Exemple #1
/// Return true if this copy can be eliminated through Named Return Value
/// Optimization (NRVO).
/// Simple NRVO cases are handled naturally via backwardPropagateCopy. However,
/// general NRVO is not handled via local propagation without global data
/// flow. Nonetheless, NRVO is a simple pattern that can be detected using a
/// different technique from propagation.
/// Example:
/// func nrvo<T : P>(z : Bool) -> T {
///   var rvo : T
///   if (z) {
///     rvo = T(10)
///   }
///   else {
///     rvo = T(1)
///   }
///   return rvo
/// }
/// Because of the control flow, backward propagation with a block will fail to
/// find the initializer for the copy at "return rvo". Instead, we directly
/// check for an NRVO pattern by observing a copy in a return block that is the
/// only use of the copy's dest, which must be an @out arg. If there are no
/// instructions between the copy and the return that may write to the copy's
/// source, we simply replace the source's local stack address with the @out
/// address.
/// The following SIL pattern will be detected:
/// sil @foo : $@convention(thin) <T> (@out T) -> () {
/// bb0(%0 : $*T):
///   %2 = alloc_stack $T
/// ... // arbitrary control flow, but no other uses of %0
/// bbN:
///   copy_addr [take] %2#1 to [initialization] %0 : $*T
///   ... // no writes
///   return
static bool canNRVO(CopyAddrInst *CopyInst) {
  if (!isa<AllocStackInst>(CopyInst->getSrc()))
    return false;

  // The copy's dest must be an indirect SIL argument. Otherwise, it may not
  // dominate all uses of the source. Worse, it may be aliased. This
  // optimization will early-initialize the copy dest, so we can't allow aliases
  // to be accessed between the initialization and the return.
  auto OutArg = dyn_cast<SILArgument>(CopyInst->getDest());
  if (!OutArg || !OutArg->getParameterInfo().isIndirect())
    return false;

  SILBasicBlock *BB = CopyInst->getParent();
  if (!isa<ReturnInst>(BB->getTerminator()))
    return false;

  SILValue CopyDest = CopyInst->getDest();
  if (!hasOneNonDebugUse(CopyDest))
    return false;

  auto SI = CopyInst->getIterator(), SE = BB->end();
  for (++SI; SI != SE; ++SI) {
    if (SI->mayWriteToMemory() && !isa<DeallocationInst>(SI))
      return false;
  return true;
Exemple #2
/// \brief Splits a basic block into two at the specified instruction.
/// Note that all the instructions BEFORE the specified iterator
/// stay as part of the original basic block. The old basic block is left
/// without a terminator.
SILBasicBlock *SILBasicBlock::split(iterator I) {
  SILBasicBlock *New =
    new (Parent->getModule()) SILBasicBlock(Parent, this, /*after*/true);
  // Move all of the specified instructions from the original basic block into
  // the new basic block.
  New->InstList.splice(New->end(), InstList, I, end());
  return New;
Exemple #3
/// \brief Splits a basic block into two at the specified instruction.
/// Note that all the instructions BEFORE the specified iterator
/// stay as part of the original basic block. The old basic block is left
/// without a terminator.
SILBasicBlock *SILBasicBlock::splitBasicBlock(iterator I) {
  SILBasicBlock *New = new (Parent->getModule()) SILBasicBlock(Parent);
  SILFunction::iterator Where = std::next(SILFunction::iterator(this));
  SILFunction::iterator First = SILFunction::iterator(New);
  if (Where != First)
    Parent->getBlocks().splice(Where, Parent->getBlocks(), First);
  // Move all of the specified instructions from the original basic block into
  // the new basic block.
  New->InstList.splice(New->end(), InstList, I, end());
  return New;
/// Walk backwards from an unsafeGuaranteedEnd builtin instruction looking for a
/// release on the reference returned by the matching unsafeGuaranteed builtin
/// ignoring releases on the way.
///    %4 = builtin "unsafeGuaranteed"<Foo>(%0 : $Foo) : $(Foo, Builtin.Int8)
///    %5 = tuple_extract %4 : $(Foo, Builtin.Int8), 0
///    %6 = tuple_extract %4 : $(Foo, Builtin.Int8), 1
///    strong_release %5 : $Foo // <-- Matching release.
///    strong_release %6 : $Foo // Ignore.
///    %12 = builtin "unsafeGuaranteedEnd"(%6 : $Builtin.Int8) : $()
static SILBasicBlock::iterator
findReleaseToMatchUnsafeGuaranteedValue(SILInstruction *UnsafeGuaranteedEndI,
                                        SILValue UnsafeGuaranteedValue,
                                        SILBasicBlock &BB) {
    auto UnsafeGuaranteedEndIIt = SILBasicBlock::iterator(UnsafeGuaranteedEndI);
    if (UnsafeGuaranteedEndIIt == BB.begin())
        return BB.end();
    auto LastReleaseIt = std::prev(UnsafeGuaranteedEndIIt);
    while (LastReleaseIt != BB.begin() &&
            (isa<StrongReleaseInst>(*LastReleaseIt) ||
             isa<ReleaseValueInst>(*LastReleaseIt)) &&
            LastReleaseIt->getOperand(0) != UnsafeGuaranteedValue)
    if ((!isa<StrongReleaseInst>(*LastReleaseIt) &&
            !isa<ReleaseValueInst>(*LastReleaseIt)) ||
            LastReleaseIt->getOperand(0) != UnsafeGuaranteedValue) {
        return BB.end();
    return LastReleaseIt;
Exemple #5
bool StackPromoter::promote() {

  llvm::SetVector<SILBasicBlock *> ReachableBlocks;

