visit(SgNode* node)
     SgDeclarationStatement *sgdecl = isSgDeclarationStatement(node);

     if( sgdecl != NULL )
       SgFunctionDeclaration *fd = isSgFunctionDeclaration(node);

       if( fd != NULL )
         if( sgdecl->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() == NULL )
           output->addOutput( new CompassAnalyses::FunctionDefinitionPrototype::CheckerOutput( node, fd->get_name().getString().c_str() ) );
       } //if( fd != NULL )
   } //End of the visit function.
Traversal::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute ( SgNode* astNode, InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute, SynthesizedAttributesList childAttributes )
     SynthesizedAttribute localResult;

  // printf ("evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): astNode = %p = %s inheritedAttribute.isFirstFile = %s \n",astNode,astNode->class_name().c_str(),inheritedAttribute.isFirstFile ? "true" : "false");

  // Accumulate any valid pointer to main on a child node and pass it to the local synthesized attribute.
     for (size_t i = 0; i < childAttributes.size(); i++)
          if (childAttributes[i].main_function != NULL)
               localResult.main_function = childAttributes[i].main_function;

     if (inheritedAttribute.isFirstFile == true)
          SgGlobal* globalScope = isSgGlobal(astNode);
          if (globalScope != NULL)
            // Gather all of the functions in global scope of the first file.

               vector<SgDeclarationStatement*> globalScopeDeclarationsToMove = globalScope->get_declarations();
               inheritedAttribute.statements_from_first_file = globalScopeDeclarationsToMove;

            // printf ("evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): Gather all of the functions in global scope of the first file inheritedAttribute.statements_from_first_file.size() = %zu \n",inheritedAttribute.statements_from_first_file.size());

            // Erase the declarations in the global scope of the first file.

          SgDeclarationStatement* declarationStatement = isSgDeclarationStatement(astNode);
          if (declarationStatement != NULL && isSgGlobal(declarationStatement->get_parent()) != NULL)
            // Mark as a transformation (recursively mark the whole subtree).
            // printf ("*** Mark as a transformation: declarationStatement = %p \n",declarationStatement);
               if (declarationStatement->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() != NULL)
          SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclaration = isSgFunctionDeclaration(astNode);
          if (functionDeclaration != NULL && functionDeclaration->get_name() == "main")
            // Save the pointer to the main function (in the second file).
               localResult.main_function = functionDeclaration;
            // printf ("Found the main function ...(saved pointer) inheritedAttribute.main_function = %p \n",localResult.main_function);

       // printf ("evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): localResult.main_function = %p \n",localResult.main_function);

       // Test for the selected insertion point in the 2nd file for the declarations gathered from the first file.
          SgGlobal* globalScope = isSgGlobal(astNode);
          if (globalScope != NULL && localResult.main_function != NULL)
               printf ("evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): Found the main function ...\n");
               vector<SgDeclarationStatement*>::iterator i = find(globalScope->get_declarations().begin(),globalScope->get_declarations().end(),localResult.main_function);
#if 0
            // Set the parents of each declaration to match the new location (avoids warning that might later be an error).
               for (size_t i = 0; i < inheritedAttribute.statements_from_first_file.size(); i++)

     return localResult;
Exemple #3
ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR( SgNode* node, SgNode* duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST )
     bool passesODR = false;
  // printf ("Verify that node = %p is equivalent to duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST = %p = %s \n",node,duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST,duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->class_name().c_str());

  // Verify that these strings match
     ROSE_ASSERT (duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->variantT() == node->variantT());
     ROSE_ASSERT (duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->class_name() == node->class_name());
  // ROSE_ASSERT (generateUniqueName(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST) == generateUniqueName(node));

     string nodeString;
     string duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring;

