// for procog
bool sendPageAnalyze ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {

	// make a state
	State8 *st;
	try { st = new (State8); }
	catch ( ... ) {
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log("PageParser: new(%i): %s", 
		return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,
	mnew ( st , sizeof(State8) , "PageParser" );
	st->m_freeIt = true;
	st->m_state           = NULL;
	//st->m_callback        = callback;
	//st->m_q               = q;
	//st->m_termFreqs       = termFreqs;
	//st->m_termFreqWeights = termFreqWeights;
	//st->m_affWeights      = affWeights;
	//st->m_total           = (score_t)-1;
	st->m_indexCode       = 0;
	st->m_blocked         = false;
	st->m_didRootDom      = false;
	st->m_didRootWWW      = false;
	st->m_wasRootDom      = false;
	st->m_u               = NULL;

	// password, too
	long pwdLen = 0;
	char *pwd = r->getString ( "pwd" , &pwdLen );
	if ( pwdLen > 31 ) pwdLen = 31;
	if ( pwdLen > 0 ) strncpy ( st->m_pwd , pwd , pwdLen );

	// save socket ptr
	st->m_s = s;
	st->m_r.copy ( r );

	// get the collection
	char *coll    = r->getString ( "c" , &st->m_collLen ,NULL /*default*/);
	if ( ! coll ) coll = g_conf.m_defaultColl;
	if ( ! coll ) coll = "main";
	long collLen = gbstrlen(coll);
	if ( collLen > MAX_COLL_LEN ) return sendErrorReply ( st , ENOBUFS );
	strcpy ( st->m_coll , coll );

	// version to use, if -1 use latest
	st->m_titleRecVersion = r->getLong("version",-1);
	if ( st->m_titleRecVersion == -1 ) 
		st->m_titleRecVersion = TITLEREC_CURRENT_VERSION;
	// default to 0 if not provided
	st->m_hopCount = r->getLong("hc",0);
	long  old     = r->getLong   ( "old", 0 );
	// set query
	long qlen;
	char *qs = r->getString("q",&qlen,NULL);
	if ( qs ) st->m_tq.set2 ( qs , langUnknown , true );
	// url will override docid if given
	st->m_docId = r->getLongLong ("d",-1);
	st->m_docId = r->getLongLong ("docid",st->m_docId);

	long ulen;
	char *u = st->m_r.getString("u",&ulen,NULL);
	if ( ! u ) u = st->m_r.getString("url",&ulen,NULL);
	if ( ! u && st->m_docId == -1LL ) 
		return sendErrorReply ( st , EBADREQUEST );

	// set url in state class (may have length 0)
	//if ( u ) st->m_url.set ( u , ulen );
	//st->m_urlLen = ulen;
	st->m_u = u;
	st->m_ulen = 0;
	if ( u ) st->m_ulen = gbstrlen(u);
	// should we recycle link info?
	st->m_recycle  = r->getLong("recycle",1);
	st->m_recycle2 = r->getLong("recycleimp",0);
	st->m_render   = r->getLong("render" ,0);
	st->m_recompute = r->getLong("recompute" ,0);
	// for quality computation... takes way longer cuz we have to 
	// lookup the IP address of every outlink, so we can get its root
	// quality using Msg25 which needs to filter out voters from that IP
	// range.
	st->m_oips     = r->getLong("oips"    ,0);
	//st->m_page = r->getLong("page",1);

	long  linkInfoLen  = 0;
	// default is NULL
	char *linkInfoColl = r->getString ( "oli" , &linkInfoLen, NULL );
	if ( linkInfoColl ) strcpy ( st->m_linkInfoColl , linkInfoColl );
	else st->m_linkInfoColl[0] = '\0';
	// set the flag in our SafeBuf class so that Words.cpp knows to show 
	// html or html source depending on this value
	//st->m_xbuf.m_renderHtml = st->m_render;

	// should we use the old title rec?
	st->m_old    = old;
	// are we coming from a local machine?
	st->m_isLocal = r->isLocal();
 	//no more setting the default root quality to 30, instead if we do not
 	// know it setting it to -1

	// header
	//xbuf->safePrintf("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" "
	//		 "content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n");

	XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;

	long isXml = r->getLong("xml",0);

	// if got docid, use that
	if ( st->m_docId != -1 ) {
		if ( ! xd->set3 ( st->m_docId,
				  0 ) ) // niceness
			// return error reply if g_errno is set
			return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
		// make this our callback in case something blocks
		xd->setCallback ( st , gotXmlDoc );
		xd->m_pbuf = &st->m_wbuf;
		// reset this flag
		st->m_donePrinting = false;
		// . set xd from the old title rec if recycle is true
		// . can also use XmlDoc::m_loadFromOldTitleRec flag
		//if ( st->m_recycle ) xd->m_recycleContent = true;
		xd->m_recycleContent = true;
		// force this on
		//xd->m_useSiteLinkBuf = true;
		//xd->m_usePageLinkBuf = true;
		if ( isXml ) xd->m_printInXml = true;
		// now tell it to fetch the old title rec
		if ( ! xd->loadFromOldTitleRec () )
			// return false if this blocks
			return false;
		return gotXmlDoc ( st );

