Exemple #1
main( int argc, char* argv[] )

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    { // needed to properly destroy all objects inside before mpi finalize

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    boost::shared_ptr<Epetra_Comm> Comm(new Epetra_MpiComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD));
    ASSERT ( Comm->NumProc() < 2, "The test does not run in parallel." );
    boost::shared_ptr<Epetra_Comm> Comm(new Epetra_SerialComm);

    typedef RegionMesh<LinearLine> mesh_Type;
    typedef MatrixEpetra<Real> matrix_Type;
    typedef VectorEpetra vector_Type;
    typedef FESpace<mesh_Type, MapEpetra> feSpace_Type;
    typedef boost::shared_ptr<feSpace_Type> feSpacePtr_Type;

    const bool verbose(Comm->MyPID()==0);

    // Read first the data needed

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Reading the data ... " << std::flush;
    GetPot dataFile( "data" );
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    // Build the mesh

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Reading the mesh ... " << std::flush;
    MeshData meshData(dataFile, "mesh");
    boost::shared_ptr< mesh_Type > meshPtr( new mesh_Type( Comm ) );

    // Set up the structured mesh
    regularMesh1D( *meshPtr, 0,
                   dataFile( "mesh/n", 20 ),
                   dataFile( "mesh/verbose", false ),
                   dataFile( "mesh/length", 1. ),
                   dataFile( "mesh/origin", 0. ) );

    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    // Build the FESpaces
    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Building FESpaces ... " << std::flush;
    feSpacePtr_Type uFESpace( new feSpace_Type( meshPtr, feSegP1, quadRuleSeg1pt, quadRuleNode1pt, 1, Comm ) );
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " ---> Dofs: " << uFESpace->dof().numTotalDof() << std::endl;

    // Build the assembler and the matrices

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Building assembler ... " << std::flush;
    ADRAssembler<mesh_Type,matrix_Type,vector_Type> adrAssembler;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Setting up assembler ... " << std::flush;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Defining the matrix ... " << std::flush;
    boost::shared_ptr<matrix_Type> systemMatrix(new matrix_Type( uFESpace->map() ));
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done! " << std::endl;

    // Perform the assembly of the matrix

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Adding the diffusion ... " << std::flush;
    adrAssembler.addDiffusion(systemMatrix, 1.);
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done! " << std::endl;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " Time needed : " << adrAssembler.diffusionAssemblyChrono().diffCumul() << std::endl;

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Adding the mass ... " << std::flush;
    adrAssembler.addMass(systemMatrix, M_PI * M_PI );
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Closing the matrix ... " << std::flush;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    // Definition and assembly of the RHS
    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Building the RHS ... " << std::flush;
    vector_Type rhs(uFESpace->map(),Repeated);

    vector_Type fInterpolated(uFESpace->map(),Repeated);
    uFESpace->interpolate( static_cast<feSpace_Type::function_Type>( fRhs ), fInterpolated, 0.0 );

    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    // Definition and application of the BCs
    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Building the BCHandler ... " << std::flush;
    BCHandler bchandler;

    BCFunctionBase BCu( static_cast<feSpace_Type::function_Type>( exactSolution ) );

    bchandler.addBC("Dirichlet", Structured1DLabel::LEFT,Essential,Full,BCu,1);
    bchandler.addBC("Dirichlet", Structured1DLabel::RIGHT,Essential,Full,BCu,1);

    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Updating the BCs ... " << std::flush;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Applying the BCs ... " << std::flush;
    vector_Type rhsBC(rhs,Unique);
    rhs = rhsBC;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    // Definition of the solver
    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Building the solver ... " << std::flush;
    SolverAztecOO linearSolver;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Setting up the solver ... " << std::flush;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Setting matrix in the solver ... " << std::flush;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;


    // Definition of the solution
    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Defining the solution ... " << std::flush;
    vector_Type solution(uFESpace->map(),Unique);
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    // Solve the solution
    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Solving the system ... " << std::flush;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    // Error computation
    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Computing the error ... " << std::flush;
    vector_Type solutionErr(solution);
    uFESpace->interpolate( static_cast<feSpace_Type::function_Type>( exactSolution ), solutionErr, 0.0 );
    Real l2error(uFESpace->l2Error(exactSolution,vector_Type(solution,Repeated),0.0));
    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- done ! " << std::endl;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " ---> Norm L2  : " << l2error << std::endl;
    Real linferror( solutionErr.normInf());
    if (verbose) std::cout << " ---> Norm Inf : " << linferror << std::endl;

