        // All is fine, we support what was requested
        for (const CString& sToken : vsTokens) {
            bool bVal = true;
            CString sCap = sToken;
            if (sCap.TrimPrefix("-")) bVal = false;

            auto handler_it = m_mCoreCaps.find(sCap);
            if (m_mCoreCaps.end() != handler_it) {
                const auto& handler = std::get<1>(handler_it->second);
            GLOBALMODULECALL(OnClientCapRequest(this, sCap, bVal), NOTHING);

            if (bVal) {
            } else {

        RespondCap("ACK :" + Message.GetParam(1));
    } else if (sSubCmd.Equals("LIST")) {
        CString sList =
            CString(" ").Join(m_ssAcceptedCaps.begin(), m_ssAcceptedCaps.end());
        RespondCap("LIST :" + sList);
    } else {
        PutClient(":irc.znc.in 410 " + GetNick() + " " + sSubCmd +
                  " :Invalid CAP subcommand");
	bool CheckToken(CUser *pUser, CString sToken) {
		SCString ssTokens = GetUserTokens(pUser);
		return ssTokens.find(sToken) != ssTokens.end();
Exemple #10
	virtual void OnClientCapLs(CClient* pClient, SCString& ssCaps) {
Exemple #11
void CHTTPSock::ReadLine(const CString& sData) {
	if (m_bGotHeader) {

	CString sLine = sData;

	CString sName = sLine.Token(0);

	if (sName.Equals("GET")) {
		m_bPost = false;
		m_sURI = sLine.Token(1);
		m_bHTTP10Client = sLine.Token(2).Equals("HTTP/1.0");
	} else if (sName.Equals("POST")) {
		m_bPost = true;
		m_sURI = sLine.Token(1);
	} else if (sName.Equals("Cookie:")) {
		VCString vsNV;

		sLine.Token(1, true).Split(";", vsNV, false, "", "", true, true);

		for (unsigned int a = 0; a < vsNV.size(); a++) {
			CString s(vsNV[a]);

			m_msRequestCookies[s.Token(0, false, "=").Escape_n(CString::EURL, CString::EASCII)] =
				s.Token(1, true, "=").Escape_n(CString::EURL, CString::EASCII);
	} else if (sName.Equals("Authorization:")) {
		CString sUnhashed;
		m_sUser = sUnhashed.Token(0, false, ":");
		m_sPass = sUnhashed.Token(1, true, ":");
		m_bLoggedIn = OnLogin(m_sUser, m_sPass);
	} else if (sName.Equals("Content-Length:")) {
		m_uPostLen = sLine.Token(1).ToULong();
		if (m_uPostLen > MAX_POST_SIZE)
			PrintErrorPage(413, "Request Entity Too Large", "The request you sent was too large.");
	} else if (sName.Equals("If-None-Match:")) {
		// this is for proper client cache support (HTTP 304) on static files:
		m_sIfNoneMatch = sLine.Token(1, true);
	} else if (sName.Equals("Accept-Encoding:") && !m_bHTTP10Client) {
		SCString ssEncodings;
		// trimming whitespace from the tokens is important:
		sLine.Token(1, true).Split(",", ssEncodings, false, "", "", false, true);
		m_bAcceptGzip = (ssEncodings.find("gzip") != ssEncodings.end());
	} else if (sLine.empty()) {
		m_bGotHeader = true;

		if (m_bPost) {
			m_sPostData = GetInternalReadBuffer();
		} else {

SCSFExport scsf_SC_TradingCrossOverExample(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) {

    SCInputRef dailyLowRef = sc.Input[0];
    SCInputRef dailyHighRef = sc.Input[1];
    SCInputRef outputFileName = sc.Input[2];
    SCInputRef todayLowRef = sc.Input[3];
    SCInputRef todayHighRef = sc.Input[4];
    SCInputRef topBandRef = sc.Input[5];
    SCInputRef movingAverageRef = sc.Input[6];
    SCInputRef bottomBandRef = sc.Input[7];


    if(sc.Index == 0)
        SCString outputFileStr;
        outputFileStr.Format("%s-%d.csv",sc.Symbol.GetChars(), sc.SecondsPerBar / 60);

        outputFileName.Name = "Output File";

    ofstream outputStream;
    outputStream.open (outputFileName.GetString(), std::ofstream::app);

    if (sc.SetDefaults) {
        dailyLowRef.Name = "Daily Low";
        dailyLowRef.SetStudySubgraphValues(1, 2);

        dailyHighRef.Name = "Daily High";
        dailyHighRef.SetStudySubgraphValues(1, 1);