	// set this up
	SpiderRequest sreq;
	if ( st->m_u ) strcpy(sreq.m_url,st->m_u);
	long firstIp = hash32n(st->m_u);
	if ( firstIp == -1 || firstIp == 0 ) firstIp = 1;
	// parentdocid of 0
	sreq.setKey( firstIp, 0LL, false );
	sreq.m_isPageParser = 1;
	sreq.m_hopCount = st->m_hopCount;
	sreq.m_hopCountValid = 1;
	sreq.m_fakeFirstIp   = 1;
	sreq.m_firstIp = firstIp;
	Url nu;
	sreq.m_domHash32 = nu.getDomainHash32();
	sreq.m_siteHash32 = nu.getHostHash32();

	// . get provided content if any
	// . will be NULL if none provided
	// . "content" may contain a MIME
	long  contentLen = 0;
	char *content = r->getString ( "content" , &contentLen , NULL );
	// is the "content" url-encoded? default is true.
	bool contentIsEncoded = true;
	// mark doesn't like to url-encode his content
	if ( ! content ) {
		content    = r->getUnencodedContent    ();
		contentLen = r->getUnencodedContentLen ();
		contentIsEncoded = false;
	// ensure null
	if ( contentLen == 0 ) content = NULL;

	//uint8_t contentType = CT_HTML;
	//if ( isXml ) contentType = CT_XML;
	long ctype = r->getLong("ctype",CT_HTML);

	// . use the enormous power of our new XmlDoc class
	// . this returns false if blocked
	if ( ! xd->set4 ( &sreq       ,
			  NULL        ,
			  st->m_coll  ,
			  // we need this so the term table is set!
			  &st->m_wbuf        , // XmlDoc::m_pbuf
			  0, // try 0 now! 1 ,//PP_NICENESS ))
			  content ,
			  false, // deletefromindex
			  0, // forced ip
			  ctype ))
		// return error reply if g_errno is set
		return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
	// make this our callback in case something blocks
	xd->setCallback ( st , gotXmlDoc );
	// reset this flag
	st->m_donePrinting = false;
	// prevent a core here in the event we download the page content
	xd->m_crawlDelayValid = true;
	xd->m_crawlDelay = 0;
	// . set xd from the old title rec if recycle is true
	// . can also use XmlDoc::m_loadFromOldTitleRec flag
	//if ( st->m_recycle ) xd->m_recycleContent = true;
	// only recycle if docid is given!!
	if ( st->m_recycle ) xd->m_recycleContent = true;
	// force this on
	//xd->m_useSiteLinkBuf = true;
	//xd->m_usePageLinkBuf = true;
	if ( isXml ) xd->m_printInXml = true;

	return gotXmlDoc ( st );
// . a new interface so Msg3b can call this with "s" set to NULL
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool sendPageParser2 ( TcpSocket   *s , 
		       HttpRequest *r ,
		       State8      *st ,
		       long long    docId ,
		       Query       *q ,
		       // in query term space, not imap space
		       long long   *termFreqs       ,
		       // in imap space
		       float       *termFreqWeights ,
		       // in imap space
		       float       *affWeights      ,
		       void        *state ,
		       void       (* callback)(void *state) ) {

	//log("parser: read sock=%li",s->m_sd);

	// might a simple request to addsomething to validated.*.txt file
	// from XmlDoc::print() or XmlDoc::validateOutput()
	char *add = r->getString("add",NULL);
	//long long uh64 = r->getLongLong("uh64",0LL);
	char *uh64str = r->getString("uh64",NULL);
	//char *divTag = r->getString("div",NULL);
	if ( uh64str ) {
		// convert add to number
		long addNum = 0;
		if ( to_lower_a(add[0])=='t' ) // "true" or "false"?
			addNum = 1;
		// convert it. skip beginning "str" inserted to prevent
		// javascript from messing with the long long since it
		// was rounding it!
		//long long uh64 = atoll(uh64str);//+3);
		// urldecode that
		//long divTagLen = gbstrlen(divTag);
		//long newLen  = urlDecode ( divTag , divTag , divTagLen );
		// null term?
		//divTag[newLen] = '\0';
		// do it. this is defined in XmlDoc.cpp
		//addCheckboxSpan ( uh64 , divTag , addNum );
		// make basic reply
		char *reply;
		reply = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
			"Connection: Close\r\n";
		// that is it! send a basic reply ok
		bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage( s , 
							    -1, //cachtime
							    false ,//postreply?
							    NULL, //ctype
							    -1 , //httpstatus
		return status;

