// since we "may" create a purgeable imageref, we require the stream be ref'able
// i.e. dynamically allocated, since its lifetime may exceed the current stack
// frame.
static jobject doDecode(JNIEnv* env, SkStream* stream, jobject padding,
                        jobject options, bool allowPurgeable, bool forcePurgeable = false,
                        bool applyScale = false, float scale = 1.0f) {

    int sampleSize = 1;

    SkImageDecoder::Mode mode = SkImageDecoder::kDecodePixels_Mode;
    SkBitmap::Config prefConfig = SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config;

    bool doDither = true;
    bool isMutable = false;
    bool willScale = applyScale && scale != 1.0f;
    bool isPurgeable = !willScale &&
                       (forcePurgeable || (allowPurgeable && optionsPurgeable(env, options)));
    bool preferQualityOverSpeed = false;

    jobject javaBitmap = NULL;

    if (options != NULL) {
        sampleSize = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_sampleSizeFieldID);
        if (optionsJustBounds(env, options)) {
            mode = SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode;

        // initialize these, in case we fail later on
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_widthFieldID, -1);
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_heightFieldID, -1);
        env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_mimeFieldID, 0);

        jobject jconfig = env->GetObjectField(options, gOptions_configFieldID);
        prefConfig = GraphicsJNI::getNativeBitmapConfig(env, jconfig);
        isMutable = env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_mutableFieldID);
        doDither = env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_ditherFieldID);
        preferQualityOverSpeed = env->GetBooleanField(options,
        javaBitmap = env->GetObjectField(options, gOptions_bitmapFieldID);

    if (willScale && javaBitmap != NULL) {
        return nullObjectReturn("Cannot pre-scale a reused bitmap");

    SkImageDecoder* decoder = SkImageDecoder::Factory(stream);
    if (decoder == NULL) {
        return nullObjectReturn("SkImageDecoder::Factory returned null");


    NinePatchPeeker peeker(decoder);
    JavaPixelAllocator javaAllocator(env);

    SkBitmap* bitmap;
    if (javaBitmap == NULL) {
        bitmap = new SkBitmap;
    } else {
        if (sampleSize != 1) {
            return nullObjectReturn("SkImageDecoder: Cannot reuse bitmap with sampleSize != 1");
        bitmap = (SkBitmap*) env->GetIntField(javaBitmap, gBitmap_nativeBitmapFieldID);
        // config of supplied bitmap overrules config set in options
        prefConfig = bitmap->getConfig();

    SkAutoTDelete<SkImageDecoder> add(decoder);
    SkAutoTDelete<SkBitmap> adb(bitmap, javaBitmap == NULL);

    if (!isPurgeable) {

    AutoDecoderCancel adc(options, decoder);

    // To fix the race condition in case "requestCancelDecode"
    // happens earlier than AutoDecoderCancel object is added
    // to the gAutoDecoderCancelMutex linked list.
    if (options != NULL && env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_mCancelID)) {
        return nullObjectReturn("gOptions_mCancelID");

    SkImageDecoder::Mode decodeMode = mode;
    if (isPurgeable) {
        decodeMode = SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode;

    SkBitmap* decoded;
    if (willScale) {
        decoded = new SkBitmap;
    } else {
        decoded = bitmap;
    SkAutoTDelete<SkBitmap> adb2(willScale ? decoded : NULL);

    if (!decoder->decode(stream, decoded, prefConfig, decodeMode, javaBitmap != NULL)) {
        return nullObjectReturn("decoder->decode returned false");

    int scaledWidth = decoded->width();
    int scaledHeight = decoded->height();

    if (willScale && mode != SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode) {
        scaledWidth = int(scaledWidth * scale + 0.5f);
        scaledHeight = int(scaledHeight * scale + 0.5f);

    // update options (if any)
    if (options != NULL) {
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_widthFieldID, scaledWidth);
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_heightFieldID, scaledHeight);
        env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_mimeFieldID,
                            getMimeTypeString(env, decoder->getFormat()));

    // if we're in justBounds mode, return now (skip the java bitmap)
    if (mode == SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode) {
        return NULL;

    jbyteArray ninePatchChunk = NULL;
    if (peeker.fPatch != NULL) {
        if (willScale) {
            scaleNinePatchChunk(peeker.fPatch, scale);

        size_t ninePatchArraySize = peeker.fPatch->serializedSize();
        ninePatchChunk = env->NewByteArray(ninePatchArraySize);
        if (ninePatchChunk == NULL) {
            return nullObjectReturn("ninePatchChunk == null");

        jbyte* array = (jbyte*) env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(ninePatchChunk, NULL);
        if (array == NULL) {
            return nullObjectReturn("primitive array == null");

        env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(ninePatchChunk, array, 0);

    jintArray layoutBounds = NULL;
    if (peeker.fLayoutBounds != NULL) {
        layoutBounds = env->NewIntArray(4);
        if (layoutBounds == NULL) {
            return nullObjectReturn("layoutBounds == null");

        jint scaledBounds[4];
        if (willScale) {
            for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
                scaledBounds[i] = (jint)((((jint*)peeker.fLayoutBounds)[i]*scale) + .5f);
        } else {
            memcpy(scaledBounds, (jint*)peeker.fLayoutBounds, sizeof(scaledBounds));
        env->SetIntArrayRegion(layoutBounds, 0, 4, scaledBounds);
        if (javaBitmap != NULL) {
            env->SetObjectField(javaBitmap, gBitmap_layoutBoundsFieldID, layoutBounds);

    if (willScale) {
        // This is weird so let me explain: we could use the scale parameter
        // directly, but for historical reasons this is how the corresponding
        // Dalvik code has always behaved. We simply recreate the behavior here.
        // The result is slightly different from simply using scale because of
        // the 0.5f rounding bias applied when computing the target image size
        const float sx = scaledWidth / float(decoded->width());
        const float sy = scaledHeight / float(decoded->height());

        SkBitmap::Config config = decoded->config();
        switch (config) {
        case SkBitmap::kNo_Config:
        case SkBitmap::kIndex8_Config:
        case SkBitmap::kRLE_Index8_Config:
            config = SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config;

        bitmap->setConfig(config, scaledWidth, scaledHeight);
        if (!bitmap->allocPixels(&javaAllocator, NULL)) {
            return nullObjectReturn("allocation failed for scaled bitmap");

        SkPaint paint;

        SkCanvas canvas(*bitmap);
        canvas.scale(sx, sy);
        canvas.drawBitmap(*decoded, 0.0f, 0.0f, &paint);

        // Save off the unscaled version of bitmap to be used in later
        // transformations if it would reduce memory pressure. Only do
        // so if it is being upscaled more than 50%, is bigger than
        // 256x256, and not too big to be keeping a copy of (<1MB).
        const int numUnscaledPixels = decoded->width() * decoded->height();
        if (sx > 1.5 && numUnscaledPixels > 65536 && numUnscaledPixels < 262144) {
            adb2.detach(); //responsibility for freeing decoded's memory is
            //transferred to bitmap's destructor

    if (padding) {
        if (peeker.fPatch != NULL) {
            GraphicsJNI::set_jrect(env, padding,
                                   peeker.fPatch->paddingLeft, peeker.fPatch->paddingTop,
                                   peeker.fPatch->paddingRight, peeker.fPatch->paddingBottom);
        } else {
            GraphicsJNI::set_jrect(env, padding, -1, -1, -1, -1);