    // Exporter definition and use
    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Defining the exporter ... " << std::flush;

#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
    ExporterHDF5<mesh_Type> exporter ( dataFile, "solution" );
    ExporterVTK<mesh_Type> exporter ( dataFile, "solution" );
    exporter.setMeshProcId( meshPtr, Comm->MyPID()) ;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Defining the exported quantities ... " << std::flush;
    boost::shared_ptr<vector_Type> solutionPtr (new vector_Type(solution,Repeated));
    boost::shared_ptr<vector_Type> solutionErrPtr (new vector_Type(solutionErr,Repeated));
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Updating the exporter ... " << std::flush;
    exporter.addVariable( ExporterData<mesh_Type>::ScalarField, "solution", uFESpace, solutionPtr, UInt(0) );
    exporter.addVariable( ExporterData<mesh_Type>::ScalarField, "error", uFESpace, solutionErrPtr, UInt(0) );
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Exporting ... " << std::flush;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if ( std::fabs( l2error - 0.0006169843149652788l ) > 1e-10 )
        std::cout << " <!> Solution has changed !!! <!> " << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if ( std::fabs( linferror - 0.0001092814405985187l ) > 1e-10 )
        std::cout << " <!> Solution has changed !!! <!> " << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (verbose) std::cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << std::endl;

    } // needed to properly destroy all objects inside before mpi finalize

#ifdef HAVE_MPI

    return( EXIT_SUCCESS );
Exemple #2
main ( int argc, char** argv )
#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
#ifdef HAVE_MPI

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    boost::shared_ptr<Epetra_Comm> comm (new Epetra_MpiComm (MPI_COMM_WORLD) );

    const bool verbose (comm->MyPID() == 0);

    // Read first the data needed

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Reading the data ... " << std::flush;
    GetPot dataFile ( "data" );
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    const UInt Nelements (dataFile ("mesh/nelements", 10) );
    if (verbose) std::cout << " ---> Number of elements : "
                               << Nelements << std::endl;

    // Load mesh part from HDF5
    const std::string partsFileName (dataFile ("test/hdf5_file_name", "cube.h5") );
    const std::string ioClass (dataFile ("test/io_class", "new") );

    boost::shared_ptr<mesh_Type> mesh;
    if (! ioClass.compare ("old") )
        ExporterHDF5Mesh3D<mesh_Type> HDF5Input (dataFile, partsFileName);
        HDF5Input.setComm (comm);
        mesh = HDF5Input.getMeshPartition();
        PartitionIO<RegionMesh<LinearTetra> > partitionIO (partsFileName, comm);
        partitionIO.read (mesh);

    // Build the FESpaces

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Building FESpaces ... " << std::flush;
    std::string uOrder ("P1");
    std::string bOrder ("P1");
    boost::shared_ptr<FESpace<mesh_Type, MapEpetra> >
    uFESpace (new FESpace<mesh_Type, MapEpetra> (mesh, uOrder, 1, comm) );
    boost::shared_ptr<FESpace<mesh_Type, MapEpetra> >
    betaFESpace (new FESpace<mesh_Type, MapEpetra> (mesh, bOrder, 3, comm) );
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " ---> Dofs: "
                               << uFESpace->dof().numTotalDof() << std::endl;

    // Build the assembler and the matrices

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Building assembler ... " << std::flush;
    ADRAssembler<mesh_Type, matrix_Type, vector_Type> adrAssembler;
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Setting up assembler ... " << std::flush;
    adrAssembler.setup (uFESpace, betaFESpace);
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Defining the matrix ... " << std::flush;
    systemMatrix (new matrix_Type (uFESpace->map() ) );
    *systemMatrix *= 0.0;
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done! " << std::endl;

    // Perform the assembly of the matrix

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Adding the diffusion ... " << std::flush;
    adrAssembler.addDiffusion (systemMatrix, 1);
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done! " << std::endl;
    if (verbose) std::cout << " Time needed : "
                               << adrAssembler.diffusionAssemblyChrono().diffCumul()
                               << std::endl;