	// make a state
	if (   st ) st->m_freeIt = false;
	if ( ! st ) {
		try { st = new (State8); }
		catch ( ... ) {
			g_errno = ENOMEM;
			log("PageParser: new(%i): %s", 
			return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,
		mnew ( st , sizeof(State8) , "PageParser" );
		st->m_freeIt = true;
	// msg3b uses this to get a score from the query
	st->m_state           = state;
	st->m_callback        = callback;
	st->m_q               = q;
	st->m_termFreqs       = termFreqs;
	st->m_termFreqWeights = termFreqWeights;
	st->m_affWeights      = affWeights;
	//st->m_total           = (score_t)-1;
	st->m_indexCode       = 0;
	st->m_blocked         = false;
	st->m_didRootDom      = false;
	st->m_didRootWWW      = false;
	st->m_wasRootDom      = false;
	st->m_u               = NULL;
	st->m_recompute       = false;

	// do not allow more than one to be launched at a time if in 
	// a quickpoll. will cause quickpoll in quickpoll.
	g_inPageParser = true;

	// password, too
	long pwdLen = 0;
	char *pwd = r->getString ( "pwd" , &pwdLen );
	if ( pwdLen > 31 ) pwdLen = 31;
	if ( pwdLen > 0 ) strncpy ( st->m_pwd , pwd , pwdLen );

	// save socket ptr
	st->m_s = s;
	st->m_r.copy ( r );
	// get the collection
	char *coll    = r->getString ( "c" , &st->m_collLen ,NULL /*default*/);
	if ( st->m_collLen > MAX_COLL_LEN )
		return sendErrorReply ( st , ENOBUFS );
	if ( ! coll )
		return sendErrorReply ( st , ENOCOLLREC );
	strcpy ( st->m_coll , coll );

	// version to use, if -1 use latest
	st->m_titleRecVersion = r->getLong("version",-1);
	if ( st->m_titleRecVersion == -1 ) 
		st->m_titleRecVersion = TITLEREC_CURRENT_VERSION;
	// default to 0 if not provided
	st->m_hopCount = r->getLong("hc",0);
	//long  ulen    = 0;
	//char *u     = r->getString ( "u" , &ulen     , NULL /*default*/);
	long  old     = r->getLong   ( "old", 0 );
	// set query
	long qlen;
	char *qs = r->getString("q",&qlen,NULL);
	if ( qs ) st->m_tq.set2 ( qs , langUnknown , true );
	// url will override docid if given
	if ( ! st->m_u || ! st->m_u[0] ) 
		st->m_docId = r->getLongLong ("docid",-1);
		st->m_docId = -1;
	// set url in state class (may have length 0)
	//if ( u ) st->m_url.set ( u , ulen );
	//st->m_urlLen = ulen;
	st->m_u = st->m_r.getString("u",&st->m_ulen,NULL);
	// should we recycle link info?
	st->m_recycle  = r->getLong("recycle",0);
	st->m_recycle2 = r->getLong("recycleimp",0);
	st->m_render   = r->getLong("render" ,0);
	// for quality computation... takes way longer cuz we have to 
	// lookup the IP address of every outlink, so we can get its root
	// quality using Msg25 which needs to filter out voters from that IP
	// range.
	st->m_oips     = r->getLong("oips"    ,0);

	long  linkInfoLen  = 0;
	// default is NULL
	char *linkInfoColl = r->getString ( "oli" , &linkInfoLen, NULL );
	if ( linkInfoColl ) strcpy ( st->m_linkInfoColl , linkInfoColl );
	else st->m_linkInfoColl[0] = '\0';
	// set the flag in our SafeBuf class so that Words.cpp knows to show 
	// html or html source depending on this value
	st->m_xbuf.m_renderHtml = st->m_render;

	// should we use the old title rec?
	st->m_old    = old;
	// are we coming from a local machine?
	st->m_isLocal = r->isLocal();
 	//no more setting the default root quality to 30, instead if we do not
 	// know it setting it to -1

	// header
	SafeBuf *xbuf = &st->m_xbuf;
	xbuf->safePrintf("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" "
			 "content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n");

	// print standard header
	g_pages.printAdminTop ( xbuf , st->m_s , &st->m_r );

	// print the standard header for admin pages
	char *dd     = "";
	char *rr     = "";
	char *rr2    = "";
	char *render = "";
	char *oips   = "";
	char *us     = "";
	if ( st->m_u && st->m_u[0] ) us = st->m_u;
	//if ( st->m_sfn != -1 ) sprintf ( rtu , "%li",st->m_sfn );
	if ( st->m_old ) dd = " checked";
	if ( st->m_recycle            ) rr     = " checked";
	if ( st->m_recycle2           ) rr2    = " checked";
	if ( st->m_render             ) render = " checked";
	if ( st->m_oips               ) oips   = " checked";

