Exemple #1
DTC::ProgramList* Dvr::GetConflictList( int  nStartIndex,
                                        int  nCount,
                                        int  nRecordId       )
    RecordingList  recordingList; // Auto-delete deque
    RecList  tmpList; // Standard deque, objects must be deleted

    if (nRecordId <= 0)
        nRecordId = -1;

    // NOTE: Fetching this information directly from the schedule is
    //       significantly faster than using ProgramInfo::LoadFromScheduler()
    Scheduler *scheduler = dynamic_cast<Scheduler*>(gCoreContext->GetScheduler());
    if (scheduler)
        scheduler->GetAllPending(tmpList, nRecordId);

    // Sort the upcoming into only those which are conflicts
    RecList::iterator it = tmpList.begin();
    for(; it < tmpList.end(); ++it)
        if (((*it)->GetRecordingStatus() == RecStatus::Conflict) &&
            ((*it)->GetRecordingStartTime() >= MythDate::current()))
            recordingList.push_back(new RecordingInfo(**it));
        delete *it;
        *it = NULL;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build Response
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    DTC::ProgramList *pPrograms = new DTC::ProgramList();

    nStartIndex   = min( nStartIndex, (int)recordingList.size() );
    nCount        = (nCount > 0) ? min( nCount, (int)recordingList.size() ) : recordingList.size();
    int nEndIndex = min((nStartIndex + nCount), (int)recordingList.size() );

    for( int n = nStartIndex; n < nEndIndex; n++)
        ProgramInfo *pInfo = recordingList[ n ];

        DTC::Program *pProgram = pPrograms->AddNewProgram();

        FillProgramInfo( pProgram, pInfo, true );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    pPrograms->setStartIndex    ( nStartIndex     );
    pPrograms->setCount         ( nCount          );
    pPrograms->setTotalAvailable( recordingList.size() );
    pPrograms->setAsOf          ( MythDate::current() );
    pPrograms->setVersion       ( MYTH_BINARY_VERSION );
    pPrograms->setProtoVer      ( MYTH_PROTO_VERSION  );

    return pPrograms;
Exemple #2
DTC::ProgramGuide *Guide::GetProgramGuide( const QDateTime &rawStartTime ,
                                           const QDateTime &rawEndTime   ,
                                           bool             bDetails,
                                           int              nChannelGroupId,
                                           int              nStartIndex,
                                           int              nCount)
    if (!rawStartTime.isValid())
        throw( "StartTime is invalid" );

    if (!rawEndTime.isValid())
        throw( "EndTime is invalid" );

    QDateTime dtStartTime = rawStartTime.toUTC();
    QDateTime dtEndTime = rawEndTime.toUTC();

    if (dtEndTime < dtStartTime)
        throw( "EndTime is before StartTime");

    if (nStartIndex <= 0)
        nStartIndex = 0;

    if (nCount <= 0)
        nCount = 20000;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Load the channel list
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    uint nTotalAvailable = 0;
    ChannelInfoList chanList = ChannelUtil::LoadChannels(nStartIndex, nCount,
                                                         nTotalAvailable, true,

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build SQL statement for Program Listing
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ProgramList  schedList;
    MSqlBindings bindings;

    QString sWhere   = "program.chanid = :CHANID "
                       "AND program.endtime >= :STARTDATE "
                       "AND program.starttime < :ENDDATE "
                       "AND program.starttime >= :STARTDATELIMIT "
                       "AND program.manualid = 0"; // Omit 'manual' recordings scheds

    QString sGroupBy = "program.starttime, channel.channum,"
                       "channel.callsign, program.title";

    QString sOrderBy = "program.starttime";

    bindings[":STARTDATE"     ] = dtStartTime;
    bindings[":STARTDATELIMIT"] = dtStartTime.addDays(-1);
    bindings[":ENDDATE"       ] = dtEndTime;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Get all Pending Scheduled Programs
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // NOTE: Fetching this information directly from the schedule is
    //       significantly faster than using ProgramInfo::LoadFromScheduler()
    Scheduler *scheduler = dynamic_cast<Scheduler*>(gCoreContext->GetScheduler());
    if (scheduler)

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build Response
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    DTC::ProgramGuide *pGuide = new DTC::ProgramGuide();

    ChannelInfoList::iterator chan_it;
    for (chan_it = chanList.begin(); chan_it != chanList.end(); ++chan_it)
        // Create ChannelInfo Object
        DTC::ChannelInfo *pChannel   = NULL;
        pChannel = pGuide->AddNewChannel();
        FillChannelInfo( pChannel, (*chan_it), bDetails );

        // Load the list of programmes for this channel
        ProgramList  progList;
        bindings[":CHANID"] = (*chan_it).chanid;
        LoadFromProgram( progList, sWhere, sOrderBy, sOrderBy, bindings,
                         schedList );

        // Create Program objects and add them to the channel object
        ProgramList::iterator progIt;
        for( progIt = progList.begin(); progIt != progList.end(); ++progIt)
            DTC::Program *pProgram = pChannel->AddNewProgram();
            FillProgramInfo( pProgram, *progIt, false, bDetails, false ); // No cast info

