Exemple #1
SparseMat::SparseMat(const SparseMat &source,
			     const DoFMap &rowmap,
			     const DoFMap &colmap)
  : nnz_(0),
    consolidated_(true)	       // true, because mtx is initially empty
  nonempty_col.resize(ncols_, false);
  for(SparseMatConstIterator ij=source.begin(); ij<source.end(); ++ij) {
    assert(ij.row() < rowmap.domain()); // row is unsigned, dont check >= 0
    int i = rowmap[ij.row()];

    assert(data.size()!=0 || i==-1);
    assert(i < (int) rowmap.range());

    if(i >= 0) {
      assert(ij.col() < colmap.domain());
      int j = colmap[ij.col()];
      assert(j < (int) colmap.range() && j >= -1);
      if(j >= 0) {
	insert(i, j, *ij);	// unsets consolidated_.
Exemple #2
/* multiplication between sparse and classic matrix A=D*Q
	* hists: sparse matrix (typically matrix of database words)
	* nhist: matrix (typically matrix of query words)
	* return: hists*nhists (matrix)
Mat mul(const SparseMat &hists, const Mat &nhist)
    Mat answer = Mat::zeros(hists.size(0),1,CV_32F);
    it = hists.begin(),
    it_end = hists.end();
    for (; it!=it_end;++it)
		const SparseMat::Node* n = it.node();
    return answer;
Exemple #3
void SparseMat::tile(unsigned int i, unsigned int j,
		     const SparseMat &other)
  // Add other to this, offset by i rows and j columns.
  assert(i + other.nrows() <= nrows());
  assert(j + other.ncols() <= ncols());
  for(SparseMat::const_iterator kl = other.begin(); kl<other.end(); ++kl) {
    unsigned int ii = kl.row() + i;
    unsigned int jj = kl.col() + j;
    assert(0 <= ii && ii < nrows_);
    assert(0 <= jj && jj < ncols_);
    insert(ii, jj, *kl);
Exemple #4
void mmadump(const std::string &filename, const std::string &mtxname, 
	     const SparseMat &m)
  std::ofstream os(filename.c_str());
  os << mtxname << " = Table[Table[0, {i, 1, " <<  m.ncols() << "}], {j, 1, "
     << m.nrows() << "}]" << std::endl;
  for(SparseMat::const_iterator ij=m.begin(); ij<m.end(); ++ij) {
    std::string val(to_string(*ij));
    int epos = val.find("e");
    if(epos >= 0)
      val.replace(epos, 1, "*^");
    os << mtxname << "[[" << ij.row()+1 << "," << ij.col()+1 << "]] = " << val
       << std::endl;
Exemple #5
SparseMat SparseMat::operator*(const SparseMat &right) const {
  if(!consolidated() || !right.consolidated())
    throw ErrProgrammingError("Attempt to multiply unconsolidated SparseMats!",
			      __FILE__, __LINE__);
  SparseMat result(nrows(), right.ncols());
  const SparseMat rightt = right.transpose();
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<nrows(); i++) {
    for(unsigned int j=0; j<rightt.nrows(); j++) {
      const_row_iterator ai = begin(i);
      const_row_iterator bj = rightt.begin(j);
      while(ai < end(i) && bj < rightt.end(j)) {
	if(ai.col() == bj.col()) {
	  result.insert(i, j, (*ai)*(*bj));
	else if(ai.col() < bj.col())
  // result.consolidate();
  result.consolidated_ = true;
  return result;
Exemple #6
IGL_INLINE void igl::hessian(
                             const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedV> & V,
                             const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedF> & F,
                             Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar>& H)
    typedef typename DerivedV::Scalar denseScalar;
    typedef typename Eigen::Matrix<denseScalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> VecXd;
    typedef typename Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar> SparseMat;
    typedef typename Eigen::DiagonalMatrix
                       <Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> DiagMat;
    int dim = V.cols();
    assert((dim==2 || dim==3) &&
           "The dimension of the vertices should be 2 or 3");
    //Construct the combined gradient matric
    SparseMat G;
              G, false);
    SparseMat GG(F.rows(), dim*V.rows());
    for(int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
        GG.middleCols(i*G.cols(),G.cols()) = G.middleRows(i*F.rows(),F.rows());
    SparseMat D;
    //Compute area matrix
    VecXd areas;
    igl::doublearea(V, F, areas);
    DiagMat A = (0.5*areas).replicate(dim,1).asDiagonal();
    //Compute FEM Hessian
    H = D.transpose()*A*G;
Exemple #7
SparseMatRowIterator::SparseMatRowIterator(SparseMat& mat, unsigned int row)
  : mat(mat),
  if(row >= mat.nrows())
    throw ErrProgrammingError("SparseMatRowIterator row index out of range",
			      __FILE__, __LINE__);
  coliter = mat.data[row].begin(); // iterates over the row
Exemple #8
static double getValue(SparseMat& M, const int* idx, RNG& rng)
    int d = M.dims();
    size_t hv = 0, *phv = 0;
    if( (unsigned)rng % 2 )
        hv = d == 2 ? M.hash(idx[0], idx[1]) :
             d == 3 ? M.hash(idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]) : M.hash(idx);
        phv = &hv;