			 ".poo { background-color:#%s;}\n"
			 "</style>\n" ,

	long clen;
	char *contentParm = r->getString("content",&clen,"");
	// print the input form
	xbuf->safePrintf (
		       "h2{font-size: 12px; color: #666666;}\n"

		       ".gbtag { border: 1px solid gray;"
		  	"background: #ffffef;display:inline;}\n"
		  	".gbcomment { border: 1px solid gray;"
		  	"color: #888888; font-style:italic; "
		  	"background: #ffffef;display:inline;}\n"

		       ".token { border: 1px solid gray;"
		       "background: #f0ffff;display:inline;}\n"
		       ".spam { border: 1px solid gray;"
		       "background: #af0000;"
		       "color: #ffffa0;}"
		       ".hs {color: #009900;}"

		  "<table %s>"

			  "<tr><td colspan=5><center><b>"

		  "<tr class=poo>"
			  "<br><font size=-2>"
			  "Type in <b>FULL</b> url to parse."

		  "<input type=text name=u value=\"%s\" size=\"40\">\n"

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "Parser version to use: "
		  "<input type=text name=\"version\" size=\"4\" value=\"-1\"> "
		  "(-1 means to use latest title rec version)<br>"

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "Hop count to use: "
		  "<input type=text name=\"hc\" size=\"4\" value=\"%li\"> "
		  "(-1 is unknown. For root urls hopcount is always 0)<br>"

		  "<tr class=poo>"
			  "<b>use cached</b>"

			  "<br><font size=-2>"
			  "Load page from cache (titledb)?"

		  "<input type=checkbox name=old value=1%s> "

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "Reparse root:"
		  "<input type=checkbox name=artr value=1%s> "
		  "Apply selected ruleset to root to update quality"

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "<b>recycle link info</b>"

			  "<br><font size=-2>"
			  "Recycle the link info from the title rec"
			  "Load page from cache (titledb)?"

		  "<input type=checkbox name=recycle value=1%s> "

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "Recycle Link Info Imported:"
		  "<input type=checkbox name=recycleimp value=1%s> "
		  "Recycle the link info imported from other coll"

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "<b>render html</b>"

			  "<br><font size=-2>"
			  "Render document content as HTML"

		  "<input type=checkbox name=render value=1%s> "

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "Lookup outlinks' ruleset, ips, quality:"
		  "<input type=checkbox name=oips value=1%s> "
		  "To compute quality lookup IP addresses of roots "
		  "of outlinks."

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "LinkInfo Coll:"
		  "<input type=text name=\"oli\" size=\"10\" value=\"\"> "
		  "Leave empty usually. Uses this coll to lookup link info."

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "<b>optional query</b>"

			  "<br><font size=-2>"
			  "Leave empty usually. For title generation only."

		  "<input type=text name=\"q\" size=\"20\" value=\"\"> "

			  us ,

		  "<tr class=poo>"
			  "<b>content type below is</b>"
			  "<br><font size=-2>"
			  "Is the content below HTML? XML? JSON?"

		       //"<input type=checkbox name=xml value=1> "
		       "<select name=ctype>\n"
		       "<option value=%li selected>HTML</option>\n"
		       "<option value=%li selected>XML</option>\n"
		       "<option value=%li selected>JSON</option>\n"



			  "<tr class=poo>"
			  "<br><font size=-2>"
			  "Use this content for the provided <i>url</i> "
			  "rather than downloading it from the web."

			  "<textarea rows=10 cols=80 name=content>"


			  //oips ,
			  contentParm );

			 "<input type=submit value=Submit>"

	// just print the page if no url given
	if ( ! st->m_u || ! st->m_u[0] ) return processLoop ( st );

	XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;
	// set this up
	SpiderRequest sreq;
	long firstIp = hash32n(st->m_u);
	if ( firstIp == -1 || firstIp == 0 ) firstIp = 1;
	// parentdocid of 0
	sreq.setKey( firstIp, 0LL, false );
	sreq.m_isPageParser = 1;
	sreq.m_hopCount = st->m_hopCount;
	sreq.m_hopCountValid = 1;
	sreq.m_fakeFirstIp   = 1;
	sreq.m_firstIp = firstIp;
	Url nu;
	sreq.m_domHash32 = nu.getDomainHash32();
	sreq.m_siteHash32 = nu.getHostHash32();

	// . get provided content if any
	// . will be NULL if none provided
	// . "content" may contain a MIME
	long  contentLen = 0;
	char *content = r->getString ( "content" , &contentLen , NULL );
	// is the "content" url-encoded? default is true.
	bool contentIsEncoded = true;
	// mark doesn't like to url-encode his content
	if ( ! content ) {
		content    = r->getUnencodedContent    ();
		contentLen = r->getUnencodedContentLen ();
		contentIsEncoded = false;
	// ensure null
	if ( contentLen == 0 ) content = NULL;

	uint8_t contentType = CT_HTML;
	if ( r->getBool("xml",0) ) contentType = CT_XML;

	contentType = r->getLong("ctype",contentType);//CT_HTML);

