Exemple #1
void EntityScriptServer::handleEntityScriptGetStatusPacket(QSharedPointer<ReceivedMessage> message, SharedNodePointer senderNode) {
    if (senderNode->getCanRez() || senderNode->getCanRezTmp() || senderNode->getCanRezCertified() || senderNode->getCanRezTmpCertified()) {
        MessageID messageID;
        auto entityID = QUuid::fromRfc4122(message->read(NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID));

        auto replyPacketList = NLPacketList::create(PacketType::EntityScriptGetStatusReply, QByteArray(), true, true);

        EntityScriptDetails details;
        if (_entitiesScriptEngine->getEntityScriptDetails(entityID, details)) {
        } else {

        auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
        nodeList->sendPacketList(std::move(replyPacketList), *senderNode);
Exemple #2
void ACClientApp::nodeActivated(SharedNodePointer node) {
    if (node->getType() == NodeType::EntityServer) {
        if (_verbose) {
            qDebug() << "saw EntityServer";
        _sawEntityServer = true;
    else if (node->getType() == NodeType::AudioMixer) {
        if (_verbose) {
            qDebug() << "saw AudioMixer";
        _sawAudioMixer = true;
    else if (node->getType() == NodeType::AvatarMixer) {
        if (_verbose) {
            qDebug() << "saw AvatarMixer";
        _sawAvatarMixer = true;
    else if (node->getType() == NodeType::AssetServer) {
        if (_verbose) {
            qDebug() << "saw AssetServer";
        _sawAssetServer = true;
    else if (node->getType() == NodeType::MessagesMixer) {
        if (_verbose) {
            qDebug() << "saw MessagesMixer";
        _sawMessagesMixer = true;

    if (_sawEntityServer && _sawAudioMixer && _sawAvatarMixer && _sawAssetServer && _sawMessagesMixer) {
        if (_verbose) {
            qDebug() << "success";
void AssignmentClientMonitor::checkSpares() {
    auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
    QUuid aSpareId = "";
    unsigned int spareCount = 0;
    unsigned int totalCount = 0;


    nodeList->eachNode([&](const SharedNodePointer& node) {
        AssignmentClientChildData* childData = static_cast<AssignmentClientChildData*>(node->getLinkedData());
        totalCount ++;
        if (childData->getChildType() == Assignment::Type::AllTypes) {
            aSpareId = node->getUUID();

    // Spawn or kill children, as needed.  If --min or --max weren't specified, allow the child count
    // to drift up or down as far as needed.

    if (spareCount < 1 || totalCount < _minAssignmentClientForks) {
        if (!_maxAssignmentClientForks || totalCount < _maxAssignmentClientForks) {

    if (spareCount > 1) {
        if (!_minAssignmentClientForks || totalCount > _minAssignmentClientForks) {
            // kill aSpareId
            qDebug() << "asking child" << aSpareId << "to exit.";
            SharedNodePointer childNode = nodeList->nodeWithUUID(aSpareId);

            auto diePacket = NLPacket::create(PacketType::StopNode, 0);
            nodeList->sendPacket(std::move(diePacket), *childNode);
int LimitedNodeList::updateNodeWithDataFromPacket(const SharedNodePointer& matchingNode, const QByteArray &packet) {
    QMutexLocker locker(&matchingNode->getMutex());


    // if this was a sequence numbered packet we should store the last seq number for
    // a packet of this type for this node
    PacketType packetType = packetTypeForPacket(packet);
    if (SEQUENCE_NUMBERED_PACKETS.contains(packetType)) {
        matchingNode->setLastSequenceNumberForPacketType(sequenceNumberFromHeader(packet, packetType), packetType);

    NodeData* linkedData = matchingNode->getLinkedData();
    if (!linkedData && linkedDataCreateCallback) {

    if (linkedData) {
        QMutexLocker linkedDataLocker(&linkedData->getMutex());
        return linkedData->parseData(packet);
    return 0;
// EntityServer will use the "special packets" to send list of recently deleted entities
bool EntityServer::hasSpecialPacketsToSend(const SharedNodePointer& node) {
    bool shouldSendDeletedEntities = false;

    // check to see if any new entities have been added since we last sent to this node...
    EntityNodeData* nodeData = static_cast<EntityNodeData*>(node->getLinkedData());
    if (nodeData) {
        quint64 deletedEntitiesSentAt = nodeData->getLastDeletedEntitiesSentAt();

        EntityTreePointer tree = std::static_pointer_cast<EntityTree>(_tree);
        shouldSendDeletedEntities = tree->hasEntitiesDeletedSince(deletedEntitiesSentAt);

    return shouldSendDeletedEntities;
Exemple #6
// ModelServer will use the "special packets" to send list of recently deleted models
bool ModelServer::hasSpecialPacketToSend(const SharedNodePointer& node) {
    bool shouldSendDeletedModels = false;

    // check to see if any new models have been added since we last sent to this node...
    ModelNodeData* nodeData = static_cast<ModelNodeData*>(node->getLinkedData());
    if (nodeData) {
        quint64 deletedModelsSentAt = nodeData->getLastDeletedModelsSentAt();

