Exemple #1
	int LineArcIntof(const Span& line, const Span& arc, Point& p0, Point& p1, double t[4]) {
		// inters of line arc
		// solving	x = x0 + dx * t			x = y0 + dy * t
		//			x = xc + R * cos(a)		y = yc + R * sin(a)		for t
		// gives :-  t² (dx² + dy²) + 2t(dx*dx0 + dy*dy0) + (x0-xc)² + (y0-yc)² - R² = 0
		int nRoots;
		Vector2d v0(arc.pc, line.p0);
		Vector2d v1(line.p0, line.p1);
		double s = v1.magnitudesqd();

		p0.ok = p1.ok = false;
		if((nRoots = quadratic(s, 2 * (v0 * v1), v0.magnitudesqd() - arc.radius * arc.radius, t[0], t[1])) != 0) {
			double toler = geoff_geometry::TOLERANCE / sqrt(s);							// calc a parametric tolerance
			if(t[0] > -toler && t[0] < 1 + toler) {
				p0 = v1 * t[0] + line.p0;
				p0.ok = arc.OnSpan(p0, &t[2]);
			if(nRoots == 2) {
				if(t[1] > -toler && t[1] < 1 + toler) {
					p1 = v1 * t[1] + line.p0;
					p1.ok = arc.OnSpan(p1, &t[3]);
			if(!p0.ok && p1.ok) {
				p0 = p1;
				p1.ok = false;
			nRoots = (int)p0.ok + (int)p1.ok;
		return nRoots;
Exemple #2
	int ArcArcIntof(const Span& arc0, const Span& arc1, Point& pLeft, Point& pRight) {
		// Intof 2 arcs
		int numInts = Intof(Circle(arc0.pc, arc0.radius), Circle(arc1.pc, arc1.radius), pLeft, pRight);

		if(numInts == 0) {
			pLeft = arc0.p1;
			pLeft.ok = false;
			return 0;
		int nLeft  = arc0.OnSpan(pLeft) && arc1.OnSpan(pLeft);
		int nRight = (numInts == 2)?arc0.OnSpan(pRight) && arc1.OnSpan(pRight) : 0;
		if(nLeft == 0 && nRight) pLeft = pRight;
		return nLeft + nRight;
Exemple #3
	double Dist(const Span& sp, const Point& p , Point& pnear ) {
		// returns distance of p from span, pnear is the nearpoint on the span (or endpoint)
		if(!sp.dir) {
			double d, t;
			Point3d unused_pnear;
			d = Dist(Line(sp), Point3d(p), unused_pnear, t);
			if(t < -geoff_geometry::TOLERANCE) {
				pnear = sp.p0;						// nearpoint
				d = pnear.Dist(p);
			else if(t > sp.length + geoff_geometry::TOLERANCE) {
				pnear = sp.p1;
				d = pnear.Dist(p);
			return d;
		else {
			// put pnear on the circle
			double radiusp;
			Vector2d v(sp.pc, p);
			if((radiusp = v.magnitude()) < geoff_geometry::TOLERANCE)	{
				// point specified on circle centre - use first point as near point
				pnear = sp.p0;						// nearpoint
				return sp.radius;
			else	{
				pnear = v * (sp.radius / radiusp) + sp.pc;

				// check if projected point is on the arc
				if(sp.OnSpan(pnear)) return fabs(radiusp - sp.radius);
				// double      h1 = pnear.x - sp.p0.x ;
				// double      v1 = pnear.y - sp.p0.y ;
				// double      h2 = sp.p1.x - pnear.x ;
				// double      v2 = sp.p1.y - pnear.y ;
				//       if ( sp.dir * ( h1 * v2 - h2 * v1 ) >= 0 )return fabs(radiusp - sp.radius);

				// point not on arc so calc nearest end-point
				double ndist = p.Dist(sp.p0);
				double dist = p.Dist(sp.p1);
				if(ndist >=  dist) {
					// sp.p1 is near point
					pnear = sp.p1;
					return dist;

				// sp.p0 is near point
				pnear = sp.p0;						// nearpoint
				return ndist ;
Exemple #4
	bool	OnSpan(const Span& sp, const Point& p,  bool nearPoints, Point& pNear, Point& pOnSpan) {
		// function returns true if pNear == pOnSpan
		//			returns pNear & pOnSpan if nearPoints true
		//			pNear (nearest on unbound span)
		//			pOnSpan (nearest on finite span)
		if(sp.dir) {
			// arc
			if(fabs(p.Dist(sp.pc) - sp.radius) > geoff_geometry::TOLERANCE) {
				if(!nearPoints) return false;

			pNear = On(Circle(sp.pc, sp.radius), p);

			if(sp.OnSpan(pNear)) {
				if(nearPoints) pOnSpan = pNear;
				return true; // near point is on arc - already calculated

			// point not on arc return the nearest end-point
			if(nearPoints) pOnSpan = (p.Dist(sp.p0) >= p.Dist(sp.p1)) ?sp.p1 : sp.p0;
			return false;
		else {
			// straight
			if(fabs(CLine(sp.p0, sp.vs).Dist(p)) > geoff_geometry::TOLERANCE) {
				if(!nearPoints) return false;
			Vector2d v(sp.p0, p);
			double t = v * sp.vs;
			if(nearPoints) pNear = sp.vs * t + sp.p0;
			bool onSpan = (t > - geoff_geometry::TOLERANCE && t < sp.length + geoff_geometry::TOLERANCE);
			if(! onSpan) {
				if(nearPoints) pOnSpan = (p.Dist(sp.p0) >= p.Dist(sp.p1))?sp.p1 : sp.p0;
			else {
				if(nearPoints) pOnSpan = pNear;
			return onSpan;