Exemple #1
   Slave* self = ((Param3*)p)->serv_instance;
   int transid = ((Param3*)p)->transid;
   int dir = ((Param3*)p)->dir;
   string src = ((Param3*)p)->src;
   string dst = ((Param3*)p)->dst;
   string master_ip = ((Param3*)p)->master_ip;
   int master_port = ((Param3*)p)->master_port;
   delete (Param3*)p;

   if (src.c_str()[0] == '\0')
      src = "/" + src;
   if (dst.c_str()[0] == '\0')
      dst = "/" + dst;

   bool success = true;

   queue<string> tr;	// files to be replicated
   queue<string> td;	// directories to be explored

   if (dir > 0)

   while (!td.empty())
      // If the file to be replicated is a directory, recursively list all files first

      string src_path = td.front();

      // try list this path
      SectorMsg msg;
      msg.setData(0, src_path.c_str(), src_path.length() + 1);

      Address addr;
      self->m_Routing.lookup(src_path, addr);

      if (self->m_GMP.rpc(addr.m_strIP.c_str(), addr.m_iPort, &msg, &msg) < 0)
         success = false;

      // the master only returns positive if this is a directory
      if (msg.getType() >= 0)
         // if this is a directory, create it, and put all files and sub-directories into the queue of files to be copied

         // create a local dir
         string dst_path = dst;
         if (src != src_path)
            dst_path += "/" + src_path.substr(src.length() + 1, src_path.length() - src.length() - 1);

         //create at .tmp first, then move to real location
         self->createDir(string(".tmp") + dst_path);

         string filelist = msg.getData();
         unsigned int s = 0;
         while (s < filelist.length())
            int t = filelist.find(';', s);
            SNode sn;
            sn.deserialize(filelist.substr(s, t - s).c_str());
            if (sn.m_bIsDir)
               td.push(src_path + "/" + sn.m_strName);
               tr.push(src_path + "/" + sn.m_strName);
            s = t + 1;


   while (!tr.empty())
      string src_path = tr.front();

      SNode tmp;
      if (self->m_pLocalFile->lookup(src_path.c_str(), tmp) >= 0)
         //if file is local, copy directly
         //note that in this case, src != dst, therefore this is a regular "cp" command, not a system replication

         //local files must be read directly from local disk, and cannot be read via datachn due to its limitation

         string dst_path = dst;
         if (src != src_path)
            dst_path += "/" + src_path.substr(src.length() + 1, src_path.length() - src.length() - 1);

         //copy to .tmp first, then move to real location
         self->createDir(string(".tmp") + dst_path.substr(0, dst_path.rfind('/')));
         LocalFS::copy(self->m_strHomeDir + src_path, self->m_strHomeDir + ".tmp" + dst_path);
         // open the file and copy it to local
         SectorMsg msg;

         int32_t mode = SF_MODE::READ;
         msg.setData(0, (char*)&mode, 4);
         int32_t localport = self->m_DataChn.getPort();
         msg.setData(4, (char*)&localport, 4);
         int32_t len_name = src_path.length() + 1;
         msg.setData(8, (char*)&len_name, 4);
         msg.setData(12, src_path.c_str(), len_name);
         int32_t len_opt = 0;
         msg.setData(12 + len_name, (char*)&len_opt, 4);

         Address addr;
         self->m_Routing.lookup(src_path, addr);

         if ((self->m_GMP.rpc(addr.m_strIP.c_str(), addr.m_iPort, &msg, &msg) < 0) || (msg.getType() < 0))
            success = false;

         int32_t session = *(int32_t*)msg.getData();
         int64_t size = *(int64_t*)(msg.getData() + 4);
         time_t ts = *(int64_t*)(msg.getData() + 12);

         string ip = msg.getData() + 24;
         int32_t port = *(int32_t*)(msg.getData() + 64 + 24);

         if (!self->m_DataChn.isConnected(ip, port))
            if (self->m_DataChn.connect(ip, port) < 0)
               success = false;

         // download command: 3
         int32_t cmd = 3;
         self->m_DataChn.send(ip, port, session, (char*)&cmd, 4);

         int64_t offset = 0;
         self->m_DataChn.send(ip, port, session, (char*)&offset, 8);

         int response = -1;
         if ((self->m_DataChn.recv4(ip, port, session, response) < 0) || (-1 == response))
            success = false;

         string dst_path = dst;
         if (src != src_path)
            dst_path += "/" + src_path.substr(src.length() + 1, src_path.length() - src.length() - 1);