    const uchar* ptr = d == 2 ? M.ptr(idx[0], idx[1], false, phv) :
                       d == 3 ? M.ptr(idx[0], idx[1], idx[2], false, phv) :
                       M.ptr(idx, false, phv);
    return !ptr ? 0 : M.type() == CV_32F ? *(float*)ptr : M.type() == CV_64F ? *(double*)ptr : 0;
Exemple #9
void CmShow::showTinySparseMat(CStr &title, const SparseMat &A1d)
    int N = A1d.nzcount();
    if (N > 1000)

    struct NodeSM {
        int r, c;
        double v;
        bool operator < (const NodeSM &n) {
            if (r < n.r)
                return true;
            else if (r > n.r)
                return false;
                return c < n.c;

        void print() {
            if (abs(v) > 1e-8) printf("(%d, %d) %-12g\t", r, c, v);

    vector<NodeSM> nodes(N);
    SparseMatConstIterator it = A1d.begin();

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++, ++it) {
        const int* idx = it.node()->idx;
        nodes[i].r = idx[0] + 1;
        nodes[i].c = idx[1] + 1;
        nodes[i].v = it.value<double>();
    sort(nodes.begin(), nodes.end());
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)

    Mat m;
    A1d.convertTo(m, CV_64F);
    showTinyMat(title, m);
Exemple #10
static void setValue(SparseMat& M, const int* idx, double value, RNG& rng)
    int d = M.dims();
    size_t hv = 0, *phv = 0;
    if( (unsigned)rng % 2 )
        hv = d == 2 ? M.hash(idx[0], idx[1]) :
             d == 3 ? M.hash(idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]) : M.hash(idx);
        phv = &hv;

    uchar* ptr = d == 2 ? M.ptr(idx[0], idx[1], true, phv) :
                 d == 3 ? M.ptr(idx[0], idx[1], idx[2], true, phv) :
                 M.ptr(idx, true, phv);
    if( M.type() == CV_32F )
        *(float*)ptr = (float)value;
    else if( M.type() == CV_64F )
        *(double*)ptr = value;
        CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "");
Exemple #11
static void eraseValue(SparseMat& M, const int* idx, RNG& rng)
    int d = M.dims();
    size_t hv = 0, *phv = 0;
    if( (unsigned)rng % 2 )
        hv = d == 2 ? M.hash(idx[0], idx[1]) :
             d == 3 ? M.hash(idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]) : M.hash(idx);
        phv = &hv;

    if( d == 2 )
        M.erase(idx[0], idx[1], phv);
    else if( d == 3 )
        M.erase(idx[0], idx[1], idx[2], phv);
        M.erase(idx, phv);
void ConformalResizing::AddConstrain(const vector<ConstrainUnits>& units, SparseMat& A, bool recalculateM)
	CvMat* M = NULL;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < units.size(); i++)
		if (recalculateM == true || i == 0)
			if (M != NULL)
			Constrian(units[i], M);

		int* ind = new int[units[i].n * 2];

		for (int j = 0; j < units[i].n; j++)
			ind[j*2] = units[i].ind[j]*2;
			ind[j*2 + 1] = units[i].ind[j]*2 + 1;

		int nPos = 0;
		for (int y = 0; y < M->height; y++)
			for (int x = 0; x < M->width; x++, nPos++)
				A.Add(A.m-1, ind[x], M->data.db[nPos] * units[i].imp);
				//double d=0;//M->data.db[nPos] * units[i].imp;
				//A.elements.push_back(SparseMat::Ele(A.m-1, ind[x], d));
		delete []ind;
Exemple #13
void testMatrixUtils(const Ring& R, const SparseMat& A)
	Context<Ring> ctx (R);
	std::ostream &report = commentator.report(Commentator::LEVEL_NORMAL, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION);
	typedef SparseBlocMatrix<ContiguousBloc<typename Ring::Element, uint16> > Matrix;
	commentator.start("TESTING ArrangementTopDown_LeftRight", "ArrangementTopDown_LeftRight");
		Matrix M0(A.rowdim(), A.coldim(), Matrix::ArrangementTopDown_LeftRight);
		SparseMatrix<typename Ring::Element> C(A.rowdim(), A.coldim());
		report << " BLOC HEIGHT" << M0.bloc_height () << endl;
		commentator.start("Copy SparseMatrix => SparseBlocMatrix");
			MatrixUtils::copy(A, M0);

		commentator.start("Copy SparseMatrix => SparseBlocMatrix");
			MatrixUtils::copy(M0, C);
	//MatrixUtil::dumpMatrixAsPbmImage(A, "A.pbm");
	//MatrixUtil::dumpMatrixAsPbmImage(C, "C.pbm");
	report << endl;
	if(BLAS3::equal(ctx, A, C))
		report << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<RESULT OK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>";
		report << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RESULT WRONG<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<";
	report << endl;
	commentator.start("TESTING ArrangementDownTop_LeftRight", "ArrangementDownTop_LeftRight");
		Matrix M0(A.rowdim(), A.coldim(), Matrix::ArrangementDownTop_LeftRight);
		SparseMatrix<typename Ring::Element> C(A.rowdim(), A.coldim());
		report << " BLOC HEIGHT" << M0.bloc_height () << endl;
		commentator.start("Copy SparseMatrix => SparseBlocMatrix");
			MatrixUtils::copy(A, M0);

