// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void SimpleDeadCodeElimination::RemoveDeadVariables(Function* function) {
    SparseBitVector liveVars;

    // Scan every instruction in the function and mark any local variable
    // that appears as an operand. All variables that are not marked are deleted.
    function->ForEachInstruction([&liveVars](Instruction* instr) -> bool {
        for(int i = 0; i < instr->SourceOpCount(); i++) {
            if(auto variableRef = instr->GetSourceOp(i)->As<VariableReference>()) {
                auto variable = variableRef->GetVariable(); // Only local variables.

                if(variable && (variable->IsParameter() == false)) {

        return true;

    // Now removed all unused variables.
    for(int i = 0; i < function->VariableCount(); i++) {
        auto variable = function->Variables()[i];

        if(liveVars.IsSet(variable->Id()) == false) {
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void AggregateCopyPropagation::IterateToFixedpoint() {
    // We use an iterative data-flow algorithm to propagate the copies
    // that are available on entry of each block. Add the blocks
    // in reverse-postorder, this minimizes the number of iterations.
    StaticList<Block*, 64> worklist;
    SparseBitVector inWorklist;

    CFGInfo<Block, Function> cfgInfo(funct_->FirstBlock(), false);
    auto& postorderList = cfgInfo.PostorderList();
    int copyCount = infoList_.Count();

    // Add all blocks to the worklist.
    for(int i = 0; i < postorderList.Count(); i++) {
        auto block = const_cast<Block*>(postorderList[i]);

    while(worklist.IsNotEmpty()) {
        // Extract a block from the worklist.
        auto block = worklist.RemoveLast();

        // Compute the 'in' set, which is the intersection
        // out the 'out' sets of the predecessors.
        BitVector inSet(copyCount, false);
        auto predecessorEnum = block->GetPredecessorEnum();
        bool first = true;

        while(predecessorEnum.IsValid()) {
            auto predecessorBlock = predecessorEnum.Next();

            if(first) {
                inSet = outSets_[predecessorBlock];
                first = false;
            else inSet.And(outSets_[predecessorBlock]);

        // Save the 'in' set, it's needed later
        // when we want to eliminate the copies.
        inSets_.Add(block, inSet);

        // Now compute the new 'out' set, which is the union of the 'copy' set
        // with the 'in' set, from which the 'kill' set has been subtracted.
        // Out(B) = Copy(B) U (In(B) - Kill(B))
        BitVector outSet = copySets_[block];

        if(outSets_[block] != outSet) {
            // The 'out' set must be updated, and all successors
            // must be added to the worklist and reprocessed.
            outSets_[block] = outSet;

            auto successorEnum = block->GetSuccessorEnum();

            while(successorEnum.IsValid()) {
                auto successorBlock = successorEnum.Next();

                if(inWorklist.IsSet(successorBlock->Id()) == false) {
 bool IsReturnBlock(const TBlock* block) {
     return returnBlocks_.IsSet(block->Id());