         //copy to .tmp first, then move to real location
         self->createDir(string(".tmp") + dst_path.substr(0, dst_path.rfind('/')));

         fstream ofs;
         ofs.open((self->m_strHomeDir + ".tmp" + dst_path).c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary | ios::trunc);

         int64_t unit = 64000000; //send 64MB each time
         int64_t torecv = size;
         int64_t recd = 0;
         while (torecv > 0)
            int64_t block = (torecv < unit) ? torecv : unit;
            if (self->m_DataChn.recvfile(ip, port, session, ofs, offset + recd, block) < 0)
               success = false;

            recd += block;
            torecv -= block;


         // update total received data size
         self->m_SlaveStat.updateIO(ip, size, +SlaveStat::SYS_IN);

         cmd = 5;
         self->m_DataChn.send(ip, port, session, (char*)&cmd, 4);
         self->m_DataChn.recv4(ip, port, session, cmd);

         if (src == dst)
            //utime: update timestamp according to the original copy, for replica only; files created by "cp" have new timestamp
            utimbuf ut;
            ut.actime = ts;
            ut.modtime = ts;
            utime((self->m_strHomeDir + ".tmp" + dst_path).c_str(), &ut);

   if (success)
      // move from temporary dir to the real dir when the copy is completed
      self->createDir(dst.substr(0, dst.rfind('/')));
      LocalFS::rename(self->m_strHomeDir + ".tmp" + dst, self->m_strHomeDir + dst);

      // if the file has been modified during the replication, remove this replica
      int32_t type = (src == dst) ? +FileChangeType::FILE_UPDATE_REPLICA : +FileChangeType::FILE_UPDATE_NEW;
      if (self->report(master_ip, master_port, transid, dst, type) < 0)
         LocalFS::erase(self->m_strHomeDir + dst);
      // failed, remove all temporary files
      LocalFS::erase(self->m_strHomeDir + ".tmp" + dst);
      self->report(master_ip, master_port, transid, "", +FileChangeType::FILE_UPDATE_NO);

   // clear this transaction
   self->m_TransManager.updateSlave(transid, self->m_iSlaveID);

   return NULL;
Exemple #2
DWORD WINAPI Slave::fileHandler(LPVOID p)
   Slave* self = ((Param2*)p)->serv_instance;
   string filename = self->m_strHomeDir + ((Param2*)p)->filename;
   string sname = ((Param2*)p)->filename;
   int key = ((Param2*)p)->key;
   int mode = ((Param2*)p)->mode;
   int transid = ((Param2*)p)->transid;
   string client_ip = ((Param2*)p)->client_ip;
   int client_port = ((Param2*)p)->client_port;
   unsigned char crypto_key[16];
   unsigned char crypto_iv[8];
   memcpy(crypto_key, ((Param2*)p)->crypto_key, 16);
   memcpy(crypto_iv, ((Param2*)p)->crypto_iv, 8);
   string master_ip = ((Param2*)p)->master_ip;
   int master_port = ((Param2*)p)->master_port;
   delete (Param2*)p;

   // uplink and downlink addresses for write, no need for read
   string src_ip = client_ip;
   int src_port = client_port;
   string dst_ip;
   int dst_port = -1;

   // IO permissions
   bool bRead = mode & 1;
   bool bWrite = mode & 2;
   bool trunc = mode & 4;
   bool bSecure = mode & 16;

   bool m_bChange = false;

   int last_timestamp = 0;

   self->m_SectorLog << LogStart(LogLevel::LEVEL_3) << "connecting to " << client_ip << " " << client_port << " " << filename << LogEnd();

   if ((!self->m_DataChn.isConnected(client_ip, client_port)) && (self->m_DataChn.connect(client_ip, client_port) < 0))
      self->m_SectorLog << LogStart(LogLevel::LEVEL_2) << "failed to connect to file client " << client_ip << " " << client_port << " " << filename << LogEnd();

      // release transactions and file locks
      self->m_TransManager.updateSlave(transid, self->m_iSlaveID);
      self->m_pLocalFile->unlock(sname, key, mode);
      self->report(master_ip, master_port, transid, sname, +FileChangeType::FILE_UPDATE_NO);

      return NULL;

   Crypto* encoder = NULL;
   Crypto* decoder = NULL;
   if (bSecure)
      encoder = new Crypto;
      encoder->initEnc(crypto_key, crypto_iv);
      decoder = new Crypto;
      decoder->initDec(crypto_key, crypto_iv);      

