Exemple #1
sk_sp<SkFont> SkFont::Testing_CreateFromPaint(const SkPaint& paint) {
    uint32_t flags = 0;
    if (paint.isVerticalText()) {
        flags |= kVertical_Flag;
    if (paint.isEmbeddedBitmapText()) {
        flags |= kEmbeddedBitmaps_Flag;
    if (paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kGenA8FromLCD_Flag) {
        flags |= kGenA8FromLCD_Flag;
    if (paint.isFakeBoldText()) {
        flags |= kEmbolden_Flag;

    if (SkPaint::kFull_Hinting == paint.getHinting()) {
        flags |= kEnableByteCodeHints_Flag;
    if (paint.isAutohinted()) {
        flags |= kEnableAutoHints_Flag;
    if (paint.isSubpixelText() || paint.isLinearText()) {
        // this is our default
    } else {
        flags |= kUseNonlinearMetrics_Flag;

    MaskType maskType = SkFont::kBW_MaskType;
    if (paint.isAntiAlias()) {
        maskType = paint.isLCDRenderText() ? kLCD_MaskType : kA8_MaskType;

    return Make(sk_ref_sp(paint.getTypeface()), paint.getTextSize(), paint.getTextScaleX(),
                paint.getTextSkewX(), maskType, flags);
String LoggingCanvas::stringForSkPaintFlags(const SkPaint& paint)
    if (!paint.getFlags())
        return "none";
    String flagsString = "";
    appendFlagToString(&flagsString, paint.isAntiAlias(), "AntiAlias");
    appendFlagToString(&flagsString, paint.isDither(), "Dither");
    appendFlagToString(&flagsString, paint.isUnderlineText(), "UnderlinText");
    appendFlagToString(&flagsString, paint.isStrikeThruText(), "StrikeThruText");
    appendFlagToString(&flagsString, paint.isFakeBoldText(), "FakeBoldText");
    appendFlagToString(&flagsString, paint.isLinearText(), "LinearText");
    appendFlagToString(&flagsString, paint.isSubpixelText(), "SubpixelText");
    appendFlagToString(&flagsString, paint.isDevKernText(), "DevKernText");
    appendFlagToString(&flagsString, paint.isLCDRenderText(), "LCDRenderText");
    appendFlagToString(&flagsString, paint.isEmbeddedBitmapText(), "EmbeddedBitmapText");
    appendFlagToString(&flagsString, paint.isAutohinted(), "Autohinted");
    appendFlagToString(&flagsString, paint.isVerticalText(), "VerticalText");
    appendFlagToString(&flagsString, paint.getFlags() & SkPaint::kGenA8FromLCD_Flag, "GenA8FromLCD");
    return flagsString;
void SimpleFontData::platformInit() {
  if (!m_platformData.size()) {
    m_avgCharWidth = 0;
    m_maxCharWidth = 0;

  SkPaint paint;
  SkPaint::FontMetrics metrics;

  SkTypeface* face = paint.getTypeface();

  int vdmxAscent = 0, vdmxDescent = 0;
  bool isVDMXValid = false;

  // Manually digging up VDMX metrics is only applicable when bytecode hinting
  // using FreeType. With GDI, the metrics will already have taken this into
  // account (as needed). With DirectWrite or CoreText, no bytecode hinting is
  // ever done. This code should be pushed into FreeType (hinted font metrics).
  static const uint32_t vdmxTag = SkSetFourByteTag('V', 'D', 'M', 'X');
  int pixelSize = m_platformData.size() + 0.5;
  if (!paint.isAutohinted() &&
      (paint.getHinting() == SkPaint::kFull_Hinting ||
       paint.getHinting() == SkPaint::kNormal_Hinting)) {
    size_t vdmxSize = face->getTableSize(vdmxTag);
    if (vdmxSize && vdmxSize < maxVDMXTableSize) {
      uint8_t* vdmxTable = (uint8_t*)fastMalloc(vdmxSize);
      if (vdmxTable &&
          face->getTableData(vdmxTag, 0, vdmxSize, vdmxTable) == vdmxSize &&
          parseVDMX(&vdmxAscent, &vdmxDescent, vdmxTable, vdmxSize, pixelSize))
        isVDMXValid = true;

  float ascent;
  float descent;

