Exemple #1
bool SRect::intersect(const SRect& rc) const
    if(rc.l()>m_r) return false;
    if(rc.r()<m_l) return false;
    if(rc.t()>m_b) return false;
    if(rc.b()<m_t) return false;
    return true;
bool GraphicsElementManager::InitPrimitiveElement( shared_ptr<PrimitiveElement> pElement,
													const SRect& non_scaled_rect,
												    const SFloatRGBAColor& color,
													int layer_index )
	bool res = InitElement( pElement, layer_index );
	if( !res )
		return false;

	pElement->SetColor( 0, color );

	AABB2 non_scaled_aabb;
	non_scaled_aabb.vMin.x = (float)non_scaled_rect.left;
	non_scaled_aabb.vMin.y = (float)non_scaled_rect.top;
	non_scaled_aabb.vMax.x = (float)non_scaled_rect.right;
	non_scaled_aabb.vMax.y = (float)non_scaled_rect.bottom;

	// set as local coord
	// the element is owned by a group: local coord
	// the element is not owned by any group: global coord
	pElement->SetLocalTopLeftPos( non_scaled_rect.GetTopLeftCorner() );

	pElement->SetSizeLTRB( non_scaled_aabb.vMin, non_scaled_aabb.vMax );

	return true;
shared_ptr<TextElement> GraphicsElementManager::CreateText( int font_id, const std::string& text,
												  const SRect& textbox, int align_h, int align_v,
												  const SFloatRGBAColor& color, int font_w, int font_h, int layer )
/*	int index = GetVacantSlotIndex();

	if( !RegisterToLayer( index, layer ) )
		return shared_ptr<TextElement>();
	AABB2 aabb;
	aabb.vMin = Vector2( (float)textbox.left,  (float)textbox.top );
	aabb.vMax = Vector2( (float)textbox.right, (float)textbox.bottom );
	shared_ptr<TextElement> pTextElement( new TextElement( font_id, text, aabb, align_h, align_v, color ) );
	pTextElement->SetFontSize( font_w, font_h );

	bool res = InitElement( pTextElement, layer );
	if( !res )
		return shared_ptr<TextElement>();

	// manager must be set to the element before calling SetLocalTopLeftPos()
	// because it calls UpdateTextAlignment(), which calls GraphicsElementManager::GetFont()
	pTextElement->SetLocalTopLeftPos( textbox.GetTopLeftCorner() );


	// need to scale text element?

	return pTextElement;
unsigned SXBSchTag::testSelectionForDrag(const SRect& rc)
    if( rc.intersect(area()) ) {
        return SELECT_ALL;
    } else {
        return 0;
unsigned SXBSchLabel::testSelection(const SRect& rc)
	if( rc.intersect(area()) ){
		return SELECT_ALL;
		return 0;
unsigned SXBSchComponent::testSelectionForDrag(const SRect& rc)
	if( rc.intersect(bodyArea()) ){
		return SELECT_ALL;
		return 0;
Exemple #7
inline void CImageClipper::run()
	if( !m_pBitmapImage )

	// TODO: Add CBitmapImage::GetBPP()
	int bits_per_pixel = FreeImage_GetBPP( m_pBitmapImage->GetFBITMAP() );

	const int dest_w = m_DestRegion.GetWidth();
	const int dest_h = m_DestRegion.GetHeight();
	CBitmapImage img( dest_w, dest_h, bits_per_pixel );

	int src_height = m_pBitmapImage->GetHeight();

	int x, y;
	int sx = m_DestRegion.left;
	int sy = m_DestRegion.top;
	U8 r, g, b, a;
	a = 0xFF;
	RGBQUAD quad;
	for( x=0; x<dest_w; x++)
		for( y=0; y<dest_h; y++)
			// Error - fix this
//			m_pBitmapImage->GetPixel( sx + x, sy + y, r, g, b, a );

			FreeImage_GetPixelColor( m_pBitmapImage->GetFBITMAP(),
				sx + x,
				src_height - ( sy + y ) - 1,
				&quad );
			r = quad.rgbRed;
			g = quad.rgbGreen;
			b = quad.rgbBlue;

			// Error - fix this
//			img.SetPixel( x, y, r, g, b, a );