   //create a new directory or file in case it does not exist
   if (bWrite)
      self->createDir(sname.substr(0, sname.rfind('/')));

      SNode s;
      if (LocalFS::stat(filename, s) < 0)
         ofstream newfile(filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary | ios::trunc);

   timeval t1, t2;
   gettimeofday(&t1, 0);
   int64_t rb = 0;
   int64_t wb = 0;

   WriteLog writelog;

   fstream fhandle;
   if (!trunc)
      fhandle.open(filename.c_str(), ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);
      fhandle.open(filename.c_str(), ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary | ios::trunc);

   // a file session is successful only if the client issue a close() request
   bool success = true;
   bool run = true;
   int32_t cmd = 0;

   while (run)
      if (self->m_DataChn.recv4(client_ip, client_port, transid, cmd) < 0)

      switch (cmd)
      case 1: // read
            char* param = NULL;
            int tmp = 8 * 2;
            if (self->m_DataChn.recv(client_ip, client_port, transid, param, tmp) < 0)
               success = false;
            int64_t offset = *(int64_t*)param;
            int64_t size = *(int64_t*)(param + 8);
            delete [] param;

            int32_t response = bRead ? 0 : -1;
            if (fhandle.fail() || !success || !self->m_bDiskHealth || !self->m_bNetworkHealth)
               response = -1;

            if (self->m_DataChn.send(client_ip, client_port, transid, (char*)&response, 4) < 0)
            if (response == -1)

            if (self->m_DataChn.sendfile(client_ip, client_port, transid, fhandle, offset, size, encoder) < 0)
               success = false;
               rb += size;

            // update total sent data size
            self->m_SlaveStat.updateIO(client_ip, param[1], (key == 0) ? +SlaveStat::SYS_OUT : +SlaveStat::CLI_OUT);


      case 2: // write
            if (!bWrite)
               // if the client does not have write permission, disconnect it immediately
               success = false;

            //receive offset and size information from uplink
            char* param = NULL;
            int tmp = 8 * 2;
            if (self->m_DataChn.recv(src_ip, src_port, transid, param, tmp) < 0)

            int64_t offset = *(int64_t*)param;
            int64_t size = *(int64_t*)(param + 8);
            delete [] param;

            // no secure transfer between two slaves
            Crypto* tmp_decoder = decoder;
            if ((client_ip != src_ip) || (client_port != src_port))
               tmp_decoder = NULL;

            bool io_status = (size > 0); 
            if (!io_status || (self->m_DataChn.recvfile(src_ip, src_port, transid, fhandle, offset, size, tmp_decoder) < size))
               io_status = false;

            //TODO: send incomplete write to next slave on chain, rather than -1

            if (dst_port > 0)
               // send offset and size parameters
               char req[16];
               *(int64_t*)req = offset;
               if (io_status)
                  *(int64_t*)(req + 8) = size;
                  *(int64_t*)(req + 8) = -1;
               self->m_DataChn.send(dst_ip, dst_port, transid, req, 16);

               // send the data to the next replica in the chain
               if (size > 0)
                  self->m_DataChn.sendfile(dst_ip, dst_port, transid, fhandle, offset, size);

            if (!io_status)

            wb += size;

            // update total received data size
            self->m_SlaveStat.updateIO(src_ip, size, (key == 0) ? +SlaveStat::SYS_IN : +SlaveStat::CLI_IN);

            // update write log
            writelog.insert(offset, size);

            m_bChange = true;


      case 3: // download
            int64_t offset;
            if (self->m_DataChn.recv8(client_ip, client_port, transid, offset) < 0)
               success = false;

            int32_t response = bRead ? 0 : -1;
            if (fhandle.fail() || !success || !self->m_bDiskHealth || !self->m_bNetworkHealth)
               response = -1;
            if (self->m_DataChn.send(client_ip, client_port, transid, (char*)&response, 4) < 0)
            if (response == -1)

            fhandle.seekg(0, ios::end);
            int64_t size = (int64_t)(fhandle.tellg());
            fhandle.seekg(0, ios::beg);

            size -= offset;

            int64_t unit = 64000000; //send 64MB each time
            int64_t tosend = size;
            int64_t sent = 0;
            while (tosend > 0)
               int64_t block = (tosend < unit) ? tosend : unit;
               if (self->m_DataChn.sendfile(client_ip, client_port, transid, fhandle, offset + sent, block, encoder) < 0)
                  success = false;

               sent += block;
               tosend -= block;

            rb += sent;