		commentator.start("Copy SparseMatrix => SparseBlocMatrix");
			MatrixUtils::copy(M0, C);
	//MatrixUtil::dumpMatrixAsPbmImage(A, "A.pbm");
	//MatrixUtil::dumpMatrixAsPbmImage(C, "C.pbm");
	report << endl;
	if(BLAS3::equal(ctx, A, C))
		report << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<RESULT OK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>";
		report << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RESULT WRONG<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<";
	report << endl;
	commentator.start("TESTING ArrangementDownTop_RightLeft", "ArrangementDownTop_RightLeft");
		Matrix M0(A.rowdim(), A.coldim(), Matrix::ArrangementDownTop_RightLeft);
		SparseMatrix<typename Ring::Element> C(A.rowdim(), A.coldim());
		report << " BLOC HEIGHT" << M0.bloc_height () << endl;
		commentator.start("Copy SparseMatrix => SparseBlocMatrix");
			MatrixUtils::copy(A, M0);

		commentator.start("Copy SparseMatrix => SparseBlocMatrix");
			MatrixUtils::copy(M0, C);
	//MatrixUtil::dumpMatrixAsPbmImage(A, "A.pbm");
	//MatrixUtil::dumpMatrixAsPbmImage(C, "C.pbm");
	report << endl;
	if(BLAS3::equal(ctx, A, C))
		report << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<RESULT OK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>";
		report << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RESULT WRONG<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<";
	report << endl;
int main() {
  { // Test lower_bound and min_max
  using jcui::algorithm::lower_bound;
  using jcui::algorithm::min_max;
    int xa[] = {};
    int ya[] = {};
    vector<int> x(xa, xa + ARRAYSIZE(xa)), y(ya, ya + ARRAYSIZE(ya));
    int index = lower_bound(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end(), less<int>()) - x.begin();
    eq(0, index, 0);
    eq(0, min_max(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end(), 0), 0);
    int xa[] = {3, 4, 5, 6};
    int ya[] = {5, 4, 3, 1};
    vector<int> x(xa, xa + ARRAYSIZE(xa)), y(ya, ya + ARRAYSIZE(ya));
    int index = lower_bound(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end(), less<int>()) - x.begin();
    eq(1, index, 1);
    eq(1, min_max(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end(), 0), 4);
    int xa[] = {3, 3, 5, 6};
    int ya[] = {5, 4, 3, 1};
    vector<int> x(xa, xa + ARRAYSIZE(xa)), y(ya, ya + ARRAYSIZE(ya));
    int index = lower_bound(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end(), less<int>()) - x.begin();
    eq(2, index, 2);
    eq(2, min_max(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end(), 0), 4);
    int xa[] = {13, 14, 15, 16};
    int ya[] = {5, 4, 3, 1};
    vector<int> x(xa, xa + ARRAYSIZE(xa)), y(ya, ya + ARRAYSIZE(ya));
    int index = lower_bound(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end(), less<int>()) - x.begin();
    eq(3, index, 0);
    eq(3, min_max(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end(), 0), 13);
    int xa[] = {3, 4, 5, 6};
    int ya[] = {15, 14, 13, 11};
    vector<int> x(xa, xa + ARRAYSIZE(xa)), y(ya, ya + ARRAYSIZE(ya));
    int index = lower_bound(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end(), less<int>()) - x.begin();
    eq(4, index, 4);
    eq(4, min_max(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end(), 0), 11);
  { // For SparseMat
    using jcui::algorithm::SparseMat;
      SparseMat<int> a(100, 100), b(100, 100);
      SparseMat<int> c = a * b;
      eq(c.get(3, 10), 0);
      eq(c.get(0, 0), 0);
      // a = [1, 2; 3, 0], b = [6, 0, 0; 0, 1, 4], a * b = [6, 2, 8; 18, 0, 0]
      SparseMat<int> a(100, 100), b(100, 100);
      a.set(0, 0, 1);
      a.set(0, 1, 2);
      a.set(1, 0, 3);
      b.set(0, 0, 6);
      b.set(1, 1, 1);
      b.set(1, 2, 4);
      SparseMat<int> c = a * b;
      eq(c.get(0, 0), 6);
      eq(c.get(0, 1), 2);
      eq(c.get(0, 2), 8);
      eq(c.get(1, 0), 18);
      eq(c.get(1, 1), 0);
      eq(c.get(1, 2), 0);
      // a = [1, 2; 3, 0]
      SparseMat<long> a(100, 100);
      a.set(0, 0, 1);
      a.set(0, 1, 2);
      a.set(1, 0, 3);
      SparseMat<long> c = pow(a, 17);
      eq(c.get(0, 0), 77431669L);
      eq(c.get(0, 1), 51708494L);
      eq(c.get(1, 0), 77562741L);
      eq(c.get(1, 1), 51577422L);
      // a = [1, 2; 3, 0]
      int N = 10;
      SparseMat<float> a(N, N);
      for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
	a.set(i, i, 0.9f);
	a.set(i, (i + 1) % N, 0.05f);
	a.set(i, (i + N - 1) % N, 0.05f);
      SparseMat<float> c = pow(a, 20000);
      for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
	for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
	  eq(fabs(c.get(i, j) - 0.1f) < 1e-3f, true);
      // a = [1, 2; 3, 0]
      SparseMat<long> a(2, 2);
      a.set(0, 0, 1);
      a.set(0, 1, 2);
      a.set(1, 0, 3);
      long xa[] = {4, 5};
      vector<long> x(xa, xa + ARRAYSIZE(xa));
      vector<long> y = a * x;
      eq(y[0], 14L);
      eq(y[1], 12L);
      // a = [1, 2, 1; 3, 3, 0]
      SparseMat<int> a(2, 3);
      a.set(0, 0, 1);
      a.set(0, 1, 2);
      a.set(0, 2, 1);
      a.set(1, 0, 3);
      a.set(1, 1, 3);
      vector<int> y = SparseMat<int>::row_sum(a);
      eq(y[0], 4);
      eq(y[1], 5);
      eq(y[2], 1);
      // a = [1, 2, 1; 3, 3, 0]
      SparseMat<float> a(2, 3);
      a.set(0, 0, 1);
      a.set(0, 1, 2);
      a.set(0, 2, 1);
      a.set(1, 0, 3);
      a.set(1, 1, 3);
      eq(a.get(0, 0), 0.25f);
      eq(a.get(0, 1), 0.4f);
      eq(a.get(0, 2), 1.0f);
      eq(a.get(1, 0), 0.75f);
      eq(a.get(1, 1), 0.6f);
      eq(a.get(1, 2), 0.0f);
    using jcui::algorithm::RingBuffer;
      RingBuffer<int> R(3);

