bool JsonItem::getCompoundName ( SafeBuf &nameBuf ) {

	// reset, but don't free mem etc. just set m_length to 0
	// get its full compound name like "meta.twitter.title"
	JsonItem *p = this;//ji;
	char *lastName = NULL;
	char *nameArray[20];
	int32_t  numNames = 0;
	for ( ; p ; p = p->m_parent ) {
		// empty name?
		if ( ! p->m_name ) continue;
		if ( ! p->m_name[0] ) continue;
		// dup? can happen with arrays. parent of string
		// in object, has same name as his parent, the
		// name of the array. "dupname":[{"a":"b"},{"c":"d"}]
		if ( p->m_name == lastName ) continue;
		// update
		lastName = p->m_name;
		// add it up
		nameArray[numNames++] = p->m_name;
		// breach?
		if ( numNames < 15 ) continue;
		log("build: too many names in json tag");
	// assemble the names in reverse order which is correct order
	for ( int32_t i = 1 ; i <= numNames ; i++ ) {
		// copy into our safebuf
		if ( ! nameBuf.safeStrcpy ( nameArray[numNames-i]) ) 
			return false;
		// separate names with periods
		if ( ! nameBuf.pushChar('.') ) return false;
	// remove last period
	// and null terminate
	if ( ! nameBuf.nullTerm() ) return false;
	// change all :'s in names to .'s since : is reserved!
	char *px = nameBuf.getBufStart();
	for ( ; *px ; px++ ) if ( *px == ':' ) *px = '.';

	return true;
// . the url being reuqested
// . removes &code= facebook cruft
bool HttpRequest::getCurrentUrl ( SafeBuf &cu ) {
	// makre sure we got enough room
	if ( ! cu.reserve ( m_hostLen + 64 + m_plen + 1 + 1 ) ) return false;
	// need a "Host: "
	char *host = m_host;
	if ( ! host ) host = APPSUBDOMAIN;
	if ( m_isSSL ) cu.pushChar('s');
	char *path = m_path;
	long  plen = m_plen;
	if ( ! path ) {
		path = "/";
		plen = 1;
	// . scan path and change \0 back to = or &
	// . similar logic in HttpServer.cpp for logging!
	char *dst = cu.getBuf();
	char *src = path;
	char *srcEnd = path + plen;
	char dd = '=';
	for ( ; src < srcEnd ; src++ , dst++ ) {
		*dst = *src;
		if ( *src ) continue;
		*dst = dd;
		if ( dd == '=' ) dd = '&';
		else             dd = '=';
	*dst = '\0';
	// cut it off at facebook's &code=
	char *buf = cu.getBufStart();
	char *code = strstr( buf,"&code=");
	// fix for
	if ( ! code ) code = strstr(buf,"?code=");
	// hack that off if there
	if ( code ) {
		*code = '\0';
		dst = code;
	// update length
	cu.setLength( dst - cu.getBufStart() );
	return true;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . called either from 
//   1) doDocIdSplitLoop
//   2) or getDocIds2() if only 1 docidsplit
bool Msg39::getLists () {

	if ( m_debug ) m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	// . ask Indexdb for the IndexLists we need for these termIds
	// . each rec in an IndexList is a termId/score/docId tuple