    SkPixelRef* pr;
    if (isPurgeable) {
        pr = installPixelRef(bitmap, stream, sampleSize, doDither);
    } else {
        // if we get here, we're in kDecodePixels_Mode and will therefore
        // already have a pixelref installed.
        pr = bitmap->pixelRef();
    if (pr == NULL) {
        return nullObjectReturn("Got null SkPixelRef");

    if (!isMutable) {
        // promise we will never change our pixels (great for sharing and pictures)

    // detach bitmap from its autodeleter, since we want to own it now

    if (javaBitmap != NULL) {
        // If a java bitmap was passed in for reuse, pass it back
        return javaBitmap;
    // now create the java bitmap
    return GraphicsJNI::createBitmap(env, bitmap, javaAllocator.getStorageObj(),
                                     isMutable, ninePatchChunk, layoutBounds, -1);
static void Bitmap_erase(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bitmapHandle, jint color) {
    SkBitmap* bitmap = reinterpret_cast<SkBitmap*>(bitmapHandle);
Exemple #3
static void check(skiatest::Reporter* r,
                  const char path[],
                  SkISize size,
                  bool supportsScanlineDecoding,
                  bool supportsSubsetDecoding,
                  bool supports565 = true) {
    SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> stream(resource(path));
    if (!stream) {
        SkDebugf("Missing resource '%s'\n", path);
    SkAutoTDelete<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::NewFromStream(stream.detach()));
    if (!codec) {
        ERRORF(r, "Unable to decode '%s'", path);

    // This test is used primarily to verify rewinding works properly.  Using kN32 allows
    // us to test this without the added overhead of creating different bitmaps depending
    // on the color type (ex: building a color table for kIndex8).  DM is where we test
    // decodes to all possible destination color types.
    SkImageInfo info = codec->getInfo().makeColorType(kN32_SkColorType);
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, info.dimensions() == size);

        // Test decoding to 565
        SkImageInfo info565 = info.makeColorType(kRGB_565_SkColorType);
        SkCodec::Result expected = (supports565 && info.alphaType() == kOpaque_SkAlphaType) ?
                SkCodec::kSuccess : SkCodec::kInvalidConversion;
        test_info(r, codec, info565, expected, nullptr);

    SkBitmap bm;
    SkAutoLockPixels autoLockPixels(bm);
    SkCodec::Result result =
        codec->getPixels(info, bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);

    SkMD5::Digest digest;
    md5(bm, &digest);

    // verify that re-decoding gives the same result.
    test_info(r, codec, info, SkCodec::kSuccess, &digest);

        // Check alpha type conversions
        if (info.alphaType() == kOpaque_SkAlphaType) {
            test_info(r, codec, info.makeAlphaType(kUnpremul_SkAlphaType),
                      SkCodec::kInvalidConversion, nullptr);
            test_info(r, codec, info.makeAlphaType(kPremul_SkAlphaType),
                      SkCodec::kInvalidConversion, nullptr);
        } else {
            // Decoding to opaque should fail
            test_info(r, codec, info.makeAlphaType(kOpaque_SkAlphaType),
                      SkCodec::kInvalidConversion, nullptr);
            SkAlphaType otherAt = info.alphaType();
            if (kPremul_SkAlphaType == otherAt) {
                otherAt = kUnpremul_SkAlphaType;
            } else {
                otherAt = kPremul_SkAlphaType;
            // The other non-opaque alpha type should always succeed, but not match.
            test_info(r, codec, info.makeAlphaType(otherAt), SkCodec::kSuccess, nullptr);

    // Scanline decoding follows.

    SkAutoTDelete<SkScanlineDecoder> scanlineDecoder(
    if (supportsScanlineDecoding) {
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, scanlineDecoder);

        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, scanlineDecoder->start(info) == SkCodec::kSuccess);

        for (int y = 0; y < info.height(); y++) {
            result = scanlineDecoder->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, y), 1, 0);
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);
        // verify that scanline decoding gives the same result.
        if (SkScanlineDecoder::kTopDown_SkScanlineOrder == scanlineDecoder->getScanlineOrder()) {
            compare_to_good_digest(r, digest, bm);
    } else {
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !scanlineDecoder);

    // The rest of this function tests decoding subsets, and will decode an arbitrary number of
    // random subsets.
    // Do not attempt to decode subsets of an image of only once pixel, since there is no
    // meaningful subset.
    if (size.width() * size.height() == 1) {

    SkRandom rand;
    SkIRect subset;
    SkCodec::Options opts;
    opts.fSubset = &subset;
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        subset = generate_random_subset(&rand, size.width(), size.height());
        const bool supported = codec->getValidSubset(&subset);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, supported == supportsSubsetDecoding);

        SkImageInfo subsetInfo = info.makeWH(subset.width(), subset.height());
        SkBitmap bm;
        const SkCodec::Result result = codec->getPixels(bm.info(), bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes(),
                                                        &opts, nullptr, nullptr);

        if (supportsSubsetDecoding) {
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);
            // Webp is the only codec that supports subsets, and it will have modified the subset
            // to have even left/top.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkIsAlign2(subset.fLeft) && SkIsAlign2(subset.fTop));
        } else {
            // No subsets will work.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kUnimplemented);
CanvasLayer::CanvasLayer(const CanvasLayer& layer)
    : LayerAndroid(layer)
    , m_canvas(0)
    , m_bitmap(0)
    , m_gpuCanvas(0)
    if (!layer.m_canvas) {
        // The canvas has already been destroyed - this shouldn't happen
        ALOGW("Creating a CanvasLayer for a destroyed canvas!");
        m_visibleContentRect = IntRect();
        m_offsetFromRenderer = IntSize();
    // We are making a copy for the UI, sync the interesting bits
    m_visibleContentRect = layer.visibleContentRect();
    m_offsetFromRenderer = layer.offsetFromRenderer();
    bool previousState = m_texture->hasValidTexture();


    ImageBuffer* imageBuffer = layer.m_canvas->buffer();
    if (!previousState && layer.m_dirtyCanvas.isEmpty() && imageBuffer && !(imageBuffer->drawsUsingRecording())) {
        // We were previously in software and don't have anything new to draw,
        // so stay in software
        m_bitmap = layer.bitmap();
    } else {

        if(imageBuffer && imageBuffer->drawsUsingRecording() && !layer.m_canvas->isUsingGpuRendering())
            bool canUseGpuRendering = imageBuffer->canUseGpuRendering();

            if(canUseGpuRendering && layer.m_canvas->canUseGpuRendering())
                CanvasLayer::setGpuCanvasStatus(layer.uniqueId(), true);

        // If recording is being used
        if(imageBuffer && imageBuffer->drawsUsingRecording())
            GraphicsContext* gc = imageBuffer->context();
            //SkPicture* canvasRecording = gc->platformContext()->getRecordingPicture();