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Closing the matrix ... " << std::flush;
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    Real matrixNorm (systemMatrix->norm1() );
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " ---> Norm 1 : " << matrixNorm << std::endl;
    if (std::fabs (matrixNorm - 1.68421) > 1e-3)
        std::cout << " <!> Matrix has changed !!! <!> " << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Definition and assembly of the RHS

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Building the RHS ... " << std::flush;
    vector_Type rhs (uFESpace->map(), Repeated);
    rhs *= 0.0;

    vector_Type fInterpolated (uFESpace->map(), Repeated);
    fInterpolated *= 0.0;
    uFESpace->interpolate ( static_cast<function_Type> ( fRhs ), fInterpolated, 0.0);
    adrAssembler.addMassRhs (rhs, fInterpolated);

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    // Definition and application of the BCs

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Building the BCHandler ... " << std::flush;
    BCHandler bchandler;
    BCFunctionBase BCu (exactSolution);
    bchandler.addBC ("Dirichlet", 1, Essential, Full, BCu, 1);
    for (UInt i (2); i <= 6; ++i)
        bchandler.addBC ("Dirichlet", i, Essential, Full, BCu, 1);
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Updating the BCs ... " << std::flush;
    bchandler.bcUpdate (*uFESpace->mesh(), uFESpace->feBd(), uFESpace->dof() );
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Applying the BCs ... " << std::flush;
    vector_Type rhsBC (rhs, Unique);
    bcManage (*systemMatrix, rhsBC, *uFESpace->mesh(),
              uFESpace->dof(), bchandler, uFESpace->feBd(), 1.0, 0.0);
    rhs = rhsBC;
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    // Definition of the solver

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Building the solver ... " << std::flush;
    SolverAztecOO linearSolver;
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Setting up the solver ... " << std::flush;
    linearSolver.setDataFromGetPot (dataFile, "solver");
    linearSolver.setupPreconditioner (dataFile, "prec");
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Setting matrix in the solver ... "
                               << std::flush;
    linearSolver.setMatrix (*systemMatrix);
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    linearSolver.setCommunicator (comm);

    // Definition of the solution

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Defining the solution ... " << std::flush;
    vector_Type solution (uFESpace->map(), Unique);
    solution *= 0.0;
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    // Solve the solution

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Solving the system ... " << std::flush;
    linearSolver.solveSystem (rhsBC, solution, systemMatrix);
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    // Error computation

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Computing the error ... " << std::flush;
    vector_Type solutionErr (solution);
    solutionErr *= 0.0;
    uFESpace->interpolate ( static_cast<function_Type> ( exactSolution ), solutionErr, 0.0);
    solutionErr -= solution;
    Real l2error (uFESpace->l2Error (exactSolution,
                                     vector_Type (solution, Repeated), 0.0) );
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- done ! " << std::endl;
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " ---> Norm L2  : " << l2error << std::endl;
    Real linferror (solutionErr.normInf() );
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " ---> Norm Inf : " << linferror << std::endl;

    if (l2error > 0.0055)
        std::cout << " <!> Solution has changed !!! <!> " << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if (linferror > 0.0046)
        std::cout << " <!> Solution has changed !!! <!> " << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Exporter definition and use

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Defining the exporter ... " << std::flush;
    ExporterHDF5<mesh_Type> exporter (dataFile, mesh,
                                      "solution", comm->MyPID() ) ;
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Defining the exported quantities ... "
                               << std::flush;
    solutionPtr (new vector_Type (solution, Repeated) );
    solutionErrPtr (new vector_Type (solutionErr, Repeated) );
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose) std::cout << " -- Updating the exporter ... "
                               << std::flush;
    exporter.addVariable ( ExporterData<mesh_Type>::ScalarField,
                           "solution", uFESpace, solutionPtr, UInt (0) );
    exporter.addVariable ( ExporterData<mesh_Type>::ScalarField,
                           "error", uFESpace, solutionErrPtr, UInt (0) );
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " -- Exporting ... " << std::flush;
    exporter.postProcess (0);
    if (verbose)
        std::cout << " done ! " << std::endl;

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << std::endl;


    std::cout << "This test needs MPI to run. Aborting." << std::endl;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
#endif /* HAVE_MPI */
    std::cout << "This test needs HDF5 to run. Aborting." << std::endl;
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
#endif /* HAVE_HDF5 */

    return ( EXIT_SUCCESS );