	// restrict to docid range?
	// . get the docid start and end
	// . do docid paritioning so we can send to all hosts
	//   in the network, not just one stripe
	int64_t docIdStart = 0;
	int64_t docIdEnd = MAX_DOCID;
	// . restrict to this docid?
	// . will really make gbdocid:| searches much faster!
	int64_t dr = m_tmpq.m_docIdRestriction;
	if ( dr ) {
		docIdStart = dr;
		docIdEnd   = dr + 1;
	// . override
	// . this is set from Msg39::doDocIdSplitLoop() to compute 
	//   search results in stages, so that we do not load massive
	//   termlists into memory and got OOM (out of memory)
	if ( m_r->m_minDocId != -1 ) docIdStart = m_r->m_minDocId;
	if ( m_r->m_maxDocId != -1 ) docIdEnd   = m_r->m_maxDocId+1;
	// if we have twins, then make sure the twins read different
	// pieces of the same docid range to make things 2x faster
	//bool useTwins = false;
	//if ( g_hostdb.getNumStripes() == 2 ) useTwins = true;
	//if ( useTwins ) {
	//	int64_t delta2 = ( docIdEnd - docIdStart ) / 2;
	//	if ( m_r->m_stripe == 0 ) docIdEnd = docIdStart + delta2;
	//	else                      docIdStart = docIdStart + delta2;
	// new striping logic:
	int32_t numStripes = g_hostdb.getNumStripes();
	int64_t delta2 = ( docIdEnd - docIdStart ) / numStripes;
	int32_t stripe = g_hostdb.getMyHost()->m_stripe;
	docIdStart += delta2 * stripe; // is this right?
	docIdEnd = docIdStart + delta2;
	// add 1 to be safe so we don't lose a docid
	// TODO: add triplet support later for this to split the
	// read 3 ways. 4 ways for quads, etc.
	//if ( g_hostdb.getNumStripes() >= 3 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
	// do not go over MAX_DOCID  because it gets masked and
	// ends up being 0!!! and we get empty lists
	if ( docIdEnd > MAX_DOCID ) docIdEnd = MAX_DOCID;
	// remember so Msg2.cpp can use them to restrict the termlists 
	// from "whiteList" as well
	m_docIdStart = docIdStart;
	m_docIdEnd   = docIdEnd;

	// set startkey/endkey for each term/termlist
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_tmpq.getNumTerms() ; i++ ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( m_r->m_niceness );
		// int16_tcuts
		QueryTerm *qterm = &m_tmpq.m_qterms[i];
		char *sk = qterm->m_startKey;
		char *ek = qterm->m_endKey;
		// get the term id
		int64_t tid = m_tmpq.getTermId(i);
		// if only 1 stripe
		//if ( g_hostdb.getNumStripes() == 1 ) {
		//	docIdStart = 0;
		//	docIdEnd   = MAX_DOCID;
		// debug
		if ( m_debug )
			log("query: setting sk/ek for docids %"INT64""
			    " to %"INT64" for termid=%"INT64""
			    , docIdStart
			    , docIdEnd
			    , tid
		// store now in qterm
		g_posdb.makeStartKey ( sk , tid , docIdStart );
		g_posdb.makeEndKey   ( ek , tid , docIdEnd   );
		qterm->m_ks = sizeof(POSDBKEY);//key144_t);

	// debug msg
	if ( m_debug || g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) {
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_tmpq.getNumTerms() ; i++ ) {
			// get the term in utf8
			//char bb[256];
			QueryTerm *qt = &m_tmpq.m_qterms[i];
			//utf16ToUtf8(bb, 256, qt->m_term, qt->m_termLen);
			char *tpc = qt->m_term + qt->m_termLen;
			char  tmp = *tpc;
			*tpc = '\0';
			char sign = qt->m_termSign;
			if ( sign == 0 ) sign = '0';
			QueryWord *qw = qt->m_qword;
			int32_t wikiPhrId = qw->m_wikiPhraseId;
			if ( m_tmpq.isPhrase(i) ) wikiPhrId = 0;
			char leftwikibigram = 0;
			char rightwikibigram = 0;
			if ( qt->m_leftPhraseTerm &&
			     qt->m_leftPhraseTerm->m_isWikiHalfStopBigram )
				leftwikibigram = 1;
			if ( qt->m_rightPhraseTerm &&
			     qt->m_rightPhraseTerm->m_isWikiHalfStopBigram )
				rightwikibigram = 1;
			char c = m_tmpq.getTermSign(i);
			char tt[512];
			int32_t ttlen = m_tmpq.getTermLen(i);
			if ( ttlen > 254 ) ttlen = 254;
			if ( ttlen < 0   ) ttlen = 0;
			// old:painful: convert each term from unicode to ascii
			gbmemcpy ( tt , m_tmpq.getTerm(i) , ttlen );
			int32_t isSynonym = 0;
			QueryTerm *st = qt->m_synonymOf;
			if ( st ) isSynonym = true;
			SafeBuf sb;
			// now we can display it
			//if ( c == '\0' ) c = ' ';
			     "query: msg39: [%"PTRFMT"] "
			     "query term #%"INT32" \"%s\" "
			     "phr=%"INT32" termId=%"UINT64" rawTermId=%"UINT64" "
			     //"estimatedTermFreq=%"INT64" (+/- ~16000) "
			     "tfweight=%.02f "
			     "sign=%c "
			     "numPlusses=%hhu "
			     "required=%"INT32" "
			     "fielcode=%"INT32" "