  // Beware those who step here: This code is designed to match Win32 font
  // metrics *exactly* (except the adjustment of ascent/descent on
  // Linux/Android).
  if (isVDMXValid) {
    ascent = vdmxAscent;
    descent = -vdmxDescent;
  } else {
    ascent = SkScalarRoundToInt(-metrics.fAscent);
    descent = SkScalarRoundToInt(metrics.fDescent);
    // When subpixel positioning is enabled, if the descent is rounded down, the
    // descent part of the glyph may be truncated when displayed in a 'overflow:
    // hidden' container. To avoid that, borrow 1 unit from the ascent when
    // possible.
    // FIXME: This can be removed if sub-pixel ascent/descent is supported.
    if (platformData().fontRenderStyle().useSubpixelPositioning &&
        descent < SkScalarToFloat(metrics.fDescent) && ascent >= 1) {


  float xHeight;
  if (metrics.fXHeight) {
    xHeight = metrics.fXHeight;
  } else {
    xHeight = ascent * 0.56;  // Best guess from Windows font metrics.

  float lineGap = SkScalarToFloat(metrics.fLeading);
  m_fontMetrics.setLineSpacing(lroundf(ascent) + lroundf(descent) +

  SkScalar underlineThickness, underlinePosition;
  if (metrics.hasUnderlineThickness(&underlineThickness) &&
      metrics.hasUnderlinePosition(&underlinePosition)) {

  if (platformData().orientation() == Vertical &&
      !isTextOrientationFallback()) {
    static const uint32_t vheaTag = SkSetFourByteTag('v', 'h', 'e', 'a');
    static const uint32_t vorgTag = SkSetFourByteTag('V', 'O', 'R', 'G');
    size_t vheaSize = face->getTableSize(vheaTag);
    size_t vorgSize = face->getTableSize(vorgTag);
    if ((vheaSize > 0) || (vorgSize > 0))
      m_hasVerticalGlyphs = true;

  // In WebKit/WebCore/platform/graphics/SimpleFontData.cpp, m_spaceWidth is
  // calculated for us, but we need to calculate m_maxCharWidth and
  // m_avgCharWidth in order for text entry widgets to be sized correctly.
  // FIXME: This seems incorrect and should probably use fMaxCharWidth as
  // the code path above.
  SkScalar xRange = metrics.fXMax - metrics.fXMin;
  m_maxCharWidth =
      SkScalarRoundToInt(xRange * SkScalarRoundToInt(m_platformData.size()));

  if (metrics.fAvgCharWidth)
    m_avgCharWidth = SkScalarRoundToInt(metrics.fAvgCharWidth);
  else {
    m_avgCharWidth = xHeight;

    GlyphPage* glyphPageZero = GlyphPageTreeNode::getRootChild(this, 0)->page();

    if (glyphPageZero) {
      static const UChar32 xChar = 'x';
      const Glyph xGlyph = glyphPageZero->glyphForCharacter(xChar);

      if (xGlyph) {
        // In widthForGlyph(), xGlyph will be compared with
        // m_zeroWidthSpaceGlyph, which isn't initialized yet here.
        // Initialize it with zero to make sure widthForGlyph() returns
        // the right width.
        m_zeroWidthSpaceGlyph = 0;
        m_avgCharWidth = widthForGlyph(xGlyph);

  if (int unitsPerEm = face->getUnitsPerEm())
Exemple #4
void SimpleFontData::platformInit()
    if (!m_platformData.size()) {
        m_avgCharWidth = 0;
        m_maxCharWidth = 0;

    SkPaint paint;
    SkPaint::FontMetrics metrics;

    SkTypeface* face = paint.getTypeface();

    int vdmxAscent = 0, vdmxDescent = 0;
    bool isVDMXValid = false;

    // Manually digging up VDMX metrics is only applicable when bytecode hinting using FreeType.
    // With DirectWrite or CoreText, no bytecode hinting is ever done.
    // This code should be pushed into FreeType (hinted font metrics).
    static const uint32_t vdmxTag = SkSetFourByteTag('V', 'D', 'M', 'X');
    int pixelSize = m_platformData.size() + 0.5;
    if (!paint.isAutohinted()
        &&    (paint.getHinting() == SkPaint::kFull_Hinting
            || paint.getHinting() == SkPaint::kNormal_Hinting))
        size_t vdmxSize = face->getTableSize(vdmxTag);
        if (vdmxSize && vdmxSize < maxVDMXTableSize) {
            uint8_t* vdmxTable = (uint8_t*)WTF::Partitions::fastMalloc(vdmxSize, WTF_HEAP_PROFILER_TYPE_NAME(SimpleFontData));
            if (vdmxTable
                && face->getTableData(vdmxTag, 0, vdmxSize, vdmxTable) == vdmxSize
                && parseVDMX(&vdmxAscent, &vdmxDescent, vdmxTable, vdmxSize, pixelSize))
                isVDMXValid = true;

    float ascent;
    float descent;