            SkPicture* canvasRecording = CanvasLayer::getRecordingPicture(this);
            SkBitmap* bitmap = CanvasLayer::getRecordingBitmap(this);
            SkCanvas* canvas = CanvasLayer::getRecordingCanvas(this);

            if(canvasRecording == NULL)

            if(bitmap == NULL || bitmap->width() != canvasRecording->width()
                    || bitmap->height() != canvasRecording->height())
                SkBitmap* newBitmap = new SkBitmap();
                newBitmap->setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, canvasRecording->width(), canvasRecording->height());
                CanvasLayer::setRecordingBitmap(newBitmap, this);
                bitmap = newBitmap;
                if(canvas != NULL)

            if(canvas == NULL)
                canvas = new SkCanvas();
                CanvasLayer::setRecordingCanvas(canvas, this);

            canvas->drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0, SkXfermode::kClear_Mode);

            if (!m_texture->uploadImageBitmap(bitmap)) {
                //SLOGD("+++++++++++++++++++++ Didn't upload bitmap .. fall back to software");
                // TODO:: Fix this
            if (!m_texture->uploadImageBuffer(layer.m_canvas->buffer())) {
                // Blargh, no surface texture or ImageBuffer - fall back to software
                m_bitmap = layer.bitmap();
                // Merge the canvas invals with the layer's invals to repaint the needed
                // tiles.
                SkRegion::Iterator iter(layer.m_dirtyCanvas);
                const IntPoint& offset = m_visibleContentRect.location();
                for (; !iter.done(); iter.next()) {
                    SkIRect diff = iter.rect();
                    diff.fLeft += offset.x();
                    diff.fRight += offset.x();
                    diff.fTop += offset.y();
                    diff.fBottom += offset.y();
                    m_dirtyRegion.op(diff, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
                ImageBuffer* imageBuffer = layer.m_canvas->buffer();
                bool recordingCanvasEnabled = layer.m_canvas->isRecordingCanvasEnabled();

                if(recordingCanvasEnabled && imageBuffer && imageBuffer->isAnimating()){
                    SLOGD("[%s] Animation detected. Converting the HTML5 canvas buffer to a SkPicture.", __FUNCTION__);
            }//End of non-recording
        if (previousState != m_texture->hasValidTexture()) {
            // Need to do a full inval of the canvas content as we are mode switching
            m_dirtyRegion.op(m_visibleContentRect.x(), m_visibleContentRect.y(),
                    m_visibleContentRect.maxX(), m_visibleContentRect.maxY(), SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
Exemple #5
 * This test case is a mirror of the Android CTS tests for MatrixColorFilter
 * found in the android.graphics.ColorMatrixColorFilterTest class.
static inline void test_colorMatrixCTS(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {

    SkBitmap bitmap;

    SkCanvas canvas(bitmap);
    SkPaint paint;

    SkScalar blueToCyan[20] = {
            1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
            0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
            0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
            0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };

    canvas.drawPoint(0, 0, paint);
    assert_color(reporter, SK_ColorCYAN, bitmap.getColor(0, 0));

    canvas.drawPoint(0, 0, paint);
    assert_color(reporter, SK_ColorGREEN, bitmap.getColor(0, 0));

    canvas.drawPoint(0, 0, paint);
    assert_color(reporter, SK_ColorRED, bitmap.getColor(0, 0));

    // color components are clipped, not scaled
    canvas.drawPoint(0, 0, paint);
    assert_color(reporter, SK_ColorWHITE, bitmap.getColor(0, 0));

    SkScalar transparentRedAddBlue[20] = {
            1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
            0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
            0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 64.0f,
           -0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f

    canvas.drawPoint(0, 0, paint);
    assert_color(reporter, SkColorSetARGB(128, 255, 0, 64), bitmap.getColor(0, 0), 2);

    canvas.drawPoint(0, 0, paint);
    // blue gets clipped
    assert_color(reporter, SK_ColorCYAN, bitmap.getColor(0, 0));

    // change array to filter out green
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 1.0f == transparentRedAddBlue[6]);
    transparentRedAddBlue[6] = 0.0f;

    // check that changing the array has no effect
    canvas.drawPoint(0, 0, paint);
    assert_color(reporter, SK_ColorCYAN, bitmap.getColor(0, 0));

    // create a new filter with the changed matrix
    canvas.drawPoint(0, 0, paint);
    assert_color(reporter, SK_ColorBLUE, bitmap.getColor(0, 0));
Exemple #6
// Test interlaced PNG in stripes, similar to DM's kStripe_Mode
DEF_TEST(Codec_stripes, r) {
    const char * path = "plane_interlaced.png";
    SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> stream(resource(path));
    if (!stream) {
        SkDebugf("Missing resource '%s'\n", path);

    SkAutoTDelete<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::NewFromStream(stream.detach()));
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec);

    if (!codec) {

    switch (codec->getScanlineOrder()) {
        case SkCodec::kBottomUp_SkScanlineOrder:
        case SkCodec::kOutOfOrder_SkScanlineOrder:
            ERRORF(r, "This scanline order will not match the original.");

    // Baseline for what the image should look like, using N32.
    const SkImageInfo info = codec->getInfo().makeColorType(kN32_SkColorType);

    SkBitmap bm;
    SkAutoLockPixels autoLockPixels(bm);
    SkCodec::Result result = codec->getPixels(info, bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes());
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);

    SkMD5::Digest digest;
    md5(bm, &digest);

    // Now decode in stripes
    const int height = info.height();
    const int numStripes = 4;
    int stripeHeight;
    int remainingLines;
    SkTDivMod(height, numStripes, &stripeHeight, &remainingLines);


    result = codec->startScanlineDecode(info);
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);

    // Odd stripes
    for (int i = 1; i < numStripes; i += 2) {
        // Skip the even stripes
        bool skipResult = codec->skipScanlines(stripeHeight);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, skipResult);

        int linesDecoded = codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, i * stripeHeight), stripeHeight,
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, linesDecoded == stripeHeight);

    // Even stripes
    result = codec->startScanlineDecode(info);
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);

    for (int i = 0; i < numStripes; i += 2) {
        int linesDecoded = codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, i * stripeHeight), stripeHeight,
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, linesDecoded == stripeHeight);

        // Skip the odd stripes
        if (i + 1 < numStripes) {
            bool skipResult = codec->skipScanlines(stripeHeight);
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, skipResult);

    // Remainder at the end
    if (remainingLines > 0) {
        result = codec->startScanlineDecode(info);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);

        bool skipResult = codec->skipScanlines(height - remainingLines);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, skipResult);

        int linesDecoded = codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, height - remainingLines),
                                     remainingLines, bm.rowBytes());
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, linesDecoded == remainingLines);

    compare_to_good_digest(r, digest, bm);
Exemple #7
static SkBitmap make_bm() {
    SkBitmap bm;
    bm.allocN32Pixels(WW, HH);
    return bm;
static SkBitmap create_bm() {
    SkBitmap bm;
    bm.allocN32Pixels(kFullSize, kFullSize, true);
    return bm;
Exemple #9
static void check(skiatest::Reporter* r,
                  const char path[],
                  SkISize size,
                  bool supportsScanlineDecoding,
                  bool supportsSubsetDecoding) {
    SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> stream(resource(path));
    if (!stream) {
        SkDebugf("Missing resource '%s'\n", path);
    SkAutoTDelete<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::NewFromStream(stream.detach()));
    if (!codec) {
        ERRORF(r, "Unable to decode '%s'", path);

    // This test is used primarily to verify rewinding works properly.  Using kN32 allows
    // us to test this without the added overhead of creating different bitmaps depending
    // on the color type (ex: building a color table for kIndex8).  DM is where we test
    // decodes to all possible destination color types.
    SkImageInfo info = codec->getInfo().makeColorType(kN32_SkColorType);
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, info.dimensions() == size);
    SkBitmap bm;
    SkAutoLockPixels autoLockPixels(bm);
    SkCodec::Result result =
        codec->getPixels(info, bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes(), NULL, NULL, NULL);
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);

    SkMD5::Digest digest;
    md5(bm, &digest);


    result =
        codec->getPixels(info, bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes(), NULL, NULL, NULL);

