CIDAcceptedASQ_r10b::ReapVerifyCID(SharedASQPtr asq, SharedACQPtr acq,
    uint16_t currCID)
    uint32_t isrCount;
    uint32_t ceRemain;
    uint32_t numReaped;
    uint32_t numCE;

    if (acq->ReapInquiryWaitSpecify(CALC_TIMEOUT_ms(1), 1, numCE, isrCount)
        == false) {
        acq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "acq.fail"),
            "Dump Entire ACQ");
        throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Unable to see CEs for issued cmd");

    SharedMemBufferPtr ceMem = SharedMemBufferPtr(new MemBuffer());
    if ((numReaped = acq->Reap(ceRemain, ceMem, isrCount, numCE, true)) != 1) {
        acq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "acq.fail"),
            "Dump Entire ACQ");
        throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Unable to reap on ACQ");

    union CE *ce = (union CE *)ceMem->GetBuffer();
    ProcessCE::Validate(*ce);  // throws upon error
    if (ce->n.CID != currCID) {
        asq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "asq.fail"),
            "Dump Entire ASQ");
        acq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "acq.fail"),
            "Dump Entire ACQ");
        throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Received CID %d but expected %d", ce->n.CID,
UnsupportRsvdFields_r11b::SendAsyncEventRequests(SharedASQPtr &asq,
    uint32_t nCmds, bool rsvd)
    uint16_t uniqueId;
    string work;

    LOG_NRM("Create aync event request cmd");
    SharedAsyncEventReqPtr asyncEventReqCmd =
        SharedAsyncEventReqPtr(new AsyncEventReq());

    if (rsvd == true) {
        LOG_NRM("Set all cmd's rsvd bits");
        uint32_t work = asyncEventReqCmd->GetDword(0);
        work |= 0x00007c00;      // Set DW0_b14:10 bits
        asyncEventReqCmd->SetDword(work, 0);

        for (uint32_t dw = 2; dw <= 15; dw++)
            asyncEventReqCmd->SetDword(0xffffffff, dw);
    } else {
        LOG_NRM("Reserved bits in the cmd are not set");

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nCmds; i++) {
        LOG_NRM("Send the async event request cmd to hdw via ASQ");
        asq->Send(asyncEventReqCmd, uniqueId);
        work = str(boost::format("asyncEventReq.%d") % i);
        asq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName,
            "asq", work), "Before doorbell ring");
    /** \verbatim
     * Assumptions:
     * 1) Test CreateResources_r10b has run prior.
     * \endverbatim
    uint32_t isrCount;
    // Lookup objs which were created in a prior test within group
    SharedASQPtr asq = CAST_TO_ASQ(gRsrcMngr->GetObj(ASQ_GROUP_ID))
    SharedACQPtr acq = CAST_TO_ACQ(gRsrcMngr->GetObj(ACQ_GROUP_ID))

    LOG_NRM("Verifying that the ACQ is empty");
    if (acq->ReapInquiry(isrCount, true) != 0) {
            FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "acq",
            "notEmpty"), "Test assumption have not been met");
        throw FrmwkEx(HERE, 
            "The ACQ should not have any CE's waiting before testing");

    LOG_NRM("Create identify cmd and assoc some buffer memory");
    SharedIdentifyPtr idCmdCap = SharedIdentifyPtr(new Identify());
    LOG_NRM("Force identify to request ctrlr capabilities struct");
    SharedMemBufferPtr idMemCap = SharedMemBufferPtr(new MemBuffer());
    idMemCap->InitAlignment(Identify::IDEAL_DATA_SIZE, PRP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT,
        false, 0);
    send_64b_bitmask idPrpCap =
        (send_64b_bitmask)(MASK_PRP1_PAGE | MASK_PRP2_PAGE);
    idCmdCap->SetPrpBuffer(idPrpCap, idMemCap);