  // First step: find blocks which end up in a no-return block (terminated by
  // an unreachable instruction).
  // Search for function-exiting blocks, i.e. return and throw.
  for (SILBasicBlock &BB : *F) {
    TermInst *TI = BB.getTerminator();
    if (TI->isFunctionExiting())
  // Propagate the reachability up the control flow graph.
  unsigned Idx = 0;
  while (Idx < ReachableBlocks.size()) {
    SILBasicBlock *BB = ReachableBlocks[Idx++];
    for (SILBasicBlock *Pred : BB->getPredecessorBlocks())

  bool Changed = false;
  // Search the whole function for stack promotable allocations.
  for (SILBasicBlock &BB : *F) {

    // Don't stack promote any allocation inside a code region which ends up in
    // a no-return block. Such allocations may missing their final release.
    // We would insert the deallocation too early, which may result in a
    // use-after-free problem.
    if (ReachableBlocks.count(&BB) == 0)

    for (auto Iter = BB.begin(); Iter != BB.end();) {
      // The allocation instruction may be moved, so increment Iter prior to
      // doing the optimization.
      SILInstruction *I = &*Iter++;
      if (auto *ARI = dyn_cast<AllocRefInst>(I)) {
        Changed |= tryPromoteAlloc(ARI);
  return Changed;
Exemple #6
void ARCRegionState::addInterestingInst(SILInstruction *TargetInst) {
  // Insert I into its location in the interesting instruction list.
  SILBasicBlock *BB = getRegion()->getBlock();
  assert(TargetInst->getParent() == BB);

  auto II = BB->begin();
  auto IE = BB->end();
  assert(II != IE && "I can not be an element of an empty block");

  auto SI = SummarizedInterestingInsts.begin();
  auto SE = SummarizedInterestingInsts.end();

  while (II != IE) {
    if (SI == SE) {
      // Ok, TargetInst is after all of the interesting insts. Append it to the
      // list.

    // Move II down the block until it hits TargetInst or the first
    // SummarizedInterestingInst.
    while (&*II != *SI && &*II != TargetInst) {

    // If II == SI and TargetInst == II then there is nothing further to do.
    if (&*II == TargetInst) {
      assert(&*II != *SI);
      SummarizedInterestingInsts.insert(SI, TargetInst);

    // If we reach this point, then we know that II == SI and we have not found
    // TargetInst yet. So we move to the next II, SI.

  llvm_unreachable("Could not find Inst in the block?!");
Exemple #7
/// Perform outlining on the function and return any newly created outlined
/// functions.
bool tryOutline(SILOptFunctionBuilder &FuncBuilder, SILFunction *Fun,
                SmallVectorImpl<SILFunction *> &FunctionsAdded) {
  SmallPtrSet<SILBasicBlock *, 32> Visited;
  SmallVector<SILBasicBlock *, 128> Worklist;
  OutlinePatterns patterns(FuncBuilder);

  // Traverse the function.
  while (!Worklist.empty()) {

    SILBasicBlock *CurBlock = Worklist.pop_back_val();
    if (!Visited.insert(CurBlock).second) continue;

    SILBasicBlock::iterator CurInst = CurBlock->begin();

    // Go over the instructions trying to match and replace patterns.
    while (CurInst != CurBlock->end()) {
       if (OutlinePattern *match = patterns.tryToMatch(CurInst)) {
         SILFunction *F;
         SILBasicBlock::iterator LastInst;
         std::tie(F, LastInst) = match->outline(Fun->getModule());
         if (F)
         CurInst = LastInst;
         assert(LastInst->getParent() == CurBlock);
       } else if (isa<TermInst>(CurInst)) {
         std::copy(CurBlock->succ_begin(), CurBlock->succ_end(),
       } else {
  return false;
Exemple #8
void AllocOptimize::
computeAvailableValuesFrom(SILBasicBlock::iterator StartingFrom,
                           SILBasicBlock *BB,
                           llvm::SmallBitVector &RequiredElts,
                         SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<SILValue, unsigned>> &Result,
   llvm::SmallDenseMap<SILBasicBlock*, llvm::SmallBitVector, 32> &VisitedBlocks,
                           llvm::SmallBitVector &ConflictingValues) {
  assert(!RequiredElts.none() && "Scanning with a goal of finding nothing?");
  // If there is a potential modification in the current block, scan the block
  // to see if the store or escape is before or after the load.  If it is
  // before, check to see if it produces the value we are looking for.
  if (HasLocalDefinition.count(BB)) {
    for (SILBasicBlock::iterator BBI = StartingFrom; BBI != BB->begin();) {
      SILInstruction *TheInst = &*std::prev(BBI);

