Exemple #1
Node* Game::LoadAndInitializeScene()
	Importer importer("Data/Scene/");
	Node* pScene = importer.LoadSceneFromXml("Scene.xml", mspPhysicsWorld);
	if (!pScene)
		return NULL;

	NodeCamera* pCameraNode = pScene->FindChild<NodeCamera>();
	WIRE_ASSERT(pCameraNode /* No Camera in scene.xml */);
	mspSceneCamera = pCameraNode->Get();

	// The maximum number of objects that are going to be culled is the
	// number of objects we imported. If we don't set the size of the set now,
	// the culler will dynamically increase it during runtime. This is not
	// a big deal, however it is better to avoid memory allocations during the
	// render loop.
	UInt renderObjectCount = importer.GetStatistics()->RenderObjectCount;

	// Create and configure probe robot controller
	SpatialPtr spRedHealthBar = mspGUI->FindChild("RedHealthBar");
	WIRE_ASSERT(spRedHealthBar /* No RedHealthBar in GUI.xml */);

	Node* pProbeRobotSpatial = DynamicCast<Node>(pScene->FindChild("Probe Robot"));
	WIRE_ASSERT(pProbeRobotSpatial /* No Probe Robot in Scene.xml */);

	// Detach red energy/health bar and attach it robot probe as a billboard
	NodeBillboard* pBillboard = WIRE_NEW NodeBillboard;
	Node* pParent = DynamicCast<Node>(spRedHealthBar->GetParent());

	Spatial* pPlayerSpatial = pScene->FindChild("Player");
	WIRE_ASSERT(pPlayerSpatial /* No Player in Scene.xml */);

	mspProbeRobot = WIRE_NEW ProbeRobot(mspPhysicsWorld, pPlayerSpatial,

	// Create and configure player controller
	mspPlayer = WIRE_NEW Player(mspSceneCamera, mspPhysicsWorld);

 	Spatial* pPlatform = pScene->FindChild("Platform");
  	WIRE_ASSERT(pPlatform /* Platform object missing in scene */);
  	pPlatform->AttachController(WIRE_NEW Elevator(mspPhysicsWorld));


	return pScene;
Exemple #2
SpatialPtr Node::SetChild(UInt i, Spatial* pChild)
	// Some folks are under the impression that a node can have multiple
	// parents, the scene graph therefore being a DAG. That is not the case.
	// The parent-child relationships form a tree. This assertion is to let
	// folks know this and to warn them that a child is being kidnapped from
	// another parent. To be safe, you should really call DetachChild before
	// you reattach somewhere else with AttachChild or SetChild. If you do
	// call DetachChild first, be aware that the child might self-destruct.
	// If you want this not to happen, hang onto the child via a smart
	// pointer. For example,
	//     Node* pNode0 = WIRE_NEW Node;
	//     Spatial* pChild0 = <...>;
	//     pNode0->AttachChild(pChild0);  // child at index 0
	//     Node* pNode1 = <...>;
	//     // This asserts because pChild0 already has a parent (pNode0).
	//     pNode1->AttachChild(pChild0);
	//     // Instead do this and avoid the potential self-destruction of
	//     // pChild0).
	//     SpatialPtr spSaveChild = pNode0->GetChild(0);
	//     pNode0->DetachChild(spSaveChild);
	//     pNode1->AttachChild(spSaveChild);

	if (pChild)

	if (i < GetQuantity())
		// detach child currently in slot
		SpatialPtr spPreviousChild = mChildren[i];
		if (spPreviousChild)

		// attach new child to slot
		if (pChild)

		mChildren[i] = pChild;
		return spPreviousChild;

