TurnTowardsTypeNode::TurnTowardsTypeNode() {
    //Search and turn for the current Target    
    SequenceNode *cSequence = new SequenceNode();
    cSequence->addChild(new SearchNode());
    cSequence->addChild(new InverterNode(new IsTurnedOnTargetNode(1)));
    cSequence->addChild(new TurnNode());
    cSequence->addChild(new TurnNeckToCenterNode());
    cSequence->addChild(new WaitSeeStateUpdateNode());
    cSequence->addChild(new WaitBodyStateUpdateNode());
    cSequence->addChild(new EndActNode());
    addChild(new SuccessNode(new RepeatUntilFailNode(cSequence)));

    addChild(new SuccessNode(new PushTargetToStackNode()));
    addChild(new SetTargetToNode(new BehaviorTarget(WidthTypeNarrow, QualityTypeHigh, NODE_NAME)));
    addChild(new ChangeViewNode());
    addChild(new SuccessNode(new PopFromStackNode()));
    //Update variables and body state
    addChild(new EndActNode());
Exemple #2
SearchNode::SearchNode() : InverterNode(new SequenceNode()) {
    //Take the existing child into a pointer
    SequenceNode *cCheckingSequence = static_cast<SequenceNode*>(&getChild());
     * Checks if the target is visible, if not  *
     * changes the view settings for search.    *
     * First check if the object is already visible.
     * if not continue the sequence, otherwise
     * stop the sequence once found. For the sequence to
     * continue, a successful answer must be received from
     * not seeing the target. We will use an Inverter.
    InverterNode *cInvert = new InverterNode(new IsTargetVisibleNode());
     * When searching, first we need to change the view quality to low,
     * and the width angle to wide. Because we are searching
     * for a specific target in context, we save it onto
     * the stack, load our target, pop the stack and continue.
    //Push the current target to the stack - dont care if there isnt a target
    cCheckingSequence->addChild(new SuccessNode(new PushTargetToStackNode()));
    //Create our required target for view changing
    cCheckingSequence->addChild(new SetTargetToNode(new BehaviorTarget(WidthTypeWide, QualityTypeLow, NODE_NAME)));
    //Change the view
    cCheckingSequence->addChild(new ChangeViewNode());
    //Pop the previous target back to the context - dont care if there isnt a target
    cCheckingSequence->addChild(new SuccessNode(new PopFromStackNode()));
    //Call the EndAct node to update the view settings
    cCheckingSequence->addChild(new ExecuteActNode());
     * This next section will be repeated 
     * until the target is found.
    SequenceNode *cSequence = new SequenceNode();
     *  Rotate the head - check center,         *
     *  left and right.                         *
    cSequence->addChild(new InverterNode(new SearchTurnNeckNode()));
     *  Turn the body, and check again. The     *
     *  turning of the body is decided by       *
     *  the maximum angle.                      *
    cSequence->addChild(new TurnTwiceMaximumHeadAngleNode());
    //Implement the repeater
    cCheckingSequence->addChild(new RepeatUntilFailNode(cSequence));
SearchTurnNeckNode::SearchTurnNeckNode() : InverterNode(new SequenceNode()) {
     * Check if visibile on center, otherwise turn  *
     * to right, check again, and if not turn left. *
    //Take the existing child into a pointer
    SequenceNode *cCheckingSequence = static_cast<SequenceNode*>(&getChild());
     * If not visible, we need to continue the sequence,
     * thus we will use an Inverter. The addVisibilityCheck
     * does this process for us.
     * If not found, the sequence continues and we need to turn the neck.
     * Need to repeat the positive rotation until maximum, at which it
     * will fail. Thus we need to repeat until fail.

    TurnNeckNegativeNode *cTurnNegative = new TurnNeckNegativeNode();
    //Also check visibility at each turn
    //Repeat the node until it fails
    RepeatUntilFailNode *cRepeatUntilFailNeg = new RepeatUntilFailNode(cTurnNegative);
    //Dont want to stop sequence here if found node or just cant proceed - it will always be true
    SuccessNode *cSuccessRepeatNeg = new SuccessNode(cRepeatUntilFailNeg);

     * At this section, we would have already turned the neck
     * to the maximum angle. We need to check again if the 
     * target is visible using an inverter just like before.

    TurnNeckPositiveNode *cTurnPositive = new TurnNeckPositiveNode();
    //Also check visibility at each turn
    //Repeat the node until it fails
    RepeatUntilFailNode *cRepeatUntilFailPos = new RepeatUntilFailNode(cTurnPositive);
    //Dont want to stop sequence here if found node or just cant proceed - it will always be true
    SuccessNode *cSuccessRepeatPos = new SuccessNode(cRepeatUntilFailPos);

     * At this section, we would have already turned the neck
     * to the minimum angle. We need to check again if the
     * target is visible using an inverter just like before.
     * If the sequence still continues, it means that we
     * havnt found the target. Thus, turn the neck back to
     * the center.

    //The result of this node should be disregarded, thus always succedes
    cCheckingSequence->addChild(new SuccessNode(new TurnNeckToCenterNode()));
    cCheckingSequence->addChild(new ExecuteActNode());