      // If this instruction is unrelated to the element, ignore it.
      if (!NonLoadUses.count(TheInst)) {
      // Given an interesting instruction, incorporate it into the set of
      // results, and filter down the list of demanded subelements that we still
      // need.
      updateAvailableValues(TheInst, RequiredElts, Result, ConflictingValues);
      // If this satisfied all of the demanded values, we're done.
      if (RequiredElts.none())
      // Otherwise, keep scanning the block.  If the instruction we were looking
      // at just got exploded, don't skip the next instruction.
      if (&*std::prev(BBI) == TheInst)
  // Otherwise, we need to scan up the CFG looking for available values.
  for (auto PI = BB->pred_begin(), E = BB->pred_end(); PI != E; ++PI) {
    SILBasicBlock *PredBB = *PI;
    // If the predecessor block has already been visited (potentially due to a
    // cycle in the CFG), don't revisit it.  We can do this safely because we
    // are optimistically assuming that all incoming elements in a cycle will be
    // the same.  If we ever detect a conflicting element, we record it and do
    // not look at the result.
    auto Entry = VisitedBlocks.insert({PredBB, RequiredElts});
    if (!Entry.second) {
      // If we are revisiting a block and asking for different required elements
      // then anything that isn't agreeing is in conflict.
      const auto &PrevRequired = Entry.first->second;
      if (PrevRequired != RequiredElts) {
        ConflictingValues |= (PrevRequired ^ RequiredElts);
        RequiredElts &= ~ConflictingValues;
        if (RequiredElts.none())
    // Make sure to pass in the same set of required elements for each pred.
    llvm::SmallBitVector Elts = RequiredElts;
    computeAvailableValuesFrom(PredBB->end(), PredBB, Elts, Result,
                               VisitedBlocks, ConflictingValues);
    // If we have any conflicting values, don't bother searching for them.
    RequiredElts &= ~ConflictingValues;
    if (RequiredElts.none())
Exemple #9
void MemoryToRegisters::removeSingleBlockAllocation(AllocStackInst *ASI) {
  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "*** Promoting in-block: " << *ASI);

  SILBasicBlock *BB = ASI->getParent();

  // The default value of the AllocStack is NULL because we don't have
  // uninitialized variables in Swift.
  SILValue RunningVal = SILValue();

  // For all instructions in the block.
  for (auto BBI = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); BBI != E;) {
    SILInstruction *Inst = &*BBI;

    // Remove instructions that we are loading from. Replace the loaded value
    // with our running value.
    if (isLoadFromStack(Inst, ASI)) {
      if (!RunningVal) {
        assert(ASI->getElementType().isVoid() &&
               "Expected initialization of non-void type!");
        RunningVal = SILUndef::get(ASI->getElementType(), ASI->getModule());
      replaceLoad(cast<LoadInst>(Inst), RunningVal, ASI);

    // Remove stores and record the value that we are saving as the running
    // value.
    if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(Inst)) {
      if (SI->getDest() == ASI) {
        RunningVal = SI->getSrc();

    // Replace debug_value_addr with debug_value of the promoted value.
    if (auto *DVAI = dyn_cast<DebugValueAddrInst>(Inst)) {
      if (DVAI->getOperand() == ASI) {
        if (RunningVal) {
          promoteDebugValueAddr(DVAI, RunningVal, B);
        } else {
          // Drop debug_value_addr of uninitialized void values.
          assert(ASI->getElementType().isVoid() &&
                 "Expected initialization of non-void type!");

    // Replace destroys with a release of the value.
    if (auto *DAI = dyn_cast<DestroyAddrInst>(Inst)) {
      if (DAI->getOperand() == ASI) {
        replaceDestroy(DAI, RunningVal);

    // Remove deallocation.
    if (auto *DSI = dyn_cast<DeallocStackInst>(Inst)) {
      if (DSI->getOperand() == ASI) {
        // No need to continue scanning after deallocation.

    SILValue InstVal = Inst;
    // Remove dead address instructions that may be uses of the allocation.
    while (InstVal->use_empty() && (isa<StructElementAddrInst>(InstVal) ||
                                    isa<TupleElementAddrInst>(InstVal))) {
      SILInstruction *I = cast<SILInstruction>(InstVal);
      InstVal = I->getOperand(0);
Exemple #10
bool StackPromoter::canPromoteAlloc(SILInstruction *AI,
                                    SILInstruction *&AllocInsertionPoint,
                                    SILInstruction *&DeallocInsertionPoint) {
  AllocInsertionPoint = nullptr;
  DeallocInsertionPoint = nullptr;
  auto *Node = ConGraph->getNodeOrNull(AI, EA);
  if (!Node)
    return false;

  // The most important check: does the object escape the current function?
  if (Node->escapes())
    return false;

  // Now we have to determine the lifetime of the allocated object in its
  // function.