        SCString outputFileStr;
        outputFileStr.Format("%s-%d.csv",sc.Symbol.GetChars(), sc.SecondsPerBar / 60);

        outputFileName.Name = "Output File";

        todayLowRef.Name = "Today Low";
        todayLowRef.SetStudySubgraphValues(4, 2);

        todayHighRef.Name = "Today High";
        todayHighRef.SetStudySubgraphValues(4, 1);

        //Bollinger Bands
        topBandRef.Name = "Top Band";
        topBandRef.SetStudySubgraphValues(3, 0);

        movingAverageRef.Name = "Moving Average";
        movingAverageRef.SetStudySubgraphValues(3, 1);

        bottomBandRef.Name = "Bottom Band";
        bottomBandRef.SetStudySubgraphValues(3, 2);

        sc.GraphName = "DataWriter";

        sc.StudyDescription = "Write the data to file";

        sc.AutoLoop = 1;  // true
        sc.GraphRegion = 0;
        sc.FreeDLL = 1;
        sc.CalculationPrecedence = LOW_PREC_LEVEL;

        sc.AllowMultipleEntriesInSameDirection = false;
        sc.MaximumPositionAllowed = 5;
        sc.SupportReversals = true;

        // This is false by default. Orders will go to the simulation system always.
        sc.SendOrdersToTradeService = false;

        sc.AllowOppositeEntryWithOpposingPositionOrOrders = false;
        sc.SupportAttachedOrdersForTrading = false;

        sc.CancelAllOrdersOnEntriesAndReversals = true;
        sc.AllowEntryWithWorkingOrders = false;
        sc.CancelAllWorkingOrdersOnExit = true;
        sc.AllowOnlyOneTradePerBar = true;

        sc.MaintainTradeStatisticsAndTradesData = true;


    SCFloatArray dailyLows;
    sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(dailyLowRef.GetStudyID(), dailyLowRef.GetSubgraphIndex(), dailyLows);
    float dailyLow = dailyLows[sc.Index];

    SCFloatArray dailyHighs;
    sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(dailyHighRef.GetStudyID(), dailyHighRef.GetSubgraphIndex(), dailyHighs);
    float dailyHigh = dailyHighs[sc.Index];

    SCFloatArray todayLows;
    sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(todayLowRef.GetStudyID(), todayLowRef.GetSubgraphIndex(), todayLows);
    float todayLow = todayLows[sc.Index];

    SCFloatArray todayHighs;
    sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(todayHighRef.GetStudyID(), todayHighRef.GetSubgraphIndex(), todayHighs);
    float todayHigh = todayHighs[sc.Index];

    SCFloatArray topBands;
    sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(topBandRef.GetStudyID(), topBandRef.GetSubgraphIndex(), topBands);
    float topBand = topBands[sc.Index];

    SCFloatArray movingAverages;
    sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(movingAverageRef.GetStudyID(), movingAverageRef.GetSubgraphIndex(), movingAverages);
    float movingAverage = movingAverages[sc.Index];

    SCFloatArray bottomBands;
    sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(bottomBandRef.GetStudyID(), bottomBandRef.GetSubgraphIndex(), bottomBands);
    float bottomBand = bottomBands[sc.Index];

    int year;
    int month;
    int day;
    int hour;
    int minute;
    int second;

    sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetDateTimeYMDHMS(year, month, day, hour, minute, second );
    float LastTradePrice = sc.Close[sc.Index];
    float Open = sc.Open[sc.Index];
    float Low = sc.Low[sc.Index];
    float PreviousLow = sc.Low[sc.Index - 1];
    float High = sc.High[sc.Index];
    float PreviousHigh = sc.High[sc.Index - 1];
    float PreviousClose = sc.Close[sc.Index - 1];

    float LastBarSize = PreviousClose - PreviousLow;

    SCString dataLine;
    dataLine.Format("%d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n", year, month, day, hour, minute, second, Open, Low,
                    High, LastTradePrice, dailyLow, dailyHigh, todayLow, todayHigh, topBand, movingAverage, bottomBand);
    //sc.AddMessageToLog(Buffer2, 0);

    outputStream << dataLine;

    s_SCPositionData PositionData;
    int Result = sc.GetTradePosition(PositionData);