			FreeImage_SetPixelColor( img.GetFBITMAP(), x, dest_h - y - 1, &quad );

	img.SaveToFile( m_DestFilepath );
void CWindowOSXQT::PaintToBuffer(tuchar* puchBuffer, tuint32 uiInterleave, const SRect& rUpdate)
	int iBytesNeeded = (mSize.iCX + 1) * (mSize.iCY + 1) * 4;
	if (iBytesNeeded > miDrawBufferSize) {
		if (mpcDrawBuffer) {
			delete[] mpcDrawBuffer;

		miDrawBufferSize = iBytesNeeded;
		mpcDrawBuffer = new tuchar[miDrawBufferSize];

	if (mpInvalidater->IsRectInvalidated() == true) {
		// We need to update the buffer
		SRect RectUpdate;

		// Limit update rect to our actual size
		SRect RectThis(SPos(0, 0), mSize);
		// Limit update rect to, well, the update rect...

		if (mpControlOnTop) {

	// Copy to buffer delivered
	tuint uiY;
	for (uiY = rUpdate.iY; uiY < mSize.iCY && uiY < (rUpdate.iY + rUpdate.iCY); uiY++) {
		tuchar* puchDest = puchBuffer + (uiInterleave * uiY);
		tuchar* puchSource = mpcDrawBuffer + (4 * mSize.iCX * uiY);
		tuint uiX;
		for (uiX = rUpdate.iX; uiX < mSize.iCX && uiX < (rUpdate.iX + rUpdate.iCX); uiX++) {
			((tuint32*)puchDest)[uiX] = ((tuint32*)puchSource)[uiX];
Exemple #9
void ScissorClipStack::push( Vec2i const& pos , Vec2i const& size , bool bOverlapPrev )
	SRect rect;
	rect.min = pos;
	rect.max = pos + size;

	if ( mStack.empty() )
		mPrevEnable = glIsEnabled( GL_SCISSOR_TEST );
		if ( !mPrevEnable )
			glEnable( GL_SCISSOR_TEST );
	else if ( bOverlapPrev )
		if ( !rect.overlap( mStack.back() ) )
			rect.max = rect.min;
	Vec2i sizeRect = rect.getSize();
	glScissor( rect.min.x , rect.min.y , sizeRect.x , sizeRect.y );
	mStack.push_back( rect );
bool SPtnObjCircle::testIntersect(const SRect& rc)
    if(!rc.intersect(m_p0)) return false;
    if(!rc.intersect(m_p1)) return false;
    return true;
bool SXBSchTag::qRedraw(const SRect& rc)
    return rc.intersect(area());
void CWindowOSXQT::OnPaint()
	int iBytesNeeded = (mSize.iCX + 1) * (mSize.iCY + 1) * 4;
	if (iBytesNeeded > miDrawBufferSize) {
		if (mpcDrawBuffer) {
			delete[] mpcDrawBuffer;

		miDrawBufferSize = iBytesNeeded;
		mpcDrawBuffer = new tuchar[miDrawBufferSize];

	if (mpInvalidater->IsRectInvalidated() == false) {
		// No updating neccasary
	SRect RectUpdate;

	// Limit update rect to our actual size
	SRect RectThis(SPos(0, 0), mSize);

	if (mpControlOnTop) {

	PixMap 			srcbm;
	GrafPtr 		saved;
	Rect 			portBounds;
	GrafPtr 		grafPtrThis;
	BitMapPtr 		dstbitmap;
	PixMapHandle	dstpixmap;

	// setup begin
	srcbm.baseAddr = nil;
	srcbm.rowBytes = 0x8000;

	srcbm.bounds.left = 0;
	srcbm.bounds.top = 0;
	srcbm.bounds.right = mSize.iCX - 1;
	srcbm.bounds.bottom = mSize.iCY - 1;
	// ???
	int bytesPerRow = mSize.iCX * 4;

	srcbm.pmVersion = 4;
	srcbm.packType = 0;
	srcbm.packSize = 0;
	srcbm.hRes = 0x00480000;
	srcbm.vRes = 0x00480000;
	srcbm.pixelType = 0;
	srcbm.pixelSize = 0;
	srcbm.cmpCount = 0;
	srcbm.cmpSize = 0;
	srcbm.pmTable = nil;
	srcbm.pixelType = RGBDirect;
	srcbm.pixelSize = 32;
	srcbm.cmpCount = 3;
	srcbm.cmpSize = 5;
	srcbm.rowBytes = 0x8000 | (unsigned short) bytesPerRow;
	srcbm.baseAddr = (Ptr)mpcDrawBuffer;
	unsigned long ulOffsetX, ulOffsetY;
	ulOffsetX = 0;
	ulOffsetY = 0;
	Rect SrcRect;	
	SrcRect.left    = RectUpdate.iX;
	SrcRect.right   = RectUpdate.iX + RectUpdate.iCX - 1;
	SrcRect.top     = RectUpdate.iY;
	SrcRect.bottom  = RectUpdate.iY + RectUpdate.iCY - 1;