#if 0
  // DQ (2/3/2007): This is a test to debug the ODR checking.
  // I think that the unparser has some state specific to the output of access protections.
  // if the unparsing changes the state then the access permission (public, protected, private) 
  // is output and this cause a falue trigger to the ODR string match.  This is a temp fix to
  // absorbe any change of state, but we need a mechanism to clear the state in the unparser.
     string absorbeUnparserStateChange_A = node->unparseToString();
     string absorbeUnparserStateChange_B = duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->unparseToString();
#if 0
  // DQ (2/3/2007): Make sure that there are close to being related. It appears that if these are
     if (node->get_parent()->variantT() == duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_parent()->variantT())
          nodeString                         = node->unparseToString();
          duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring = duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->unparseToString();

     bool skip_ODR_test = false;

     bool nodeIsCompilerGenerated = 
          (node->get_file_info() != NULL) ? node->get_file_info()->isCompilerGenerated() : false;
     bool duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTIsCompilerGenerated = 
          (duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_file_info() != NULL) ? duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_file_info()->isCompilerGenerated() : false;

     bool nodeIsFrontendSpecific = 
          (node->get_file_info() != NULL) ? node->get_file_info()->isFrontendSpecific() : false;
     bool duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTIsFrontendSpecific = 
          (duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_file_info() != NULL) ? duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_file_info()->isFrontendSpecific() : false;

  // If this is a template declaration for a function then it might have been a part of another template declaration 
  // for the template class and thus might not exist explicitly in the AST (and thus not have enough information from 
  // which to generate a meaningful mangled name).  Skip ODR testing of these cases.
     bool isTemplateMemberFunctionInTemplatedClass = false;
     SgTemplateDeclaration* templateDeclaration = isSgTemplateDeclaration(node);
     if (templateDeclaration != NULL)
          SgTemplateDeclaration* dup_templateDeclaration = isSgTemplateDeclaration(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST);
          ROSE_ASSERT(dup_templateDeclaration != NULL);
          if ( templateDeclaration->get_string().is_null() && dup_templateDeclaration->get_string().is_null() )
               isTemplateMemberFunctionInTemplatedClass = true;

     if (isTemplateMemberFunctionInTemplatedClass == true)
          printf ("ODR not tested isTemplateMemberFunctionInTemplatedClass == true. \n");
          skip_ODR_test = true;

     if (nodeIsFrontendSpecific == true || duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTIsFrontendSpecific == true || nodeIsCompilerGenerated == true || duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTIsCompilerGenerated == true)
       // printf ("ODR not tested for frontend specific compiler generated code. \n");
          skip_ODR_test = true;

  // DQ (1/20/2007): The unparse will not generate a string if the code is frontend specific or compiler generated (I forget which).
  // if (nodeIsFrontendSpecific == true || duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTIsFrontendSpecific == true)
     if (skip_ODR_test == true)
       // printf ("ODR not tested for frontend specific compiler generated code. \n");
          passesODR = true;
          SgUnparse_Info info_a;
          SgUnparse_Info info_b;

       // DQ (2/6/2007): Force qualified names to be used uniformally (note that info.set_requiresGlobalNameQualification() 
       // causes an error) info.set_requiresGlobalNameQualification();

          nodeString                         = node->unparseToString(&info_a);

       // DQ (2/6/2007): The SgUnparse_Info object carries state which controls the use of access qualification and the 
       // first call to unparseToString might have set the access (e.g. to "public") and the second call would drop the 
       // access qualification.  We unset the access qualification state in the SgUnparse_Info object so that both will 
       // be unparsed the same (we could have alternatively used two separate SgUnparse_Info objects.
       // info.set_isUnsetAccess();

          duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring = duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->unparseToString(&info_b);

          passesODR = (nodeString == duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring);

  // Don't count the cases where the unparse fails to to invalid parent in redundant SgClassDeclaration (fix these later)
     if (passesODR == false && nodeString.empty() == false && duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring.empty() == false)
#if 1
          if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
               printf ("##### In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR() is false: node = %p = %s duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST = %p = %s \n",