	// if facebook, load xml content from title rec...
	bool isFacebook = (bool)strstr(st->m_u,"http://www.facebook.com/");
	if ( isFacebook && ! content ) {
		long long docId = g_titledb.getProbableDocId(st->m_u);
		sprintf(sreq.m_url ,"%llu", docId );
		sreq.m_isPageReindex = true;

	// hack
	if ( content ) {
		//char *data = strstr(content,"\r\n\r\n");
		//long dataPos = 0;
		//if ( data ) dataPos = (data + 4) - content;
		content = st->m_dbuf.getBufStart();

	// . use the enormous power of our new XmlDoc class
	// . this returns false if blocked
	if ( ! xd->set4 ( &sreq       ,
			  NULL        ,
			  st->m_coll  ,
			  &st->m_wbuf        ,
			  0 ,//PP_NICENESS ))
			  content ,
			  false, // deletefromindex
			  0, // forced ip
			  contentType ))
		// return error reply if g_errno is set
		return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
	// make this our callback in case something blocks
	xd->setCallback ( st , processLoop );
	// . set xd from the old title rec if recycle is true
	// . can also use XmlDoc::m_loadFromOldTitleRec flag
	if ( st->m_recycle ) xd->m_recycleContent = true;

	return processLoop ( st );
// . "uf" is printf url format to scrape with a %s for the query
// . example: uf="http://www.google.com/search?num=50&q=%s&scoring=d&filter=0";
bool Msg7::scrapeQuery ( ) {

	// advance round now in case we return early

	// error?
	if ( m_qbuf.length() > 500 ) {
		g_errno = EQUERYTOOBIG;
		return true;

	// first encode the query
	SafeBuf ebuf;
	ebuf.urlEncode ( m_qbuf.getBufStart() ); // queryUNEncoded );

	char *uf;
	if ( m_round == 1 )
		// set to 1 for debugging
		//uf = "https://startpage.com/do/search?q=%s";
		//uf = "http://www.google.com/"
		//	"/cse?cx=013269018370076798483%3A8eec3papwpi&"
		//	"ie=UTF-8&q=%s&"
		//	"num=20";

	// skip bing for now
	//if ( m_round == 2 )
	//	return true;
	//if ( m_round == 1 )
	//	return true;
	// make the url we will download
	char ubuf[2048];
	sprintf ( ubuf , uf , ebuf.getBufStart() );

	// log it
	log("inject: SCRAPING %s",ubuf);

	SpiderRequest sreq;
	// set the SpiderRequest
	strcpy(sreq.m_url, ubuf);
	// . tell it to only add the hosts of each outlink for now!
	// . that will be passed on to when XmlDoc calls Links::set() i guess
	// . xd will not reschedule the scraped url into spiderdb either
	sreq.m_isScraping = 1;
	sreq.m_fakeFirstIp = 1;
	long firstIp = hash32n(ubuf);
	if ( firstIp == 0 || firstIp == -1 ) firstIp = 1;
	sreq.m_firstIp = firstIp;
	// parent docid is 0

	// forceDEl = false, niceness = 0
	m_xd.set4 ( &sreq , NULL , m_coll , NULL , 0 ); 

	//m_xd.m_isScraping = true;

	// download without throttling
	//m_xd.m_throttleDownload = false;

	// disregard this
	m_xd.m_useRobotsTxt = false;

	// this will tell it to index ahrefs first before indexing
	// the doc. but do NOT do this if we are from ahrefs.com
	// ourselves to avoid recursive explosion!!
	if ( m_useAhrefs )
		m_xd.m_useAhrefs = true;

	m_xd.m_reallyInjectLinks = m_injectLinks;

	// rather than just add the links of the page to spiderdb,
	// let's inject them!
	m_xd.setCallback ( this , doneInjectingLinksWrapper );

	// niceness is 0

	// do we actually inject the links, or just scrape?
	if ( ! m_xd.injectLinks ( &m_linkDedupTable ,
				  this , 
				  doneInjectingLinksWrapper ) ) 
		return false;
	// otherwise, just download the google/bing search results so we
	// can display them in xml
	//else if ( m_xd.getUtf8Content() == (char **)-1 )
	//	return false;
	// print reply..
	return true;
bool Msg7::inject ( char *url ,
		    long  forcedIp ,
		    char *content ,
		    long  contentLen ,
		    bool  recycleContent,
		    uint8_t contentType,
		    char *coll ,
		    bool  quickReply ,
		    char *username ,
		    char *pwd ,
		    long  niceness,
		    void *state ,
		    void (*callback)(void *state),
		    long firstIndexed,
		    long lastSpidered,
		    long hopCount,
		    char newOnly,
		    short charset,
		    char spiderLinks,
		    char deleteIt,
		    char hasMime,
		    bool doConsistencyTesting
		    ) {

	m_quickReply = quickReply;