        ModelTree* tree = static_cast<ModelTree*>(_tree);
        shouldSendDeletedModels = tree->hasModelsDeletedSince(deletedModelsSentAt);

    return shouldSendDeletedModels;
Exemple #7
void NodeList::timePingReply(ReceivedMessage& message, const SharedNodePointer& sendingNode) {
    PingType_t pingType;
    quint64 ourOriginalTime, othersReplyTime;

    quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();
    int pingTime = now - ourOriginalTime;
    int oneWayFlightTime = pingTime / 2; // half of the ping is our one way flight

    // The other node's expected time should be our original time plus the one way flight time
    // anything other than that is clock skew
    quint64 othersExpectedReply = ourOriginalTime + oneWayFlightTime;
    int clockSkew = othersReplyTime - othersExpectedReply;

    sendingNode->setPingMs(pingTime / 1000);

    const bool wantDebug = false;

    if (wantDebug) {
        qCDebug(networking) << "PING_REPLY from node " << *sendingNode << "\n" <<
        "                     now: " << now << "\n" <<
        "                 ourTime: " << ourOriginalTime << "\n" <<
        "                pingTime: " << pingTime << "\n" <<
        "        oneWayFlightTime: " << oneWayFlightTime << "\n" <<
        "         othersReplyTime: " << othersReplyTime << "\n" <<
        "    othersExprectedReply: " << othersExpectedReply << "\n" <<
        "               clockSkew: " << clockSkew  << "\n" <<
        "       average clockSkew: " << sendingNode->getClockSkewUsec();
Exemple #8
void EntityScriptServer::handleEntityScriptGetStatusPacket(QSharedPointer<ReceivedMessage> message, SharedNodePointer senderNode) {
    // These are temporary checks until we can ensure that nodes eventually disconnect if the Domain Server stops telling them
    // about each other.
    if (senderNode->getCanRez() || senderNode->getCanRezTmp() || senderNode->getCanRezCertified() || senderNode->getCanRezTmpCertified()) {
        MessageID messageID;
        auto entityID = QUuid::fromRfc4122(message->read(NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID));

        auto replyPacketList = NLPacketList::create(PacketType::EntityScriptGetStatusReply, QByteArray(), true, true);

        EntityScriptDetails details;
        if (_entitiesScriptEngine->getEntityScriptDetails(entityID, details)) {
        } else {

        auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
        nodeList->sendPacketList(std::move(replyPacketList), *senderNode);
void AudioMixer::handleMuteEnvironmentPacket(QSharedPointer<NLPacket> packet, SharedNodePointer sendingNode) {
    auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
    if (sendingNode->getCanAdjustLocks()) {
        auto newPacket = NLPacket::create(PacketType::MuteEnvironment, packet->getPayloadSize());
        // Copy payload
        newPacket->write(packet->getPayload(), packet->getPayloadSize());

        nodeList->eachNode([&](const SharedNodePointer& node){
            if (node->getType() == NodeType::Agent && node->getActiveSocket() &&
                node->getLinkedData() && node != sendingNode) {
                nodeList->sendPacket(std::move(newPacket), *node);
Exemple #10
int LimitedNodeList::updateNodeWithDataFromPacket(const SharedNodePointer& matchingNode, const QByteArray &packet) {
    QMutexLocker locker(&matchingNode->getMutex());
    if (!matchingNode->getLinkedData() && linkedDataCreateCallback) {
    QMutexLocker linkedDataLocker(&matchingNode->getLinkedData()->getMutex());
    return matchingNode->getLinkedData()->parseData(packet);
Exemple #11
void MessagesClient::handleMessagesPacket(QSharedPointer<NLPacketList> packetList, SharedNodePointer senderNode) {
    QByteArray packetData = packetList->getMessage();
    QBuffer packet{ &packetData };

    quint16 channelLength;
    packet.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&channelLength), sizeof(channelLength));
    auto channelData = packet.read(channelLength);
    QString channel = QString::fromUtf8(channelData);

    quint16 messageLength;
    packet.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&messageLength), sizeof(messageLength));
    auto messageData = packet.read(messageLength);
    QString message = QString::fromUtf8(messageData);

