SoNurbsSurface::computeBBox(SoAction *action, SbBox3f &box, SbVec3f &center)
    const SoCoordinateElement   *ce =
    int32_t			nCoords, numSurfCoords;
    int				j, curCoord;
    SbVec3f			tmpCoord;

    // Loop through coordinates, keeping max bounding box and sum of coords
    // If the coordinates are rational, divide the first three values by
    // the fourth value before extending the bounding box.
    numSurfCoords = numUControlPoints.getValue() *
    nCoords = ce->getNum();

    // Check for a degenerate surface
    if ((numSurfCoords == 0) || (nCoords == 0))

    curCoord = 0;
    center.setValue(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    if (ce->is3D()) {
        for (j = 0; j < numSurfCoords; j++) {
            // Wrap around if necessary
            if (curCoord >= nCoords)
	        curCoord = 0;
            const SbVec3f &coord = ce->get3(curCoord);
            center += coord;
    else {
        for (j = 0; j < numSurfCoords; j++) {
            // Wrap around if necessary
            if (curCoord >= nCoords)
	        curCoord = 0;
            const SbVec4f &coord = ce->get4(curCoord);
            coord.getReal (tmpCoord);
            box.extendBy (tmpCoord);
            center += tmpCoord;

    center /= (float) numSurfCoords;
void ShapeBezierSurface::computeBBox(SoAction*, SbBox3f& box, SbVec3f& /*center*/ )
	for (int i = 0; i < m_surfacesVector.size(); i++)
		BBox pBox =  m_surfacesVector[i]->GetComputeBBox();
		SbVec3f pMin( pBox.pMin[0], pBox.pMin[1], pBox.pMin[2] );
		box.extendBy( pMin );
		SbVec3f pMax( pBox.pMax[0], pBox.pMax[1], pBox.pMax[2] );
		box.extendBy( pMax );
SbBox3f ViewProviderDatum::getRelevantBoundBox () const {
    std::vector<App::DocumentObject *> objs;

    // Probe body first
    PartDesign::Body* body = PartDesign::Body::findBodyOf ( this->getObject() );
    if (body) {
        objs = body->getFullModel ();
    } else {
        // Probe if we belongs to some group
        App::DocumentObjectGroup* group =  App::DocumentObjectGroup::getGroupOfObject ( this->getObject () );

        if(group) {
            objs = group->getObjects ();
        } else {
            // Fallback to whole document
            objs = this->getObject ()->getDocument ()->getObjects ();

    Gui::View3DInventorViewer* viewer = static_cast<Gui::View3DInventor*>(this->getActiveView())->getViewer();
    SoGetBoundingBoxAction bboxAction(viewer->getSoRenderManager()->getViewportRegion());
    SbBox3f bbox = getRelevantBoundBox (bboxAction, objs);

    if ( bbox.getVolume () < Precision::Confusion() ) {
        bbox.extendBy ( defaultBoundBox () );

    return bbox;
Exemple #4
// doc in super
SoOrthoSlice::computeBBox(SoAction * action, SbBox3f & box, SbVec3f & center)
  SoState * state = action->getState();
  if (!PRIVATE(this)->confirmValidInContext(state)) { return; }

  const CvrVoxelBlockElement * vbelem = CvrVoxelBlockElement::getInstance(state);
  if (vbelem == NULL) return;

  SbBox3f vdbox = vbelem->getUnitDimensionsBox();
  SbVec3f bmin, bmax;
  vdbox.getBounds(bmin, bmax);

  const SbVec3s & dimensions = vbelem->getVoxelCubeDimensions();

  const int axisidx = (int)axis.getValue();
  const int slice = this->sliceNumber.getValue();
  const float depth = (float)fabs(bmax[axisidx] - bmin[axisidx]);

  bmin[axisidx] = bmax[axisidx] =
    (bmin[axisidx] + (depth / dimensions[axisidx]) * slice);

  vdbox.setBounds(bmin, bmax);

  center = vdbox.getCenter();
Exemple #5
void SoWidgetShape::computeBBox(SoAction *action, SbBox3f &box, SbVec3f &center)
    // ignore if node is empty
    if (this->image.isNull()) return;

    SbVec3f v0, v1, v2, v3;
    // this will cause a cache dependency on the view volume,
    // model matrix and viewport.
    this->getQuad(action->getState(), v0, v1, v2, v3);

    center = box.getCenter();
SoXipMarkerSet::computeBBox( SoAction* action, SbBox3f& box, SbVec3f& center )
	const SoCoordinateElement* ce = (const SoCoordinateElement *) SoCoordinateElement::getInstance( action->getState() );

	if( ce )
		for( int i = 0; i < ce->getNum(); ++ i )
			box.extendBy( ce->get3(i) );

	center = box.getCenter();
 * Sets the bounding box of the probe to \a box and its center to \a center.
void SoRegPoint::computeBBox(SoAction *action, SbBox3f &box, SbVec3f &center)
    if (action->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(SoGetBoundingBoxAction::getClassTypeId()))