            // update total sent data size
            self->m_SlaveStat.updateIO(client_ip, size, (key == 0) ? +SlaveStat::SYS_OUT : +SlaveStat::CLI_OUT);


      case 4: // upload
            if (!bWrite)
               // if the client does not have write permission, disconnect it immediately
               success = false;

            int64_t offset = 0;
            int64_t size;
            if (self->m_DataChn.recv8(client_ip, client_port, transid, size) < 0)
               success = false;

            //TODO: check available size
            int32_t response = 0;
            if (fhandle.fail() || !success || !self->m_bDiskHealth || !self->m_bNetworkHealth)
               response = -1;
            if (self->m_DataChn.send(client_ip, client_port, transid, (char*)&response, 4) < 0)
            if (response == -1)

            int64_t unit = 64000000; //send 64MB each time
            int64_t torecv = size;
            int64_t recd = 0;

            // no secure transfer between two slaves
            Crypto* tmp_decoder = decoder;
            if ((client_ip != src_ip) || (client_port != src_port))
               tmp_decoder = NULL;

            while (torecv > 0)
               int64_t block = (torecv < unit) ? torecv : unit;

               if (self->m_DataChn.recvfile(src_ip, src_port, transid, fhandle, offset + recd, block, tmp_decoder) < 0)
                  success = false;

               if (dst_port > 0)
                  // write to uplink for next replica in the chain
                  if (self->m_DataChn.sendfile(dst_ip, dst_port, transid, fhandle, offset + recd, block) < 0)

               recd += block;
               torecv -= block;

            wb += recd;

            // update total received data size
            self->m_SlaveStat.updateIO(src_ip, size, (key == 0) ? +SlaveStat::SYS_IN : +SlaveStat::CLI_IN);

            // update write log
            writelog.insert(0, size);

            m_bChange = true;


      case 5: // end session
         // the file has been successfully closed
         run = false;

      case 6: // read file path for local IO optimization
         self->m_DataChn.send(client_ip, client_port, transid, self->m_strHomeDir.c_str(), self->m_strHomeDir.length() + 1);

      case 7: // synchronize with the client, make sure write is correct
         //TODO: merge all three recv() to one
         int32_t size = 0;
         if (self->m_DataChn.recv4(client_ip, client_port, transid, size) < 0)
         char* buf = NULL;
         if (self->m_DataChn.recv(client_ip, client_port, transid, buf, size) < 0)
         last_timestamp = 0;
         if (self->m_DataChn.recv4(client_ip, client_port, transid, last_timestamp) < 0)

         WriteLog log;
         log.deserialize(buf, size);
         delete [] buf;

         int32_t confirm = -1;
         if (writelog.compare(log))
            confirm = 1;


         if (confirm > 0)
            //synchronize timestamp
            utimbuf ut;
            ut.actime = last_timestamp;
            ut.modtime = last_timestamp;
            utime(filename.c_str(), &ut);

         self->m_DataChn.send(client_ip, client_port, transid, (char*)&confirm, 4);


      case 8: // specify up and down links
         char* buf = NULL;
         int size = 136;
         if (self->m_DataChn.recv(client_ip, client_port, transid, buf, size) < 0)

         int32_t response = bWrite ? 0 : -1;
         if (fhandle.fail() || !success || !self->m_bDiskHealth || !self->m_bNetworkHealth)
            response = -1;
         if (self->m_DataChn.send(client_ip, client_port, transid, (char*)&response, 4) < 0)
         if (response == -1)

         src_ip = buf;
         src_port = *(int32_t*)(buf + 64);
         dst_ip = buf + 68;
         dst_port = *(int32_t*)(buf + 132);
         delete [] buf;

         if (src_port > 0)
            // connect to uplink in the write chain
            if (!self->m_DataChn.isConnected(src_ip, src_port))
               self->m_DataChn.connect(src_ip, src_port);
            // first node in the chain, read from client
            src_ip = client_ip;
            src_port = client_port;
         if (dst_port > 0)
            //connect downlink in the write chain
            if (!self->m_DataChn.isConnected(dst_ip, dst_port))
               self->m_DataChn.connect(dst_ip, dst_port);