    emit messageReceived(channel, message, senderNode->getUUID());
Exemple #12
bool LimitedNodeList::packetVersionAndHashMatch(const QByteArray& packet) {
    PacketType checkType = packetTypeForPacket(packet);
    int numPacketTypeBytes = numBytesArithmeticCodingFromBuffer(packet.data());
    if (packet[numPacketTypeBytes] != versionForPacketType(checkType)
        && checkType != PacketTypeStunResponse) {
        PacketType mismatchType = packetTypeForPacket(packet);
        static QMultiMap<QUuid, PacketType> versionDebugSuppressMap;
        QUuid senderUUID = uuidFromPacketHeader(packet);
        if (!versionDebugSuppressMap.contains(senderUUID, checkType)) {
            qDebug() << "Packet version mismatch on" << packetTypeForPacket(packet) << "- Sender"
            << uuidFromPacketHeader(packet) << "sent" << qPrintable(QString::number(packet[numPacketTypeBytes])) << "but"
            << qPrintable(QString::number(versionForPacketType(mismatchType))) << "expected.";
            versionDebugSuppressMap.insert(senderUUID, checkType);
        return false;
    if (!NON_VERIFIED_PACKETS.contains(checkType)) {
        // figure out which node this is from
        SharedNodePointer sendingNode = sendingNodeForPacket(packet);
        if (sendingNode) {
            // check if the md5 hash in the header matches the hash we would expect
            if (hashFromPacketHeader(packet) == hashForPacketAndConnectionUUID(packet, sendingNode->getConnectionSecret())) {
                return true;
            } else {
                qDebug() << "Packet hash mismatch on" << checkType << "- Sender"
                    << uuidFromPacketHeader(packet);
        } else {
            static QString repeatedMessage
                = LogHandler::getInstance().addRepeatedMessageRegex("Packet of type \\d+ received from unknown node with UUID");
            qDebug() << "Packet of type" << checkType << "received from unknown node with UUID"
                << qPrintable(uuidStringWithoutCurlyBraces(uuidFromPacketHeader(packet)));
    } else {
        return true;
    return false;
Exemple #13
OctreeSendThread::OctreeSendThread(const SharedAssignmentPointer& myAssignment, const SharedNodePointer& node) :
    QString safeServerName("Octree");
    if (_myServer) {
        safeServerName = _myServer->getMyServerName();
    qDebug() << qPrintable(safeServerName)  << "server [" << _myServer << "]: client connected "
                                            "- starting sending thread [" << this << "]";

void AudioMixerClientData::parsePerAvatarGainSet(ReceivedMessage& message, const SharedNodePointer& node) {
    QUuid uuid = node->getUUID();
    // parse the UUID from the packet
    QUuid avatarUuid = QUuid::fromRfc4122(message.readWithoutCopy(NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID));
    uint8_t packedGain;
    float gain = unpackFloatGainFromByte(packedGain);

    if (avatarUuid.isNull()) {
        // set the MASTER avatar gain
        qCDebug(audio) << "Setting MASTER avatar gain for " << uuid << " to " << gain;
    } else {
        // set the per-source avatar gain
        hrtfForStream(avatarUuid, QUuid()).setGainAdjustment(gain);
        qCDebug(audio) << "Setting avatar gain adjustment for hrtf[" << uuid << "][" << avatarUuid << "] to " << gain;
Exemple #15
void NodeList::activateSocketFromNodeCommunication(ReceivedMessage& message, const SharedNodePointer& sendingNode) {
    // deconstruct this ping packet to see if it is a public or local reply
    QDataStream packetStream(message.getMessage());

    quint8 pingType;
    packetStream >> pingType;

    // if this is a local or public ping then we can activate a socket
    // we do nothing with agnostic pings, those are simply for timing
    if (pingType == PingType::Local && sendingNode->getActiveSocket() != &sendingNode->getLocalSocket()) {
    } else if (pingType == PingType::Public && !sendingNode->getActiveSocket()) {
    } else if (pingType == PingType::Symmetric && !sendingNode->getActiveSocket()) {

    if (sendingNode->getType() == NodeType::AudioMixer) {
Exemple #16
void EntityScriptServer::handleEntityScriptCallMethodPacket(QSharedPointer<ReceivedMessage> receivedMessage, SharedNodePointer senderNode) {

    if (_entitiesScriptEngine && _entityViewer.getTree() && !_shuttingDown) {
        auto entityID = QUuid::fromRfc4122(receivedMessage->read(NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID));

        auto method = receivedMessage->readString();

        quint16 paramCount;

        QStringList params;
        for (int param = 0; param < paramCount; param++) {
            auto paramString = receivedMessage->readString();
            params << paramString;

        _entitiesScriptEngine->callEntityScriptMethod(entityID, method, params, senderNode->getUUID());
Exemple #17
void NodeList::activateSocketFromNodeCommunication(const QByteArray& packet, const SharedNodePointer& sendingNode) {
    // deconstruct this ping packet to see if it is a public or local reply
    QDataStream packetStream(packet);
    quint8 pingType;
    packetStream >> pingType;
    // if this is a local or public ping then we can activate a socket
    // we do nothing with agnostic pings, those are simply for timing
    if (pingType == PingType::Local && sendingNode->getActiveSocket() != &sendingNode->getLocalSocket()) {
    } else if (pingType == PingType::Public && !sendingNode->getActiveSocket()) {
    } else if (pingType == PingType::Symmetric && !sendingNode->getActiveSocket()) {
Exemple #18
void AssetClient::handleNodeKilled(SharedNodePointer node) {
    if (node->getType() != NodeType::AssetServer) {

        auto messageMapIt = _pendingRequests.find(node);
        if (messageMapIt != _pendingRequests.end()) {
            for (const auto& value : messageMapIt->second) {
                value.second.completeCallback(false, AssetServerError::NoError, QByteArray());

        auto messageMapIt = _pendingInfoRequests.find(node);
        if (messageMapIt != _pendingInfoRequests.end()) {
            AssetInfo info { "", 0 };
            for (const auto& value : messageMapIt->second) {
                value.second(false, AssetServerError::NoError, info);

        auto messageMapIt = _pendingUploads.find(node);
        if (messageMapIt != _pendingUploads.end()) {
            for (const auto& value : messageMapIt->second) {
                value.second(false, AssetServerError::NoError, "");
Exemple #19
SharedNodePointer LimitedNodeList::updateSocketsForNode(const QUuid& uuid,
                                                 const HifiSockAddr& publicSocket, const HifiSockAddr& localSocket) {