    LOG_NRM("Learn initial unique command id assigned by dnvme.");
    uint16_t currCID;
    asq->Send(idCmdCap, currCID);
    uint16_t prevCID = currCID;
    for (uint32_t nCmds = 0; nCmds < MAX_CMDS; nCmds++) {
        LOG_NRM("Verify unique CID #%d for Cmd #%d", currCID, nCmds + 1);
        ReapVerifyCID(asq, acq, currCID);

        asq->Send(idCmdCap, currCID);
        if (currCID != (uint16_t)(prevCID + 1)) {
            asq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "asq.fail"),
                "Dump Entire ASQ");
            acq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "acq.fail"),
                "Dump Entire ACQ");
            throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Current CID(%d) != prev + 1(%d)", currCID,

        prevCID = currCID;
DeleteIOQDiscontigPoll_r10b::DeleteIOSQDiscontigPoll(SharedASQPtr asq,
    SharedACQPtr acq)
    uint16_t numCE;

    LOG_NRM("Lookup IOSQ which was created in a prior test within group");
    SharedIOSQPtr iosq = CAST_TO_IOSQ(

    LOG_NRM("Create a Delete IOSQ cmd to perform the IOSQ deletion");
    SharedDeleteIOSQPtr deleteIOSQCmd =
        SharedDeleteIOSQPtr(new DeleteIOSQ(mFd));

    LOG_NRM("Send the Delete IOSQ cmd to hdw");
    asq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepLogFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "asq",
        "Just B4 ringing SQ0 doorbell, dump entire SQ contents");

    LOG_NRM("Wait for the CE to arrive in ACQ");
    if (acq->ReapInquiryWaitSpecify(DEFAULT_CMD_WAIT_ms, 1, numCE) == false) {
        LOG_ERR("Unable to see completion of Delete IOSQ cmd");
            FileSystem::PrepLogFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "acq","deleteIOSQCmd"),
            "Unable to see any CE's in CQ0, dump entire CQ contents");
        throw exception();
    acq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepLogFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "acq",
        "deleteIOSQCmd"), "Just B4 reaping CQ0, dump entire CQ contents");

        uint16_t ceRemain;
        uint16_t numReaped;

        LOG_NRM("Reaping CE from ACQ, requires memory to hold reaped CE");
        SharedMemBufferPtr ceMemIOSQ = SharedMemBufferPtr(new MemBuffer());
        if ((numReaped = acq->Reap(ceRemain, ceMemIOSQ, numCE, true)) != 1) {
            LOG_ERR("Verified there was 1 CE, but reaping produced %d",
            throw exception();
        LOG_NRM("The reaped identify CE is...");

    // Not explicitly necessary, but is more clean to free what is not needed
Exemple #5
InvalidMSIXIRQ_r10b::SendToxicCmd(SharedASQPtr asq, SharedACQPtr acq,
    SharedCmdPtr cmd, uint16_t illegalIrqVec)
    string work;
    uint16_t uniqueId;
    uint32_t isrCnt;
    uint32_t numCE;

    LOG_NRM("Send the cmd to hdw via ASQ with illegal IRQ vec %d",
    asq->Send(cmd, uniqueId);
    work = str(boost::format("pure.%d") % illegalIrqVec);
    asq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "asq", work),
        "Just B4 modifying, dump ASQ");

    ASQCmdToxify(asq, illegalIrqVec);
    work = str(boost::format("toxic.%d") % illegalIrqVec);
    asq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "asq", work),
        "Just B4 ringing doorbell, dump ASQ");


    LOG_NRM("Wait for the CE to arrive in CQ %d", acq->GetQId());
    if (acq->ReapInquiryWaitSpecify(DEFAULT_CMD_WAIT_ms, 1, numCE, isrCnt)
        == false) {
        acq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "acq.fail"),
            "Dump Entire ACQ");
        asq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "asq.fail"),
            "Dump Entire ASQ");
        throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Unable to see CEs for issued cmd");