       // printf ("##### passesODR = %s \n",passesODR ? "true" : "false");
       // printf ("duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring = \n---> %s\n",duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring.c_str());
       // printf ("nodeString                         = \n---> %s\n",nodeString.c_str());
          if (node->get_file_info() != NULL && duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_file_info() != NULL)
               if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
                    SgNode* parent_node = node->get_parent();

                 // DQ (9/13/2011): Reported as possible NULL value in static analysis of ROSE code.
                    ROSE_ASSERT(parent_node != NULL);

                    printf ("parent_node = %p = %s = %s \n",parent_node,parent_node->class_name().c_str(),SageInterface::get_name(parent_node).c_str());
                    SgNode* parent_dup = duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_parent();

                 // DQ (9/13/2011): Reported as possible NULL value in static analysis of ROSE code.
                    ROSE_ASSERT(parent_dup != NULL);

                    printf ("parent_dup = %p = %s = %s \n",parent_dup,parent_dup->class_name().c_str(),SageInterface::get_name(parent_dup).c_str());

                    printf ("\nPosition of error: \n");
                    node->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(node) is false: debug");
                    duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST) is false: debug");
                    printf ("\nPosition of error: \n");

                    printf ("\nPosition of error (parent IR node): \n");
                    parent_node->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(parent_node) is false: debug");
                    parent_dup->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(parent_dup) is false: debug");
                    printf ("\nPosition of error (parent IR node): \n");
               SgClassType* classType = isSgClassType(node);
               SgClassType* duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classType = isSgClassType(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST);
               if (classType != NULL)
                    if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
                         SgClassDeclaration* classDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(classType->get_declaration());
                         ROSE_ASSERT(classDeclaration != NULL);
                         classDeclaration->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(node) is false (classType)");
                         printf ("classDeclaration = %p definingDeclaration = %p nondefiningDeclaration = %p \n",

                         ROSE_ASSERT(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classType != NULL);
                         SgClassDeclaration* duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classType->get_declaration());
                         ROSE_ASSERT(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classDeclaration != NULL);
                         duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classDeclaration->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(node) is false (duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classType)");
                         printf ("duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST_classDeclaration = %p definingDeclaration = %p nondefiningDeclaration = %p \n",
#if 0
     printf ("duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring = %p = %s \n---> %s\n",
     printf ("nodeString                         = %p = %s \n---> %s\n",
#if 0
     SgClassType* original = isSgClassType(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST);
     SgClassType* target   = isSgClassType(node);
     if (original != NULL && target != NULL)
          printf ("original declaration = %p \n",original->get_declaration());
          printf ("target declaration   = %p \n",target->get_declaration());
#if 1
     if (passesODR == false)
          if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
               string node_generatedName         = SageInterface::generateUniqueName(node,false);
               string originalNode_generatedName = SageInterface::generateUniqueName(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST,false);

               printf ("ODR Violation Source code: nodeString                         = \n%s\n \n",nodeString.c_str());
               printf ("ODR Violation Source code: duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring = \n%s\n \n",duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring.c_str());
               printf ("nodeString = %s \n",nodeString.c_str());
               printf ("node_generatedName         = %s \n",node_generatedName.c_str());
               printf ("originalNode_generatedName = %s \n",originalNode_generatedName.c_str());

               printf ("node                         = %p = %s = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str(),SageInterface::get_name(node).c_str());
               printf ("duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST = %p = %s = %s \n",duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST,duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->class_name().c_str(),SageInterface::get_name(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST).c_str());

               printf ("node (unique string)                         = %s \n",generateUniqueName(node,true).c_str());
               printf ("duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST (unique string) = %s \n",generateUniqueName(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST,true).c_str());

               SgDeclarationStatement* declarationStatement = isSgDeclarationStatement(node);
               if (declarationStatement != NULL)
                    printf ("declarationStatement->get_definingDeclaration()         = %p \n",declarationStatement->get_definingDeclaration());
                    printf ("declarationStatement->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() = %p \n",declarationStatement->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration());