    // Beware those who step here: This code is designed to match Win32 font
    // metrics *exactly* (except the adjustment of ascent/descent on Linux/Android).
    if (isVDMXValid) {
        ascent = vdmxAscent;
        descent = -vdmxDescent;
    } else {
        ascent = SkScalarRoundToInt(-metrics.fAscent);
        descent = SkScalarRoundToInt(metrics.fDescent);
        // When subpixel positioning is enabled, if the descent is rounded down, the descent part
        // of the glyph may be truncated when displayed in a 'overflow: hidden' container.
        // To avoid that, borrow 1 unit from the ascent when possible.
        // FIXME: This can be removed if sub-pixel ascent/descent is supported.
        if (platformData().getFontRenderStyle().useSubpixelPositioning && descent < SkScalarToFloat(metrics.fDescent) && ascent >= 1) {

    // We are preserving this ascent hack to match Safari's ascent adjustment
    // in their SimpleFontDataMac.mm, for details see crbug.com/445830.
    // We need to adjust Times, Helvetica, and Courier to closely match the
    // vertical metrics of their Microsoft counterparts that are the de facto
    // web standard. The AppKit adjustment of 20% is too big and is
    // incorrectly added to line spacing, so we use a 15% adjustment instead
    // and add it to the ascent.
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(AtomicString, timesName, ("Times"));
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(AtomicString, helveticaName, ("Helvetica"));
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(AtomicString, courierName, ("Courier"));
    String familyName = m_platformData.fontFamilyName();
    if (familyName == timesName || familyName == helveticaName || familyName == courierName)
        ascent += floorf(((ascent + descent) * 0.15f) + 0.5f);


    float xHeight;
    if (metrics.fXHeight) {
        xHeight = metrics.fXHeight;
        // Mac OS CTFontGetXHeight reports the bounding box height of x,
        // including parts extending below the baseline and apparently no x-height
        // value from the OS/2 table. However, the CSS ex unit
        // expects only parts above the baseline, hence measuring the glyph:
        // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#ex-unit
        const Glyph xGlyph = glyphForCharacter('x');
        if (xGlyph) {
            FloatRect glyphBounds(boundsForGlyph(xGlyph));
            // SkGlyph bounds, y down, based on rendering at (0,0).
            xHeight = - glyphBounds.y();
    } else {
        xHeight = ascent * 0.56; // Best guess from Windows font metrics.

    float lineGap = SkScalarToFloat(metrics.fLeading);
    m_fontMetrics.setLineSpacing(lroundf(ascent) + lroundf(descent) + lroundf(lineGap));

    if (platformData().isVerticalAnyUpright() && !isTextOrientationFallback()) {
        static const uint32_t vheaTag = SkSetFourByteTag('v', 'h', 'e', 'a');
        static const uint32_t vorgTag = SkSetFourByteTag('V', 'O', 'R', 'G');
        size_t vheaSize = face->getTableSize(vheaTag);
        size_t vorgSize = face->getTableSize(vorgTag);
        if ((vheaSize > 0) || (vorgSize > 0))
            m_hasVerticalGlyphs = true;

    // In WebKit/WebCore/platform/graphics/SimpleFontData.cpp, m_spaceWidth is
    // calculated for us, but we need to calculate m_maxCharWidth and
    // m_avgCharWidth in order for text entry widgets to be sized correctly.
#if OS(WIN)
    m_maxCharWidth = SkScalarRoundToInt(metrics.fMaxCharWidth);

    // Older version of the DirectWrite API doesn't implement support for max
    // char width. Fall back on a multiple of the ascent. This is entirely
    // arbitrary but comes pretty close to the expected value in most cases.
    if (m_maxCharWidth < 1)
        m_maxCharWidth = ascent * 2;
#elif OS(MACOSX)
    // FIXME: The current avg/max character width calculation is not ideal,
    // it should check either the OS2 table or, better yet, query FontMetrics.
    // Sadly FontMetrics provides incorrect data on Mac at the moment.
    // https://crbug.com/420901
    m_maxCharWidth = std::max(m_avgCharWidth, m_fontMetrics.floatAscent());
    // Better would be to rely on either fMaxCharWidth or fAveCharWidth.
    // skbug.com/3087
    m_maxCharWidth = SkScalarRoundToInt(metrics.fXMax - metrics.fXMin);


    if (metrics.fAvgCharWidth) {
        m_avgCharWidth = SkScalarRoundToInt(metrics.fAvgCharWidth);
    } else {
        m_avgCharWidth = xHeight;
        const Glyph xGlyph = glyphForCharacter('x');
        if (xGlyph) {
            m_avgCharWidth = widthForGlyph(xGlyph);

    if (int unitsPerEm = face->getUnitsPerEm())
Exemple #5
static bool is_enable_auto_hints(const SkPaint& paint) {
    return paint.isAutohinted();