Exemple #1
ConstObjectPtr SceneShape::readSceneShapeObject( const MDagPath &p )
	SceneShape *sceneShape = findScene( p, true );
	if ( !sceneShape )
		return 0;

	MPlug pTime( sceneShape->thisMObject(), aTime );
	MTime time;
	pTime.getValue( time );
	double t = time.as( MTime::kSeconds );
	return sceneShape->getSceneInterface()->readObject( t );
Exemple #2
void SceneShapeUI::getDrawRequests( const MDrawInfo &info, bool objectAndActiveOnly, MDrawRequestQueue &requests )
	// it's easy if no one want to look at us
	if( !info.objectDisplayStatus( M3dView::kDisplayMeshes ) )
	// the node we're meant to be drawing
	SceneShape *sceneShape = (SceneShape *)surfaceShape();

	if( !sceneShape->getSceneInterface() )
	// draw data encapsulating that node
	MDrawData drawData;
	getDrawData( sceneShape, drawData );

	// a request for the bound if necessary
	MPlug pDrawBound( sceneShape->thisMObject(), SceneShape::aDrawRootBound );
	bool drawBound;
	pDrawBound.getValue( drawBound );
	if( drawBound )
		bool doDrawBound = true;
		// If objectOnly is true, check for an object. If none found, no need to add the bound request.
		MPlug pObjectOnly( sceneShape->thisMObject(), SceneShape::aObjectOnly );
		bool objectOnly;
		pObjectOnly.getValue( objectOnly );
		if( objectOnly && !sceneShape->getSceneInterface()->hasObject() )
			doDrawBound = false;
		if( doDrawBound )
			MDrawRequest request = info.getPrototype( *this );
			request.setDrawData( drawData );
			request.setToken( BoundDrawMode );
			request.setDisplayStyle( M3dView::kWireFrame );
			setWireFrameColors( request, info.displayStatus() );
			requests.add( request );


	MPlug pDrawAllBounds( sceneShape->thisMObject(), SceneShape::aDrawChildBounds );
	bool drawAllBounds = false;
	pDrawAllBounds.getValue( drawAllBounds );
	// requests for the scene if necessary
	MPlug pGLPreview( sceneShape->thisMObject(), SceneShape::aDrawGeometry );
	bool glPreview;
	pGLPreview.getValue( glPreview );
	if( glPreview || drawAllBounds )
		if( info.displayStyle()==M3dView::kGouraudShaded || info.displayStyle()==M3dView::kFlatShaded )
			// make a request for solid drawing with a material
			MDrawRequest solidRequest = info.getPrototype( *this );
			solidRequest.setDrawData( drawData );

			MDagPath path = info.multiPath();
			M3dView view = info.view();
			MMaterial material = MPxSurfaceShapeUI::material( path );
			if( !material.evaluateMaterial( view, path ) )
				MString pathName = path.fullPathName();
				IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Warning, "SceneShapeUI::getDrawRequests", boost::format( "Failed to evaluate material for \"%s\"." ) % pathName.asChar() );
			if( material.materialIsTextured() )
				material.evaluateTexture( drawData );
			solidRequest.setMaterial( material );
			// set the transparency request. we don't have a decent way of finding out
			// if shaders applied by the procedural are transparent, so we've got a transparency
			// attribute on the procedural holder for users to use. maya materials may also say
			// they're transparent. if either asks for transparency then we'll ask for it here
			bool transparent = false;
			material.getHasTransparency( transparent );
			solidRequest.setIsTransparent( transparent );
			solidRequest.setToken( SceneDrawMode );
			requests.add( solidRequest );

			if( info.displayStatus()==M3dView::kActive || info.displayStatus()==M3dView::kLead || info.displayStatus()==M3dView::kHilite )
				MDrawRequest wireRequest = info.getPrototype( *this );
				wireRequest.setDrawData( drawData );
				wireRequest.setDisplayStyle( M3dView::kWireFrame );
				wireRequest.setToken( SceneDrawMode );
				setWireFrameColors( wireRequest, info.displayStatus() );
				wireRequest.setComponent( MObject::kNullObj );

				if ( !objectAndActiveOnly )
					if ( sceneShape->hasActiveComponents() )
						MObjectArray components = sceneShape->activeComponents();
						MObject component = components[0];
						wireRequest.setComponent( component );

				requests.add( wireRequest );
			MDrawRequest request = info.getPrototype( *this );
			request.setDrawData( drawData );
			setWireFrameColors( request, info.displayStatus() );
			request.setToken( SceneDrawMode );

			request.setComponent( MObject::kNullObj );

			if ( !objectAndActiveOnly )
				if ( sceneShape->hasActiveComponents() )
					MObjectArray components = sceneShape->activeComponents();
		    			MObject component = components[0];
		   			request.setComponent( component );
			requests.add( request );
Exemple #3
bool SceneShapeUI::select( MSelectInfo &selectInfo, MSelectionList &selectionList, MPointArray &worldSpaceSelectPts ) const
	MStatus s;