			     "ebit=0x%0"XINT64" "
			     "impBits=0x%0"XINT64" "

			     "wikiphrid=%"INT32" "
			     "leftwikibigram=%"INT32" "
			     "rightwikibigram=%"INT32" "
			     //"range.startTermNum=%hhi range.endTermNum=%hhi "
			     //"minRecSizes=%"INT32" "
			     "readSizeInBytes=%"INT32" "
			     //"ebit=0x%"XINT64" "
			     //"impBits=0x%"XINT64" "
			     "hc=%"INT32" "
			     "component=%"INT32" "
			     "otermLen=%"INT32" "
			     "isSynonym=%"INT32" "
			     "querylangid=%"INT32" " ,
			     (PTRTYPE)this ,
			     i          ,
			     qt->m_term,//bb ,
			     (int32_t)m_tmpq.isPhrase (i) ,
			     m_tmpq.getTermId      (i) ,
			     m_tmpq.getRawTermId   (i) ,
			     ((float *)m_r->ptr_termFreqWeights)[i] ,
			     sign , //c ,
			     0 , 

			     (int64_t)qt->m_explicitBit  ,
			     (int64_t)qt->m_implicitBits ,

			     ((int32_t *)m_r->ptr_readSizes)[i]         ,
			     //(int64_t)m_tmpq.m_qterms[i].m_explicitBit  ,
			     //(int64_t)m_tmpq.m_qterms[i].m_implicitBits ,
			     (int32_t)m_tmpq.m_qterms[i].m_hardCount ,
			     (int32_t)m_tmpq.getTermLen(i) ,
			     (int32_t)m_tmpq.m_langId ); // ,tt
			// put it back
			*tpc = tmp;
			if ( st ) {
				int32_t stnum = st - m_tmpq.m_qterms;
				sb.pushChar(' ');
				sb.safePrintf("synwid0=%"INT64" ",qt->m_synWids0);
				sb.safePrintf("synwid1=%"INT64" ",qt->m_synWids1);
				sb.safePrintf("synalnumwords=%"INT32" ",
				// like for synonym "nj" it's base,
				// "new jersey" has 2 alnum words!
				sb.safePrintf("synbasealnumwords=%"INT32" ",

	// timestamp log
	if ( m_debug ) 
		log(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg39: [%"PTRFMT"] "
		    "Getting %"INT32" index lists ",
	// . now get the index lists themselves
	// . return if it blocked
	// . not doing a merge (last parm) means that the lists we receive
	//   will be an appending of a bunch of lists so keys won't be in order
	// . merging is uneccessary for us here because we hash the keys anyway
	// . and merging takes up valuable cpu time
	// . caution: the index lists returned from Msg2 are now compressed
	// . now i'm merging because it's 10 times faster than hashing anyway
	//   and the reply buf should now always be <= minRecSizes so we can
	//   pre-allocate one better, and, 3) this should fix the 
	//   reindex bug
	char rdbId = RDB_POSDB;