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    pGuide->setStartTime    ( dtStartTime   );
    pGuide->setEndTime      ( dtEndTime     );
    pGuide->setDetails      ( bDetails      );
    pGuide->setStartIndex    ( nStartIndex     );
    pGuide->setCount         ( chanList.size() );
    pGuide->setTotalAvailable( nTotalAvailable );
    pGuide->setAsOf          ( MythDate::current() );
    pGuide->setVersion      ( MYTH_BINARY_VERSION );
    pGuide->setProtoVer     ( MYTH_PROTO_VERSION  );
    return pGuide;
Exemple #3
DTC::ProgramList* Guide::GetProgramList(int              nStartIndex,
                                        int              nCount,
                                        const QDateTime& rawStartTime,
                                        const QDateTime& rawEndTime,
                                        int nChanId,
                                        const QString& sTitleFilter,
                                        const QString& sCategoryFilter,
                                        const QString& sPersonFilter,
                                        const QString& sKeywordFilter,
                                        bool bOnlyNew,
                                        bool bDetails,
                                        const QString   &sSort,
                                        bool             bDescending)
    if (!rawStartTime.isNull() && !rawStartTime.isValid())
        throw( "StartTime is invalid" );

    if (!rawEndTime.isNull() && !rawEndTime.isValid())
        throw( "EndTime is invalid" );

    QDateTime dtStartTime = rawStartTime;
    QDateTime dtEndTime = rawEndTime;

    if (!rawEndTime.isNull() && dtEndTime < dtStartTime)
        throw( "EndTime is before StartTime");

    MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build SQL statement for Program Listing
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ProgramList  progList;
    ProgramList  schedList;
    MSqlBindings bindings;

    QString      sSQL;

    if (!sPersonFilter.isEmpty())
        sSQL = ", people, credits " // LEFT JOIN
               "WHERE people.name LIKE :PersonFilter "
               "AND credits.person = people.person "
               "AND program.chanid = credits.chanid "
               "AND program.starttime = credits.starttime AND ";
        bindings[":PersonFilter"] = QString("%%1%").arg(sPersonFilter);
        sSQL = "WHERE ";

    sSQL +=    "visible != 0 AND program.manualid = 0 "; // Exclude programmes created purely for 'manual' recording schedules

    if (nChanId < 0)
        nChanId = 0;

    if (nChanId > 0)
        sSQL += "AND program.chanid = :ChanId ";
        bindings[":ChanId"]      = nChanId;

    if (dtStartTime.isNull())
        dtStartTime = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();

    sSQL += " AND program.endtime >= :StartDate ";
    bindings[":StartDate"] = dtStartTime;

    if (!dtEndTime.isNull())
        sSQL += "AND program.starttime <= :EndDate ";
        bindings[":EndDate"] = dtEndTime;

    if (!sTitleFilter.isEmpty())
        sSQL += "AND program.title LIKE :Title ";
        bindings[":Title"] = QString("%%1%").arg(sTitleFilter);

    if (!sCategoryFilter.isEmpty())
        sSQL += "AND program.category LIKE :Category ";
        bindings[":Category"] = sCategoryFilter;

    if (!sKeywordFilter.isEmpty())
        sSQL += "AND (program.title LIKE :Keyword1 "
                "OR   program.subtitle LIKE :Keyword2 "
                "OR   program.description LIKE :Keyword3) ";

        QString filter = QString("%%1%").arg(sKeywordFilter);
        bindings[":Keyword1"] = filter;
        bindings[":Keyword2"] = filter;
        bindings[":Keyword3"] = filter;

    if (sSort == "starttime")
        sSQL += "ORDER BY program.starttime ";
    else if (sSort == "title")
        sSQL += "ORDER BY program.title ";
    else if (sSort == "channel")
        sSQL += "ORDER BY channel.channum ";
    else if (sSort == "duration")
        sSQL += "ORDER BY (program.endtime - program.starttime) ";
        sSQL += "ORDER BY program.starttime ";

    if (bDescending)
        sSQL += "DESC ";
        sSQL += "ASC ";

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Get all Pending Scheduled Programs
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // NOTE: Fetching this information directly from the schedule is
    //       significantly faster than using ProgramInfo::LoadFromScheduler()
    Scheduler *scheduler = dynamic_cast<Scheduler*>(gCoreContext->GetScheduler());
    if (scheduler)

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    uint nTotalAvailable = 0;
    LoadFromProgram( progList, sSQL, bindings, schedList,
                     (uint)nStartIndex, (uint)nCount, nTotalAvailable);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build Response
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    DTC::ProgramList *pPrograms = new DTC::ProgramList();

    nCount        = (int)progList.size();
    int nEndIndex = (int)progList.size();

    for( int n = 0; n < nEndIndex; n++)
        ProgramInfo *pInfo = progList[ n ];

        DTC::Program *pProgram = pPrograms->AddNewProgram();

        FillProgramInfo( pProgram, pInfo, true, bDetails, false ); // No cast info, loading this takes far too long

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    pPrograms->setStartIndex    ( nStartIndex     );
    pPrograms->setCount         ( nCount          );
    pPrograms->setTotalAvailable( nTotalAvailable );
    pPrograms->setAsOf          ( MythDate::current() );
    pPrograms->setVersion       ( MYTH_BINARY_VERSION );
    pPrograms->setProtoVer      ( MYTH_PROTO_VERSION  );

    return pPrograms;