      eq(R.get(0), 3);
      eq(R.get(-10), 0);
      eq(R.get(10), 0);
      eq(R.get(3), 0);
      eq(R.get(-1), 3);
      eq(R.get(0), 2);

      eq(R.get(-2), 3);
      eq(R.get(-1), 2);
      eq(R.get(0), 1);

      eq(R.get(-2), 2);
      eq(R.get(-1), 1);
      eq(R.get(0), 7);
      eq(R.get(-3), 0);
      eq(R.get(3), 0);
    using jcui::algorithm::Mat;
      // a = [1, 2; 3, 0], b = [6, 0, 0; 0, 1, 4], a * b = [6, 2, 8; 18, 0, 0]
      Mat<int> a(100, 100), b(100, 100);
      a.set(0, 0, 1);
      a.set(0, 1, 2);
      a.set(1, 0, 3);
      b.set(0, 0, 6);
      b.set(1, 1, 1);
      b.set(1, 2, 4);
      Mat<int> c = a * b;
      eq(c.get(0, 0), 6);
      eq(c.get(0, 1), 2);
      eq(c.get(0, 2), 8);
      eq(c.get(1, 0), 18);
      eq(c.get(1, 1), 0);
      eq(c.get(1, 2), 0);
      // a = [1, 2; 3, 0]
      Mat<long> a(100, 100);
      a.set(0, 0, 1);
      a.set(0, 1, 2);
      a.set(1, 0, 3);
      Mat<long> c = pow(a, 17);
      eq(c.get(0, 0), 77431669L);
      eq(c.get(0, 1), 51708494L);
      eq(c.get(1, 0), 77562741L);
      eq(c.get(1, 1), 51577422L);
      eq(c.get(10, 20), 0L);
      Mat<long> a(2, 2);
      a.set(0, 0, 1);
      a.set(0, 1, 2);
      a.set(1, 0, 3);
      long xa[] = {4, 5};
      vector<long> x(xa, xa + ARRAYSIZE(xa));
      vector<long> y = a * x;
      eq(y[0], 14L);
      eq(y[1], 12L);
      // a = [1, 2, 1; 3, 3, 0]
      Mat<float> a(2, 3);
      a.set(0, 0, 1);
      a.set(0, 1, 2);
      a.set(0, 2, 1);
      a.set(1, 0, 3);
      a.set(1, 1, 3);
      eq(a.get(0, 0), 0.25f);
      eq(a.get(0, 1), 0.4f);
      eq(a.get(0, 2), 1.0f);
      eq(a.get(1, 0), 0.75f);
      eq(a.get(1, 1), 0.6f);
      eq(a.get(1, 2), 0.0f);
    using jcui::algorithm::SparseMat;
    using jcui::algorithm::SparseMatCSR;
      // a = [1, 2, 1; 3, 3, 0]
      SparseMat<int> a(2, 3);
      a.set(0, 0, 1);
      a.set(0, 1, 2);
      a.set(0, 2, 1);
      a.set(1, 0, 3);
      a.set(1, 1, 3);
      SparseMatCSR<int> b(a);