    SharedNodePointer matchingNode = nodeWithUUID(uuid);
    if (matchingNode) {
        // perform appropriate updates to this node
        QMutexLocker locker(&matchingNode->getMutex());
        // check if we need to change this node's public or local sockets
        if (publicSocket != matchingNode->getPublicSocket()) {
            qDebug() << "Public socket change for node" << *matchingNode;
        if (localSocket != matchingNode->getLocalSocket()) {
            qDebug() << "Local socket change for node" << *matchingNode;
    return matchingNode;
Exemple #20
bool EntityTree::updateEntityWithElement(EntityItemPointer entity, const EntityItemProperties& origProperties,
                                         EntityTreeElementPointer containingElement, const SharedNodePointer& senderNode) {
    EntityItemProperties properties = origProperties;

    bool allowLockChange;
    QUuid senderID;
    if (senderNode.isNull()) {
        auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
        allowLockChange = nodeList->getThisNodeCanAdjustLocks();
        senderID = nodeList->getSessionUUID();
    } else {
        allowLockChange = senderNode->getCanAdjustLocks();
        senderID = senderNode->getUUID();

    if (!allowLockChange && (entity->getLocked() != properties.getLocked())) {
        qCDebug(entities) << "Refusing disallowed lock adjustment.";
        return false;

    // enforce support for locked entities. If an entity is currently locked, then the only
    // property we allow you to change is the locked property.
    if (entity->getLocked()) {
        if (properties.lockedChanged()) {
            bool wantsLocked = properties.getLocked();
            if (!wantsLocked) {
                EntityItemProperties tempProperties;
                UpdateEntityOperator theOperator(getThisPointer(), containingElement, entity, tempProperties);
                _isDirty = true;
    } else {
        if (getIsServer()) {
            bool simulationBlocked = !entity->getSimulatorID().isNull();
            if (properties.simulationOwnerChanged()) {
                QUuid submittedID = properties.getSimulationOwner().getID();
                // a legit interface will only submit their own ID or NULL:
                if (submittedID.isNull()) {
                    if (entity->getSimulatorID() == senderID) {
                        // We only allow the simulation owner to clear their own simulationID's.
                        simulationBlocked = false;
                        properties.clearSimulationOwner(); // clear everything
                    // else: We assume the sender really did believe it was the simulation owner when it sent
                } else if (submittedID == senderID) {
                    // the sender is trying to take or continue ownership
                    if (entity->getSimulatorID().isNull()) {
                        // the sender it taking ownership
                        simulationBlocked = false;
                    } else if (entity->getSimulatorID() == senderID) {
                        // the sender is asserting ownership
                        simulationBlocked = false;
                    } else {
                        // the sender is trying to steal ownership from another simulator
                        // so we apply the rules for ownership change:
                        // (1) higher priority wins
                        // (2) equal priority wins if ownership filter has expired except...
                        uint8_t oldPriority = entity->getSimulationPriority();
                        uint8_t newPriority = properties.getSimulationOwner().getPriority();
                        if (newPriority > oldPriority ||
                             (newPriority == oldPriority && properties.getSimulationOwner().hasExpired())) {
                            simulationBlocked = false;
                } else {
                    // the entire update is suspect --> ignore it
                    return false;
            } else {
                simulationBlocked = senderID != entity->getSimulatorID();
            if (simulationBlocked) {
                // squash ownership and physics-related changes.

                if (wantTerseEditLogging()) {
                    qCDebug(entities) << senderNode->getUUID() << "physical edits suppressed";
        // else client accepts what the server says

        QString entityScriptBefore = entity->getScript();
        quint64 entityScriptTimestampBefore = entity->getScriptTimestamp();
        QString collisionSoundURLBefore = entity->getCollisionSoundURL();
        uint32_t preFlags = entity->getDirtyFlags();
        UpdateEntityOperator theOperator(getThisPointer(), containingElement, entity, properties);
        _isDirty = true;

        uint32_t newFlags = entity->getDirtyFlags() & ~preFlags;
        if (newFlags) {
            if (_simulation) {
                if (newFlags & DIRTY_SIMULATION_FLAGS) {
            } else {
                // normally the _simulation clears ALL updateFlags, but since there is none we do it explicitly

        QString entityScriptAfter = entity->getScript();
        quint64 entityScriptTimestampAfter = entity->getScriptTimestamp();
        bool reload = entityScriptTimestampBefore != entityScriptTimestampAfter;
        if (entityScriptBefore != entityScriptAfter || reload) {
            emitEntityScriptChanging(entity->getEntityItemID(), reload); // the entity script has changed
        maybeNotifyNewCollisionSoundURL(collisionSoundURLBefore, entity->getCollisionSoundURL());