	// early out if we're not selectable. we always allow components to be selected if we're highlighted,
	// but we don't allow ourselves to be selected as a whole unless meshes are in the selection mask.
	// it's not ideal that we act like a mesh, but it's at least consistent with the drawing mask we use.
	if( selectInfo.displayStatus() != M3dView::kHilite )
		MSelectionMask meshMask( MSelectionMask::kSelectMeshes );
		// Apparently selectInfo.selectable() still returns true when meshes are not
		// displayed by the M3dView, so we are also testing the objectDisplay status.
		// This was last confirmed in Maya 2014, and is presumably a Maya bug.
		if( !selectInfo.selectable( meshMask ) || !selectInfo.objectDisplayStatus( M3dView::kDisplayMeshes ) )
			return false;

	// early out if we have no scene to draw
	SceneShape *sceneShape = static_cast<SceneShape *>( surfaceShape() );
	if( !sceneShape->getSceneInterface() )
		return false;

	IECoreGL::ConstScenePtr scene = sceneShape->glScene();
	if( !scene )
		return false;

	// we want to perform the selection using an IECoreGL::Selector, so we
	// can avoid the performance penalty associated with using GL_SELECT mode.
	// that means we don't really want to call view.beginSelect(), but we have to
	// call it just to get the projection matrix for our own selection, because as far
	// as I can tell, there is no other way of getting it reliably.

	M3dView view = selectInfo.view();
		Imath::M44d projectionMatrix;
		glGetDoublev( GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projectionMatrix.getValue() );
		glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
		glLoadMatrixd( projectionMatrix.getValue() );
		IECoreGL::Selector::Mode selectionMode = IECoreGL::Selector::IDRender;
		if( selectInfo.displayStatus() == M3dView::kHilite && !selectInfo.singleSelection() )
			selectionMode = IECoreGL::Selector::OcclusionQuery;

		std::vector<IECoreGL::HitRecord> hits;
			IECoreGL::Selector selector( Imath::Box2f( Imath::V2f( 0 ), Imath::V2f( 1 ) ), selectionMode, hits );
			scene->render( selector.baseState() );

			if( selectInfo.displayStatus() != M3dView::kHilite )
				// We're not in component selection mode. We'd like to be able to select the scene shape
				// using the bounding box so we draw it too but only if it is visible
				MPlug pDrawBound( sceneShape->thisMObject(), SceneShape::aDrawRootBound );
				bool drawBound;
				pDrawBound.getValue( drawBound );
				if( drawBound )
					IECoreGL::BoxPrimitive::renderWireframe( IECore::convert<Imath::Box3f>( sceneShape->boundingBox() ) );
	if( hits.empty() )
		return false;
	// iterate over the hits, converting them into components and also finding
	// the closest one.
	MIntArray componentIndices;
	float depthMin = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
	int depthMinIndex = -1;
	for( unsigned int i=0, e = hits.size(); i < e; i++ )
		if( hits[i].depthMin < depthMin )
			depthMin = hits[i].depthMin;
			depthMinIndex = componentIndices.length();
		int index = sceneShape->selectionIndex( IECoreGL::NameStateComponent::nameFromGLName( hits[i].name ) );
		componentIndices.append( index );
	assert( depthMinIndex >= 0 );

	// figure out the world space location of the closest hit	
	MDagPath camera;
	view.getCamera( camera );
	MPoint worldIntersectionPoint;
	selectionRayToWorldSpacePoint( camera, selectInfo, depthMin, worldIntersectionPoint );

	// turn the processed hits into appropriate changes to the current selection
	if( selectInfo.displayStatus() == M3dView::kHilite )
		// selecting components
		MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComponent;
		MObject component = fnComponent.create( MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent, &s ); assert( s );
		if( selectInfo.singleSelection() )
			fnComponent.addElement( componentIndices[depthMinIndex] );
			fnComponent.addElements( componentIndices );
		MSelectionList items;
		items.add( selectInfo.multiPath(), component );
		MDagPath path = selectInfo.multiPath();

			items, worldIntersectionPoint,
			selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts,
		// Check if we should be able to select that object
		MPlug pObjectOnly( sceneShape->thisMObject(), SceneShape::aObjectOnly );
		bool objectOnly;
		pObjectOnly.getValue( objectOnly );
		if( objectOnly && !sceneShape->getSceneInterface()->hasObject() )
			return true;
		// selecting objects
		MSelectionList item;
		item.add( selectInfo.selectPath() );

			item, worldIntersectionPoint,
			selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts,
	return true;