	// store coll
	if ( ! coll ) { g_errno = ENOCOLLREC; return true; }
        long collLen = gbstrlen ( coll );
	if ( collLen > MAX_COLL_LEN ) collLen = MAX_COLL_LEN;
	strncpy ( m_coll , coll , collLen );
	m_coll [ collLen ] = '\0';

	// store user
	//long ulen = 0;
	//if ( username ) ulen = gbstrlen(username);
	//if ( ulen >= MAX_USER_SIZE-1 ) {g_errno = EBUFOVERFLOW; return true;}
	//if ( username ) strcpy( m_username, username );

	// store password
	//long pwdLen = 0;
	//if ( pwd ) pwdLen = gbstrlen(pwd);
	//m_pwd [ 0 ] ='\0';
	//if ( pwdLen > 31 ) pwdLen = 31;
	//if ( pwdLen > 0 ) strncpy ( m_pwd , pwd , pwdLen );
	//m_pwd [ pwdLen ] = '\0';

	// store url
	if ( ! url ) { g_errno = 0; return true; }
	long urlLen = gbstrlen(url);
	if ( urlLen > MAX_URL_LEN ) {g_errno = EBADENGINEER; return true; }
	// skip injecting if no url given! just print the admin page.
	if ( urlLen <= 0 ) return true;
	//strcpy ( m_url , url );

	if ( g_repairMode ) { g_errno = EREPAIRING; return true; }

	// send template reply if no content supplied
	if ( ! content && ! recycleContent ) {
		log("inject: no content supplied to inject command and "
		    "recycleContent is false.");
		//return true;

	// clean url?
	// normalize and add www. if it needs it
	Url uu;
	uu.set ( url , gbstrlen(url) , true );
	// remove >'s i guess and store in st1->m_url[] buffer
	char cleanUrl[MAX_URL_LEN+1];
	urlLen = cleanInput ( cleanUrl,
			      uu.getUrlLen() );

	// this can go on the stack since set4() copies it
	SpiderRequest sreq;
	strcpy(sreq.m_url, cleanUrl );
	// parentdocid of 0
	long firstIp = hash32n(cleanUrl);
	if ( firstIp == -1 || firstIp == 0 ) firstIp = 1;
	sreq.setKey( firstIp,0LL, false );
	sreq.m_isInjecting   = 1; 
	sreq.m_isPageInject  = 1;
	sreq.m_hopCount      = hopCount;
	sreq.m_hopCountValid = 1;
	sreq.m_fakeFirstIp   = 1;
	sreq.m_firstIp       = firstIp;

	// shortcut
	XmlDoc *xd = &m_xd;

	// log it now
	//log("inject: injecting doc %s",cleanUrl);

	static char s_dummy[3];
	// sometims the content is indeed NULL...
	if ( newOnly && ! content ) { 
		// don't let it be NULL because then xmldoc will
		// try to download the page!
		s_dummy[0] = '\0';
		content = s_dummy;
		//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// . use the enormous power of our new XmlDoc class
	// . this returns false with g_errno set on error
	if ( //m_needsSet &&
	     ! xd->set4 ( &sreq       ,
			  NULL        ,
			  m_coll  ,
			  NULL        , // pbuf
			  // give it a niceness of 1, we have to be
			  // careful since we are a niceness of 0!!!!
			  niceness, // 1 , 
			  // inject this content
			  content ,
			  deleteIt, // false, // deleteFromIndex ,
			  forcedIp ,
			  contentType ,
			  lastSpidered ,
			  hasMime )) {
		// g_errno should be set if that returned false
		if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		return true;
	// do not re-call the set
	//m_needsSet = false;
	// make this our callback in case something blocks
	xd->setCallback ( state , callback );

	xd->m_doConsistencyTesting = doConsistencyTesting;

	// . set xd from the old title rec if recycle is true
	// . can also use XmlDoc::m_loadFromOldTitleRec flag
	if ( recycleContent ) xd->m_recycleContent = true;

	// othercrap
	if ( firstIndexed ) {
		xd->m_firstIndexedDate = firstIndexed;
		xd->m_firstIndexedDateValid = true;

	if ( lastSpidered ) {
		xd->m_spideredTime      = lastSpidered;
		xd->m_spideredTimeValid = true;

	if ( hopCount != -1 ) {
		xd->m_hopCount = hopCount;
		xd->m_hopCountValid = true;

	if ( charset != -1 && charset != csUnknown ) {
		xd->m_charset = charset;
		xd->m_charsetValid = true;

	// avoid looking up ip of each outlink to add "firstip" tag to tagdb
	// because that can be slow!!!!!!!
	xd->m_spiderLinks = spiderLinks;
	xd->m_spiderLinks2 = spiderLinks;
	xd->m_spiderLinksValid = true;