    // TODO: this final containingElement check should eventually be removed (or wrapped in an #ifdef DEBUG).
    containingElement = getContainingElement(entity->getEntityItemID());
    if (!containingElement) {
        qCDebug(entities) << "UNEXPECTED!!!! after updateEntity() we no longer have a containing element??? entityID="
                << entity->getEntityItemID();
        return false;

    return true;
void OctreePacketProcessor::processPacket(const SharedNodePointer& sendingNode, const QByteArray& packet) {
    PerformanceWarning warn(Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::PipelineWarnings),
    QByteArray mutablePacket = packet;

    const int WAY_BEHIND = 300;

    if (packetsToProcessCount() > WAY_BEHIND && Application::getInstance()->getLogger()->extraDebugging()) {
        qDebug("OctreePacketProcessor::processPacket() packets to process=%d", packetsToProcessCount());
    int messageLength = mutablePacket.size();

    Application* app = Application::getInstance();
    bool wasStatsPacket = false;

    PacketType voxelPacketType = packetTypeForPacket(mutablePacket);
    // note: PacketType_OCTREE_STATS can have PacketType_VOXEL_DATA
    // immediately following them inside the same packet. So, we process the PacketType_OCTREE_STATS first
    // then process any remaining bytes as if it was another packet
    if (voxelPacketType == PacketTypeOctreeStats) {
        int statsMessageLength = app->parseOctreeStats(mutablePacket, sendingNode);
        wasStatsPacket = true;
        if (messageLength > statsMessageLength) {
            mutablePacket = mutablePacket.mid(statsMessageLength);
            // TODO: this does not look correct, the goal is to test the packet version for the piggyback, but
            //       this is testing the version and hash of the original packet
            if (!DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->packetVersionAndHashMatch(packet)) {
                return; // bail since piggyback data doesn't match our versioning
        } else {
            // Note... stats packets don't have sequence numbers, so we don't want to send those to trackIncomingVoxelPacket()
            return; // bail since no piggyback data
    } // fall through to piggyback message
    voxelPacketType = packetTypeForPacket(mutablePacket);
    PacketVersion packetVersion = mutablePacket[1];
    PacketVersion expectedVersion = versionForPacketType(voxelPacketType);
    // check version of piggyback packet against expected version
    if (packetVersion != expectedVersion) {
        static QMultiMap<QUuid, PacketType> versionDebugSuppressMap;
        QUuid senderUUID = uuidFromPacketHeader(packet);
        if (!versionDebugSuppressMap.contains(senderUUID, voxelPacketType)) {
            qDebug() << "Packet version mismatch on" << voxelPacketType << "- Sender"
            << senderUUID << "sent" << (int)packetVersion << "but"
            << (int)expectedVersion << "expected.";
            emit packetVersionMismatch();

            versionDebugSuppressMap.insert(senderUUID, voxelPacketType);
        return; // bail since piggyback version doesn't match
    app->trackIncomingOctreePacket(mutablePacket, sendingNode, wasStatsPacket);

    if (sendingNode) {

        switch(voxelPacketType) {
            case PacketTypeEntityErase: {
                if (DependencyManager::get<SceneScriptingInterface>()->shouldRenderEntities()) {
                    app->_entities.processEraseMessage(mutablePacket, sendingNode);
            } break;

            case PacketTypeEntityData: {
                if (DependencyManager::get<SceneScriptingInterface>()->shouldRenderEntities()) {
                    app->_entities.processDatagram(mutablePacket, sendingNode);
            } break;

            case PacketTypeEnvironmentData: {
                app->_environment.parseData(*sendingNode->getActiveSocket(), mutablePacket);
            } break;

            default: {
                // nothing to do
            } break;
void ReceivedPacketProcessor::nodeKilled(SharedNodePointer node) {
Exemple #23
int OctreeSendThread::handlePacketSend(const SharedNodePointer& node, OctreeQueryNode* nodeData, int& trueBytesSent, int& truePacketsSent) {
    bool debug = _myServer->wantsDebugSending();
    quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();

    bool packetSent = false; // did we send a packet?
    int packetsSent = 0;
    // double check that the node has an active socket, otherwise, don't send...

    quint64 lockWaitStart = usecTimestampNow();
    QMutexLocker locker(&node->getMutex());
    quint64 lockWaitEnd = usecTimestampNow();
    float lockWaitElapsedUsec = (float)(lockWaitEnd - lockWaitStart);
    const HifiSockAddr* nodeAddress = node->getActiveSocket();
    if (!nodeAddress) {
        return packetsSent; // without sending...
    // Here's where we check to see if this packet is a duplicate of the last packet. If it is, we will silently
    // obscure the packet and not send it. This allows the callers and upper level logic to not need to know about
    // this rate control savings.
    if (nodeData->shouldSuppressDuplicatePacket()) {
        nodeData->resetOctreePacket(true); // we still need to reset it though!
        return packetsSent; // without sending...

    const unsigned char* messageData = nodeData->getPacket();
    int numBytesPacketHeader = numBytesForPacketHeader(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(messageData));
    const unsigned char* dataAt = messageData + numBytesPacketHeader;
    dataAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_FLAGS);
    dataAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_SEQUENCE);