  // Get all interesting uses of the object (e.g. release instructions). This
  // includes uses of objects where the allocation is stored to.
  int NumUsePointsToFind = ConGraph->getNumUsePoints(Node);
  if (NumUsePointsToFind == 0) {
    // There should always be at least one release for an allocated object.
    // But in case all paths from this block end in unreachable then the
    // final release of the object may be optimized away. We bail out in this
    // case.
    return false;

  // In the following we check two requirements for stack promotion:
  // 1) Are all uses in the same control region as the alloc? E.g. if the
  //    allocation is in a loop then there may not be any uses of the object
  //    outside the loop.
  // 2) We need to find an insertion place for the deallocation so that it
  //    preserves a properly nested stack allocation-deallocation structure.
  SILBasicBlock *StartBlock = AI->getParent();

  // The block where we assume we can insert the deallocation.
  SILBasicBlock *EndBlock = StartBlock;

  // We visit all instructions starting at the allocation instruction.
  WorkListType WorkList;
  // It's important that the EndBlock is at the head of the WorkList so that
  // we handle it after all other blocks.
  WorkList.insert(EndBlock, -1);
  WorkList.insert(StartBlock, 0);

  for (;;) {
    SILBasicBlock *BB = WorkList.pop_back_val();
    int StackDepth = 0;
    SILBasicBlock::iterator Iter;
    if (BB == StartBlock) {
      // In the first block we start at the allocation instruction and not at
      // the begin of the block.
      Iter = AI->getIterator();
    } else {
      // Track all uses in the block arguments.
      for (SILArgument *BBArg : BB->getBBArgs()) {
        if (ConGraph->isUsePoint(BBArg, Node))
      // Make sure that the EndBlock is not inside a loop (which does not
      // contain the StartBlock).
      // E.g.:
      //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
      //     br loop
      //   loop:
      //     the_only_use_of_obj(%obj)
      //     cond_br ..., loop, exit
      //   exit:
      //     ... // this is the new EndBlock
      for (SILBasicBlock *Pred : BB->getPreds()) {
        // Extend the lifetime region until the EndBlock post dominates the
        // StartBlock.
        while (!strictlyPostDominates(EndBlock, Pred)) {
          EndBlock = getImmediatePostDom(EndBlock);
          if (!EndBlock)
            return false;
      Iter = BB->begin();
      StackDepth = WorkList.getStackDepth(BB);
    // Visit all instructions of the current block.
    while (Iter != BB->end()) {
      SILInstruction &I = *Iter++;
      if (BB == EndBlock && StackDepth == 0 && NumUsePointsToFind == 0) {
        // We found a place to insert the stack deallocation.
        DeallocInsertionPoint = &I;
        return true;
      if (I.isAllocatingStack()) {
      } else if (I.isDeallocatingStack()) {
        if (StackDepth == 0) {
          // The allocation is inside a stack alloc-dealloc region and we are
          // now leaving this region without having found a place for the
          // deallocation. E.g.
          // E.g.:
          //     %1 = alloc_stack
          //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
          //     dealloc_stack %1
          //     use_of_obj(%obj)
          // In this case we can move the alloc_ref before the alloc_stack
          // to fix the nesting.
          if (!isa<AllocRefInst>(AI))
            return false;
          auto *Alloc = dyn_cast<SILInstruction>(I.getOperand(0));
          if (!Alloc)
            return false;
          // This should always be the case, but let's be on the safe side.
          if (!PDT->dominates(StartBlock, Alloc->getParent()))
            return false;
          AllocInsertionPoint = Alloc;
      // Track a use.
      if (ConGraph->isUsePoint(&I, Node) != 0)
    if (WorkList.empty()) {
      if (EndBlock == BB) {
        // We reached the EndBlock but didn't find a place for the deallocation
        // so far (because we didn't find all uses yet or we entered another
        // stack alloc-dealloc region). Let's extend our lifetime region.
        // E.g.:
        //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
        //     %1 = alloc_stack
        //     use_of_obj(%obj) // can't insert the deallocation in this block
        //     cond_br ..., bb1, bb2
        //   bb1:
        //     ...
        //     br bb2
        //   bb2:
        //     dealloc_stack %1 // this is the new EndBlock
        EndBlock = getImmediatePostDom(EndBlock);
        if (!EndBlock)
          return false;
      // Again, it's important that the EndBlock is the first in the WorkList.
      WorkList.insert(EndBlock, -1);
    // Push the successor blocks to the WorkList.
    for (SILBasicBlock *Succ : BB->getSuccessors()) {
      if (!strictlyDominates(StartBlock, Succ)) {
        // The StartBlock is inside a loop but we couldn't find a deallocation
        // place in this loop, e.g. because there are uses outside the loop.
        // E.g.:
        //     %container = alloc_ref
        //     br loop
        //   loop:
        //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
        //     store %obj to %some_field_in_container
        //     cond_br ..., loop, exit
        //   exit:
        //     use(%container)
        return false;
      WorkList.insert(Succ, StackDepth);
/// \brief Issue an "unreachable code" diagnostic if the blocks contains or
/// leads to another block that contains user code.
/// Note, we rely on SILLocation information to determine if SILInstructions
/// correspond to user code.
static bool diagnoseUnreachableBlock(const SILBasicBlock &B,
                                     SILModule &M,
                                     const SILBasicBlockSet &Reachable,
                                     UnreachableUserCodeReportingState *State,
                                     const SILBasicBlock *TopLevelB,
                         llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<const SILBasicBlock*> &Visited){
  if (Visited.count(&B))
    return false;
  for (auto I = B.begin(), E = B.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    SILLocation Loc = I->getLoc();
    // If we've reached an implicit return, we have not found any user code and
    // can stop searching for it.
    if (Loc.is<ImplicitReturnLocation>() || Loc.isAutoGenerated())
      return false;