      int v[] = {1, 2, 1, 3, 3};
      eq(b.v, VI(v));
      int col[] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 1};
      eq(b.col, VI(col));
      int cum_n[] = {0, 3, 5};
      eq(b.cum_n, VI(cum_n));

      int c[] = {0, 5, 7};
      int res[] = {17, 15};
      eq(b * VI(c), VI(res));
    using namespace jcui::algorithm;
      vector<vector<int> > res = split_no_repeat(8, 7);
      eq((int)res.size(), 5);
      vector<vector<int> > res = split_no_repeat(10, 9);
      eq((int)res.size(), 9);
void SimultaneousImpulseBasedConstraintSolverStrategy::SolveForceBased(float dt, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IConstraint> >& c, Mat<float>& q, Mat<float>& qdot, SparseMat<float>& invM, SparseMat<float>& S, const Mat<float>& Fext )
	Mat<float> qdotminus(qdot);
	this->dt = dt;
	Mat<float> tempInvMFext( dt*(invM * Fext) ) ;

	Mat<float> tConstraintsJacobian( transpose(constraintsJacobian) );
	Mat<float> A( constraintsJacobian * invM.SM2mat() * tConstraintsJacobian );
	Mat<float> invA( invGJ(A) );
	//Construct b and compute the solution.
	Mat<float> tempLambda( invA * ((-1.0f)*(constraintsJacobian*tempInvMFext + offset) ) );
	//Solutions :
	lambda = tempLambda;
	Mat<float> udot(  tConstraintsJacobian * tempLambda);
		udot = Mat<float>(0.0f,udot.getLine(),udot.getColumn());
	float clampingVal = 1e4f;
	for(int i=1;i<=udot.getLine();i++)
		if(udot.get(i,1) > clampingVal)
			udot.set( clampingVal,i,1);
#ifdef debuglvl1	
	std::cout << " SOLUTIONS : udot and lambda/Pc : " << std::endl;
	transpose( tConstraintsJacobian*lambda).afficher();
	//Assumed model :
	qdot += tempInvMFext + dt*(invM*udot);
	float clampingValQ = 1e3f;
	for(int i=1;i<=qdot.getLine();i++)
		if( fabs_(qdot.get(i,1)) > clampingValQ)
			qdot.set( clampingValQ * fabs_(qdot.get(i,1))/qdot.get(i,1),i,1);
#ifdef debuglvl2	
	//std::cout << " computed Pc : " << std::endl;
	//std::cout << " q+ : " << std::endl;
	std::cout << " qdot+ : " << std::endl;
	std::cout << " qdotminus : " << std::endl;

#ifdef debuglvl4	
	//BAUMGARTE STABILIZATION has been handled in the computeConstraintsANDJacobian function....
	std::cout << "tConstraints : norme  = " << norme2(C) << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Cdot : " << std::endl;
	std::cout << " JACOBIAN : " << std::endl;
	std::cout << " Qdot+ : " << std::endl;
Exemple #16
bool write(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& mode, const SiconosMatrix& m, const std::string& outputType)
  // Open file and various checks
  std::ofstream outfile;
  if (mode == "ascii")
    outfile.open(fileName.c_str(), std::ofstream::out);
  else if (mode == "binary")
    outfile.open(fileName.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary);
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("ioMatrix::write Incorrect mode for writing");

  if (!outfile.good())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("ioMatrix:: write error : Fail to open \"" + fileName + "\"");

  if (m.isBlock())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("ioMatrix:: write error : not yet implemented for BlockMatrix");

  // Writing

  if (outputType != "noDim")
    outfile << m.size(0) << " " << m.size(1) << std::endl;

  if (m.getNum() == 1)
    // DenseMat * p = m.dense();
    DenseMat::iterator1 row;
    DenseMat::iterator2 col;
    double tmp;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m.size(0); i++)
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m.size(1); j++)
        tmp = m(i, j);
        if (fabs(tmp) < std::numeric_limits<double>::min()) tmp = 0.0;
        outfile << tmp << " " ;
      outfile << std::endl;

  else if (m.getNum() == 2)
    TriangMat * p = m.triang();
    TriangMat::iterator1 row;
    for (row = p->begin1(); row != p->end1() ; ++row)
      std::copy(row.begin(), row.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(outfile, " "));
      outfile << std::endl;
  else if (m.getNum() == 3)
    SymMat * p = m.sym();
    SymMat::iterator1 row;
    for (row = p->begin1(); row != p->end1() ; ++row)
      std::copy(row.begin(), row.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(outfile, " "));
      outfile << std::endl;
  else if (m.getNum() == 4)
    SparseMat * p = m.sparse();
    SparseMat::iterator1 row;
    for (row = p->begin1(); row != p->end1() ; ++row)
      std::copy(row.begin(), row.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(outfile, " "));
      outfile << std::endl;
    BandedMat * p = m.banded();
    BandedMat::iterator1 row;
    for (row = p->begin1(); row != p->end1() ; ++row)
      std::copy(row.begin(), row.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(outfile, " "));
      outfile << std::endl;