    // If we've got a stats message ready to send, then see if we can piggyback them together
    if (nodeData->stats.isReadyToSend()) {
        // Send the stats message to the client
        unsigned char* statsMessage = nodeData->stats.getStatsMessage();
        int statsMessageLength = nodeData->stats.getStatsMessageLength();
        int piggyBackSize = nodeData->getPacketLength() + statsMessageLength;

        // If the size of the stats message and the voxel message will fit in a packet, then piggyback them
        if (piggyBackSize < MAX_PACKET_SIZE) {

            // copy voxel message to back of stats message
            memcpy(statsMessage + statsMessageLength, nodeData->getPacket(), nodeData->getPacketLength());
            statsMessageLength += nodeData->getPacketLength();

            // since a stats message is only included on end of scene, don't consider any of these bytes "wasted", since
            // there was nothing else to send.
            int thisWastedBytes = 0;
            _totalWastedBytes += thisWastedBytes;
            _totalBytes += nodeData->getPacketLength();
            if (debug) {
                qDebug() << "Adding stats to packet at " << now << " [" << _totalPackets <<"]: sequence: " << sequence <<
                        " statsMessageLength: " << statsMessageLength <<
                        " original size: " << nodeData->getPacketLength() << " [" << _totalBytes <<
                        "] wasted bytes:" << thisWastedBytes << " [" << _totalWastedBytes << "]";

            // actually send it
            NodeList::getInstance()->writeDatagram((char*) statsMessage, statsMessageLength, SharedNodePointer(node));
            packetSent = true;
        } else {
            // not enough room in the packet, send two packets
            NodeList::getInstance()->writeDatagram((char*) statsMessage, statsMessageLength, SharedNodePointer(node));

            // since a stats message is only included on end of scene, don't consider any of these bytes "wasted", since
            // there was nothing else to send.
            int thisWastedBytes = 0;
            _totalWastedBytes += thisWastedBytes;
            _totalBytes += statsMessageLength;
            if (debug) {
                qDebug() << "Sending separate stats packet at " << now << " [" << _totalPackets <<"]: sequence: " << sequence <<
                        " size: " << statsMessageLength << " [" << _totalBytes <<
                        "] wasted bytes:" << thisWastedBytes << " [" << _totalWastedBytes << "]";

            trueBytesSent += statsMessageLength;

            NodeList::getInstance()->writeDatagram((char*) nodeData->getPacket(), nodeData->getPacketLength(),

            packetSent = true;

            thisWastedBytes = MAX_PACKET_SIZE - nodeData->getPacketLength();
            _totalWastedBytes += thisWastedBytes;
            _totalBytes += nodeData->getPacketLength();
            if (debug) {
                qDebug() << "Sending packet at " << now << " [" << _totalPackets <<"]: sequence: " << sequence <<
                        " size: " << nodeData->getPacketLength() << " [" << _totalBytes <<
                        "] wasted bytes:" << thisWastedBytes << " [" << _totalWastedBytes << "]";
    } else {
        // If there's actually a packet waiting, then send it.
        if (nodeData->isPacketWaiting()) {
            // just send the voxel packet
            NodeList::getInstance()->writeDatagram((char*) nodeData->getPacket(), nodeData->getPacketLength(),
            packetSent = true;

            int thisWastedBytes = MAX_PACKET_SIZE - nodeData->getPacketLength();
            _totalWastedBytes += thisWastedBytes;
            _totalBytes += nodeData->getPacketLength();
            if (debug) {
                qDebug() << "Sending packet at " << now << " [" << _totalPackets <<"]: sequence: " << sequence <<
                        " size: " << nodeData->getPacketLength() << " [" << _totalBytes <<
                        "] wasted bytes:" << thisWastedBytes << " [" << _totalWastedBytes << "]";
    // remember to track our stats
    if (packetSent) {
        trueBytesSent += nodeData->getPacketLength();

    return packetsSent;
Exemple #24
void EntityServer::nodeKilled(SharedNodePointer node) {
    EntityTreePointer tree = std::static_pointer_cast<EntityTree>(_tree);
void AvatarMixerClientData::ignoreOther(SharedNodePointer self, SharedNodePointer other) {
    ignoreOther(self.data(), other.data());
Exemple #26
void EntityServer::nodeAdded(SharedNodePointer node) {
    EntityTreePointer tree = std::static_pointer_cast<EntityTree>(_tree);
Exemple #27
// FIXME - most of the old code for this was encapsulated in EntityTree, I liked that design from a data
// hiding and object oriented perspective. But that didn't really allow us to handle the case of lots
// of entities being deleted at the same time. I'd like to look to move this back into EntityTree but
// for now this works and addresses the bug.
int EntityServer::sendSpecialPackets(const SharedNodePointer& node, OctreeQueryNode* queryNode, int& packetsSent) {
    int totalBytes = 0;

    EntityNodeData* nodeData = static_cast<EntityNodeData*>(node->getLinkedData());
    if (nodeData) {

        quint64 deletedEntitiesSentAt = nodeData->getLastDeletedEntitiesSentAt();
        quint64 considerEntitiesSince = EntityTree::getAdjustedConsiderSince(deletedEntitiesSentAt);

        quint64 deletePacketSentAt = usecTimestampNow();
        EntityTreePointer tree = std::static_pointer_cast<EntityTree>(_tree);
        auto recentlyDeleted = tree->getRecentlyDeletedEntityIDs();

        packetsSent = 0;