    // Check if the instruction corresponds to user-written code, also make
    // sure we don't report an error twice for the same instruction.
    if (isUserCode(&*I) && !State->BlocksWithErrors.count(&B)) {

      // Emit the diagnostic.
      auto BrInfoIter = State->MetaMap.find(TopLevelB);
      assert(BrInfoIter != State->MetaMap.end());
      auto BrInfo = BrInfoIter->second;

      switch (BrInfo.Kind) {
      case (UnreachableKind::FoldedBranch):
        // Emit the diagnostic on the unreachable block and emit the
        // note on the branch responsible for the unreachable code.
        diagnose(M.getASTContext(), Loc.getSourceLoc(), diag::unreachable_code);
        diagnose(M.getASTContext(), BrInfo.Loc.getSourceLoc(),
                 diag::unreachable_code_branch, BrInfo.CondIsAlwaysTrue);

      case (UnreachableKind::FoldedSwitchEnum): {
        // If we are warning about a switch condition being a constant, the main
        // emphasis should be on the condition (to ensure we have a single
        // message per switch).
        const SwitchStmt *SS = BrInfo.Loc.getAsASTNode<SwitchStmt>();
        if (!SS)
        const Expr *SE = SS->getSubjectExpr();
        diagnose(M.getASTContext(), SE->getLoc(), diag::switch_on_a_constant);
        diagnose(M.getASTContext(), Loc.getSourceLoc(),

      case (UnreachableKind::NoreturnCall): {
        // Specialcase when we are warning about unreachable code after a call
        // to a noreturn function.
        if (!BrInfo.Loc.isASTNode<ExplicitCastExpr>()) {
          diagnose(M.getASTContext(), Loc.getSourceLoc(),
          diagnose(M.getASTContext(), BrInfo.Loc.getSourceLoc(),

      // Record that we've reported this unreachable block to avoid duplicates
      // in the future.
      return true;

  // This block could be empty if it's terminator has been folded.
  if (B.empty())
    return false;

  // If we have not found user code in this block, inspect it's successors.
  // Check if at least one of the successors contains user code.
  for (auto I = B.succ_begin(), E = B.succ_end(); I != E; ++I) {
    SILBasicBlock *SB = *I;
    bool HasReachablePred = false;
    for (auto PI = SB->pred_begin(), PE = SB->pred_end(); PI != PE; ++PI) {
      if (Reachable.count(*PI))
        HasReachablePred = true;

    // If all of the predecessors of this successor are unreachable, check if
    // it contains user code.
    if (!HasReachablePred && diagnoseUnreachableBlock(*SB, M, Reachable,
                                                    State, TopLevelB, Visited))
      return true;
  return false;
static bool simplifyBlocksWithCallsToNoReturn(SILBasicBlock &BB,
                                     UnreachableUserCodeReportingState *State) {
  auto I = BB.begin(), E = BB.end();
  bool DiagnosedUnreachableCode = false;
  SILInstruction *NoReturnCall = nullptr;

  // Collection of all instructions that should be deleted.
  llvm::SmallVector<SILInstruction*, 32> ToBeDeleted;

  // If all of the predecessor blocks end in a try_apply to a noreturn
  // function, the entire block is dead.
  NoReturnCall = getPrecedingCallToNoReturn(BB);

  // Does this block contain a call to a noreturn function?
  while (I != E) {
    auto *CurrentInst = &*I;
    // Move the iterator before we remove instructions to avoid iterator
    // invalidation issues.

    // Remove all instructions following the noreturn call.
    if (NoReturnCall) {

      // We will need to delete the instruction later on.

      // Diagnose the unreachable code within the same block as the call to
      // noreturn.
      if (isUserCode(CurrentInst) && !DiagnosedUnreachableCode) {
        if (NoReturnCall->getLoc().is<RegularLocation>()) {
          if (!NoReturnCall->getLoc().isASTNode<ExplicitCastExpr>()) {
            DiagnosedUnreachableCode = true;

      // We are going to bluntly remove these instructions. Change uses in
      // different basic blocks to undef. This is safe because all control flow
      // created by transparent inlining of functions applications after a call
      // to a 'noreturn' function is control dependent on the call to the
      // noreturn function and therefore dead.