    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);
    // verify that re-decoding gives the same result.
    compare_to_good_digest(r, digest, bm);

    SkAutoTDelete<SkScanlineDecoder> scanlineDecoder(codec->getScanlineDecoder(info));
    if (supportsScanlineDecoding) {
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, scanlineDecoder);

        // Regular decodes should not be affected by creating a scanline decoder
        result = codec->getPixels(info, bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes(), NULL, NULL, NULL);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkCodec::kSuccess == result);
        compare_to_good_digest(r, digest, bm);


        for (int y = 0; y < info.height(); y++) {
            result = scanlineDecoder->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, y), 1, 0);
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);
        // verify that scanline decoding gives the same result.
        compare_to_good_digest(r, digest, bm);
    } else {
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !scanlineDecoder);

    // The rest of this function tests decoding subsets, and will decode an arbitrary number of
    // random subsets.
    // Do not attempt to decode subsets of an image of only once pixel, since there is no
    // meaningful subset.
    if (size.width() * size.height() == 1) {

    SkRandom rand;
    SkIRect subset;
    SkCodec::Options opts;
    opts.fSubset = &subset;
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        subset = generate_random_subset(&rand, size.width(), size.height());
        const bool supported = codec->getValidSubset(&subset);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, supported == supportsSubsetDecoding);

        SkImageInfo subsetInfo = info.makeWH(subset.width(), subset.height());
        SkBitmap bm;
        const SkCodec::Result result = codec->getPixels(bm.info(), bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes(),
                                                        &opts, NULL, NULL);

        if (supportsSubsetDecoding) {
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kSuccess);
            // Webp is the only codec that supports subsets, and it will have modified the subset
            // to have even left/top.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkIsAlign2(subset.fLeft) && SkIsAlign2(subset.fTop));
        } else {
            // No subsets will work.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kUnimplemented);
int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
    SkAutoGraphics ag;
    const char* writePath = NULL;   // if non-null, where we write the originals
    const char* readPath = NULL;    // if non-null, were we read from to compare

    char* const* stop = argv + argc;
    for (++argv; argv < stop; ++argv) {
        if (strcmp(*argv, "-w") == 0) {
            if (argv < stop && **argv) {
                writePath = *argv;
        } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-r") == 0) {
            if (argv < stop && **argv) {
                readPath = *argv;
    Iter iter;
    GM* gm;
    while ((gm = iter.next()) != NULL) {
		SkISize size = gm->getISize();
        SkDebugf("creating... %s [%d %d]\n", gm->shortName(),
                 size.width(), size.height());

		SkBitmap bitmap;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gRec); i++) {
			bitmap.setConfig(gRec[i].fConfig, size.width(), size.height());
			SkCanvas canvas(bitmap);

            SkString name = make_name(gm->shortName(), gRec[i].fName);

            if (writePath) {
                SkString path = make_filename(writePath, name);
                bool success = write_bitmap(path, bitmap);
                if (!success) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "FAILED to write %s\n", path.c_str());
            } else if (readPath) {
                SkString path = make_filename(readPath, name);
                SkBitmap orig;
                bool success = SkImageDecoder::DecodeFile(path.c_str(), &orig,
                                    SkImageDecoder::kDecodePixels_Mode, NULL);
                if (success) {
                    compare(bitmap, orig, name);
                } else {
                    fprintf(stderr, "FAILED to read %s\n", path.c_str());
    return 0;
Exemple #11
static jobject doDecode(JNIEnv* env, SkStreamRewindable* stream, jobject padding, jobject options) {

    int sampleSize = 1;
    int preferSize = 0;
    int postproc = 0;
    int postprocflag = 0;
	void* dc;
	bool dcflag = false;
	jint* pdynamicCon = NULL;
	jintArray dynamicCon;
	jsize size = 0;

    SkImageDecoder::Mode decodeMode = SkImageDecoder::kDecodePixels_Mode;
    SkColorType prefColorType = kN32_SkColorType;

    bool doDither = true;
    bool isMutable = false;
    float scale = 1.0f;
    bool preferQualityOverSpeed = false;
    bool requireUnpremultiplied = false;

    jobject javaBitmap = NULL;

    if (options != NULL) {
        sampleSize = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_sampleSizeFieldID);
        if (optionsJustBounds(env, options)) {
            decodeMode = SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode;

        // initialize these, in case we fail later on
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_widthFieldID, -1);
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_heightFieldID, -1);
        env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_mimeFieldID, 0);

        jobject jconfig = env->GetObjectField(options, gOptions_configFieldID);
        prefColorType = GraphicsJNI::getNativeBitmapColorType(env, jconfig);
        isMutable = env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_mutableFieldID);
        doDither = env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_ditherFieldID);
        preferQualityOverSpeed = env->GetBooleanField(options,
        requireUnpremultiplied = !env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_premultipliedFieldID);
        javaBitmap = env->GetObjectField(options, gOptions_bitmapFieldID);
        postproc = env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_postprocFieldID);
        postprocflag = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_postprocflagFieldID);

		dcflag = env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_dynamicConflagFieldID);
		dynamicCon = (jintArray)env->GetObjectField(options, gOptions_dynamicConFieldID);
		//pdynamicCon = (unsigned int*)env->GetIntArrayElements(dynamicCon, 0);
		pdynamicCon = env->GetIntArrayElements(dynamicCon, NULL);
		size = env->GetArrayLength(dynamicCon);
		//for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
		   //ALOGD("pdynamicCon[%d]=%d", i, pdynamicCon[i]);

		//ALOGD("BitmapFactory.cpp postproc=%d, postprocflag=%d", postproc, postprocflag);
		//ALOGD("BitmapFactory.cpp dcflag=%d", dcflag);
		//ALOGD("BitmapFactory.cpp dynamicCon=%p", dynamicCon);
		//ALOGD("BitmapFactory.cpp size=%d", size);

        if (env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_scaledFieldID)) {
            const int density = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_densityFieldID);
            const int targetDensity = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_targetDensityFieldID);
            const int screenDensity = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_screenDensityFieldID);
            if (density != 0 && targetDensity != 0 && density != screenDensity) {
                scale = (float) targetDensity / density;

    const bool willScale = scale != 1.0f;

    SkImageDecoder* decoder = SkImageDecoder::Factory(stream);
    if (decoder == NULL) {
        return nullObjectReturn("SkImageDecoder::Factory returned null");

    decoder->setPostProcFlag((postproc | (postprocflag << 4)));

    if (dcflag == true) {
	    dc= (void*)pdynamicCon;
	    int len = (int)size;
	    decoder->setDynamicCon(dc, len);
    } else {
        dc = NULL;
        decoder->setDynamicCon(dc, 0);
//	(env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(dynamicCon, pdynamicCon, 0);

    SkBitmap* outputBitmap = NULL;
    unsigned int existingBufferSize = 0;
    if (javaBitmap != NULL) {
        outputBitmap = (SkBitmap*) env->GetLongField(javaBitmap, gBitmap_nativeBitmapFieldID);
        if (outputBitmap->isImmutable()) {
            ALOGW("Unable to reuse an immutable bitmap as an image decoder target.");
            javaBitmap = NULL;
            outputBitmap = NULL;
        } else {
            existingBufferSize = GraphicsJNI::getBitmapAllocationByteCount(env, javaBitmap);

    SkAutoTDelete<SkBitmap> adb(outputBitmap == NULL ? new SkBitmap : NULL);
    if (outputBitmap == NULL) outputBitmap = adb.get();