        // create a new special packet
        std::unique_ptr<NLPacket> deletesPacket = NLPacket::create(PacketType::EntityErase);

        // pack in flags
        OCTREE_PACKET_FLAGS flags = 0;

        // pack in sequence number
        auto sequenceNumber = queryNode->getSequenceNumber();

        // pack in timestamp
        OCTREE_PACKET_SENT_TIME now = usecTimestampNow();

        // figure out where we are now and pack a temporary number of IDs
        uint16_t numberOfIDs = 0;
        qint64 numberOfIDsPos = deletesPacket->pos();

        // we keep a multi map of entity IDs to timestamps, we only want to include the entity IDs that have been
        // deleted since we last sent to this node
        auto it = recentlyDeleted.constBegin();
        while (it != recentlyDeleted.constEnd()) {

            // if the timestamp is more recent then out last sent time, include it
            if (it.key() > considerEntitiesSince) {

                // get all the IDs for this timestamp
                const auto& entityIDsFromTime = recentlyDeleted.values(it.key());

                for (const auto& entityID : entityIDsFromTime) {

                    // check to make sure we have room for one more ID, if we don't have more
                    // room, then send out this packet and create another one
                    if (NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID > deletesPacket->bytesAvailableForWrite()) {

                        // replace the count for the number of included IDs

                        // Send the current packet
                        auto thisPacketSize = deletesPacket->getDataSize();
                        totalBytes += thisPacketSize;
                        DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->sendPacket(std::move(deletesPacket), *node);

                        #ifdef EXTRA_ERASE_DEBUGGING
                            qDebug() << "EntityServer::sendSpecialPackets() sending packet packetsSent[" << packetsSent << "] size:" << thisPacketSize;

                        // create another packet
                        deletesPacket = NLPacket::create(PacketType::EntityErase);

                        // pack in flags

                        // pack in sequence number
                        sequenceNumber = queryNode->getSequenceNumber();

                        // pack in timestamp

                        // figure out where we are now and pack a temporary number of IDs
                        numberOfIDs = 0;
                        numberOfIDsPos = deletesPacket->pos();

                    // FIXME - we still seem to see cases where incorrect EntityIDs get sent from the server
                    // to the client. These were causing "lost" entities like flashlights and laser pointers
                    // now that we keep around some additional history of the erased entities and resend that
                    // history for a longer time window, these entities are not "lost". But we haven't yet
                    // found/fixed the underlying issue that caused bad UUIDs to be sent to some users.

                    #ifdef EXTRA_ERASE_DEBUGGING
                        qDebug() << "EntityTree::encodeEntitiesDeletedSince() including:" << entityID;
                } // end for (ids)

            } // end if (it.val > sinceLast)

        } // end while

        // replace the count for the number of included IDs

        // Send the current packet
        auto thisPacketSize = deletesPacket->getDataSize();
        totalBytes += thisPacketSize;
        DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->sendPacket(std::move(deletesPacket), *node);
            qDebug() << "EntityServer::sendSpecialPackets() sending packet packetsSent[" << packetsSent << "] size:" << thisPacketSize;


        if (packetsSent > 0) {
            qDebug() << "EntityServer::sendSpecialPackets() sent " << packetsSent << "special packets of " 
                        << totalBytes << " total bytes to node:" << node->getUUID();

    // TODO: caller is expecting a packetLength, what if we send more than one packet??
    return totalBytes;
Exemple #28
void OctreeRenderer::processDatagram(const QByteArray& dataByteArray, const SharedNodePointer& sourceNode) {
    bool extraDebugging = false;
    if (extraDebugging) {
        qCDebug(octree) << "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram()";

    if (!_tree) {
        qCDebug(octree) << "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram() called before init, calling init()...";

    bool showTimingDetails = false; // Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::PipelineWarnings);
    PerformanceWarning warn(showTimingDetails, "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram()",showTimingDetails);
    unsigned int packetLength = dataByteArray.size();
    PacketType command = packetTypeForPacket(dataByteArray);
    unsigned int numBytesPacketHeader = numBytesForPacketHeader(dataByteArray);
    QUuid sourceUUID = uuidFromPacketHeader(dataByteArray);
    PacketType expectedType = getExpectedPacketType();
    // packetVersion is the second byte
    PacketVersion packetVersion = dataByteArray[1];
    if(command == expectedType) {
        PerformanceWarning warn(showTimingDetails, "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram expected PacketType", showTimingDetails);
        // if we are getting inbound packets, then our tree is also viewing, and we should remember that fact.

        const unsigned char* dataAt = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(dataByteArray.data()) + numBytesPacketHeader;

