Exemple #1
 * Map each gradient to its usage count for both fill and stroke styles
void gr_get_usage_counts(SPDocument *doc, std::map<SPGradient *, gint> *mapUsageCount )
    if (!doc)

    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
    bool onlyvisible = prefs->getBool("/options/kbselection/onlyvisible", true);
    bool onlysensitive = prefs->getBool("/options/kbselection/onlysensitive", true);
    bool ingroups = TRUE;

    GSList *all_list = get_all_doc_items(NULL, doc->getRoot(), onlyvisible, onlysensitive, ingroups, NULL);

    for (GSList *i = all_list; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
        SPItem *item = SP_ITEM(i->data);
        if (!item->getId())
        SPGradient *gr = NULL;
        gr = gr_item_get_gradient(item, true); // fill
        if (gr) {
            mapUsageCount->count(gr) > 0 ? (*mapUsageCount)[gr] += 1 : (*mapUsageCount)[gr] = 1;
        gr = gr_item_get_gradient(item, false); // stroke
        if (gr) {
            mapUsageCount->count(gr) > 0 ? (*mapUsageCount)[gr] += 1 : (*mapUsageCount)[gr] = 1;
Exemple #2
bool Equipment::unequip(SPItem item, unsigned int skillBase, unsigned int magicBase, bool removeOnly) {
	if (item->getUsageType() == ItemUsageType::equip && item->getEquippedStatus() == ItemEquippedStatus::equipped) {
		// check required skill / magic, check unequip as on client
		EquipmentType et = getEquipmentType(item);
std::cout << "et: " << et << ((items[et].get()!=0) ? " not null" : "null") << std::endl;
		if (et != et_invalid && items[et].get()!=0 && items[et]->getId() == item->getId()) {
			if (!removeOnly) {
			items[et] = SPItem();	// null item
			// check if other items need to be unequipped as a consequence of this item being removed (skill / magic might have dropped)
			checkUnequipUnsupportedItems(skillBase, magicBase, removeOnly);
			return true;
	return false;

static void
sp_item_widget_label_changed( GtkWidget */*widget*/, SPWidget *spw )
    if (gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (spw), "blocked"))

    SPItem *item = sp_desktop_selection(SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP)->singleItem();
    g_return_if_fail (item != NULL);

    gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (spw), "blocked", GUINT_TO_POINTER (TRUE));

    /* Retrieve the label widget for the object's id */
    GtkWidget *id_entry = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (spw), "id"));
    gchar *id = (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (id_entry));
    g_strcanon (id, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_.:", '_');
    GtkWidget *id_label = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (spw), "id_label"));
    if (!strcmp (id, item->getId())) {
        gtk_label_set_markup_with_mnemonic (GTK_LABEL (id_label), _("_Id"));
    } else if (!*id || !isalnum (*id)) {
        gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (id_label), _("Id invalid! "));
    } else if (SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT->getObjectById(id) != NULL) {
        gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (id_label), _("Id exists! "));
    } else {
        SPException ex;
        gtk_label_set_markup_with_mnemonic (GTK_LABEL (id_label), _("_Id"));
        SP_EXCEPTION_INIT (&ex);
        sp_object_setAttribute (SP_OBJECT (item), "id", id, &ex);
        sp_document_done (SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT, SP_VERB_DIALOG_ITEM,
                                _("Set object ID"));

    /* Retrieve the label widget for the object's label */
    GtkWidget *label_entry = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (spw), "label"));
    gchar *label = (gchar *)gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (label_entry));
    g_assert(label != NULL);

    /* Give feedback on success of setting the drawing object's label
     * using the widget's label text
    SPObject *obj = (SPObject*)item;
    if (strcmp (label, obj->defaultLabel())) {
        sp_document_done (SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT, SP_VERB_DIALOG_ITEM,
                                _("Set object label"));

    /* Retrieve the title */
    GtkWidget *w = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(spw), "title"));
    gchar *title = (gchar *)gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY (w));
    if (obj->setTitle(title))
        sp_document_done(SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT, SP_VERB_DIALOG_ITEM,
                         _("Set object title"));

    /* Retrieve the description */
    GtkTextView *tv = GTK_TEXT_VIEW(gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(spw), "desc"));
    GtkTextBuffer *buf = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(tv);
    GtkTextIter start, end;
    gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds(buf, &start, &end);
    gchar *desc = gtk_text_buffer_get_text(buf, &start, &end, TRUE);
    if (obj->setDesc(desc))
        sp_document_done(SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT, SP_VERB_DIALOG_ITEM,
                         _("Set object description"));

    gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (spw), "blocked", GUINT_TO_POINTER (FALSE));