    NinePatchPeeker peeker(decoder);

    JavaPixelAllocator javaAllocator(env);
    RecyclingPixelAllocator recyclingAllocator(outputBitmap->pixelRef(), existingBufferSize);
    ScaleCheckingAllocator scaleCheckingAllocator(scale, existingBufferSize);
    SkBitmap::Allocator* outputAllocator = (javaBitmap != NULL) ?
            (SkBitmap::Allocator*)&recyclingAllocator : (SkBitmap::Allocator*)&javaAllocator;
    if (decodeMode != SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode) {
        if (!willScale) {
            // If the java allocator is being used to allocate the pixel memory, the decoder
            // need not write zeroes, since the memory is initialized to 0.
            decoder->setSkipWritingZeroes(outputAllocator == &javaAllocator);
        } else if (javaBitmap != NULL) {
            // check for eventual scaled bounds at allocation time, so we don't decode the bitmap
            // only to find the scaled result too large to fit in the allocation

    // Only setup the decoder to be deleted after its stack-based, refcounted
    // components (allocators, peekers, etc) are declared. This prevents RefCnt
    // asserts from firing due to the order objects are deleted from the stack.
    SkAutoTDelete<SkImageDecoder> add(decoder);

    AutoDecoderCancel adc(options, decoder);

    // To fix the race condition in case "requestCancelDecode"
    // happens earlier than AutoDecoderCancel object is added
    // to the gAutoDecoderCancelMutex linked list.
    if (options != NULL && env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_mCancelID)) {
        return nullObjectReturn("gOptions_mCancelID");

    SkBitmap decodingBitmap;
    if (!decoder->decode(stream, &decodingBitmap, prefColorType, decodeMode)) {
        return nullObjectReturn("decoder->decode returned false");

    int scaledWidth = decodingBitmap.width();
    int scaledHeight = decodingBitmap.height();

    if (willScale && decodeMode != SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode) {
        scaledWidth = int(scaledWidth * scale + 0.5f);
        scaledHeight = int(scaledHeight * scale + 0.5f);

    // update options (if any)
    if (options != NULL) {
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_widthFieldID, scaledWidth);
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_heightFieldID, scaledHeight);
        env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_mimeFieldID,
                getMimeTypeString(env, decoder->getFormat()));

    // if we're in justBounds mode, return now (skip the java bitmap)
    if (decodeMode == SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode) {
        return NULL;

    jbyteArray ninePatchChunk = NULL;
    if (peeker.mPatch != NULL) {
        if (willScale) {
            scaleNinePatchChunk(peeker.mPatch, scale, scaledWidth, scaledHeight);

        size_t ninePatchArraySize = peeker.mPatch->serializedSize();
        ninePatchChunk = env->NewByteArray(ninePatchArraySize);
        if (ninePatchChunk == NULL) {
            return nullObjectReturn("ninePatchChunk == null");

        jbyte* array = (jbyte*) env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(ninePatchChunk, NULL);
        if (array == NULL) {
            return nullObjectReturn("primitive array == null");

        memcpy(array, peeker.mPatch, peeker.mPatchSize);
        env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(ninePatchChunk, array, 0);

    jobject ninePatchInsets = NULL;
    if (peeker.mHasInsets) {
        ninePatchInsets = env->NewObject(gInsetStruct_class, gInsetStruct_constructorMethodID,
                peeker.mOpticalInsets[0], peeker.mOpticalInsets[1], peeker.mOpticalInsets[2], peeker.mOpticalInsets[3],
                peeker.mOutlineInsets[0], peeker.mOutlineInsets[1], peeker.mOutlineInsets[2], peeker.mOutlineInsets[3],
                peeker.mOutlineRadius, peeker.mOutlineAlpha, scale);
        if (ninePatchInsets == NULL) {
            return nullObjectReturn("nine patch insets == null");
        if (javaBitmap != NULL) {
            env->SetObjectField(javaBitmap, gBitmap_ninePatchInsetsFieldID, ninePatchInsets);

    if (willScale) {
        // This is weird so let me explain: we could use the scale parameter
        // directly, but for historical reasons this is how the corresponding
        // Dalvik code has always behaved. We simply recreate the behavior here.
        // The result is slightly different from simply using scale because of
        // the 0.5f rounding bias applied when computing the target image size
        const float sx = scaledWidth / float(decodingBitmap.width());
        const float sy = scaledHeight / float(decodingBitmap.height());

        // TODO: avoid copying when scaled size equals decodingBitmap size
        SkColorType colorType = colorTypeForScaledOutput(decodingBitmap.colorType());
        // FIXME: If the alphaType is kUnpremul and the image has alpha, the
        // colors may not be correct, since Skia does not yet support drawing
        // to/from unpremultiplied bitmaps.
        outputBitmap->setInfo(SkImageInfo::Make(scaledWidth, scaledHeight,
                colorType, decodingBitmap.alphaType()));
        if (!outputBitmap->allocPixels(outputAllocator, NULL)) {
            return nullObjectReturn("allocation failed for scaled bitmap");

        // If outputBitmap's pixels are newly allocated by Java, there is no need
        // to erase to 0, since the pixels were initialized to 0.
        if (outputAllocator != &javaAllocator) {

        SkPaint paint;

        SkCanvas canvas(*outputBitmap);
        canvas.scale(sx, sy);
        canvas.drawBitmap(decodingBitmap, 0.0f, 0.0f, &paint);
    } else {

    if (padding) {
        if (peeker.mPatch != NULL) {
            GraphicsJNI::set_jrect(env, padding,
                    peeker.mPatch->paddingLeft, peeker.mPatch->paddingTop,
                    peeker.mPatch->paddingRight, peeker.mPatch->paddingBottom);
        } else {
            GraphicsJNI::set_jrect(env, padding, -1, -1, -1, -1);

    // if we get here, we're in kDecodePixels_Mode and will therefore
    // already have a pixelref installed.
    if (outputBitmap->pixelRef() == NULL) {
        return nullObjectReturn("Got null SkPixelRef");

    if (!isMutable && javaBitmap == NULL) {
        // promise we will never change our pixels (great for sharing and pictures)

    // detach bitmap from its autodeleter, since we want to own it now

    if (javaBitmap != NULL) {
        bool isPremultiplied = !requireUnpremultiplied;
        GraphicsJNI::reinitBitmap(env, javaBitmap, outputBitmap, isPremultiplied);
        // If a java bitmap was passed in for reuse, pass it back
        return javaBitmap;

    int bitmapCreateFlags = 0x0;
    if (isMutable) bitmapCreateFlags |= GraphicsJNI::kBitmapCreateFlag_Mutable;
    if (!requireUnpremultiplied) bitmapCreateFlags |= GraphicsJNI::kBitmapCreateFlag_Premultiplied;

    // now create the java bitmap
    return GraphicsJNI::createBitmap(env, outputBitmap, javaAllocator.getStorageObj(),
            bitmapCreateFlags, ninePatchChunk, ninePatchInsets, -1);
Exemple #12
bool OsmAnd::TextRasterizer_P::rasterize(
    SkBitmap& targetBitmap,
    const QString& text_,
    const Style& style,
    QVector<SkScalar>* const outGlyphWidths,
    float* const outExtraTopSpace,
    float* const outExtraBottomSpace,
    float* const outLineSpacing) const
    // Prepare text and break by lines
    const auto text = ICU::convertToVisualOrder(text_);
    const auto lineRefs = style.wrapWidth > 0
                          ? ICU::getTextWrappingRefs(text, style.wrapWidth)
                          : (QVector<QStringRef>() << QStringRef(&text));