	Rect DstRect;
	DstRect = SrcRect;
	grafPtrThis = (GrafPtr)::GetWindowPort(GetWindowRef());

	if (saved != grafPtrThis) {

	GetPortBounds(grafPtrThis, &portBounds);

	int port_offsetX = portBounds.left;
	int port_offsetY = portBounds.top;

	SetOrigin( port_offsetX, port_offsetY );
/*	Rect rctClip;
	rctClip.left = 0;
	rctClip.right = rctClip.left + mSize.iCX;
	rctClip.top = 0;
	rctClip.bottom = rctClip.top + mSize.iCY;
	dstpixmap = ::GetPortPixMap(grafPtrThis);
	dstbitmap = (BitMapPtr)(*dstpixmap);
//	SetOrigin(0, 0);

	if (saved != grafPtrThis) {
unsigned SXBSchLine::testSelection(const SRect& rc)
	unsigned nOutcode1 = SetOutCode(m_p1,rc);
	unsigned nOutcode2 = SetOutCode(m_p2,rc);
	if(nOutcode1 & nOutcode2) return 0;
	if((nOutcode1 == 0 )||(nOutcode2 == 0 )) return SELECT_ALL;
	unsigned nOutcode = nOutcode1 | nOutcode2;
	if(nOutcode == (OUTCODE_LEFT  | OUTCODE_RIGHT)) return SELECT_ALL;

	int x,y;
	int x1 = m_p1.x();
	int y1 = m_p1.y();
	int x2 = m_p2.x();
	int y2 = m_p2.y();

	if(nOutcode & OUTCODE_LEFT){	//片方が左に出ている
		if(y >= rc.t() && y <= rc.b()) return SELECT_ALL;
	if(nOutcode & OUTCODE_RIGHT){	//片方が右に出ている
		if(y >= rc.t() && y <= rc.b()) return SELECT_ALL;
	if(nOutcode & OUTCODE_UPPER){	//片方が上に出ている
		if(x >= rc.l() && x <= rc.r()) return SELECT_ALL;
	if(nOutcode & OUTCODE_LOWER){	//片方が下に出ている
		if(x >= rc.l() && x <= rc.r()) return SELECT_ALL;
	return 0;
Exemple #14
void Character::Update(float deltaTime, const Map& map)
	const float kSpeed = 500.0f;

	//Check horizontal movement
	if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::RIGHT))
		mVelocity.x = kSpeed * deltaTime;
	else if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::LEFT))
		mVelocity.x = -kSpeed * deltaTime;
		mVelocity.x = 0.0f;

	// Check collision
	SRect bb = GetBoundingBox();
	SRect newbb = bb + SVector2(mVelocity.x, 0.0f);
	SRect rightbb = map.GetBoundingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetRightSegment());
	SRect leftbb = map.GetBoundingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetLeftSegment());

	// Right collision
	if (mVelocity.x > 0.0f && rightbb.IsValid())
		mPosition.x += (int)(rightbb.min.x - bb.max.x) - 1.0f;
	// Left collision
	else if (mVelocity.x < 0.0f && leftbb.IsValid())
		mPosition.x += (int)(leftbb.max.x - bb.min.x) + 1.0f;
		mPosition.x += (int)mVelocity.x;

	//Check vertical movement
	//if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::DOWN))
	//	mVelocity.y = kSpeed * deltaTime;
	//else if (Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::UP))
	//	mVelocity.y = -kSpeed * deltaTime;
	//	mVelocity.y = 0.0f;

	if(!mJumping && Input_IsKeyPressed(Keys::UP))
		mVelocity.y = -30.0f;
		mJumping = true;
		mVelocity.y += 100.0f * deltaTime;

	mVelocity.y = Min(mVelocity.y, 30.0f);