   // close local file

   // update final timestamp
   if (last_timestamp > 0)
      utimbuf ut;
      ut.actime = last_timestamp;
      ut.modtime = last_timestamp;
      utime(filename.c_str(), &ut);

   gettimeofday(&t2, 0);
   int duration = t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec;
   double avgRS = 0;
   double avgWS = 0;
   if (duration > 0)
      avgRS = rb / duration * 8.0 / 1000000.0;
      avgWS = wb / duration * 8.0 / 1000000.0;

   self->m_SectorLog << LogStart(LogLevel::LEVEL_3) << "file server closed " << src_ip << " " << src_port << " " << (long long)avgWS << " " << (long long)avgRS << LogEnd();

   // clear this transaction
   self->m_TransManager.updateSlave(transid, self->m_iSlaveID);

   // unlock the file
   // this must be done before the client is disconnected, otherwise if the client immediately re-open the file, the lock may not be released yet
   self->m_pLocalFile->unlock(sname, key, mode);

   // report to master the task is completed
   // this also must be done before the client is disconnected, otherwise client may not be able to immediately re-open the file as the master is not updated
   int change = m_bChange ? +FileChangeType::FILE_UPDATE_WRITE : +FileChangeType::FILE_UPDATE_NO;

   self->report(master_ip, master_port, transid, sname, change);

   if (bSecure)
      delete encoder;
      delete decoder;

   if (success)
      self->m_DataChn.send(client_ip, client_port, transid, (char*)&cmd, 4);
      self->m_DataChn.sendError(client_ip, client_port, transid);

   return NULL;
Exemple #3
   Slave* self = ((Param5*)p)->serv_instance;
   int transid = ((Param5*)p)->transid;
   string path = ((Param5*)p)->path;
   string localfile = ((Param5*)p)->filename;
   int bucketnum = ((Param5*)p)->bucketnum;
   const int key = ((Param5*)p)->key;
   const int type = ((Param5*)p)->type;
   string function = ((Param5*)p)->function;
   string master_ip = ((Param5*)p)->master_ip;
   int master_port = ((Param5*)p)->master_port;
   queue<Bucket>* bq = ((Param5*)p)->bq;
   CMutex* bqlock = ((Param5*)p)->bqlock;
   CCond* bqcond = ((Param5*)p)->bqcond;
   int64_t* pendingSize = ((Param5*)p)->pending;
   delete (Param5*)p;


   // remove old result data files
   for (int i = 0; i < bucketnum; ++ i)
      int size = self->m_strHomeDir.length() + path.length() + localfile.length() + 64;
      char* tmp = new char[size];
      snprintf(tmp, size, "%s.%d", (self->m_strHomeDir + path + "/" + localfile).c_str(), i);
      snprintf(tmp, size, "%s.%d.idx", (self->m_strHomeDir + path + "/" + localfile).c_str(), i);
      delete [] tmp;

   // index file initial offset
   vector<int64_t> offset;
   for (vector<int64_t>::iterator i = offset.begin(); i != offset.end(); ++ i)
      *i = 0;
   set<int> fileid;

   while (true)
      while (bq->empty())
      Bucket b = bq->front();
      *pendingSize -= b.totalsize;

      if (b.totalnum == -1)

      string speip = b.src_ip;
      int dataport = b.src_dataport;
      int session = b.session;

      for (int i = 0; i < b.totalnum; ++ i)
         int bucket = 0;
         if (self->m_DataChn.recv4(speip, dataport, session, bucket) < 0)


         char* tmp = new char[self->m_strHomeDir.length() + path.length() + localfile.length() + 64];
         sprintf(tmp, "%s.%d", (self->m_strHomeDir + path + "/" + localfile).c_str(), bucket);
         fstream datafile(tmp, ios::out | ios::binary | ios::app);
         sprintf(tmp, "%s.%d.idx", (self->m_strHomeDir + path + "/" + localfile).c_str(), bucket);
         fstream indexfile(tmp, ios::out | ios::binary | ios::app);
         delete [] tmp;
         int64_t start = offset[bucket];
         if (0 == start)
            indexfile.write((char*)&start, 8);

         int32_t len;
         char* data = NULL;
         if (self->m_DataChn.recv(speip, dataport, session, data, len) < 0)
         datafile.write(data, len);
         delete [] data;

         tmp = NULL;
         if (self->m_DataChn.recv(speip, dataport, session, tmp, len) < 0)
         int64_t* index = (int64_t*)tmp;
         for (int j = 0; j < len / 8; ++ j)
            index[j] += start;
         offset[bucket] = index[len / 8 - 1];
         indexfile.write(tmp, len);
         delete [] tmp;