    // Obtain paints from lines and style
    auto paints = evaluatePaints(lineRefs, style);

    // Measure text
    SkScalar maxLineWidthInPixels = 0;
    measureText(paints, maxLineWidthInPixels);

    // Measure glyphs (if requested and there's no halo)
    if (outGlyphWidths && style.haloRadius == 0)
        measureGlyphs(paints, *outGlyphWidths);

    // Process halo if exists
    if (style.haloRadius > 0)
        measureHalo(style, paints);

        if (outGlyphWidths)
            measureHaloGlyphs(style, paints, *outGlyphWidths);

    // Set output line spacing
    if (outLineSpacing)
        float lineSpacing = 0.0f;
        for (const auto& linePaint : constOf(paints))
            lineSpacing = qMax(lineSpacing, linePaint.maxFontLineSpacing);

        *outLineSpacing = lineSpacing;

    // Calculate extra top and bottom space
    if (outExtraTopSpace)
        SkScalar maxTop = 0;
        for (const auto& linePaint : constOf(paints))
            maxTop = qMax(maxTop, linePaint.maxFontTop);

        *outExtraTopSpace = qMax(0.0f, maxTop - paints.first().maxFontTop);
    if (outExtraBottomSpace)
        SkScalar maxBottom = 0;
        for (const auto& linePaint : constOf(paints))
            maxBottom = qMax(maxBottom, linePaint.maxFontBottom);

        *outExtraBottomSpace = qMax(0.0f, maxBottom - paints.last().maxFontBottom);

    // Position text horizontally and vertically
    const auto textArea = positionText(paints, maxLineWidthInPixels, style.textAlignment);

    // Calculate bitmap size
    auto bitmapWidth = qCeil(textArea.width());
    auto bitmapHeight = qCeil(textArea.height());
    if (style.backgroundBitmap)
        // Clear extra spacing
        if (outExtraTopSpace)
            *outExtraTopSpace = 0.0f;
        if (outExtraBottomSpace)
            *outExtraBottomSpace = 0.0f;

        // Enlarge bitmap if shield is larger than text
        bitmapWidth = qMax(bitmapWidth, style.backgroundBitmap->width());
        bitmapHeight = qMax(bitmapHeight, style.backgroundBitmap->height());

        // Shift text area to proper position in a larger
        const auto offset = SkPoint::Make(
                                (bitmapWidth - qCeil(textArea.width())) / 2.0f,
                                (bitmapHeight - qCeil(textArea.height())) / 2.0f);
        for (auto& linePaint : paints)
            for (auto& textPaint : linePaint.textPaints)

    // Check if bitmap size was successfully calculated
    if (bitmapWidth <= 0 || bitmapHeight <= 0)
                  "Failed to rasterize text '%s': resulting bitmap size %dx%d is invalid",
        return false;

    // Create a bitmap that will be hold entire symbol (if target is empty)
    if (targetBitmap.isNull())
        if (!targetBitmap.tryAllocPixels(SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight)))
                      "Failed to allocate bitmap of size %dx%d",
            return false;

    SkBitmapDevice target(targetBitmap);
    SkCanvas canvas(&target);

    // If there is background this text, rasterize it also
    if (style.backgroundBitmap)
                          (bitmapWidth - style.backgroundBitmap->width()) / 2.0f,
                          (bitmapHeight - style.backgroundBitmap->height()) / 2.0f,

    // Rasterize text halo first (if enabled)
    if (style.haloRadius > 0)
        for (const auto& linePaint : paints)
            for (const auto& textPaint : linePaint.textPaints)
                const auto haloPaint = getHaloPaint(textPaint.paint, style);

                    textPaint.text.constData(), textPaint.text.length()*sizeof(QChar),
                    textPaint.positionedBounds.left(), textPaint.positionedBounds.top(),

    // Rasterize text itself
    for (const auto& linePaint : paints)
        for (const auto& textPaint : linePaint.textPaints)
                textPaint.text.constData(), textPaint.text.length()*sizeof(QChar),
                textPaint.positionedBounds.left(), textPaint.positionedBounds.top(),


    return true;
Exemple #13
 void onDelayedSetup() override {
     fBitmap.allocN32Pixels(fW, fH, true);
     fBitmap.eraseColor(SK_ColorWHITE);  // so we don't read uninitialized memory
// since we "may" create a purgeable imageref, we require the stream be ref'able
// i.e. dynamically allocated, since its lifetime may exceed the current stack
// frame.
static jobject doDecode(JNIEnv* env, SkStreamRewindable* stream, jobject padding,
        jobject options, bool allowPurgeable, bool forcePurgeable = false) {

    int sampleSize = 1;

    SkImageDecoder::Mode mode = SkImageDecoder::kDecodePixels_Mode;
    SkBitmap::Config prefConfig = SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config;

    bool doDither = true;
    bool isMutable = false;
    float scale = 1.0f;
    bool isPurgeable = forcePurgeable || (allowPurgeable && optionsPurgeable(env, options));
    bool preferQualityOverSpeed = false;
    bool requireUnpremultiplied = false;

    jobject javaBitmap = NULL;

    if (options != NULL) {
        sampleSize = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_sampleSizeFieldID);
        if (optionsJustBounds(env, options)) {
            mode = SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode;

        // initialize these, in case we fail later on
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_widthFieldID, -1);
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_heightFieldID, -1);
        env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_mimeFieldID, 0);

        jobject jconfig = env->GetObjectField(options, gOptions_configFieldID);
        prefConfig = GraphicsJNI::getNativeBitmapConfig(env, jconfig);
        isMutable = env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_mutableFieldID);
        doDither = env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_ditherFieldID);
        preferQualityOverSpeed = env->GetBooleanField(options,
        requireUnpremultiplied = !env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_premultipliedFieldID);
        javaBitmap = env->GetObjectField(options, gOptions_bitmapFieldID);

        if (env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_scaledFieldID)) {
            const int density = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_densityFieldID);
            const int targetDensity = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_targetDensityFieldID);
            const int screenDensity = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_screenDensityFieldID);
            if (density != 0 && targetDensity != 0 && density != screenDensity) {
                scale = (float) targetDensity / density;

    const bool willScale = scale != 1.0f;
    isPurgeable &= !willScale;

    SkImageDecoder* decoder = SkImageDecoder::Factory(stream);
    if (decoder == NULL) {
        return nullObjectReturn("SkImageDecoder::Factory returned null");


    SkBitmap* outputBitmap = NULL;
    unsigned int existingBufferSize = 0;
    if (javaBitmap != NULL) {
        outputBitmap = (SkBitmap*) env->GetIntField(javaBitmap, gBitmap_nativeBitmapFieldID);
        if (outputBitmap->isImmutable()) {
            ALOGW("Unable to reuse an immutable bitmap as an image decoder target.");
            javaBitmap = NULL;
            outputBitmap = NULL;
        } else {
            existingBufferSize = GraphicsJNI::getBitmapAllocationByteCount(env, javaBitmap);

    SkAutoTDelete<SkBitmap> adb(outputBitmap == NULL ? new SkBitmap : NULL);
    if (outputBitmap == NULL) outputBitmap = adb.get();

    NinePatchPeeker peeker(decoder);

    SkImageDecoder::Mode decodeMode = isPurgeable ? SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode : mode;