    IO::ReapCE(acq, 1, isrCnt, mGrpName, mTestName, "acq",
IllegalCreateQs_r10b::SendToxicCmd(SharedASQPtr asq, SharedACQPtr acq,
    SharedCmdPtr cmd, uint8_t dw, uint32_t mask, uint32_t val, CEStat status)
    uint16_t uniqueId;
    uint32_t isrCnt;
    uint32_t numCE;
    string work;

    LOG_NRM("Send the cmd to hdw via ASQ");
    asq->Send(cmd, uniqueId);

    work = str(boost::format("%s.pure.%d") % cmd->GetName().c_str() % uniqueId);
    asq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "asq"
        + cmd->GetName(), work), "Just B4 modifying, dump ASQ");

    ASQCmdToxify(asq, dw, mask, val);
    work = str(boost::format("%s.toxic.%d") % cmd->GetName().c_str() % uniqueId);
    asq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "asq", work),
        "Just B4 ringing doorbell, dump ASQ");


    LOG_NRM("Wait for the CE to arrive in CQ %d", acq->GetQId());
    if (acq->ReapInquiryWaitSpecify(DEFAULT_CMD_WAIT_ms, 1, numCE, isrCnt)
        == false) {
        acq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "acq.fail"),
            "Dump Entire ACQ");
        asq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "asq.fail"),
            "Dump Entire ASQ");
        throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Unable to see CEs for issued cmd");

    work = str(boost::format("acq.%d") % uniqueId);
    IO::ReapCE(acq, 1, isrCnt, mGrpName, mTestName, work, status);
AdminQRollChkDiff_r10b::VerifyQPointers(SharedACQPtr acq, SharedASQPtr asq)
    union CE ce;
    struct nvme_gen_cq acqMetrics = acq->GetQMetrics();
    struct nvme_gen_sq asqMetrics = asq->GetQMetrics();

    // The CQ's metrics after reaping holds head_ptr plus 1 needed. Also Take
    // Q roll over into account.
    if (acqMetrics.head_ptr == 0) {
        ce = acq->PeekCE(acq->GetNumEntries() - 1);
    } else {
        ce = acq->PeekCE(acqMetrics.head_ptr - 1);

    uint16_t expectedVal = (2 + MAX(acq->GetNumEntries(),
        asq->GetNumEntries())) % acq->GetNumEntries();
    if (acqMetrics.head_ptr != expectedVal) {
            FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "acq", "head_ptr"),
            "CQ Metrics Head Pointer Inconsistent");
        throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Expected ACQ.head_ptr = 0x%04X but actual "
            "ACQ.head_ptr = 0x%04X", expectedVal, acqMetrics.head_ptr);

    expectedVal = (2 + MAX(acq->GetNumEntries(), asq->GetNumEntries())) %
    if (asqMetrics.tail_ptr != expectedVal) {
            FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "asq", "tail_ptr"),
            "SQ Metrics Tail Pointer Inconsistent");
        throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Expected  ASQ.tail_ptr = 0x%04X but actual "
            "ASQ.tail_ptr  = 0x%04X", expectedVal, asqMetrics.tail_ptr);

    if (ce.n.SQHD != expectedVal) {
            FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName, "acq", "CE.SQHD"),
            "CE SQ Head Pointer Inconsistent");
        throw FrmwkEx(HERE, "Expected CE.SQHD = 0x%04X in ACQ completion entry but actual "
            "CE.SQHD  = 0x%04X", expectedVal, ce.n.SQHD);
VerifyMaxEvents_r10b::SendAsyncEventRequests(SharedASQPtr &asq, uint32_t nCmds)
    uint16_t uniqueId;
    string work;

    LOG_NRM("Create aync event request cmd");
    SharedAsyncEventReqPtr asyncEventReqCmd =
        SharedAsyncEventReqPtr(new AsyncEventReq());

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nCmds; i++) {
        LOG_NRM("Send the async event request cmd to hdw via ASQ");
        asq->Send(asyncEventReqCmd, uniqueId);
        work = str(boost::format("asyncEventReq.%d") % i);
        asq->Dump(FileSystem::PrepDumpFile(mGrpName, mTestName,
            "asq", work), "Before doorbell ring");