	// Check collision
	newbb =  bb + SVector2(0.0f, mVelocity.y);
	SRect bottombb = map.GetBoundingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetBottomSegment());
	SRect topbb = map.GetBoundingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetTopSegment());

	// Bottom collision
	if(mVelocity.y > 0.0f && bottombb.IsValid())
		mPosition.y += (int)(bottombb.min.y - bb.max.y) - 1.0f;
		mVelocity.y = 0.0f;
		mJumping = false;
	// Top collision
	else if(mVelocity.y < 0.0f && topbb.IsValid())
		mPosition.y += (int)(topbb.max.y - bb.min.y) + 1.0f;
		mVelocity.y = 0.0f;
		mPosition.y += (int)mVelocity.y;

bool SXBSchLine::qRedraw(const SRect& rc)
	SRect rcDraw(rc.l()-1,rc.t()-1,rc.r()+1,rc.b()+1);
	if(testSelection(rcDraw)) 	return true;
	else 						return false;
tbool CScrollBar::OnMouse(EMouseMsg MouseMsg, const SPos& Pos)
	if (!IsVisible()) {
		return false;

	if (CPane::OnMouse(MouseMsg, Pos)) {
		return true;

	if (mbScrolling) {
		// We're currently scrolling
		switch(MouseMsg) {
			case MouseMove:
					switch(mType) {
						case TypeHorizontal:
								// Calculate the mouse delta
								tint iMouseDelta = Pos.iX - mMousePosOrg.iX;

								// Calculate where we want the handle to be
								tint iHandlePosX = mScrollBarRectOrg.iX + iMouseDelta;

								// Calculate movememt from mouse delta
								std::list<IControl*>::iterator it = mControls.begin();
								if (mControls.size() > 2) {
								IControl* pControl = *it++;
								SRect RctArrowLeft;

								// Left-most possible handle position
								SPos PosLeftMost(RctArrowLeft.iX + RctArrowLeft.iCX, RctArrowLeft.iY);

								pControl = *it;
								SPos PosRightArrow;
								tint iMaxWidth = PosRightArrow.iX - PosLeftMost.iX;

								// Calculate the relative width we occupy
								tfloat64 fWidthRelative = mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCX / (double)mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCX;

								// Calculate the ralative position to be
								tfloat64 fPositionRelative = (iHandlePosX - PosLeftMost.iX) / (iMaxWidth - (fWidthRelative * iMaxWidth));

								// Update scrolling position
								mScrollPos = mScrollPosOrg;
								mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iX = (int)((fPositionRelative * (mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCX - mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCX)) + 0.5f);

								// Limit scrolling position
								if (mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iX < 0) {
									mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iX = 0;
								if (mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iX > mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCX - mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCX) {
									mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iX = mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCX - mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCX;

								// Redraw and set scroll pos (which will cause scroll pane to redraw)

						case TypeVertical:
								// Calculate the mouse delta
								tint iMouseDelta = Pos.iY - mMousePosOrg.iY;

								// Calculate where we want the handle to be
								tint iHandlePosY = mScrollBarRectOrg.iY + iMouseDelta;

								// Calculate movememt from mouse delta
								std::list<IControl*>::iterator it = mControls.begin();
								if (mControls.size() > 2) {
								IControl* pControl = *it++;
								SRect RctArrowTop;

								// Top-most possible handle position
								SPos PosTopMost(RctArrowTop.iX, RctArrowTop.iY + RctArrowTop.iCY);

								pControl = *it;
								SPos PosBottomArrow;
								tint iMaxHeight = PosBottomArrow.iY - PosTopMost.iY;

								// Calculate the relative height we occupy
								tfloat64 fHeightRelative = mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCY / (double)mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCY;

								// Calculate the ralative position to be
								tfloat64 fPositionRelative = (iHandlePosY - PosTopMost.iY) / (iMaxHeight - (fHeightRelative * iMaxHeight));

								// Update scrolling position
								mScrollPos = mScrollPosOrg;
								mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iY = (int)((fPositionRelative * (mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCY - mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCY)) + 0.5f);

								// Limit scrolling position
								if (mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iY < 0) {
									mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iY = 0;
								if (mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iY > mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCY - mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCY) {
									mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iY = mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCY - mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCY;

								// Redraw and set scroll pos (which will cause scroll pane to redraw)

			case LeftButtonUp:

					mbScrolling = false;

					return true;