	// . newOnly is true --> do not inject if document is already indexed!
	// . maybe just set indexCode
	xd->m_newOnly = newOnly;

	// do not re-lookup the robots.txt
	xd->m_isAllowed      = true;
	xd->m_isAllowedValid = true;
	xd->m_crawlDelay     = -1; // unknown
	xd->m_crawlDelayValid = true;

	// set this now
	g_inPageInject = true;

	// log it now
	//log("inject: indexing injected doc %s",cleanUrl);

	// . now tell it to index
	// . this returns false if blocked
	bool status = xd->indexDoc ( );

	// log it. i guess only for errors when it does not block?
	// because xmldoc.cpp::indexDoc calls logIt()
	if ( status ) xd->logIt();

	// undo it
	g_inPageInject = false;

	// note that it blocked
	//if ( ! status ) log("inject: blocked for %s",cleanUrl);

	// return false if it blocked
	return status;
void Scraper::gotPhrase ( ) {
	// error getting random phrase? bail!
	if ( g_errno ) log("scraper: got error getting random phrase: %s",

	CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_coll );

	// what type of query should we do?
	m_qtype = rand() % 3;

	// make sure web, news, blog is enabled
	if ( m_qtype == 0 && ! cr->m_scrapingEnabledWeb   ) goto loop;
	if ( m_qtype == 1 && ! cr->m_scrapingEnabledNews  ) goto loop;
	if ( m_qtype == 2 && ! cr->m_scrapingEnabledBlogs ) goto loop;

	// scraping is off when repairing obviously
	if ( g_repairMode ) return;

	// get it
	char *s = g_wiki.m_randPhrase;
	// convert _'s to spaces
	for ( char *p = s ; *p ; p++ )
		if ( *p == '_' ) *p = ' ';
	// . url encode the random phrase
	// . truncate it to 200 bytes to keep things sane
	// . Wiki::doneReadingWiki() keeps it below 128 i think anyway
	char qe[400];
	urlEncode(qe, 200, s , gbstrlen(s) );
	char *end = qe + 390;

	// half the time append a random word from dictionary so that we 
	// discovery those tail-end sites better
	if ( m_qtype == 0 && (rand() % 2) ) { 
		// point into it for appending
		char *p = qe + gbstrlen(qe);
		// add a space, url encoded
		*p++ = '+';
		// append a random word to it from dictionary
		char *rw = g_speller.getRandomWord();
		// append that in
		urlEncode( p , end - p - 1 , rw , gbstrlen(rw) );

	// make a query to scrape
	char buf[2048];

	char *uf ;
	if      ( m_qtype == 0 )
	// google news query? sort by date.
	else if ( m_qtype == 1 )
	// google blog query?
	else if ( m_qtype == 2 ) 
	// sanity check
	else { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// make the url we will download
	sprintf ( buf , uf , qe );

	SpiderRequest sreq;
	// set the SpiderRequest
	strcpy(sreq.m_url, uf);
	// . tell it to only add the hosts of each outlink for now!
	// . that will be passed on to when XmlDoc calls Links::set() i guess
	// . xd will not reschedule the scraped url into spiderdb either
	sreq.m_isScraping = 1;
	sreq.m_fakeFirstIp = 1;
	long firstIp = hash32n(uf);
	if ( firstIp == 0 || firstIp == -1 ) firstIp = 1;
	sreq.m_firstIp = firstIp;
	// parent docid is 0

	// forceDEl = false, niceness = 0
	m_xd.set4 ( &sreq , NULL , m_coll , NULL , 0 ); 

	//m_xd.m_isScraping = true;

	// download without throttling
	//m_xd.m_throttleDownload = false;

	// disregard this
	m_xd.m_useRobotsTxt = false;

	// call this when index completes
	m_xd.setCallback ( NULL , indexedDocWrapper );

	// assume it blocked

	// scraper is special
	m_xd.m_usePosdb     = false;
	m_xd.m_useDatedb    = false;
	m_xd.m_useClusterdb = false;
	m_xd.m_useLinkdb    = false;
	m_xd.m_useSpiderdb  = true; // only this one i guess
	m_xd.m_useTitledb   = false;
	m_xd.m_useTagdb     = false;
	m_xd.m_usePlacedb   = false;
	//m_xd.m_useTimedb    = false;
	//m_xd.m_useSectiondb = false;
	//m_xd.m_useRevdb     = false;

	// . return false if this blocks
	// . will add the spider recs to spiderdb of the outlinks
	// . will add "ingoogle", etc. tags for each outlink
	if ( ! m_xd.indexDoc ( ) ) return ;

	// we didn't block
	indexedDoc ( );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool sendPageAddUrl ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
	// . get fields from cgi field of the requested url
	// . get the search query
	long  urlLen = 0;
	char *url = r->getString ( "u" , &urlLen , NULL /*default*/);

