Exemple #1
static bool canAccessAncestor(const SecurityOrigin& activeSecurityOrigin,
                              const Frame* targetFrame) {
  // targetFrame can be 0 when we're trying to navigate a top-level frame
  // that has a 0 opener.
  if (!targetFrame)
    return false;

  const bool isLocalActiveOrigin = activeSecurityOrigin.isLocal();
  for (const Frame* ancestorFrame = targetFrame; ancestorFrame;
       ancestorFrame = ancestorFrame->tree().parent()) {
    const SecurityOrigin* ancestorSecurityOrigin =
    if (activeSecurityOrigin.canAccess(ancestorSecurityOrigin))
      return true;

    // Allow file URL descendant navigation even when
    // allowFileAccessFromFileURLs is false.
    // FIXME: It's a bit strange to special-case local origins here. Should we
    // be doing something more general instead?
    if (isLocalActiveOrigin && ancestorSecurityOrigin->isLocal())
      return true;

  return false;