	// index out of range, increase array size and attach new child
	return NULL;
Exemple #3
SpatialPtr Node::DetachChildAt (int i)
    if (0 <= i && i < m_kChild.GetQuantity())
        SpatialPtr spkChild = m_kChild[i];
        if ( spkChild )
            // child exists in slot, detach it
            m_kChild[i] = 0;
        return spkChild;
    return 0;
Exemple #4
SpatialPtr Node::DetachChildAt(UInt i)
	if (i < GetQuantity())
		SpatialPtr spChild = mChildren[i];
		if (spChild)
			// child exists in slot, detach it
			mChildren[i] = NULL;

		return spChild;

	return NULL;
Exemple #5
SpatialPtr Node::SetChild (int i, Spatial* pkChild)
    // Some folks are of the impression that a node can have multiple parents,
    // the scene graph therefore being a DAG.  That is not the case.  The
    // parent-child relationships form a tree.  This assertion is to let folks
    // know this and to warn them that a child is being kidnapped from another
    // parent.  To be safe, you should really call DetachChild before you
    // reattach somewhere else with AttachChild or SetChild.
    if (pkChild)

    if (0 <= i && i < m_kChild.GetQuantity())
        // detach child currently in slot
        SpatialPtr spkPreviousChild = m_kChild[i];
        if (spkPreviousChild)

        // attach new child to slot
        if (pkChild)

        m_kChild[i] = pkChild;
        return spkPreviousChild;

    // index out of range, increase array size and attach new child
    return 0;
Exemple #6
void BspNode::GetVisibleSet (Culler& culler, bool noCull)
    // Get visible Geometry in back-to-front order.  If a global effect is
    // active, the Geometry objects in the subtree will be drawn using it.
    SpatialPtr posChild = GetPositiveChild();
    SpatialPtr copChild = GetCoplanarChild();
    SpatialPtr negChild = GetNegativeChild();

    const Camera* camera = culler.GetCamera();
    int positionSide = mWorldPlane.WhichSide(camera->GetPosition());
    int frustumSide = culler.WhichSide(mWorldPlane);

    if (positionSide > 0)
        // Camera origin on positive side of plane.

        if (frustumSide <= 0)
            // The frustum is on the negative side of the plane or straddles
            // the plane.  In either case, the negative child is potentially
            // visible.
            if (negChild)
                negChild->OnGetVisibleSet(culler, noCull);

        if (frustumSide == 0)
            // The frustum straddles the plane.  The coplanar child is
            // potentially visible.
            if (copChild)
                copChild->OnGetVisibleSet(culler, noCull);

        if (frustumSide >= 0)
            // The frustum is on the positive side of the plane or straddles
            // the plane.  In either case, the positive child is potentially
            // visible.
            if (posChild)
                posChild->OnGetVisibleSet(culler, noCull);
    else if (positionSide < 0)
        // Camera origin on negative side of plane.

        if (frustumSide >= 0)
            // The frustum is on the positive side of the plane or straddles
            // the plane.  In either case, the positive child is potentially
            // visible.
            if (posChild)
                posChild->OnGetVisibleSet(culler, noCull);

        if (frustumSide == 0)
            // The frustum straddles the plane.  The coplanar child is
            // potentially visible.
            if (copChild)
                copChild->OnGetVisibleSet(culler, noCull);

        if (frustumSide <= 0)
            // The frustum is on the negative side of the plane or straddles
            // the plane.  In either case, the negative child is potentially
            // visible.
            if (negChild)
                negChild->OnGetVisibleSet(culler, noCull);
        // Camera origin on plane itself.  Both sides of the plane are
        // potentially visible as well as the plane itself.  Select the
        // first-to-be-drawn half space to be the one to which the camera
        // direction points.
        float NdD = mWorldPlane.GetNormal().Dot(camera->GetDVector());
        if (NdD >= 0.0f)
            if (posChild)
                posChild->OnGetVisibleSet(culler, noCull);

            if (copChild)
                copChild->OnGetVisibleSet(culler, noCull);

            if (negChild)
                negChild->OnGetVisibleSet(culler, noCull);
            if (negChild)
                negChild->OnGetVisibleSet(culler, noCull);

            if (copChild)
                copChild->OnGetVisibleSet(culler, noCull);

            if (posChild)
                posChild->OnGetVisibleSet(culler, noCull);