SipLineList::getLine( const Url& lineIdentityUrl )
   SipLine* nextline = NULL;

   int iteratorHandle = m_LineList.getIteratorHandle();
   while(NULL != (nextline = (SipLine*)
      if (nextline->matchesIdentity(lineIdentityUrl))
         break ;

   return nextline;
// Priorities:
//   1. Matches first lineID & realm
//   2. Matches first matches toFromUrl & realm
//   3. Matches first user & realm
//   4. Matches first default line & realm
SipLine* SipLineList::findLine(const char* lineId,
                               const char* realm,
                               const Url&  toFromUrl,
                               const char* userId,
                               const Url&  defaultLine)
   SipLine* pLineMatchingLineID  = NULL ;
   SipLine* pLineMatchingUrl     = NULL ;
   SipLine* pLineMatchingUser    = NULL ;
   SipLine* pLineMatchingDefault = NULL ;

   Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_LINE_MGR, PRI_DEBUG,
                 "SipLineList::findLine "
                 "searching for lineId '%s' realm '%s' toFromUrl '%s' userId '%s' defaultLine '%s'",
                 lineId, realm, toFromUrl.toString().data(),
                 userId, defaultLine.toString().data()

   int iteratorHandle = m_LineList.getIteratorHandle();
   SipLine* nextLine = NULL;
   for (nextLine = (SipLine*);
        pLineMatchingLineID == NULL && nextLine != NULL;
        nextLine = (SipLine*)
#     ifdef TEST_PRINT
      Url tmpLineUrl = nextLine->getIdentity();
      Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_LINE_MGR, PRI_DEBUG,
                    "SipLineList::findLine checking tmpLineUrl='%s'",
#     endif

      // If the realm doesn't match, simply skip it
      if ((realm != NULL) && strlen(realm)
          && (nextLine->IsDuplicateRealm(realm)))
         // Priority 1: Check LineId
         if (   lineId != NULL
             && nextLine->matchesLineId(lineId))
            // We have match for the given lineId
            pLineMatchingLineID = nextLine ;
            // since this is the best possible match, it will exit the loop.
            Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_LINE_MGR, PRI_DEBUG,
                          "SipLineList::findLine matched line id '%s'",
            if (Os::Logger::instance().willLog(FAC_LINE_MGR, PRI_DEBUG))
               Url nextLineIdentity = nextLine->getIdentity();
               Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_LINE_MGR, PRI_DEBUG,
                     "SipLineList::findLine checking nextLineIdentity='%s'",

            // Priority 2: check ToFromUrl
            if (   pLineMatchingUrl == NULL
                && nextLine->matchesIdentity(toFromUrl)
               pLineMatchingUrl = nextLine ;
               // Continue searching, because we may find a better match
               // Priority 3: Matches user & realm
               if (   pLineMatchingUser == NULL
                   && userId != NULL
                   && nextLine->matchesUserId(userId)    // should be case sensitive
                  pLineMatchingUser = nextLine ;
                  // Continue searching, because we may find a better match
                  // Priority 4: Check for default line
                  if (nextLine->matchesIdentity(defaultLine))
                     pLineMatchingDefault = nextLine ;
                     // Continue searching, because we may find a better match
   m_LineList.releaseIteratorHandle(iteratorHandle) ;

   // This is ugly, but needed for the desired effect
   SipLine* foundLine = (  pLineMatchingLineID  ? pLineMatchingLineID
           : pLineMatchingUrl     ? pLineMatchingUrl
           : pLineMatchingUser    ? pLineMatchingUser
           : pLineMatchingDefault ? pLineMatchingDefault
           : NULL );

   Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_LINE_MGR, PRI_DEBUG,
                 "SipLineList::findLine %s",
                 foundLine ? "found" : "NOT found");

   return foundLine;