Exemple #1
 * The function
 *     queryNodePragmaDeclarationFromName()
 * takes as a first parameter a SgNode*. As a second parameter it takes
 * a SgNode* who must be of type SgName. The SgName contains a std::string which
 * should be the same as the left side in the pragma or a part of the left
 * side of the pragma. If the std::string is empty,
 * there will be an error message.
 *        #pragma std::stringInSgNode = information
Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> NodeQuery::queryNodePragmaDeclarationFromName(SgNode* node, SgNode* nameNode){
  ROSE_ASSERT( nameNode != NULL );
  ROSE_ASSERT( node     != NULL );

  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> returnList;

  //finds the name which should be matched to 
  SgName* sageName = isSgName(nameNode);
  ROSE_ASSERT( sageName != NULL );
  std::string nameToMatch = sageName->str();
  ROSE_ASSERT( nameToMatch.length() > 0 );

  if(node->variantT() == V_SgPragmaDeclaration){
    SgPragmaDeclaration* sagePragmaDeclaration = isSgPragmaDeclaration(node);
    ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration );
    ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma() != NULL ); 
    // ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma()->get_pragma() );
    std::string pragmaDeclarationString =  sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma()->get_pragma();
    //extract the part before the leftmost = is pragmaDeclarationString
    pragmaDeclarationString = pragmaDeclarationString.substr(0,pragmaDeclarationString.find("="));
    //if the name-criteria is met accept node
    if(pragmaDeclarationString.find( nameToMatch ) != pragmaDeclarationString.length() ){
      cout << pragmaDeclarationString << endl;
  return returnList;
Exemple #2
 * The function 
 *     queryPragmaString()
 * teakes a SgNode* as a parameter and return a list<string>. It is a NameQuery
 * which query the AST or a subtree of the AST for the string of all the 
 * SgPragma's.
Rose_STL_Container< string > queryFindPragmaString (SgNode * node)
  Rose_STL_Container< string > returnList;

  if (node->variantT () == V_SgPragmaDeclaration)
      SgPragmaDeclaration *sagePragmaStatement = isSgPragmaDeclaration (node);
      ROSE_ASSERT (sagePragmaStatement);
      ROSE_ASSERT (sagePragmaStatement->get_pragma () != NULL);
      returnList.push_back (sagePragmaStatement->get_pragma ()->
			    get_pragma ());
  return returnList;

Exemple #3
Fichier : mlm.cpp Projet : 8l/rose
void mlmFrontend::visit(SgNode* node)
  if (isSgPragmaDeclaration(node) != NULL)
    SgPragmaDeclaration * pragDecl = isSgPragmaDeclaration(node);
    char* end;
    int type = strtol(pragDecl->get_pragma()->get_pragma().c_str(),&end, 10);
    if(end == pragDecl->get_pragma()->get_pragma().c_str())
      cout << "pragma has no integer value" << endl;
      type = -1;
    if(type >= 0) 
      //cout << "type = " << type << endl;
      mlmAttribute* newAttr = new mlmAttribute(type);
      mlmFrontend::attachAttribute(pragDecl, newAttr);
    // handle omp parallel, omp for, omp single, ..etc.

Exemple #4
POETCode* ROSE_2_POET_list(PtrList& l, POETCode* res, 
                           SgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl* tmp)
static POETCode* tmpPars=0;
    if (l.size() == 1) { /* return the only element inside the list */
      return POETAstInterface::Ast2POET(*l.begin()); 
    typename PtrList::const_reverse_iterator p = l.rbegin(); 
    if (p == l.rend()) return (res==0)? EMPTY : res;

    SgNode* prev2 = (SgNode*)*p;
    POETCode* prev = POETAstInterface::Ast2POET(prev2);
    for (++p; p != l.rend(); ++p) {
       SgNode* cur = (SgNode*)*p;
       SgPragmaDeclaration* info = isSgPragmaDeclaration(cur);
       if (info!=0) { /* replace template parameters in pragma */
           POETAstInterface::set_Ast2POET(prev2, EMPTY);
           std::string pragma_str = info->get_pragma()->get_pragma();
           POETCode *content=STRING(pragma_str);
           POETCode* tokens = split_string("",content);
           if (tmp == 0) tmpPars = 0;
           else { 
             const SgTemplateArgumentPtrList& args= tmp->get_templateArguments();
             if (tmpPars == 0) 
               tmpPars=get_template_parameters(tmp->get_templateDeclaration ()->get_string());
             POETCode* pars = tmpPars;
             for (SgTemplateArgumentPtrList::const_iterator p2 = args.begin();
                   p2 != args.end(); p2++) {
                 POETCode* from = get_head(pars); pars=get_tail(pars);
                 POETCode* to = STRING((*p2)->unparseToString());
                 tokens = eval_replace(from, to, tokens); 
           prev = new POETCode_ext(info, PAIR(tokens, prev));
       else { 
         res = LIST(prev, res);
         prev = POETAstInterface::Ast2POET((SgNode*)cur); }
    res = LIST(prev,res); 
    return res;
//! Parse failsafe directives and generate/attach attributes
// follow the code in void attachOmpAttributeInfo(SgSourceFile *sageFilePtr) of ompAstConstruction.cpp
void FailSafe::parse_directives_to_attributes(SgSourceFile* sageFilePtr)
  ROSE_ASSERT(sageFilePtr != NULL);
  //TODO check language extension flag for turning on this support
  //if (sageFilePtr->get_failsafe() == false) return