    // Check if this instruction is the first call to noreturn in this block.
    if (!NoReturnCall) {
      NoReturnCall = getAsCallToNoReturn(CurrentInst);

  if (!NoReturnCall)
    return false;
  // If the call is to the 'unreachable' builtin, then remove the call,
  // as it is redundant with the actual unreachable terminator.
  if (auto Builtin = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(NoReturnCall)) {
    if (Builtin->getName().str() == "unreachable")
  // Record the diagnostic info.
  if (!DiagnosedUnreachableCode &&
      NoReturnCall->getLoc().is<RegularLocation>() && State){
    for (auto SI = BB.succ_begin(), SE = BB.succ_end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
      SILBasicBlock *UnreachableBlock = *SI;
      if (!State->PossiblyUnreachableBlocks.count(UnreachableBlock)) {
        // If this is the first time we see this unreachable block, store it
        // along with the noreturn call info.
          std::pair<const SILBasicBlock*, UnreachableInfo>(
                            NoReturnCall->getLoc(), true }));

  recursivelyDeleteTriviallyDeadInstructions(ToBeDeleted, true);
  NumInstructionsRemoved += ToBeDeleted.size();

  // Add an unreachable terminator. The terminator has an invalid source
  // location to signal to the DataflowDiagnostic pass that this code does
  // not correspond to user code.
  SILBuilder B(&BB);

  return true;
Exemple #13
bool CSE::processNode(DominanceInfoNode *Node) {
  SILBasicBlock *BB = Node->getBlock();
  bool Changed = false;

  // See if any instructions in the block can be eliminated.  If so, do it.  If
  // not, add them to AvailableValues.
  for (SILBasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E;) {
    SILInstruction *Inst = &*I;

    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "SILCSE VISITING: " << *Inst << "\n");

    // Dead instructions should just be removed.
    if (isInstructionTriviallyDead(Inst)) {
      DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "SILCSE DCE: " << *Inst << '\n');
      eraseFromParentWithDebugInsts(Inst, I);
      Changed = true;

    // If the instruction can be simplified (e.g. X+0 = X) then replace it with
    // its simpler value.
    if (SILValue V = simplifyInstruction(Inst)) {
      DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "SILCSE SIMPLIFY: " << *Inst << "  to: " << *V
            << '\n');
      Changed = true;

    // If this is not a simple instruction that we can value number, skip it.
    if (!canHandle(Inst))

    // If an instruction can be handled here, then it must also be handled
    // in isIdenticalTo, otherwise looking up a key in the map with fail to
    // match itself.
    assert(Inst->isIdenticalTo(Inst) &&
           "Inst must match itself for map to work");

    // Now that we know we have an instruction we understand see if the
    // instruction has an available value.  If so, use it.
    if (ValueBase *V = AvailableValues->lookup(Inst)) {
      DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "SILCSE CSE: " << *Inst << "  to: " << *V << '\n');
      // Instructions producing a new opened archetype need a special handling,
      // because replacing these instructions may require a replacement
      // of the opened archetype type operands in some of the uses.
      if (!isa<OpenExistentialRefInst>(Inst) ||
          processOpenExistentialRef(Inst, V, I)) {
        Changed = true;

    // Otherwise, just remember that this value is available.
    AvailableValues->insert(Inst, Inst);
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "SILCSE Adding to value table: " << *Inst << " -> "
                       << *Inst << "\n");

  return Changed;
/// Remove redundant checks in a basic block. This pass will reset the state
/// after an instruction that may modify any array allowing removal of redundant
/// checks up to that point and after that point.
static bool removeRedundantChecksInBlock(SILBasicBlock &BB, ArraySet &Arrays,
                                         RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCIA) {
  ABCAnalysis ABC(false, Arrays, RCIA);
  IndexedArraySet RedundantChecks;
  bool Changed = false;

  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Removing in BB\n");

  // Process all instructions in the current block.
  for (auto Iter = BB.begin(); Iter != BB.end();) {
    auto Inst = &*Iter;


    if (ABC.clearArraysUnsafeFlag()) {
      // Any array may be modified -> forget everything. This is just a
      // shortcut to the isUnsafe test for a specific array below.