    JavaPixelAllocator javaAllocator(env);
    RecyclingPixelAllocator recyclingAllocator(outputBitmap->pixelRef(), existingBufferSize);
    ScaleCheckingAllocator scaleCheckingAllocator(scale, existingBufferSize);
    SkBitmap::Allocator* outputAllocator = (javaBitmap != NULL) ?
            (SkBitmap::Allocator*)&recyclingAllocator : (SkBitmap::Allocator*)&javaAllocator;
    if (decodeMode != SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode) {
        if (!willScale) {
            // If the java allocator is being used to allocate the pixel memory, the decoder
            // need not write zeroes, since the memory is initialized to 0.
            decoder->setSkipWritingZeroes(outputAllocator == &javaAllocator);
        } else if (javaBitmap != NULL) {
            // check for eventual scaled bounds at allocation time, so we don't decode the bitmap
            // only to find the scaled result too large to fit in the allocation

    // Only setup the decoder to be deleted after its stack-based, refcounted
    // components (allocators, peekers, etc) are declared. This prevents RefCnt
    // asserts from firing due to the order objects are deleted from the stack.
    SkAutoTDelete<SkImageDecoder> add(decoder);

    AutoDecoderCancel adc(options, decoder);

    // To fix the race condition in case "requestCancelDecode"
    // happens earlier than AutoDecoderCancel object is added
    // to the gAutoDecoderCancelMutex linked list.
    if (options != NULL && env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_mCancelID)) {
        return nullObjectReturn("gOptions_mCancelID");

    SkBitmap decodingBitmap;
    if (!decoder->decode(stream, &decodingBitmap, prefConfig, decodeMode)) {
        return nullObjectReturn("decoder->decode returned false");

    int scaledWidth = decodingBitmap.width();
    int scaledHeight = decodingBitmap.height();

    if (willScale && mode != SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode) {
        scaledWidth = int(scaledWidth * scale + 0.5f);
        scaledHeight = int(scaledHeight * scale + 0.5f);

    // update options (if any)
    if (options != NULL) {
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_widthFieldID, scaledWidth);
        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_heightFieldID, scaledHeight);
        env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_mimeFieldID,
                getMimeTypeString(env, decoder->getFormat()));

    // if we're in justBounds mode, return now (skip the java bitmap)
    if (mode == SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode) {
        return NULL;

    jbyteArray ninePatchChunk = NULL;
    if (peeker.fPatch != NULL) {
        if (willScale) {
            scaleNinePatchChunk(peeker.fPatch, scale);

        size_t ninePatchArraySize = peeker.fPatch->serializedSize();
        ninePatchChunk = env->NewByteArray(ninePatchArraySize);
        if (ninePatchChunk == NULL) {
            return nullObjectReturn("ninePatchChunk == null");

        jbyte* array = (jbyte*) env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(ninePatchChunk, NULL);
        if (array == NULL) {
            return nullObjectReturn("primitive array == null");

        env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(ninePatchChunk, array, 0);

    jintArray layoutBounds = NULL;
    if (peeker.fLayoutBounds != NULL) {
        layoutBounds = env->NewIntArray(4);
        if (layoutBounds == NULL) {
            return nullObjectReturn("layoutBounds == null");

        jint scaledBounds[4];
        if (willScale) {
            for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
                scaledBounds[i] = (jint)((((jint*)peeker.fLayoutBounds)[i]*scale) + .5f);
        } else {
            memcpy(scaledBounds, (jint*)peeker.fLayoutBounds, sizeof(scaledBounds));
        env->SetIntArrayRegion(layoutBounds, 0, 4, scaledBounds);
        if (javaBitmap != NULL) {
            env->SetObjectField(javaBitmap, gBitmap_layoutBoundsFieldID, layoutBounds);

    if (willScale) {
        // This is weird so let me explain: we could use the scale parameter
        // directly, but for historical reasons this is how the corresponding
        // Dalvik code has always behaved. We simply recreate the behavior here.
        // The result is slightly different from simply using scale because of
        // the 0.5f rounding bias applied when computing the target image size
        const float sx = scaledWidth / float(decodingBitmap.width());
        const float sy = scaledHeight / float(decodingBitmap.height());

        // TODO: avoid copying when scaled size equals decodingBitmap size
        SkBitmap::Config config = configForScaledOutput(decodingBitmap.config());
        outputBitmap->setConfig(config, scaledWidth, scaledHeight);
        if (!outputBitmap->allocPixels(outputAllocator, NULL)) {
            return nullObjectReturn("allocation failed for scaled bitmap");

        // If outputBitmap's pixels are newly allocated by Java, there is no need
        // to erase to 0, since the pixels were initialized to 0.
        if (outputAllocator != &javaAllocator) {

        SkPaint paint;

        SkCanvas canvas(*outputBitmap);
        canvas.scale(sx, sy);
        canvas.drawBitmap(decodingBitmap, 0.0f, 0.0f, &paint);
    } else {

    if (padding) {
        if (peeker.fPatch != NULL) {
            GraphicsJNI::set_jrect(env, padding,
                    peeker.fPatch->paddingLeft, peeker.fPatch->paddingTop,
                    peeker.fPatch->paddingRight, peeker.fPatch->paddingBottom);
        } else {
            GraphicsJNI::set_jrect(env, padding, -1, -1, -1, -1);

    SkPixelRef* pr;
    if (isPurgeable) {
        pr = installPixelRef(outputBitmap, stream, sampleSize, doDither);
    } else {
        // if we get here, we're in kDecodePixels_Mode and will therefore
        // already have a pixelref installed.
        pr = outputBitmap->pixelRef();
    if (pr == NULL) {
        return nullObjectReturn("Got null SkPixelRef");

    if (!isMutable && javaBitmap == NULL) {
        // promise we will never change our pixels (great for sharing and pictures)

    // detach bitmap from its autodeleter, since we want to own it now

    if (javaBitmap != NULL) {
        bool isPremultiplied = !requireUnpremultiplied;
        GraphicsJNI::reinitBitmap(env, javaBitmap, outputBitmap, isPremultiplied);
        // If a java bitmap was passed in for reuse, pass it back
        return javaBitmap;

    int bitmapCreateFlags = 0x0;
    if (isMutable) bitmapCreateFlags |= GraphicsJNI::kBitmapCreateFlag_Mutable;
    if (!requireUnpremultiplied) bitmapCreateFlags |= GraphicsJNI::kBitmapCreateFlag_Premultiplied;

    // now create the java bitmap
    return GraphicsJNI::createBitmap(env, outputBitmap, javaAllocator.getStorageObj(),
            bitmapCreateFlags, ninePatchChunk, layoutBounds, -1);
    virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas)
        if (true) {
            SkRect r = { 0, 0, 1 << 30, 1 << 30 };
            bool open = canvas->clipRect(r);
            SkDebugf("---- giant clip is %d\n", open);
        if (false) {
            SkPaint paint;
            SkBitmap bm;
            bm.setConfig(SkBitmap::kA8_Config, 100, 100);
            SkCanvas c(bm);
            c.drawCircle(50, 50, 50, paint);

            canvas->drawBitmap(bm, 0, 0, &paint);
            canvas->scale(SK_Scalar1/2, SK_Scalar1/2);
            canvas->drawBitmap(bm, 0, 0, &paint);
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
        if (true) {
            SkRegion a, b, c;
            test_union_bug_1505668(&a, &b, &c);
            if (false) {    // draw the result of the test
                SkPaint paint;
                canvas->translate(SkIntToScalar(10), SkIntToScalar(10));
                paint_rgn(canvas, a, paint);
                paint_rgn(canvas, b, paint);
             //   paint_rgn(canvas, c, paint);

        static const struct {
            SkColor         fColor;
            const char*     fName;
            SkRegion::Op    fOp;
        } gOps[] = {
            { SK_ColorBLACK,    "Difference",   SkRegion::kDifference_Op    },
            { SK_ColorRED,      "Intersect",    SkRegion::kIntersect_Op     },
            { 0xFF008800,       "Union",        SkRegion::kUnion_Op         },
            { SK_ColorBLUE,     "XOR",          SkRegion::kXOR_Op           }