  if (sageFilePtr->get_Fortran_only()||sageFilePtr->get_F77_only()||sageFilePtr->get_F90_only()|
    sageFilePtr->get_F95_only() || sageFilePtr->get_F2003_only())
     //TODO handle Fortran later
    // For C/C++, search pragma declarations for failsafe directives
      std::vector <SgNode*> all_pragmas = NodeQuery::querySubTree (sageFilePtr, V_SgPragmaDeclaration);
      std::vector<SgNode*>::iterator iter;
        SgPragmaDeclaration* pragmaDeclaration = isSgPragmaDeclaration(*iter);
        ROSE_ASSERT(pragmaDeclaration != NULL);
        string pragmaString = pragmaDeclaration->get_pragma()->get_pragma();
        istringstream istr(pragmaString);
        std::string key;
        istr >> key;
        if (key == "failsafe")
          FailSafe::AttributeList * previous = FailSafe::getAttributeList (pragmaDeclaration);
          if (previous == NULL)
             FailSafe::Attribute* attribute = parse_fail_safe_directive(pragmaDeclaration);
             FailSafe::addAttribute(attribute, pragmaDeclaration);
          } // end if NULL
        } // end if key is failsafe

       } // end  for all_pragmas   
  } // end if 
Exemple #6
  ControlStructureContainer *
  >queryFindCommentsInScope (const string stringPrefixToMatch,
			     const string stringToMatch,
			     SgScopeStatement * sageScopeStatement)
  ROSE_ASSERT (stringPrefixToMatch.length () > 0);
  ROSE_ASSERT (stringToMatch.length () > 0);
  ROSE_ASSERT (sageScopeStatement != NULL);

  Rose_STL_Container< ControlStructureContainer * >returnList;

  //find all pragmas who match the stringToMatch
   //cout << "Before pragma search" << endl;
   /*list < SgNode * >pragmaStatements =
    NodeQuery::querySubTree (sageScopeStatement,
			     new SgName (stringToMatch.c_str ()),
    //list<SGNode*> pragmaStatements ; 
    //cout << "After pragma search" << endl;

/*  cout << "BEFORE LIST" << endl; 
  list < SgNode * >pragmaStatements = queryNodePragmaStatementFromName2(sageScopeStatement,
		                            new SgName(stringToMatch.c_str()));
  cout << "AFTER LIST" << endl;*/
  //return the pragmas in containers
/*  for (list < SgNode * >::iterator i = pragmaStatements.begin ();
       i != pragmaStatements.end (); ++i)
      SgPragmaDeclaration *sagePragma = isSgPragmaDeclaration (*i);
      ROSE_ASSERT (sagePragma);
      ROSE_ASSERT (sagePragma->get_pragma () != NULL);
      ROSE_ASSERT (sagePragma->get_pragma ()->get_pragma ());

      ControlStructureContainer *container = new ControlStructureContainer ();
      container->setPragmaString (sagePragma->get_pragma ()->get_pragma ());
      container->setAssociatedStatement (sagePragma);
      returnList.push_back (container);

  //find all statements in the current scope
  if (sageScopeStatement->variantT () == V_SgClassDefinition)
      SgDeclarationStatementPtrList statementsInScope =
	sageScopeStatement->getDeclarationList ();
      SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator i;
      for (i = statementsInScope.begin (); i != statementsInScope.end (); i++)

	  SgLocatedNode *locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode (*i);
	  ROSE_ASSERT (locatedNode != NULL);