    // Is this a check_bounds.
    ArraySemanticsCall ArrayCall(Inst);
    auto Kind = ArrayCall.getKind();
    if (Kind != ArrayCallKind::kCheckSubscript &&
        Kind != ArrayCallKind::kCheckIndex) {
      DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " not a check_bounds call " << *Inst);
    auto Array = ArrayCall.getSelf();

    // Get the underlying array pointer.
    Array = getArrayStructPointer(Kind, Array);

    // Is this an unsafe array whose size could have been changed?
    if (ABC.isUnsafe(Array)) {
      DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " not a safe array argument " << *Array);

    // Get the array index.
    auto ArrayIndex = ArrayCall.getIndex();
    if (!ArrayIndex)

    auto IndexedArray =
        getArrayIndexPair(Array, ArrayIndex, Kind);
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " IndexedArray: " << *Array << " and "
                       << *ArrayIndex);

    // Saw a check for the first time.
    if (!RedundantChecks.count(IndexedArray)) {
      DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " first time: " << *Inst
                         << "  with array argument: " << *Array);

    // Remove the bounds check.
    Changed = true;
  return Changed;
Exemple #15
SILInstruction *StackPromoter::findDeallocPoint(SILInstruction *StartInst,
                                                SILInstruction *&RestartPoint,
                                                EscapeAnalysis::CGNode *Node,
                                                int NumUsePointsToFind) {
  // In the following we check two requirements for stack promotion:
  // 1) Are all uses in the same control region as the alloc? E.g. if the
  //    allocation is in a loop then there may not be any uses of the object
  //    outside the loop.
  // 2) We need to find an insertion place for the deallocation so that it
  //    preserves a properly nested stack allocation-deallocation structure.
  SILBasicBlock *StartBlock = StartInst->getParent();

  // The block where we assume we can insert the deallocation.
  SILBasicBlock *EndBlock = StartBlock;

  // We visit all instructions starting at the allocation instruction.
  WorkListType WorkList;
  // It's important that the EndBlock is at the head of the WorkList so that
  // we handle it after all other blocks.
  WorkList.insert(EndBlock, -1);
  WorkList.insert(StartBlock, 0);

  for (;;) {
    SILBasicBlock *BB = WorkList.pop_back_val();
    int StackDepth = 0;
    SILBasicBlock::iterator Iter;
    if (BB == StartBlock) {
      // In the first block we start at the allocation instruction and not at
      // the begin of the block.
      Iter = StartInst->getIterator();
    } else {
      // Track all uses in the block arguments.
      for (SILArgument *BBArg : BB->getArguments()) {
        if (ConGraph->isUsePoint(BBArg, Node))
      // Make sure that the EndBlock is not inside a loop (which does not
      // contain the StartBlock).
      // E.g.:
      //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
      //     br loop
      //   loop:
      //     the_only_use_of_obj(%obj)
      //     cond_br ..., loop, exit
      //   exit:
      //     ... // this is the new EndBlock
      EndBlock = updateEndBlock(BB, EndBlock, WorkList);
      if (!EndBlock)
        return nullptr;
      Iter = BB->begin();
      StackDepth = WorkList.getStackDepth(BB);
    // Visit all instructions of the current block.
    while (Iter != BB->end()) {
      SILInstruction &I = *Iter++;
      if (BB == EndBlock && StackDepth == 0 && NumUsePointsToFind == 0) {
        // We found a place to insert the stack deallocation.
        return &I;
      if (I.isAllocatingStack()) {
      } else if (I.isDeallocatingStack()) {
        if (StackDepth == 0) {
          // The allocation is inside a stack alloc-dealloc region and we are
          // now leaving this region without having found a place for the
          // deallocation. E.g.
          // E.g.:
          //     %1 = alloc_stack
          //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
          //     dealloc_stack %1
          //     use_of_obj(%obj)
          // In this case we can move the alloc_ref before the alloc_stack
          // to fix the nesting.
          auto *Alloc = dyn_cast<SILInstruction>(I.getOperand(0));
          if (!Alloc)
            return nullptr;

          // This should always be the case, but let's be on the safe side.
          if (!postDominates(StartBlock, Alloc->getParent()))
            return nullptr;

          // Trigger another iteration with a new start point;
          RestartPoint = Alloc;
          return nullptr;
      // Track a use.
      if (ConGraph->isUsePoint(&I, Node) != 0)
    if (WorkList.empty()) {
      if (EndBlock == BB) {
        // We reached the EndBlock but didn't find a place for the deallocation
        // so far (because we didn't find all uses yet or we entered another
        // stack alloc-dealloc region). Let's extend our lifetime region.
        // E.g.:
        //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
        //     %1 = alloc_stack
        //     use_of_obj(%obj) // can't insert the deallocation in this block
        //     cond_br ..., bb1, bb2
        //   bb1:
        //     ...
        //     br bb2
        //   bb2:
        //     dealloc_stack %1 // this is the new EndBlock
        EndBlock = getImmediatePostDom(EndBlock);
        if (!EndBlock)
          return nullptr;
      // Again, it's important that the EndBlock is the first in the WorkList.
      WorkList.insert(EndBlock, -1);
    // Push the successor blocks to the WorkList.
    for (SILBasicBlock *Succ : BB->getSuccessors()) {
      if (!strictlyDominates(StartBlock, Succ)) {
        // The StartBlock is inside a loop but we couldn't find a deallocation
        // place in this loop, e.g. because there are uses outside the loop.
        // E.g.:
        //     %container = alloc_ref
        //     br loop
        //   loop:
        //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
        //     store %obj to %some_field_in_container
        //     cond_br ..., loop, exit
        //   exit:
        //     use(%container)
        return nullptr;
      WorkList.insert(Succ, StackDepth);
/// Insert monomorphic inline caches for a specific class or metatype
/// type \p SubClassTy.
static FullApplySite speculateMonomorphicTarget(FullApplySite AI,
                                                SILType SubType,
                                                CheckedCastBranchInst *&CCBI) {
  CCBI = nullptr;
  // Bail if this class_method cannot be devirtualized.
  if (!canDevirtualizeClassMethod(AI, SubType))
    return FullApplySite();

  if (SubType.getSwiftRValueType()->hasDynamicSelfType())
    return FullApplySite();

