/* Finding the element by value */
    SinglyLinkedList* find(int value)
    	SinglyLinkedList *currentElement = this;
    		if(currentElement->getValue() == value)

    		currentElement = currentElement->getNext();
    	return currentElement;
int main()
	cout << "Testing class SinglyLinkedList" <<endl;
	SinglyLinkedList *list1 = new SinglyLinkedList(10);
	cout << "Data in the list1 is " << list1->getValue() <<endl;
	SinglyLinkedList *list2 = new SinglyLinkedList(30);
	cout << "Data in the list2 is " << list2->getValue() <<endl;

	SinglyLinkedList *list3 = new SinglyLinkedList(50);
	cout << "Data in the list3 is " << list3->getValue() <<endl;

	cout << "Making chain of list" <<endl;


	cout << "value list 1:  " << list1->getValue() <<endl ;
	cout << "value list 2:  " << list1->getNext()->getValue() <<endl ;
	cout << "value list 3:  " << list1->getNext()->getNext()->getValue() <<endl;
	cout << "==============" << endl;

	cout <<"Adding value in front of the list" <<endl;
	SinglyLinkedList::insertInFront(&list1 , 55);

	cout << "value list 1:  " << list1->getValue() <<endl ;
	cout << "value list 2:  " << list1->getNext()->getValue() <<endl ;
	cout << "value list 3:  " << list1->getNext()->getNext()->getValue() <<endl;
	cout << "value list 4:  " << list1->getNext()->getNext()->getNext()->getValue() <<endl;
	cout << "==============" << endl;

	SinglyLinkedList *foundElement = list1->find(50);
	cout << "found element , value is: "<<foundElement->getValue() <<endl;