        SkPaint textPaint;

        this->drawOrig(canvas, false);
            canvas->translate(SkIntToScalar(200), 0);
            this->drawRgnOped(canvas, SkRegion::kUnion_Op, SK_ColorBLACK);
        canvas->translate(0, SkIntToScalar(200));

        for (int op = 0; op < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gOps); op++)
            canvas->drawText(gOps[op].fName, strlen(gOps[op].fName), SkIntToScalar(75), SkIntToScalar(50), textPaint);

            this->drawRgnOped(canvas, gOps[op].fOp, gOps[op].fColor);

            if (true)
                canvas->translate(0, SkIntToScalar(200));
                this->drawPathOped(canvas, gOps[op].fOp, gOps[op].fColor);
            canvas->translate(SkIntToScalar(200), 0);
Exemple #16
static void check(skiatest::Reporter* r,
                  const char path[],
                  SkISize size,
                  bool supportsScanlineDecoding,
                  bool supportsSubsetDecoding,
                  bool supportsIncomplete = true) {

    SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> stream(resource(path));
    if (!stream) {
        SkDebugf("Missing resource '%s'\n", path);

    SkAutoTDelete<SkCodec> codec(nullptr);
    bool isIncomplete = supportsIncomplete;
    if (isIncomplete) {
        size_t size = stream->getLength();
        sk_sp<SkData> data((SkData::MakeFromStream(stream, 2 * size / 3)));
    } else {
    if (!codec) {
        ERRORF(r, "Unable to decode '%s'", path);

    // Test full image decodes with SkCodec
    SkMD5::Digest codecDigest;
    const SkImageInfo info = codec->getInfo().makeColorType(kN32_SkColorType);
    SkBitmap bm;
    SkCodec::Result expectedResult = isIncomplete ? SkCodec::kIncompleteInput : SkCodec::kSuccess;
    test_codec(r, codec.get(), bm, info, size, expectedResult, &codecDigest, nullptr);

    // Scanline decoding follows.
    // Need to call startScanlineDecode() first.
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, 0), 1, 0)
            == 0);
    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->skipScanlines(1)
            == 0);

    const SkCodec::Result startResult = codec->startScanlineDecode(info);
    if (supportsScanlineDecoding) {

        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, startResult == SkCodec::kSuccess);

        for (int y = 0; y < info.height(); y++) {
            const int lines = codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, y), 1, 0);
            if (!isIncomplete) {
                REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 1 == lines);
        // verify that scanline decoding gives the same result.
        if (SkCodec::kTopDown_SkScanlineOrder == codec->getScanlineOrder()) {
            compare_to_good_digest(r, codecDigest, bm);

        // Cannot continue to decode scanlines beyond the end
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, 0), 1, 0)
                == 0);

        // Interrupting a scanline decode with a full decode starts from
        // scratch
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->startScanlineDecode(info) == SkCodec::kSuccess);
        const int lines = codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, 0), 1, 0);
        if (!isIncomplete) {
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, lines == 1);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->getPixels(bm.info(), bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes())
                == expectedResult);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, 0), 1, 0)
                == 0);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec->skipScanlines(1)
                == 0);

        // Test partial scanline decodes
        if (supports_partial_scanlines(path) && info.width() >= 3) {
            SkCodec::Options options;
            int width = info.width();
            int height = info.height();
            SkIRect subset = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(2 * (width / 3), 0, width / 3, height);
            options.fSubset = &subset;

            const SkCodec::Result partialStartResult = codec->startScanlineDecode(info, &options,
                    nullptr, nullptr);
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, partialStartResult == SkCodec::kSuccess);

            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                const int lines = codec->getScanlines(bm.getAddr(0, y), 1, 0);
                if (!isIncomplete) {
                    REPORTER_ASSERT(r, 1 == lines);
    } else {
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, startResult == SkCodec::kUnimplemented);

    // The rest of this function tests decoding subsets, and will decode an arbitrary number of
    // random subsets.
    // Do not attempt to decode subsets of an image of only once pixel, since there is no
    // meaningful subset.
    if (size.width() * size.height() == 1) {

    SkRandom rand;
    SkIRect subset;
    SkCodec::Options opts;
    opts.fSubset = &subset;
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        subset = generate_random_subset(&rand, size.width(), size.height());
        const bool supported = codec->getValidSubset(&subset);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, supported == supportsSubsetDecoding);

        SkImageInfo subsetInfo = info.makeWH(subset.width(), subset.height());
        SkBitmap bm;
        const SkCodec::Result result = codec->getPixels(bm.info(), bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes(),
                                                        &opts, nullptr, nullptr);

        if (supportsSubsetDecoding) {
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == expectedResult);
            // Webp is the only codec that supports subsets, and it will have modified the subset
            // to have even left/top.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, SkIsAlign2(subset.fLeft) && SkIsAlign2(subset.fTop));
        } else {
            // No subsets will work.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(r, result == SkCodec::kUnimplemented);

    // SkAndroidCodec tests
    if (supportsScanlineDecoding || supportsSubsetDecoding) {

        SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> stream(resource(path));
        if (!stream) {
            SkDebugf("Missing resource '%s'\n", path);

        SkAutoTDelete<SkAndroidCodec> androidCodec(nullptr);
        if (isIncomplete) {
            size_t size = stream->getLength();
            sk_sp<SkData> data((SkData::MakeFromStream(stream, 2 * size / 3)));
        } else {
        if (!androidCodec) {
            ERRORF(r, "Unable to decode '%s'", path);

        SkBitmap bm;
        SkMD5::Digest androidCodecDigest;
        test_codec(r, androidCodec.get(), bm, info, size, expectedResult, &androidCodecDigest,

    if (!isIncomplete) {
        // Test SkCodecImageGenerator
        SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> stream(resource(path));
        sk_sp<SkData> fullData(SkData::MakeFromStream(stream, stream->getLength()));
        SkAutoTDelete<SkImageGenerator> gen(
        SkBitmap bm;
        SkAutoLockPixels autoLockPixels(bm);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, gen->getPixels(info, bm.getPixels(), bm.rowBytes()));
        compare_to_good_digest(r, codecDigest, bm);

        // Test using SkFrontBufferedStream, as Android does
        SkStream* bufferedStream = SkFrontBufferedStream::Create(
                new SkMemoryStream(std::move(fullData)), SkCodec::MinBufferedBytesNeeded());
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, bufferedStream);
        REPORTER_ASSERT(r, codec);
        if (codec) {
            test_info(r, codec.get(), info, SkCodec::kSuccess, &codecDigest);

    // If we've just tested incomplete decodes, let's run the same test again on full decodes.
    if (isIncomplete) {
        check(r, path, size, supportsScanlineDecoding, supportsSubsetDecoding, false);
static void initBitmap(SkBitmap& bitmap, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
    bitmap.allocPixels(SkImageInfo::MakeA8(width, height));