	// . TODO: MDW: fix
	// . partap says there is a bug in this??? we can't cache UOR'ed lists?
	bool checkCache = false;
	// split is us????
	//int32_t split = g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_group;
	int32_t split = g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_shardNum;
	// call msg2
	if ( ! m_msg2.getLists ( rdbId                      ,
				 m_r->m_collnum,//m_r->ptr_coll              ,
				 m_r->m_maxAge              ,
				 m_r->m_addToCache          ,
				 //m_tmpq.m_qterms ,
				 // we need to restrict docid range for
				 // whitelist as well! this is from
				 // doDocIdSplitLoop()
				 // how much of each termlist to read in bytes
				 (int32_t *)m_r->ptr_readSizes ,
				 //m_tmpq.getNumTerms()       , // numLists
				 // 1-1 with query terms
				 m_lists                    ,
				 this                       ,
				 controlLoopWrapper,//gotListsWrapper      ,
				 m_r                        ,
				 m_r->m_niceness            ,
				 true                       , // do merge?
				 m_debug                  ,
				 NULL                       ,  // best hostids
				 m_r->m_restrictPosdbForQuery  ,
				 split                      ,
				 checkCache                 )) {
		m_blocked = true;
		return false;

	// error?
	//if ( g_errno ) { 
	//	log("msg39: Had error getting termlists2: %s.",
	//	    mstrerror(g_errno));
	//	// don't bail out here because we are in docIdSplitLoop()
	//	//sendReply (m_slot,this,NULL,0,0,true);
	//	return true; 
	//return gotLists ( true );
	return true;
bool sendPageThesaurus( TcpSocket *s, HttpRequest *r ) {
	SafeBuf p;
	char getBuf[64]; // holds extra values for GET method
	char formBuf[256]; // holds extra values for forms
	snprintf(getBuf, 64, "c=%s", 
		 r->getString("c", 0, ""));
	snprintf(formBuf, 256, 
		 "<input type=hidden name=\"c\" value=\"%s\">",
		 //"<input type=hidden name=\"pwd\" value=\"%s\">",
		 r->getString("c", 0, ""));
	g_pages.printAdminTop( &p, s, r);
	if (r->getLong("cancel", 0) != 0) {
		  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
		  "rebuild canceled"

	if (r->getLong("rebuild", 0) != 0) {
		bool full = r->getLong("full", 0);
		if (g_thesaurus.rebuild(0, full)) {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "error starting rebuild, check log for details"
		} else {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "rebuild started"
	if (r->getLong("rebuildaff", 0) != 0) {
		bool full = r->getLong("full", 0);
		if (g_thesaurus.rebuildAffinity(0, full)) {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "error starting rebuild, check log for details"
		} else {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "rebuild started"

	if (r->getLong("distribute", 0) != 0) {
		char cmd[1024];
		if (g_thesaurus.m_affinityState) {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "cannot distribute during rebuild"
		} else {
			for ( long i = 0; i < g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ; i++ ) {
				Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(i);
				snprintf(cmd, 512,
					"rcp -r "
					"./dict/thesaurus.* "
					"%s:%s/dict/ &",
				log(LOG_INFO, "admin: %s", cmd);
				system( cmd );
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "data distributed"

	if (r->getLong("reload", 0) != 0) {
		if (r->getLong("cast", 0) != 0) {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "reload command broadcast"
		} else if (g_thesaurus.init()) {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "thesaurus data reloaded"
		} else {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "error reloading thesaurus data"

	long manualAddLen = 0;
	char *manualAdd = NULL;
	SafeBuf manualAddBuf;
	if ((manualAdd = r->getString("manualadd", &manualAddLen))) {
		manualAddLen = gbstrlen(manualAdd);
		File manualFile;
		manualFile.set(g_hostdb.m_dir, "dict/thesaurus-manual.txt");
		if ( | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC) &&
			(manualFile.write(manualAdd, manualAddLen, 0) ==
			 manualAddLen)) {
			char newl = '\n'; // for write()
			if (manualAdd[manualAddLen-1] != '\n')
				manualFile.write(&newl, 1, manualAddLen);
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "updated manual add file sucessfully"
		} else {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "error writing manual add file"
	} else {
		char ff[PATH_MAX];
		snprintf(ff, PATH_MAX, "%sdict/thesaurus-manual.txt",
		if (manualAddBuf.fillFromFile(ff)) {
			if (*(manualAddBuf.getBuf()-1) != '\n')
			manualAdd = manualAddBuf.getBufStart();
			manualAddLen = manualAddBuf.length();