	SRect rctHandle = GetHandleRect();
	if (rctHandle.Inside(Pos)) {
		// We hit the handle with the mouse
		if (MouseMsg == LeftButtonDown) {
			mMousePosOrg = Pos;
			mScrollPosOrg = mScrollPos;
			mScrollBarRectOrg = rctHandle;


			mbScrolling = true;

			return true;
	else {
		if (MouseMsg == LeftButtonDown) {
			SRect RctThis;
			if (RctThis.Inside(Pos)) {
				// We hit inside the control (but not the handle)
				switch(mType) {
					case TypeHorizontal:
							// Calculate the mouse delta
							tint iMouseDelta;
							if (Pos.iX < rctHandle.iX) {
								iMouseDelta = -rctHandle.iCX;
							else {
								iMouseDelta = rctHandle.iCX;

							// Calculate where we want the handle to be
							tint iHandlePosX = rctHandle.iX + iMouseDelta;

							// Calculate movememt from mouse delta
							std::list<IControl*>::iterator it = mControls.begin();
							if (mControls.size() > 2) {
							IControl* pControl = *it++;
							SRect RctArrowLeft;

							// Left-most possible handle position
							SPos PosLeftMost(RctArrowLeft.iX + RctArrowLeft.iCX, RctArrowLeft.iY);

							pControl = *it;
							SPos PosRightArrow;
							tint iMaxWidth = PosRightArrow.iX - PosLeftMost.iX;

							// Calculate the relative width we occupy
							tfloat64 fWidthRelative = mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCX / (double)mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCX;

							// Calculate the ralative position to be
							tfloat64 fPositionRelative = (iHandlePosX - PosLeftMost.iX) / (iMaxWidth - (fWidthRelative * iMaxWidth));

							// Update scrolling position
							mScrollPos = mScrollPos;
							mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iX = (int)((fPositionRelative * (mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCX - mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCX)) + 0.5f);

							// Limit scrolling position
							if (mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iX < 0) {
								mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iX = 0;
							if (mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iX > mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCX - mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCX) {
								mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iX = mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCX - mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCX;

							// Redraw and set scroll pos (which will cause scroll pane to redraw)
							// Lasse, added 2008-04-17 - bug-fix, didn't fire listeners' EventValueChange
							// .. Lasse

					case TypeVertical:
							// Calculate the mouse delta
							tint iMouseDelta;
							if (Pos.iY < rctHandle.iY) {
								iMouseDelta = -rctHandle.iCY;
							else {
								iMouseDelta = rctHandle.iCY;

							// Calculate where we want the handle to be
							tint iHandlePosY = rctHandle.iY + iMouseDelta;

							// Calculate movememt from mouse delta
							std::list<IControl*>::iterator it = mControls.begin();
							if (mControls.size() > 2) {
							IControl* pControl = *it++;
							SRect RctArrowTop;

							// Top-most possible handle position
							SPos PosTopMost(RctArrowTop.iX, RctArrowTop.iY + RctArrowTop.iCY);

							pControl = *it;
							SPos PosBottomArrow;
							tint iMaxHeight = PosBottomArrow.iY - PosTopMost.iY;

							// Calculate the relative height we occupy
							tfloat64 fHeightRelative = mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCY / (double)mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCY;

							// Calculate the ralative position to be
							tfloat64 fPositionRelative = (iHandlePosY - PosTopMost.iY) / (iMaxHeight - (fHeightRelative * iMaxHeight));

							// Update scrolling position
							mScrollPos = mScrollPos;
							mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iY = (int)((fPositionRelative * (mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCY - mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCY)) + 0.5f);

							// Limit scrolling position
							if (mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iY < 0) {
								mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iY = 0;
							if (mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iY > mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCY - mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCY) {
								mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iY = mScrollPos.AreaSize.iCY - mScrollPos.VisibleRect.iCY;

							// Redraw and set scroll pos (which will cause scroll pane to redraw)
							// Lasse, added 2008-04-17 - bug-fix, didn't fire listeners' EventValueChange
							// .. Lasse

	return false;
Exemple #17
SRect CGM_Slider::GetLocalButtonRectInOwnerDialogCoord()
	SRect rect = GetButtonRect();
	rect.Offset( -GetOwnerDialog()->GetBoundingBox().GetTopLeftCorner() );
	return rect;
Exemple #18
void Character::Update(float deltaTime, const Map& map, const SVector2& renderOffset)
	const float kSpeed = 256.0f;

