void modCalcAzel::slotComputeCoords() { SkyPoint sp; double epoch0 = getEpoch( epochName->text() ); KStarsDateTime dt; dt.setFromEpoch( epoch0 ); long double jd = getDateTime().djd(); long double jd0 = dt.djd(); dms LST( getDateTime().gst().Degrees() + getLongitude().Degrees() ); if(radioApCoords->isChecked()) { sp = getEquCoords(); sp.apparentCoord(jd0, jd); dms lat(getLatitude()); sp.EquatorialToHorizontal( &LST, &lat ); showHorCoords( sp ); } else { sp = getHorCoords(); dms lat(getLatitude()); sp.HorizontalToEquatorial( &LST, &lat ); showEquCoords( sp ); } }
void modCalcAzel::processLines( QTextStream &istream ) { // we open the output file // QTextStream istream(&fIn); QString outputFileName; outputFileName = OutputLineEditBatch->text(); QFile fOut( outputFileName ); fOut.open(IO_WriteOnly); QTextStream ostream(&fOut); QString line; QString space = " "; int i = 0; long double jd0, jdf; dms LST; SkyPoint sp; dms raB, decB, latB, longB, azB, elB; double epoch0B; QTime utB; ExtDate dtB; while ( ! istream.eof() ) { line = istream.readLine(); line.stripWhiteSpace(); //Go through the line, looking for parameters QStringList fields = QStringList::split( " ", line ); i = 0; // Read Ut and write in ostream if corresponds if(utCheckBatch->isChecked() ) { utB = QTime::fromString( fields[i] ); i++; } else utB = utBoxBatch->time(); if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << utB.toString() << space; else if(utCheckBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << utB.toString() << space; // Read date and write in ostream if corresponds if(dateCheckBatch->isChecked() ) { dtB = ExtDate::fromString( fields[i] ); i++; } else dtB = dateBoxBatch->date(); if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << dtB.toString().append(space); else if(dateCheckBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << dtB.toString().append(space); // Read Longitude and write in ostream if corresponds if (longCheckBatch->isChecked() ) { longB = dms::fromString( fields[i],TRUE); i++; } else longB = longBoxBatch->createDms(TRUE); if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << longB.toDMSString() << space; else if (longCheckBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << longB.toDMSString() << space; // Read Latitude if (latCheckBatch->isChecked() ) { latB = dms::fromString( fields[i], TRUE); i++; } else latB = latBoxBatch->createDms(TRUE); if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << latB.toDMSString() << space; else if (latCheckBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << latB.toDMSString() << space; // Read Epoch and write in ostream if corresponds if(epochCheckBatch->isChecked() ) { epoch0B = fields[i].toDouble(); i++; } else epoch0B = getEpoch( epochBoxBatch->text() ); if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << epoch0B << space; else if(epochCheckBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << epoch0B << space; // We make the first calculations KStarsDateTime dt; dt.setFromEpoch( epoch0B ); jdf = KStarsDateTime(dtB,utB).djd(); jd0 = dt.djd(); LST = KStarsDateTime(dtB,utB).gst().Degrees() + longB.Degrees(); // Equatorial coordinates are the input coords. if (!horInputCoords) { // Read RA and write in ostream if corresponds if(raCheckBatch->isChecked() ) { raB = dms::fromString( fields[i],FALSE); i++; } else raB = raBoxBatch->createDms(FALSE); if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << raB.toHMSString() << space; else if(raCheckBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << raB.toHMSString() << space; // Read DEC and write in ostream if corresponds if(decCheckBatch->isChecked() ) { decB = dms::fromString( fields[i], TRUE); i++; } else decB = decBoxBatch->createDms(); if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << decB.toDMSString() << space; else if(decCheckBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << decB.toDMSString() << space; sp = SkyPoint (raB, decB); sp.apparentCoord(jd0, jdf); sp.EquatorialToHorizontal( &LST, &latB ); ostream << sp.az()->toDMSString() << space << sp.alt()->toDMSString() << endl; // Input coords are horizontal coordinates } else { if(azCheckBatch->isChecked() ) { azB = dms::fromString( fields[i],FALSE); i++; } else azB = azBoxBatch->createDms(); if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << azB.toHMSString() << space; else if(raCheckBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << azB.toHMSString() << space; // Read DEC and write in ostream if corresponds if(elCheckBatch->isChecked() ) { elB = dms::fromString( fields[i], TRUE); i++; } else elB = decBoxBatch->createDms(); if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << elB.toDMSString() << space; else if(elCheckBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << elB.toDMSString() << space; sp.setAz(azB); sp.setAlt(elB); sp.HorizontalToEquatorial( &LST, &latB ); ostream << sp.ra()->toHMSString() << space << sp.dec()->toDMSString() << endl; } } fOut.close(); }