    SbVec3f p1 = base.getValue();
    SbVec3f p2 = p1 + normal.getValue() * length.getValue();


    center = box.getCenter();
SoXipPolygon::isConsistent() const
	// check if the contour size is greater than the minimum size.
	const SbVec3f* pointPtr = point.getValues(0);

	SbBox3f bbox;
	for( int i = 0; i < point.getNum(); ++ i )
		bbox.extendBy( pointPtr[i] );

	SbVec3f bbSize;
	bbox.getSize(bbSize[0], bbSize[1], bbSize[2]);

	float screenScale = mViewVolume.getHeight() / mViewport.getViewportSizePixels()[1];
	float bbLengthPix = bbSize.length() / screenScale;

	return ( bbLengthPix >= (2 * CLOSING_MIN_PIXEL_DISTANCE) );
// doc from parent
SmTextureText2::computeBBox(SoAction * action, SbBox3f & box, SbVec3f & center)
  SoState * state = action->getState();

  // never cull this node. We do quick culling in the render method

  // this boundingbox will _not_ be 100% correct. We just supply an
  // estimate to avoid using lots of processing for calculating the
  // boundingbox.  FIXME: make it configurable if the bbox should be
  // accurate or not
  const SbVec3f * positions;
  const int numpositions = this->getPositions(state, positions);
  const SbVec3f & offset = this->offset.getValue();

  for (int i = 0; i < numpositions; i++) {
    box.extendBy(positions[i] + offset);
  center = box.getCenter();
void ViewProviderBody::updateOriginDatumSize () {
    PartDesign::Body *body = static_cast<PartDesign::Body *> ( getObject() );
    // Use different bounding boxes for datums and for origins:
    Gui::Document* gdoc = Gui::Application::Instance->getDocument(getObject()->getDocument());
    Gui::MDIView* view = gdoc->getViewOfViewProvider(this);
    Gui::View3DInventorViewer* viewer = static_cast<Gui::View3DInventor*>(view)->getViewer();
    SoGetBoundingBoxAction bboxAction(viewer->getSoRenderManager()->getViewportRegion());

    const auto & model = body->getFullModel ();

    // BBox for Datums is calculated from all visible objects but treating datums as their basepoints only
    SbBox3f bboxDatums = ViewProviderDatum::getRelevantBoundBox ( bboxAction, model );
    // BBox for origin should take into account datums size also
    SbBox3f bboxOrigins = bboxDatums;

    for(App::DocumentObject* obj : model) {
        if ( obj->isDerivedFrom ( Part::Datum::getClassTypeId () ) ) {
            ViewProvider *vp = Gui::Application::Instance->getViewProvider(obj);
            if (!vp) { continue; }

            ViewProviderDatum *vpDatum = static_cast <ViewProviderDatum *> (vp) ;

            vpDatum->setExtents ( bboxDatums );

            bboxAction.apply ( vp->getRoot () );
            bboxOrigins.extendBy ( bboxAction.getBoundingBox () );

    // get the bounding box values
    SbVec3f max = bboxOrigins.getMax();
    SbVec3f min = bboxOrigins.getMin();

    // obtain an Origin and it's ViewProvider
    App::Origin* origin = 0;
    Gui::ViewProviderOrigin* vpOrigin = 0;
    try {
        origin = body->getOrigin ();
        assert (origin);

        Gui::ViewProvider *vp = Gui::Application::Instance->getViewProvider(origin);
        if (!vp) {
            throw Base::Exception ("No view provider linked to the Origin");
        assert ( vp->isDerivedFrom ( Gui::ViewProviderOrigin::getClassTypeId () ) );
        vpOrigin = static_cast <Gui::ViewProviderOrigin *> ( vp );
    } catch (const Base::Exception &ex) {
        Base::Console().Error ("%s\n", ex.what() );

    // calculate the desired origin size
    Base::Vector3d size;

    for (uint_fast8_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
        size[i] = std::max ( fabs ( max[i] ), fabs ( min[i] ) );
        if (size[i] < Precision::Confusion() ) {
            size[i] = Gui::ViewProviderOrigin::defaultSize();

    vpOrigin->Size.setValue ( size*1.2 );