               SgDeclarationStatement* declarationStatement2 = isSgDeclarationStatement(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST);
               if (declarationStatement2 != NULL)
                    printf ("declarationStatement2->get_definingDeclaration()         = %p \n",declarationStatement2->get_definingDeclaration());
                    printf ("declarationStatement2->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() = %p \n",declarationStatement2->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration());

               printf ("Source code positions of ORD violation: \n");
               node->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(node) is false: debug");
               duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST->get_file_info()->display("In ReplacementMapTraversal::verifyODR(duplicateNodeFromOriginalAST) is false: debug");
  // ROSE_ASSERT(nodeString == duplicateNodeFromOriginalASTstring);
     ROSE_ASSERT(passesODR == true);

     return passesODR;
void fixupAstDeclarationScope( SgNode* node )
  // This function was designed to fixup what I thought were inconsistancies in how the 
  // defining and some non-defining declarations associated with friend declarations had 
  // their scope set.  I now know this this was not a problem, but it is helpful to enforce the
  // consistancy.  It might also be useful to process declarations with scopes set to 
  // namespace definitions, so that the namespace definition can be normalized to be 
  // consistant across all of the different re-entrant namespace definitions.  This is 
  // possible within the new namespace support in ROSE.

     TimingPerformance timer ("Fixup declaration scopes:");

  // This simplifies how the traversal is called!
     FixupAstDeclarationScope astFixupTraversal;

  // DQ (1/29/2007): This traversal now uses the memory pool (so that we will visit declaration hidden in types (e.g. SgClassType)
  // SgClassType::traverseMemoryPoolNodes(v);

  // Now process the map of sets of declarations.
     std::map<SgDeclarationStatement*,std::set<SgDeclarationStatement*>* > & mapOfSets = astFixupTraversal.mapOfSets;

#if 0
     printf ("In fixupAstDeclarationScope(): mapOfSets.size() = %" PRIuPTR " \n",mapOfSets.size());

     std::map<SgDeclarationStatement*,std::set<SgDeclarationStatement*>* >::iterator i = mapOfSets.begin();
     while (i != mapOfSets.end())
          SgDeclarationStatement* firstNondefiningDeclaration = i->first;

       // DQ (3/2/2015): Added assertion.
          ROSE_ASSERT(firstNondefiningDeclaration != NULL);

       // DQ (3/2/2015): Added assertion.
          ROSE_ASSERT(firstNondefiningDeclaration->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() != NULL);
       // DQ (3/2/2015): Make this assertion a warning: fails in outlining example seq7a_test2006_78.C.
       // ROSE_ASSERT(firstNondefiningDeclaration == firstNondefiningDeclaration->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration());
          if (firstNondefiningDeclaration != firstNondefiningDeclaration->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration())
               printf ("WARNING: In fixupAstDeclarationScope(): firstNondefiningDeclaration != firstNondefiningDeclaration->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() \n");
               printf ("   --- firstNondefiningDeclaration = %p = %s \n",
               printf ("   --- firstNondefiningDeclaration->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() = %p = %s \n",

          SgScopeStatement* correctScope = firstNondefiningDeclaration->get_scope();
          ROSE_ASSERT(correctScope != NULL);

#if 0
          printf ("In FixupAstDeclarationScope::visit(): node = %p = %s firstNondefiningDeclaration = %p correctScope = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str(),firstNondefiningDeclaration,correctScope,correctScope->class_name().c_str());

          std::set<SgDeclarationStatement*>* declarationSet = i->second;
          ROSE_ASSERT(declarationSet != NULL);

#if 0
          printf ("In fixupAstDeclarationScope(): mapOfSets[%p]->size() = %" PRIuPTR " \n",firstNondefiningDeclaration,mapOfSets[firstNondefiningDeclaration]->size());

          std::set<SgDeclarationStatement*>::iterator j = declarationSet->begin();
          while (j != declarationSet->end())
               SgScopeStatement* associatedScope = (*j)->get_scope();
               ROSE_ASSERT(associatedScope != NULL);

