Exemple #1
double read_cache ( std::string & key, int &cnt, int &brel )
  double sum {0.0};
  int count {0};
  for ( auto const & t: cache[key] )
      if ( !samu.sleep() )

      if ( count++ >= samuHasAlreadyLearned )

      SPOTriplets tv;
      tv.push_back ( t );
      sum += to_samu ( 12, tv );
      brel += samu.get_brel();

  return sum;
Exemple #2
int main ( int argc, char **argv )

  std::string samuImage {"samu.soul.txt"};

  std::fstream samuFile ( samuImage,  std::ios_base::in );
  if ( samuFile )
    samu.load ( samuFile );

  struct sigaction sa;
  sa.sa_handler = save_samu;
  sigemptyset ( &sa.sa_mask );
  sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;

  sigaction ( SIGINT, &sa, NULL );
  sigaction ( SIGTERM, &sa, NULL );
  sigaction ( SIGKILL, &sa, NULL );
  sigaction ( SIGHUP, &sa, NULL );

  // Do not remove this copyright notice!
  std::cerr << "This program is Isaac, the son of Samu Bátfai."
            << std::endl
            << "Copyright (C) 2015 Norbert Bátfai"
            << std::endl
            << "License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>"
            << std::endl
            << "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it."
            << std::endl
            << "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."
            << std::endl
            << std::endl;

  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> tests
      "sentences of the paper [1]",
        "A rare black squirrel has become a regular visitor to a suburban garden",
        "This is a car",
        "This car is mine",
        "I have a little car",
        "The sky is blue",
        "The little brown bear has eaten all of the honey",
        "I love Samu"
      "introduce myself",
        "Who are you",
        "I am a robot",
        "What is your name",
        "My name is Judah",
        "Where do you live",
        "I live in Debrecen",
        "How old are you",
        "I am one year old",
        "Where were you born"
        "I was born is Debrecen"
        "What is your favourite colour"
        "My favourite colours are red, white and green"

  std::map<std::string, SPOTriplets> test_triplets
      "introduce myself",
        { "who", "are", "you" },
        { "i", "am", "robot"  },
        {"what",  "is",  "name"},
        {"name", "is", "Judah"},
        {"you", "live", "where"},
        {"I", "live", "Debrecen"},
        {"you", "are", "how"},
        {"i", "am", "one"},
        {"you", "born", "where"},
        {"I", "born", "Debrecen"}

  int j {0};
  int N_e {25};
  std::string training_file = samu.get_training_file();

  samu.set_training_file ( "bbe" );

  double prev_mbrel {0};
  int mbrelc {0};

  //for ( int ii {0}; samu.run() && ii < 1000 + 4000 + 5000 + 4000 + 1000; ++ii )
  for ( int ii {0}; samu.run() /*&& ii < 50000*/; ++ii )
  for ( ; samu.run(); )
  //for ( int ii {0}; samu.run() && ii < 50; ++ii )
      auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
      double sum {0.0};
      int cnt {0};
      int brel {0};
      if ( samu.sleep() )

                    if ( ii == 1 )
                        std::cerr << " iter, training file changed " << std::endl;
                        samu.set_training_file ( "bbe" );
                    else if ( ii == 3 )
                        std::cerr << " iter, training file changed " << std::endl;
                        training_file = "bbe";
                if ( ii == 1000 )
                    std::cerr << " iter, training file changed " << std::endl;
                    samu.set_training_file ( "bbe" );
                else if ( ii == 1000 + 4000 )
                    std::cerr << " iter, training file changed " << std::endl;
                    training_file = "none";
                    samu.set_training_file ( training_file );
                else if ( ii == 1000 + 4000 + 5000 )
                    std::cerr << " iter, training file changed " << std::endl;
                    samu.set_training_file ( "bbe" );
                else if ( ii == 1000 + 4000 + 5000 + 4000 )
                    std::cerr << " iter, training file changed " << std::endl;
                    training_file = "none";
                    samu.set_training_file ( training_file );

          if ( samu.get_training_file() == training_file )
              samu.set_N_e ( N_e );
              for ( int i {0}; i<test_triplets["introduce myself"].size() && samu.sleep(); ++i )
                  SPOTriplets tv;
                  tv.push_back ( test_triplets["introduce myself"][i] );
                  sum += to_samu ( 11, tv );
                  brel += samu.get_brel();
              samu.set_N_e ( N_e );
              std::string key = samu.get_training_file();

              if ( cache.find ( key ) == cache.end() )

                  std::fstream triplet_train ( key+".triplets",  std::ios_base::in );
                  if ( triplet_train )


                          SPOTriplet t;
                          triplet_train >> t;

                          if ( !t.empty() )
                            cache[key].push_back ( t );

                      while ( !triplet_train.eof() && samu.sleep() );


                      sum = read_cache ( key, cnt, brel );


                      std::fstream train ( samu.get_training_file(),  std::ios_base::in );
                      if ( train )
                          std::string file = key+".triplets";
                          for ( std::string line; std::getline ( train, line ) && samu.sleep(); )

                              sum += to_samu ( 12, line );
                              sum += to_samu ( 12, line, file );
                              brel += samu.get_brel();