  return true;
void IterativeImpulseBasedConstraintSolverStrategy::computeConstraintsANDJacobian(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IConstraint> >& c, const Mat<float>& q, const Mat<float>& qdot, const SparseMat<float>& invM)
	size_t size = c.size();
	int n = sim->simulatedObjects.size();
	float baumgarteBAS = 0.0f;//1e-1f;
	float baumgarteC = -2e0f;
	float baumgarteH = 0.0f;//1e-1f;
	if( size > 0)
		for(int k=0;k<size;k++)
			int idA = ( c[k]->rbA.getID() );
			int idB = ( c[k]->rbB.getID() );
			std::vector<int> indexes(2);
			//indexes are set during the creation of the simulation and they begin at 0.
			indexes[0] = idA;
			indexes[1] = idB;
			constraintsIndexes.push_back( indexes );
			//Constraint :
			Mat<float> tJA(c[k]->getJacobianA());
			Mat<float> tJB(c[k]->getJacobianB());
			Mat<float> tC(c[k]->getConstraint());
			constraintsC.push_back( tC );
			int nbrlineJ = tJA.getLine();
			Mat<float> JacobianAB( operatorL(tJA, tJB)  );
			constraintsJacobians.push_back( JacobianAB );
			//Contact offset :
			if( c[k]->getType() == CTContactConstraint)
				float slop = 1e0f;
				float pdepth = ((ContactConstraint*)(c[k].get()))->penetrationDepth;
				std::cout << " ITERATIVE SOLVER :: CONTACT : pDepth = " << pdepth << std::endl;
				tC *= baumgarteC/this->dt * fabs_(fabs_(pdepth)-slop);			
				tC *= baumgarteC/this->dt;
				//METHOD 2 :
				float restitFactor = ( (ContactConstraint*) (c[k].get()) )->getRestitutionFactor();
				std::cout << " ITERATIVE SOLVER :: CONTACT : restitFactor = " << restitFactor << std::endl;
				Mat<float> Vrel( ( (ContactConstraint*) (c[k].get()) )->getRelativeVelocity() );
				Mat<float> normal( ( (ContactConstraint*) (c[k].get()) )->getNormalVector() );
				std::cout << " ITERATIVE SOLVER :: CONTACT : Normal vector : " << std::endl;
				tC +=  restitFactor * transpose(Vrel)*normal; 
				std::cout << " ITERATIVE SOLVER :: CONTACT : Contact Constraint : " << std::endl;
				std::cout << " ITERATIVE SOLVER :: CONTACT : Relative Velocity vector : " << std::endl;
				transpose(( (ContactConstraint*) (c[k].get()) )->getRelativeVelocity()).afficher();
				//std::cout << " ITERATIVE SOLVER :: CONTACT : First derivative of Contact Constraint : " << std::endl;
			//BAS JOINT :
			if( c[k]->getType() == CTBallAndSocketJoint)
				tC *= baumgarteBAS/this->dt;
			if( c[k]->getType() == CTHingeJoint)
				tC *= baumgarteH/this->dt;
			//BAUMGARTE OFFSET for the moments...
			constraintsOffsets.push_back( tC );
			//	invM matrixes :
			Mat<float> invmij(0.0f,12,12);
			for(int k=0;k<=1;k++)
				for(int i=1;i<=6;i++)
					for(int j=1;j<=6;j++)
						invmij.set( invM.get( indexes[k]*6+i, indexes[k]*6+j), k*6+i,k*6+j);
			constraintsInvM.push_back( invmij);
			//	Vdot matrixes :
			Mat<float> vij(0.0f,12,1);
			for(int k=0;k<=1;k++)
				for(int i=1;i<=6;i++)
					vij.set( qdot.get( indexes[k]*6+i, 1), k*6+i,1);
			constraintsV.push_back( vij);
Exemple #18
System Surface::allocate_system()
  const int n = 4*w*h;
  const int m = w*h;
  const long double w2 = (long double)(w)/2.;
  const long double h2 = (long double)(h)/2.;  
  const long double sqrt_L1 = sqrtl(LAMBDA_1);
  const long double sqrt_1ML1 = sqrtl(1.-LAMBDA_1);
  const long double sqrt_L2 = sqrtl(LAMBDA_2);
  // builds B
  long double *b = new long double[n];
  for(int u=0; u<w; u++)
    for(int v=0; v<h; v++)
      int i = u * h + v;
      b[i] = sqrt_L1 * mu(u,v) * depth_map(u,v);
  for(int i=m; i<n; i++)
    b[i] = 0.;
  Zvect *B = new Zvect(n, b);
  // builds A
  SparseMat *A = new SparseMat(n,m);
  // part 1
  for(int u=0; u<w; u++)
    for(int v=0; v<h; v++)
      int i = u * h + v;
      A->add_coeff(i, i, sqrt_L1*mu(u,v));

