int AudioMixerClientData::checkBuffersBeforeFrameSend() {
    QWriteLocker writeLocker { &_streamsLock };

    auto it = _audioStreams.begin();
    while (it != _audioStreams.end()) {
        SharedStreamPointer stream = it->second;

        if (stream->popFrames(1, true) > 0) {

        static const int INJECTOR_MAX_INACTIVE_BLOCKS = 500;

        // if we don't have new data for an injected stream in the last INJECTOR_MAX_INACTIVE_BLOCKS then
        // we remove the injector from our streams
        if (stream->getType() == PositionalAudioStream::Injector
            && stream->getConsecutiveNotMixedCount() > INJECTOR_MAX_INACTIVE_BLOCKS) {
            // this is an inactive injector, pull it from our streams

            // first emit that it is finished so that the HRTF objects for this source can be cleaned up
            emit injectorStreamFinished(it->second->getStreamIdentifier());

            // erase the stream to drop our ref to the shared pointer and remove it
            it = _audioStreams.erase(it);
        } else {

    return (int)_audioStreams.size();