  // Create a diamond shaped control flow and a checked_cast_branch
  // instruction that checks the exact type of the object.
  // This cast selects between two paths: one that calls the slow dynamic
  // dispatch and one that calls the specific method.
  auto It = AI.getInstruction()->getIterator();
  SILFunction *F = AI.getFunction();
  SILBasicBlock *Entry = AI.getParent();

  // Iden is the basic block containing the direct call.
  SILBasicBlock *Iden = F->createBasicBlock();
  // Virt is the block containing the slow virtual call.
  SILBasicBlock *Virt = F->createBasicBlock();
  Iden->createPHIArgument(SubType, ValueOwnershipKind::Owned);

  SILBasicBlock *Continue = Entry->split(It);

  SILBuilderWithScope Builder(Entry, AI.getInstruction());
  // Create the checked_cast_branch instruction that checks at runtime if the
  // class instance is identical to the SILType.

  ClassMethodInst *CMI = cast<ClassMethodInst>(AI.getCallee());

  CCBI = Builder.createCheckedCastBranch(AI.getLoc(), /*exact*/ true,
                                       CMI->getOperand(), SubType, Iden,
  It = CCBI->getIterator();

  SILBuilderWithScope VirtBuilder(Virt, AI.getInstruction());
  SILBuilderWithScope IdenBuilder(Iden, AI.getInstruction());
  // This is the class reference downcasted into subclass SubType.
  SILValue DownCastedClassInstance = Iden->getArgument(0);

  // Copy the two apply instructions into the two blocks.
  FullApplySite IdenAI = CloneApply(AI, IdenBuilder);
  FullApplySite VirtAI = CloneApply(AI, VirtBuilder);

  // See if Continue has a release on self as the instruction right after the
  // apply. If it exists, move it into position in the diamond.
  SILBasicBlock::iterator next =
      next_or_end(Continue->begin(), Continue->end());
  auto *Release =
      (next == Continue->end()) ? nullptr : dyn_cast<StrongReleaseInst>(next);
  if (Release && Release->getOperand() == CMI->getOperand()) {
    VirtBuilder.createStrongRelease(Release->getLoc(), CMI->getOperand(),
    IdenBuilder.createStrongRelease(Release->getLoc(), DownCastedClassInstance,

  // Create a PHInode for returning the return value from both apply
  // instructions.
  SILArgument *Arg =
      Continue->createPHIArgument(AI.getType(), ValueOwnershipKind::Owned);
  if (!isa<TryApplyInst>(AI)) {
    if (AI.getSubstCalleeType()->isNoReturnFunction()) {
    } else {
      IdenBuilder.createBranch(AI.getLoc(), Continue,
                               { cast<ApplyInst>(IdenAI) });
      VirtBuilder.createBranch(AI.getLoc(), Continue,
                               { cast<ApplyInst>(VirtAI) });

  // Remove the old Apply instruction.
  assert(AI.getInstruction() == &Continue->front() &&
         "AI should be the first instruction in the split Continue block");
  if (isa<TryApplyInst>(AI)) {
    assert(Continue->empty() &&
           "There should not be an instruction after try_apply");
  } else {
    auto apply = cast<ApplyInst>(AI);
    assert(!Continue->empty() &&
           "There should be at least a terminator after AI");

  // Update the stats.

  // Devirtualize the apply instruction on the identical path.
  auto NewInstPair = devirtualizeClassMethod(IdenAI, DownCastedClassInstance);
  assert(NewInstPair.first && "Expected to be able to devirtualize apply!");
  replaceDeadApply(IdenAI, NewInstPair.first);

  // Split critical edges resulting from VirtAI.
  if (auto *TAI = dyn_cast<TryApplyInst>(VirtAI)) {
    auto *ErrorBB = TAI->getFunction()->createBasicBlock();
    Builder.createBranch(TAI->getLoc(), TAI->getErrorBB(),

    auto *NormalBB = TAI->getFunction()->createBasicBlock();
    Builder.createBranch(TAI->getLoc(), TAI->getNormalBB(),

    SmallVector<SILValue, 4> Args;
    for (auto Arg : VirtAI.getArguments()) {
    FullApplySite NewVirtAI = Builder.createTryApply(VirtAI.getLoc(), VirtAI.getCallee(),
        Args, NormalBB, ErrorBB);
    VirtAI = NewVirtAI;

  return VirtAI;