  // part 2
  long double dx_filter[] = {-1./12., 0. , 1./12.,
                             -4./12., 0. , 4./12.,
                             -1./12., 0. , 1./12.};
  for(int u=0; u<w; u++)
    for(int v=0; v<h; v++)
      int j = u * h + v;
      int i = m + j;
      long double x = ((long double)(u)-w2)/fx;
      long double y = ((long double)(v)-h2)/fy;
      const vec& n = caracs(u,v).n;
      long double dx_weight = sqrt_1ML1 * (n[2] - (n[0]*x + n[1]*y));
      A->add_row_coeff(i, make_filter(u,v, dx_filter, dx_weight));
      A->add_coeff(i, j, -sqrt_1ML1 * n[0] / fx);

  // part 3
  long double dy_filter[] = { 1./12.,  4./12. ,  1./12.,
                                0.,      0. ,     0.,
                             -1./12., -4./12. , -1./12.,};
  for(int u=0; u<w; u++)
    for(int v=0; v<h; v++)
      int j = u * h + v;
      int i = 2*m + j;
      long double x = ((long double)(u)-w2)/fx;
      long double y = ((long double)(v)-h2)/fy;
      const vec& n = caracs(u,v).n;
      long double dy_weight = sqrt_1ML1 * (n[2] - (n[0]*x + n[1]*y));
      A->add_row_coeff(i, make_filter(u,v, dy_filter, dy_weight));
      A->add_coeff(i, j, -sqrt_1ML1 * n[1] / fy);

  // part 4
  long double laplacian_filter[] = { -1.,  -1. ,  -1.,
                                     -1.,   8. ,  -1.,
                                     -1.,  -1. ,  -1.};
  for(int u=0; u<w; u++)
    for(int v=0; v<h; v++)
      int i = 3*m + u * h + v;
      A->add_row_coeff(i, make_filter(u,v, laplacian_filter, sqrt_L2));

  return pair<SparseMat*, Zvect*>(A,B);
void SimultaneousImpulseBasedConstraintSolverStrategy::Solve(float dt, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IConstraint> >& c, Mat<float>& q, Mat<float>& qdot, SparseMat<float>& invM, SparseMat<float>& S, const Mat<float>& Fext )
	//std::cout << "STATE :" << std::endl;
	Mat<float> qdotminus(qdot);
	this->dt = dt;
	Mat<float> tempInvMFext( dt*(invM * Fext) ) ;
	//qdot += tempInvMFext;
	//BAUMGARTE STABILIZATION has been handled in the computeConstraintsANDJacobian function....
	//std::cout << "Constraints : norme  = " << norme2(C) << std::endl;
	Mat<float> tConstraintsJacobian( transpose(constraintsJacobian) );
	//std::cout << "t Constraints Jacobian :" << std::endl;
	//David Baraff 96 STAR.pdf Interactive Simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics in Computer Graphics : Lagrange Multipliers Method :
	//Construct A :
	Mat<float> A( (-1.0f)*tConstraintsJacobian );
	Mat<float> M( invGJ( invM.SM2mat() ) );
	A = operatorL( M, A);
	A = operatorC( A , operatorL( constraintsJacobian, Mat<float>((float)0,constraintsJacobian.getLine(), constraintsJacobian.getLine()) ) );
	Mat<float> A( constraintsJacobian * invM.SM2mat() * tConstraintsJacobian );
	Mat<float> invA( invGJ(A) );//invM*tConstraintsJacobian ) * constraintsJacobian );
	//Construct b and compute the solution.
	//Mat<float> tempLambda( invA * operatorC( Mat<float>((float)0,invA.getLine()-constraintsJacobian.getLine(),1) , (-1.0f)*(constraintsJacobian*(invM*Fext) + offset) ) );
	Mat<float> tempLambda( invA * ((-1.0f)*(constraintsJacobian*tempInvMFext + offset) ) );
	//Solutions :
	//lambda = extract( &tempLambda, qdot.getLine()+1, 1, tempLambda.getLine(), 1);
	//	lambda = Mat<float>(0.0f,lambda.getLine(),lambda.getColumn());
	//Mat<float> udot( extract(  &tempLambda, 1,1, qdot.getLine(), 1) );
	lambda = tempLambda;
	Mat<float> udot(  tConstraintsJacobian * tempLambda);
		udot = Mat<float>(0.0f,udot.getLine(),udot.getColumn());
	float clampingVal = 1e4f;
	for(int i=1;i<=udot.getLine();i++)
		if(udot.get(i,1) > clampingVal)
			udot.set( clampingVal,i,1);
#ifdef debuglvl1	
	std::cout << " SOLUTIONS : udot and lambda/Pc : " << std::endl;
	transpose( tConstraintsJacobian*lambda).afficher();
	//Assumed model :
	//qdot = tempInvMFext + dt*extract(  &tempLambda, 1,1, qdot.getLine(), 1);
	//qdot = tempInvMFext + udot;
	qdot += tempInvMFext + invM*udot;
	//qdot += invM*udot;
	//qdot += tempInvMFext + udot;
	float clampingValQ = 1e3f;
	for(int i=1;i<=qdot.getLine();i++)
		if( fabs_(qdot.get(i,1)) > clampingValQ)
			qdot.set( clampingValQ * fabs_(qdot.get(i,1))/qdot.get(i,1),i,1);
	//qdot = udot;
	//Assumed model if the update of the integration is applied after that constraints solver :
	//qdot += dt*extract(  &tempLambda, 1,1, qdot.getLine(), 1);//+tempInvMFext
	Mat<float> t( dt*( S*qdot ) );	
	float clampQuat = 1e-1f;
	float idxQuat = 3;
	while(idxQuat < t.getLine())
		for(int i=1;i<4;i++)
			if( fabs_(t.get(idxQuat+i,1)) > clampQuat)
				t.set( clampQuat*(t.get(idxQuat+i,1))/t.get(idxQuat+i,1), idxQuat+i,1);
		idxQuat += 7;
	//the update is done by the update via an accurate integration and we must construct q and qdot at every step
	//q += t;
	//let us normalize each quaternion :
	idxQuat = 3;
	while(idxQuat < q.getLine())
		float scaler = q.get( idxQuat+4,1);
		if(scaler != 0.0f)
			for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)
				q.set( q.get(idxQuat+i,1)/scaler, idxQuat+i,1);
		idxQuat += 7;
#ifdef debuglvl2	
	//std::cout << " computed Pc : " << std::endl;
	//std::cout << " q+ : " << std::endl;
	std::cout << " qdot+ : " << std::endl;
	std::cout << " qdotminus : " << std::endl;