} // end of sp_item_widget_label_changed()
Exemple #4
* Takes a list of inkscape items, extracts the graph defined by
* connectors between them, and uses graph layout techniques to find
* a nice layout
void graphlayout(std::vector<SPItem*> const &items) {
    if(items.empty()) {

    list<SPItem *> selected;
    if (selected.empty()) return;

    const unsigned n=selected.size();
    //Check 2 or more selected objects
    if (n < 2) return;

    // add the connector spacing to the size of node bounding boxes
    // so that connectors can always be routed between shapes
    SPDesktop* desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP;
    double spacing = 0;
    if(desktop) spacing = desktop->namedview->connector_spacing+0.1;

    map<string,unsigned> nodelookup;
    vector<Rectangle*> rs;
    vector<Edge> es;
    for (list<SPItem *>::iterator i(selected.begin());
         i != selected.end();
        SPItem *u=*i;
        Geom::OptRect const item_box = u->desktopVisualBounds();
        if(item_box) {
            Geom::Point ll(item_box->min());
            Geom::Point ur(item_box->max());
            rs.push_back(new Rectangle(ll[0]-spacing,ur[0]+spacing,
        } else {
            // I'm not actually sure if it's possible for something with a
            // NULL item-box to be attached to a connector in which case we
            // should never get to here... but if such a null box can occur it's
            // probably pretty safe to simply ignore
            //fprintf(stderr,"NULL item_box found in graphlayout, ignoring!\n");

    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
    SimpleConstraints scx,scy;
    double ideal_connector_length = prefs->getDouble("/tools/connector/length", 100.0);
    double directed_edge_height_modifier = 1.0;

    bool directed =       prefs->getBool("/tools/connector/directedlayout");
    bool avoid_overlaps = prefs->getBool("/tools/connector/avoidoverlaplayout");

    for (list<SPItem *>::iterator i(selected.begin());
         i != selected.end();
        SPItem *iu=*i;
        map<string,unsigned>::iterator i_iter=nodelookup.find(iu->getId());
        map<string,unsigned>::iterator i_iter_end=nodelookup.end();
        if(i_iter==i_iter_end) {
        unsigned u=i_iter->second;
        std::vector<SPItem *> nlist=iu->avoidRef->getAttachedConnectors(Avoid::runningFrom);
        list<SPItem *> connectors;

        connectors.insert(connectors.end(), nlist.begin(), nlist.end());

        for (list<SPItem *>::iterator j(connectors.begin());
                j != connectors.end();
                ++j) {
            SPItem *conn=*j;
            SPItem *iv;
            SPItem *items[2];
            if(items[0]==iu) {
            } else {

            if (iv == NULL) {
                // The connector is not attached to anything at the
                // other end so we should just ignore it.

            // If iv not in nodelookup we again treat the connector
            // as disconnected and continue
            map<string,unsigned>::iterator v_pair=nodelookup.find(iv->getId());
            if(v_pair!=nodelookup.end()) {
                unsigned v=v_pair->second;
                //cout << "Edge: (" << u <<","<<v<<")"<<endl;
                if(conn->style->marker_end.set) {
                    if(directed && strcmp(conn->style->marker_end.value,"none")) {
                        scy.push_back(new SimpleConstraint(v, u,
                                    (ideal_connector_length * directed_edge_height_modifier)));
    const unsigned E = es.size();
    double eweights[E];
    vector<Component*> cs;
    for(unsigned i=0;i<cs.size();i++) {
        Component* c=cs[i];
        if(c->edges.size()<2) continue;
        CheckProgress test(0.0001,100,selected,rs,nodelookup);
        ConstrainedMajorizationLayout alg(c->rects,c->edges,eweights,ideal_connector_length,test);

    for (list<SPItem *>::iterator it(selected.begin());
         it != selected.end();
        SPItem *u=*it;
        if(!isConnector(u)) {
            map<string,unsigned>::iterator i=nodelookup.find(u->getId());
            if(i!=nodelookup.end()) {
                Rectangle* r=rs[i->second];
                Geom::OptRect item_box = u->desktopVisualBounds();
                if (item_box) {
                    Geom::Point const curr(item_box->midpoint());
                    Geom::Point const dest(r->getCentreX(),r->getCentreY());
                    sp_item_move_rel(u, Geom::Translate(dest - curr));
    for(unsigned i=0;i<scx.size();i++) {
        delete scx[i];
    for(unsigned i=0;i<scy.size();i++) {
        delete scy[i];
    for(unsigned i=0;i<rs.size();i++) {
        delete rs[i];