      // update total received data
      self->m_SlaveStat.updateIO(speip, b.totalsize, +SlaveStat::SYS_IN);

   // sort and reduce
   if (type == 1)
      void* lh = NULL;
      self->openLibrary(key, function, lh);

      if (NULL != lh)
         MR_COMPARE comp = NULL;
         MR_REDUCE reduce = NULL;
         self->getReduceFunc(lh, function, comp, reduce);

         if (NULL != comp)
            char* tmp = new char[self->m_strHomeDir.length() + path.length() + localfile.length() + 64];
            for (set<int>::iterator i = fileid.begin(); i != fileid.end(); ++ i)
               sprintf(tmp, "%s.%d", (self->m_strHomeDir + path + "/" + localfile).c_str(), *i);
               self->sort(tmp, comp, reduce);
            delete [] tmp;


   // report sphere output files
   char* tmp = new char[path.length() + localfile.length() + 64];
   vector<string> filelist;
   for (set<int>::iterator i = fileid.begin(); i != fileid.end(); ++ i)
      sprintf(tmp, "%s.%d", (path + "/" + localfile).c_str(), *i);
      sprintf(tmp, "%s.%d.idx", (path + "/" + localfile).c_str(), *i);
   delete [] tmp;

   self->report(master_ip, master_port, transid, filelist, 1);

   return NULL;
Exemple #4
void* Slave::copy(void* p)
   Slave* self = ((Param3*)p)->serv_instance;
   int transid = ((Param3*)p)->transid;
   string src = ((Param3*)p)->src;
   string dst = ((Param3*)p)->dst;
   string master_ip = ((Param3*)p)->master_ip;
   int master_port = ((Param3*)p)->master_port;
   delete (Param3*)p;

   if (src.c_str()[0] == '\0')
      src = "/" + src;
   if (dst.c_str()[0] == '\0')
      dst = "/" + dst;

   SNode tmp;
   if (self->m_pLocalFile->lookup(src.c_str(), tmp) >= 0)
      //if file is local, copy directly
      //note that in this case, src != dst, therefore this is a regular "cp" command, not a system replication
      //TODO: check disk space

      self->createDir(dst.substr(0, dst.rfind('/')));
      string rhome = self->reviseSysCmdPath(self->m_strHomeDir);
      string rsrc = self->reviseSysCmdPath(src);
      string rdst = self->reviseSysCmdPath(dst);
      system(("cp " + rhome + rsrc + " " + rhome + rdst).c_str());

      // if the file has been modified during the replication, remove this replica
      int type = (src == dst) ? +FileChangeType::FILE_UPDATE_REPLICA : +FileChangeType::FILE_UPDATE_NEW;

      struct stat64 s;
      if (stat64((self->m_strHomeDir + dst).c_str(), &s) < 0)
         type = +FileChangeType::FILE_UPDATE_NO;

      if (self->report(master_ip, master_port, transid, dst, type) < 0)
         system(("rm " + rhome + rdst).c_str());

      // clear this transaction
      self->m_TransManager.updateSlave(transid, self->m_iSlaveID);

      return NULL;

   bool success = true;

   queue<string> tr;

   while (!tr.empty())
      string src_path = tr.front();

      // try list this path
      SectorMsg msg;
      msg.setData(0, src_path.c_str(), src_path.length() + 1);

      Address addr;
      self->m_Routing.lookup(src_path, addr);

      if (self->m_GMP.rpc(addr.m_strIP.c_str(), addr.m_iPort, &msg, &msg) < 0)
         success = false;

      if (msg.getType() >= 0)
         // if this is a directory, put all files and sub-drectories into the queue of files to be copied

         string filelist = msg.getData();
         unsigned int s = 0;
         while (s < filelist.length())
            int t = filelist.find(';', s);
            SNode sn;
            sn.deserialize(filelist.substr(s, t - s).c_str());
            tr.push(src_path + "/" + sn.m_strName);
            s = t + 1;