	  //find all comments attached to current node.
	  AttachedPreprocessingInfoType *comments =
	    locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo ();

	  if(locatedNode->variantT() == V_SgPragmaDeclaration){
       	          SgPragmaDeclaration* sagePragmaDeclaration = isSgPragmaDeclaration(locatedNode);
	          ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration );
	          ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma() != NULL ); 
                  string pragmaDeclarationString =  sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma()->get_pragma();
                  //extract the part before the leftmost = is pragmaDeclarationString
	          pragmaDeclarationString = pragmaDeclarationString.substr(0,pragmaDeclarationString.find("="));
	          //if the name-criteria is met accept node
	         if(pragmaDeclarationString.find( stringToMatch ) != string::npos ){
	         	cout << pragmaDeclarationString << endl;
                        ControlStructureContainer *container = new ControlStructureContainer ();
                        container->setPragmaString (sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma ()->get_pragma ());
                        container->setAssociatedStatement (sagePragmaDeclaration);
                        returnList.push_back (container);
	  if (comments != NULL)
	      //We need to find comments which fits the criteria    
	      printf ("Found attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",
		      locatedNode, locatedNode->sage_class_name ());
	      AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator j;
	      for (j = comments->begin (); j != comments->end (); j++)
		  ROSE_ASSERT ((*j) != NULL);
		  string comment = (*j)->getString ();
		  //see if comment begins with stringPrefixToMatch
		  string tempString = comment.substr (0, comment.find (' '));
		  if (tempString == stringPrefixToMatch)
		    {		//+stringPrefixToMatch ){
		      //cout << "Found string" << endl;

		      comment =
			StringUtility::copyEdit (comment, stringPrefixToMatch,

		      //see if the comment has an element which matches the stringToMatch
		      if (comment.find (stringToMatch) != string::npos)
			  //puit the matching comment into a container    
			  ControlStructureContainer *container =
			    new ControlStructureContainer ();
			  container->setPragmaString (comment);
			  container->setAssociatedStatement (locatedNode);

			  returnList.push_back (container);
//                printf ("          Attached Comment (relativePosition=%s):\n %s\n Next comment: \n",
//                    ((*j)->relativePosition == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",(*j)->getString());

      // AS 12/18/03 PS!! The same as the above, but a different iterator. Will replace this when a
      // different solution has arisen. PS!! 
      SgStatementPtrList statementsInScope =
	sageScopeStatement->getStatementList ();
      SgStatementPtrList::iterator i;

      for (i = statementsInScope.begin (); i != statementsInScope.end (); i++)

	  SgLocatedNode *locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode (*i);
	  ROSE_ASSERT (locatedNode != NULL);

	  if(locatedNode->variantT() == V_SgPragmaDeclaration){
       	          SgPragmaDeclaration* sagePragmaDeclaration = isSgPragmaDeclaration(locatedNode);
	          ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration );
	          ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma() != NULL ); 
                  string pragmaDeclarationString =  sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma()->get_pragma();
                  //extract the part before the leftmost = is pragmaDeclarationString
	          pragmaDeclarationString = pragmaDeclarationString.substr(0,pragmaDeclarationString.find("="));
	          //if the name-criteria is met accept node
	         if(pragmaDeclarationString.find( stringToMatch ) != string::npos ){
	         	cout << pragmaDeclarationString << endl;
                        ControlStructureContainer *container = new ControlStructureContainer ();
                        container->setPragmaString (sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma ()->get_pragma ());
                        container->setAssociatedStatement (sagePragmaDeclaration);
                        returnList.push_back (container);

	  //find all comments attached to current node.
	  AttachedPreprocessingInfoType *comments =
	    locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo ();

	  if (comments != NULL)
	      //We need to find comments which fits the criteria    
	      //printf ("Found attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",locatedNode,locatedNode->sage_class_name());
	      AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator j;
	      for (j = comments->begin (); j != comments->end (); j++)
		  ROSE_ASSERT ((*j) != NULL);
		  string comment = (*j)->getString ();
		  //see if comment begins with stringPrefixToMatch
		  string tempString = comment.substr (0, comment.find (' '));
		  if (tempString == stringPrefixToMatch)
		    {		//+stringPrefixToMatch ){
		      comment =
			StringUtility::copyEdit (comment, stringPrefixToMatch,

		      cout << "And the string is: " << comment << endl;

		      if (comment.find (stringToMatch) != string::npos)
			  cout << "And even the string is matched." << endl;
			  //ROSE_ASSERT(comment.find('=') != comment.length());
			  //string variableName = comment.substr(comment.find(stringToMatch), comment.find('='));
			  cout << "And the string is a match" << endl;

			  //puit the matching comment into a container    
			  ControlStructureContainer *container =
			    new ControlStructureContainer ();
			  container->setPragmaString (comment);
			  container->setAssociatedStatement (locatedNode);

			  returnList.push_back (container);
		 /* printf
		    ("          Attached Comment (relativePosition=%s):\n %s\n Next comment: \n",
		     ((*j)->relativePosition ==
		      PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",
		     (*j)->getString ());*/


  return returnList;
}				/* End function:  queryFindCommentsInScope() */