            // DQ (6/11/2013): This is triggered by namespace definition scopes that are different 
            // due to re-entrant namespace declarations.  We should maybe fix this.
            // TV (7/22/13): This is also triggered when for global scope accross files.
               if (associatedScope != correctScope)
                 // DQ (1/30/2014): Cleaning up some output spew.
                    if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
                         mprintf ("WARNING: This is the wrong scope (declaration = %p = %s): associatedScope = %p = %s correctScope = %p = %s \n",
#if 0
                    printf ("Make this an error for now! \n");



#if 0
     printf ("Leaving fixupAstDeclarationScope() node = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str());
FixupAstDeclarationScope::visit ( SgNode* node )
  // DQ (6/11/2013): This corrects where EDG can set the scope of a friend declaration to be different from the defining declaration.
  // We need it to be a rule in ROSE that the scope of the declarations are consistant between defining and all non-defining declaration).

#if 0
     printf ("In FixupAstDeclarationScope::visit(node = %p = %s) \n",node,node->class_name().c_str());

     SgDeclarationStatement* declaration = isSgDeclarationStatement(node);
     if (declaration != NULL)
       // SgDeclarationStatement* definingDeclaration         = declaration->get_definingDeclaration();
          SgDeclarationStatement* firstNondefiningDeclaration = declaration->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration();

       // Note that these declarations don't follow the same rules (namely the get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() can be NULL).
          if ( isSgFunctionParameterList(node) != NULL || isSgVariableDefinition(node) != NULL)
#if 0
               printf ("In FixupAstDeclarationScope::visit(): node = %p = %s firstNondefiningDeclaration = %p (skipping this processing) \n",node,node->class_name().c_str(),firstNondefiningDeclaration);
            // DQ (6/15/2013): The older tutorial examples demonstrate addition of new functions using older rules that allows 
            // there to not be a non-defining declaration.  We need to remove these tutrial example in favor of the AST builder
            // API to build functions that will follow the newer AST constistancy rules.  Until we do this work in the tutorial
            // we can't inforce this below else the older tutorial examples (e.g. addFunctionDeclaration.C) will fail.  So I will
            // allow this for now and output a warning when (firstNondefiningDeclaration == NULL).
            // ROSE_ASSERT(firstNondefiningDeclaration != NULL);
               if (firstNondefiningDeclaration == NULL)
                    printf ("WARNING: In FixupAstDeclarationScope::visit(): firstNondefiningDeclaration == NULL for case of node = %p = %s (allowed for tutorial example transformations only) \n",node,node->class_name().c_str());
                    if (mapOfSets.find(firstNondefiningDeclaration) == mapOfSets.end())
                         std::set<SgDeclarationStatement*>* new_empty_set = new std::set<SgDeclarationStatement*>();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(new_empty_set != NULL);
#if 0
                         printf ("In FixupAstDeclarationScope::visit(): Adding a set of declarations to the mapOfSets: new_empty_set = %p \n",new_empty_set);
                      // DQ (3/2/2015): Added assertion.
                         ROSE_ASSERT(firstNondefiningDeclaration != NULL);


                    ROSE_ASSERT(mapOfSets.find(firstNondefiningDeclaration) != mapOfSets.end());

                 // DQ (3/2/2015): Added assertion.
                    ROSE_ASSERT(declaration != NULL);
#if 0
                    printf ("In FixupAstDeclarationScope::visit(): Adding a declaration = %p = %s to a specific set in the mapOfSets: mapOfSets[firstNondefiningDeclaration=%p] = %p \n",
                    printf ("   --- declaration->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() = %p \n",declaration->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration());
                 // DQ (3/2/2015): Added assertion.
                 // ROSE_ASSERT(declaration == declaration->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration());

                 // mapOfSets[firstNondefiningDeclaration]->insert(firstNondefiningDeclaration);