        OCTREE_PACKET_FLAGS flags = (*(OCTREE_PACKET_FLAGS*)(dataAt));
        dataAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_FLAGS);
        dataAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_SEQUENCE);

        dataAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_SENT_TIME);

        bool packetIsColored = oneAtBit(flags, PACKET_IS_COLOR_BIT);
        bool packetIsCompressed = oneAtBit(flags, PACKET_IS_COMPRESSED_BIT);
        OCTREE_PACKET_SENT_TIME arrivedAt = usecTimestampNow();
        int clockSkew = sourceNode ? sourceNode->getClockSkewUsec() : 0;
        int flightTime = arrivedAt - sentAt + clockSkew;

        unsigned int dataBytes = packetLength - (numBytesPacketHeader + OCTREE_PACKET_EXTRA_HEADERS_SIZE);

        if (extraDebugging) {
            qCDebug(octree, "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram() ... Got Packet Section"
                   " color:%s compressed:%s sequence: %u flight:%d usec size:%u data:%u",
                   debug::valueOf(packetIsColored), debug::valueOf(packetIsCompressed),
                   sequence, flightTime, packetLength, dataBytes);
        int subsection = 1;
        while (dataBytes > 0) {
            if (packetIsCompressed) {
                if (dataBytes > sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_INTERNAL_SECTION_SIZE)) {
                    sectionLength = (*(OCTREE_PACKET_INTERNAL_SECTION_SIZE*)dataAt);
                    dataAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_INTERNAL_SECTION_SIZE);
                    dataBytes -= sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_INTERNAL_SECTION_SIZE);
                } else {
                    sectionLength = 0;
                    dataBytes = 0; // stop looping something is wrong
            } else {
                sectionLength = dataBytes;
            if (sectionLength) {
                // ask the VoxelTree to read the bitstream into the tree
                ReadBitstreamToTreeParams args(packetIsColored ? WANT_COLOR : NO_COLOR, WANT_EXISTS_BITS, NULL, 
                                                sourceUUID, sourceNode, false, packetVersion);
                OctreePacketData packetData(packetIsCompressed);
                packetData.loadFinalizedContent(dataAt, sectionLength);
                if (extraDebugging) {
                    qCDebug(octree, "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram() ... Got Packet Section"
                           " color:%s compressed:%s sequence: %u flight:%d usec size:%u data:%u"
                           " subsection:%d sectionLength:%d uncompressed:%d",
                           debug::valueOf(packetIsColored), debug::valueOf(packetIsCompressed),
                           sequence, flightTime, packetLength, dataBytes, subsection, sectionLength,
                if (extraDebugging) {
                    qCDebug(octree) << "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram() ******* START _tree->readBitstreamToTree()...";
                _tree->readBitstreamToTree(packetData.getUncompressedData(), packetData.getUncompressedSize(), args);
                if (extraDebugging) {
                    qCDebug(octree) << "OctreeRenderer::processDatagram() ******* END _tree->readBitstreamToTree()...";
                dataBytes -= sectionLength;
                dataAt += sectionLength;
Exemple #29
void ScriptEngine::nodeKilled(SharedNodePointer node) {
Exemple #30
void NodeList::processNodeData(const HifiSockAddr& senderSockAddr, const QByteArray& packet) {
    switch (packetTypeForPacket(packet)) {
        case PacketTypeDomainList: {
        case PacketTypeDomainServerRequireDTLS: {
        case PacketTypeIceServerHeartbeatResponse: {
        case PacketTypePing: {
            // send back a reply
            SharedNodePointer matchingNode = sendingNodeForPacket(packet);
            if (matchingNode) {
                QByteArray replyPacket = constructPingReplyPacket(packet);
                writeDatagram(replyPacket, matchingNode, senderSockAddr);
                // If we don't have a symmetric socket for this node and this socket doesn't match
                // what we have for public and local then set it as the symmetric.
                // This allows a server on a reachable port to communicate with nodes on symmetric NATs
                if (matchingNode->getSymmetricSocket().isNull()) {
                    if (senderSockAddr != matchingNode->getLocalSocket() && senderSockAddr != matchingNode->getPublicSocket()) {
        case PacketTypePingReply: {
            SharedNodePointer sendingNode = sendingNodeForPacket(packet);
            if (sendingNode) {
                // activate the appropriate socket for this node, if not yet updated
                activateSocketFromNodeCommunication(packet, sendingNode);
                // set the ping time for this node for stat collection
                timePingReply(packet, sendingNode);
        case PacketTypeUnverifiedPing: {
            // send back a reply
            QByteArray replyPacket = constructPingReplyPacket(packet, _domainHandler.getICEClientID());
            writeUnverifiedDatagram(replyPacket, senderSockAddr);
        case PacketTypeUnverifiedPingReply: {
            qDebug() << "Received reply from domain-server on" << senderSockAddr;
            // for now we're unsafely assuming this came back from the domain
            if (senderSockAddr == _domainHandler.getICEPeer().getLocalSocket()) {
                qDebug() << "Connecting to domain using local socket";
            } else if (senderSockAddr == _domainHandler.getICEPeer().getPublicSocket()) {
                qDebug() << "Conecting to domain using public socket";
            } else {
                qDebug() << "Reply does not match either local or public socket for domain. Will not connect.";
        case PacketTypeStunResponse: {
            // a STUN packet begins with 00, we've checked the second zero with packetVersionMatch
            // pass it along so it can be processed into our public address and port
            LimitedNodeList::processNodeData(senderSockAddr, packet);