	long affinityAddLen = 0;
	char *affinityAdd = NULL;
	SafeBuf affinityAddBuf;
	if ((affinityAdd = r->getString("affinityadd", &affinityAddLen))) {
		affinityAddLen = gbstrlen(affinityAdd);
		File affinityFile;
		if ( | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC) &&
			(affinityFile.write(affinityAdd, affinityAddLen, 0) ==
			 affinityAddLen)) {
			char newl = '\n'; // for write()
			if (affinityAdd[affinityAddLen-1] != '\n')
				affinityFile.write(&newl, 1, affinityAddLen);
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "updated affinity add file sucessfully"
		} else {
			  "<center><b><font color=#ff0000>"
			  "error writing affinity add file"
	} else {
		char ff[PATH_MAX];
		snprintf(ff, PATH_MAX, "%sdict/thesaurus-affinity.txt",
		if (affinityAddBuf.fillFromFile(ff)) {
			if (*(affinityAddBuf.getBuf()-1) != '\n')
			affinityAdd = affinityAddBuf.getBufStart();
			affinityAddLen = affinityAddBuf.length();

	char *syn = r->getString("synonym");
	long len = 0;
	if (syn) len = gbstrlen(syn);

	if (len) {
		SynonymInfo info;
		bool r = g_thesaurus.getAllInfo(syn, &info, len, SYNBIT_ALL);
		p.safePrintf ( 
		  "<table cellpadding=4 width=100%% bgcolor=#%s border=1>"
		  "<td colspan=2 bgcolor=#%s>"
		  "<center><b>Synonym List (%ld)</b></center>"
		  LIGHT_BLUE, DARK_BLUE, info.m_numSyns);
		if (r) {
			  "<td align=right><tt>%s</tt></td>"
			  "<td align=left>"
			  "<tt>1.000/%08lX (1.000/%08lX)</tt>"
			  "</tr>\n", syn, MAX_AFFINITY, MAX_AFFINITY);
			for (long i = 0; i < info.m_numSyns; i++) {
				// get the reverse affinity as well
				long aff = g_thesaurus.getAffinity(
					info.m_syn[i], syn,
					info.m_len[i], len);
				  "<td width=40%% align=right>"
				p.safeMemcpy(info.m_syn[i], info.m_len[i]);
				  "<td width=60%% align=left>"
				if (info.m_affinity[i] >= 0) {
					p.safePrintf("%0.3f/%08lX ",
					  	/ MAX_AFFINITY,
				} else {
					p.safePrintf("u ");
				if (aff >= 0) {
					p.safePrintf("(%0.3f/%08lX) ",
					  (float)aff / MAX_AFFINITY, 
				} else {
					p.safePrintf("(u) ");
				p.safePrintf("(%ld) (%ld) (%ld) (%ld) "
					     "(%lld) (%lld)",
				  (long)info.m_type[i], (long)info.m_sort[i],
				  info.m_firstId[i], info.m_lastId[i],
				for (int j = info.m_firstId[i]; 
					j <= info.m_lastId[i];
					j++) {
					p.safePrintf(" (%lld)",
		} else {
			  "<td align=center><font color=#FF0000>"
			  "synonym not found: %s"

	p.safePrintf ( "<br><br>\n" );

	p.safePrintf ( 
		  "<table cellpadding=4 width=100%% bgcolor=#%s border=1>"
		  "<td colspan=2 bgcolor=#%s>"
		  "<center><b>Thesaurus Controls"
	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td width=37%%><b>rebuild all data</b><br>"
		  "<font size=1>"
		  "rebuilds synonyms and then begins the rebuild process for "
		  "affinity data; this should only be run on one host, as the "
		  "data is copied when the process is finished; full rebuild "
		  "does not use existing affinity data"
		  "<td width=12%% bgcolor=#0000ff>"
		  "<center><b><a href=\"/master/thesaurus?rebuild=1&%s\">"
		  "rebuild all data</a> <a href=\"/master/thesaurus?"
		  "</tr>\n", getBuf, getBuf);