      // open the file and copy it to local

      int32_t mode = SF_MODE::READ;
      msg.setData(0, (char*)&mode, 4);
      int64_t reserve = 0;
      msg.setData(4, (char*)&reserve, 8);
      int32_t localport = self->m_DataChn.getPort();
      msg.setData(12, (char*)&localport, 4);
      msg.setData(16, "\0", 1);
      msg.setData(80, src_path.c_str(), src_path.length() + 1);

      if ((self->m_GMP.rpc(addr.m_strIP.c_str(), addr.m_iPort, &msg, &msg) < 0) || (msg.getType() < 0))
         success = false;

      int32_t session = *(int32_t*)msg.getData();
      int64_t size = *(int64_t*)(msg.getData() + 4);
      time_t ts = *(int64_t*)(msg.getData() + 12);

      string ip = msg.getData() + 24;
      int32_t port = *(int32_t*)(msg.getData() + 64 + 24);

      if (!self->m_DataChn.isConnected(ip, port))
         if (self->m_DataChn.connect(ip, port) < 0)
            success = false;

      // download command: 3
      int32_t cmd = 3;
      self->m_DataChn.send(ip, port, session, (char*)&cmd, 4);

      int64_t offset = 0;
      self->m_DataChn.send(ip, port, session, (char*)&offset, 8);

      int response = -1;
      if ((self->m_DataChn.recv4(ip, port, session, response) < 0) || (-1 == response))
         success = false;

      string dst_path = dst;
      if (src != src_path)
         dst_path += "/" + src_path.substr(src.length() + 1, src_path.length() - src.length() - 1);

      //copy to .tmp first, then move to real location
      self->createDir(string(".tmp") + dst_path.substr(0, dst_path.rfind('/')));

      fstream ofs;
      ofs.open((self->m_strHomeDir + ".tmp" + dst_path).c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary | ios::trunc);

      int64_t unit = 64000000; //send 64MB each time
      int64_t torecv = size;
      int64_t recd = 0;
      while (torecv > 0)
         int64_t block = (torecv < unit) ? torecv : unit;
         if (self->m_DataChn.recvfile(ip, port, session, ofs, offset + recd, block) < 0)
            success = false;

         recd += block;
         torecv -= block;


      // update total received data size
      self->m_SlaveStat.updateIO(ip, size, +SlaveStat::SYS_IN);

      cmd = 5;
      self->m_DataChn.send(ip, port, session, (char*)&cmd, 4);
      self->m_DataChn.recv4(ip, port, session, cmd);

      if (src == dst)
         //utime: update timestamp according to the original copy, for replica only; files created by "cp" have new timestamp
         utimbuf ut;
         ut.actime = ts;
         ut.modtime = ts;
         utime((self->m_strHomeDir + ".tmp" + dst_path).c_str(), &ut);

   string rhome = self->reviseSysCmdPath(self->m_strHomeDir);
   string rfile = self->reviseSysCmdPath(dst);
   if (success)
      // move from temporary dir to the real dir when the copy is completed
      self->createDir(dst.substr(0, dst.rfind('/')));
      system(("mv " + rhome + ".tmp" + rfile + " " + rhome + rfile).c_str());

      // if the file has been modified during the replication, remove this replica
      int32_t type = (src == dst) ? +FileChangeType::FILE_UPDATE_REPLICA : +FileChangeType::FILE_UPDATE_NEW;
      if (self->report(master_ip, master_port, transid, dst, type) < 0)
         unlink((rhome + rfile).c_str());
      // failed, remove all temporary files
      system(("rm -rf " + rhome + ".tmp" + rfile).c_str());

      self->report(master_ip, master_port, transid, "", +FileChangeType::FILE_UPDATE_NO);

   // clear this transaction
   self->m_TransManager.updateSlave(transid, self->m_iSlaveID);

   return NULL;
Exemple #5
void* Slave::SPEShufflerEx(void* p)
   Slave* self = ((Param5*)p)->serv_instance;
   int transid = ((Param5*)p)->transid;
   string client_ip = ((Param5*)p)->client_ip;
   int client_port = ((Param5*)p)->client_ctrl_port;
   int client_data_port = ((Param5*)p)->client_data_port;
   string path = ((Param5*)p)->path;
   string localfile = ((Param5*)p)->filename;
   int bucketnum = ((Param5*)p)->bucketnum;
   int bucketid = ((Param5*)p)->bucketid;
   const int key = ((Param5*)p)->key;
   const int type = ((Param5*)p)->type;
   string function = ((Param5*)p)->function;
   queue<Bucket>* bq = ((Param5*)p)->bq;
   pthread_mutex_t* bqlock = ((Param5*)p)->bqlock;
   pthread_cond_t* bqcond = ((Param5*)p)->bqcond;
   int64_t* pendingSize = ((Param5*)p)->pending;
   string master_ip = ((Param5*)p)->master_ip;
   int master_port = ((Param5*)p)->master_port;
   delete (Param5*)p;