	// Check horizontal movement
		mVelocity.x = kSpeed * deltaTime;
	else if(Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::LEFT))
		mVelocity.x = -kSpeed * deltaTime;
		mVelocity.x = 0.0f;

	// Check collision
	SRect bb = GetBoundingBox(renderOffset);
	SRect newbb = bb + SVector2(mVelocity.x, 0.0f);

	SLineSegment tempRightLS(newbb.GetRightSegment().from.x - renderOffset.x,
							newbb.GetRightSegment().from.y - renderOffset.y,
							newbb.GetRightSegment().to.x - renderOffset.x,
							newbb.GetRightSegment().to.y - renderOffset.y);
	SLineSegment tempLeftLS(newbb.GetLeftSegment().from.x - renderOffset.x,
							newbb.GetLeftSegment().from.y - renderOffset.y,
							newbb.GetLeftSegment().to.x - renderOffset.x,
							newbb.GetLeftSegment().to.y - renderOffset.y);

	SRect rightbb = map.GetBoudingBoxFromSegment(tempRightLS);
	SRect leftbb = map.GetBoudingBoxFromSegment(tempLeftLS);

	Graphics_DebugRect(bb, 0xF04BC3);
	Graphics_DebugRect(newbb, 0x004BC3);
	Graphics_DebugRect(rightbb, 0xF04B00);
	Graphics_DebugRect(leftbb, 0xF000C3);
	// Right Collision
	if(mVelocity.x > 0.0f && rightbb.IsValid())
		mPosition.x += static_cast<int>(rightbb.min.x - bb.max.x) - 1.0f;
	// Left Collision
	else if(mVelocity.x < 0.0f && leftbb.IsValid())
		mPosition.x += static_cast<int>(leftbb.max.x - bb.min.x) + 1.0f;
		mPosition.x += static_cast<int>(mVelocity.x);

	// Check vertical movement
		mVelocity.y = kSpeed * deltaTime;
	else if(Input_IsKeyDown(Keys::UP))
		mVelocity.y = -kSpeed * deltaTime;
		mVelocity.y = 0.0f;

	// Check collision
	newbb = bb + SVector2(0.0f, mVelocity.y);
	SRect topbb = map.GetBoudingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetTopSegment());
	SRect bottombb = map.GetBoudingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetBottomSegment());
	// Top Collision
	if(mVelocity.y < 0.0f && topbb.IsValid())
		mPosition.y += static_cast<int>(topbb.max.y - bb.min.y) + 1.0f;
	// Bottom Collision
	else if(mVelocity.y > 0.0f && bottombb.IsValid())
		mPosition.y += static_cast<int>(bottombb.min.y - bb.max.y) - 1.0f;
		mPosition.y += static_cast<int>(mVelocity.y);

	mPosition += mVelocity;
void CGM_StdSliderRenderer::Init( CGM_Slider& slider )
//	CGM_StdStaticRenderer::Init( CGM_Static *pStatic );

	// slider frame
	const SFloatRGBAColor& normal_color = m_aColor[CGM_Control::STATE_NORMAL];
	const SFloatRGBAColor& bg_color     = SFloatRGBAColor(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.6f);
	m_pRect                  = m_pGraphicsElementManager->CreateRect(      slider.GetLocalRect(), bg_color, normal_color, 2 );
//	m_pFrameRect             = m_pGraphicsElementManager->CreateFrameRect( slider.GetLocalRect(), normal_color, 2 );

	// slider button
	SRect btn_rect = slider.GetButtonRect();
	SRect local_btn_rect = RectLTWH( 0, 0, btn_rect.GetWidth(), btn_rect.GetHeight() );
	m_pSliderButtonRect      = m_pGraphicsElementManager->CreateRect(      local_btn_rect,  bg_color, normal_color, 2 );
//	m_pSliderButtonFrameRect = m_pGraphicsElementManager->CreateFrameRect( local_btn_rect,  normal_color, 2 );

	SRect dot_rect = local_btn_rect;
	dot_rect.Inflate( -dot_rect.GetWidth() / 4, -dot_rect.GetHeight() / 4 );
	m_pSliderButtonDot       = m_pGraphicsElementManager->CreateFillRect( dot_rect, normal_color, 2 );

	const SRect slider_rect = slider.GetBoundingBox();
	const SPoint slider_topleft = slider_rect.GetTopLeftCorner(); // global
	const SPoint btn_local_topleft = slider.GetLocalButtonRectInOwnerDialogCoord().GetTopLeftCorner(); // local coord of owner dialog