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td width=37%%><b>distribute data</b><br>"
		  "<font size=1>"
		  "distributes all thesaurus data to all hosts, this is "
		  "normally done automatically but if there was a problem "
		  "with the copy, this lets you do it manually"
		  "<td width=12%% bgcolor=#0000ff>"
		  "<center><b><a href=\"/master/thesaurus?distribute=1&%s\">"
		  "distribute data</a></b></center>"
		  "</tr>\n", getBuf);

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td width=37%%><b>reload data</b><br>"
		  "<font size=1>"
		  "reloads the synonyms and affinity table on this host only"
		  "<td width=12%% bgcolor=#0000ff>"
		  "<a href=\"/master/thesaurus?reload=1&cast=0&%s\">"
		  "reload data</a></b></center>"
		  "</tr>\n", getBuf);

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td width=37%%><b>reload data (all hosts)</b><br>"
		  "<font size=1>"
		  "reloads the synonyms and affinity table on all hosts"
		  "<td width=12%% bgcolor=#0000ff>"
		  "<a href=\"/master/thesaurus?reload=1&cast=1&%s\">"
		  "reload data (all hosts)</a></b></center>"
		  "</tr>\n", getBuf);

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td width=37%%><b>list synonyms</b><br>"
		  "<font size=1>"
		  "enter a word here to list all synonym entries and their "
		  "<td width=12%%>"
		  "<form action=\"/master/thesaurus>\">"
		  "<input type=text name=synonym size=20>"
		  "<input type=submit value=Submit>"
		  "</tr>\n", formBuf);
	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td colspan=2 bgcolor=#%s>"
		  "<center><b>Affinity Controls"

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td width=37%%><b>cancel running rebuild</b><br>"
		  "<font size=1>"
		  "cancels the rebuild and throws all intermediate data away"
		  "<td width=12%% bgcolor=#0000ff>"
		  "<center><b><a href=\"/master/thesaurus?cancel=1&%s\">"
		  "cancel running rebuild</a></b></center>"
		  "</tr>\n", getBuf);
	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td width=37%%><b>rebuild affinity only</b><br>"
		  "<font size=1>"
		  "begins the rebuild process for affinity data, has no "
		  "effect if a rebuild is already in progress; full rebuild "
		  "does not reuse existing affinity data"
		  "<td width=12%% bgcolor=#0000ff>"
		  "<center><b><a href=\"/master/thesaurus?rebuildaff=1&%s\">"
		  "rebuild affinity</a> <a href=\"/master/thesaurus?"
		  "</tr>\n", getBuf, getBuf);
	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td colspan=2 bgcolor=#%s>"
		  "<center><b>Manual File Controls"

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td align=center colspan=2>");
		  "<b>manually added pairs</b><br>\n"
		  "<font size=1>place word pairs here that should be linked "
		  "as synonyms, one pair per line, seperated by a pipe '|' "
		  "character, optionally followed by another pipe and a type "
		  "designation; any badly formatted lines will be silently "
		  "<form action=\"/master/thesaurus\" method=post>"
		  "<textarea name=\"manualadd\" rows=20 cols=80>");

	if (manualAdd && manualAddLen) {
		p.htmlEncode(manualAdd, manualAddLen, true);
	p.safePrintf (
		  "<input type=submit value=Submit>"
		  "<input type=reset value=Reset>"

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<td align=center colspan=2>"
		  "<b>affinity value overrides</b><br>\n"
		  "<font size=1>place word/phrase pairs here that should have "
		  "there affinity values overridden, format is "
		  "\"word1|word2|value\", where value is a floating point, "
		  "integer (either decimal or hex), or the word \"max\"; "
		  "any badly formatted lines will be silently ignored; note "
		  "that these pairs will only work if the thesaurus otherwise "
		  "has an entry for them, so add them to the manual add file "
		  "above if need be</font><br>\n"
		  "<form action=\"/master/thesaurus\" method=post>"
		  "<textarea name=\"affinityadd\" rows=20 cols=80>");

	if (affinityAdd && affinityAddLen) {
		p.htmlEncode(affinityAdd, affinityAddLen, true);
	p.safePrintf (
		  "<input type=submit value=Submit>"
		  "<input type=reset value=Reset>"

	p.safePrintf ( "</table>\n" );
	p.safePrintf ( "<br><br>\n" );