   // remove old result data files
   for (int i = 0; i < bucketnum; ++ i)
      char* tmp = new char[self->m_strHomeDir.length() + path.length() + localfile.length() + 64];
      sprintf(tmp, "%s.%d", (self->m_strHomeDir + path + "/" + localfile).c_str(), i);
      sprintf(tmp, "%s.%d.idx", (self->m_strHomeDir + path + "/" + localfile).c_str(), i);
      delete [] tmp;

   // index file initial offset
   vector<int64_t> offset;
   for (vector<int64_t>::iterator i = offset.begin(); i != offset.end(); ++ i)
      *i = 0;
   set<int> fileid;

   while (true)
      while (bq->empty())
         pthread_cond_wait(bqcond, bqlock);
      Bucket b = bq->front();
      *pendingSize -= b.totalsize;

      if (b.totalnum == -1)

      string speip = b.src_ip;
      int dataport = b.src_dataport;
      int session = b.session;

      for (int i = 0; i < b.totalnum; ++ i)
         int bucket = 0;
         if (self->m_DataChn.recv4(speip, dataport, session, bucket) < 0)


         char* tmp = new char[self->m_strHomeDir.length() + path.length() + localfile.length() + 64];
         sprintf(tmp, "%s.%d", (self->m_strHomeDir + path + "/" + localfile).c_str(), bucket);
         fstream datafile(tmp, ios::out | ios::binary | ios::app);
         sprintf(tmp, "%s.%d.idx", (self->m_strHomeDir + path + "/" + localfile).c_str(), bucket);
         fstream indexfile(tmp, ios::out | ios::binary | ios::app);
         delete [] tmp;
         int64_t start = offset[bucket];
         if (0 == start)
            indexfile.write((char*)&start, 8);

         int32_t len;
         char* data = NULL;
         if (self->m_DataChn.recv(speip, dataport, session, data, len) < 0)
         datafile.write(data, len);
         delete [] data;

         tmp = NULL;
         if (self->m_DataChn.recv(speip, dataport, session, tmp, len) < 0)
         int64_t* index = (int64_t*)tmp;
         for (int j = 0; j < len / 8; ++ j)
            index[j] += start;
         offset[bucket] = index[len / 8 - 1];
         indexfile.write(tmp, len);
         delete [] tmp;


      // update total received data
      self->m_SlaveStat.updateIO(speip, b.totalsize, 0);

   delete bqlock;
   delete bqcond;
   delete pendingSize;

   // sort and reduce
   if (type == 1)
      void* lh = NULL;
      self->openLibrary(key, function, lh);
      //if (NULL == lh)
      //   break;

      MR_COMPARE comp = NULL;
      MR_REDUCE reduce = NULL;
      self->getReduceFunc(lh, function, comp, reduce);

      if (NULL != comp)
         char* tmp = new char[self->m_strHomeDir.length() + path.length() + localfile.length() + 64];
         for (set<int>::iterator i = fileid.begin(); i != fileid.end(); ++ i)
            sprintf(tmp, "%s.%d", (self->m_strHomeDir + path + "/" + localfile).c_str(), *i);
            self->sort(tmp, comp, reduce);
         delete [] tmp;


   // report sphere output files
   char* tmp = new char[path.length() + localfile.length() + 64];
   vector<string> filelist;
   for (set<int>::iterator i = fileid.begin(); i != fileid.end(); ++ i)
      sprintf(tmp, "%s.%d", (path + "/" + localfile).c_str(), *i);
      sprintf(tmp, "%s.%d.idx", (path + "/" + localfile).c_str(), *i);
   delete [] tmp;

   self->report(master_ip, master_port, transid, filelist, 1);

   self->reportSphere(master_ip, master_port, transid);

   // cout << "bucket completed 100 " << client_ip << " " << client_port << endl;
   SectorMsg msg;
   msg.setType(1); // success, return result
   msg.setData(0, (char*)&(bucketid), 4);
   int progress = 100;
   msg.setData(4, (char*)&progress, 4);
   msg.m_iDataLength = SectorMsg::m_iHdrSize + 8;
   int id = 0;
   self->m_GMP.sendto(client_ip.c_str(), client_port, id, &msg);

   //remove this client data channel
   self->m_DataChn.remove(client_ip, client_data_port);

   return NULL;