void SVGFontElement::ensureGlyphCache()
    if (m_isGlyphCacheValid)

    SVGMissingGlyphElement* firstMissingGlyphElement = 0;
    Vector<String> ligatures;
    for (Node* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (child->hasTagName(SVGNames::glyphTag)) {
            SVGGlyphElement* glyph = static_cast<SVGGlyphElement*>(child);
            AtomicString unicode = glyph->fastGetAttribute(SVGNames::unicodeAttr);
            AtomicString glyphId = glyph->getIdAttribute();
            if (glyphId.isEmpty() && unicode.isEmpty())

            m_glyphMap.addGlyph(glyphId, unicode, glyph->buildGlyphIdentifier());

            // Register ligatures, if needed, don't mix up with surrogate pairs though!
            if (unicode.length() > 1 && !U16_IS_SURROGATE(unicode[0]))
        } else if (child->hasTagName(SVGNames::hkernTag)) {
            SVGHKernElement* hkern = static_cast<SVGHKernElement*>(child);
        } else if (child->hasTagName(SVGNames::vkernTag)) {
            SVGVKernElement* vkern = static_cast<SVGVKernElement*>(child);
        } else if (child->hasTagName(SVGNames::missing_glyphTag) && !firstMissingGlyphElement)
            firstMissingGlyphElement = static_cast<SVGMissingGlyphElement*>(child);

    // Register each character of each ligature, if needed.
    if (!ligatures.isEmpty())

    // Register missing-glyph element, if present.
    if (firstMissingGlyphElement) {
        SVGGlyph svgGlyph = SVGGlyphElement::buildGenericGlyphIdentifier(firstMissingGlyphElement);
        m_missingGlyph = svgGlyph.tableEntry;
        ASSERT(m_missingGlyph > 0);

    m_isGlyphCacheValid = true;
void SVGFontElement::ensureGlyphCache() const
    if (m_isGlyphCacheValid)

    for (Node* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (child->hasTagName(glyphTag)) {
            SVGGlyphElement* glyph = static_cast<SVGGlyphElement*>(child);
            String unicode = glyph->getAttribute(unicodeAttr);
            if (unicode.length())
                m_glyphMap.add(unicode, glyph->buildGlyphIdentifier());
        } else if (child->hasTagName(hkernTag)) {
            SVGHKernElement* hkern = static_cast<SVGHKernElement*>(child);
            SVGHorizontalKerningPair kerningPair = hkern->buildHorizontalKerningPair();

    m_isGlyphCacheValid = true;
Exemple #3
    void walk(const TextRun& run, bool isVerticalText, const String& language, int from, int to)
        // Should hold true for SVG text, otherwhise sth. is wrong
        ASSERT(to - from == run.length());

        Vector<SVGGlyphIdentifier::ArabicForm> chars(charactersWithArabicForm(String(run.data(from), run.length()), run.rtl()));

        SVGGlyphIdentifier identifier;
        bool foundGlyph = false;
        int characterLookupRange;
        int endOfScanRange = to + m_walkerData.extraCharsAvailable;

        bool haveAltGlyph = false;
        SVGGlyphIdentifier altGlyphIdentifier;
        if (RenderObject* renderObject = run.referencingRenderObject()) {
            if (renderObject->element() && renderObject->element()->hasTagName(SVGNames::altGlyphTag)) {
                SVGGlyphElement* glyphElement = static_cast<SVGAltGlyphElement*>(renderObject->element())->glyphElement();
                if (glyphElement) {
                    haveAltGlyph = true;
                    altGlyphIdentifier = glyphElement->buildGlyphIdentifier();
                    altGlyphIdentifier.isValid = true;
                    altGlyphIdentifier.nameLength = to - from;

        for (int i = from; i < to; ++i) {
            // If characterLookupRange is > 0, then the font defined ligatures (length of unicode property value > 1).
            // We have to check wheter the current character & the next character define a ligature. This needs to be
            // extended to the n-th next character (where n is 'characterLookupRange'), to check for any possible ligature.
            characterLookupRange = endOfScanRange - i;

            String lookupString(run.data(i), characterLookupRange);
            Vector<SVGGlyphIdentifier> glyphs;
            if (haveAltGlyph)
                m_fontElement->getGlyphIdentifiersForString(lookupString, glyphs);

            Vector<SVGGlyphIdentifier>::iterator it = glyphs.begin();
            Vector<SVGGlyphIdentifier>::iterator end = glyphs.end();
            for (; it != end; ++it) {
                identifier = *it;
                if (identifier.isValid && isCompatibleGlyph(identifier, isVerticalText, language, chars, i, i + identifier.nameLength)) {
                    ASSERT(characterLookupRange > 0);
                    i += identifier.nameLength - 1;
                    m_walkerData.charsConsumed += identifier.nameLength;
                    m_walkerData.glyphName = identifier.glyphName;

                    foundGlyph = true;
                    SVGGlyphElement::inheritUnspecifiedAttributes(identifier, m_fontData);

            if (!foundGlyph) {
                if (SVGMissingGlyphElement* element = m_fontElement->firstMissingGlyphElement()) {
                    // <missing-glyph> element support
                    identifier = SVGGlyphElement::buildGenericGlyphIdentifier(element);
                    SVGGlyphElement::inheritUnspecifiedAttributes(identifier, m_fontData);
                    identifier.isValid = true;
                } else {
                    // Fallback to system font fallback
                    TextRun subRun(run);
                    subRun.setText(subRun.data(i), 1);

                    (*m_walkerMissingGlyphCallback)(subRun, m_walkerData);

            if (!(*m_walkerCallback)(identifier, m_walkerData))

            foundGlyph = false;