	p.safePrintf (
		  "<table cellpadding=4 width=100%% bgcolor=#%s border=1>"
		  "<td colspan=2 bgcolor=#%s>"
		  "<center><b>Affinity Builder Status"

	long long a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k;
	StateAffinity *aff = g_thesaurus.m_affinityState;
	if (!aff) {
		p.safePrintf (
		  "<tr><td colspan=2>"
		  "<center><b>Not running</b></center>"
		a = b = c = d = e = f = g = h = i = j = k = 0;
	} else {
		a = aff->m_oldTable->getNumSlotsUsed();
		b = aff->m_oldTable->getNumSlotsUsed() - aff->m_n;
		c = aff->m_n;
		d = (gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - aff->m_time) / 1000;
		if (!d || !(c / d)) { 
			e = 0;
		} else {
			e = b / (c / d);
		f = aff->m_sent;
		g = aff->m_recv;
		h = aff->m_errors;
		i = aff->m_old;
		j = aff->m_cache;
		k = aff->m_hitsTable.getNumSlotsUsed();
	p.safePrintf (
		  "<tr><td><b># of total pairs</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b># of pairs remaining</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b># of pairs processed</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b>elapsed time in seconds</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b>estimated remaining time in seconds</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b># of requests sent</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b># of requests received</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b># of request errors</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b># of old values reused</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b># of cache hits</b></td>"
		  "<tr><td><b>cache size</b></td>"
		  a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k);
	p.safePrintf ( "</table>\n" );

	return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s, p.getBufStart(), p.length() );
bool HttpMime::addCookieHeader(const char *cookieJar, const char *url, SafeBuf *sb) {
	Url tmpUrl;

	SafeBuf tmpSb;

	size_t cookieJarLen = strlen(cookieJar);

	const char *lineStartPos = cookieJar;
	const char *lineEndPos = NULL;
	while ((lineEndPos = (const char*)memchr(lineStartPos, '\n', cookieJarLen - (lineStartPos - cookieJar))) != NULL) {
		const char *currentPos = lineStartPos;
		const char *tabPos = NULL;
		unsigned fieldCount = 0;

		bool skipCookie = false;
		const char *domain = NULL;
		int32_t domainLen = 0;
		while (fieldCount < 5 && (tabPos = (const char*)memchr(currentPos, '\t', lineEndPos - currentPos)) != NULL) {
			switch (fieldCount) {
				case 0:
					// domain
					domain = currentPos;
					domainLen = tabPos - currentPos;
				case 1:
					// flag
					if (memcmp(currentPos, "TRUE", 4) == 0) {
						// allow subdomain
						if (tmpUrl.getHostLen() >= domainLen) {
							if (!endsWith(tmpUrl.getHost(), tmpUrl.getHostLen(), domain, domainLen)) {
								// doesn't end with domain - ignore cookie
								skipCookie = true;
						} else {
							skipCookie = true;
					} else {
						// only specific domain
						if (tmpUrl.getHostLen() != domainLen || strncasecmp(domain, tmpUrl.getHost(), domainLen) != 0) {
							// non-matching domain - ignore cookie
							skipCookie = true;
				case 2: {
					// path
					const char *path = currentPos;
					int32_t pathLen = tabPos - currentPos;
					if (strncasecmp(path, tmpUrl.getPath(), pathLen) == 0) {
						if (tmpUrl.getPathLen() != pathLen) {
							if (path[pathLen - 1] != '/' && tmpUrl.getPath()[tmpUrl.getPathLen() - 1] != '/') {
								// non-matching path - ignore cookie
								skipCookie = true;
					} else {
						// non-matching path - ignore cookie
						skipCookie = true;
				} break;
				case 3:
					// secure

				case 4:
					// expiration


			currentPos = tabPos + 1;

		if (!skipCookie) {
			tmpSb.safeMemcpy(currentPos, lineEndPos - currentPos);

		lineStartPos = lineEndPos + 1;
	// we don't need to care about the last line (we always end on \n)

	if (tmpSb.length() > 0) {
		sb->safeStrcpy("Cookie: ");

	return true;