	// subgroup for slider button
	vector<boost::shared_ptr<GraphicsElement> > vecpButtonElement;
	vecpButtonElement.push_back( m_pSliderButtonRect );
//	vecpButtonElement.push_back( m_pSliderButtonFrameRect );
	vecpButtonElement.push_back( m_pSliderButtonDot );
	m_pSliderButtonRect->SetLocalTopLeftPos( Vector2(0,0) );
//	m_pSliderButtonFrameRect->SetLocalTopLeftPos( SPoint(0,0) );
	m_pSliderButtonDot->SetLocalTopLeftPos( SPoint(0,0) + dot_rect.GetTopLeftCorner() );
	m_pSliderButton = m_pGraphicsElementManager->CreateGroup( vecpButtonElement, btn_local_topleft );

	// For slider button elements, the following 2 things need to be done separately
	// 1. register to parent dialog renderer
	//    - register the subgroup of slider button elements
	// 2. set local layer offsets
	//    - set for each element

	// register the subgroup to the parent dialog renderer
	RegisterGraphicsElementToParentDialog( m_pSliderButton );

	// set different local layer offset for each grouped element
	SetLocalLayerOffset( 0, m_pSliderButtonDot );
//	SetLocalLayerOffset( 0, m_pSliderButtonFrameRect );
	SetLocalLayerOffset( 1, m_pSliderButtonRect );

	// register elements and set local layer offset to determine rendering order
	// - these guys don't belong to any subgroup of the renderer so each of them can be
	//   registered with a single call of RegisterGraphicsElement()
//	RegisterGraphicsElement( 2, m_pFrameRect );
	RegisterGraphicsElement( 3, m_pRect );

	// register elements that chages colors depending on states
//	RegisterColoredElement( m_pFrameRect );
//	RegisterColoredElement( m_pSliderButtonFrameRect );
	RegisterColoredElement( m_pRect->FrameElement() );
	RegisterColoredElement( m_pSliderButtonRect->FrameElement() );

Exemple #20
void NPC::CheckCollision(float fSeconds, Map& map, Character& character) {
	// Check collision
	SRect bb = GetBoundingBox();
	SRect newbb = bb + SVector2(mVelocity.x, 0.0f);
	SRect rightbb = map.GetBoundingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetRightSegment(),
			*this, character);
	SRect leftbb = map.GetBoundingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetLeftSegment(), *this,

	// Right collision
	if (mVelocity.x > 0.0f && rightbb.IsValid()) {
		mNPCData.mPosition.x += static_cast<int>(rightbb.min.x - bb.max.x)
				- 1.0f;
	// Left collision
	else if (mVelocity.x < 0.0f && leftbb.IsValid()) {
		mNPCData.mPosition.x += static_cast<int>(leftbb.max.x - bb.min.x)
				+ 1.0f;
	} else {
		mNPCData.mPosition.x += static_cast<int>(mVelocity.x);

	// Check collision
	newbb = bb + SVector2(0.0f, mVelocity.y);
	SRect bottombb = map.GetBoundingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetBottomSegment(),
			*this, character);
	SRect topbb = map.GetBoundingBoxFromSegment(newbb.GetTopSegment(), *this,

	// Bottom collision
	if (mVelocity.y > 0.0f && bottombb.IsValid()) {
		mNPCData.mPosition.y += static_cast<int>(bottombb.min.y - bb.max.y)
				- 1.0f;
		mVelocity.y = 0.0f;
		Graphics_DebugRect(newbb + sOffset, 0xff00ff);
		Graphics_DebugRect(bottombb + sOffset, 0xff0000);

	// Top collision
	else if (mVelocity.y < 0.0f && topbb.IsValid()) {
		mNPCData.mPosition.y += static_cast<int>(topbb.max.y - bb.min.y) + 1.0f;
		mVelocity.y = 0.0f;
		Graphics_DebugRect(newbb + sOffset, 0xff00ff);
		Graphics_DebugRect(topbb + sOffset, 0xff0000);
	} else {
		mNPCData.mPosition.y += static_cast<int>(mVelocity.y);