#ifdef debuglvl3	
	std::cout << "SOME VERIFICATION ON : J*qdot + c = 0 : " << std::endl;
	float normC = (transpose(C)*C).get(1,1);
	Mat<float> Cdot( constraintsJacobian*qdot);
	float normCdot = (transpose(Cdot)*Cdot).get(1,1);
	float normQdot = (transpose(qdot)*qdot).get(1,1);
	char name[5];
	for(int i=1;i<=t.getLine();i++)
		rs->ltadd(std::string(name), t.get(i,1));
	//Second Method :
	//According to Tonge Richar's Physucs For Game pdf :
	Mat<float> tempLambda( (-1.0f)*invGJ( constraintsJacobian*invM.SM2mat()*tConstraintsJacobian)*constraintsJacobian*qdot );
	qdot += invM*tConstraintsJacobian*tempLambda;
	//qdot += tempInvMFext;	//contraints not satisfied.
	//qdot += tempInvMFext;	//qdot+ = qdot- + dt*M-1Fext;
	//Mat<float> qdotreal( qdot + dt*extract(  &tempLambda, 1,1, qdot.getLine(), 1) );	//qdotreal = qdot+ + Pc;
	Mat<float> t( dt*( S*qdot ) );
	q += t;
	//End of second method...
	//With reference to A Unified Framework for Rigid Body Dynamics Chap. 4.6.2.Simultaneous Force-based methods :
	//which refers to Bara96 :
	Mat<float> iM(invM.SM2mat());
	Mat<float> b((-1.0f)*constraintsJacobian*iM*Fext+offset);
	Mat<float> tempLambda( invGJ( constraintsJacobian*iM*tConstraintsJacobian) * b );
	//Mat<float> qdoubledot(iM*(tConstraintsJacobian*tempLambda+Fext)); 
	Mat<float> qdoubledot(iM*(tConstraintsJacobian*tempLambda)); 
	qdot += dt*qdoubledot;
	//qdot += tempInvMFext;	//contraints not satisfied.
	//qdot += tempInvMFext;	//qdot+ = qdot- + dt*M-1Fext;
	//Mat<float> qdotreal( qdot + dt*extract(  &tempLambda, 1,1, qdot.getLine(), 1) );	//qdotreal = qdot+ + Pc;
	Mat<float> t( dt*( S*qdot ) );
	q += t;
	std::cout << " computed Pc : " << std::endl;
	std::cout << " q+ : " << std::endl;
	std::cout << " qdot+ : " << std::endl;
	//std::cout << " computed Pc : " << std::endl;
	//std::cout << " delta state = S * qdotreal : " << std::endl; 
	//std::cout << " S & qdotreal : " << std::endl;
	//std::cout << "invM*Fext : " << std::endl;
	//std::cout << " A : " << std::endl;
    //std::cout << " SVD A*tA :  S : " << std::endl;
    //SVD<float> instanceSVD(A*transpose(A));
	//std::cout << " invA : " << std::endl;
	//std::cout << " LAMBDA : " << std::endl;
	//std::cout << " qdot+ & qdot- : " << std::endl;
	//std::cout << " q+ : " << std::endl;
#ifdef debuglvl4	
	//BAUMGARTE STABILIZATION has been handled in the computeConstraintsANDJacobian function....
	std::cout << "tConstraints : norme  = " << norme2(C) << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Cdot : " << std::endl;
	std::cout << " JACOBIAN : " << std::endl;
	std::cout << " Qdot+ : " << std::endl;
	//BAUMGARTE STABILIZATION has been handled in the computeConstraintsANDJacobian function....
	//std::cout << "Constraints : norme  = " << norme2(C) << std::endl;
Exemple #20
SparseMat operator*(const SparseMat &m, double a) {
  SparseMat prod(m.clone());
  prod *= a;
  return prod;