	// see if they provided a url of a file of urls if they did not
	// provide a url to add directly
	//bool isAdmin = g_collectiondb.isAdmin ( r , s );
	bool isAdmin = r->getIsLocal();
	long  ufuLen = 0;
	char *ufu = NULL;
	if ( isAdmin )
		// get the url of a file of urls (ufu)
		ufu = r->getString ( "ufu" , &ufuLen , NULL );

	// can't be too long, that's obnoxious
	if ( urlLen > MAX_URL_LEN || ufuLen > MAX_URL_LEN ) {
		g_errno = EBUFTOOSMALL;
		g_msg = " (error: url too long)";
		return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"url too long");
	// get the collection
	long  collLen = 0;
	char *coll    = r->getString("c",&collLen);
	if ( ! coll || ! coll[0] ) {
		//coll    = g_conf.m_defaultColl;
		coll = g_conf.getDefaultColl( r->getHost(), r->getHostLen() );
		collLen = gbstrlen(coll);
	// get collection rec
	CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( coll );
	// bitch if no collection rec found
	if ( ! cr ) {
		g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
		g_msg = " (error: no collection)";
		return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"no coll rec");
	// . make sure the ip is not banned
	// . we may also have an exclusive list of IPs for private collections
	if ( ! cr->hasSearchPermission ( s ) ) {
		g_errno = ENOPERM;
		g_msg = " (error: permission denied)";
		return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno));
	// make a new state
	State1 *st1 ;
	try { st1 = new (State1); }
	catch ( ... ) { 
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log("PageAddUrl: new(%i): %s", 
		return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno)); }
	mnew ( st1 , sizeof(State1) , "PageAddUrl" );
	// save socket and isAdmin
	st1->m_socket  = s;
	st1->m_isAdmin = isAdmin;

	// assume no url buf yet, set below
	//st1->m_ubuf      = NULL;
	//st1->m_ubufAlloc = NULL;
	//st1->m_metaList  = NULL;

	// save the url
	st1->m_url[0] = '\0';
	if ( url ) {
		// normalize and add www. if it needs it
		Url uu;
		uu.set ( url , gbstrlen(url) , true );
		// remove >'s i guess and store in st1->m_url[] buffer
		st1->m_urlLen=cleanInput ( st1->m_url,
					   uu.getUrlLen() );
		// point to that as the url "buf" to add
		//st1->m_ubuf      = st1->m_url;
		//st1->m_ubufSize  = urlLen;
		//st1->m_ubufAlloc = NULL; // do not free it!

	// save the "ufu" (url of file of urls)
	st1->m_ufu[0] = '\0';
	st1->m_ufuLen  = ufuLen;
	memcpy ( st1->m_ufu , ufu , ufuLen );
	st1->m_ufu[ufuLen] = '\0';

	st1->m_doTuringTest = cr->m_doTuringTest;
	char *username     = g_users.getUsername(r);
	if(username) strcpy(st1->m_username,username);
	//st1->m_user    = g_pages.getUserType ( s , r );
	st1->m_spiderLinks = true;
	st1->m_strip   = true;
	//st1->m_raw = r->getLong("raw",0);

	// init state2
	for ( long i = 0; i < 5; i++ ){
		st1->m_state2[i].m_buf = NULL;
		st1->m_state2[i].m_bufLen = 0;
		st1->m_state2[i].m_bufMaxLen = 0;

	// save the collection name in the State1 class
	if ( collLen > MAX_COLL_LEN ) collLen = MAX_COLL_LEN;
	strncpy ( st1->m_coll , coll , collLen );
	st1->m_coll [ collLen ] = '\0';

	// assume they answered turing test correctly
	st1->m_goodAnswer = true;
	// if addurl is turned off, just print "disabled" msg
	if ( ! g_conf.m_addUrlEnabled ) return sendReply ( st1 , false );
	// can also be turned off in the collection rec
	if ( ! cr->m_addUrlEnabled    ) return sendReply ( st1 , false );
	// or if in read-only mode
	if (   g_conf.m_readOnlyMode  ) return sendReply ( st1 , false );
	// cannot add if another Msg10 from here is still in progress
	if ( s_inprogress ) return sendReply ( st1 , true );
	// use now as the spiderTime

	// get ip of submitter
	//unsigned long h = ipdom ( s->m_ip );
	// . use top 2 bytes now, some isps have large blocks
	// . if this causes problems, then they can do pay for inclusion
	unsigned long h = iptop ( s->m_ip );
	long codeLen;
	char* code = r->getString("code", &codeLen);
	if(g_autoBan.hasCode(code, codeLen, s->m_ip)) {
		long uipLen = 0;
		char* uip = r->getString("uip",&uipLen);
		long hip = 0;
		//use the uip when we have a raw query to test if 
		//we can submit
		if(uip) {
			hip = atoip(uip, uipLen);
			h = iptop( hip );

	st1->m_strip = r->getLong("strip",0);
	// Remember, for cgi, if the box is not checked, then it is not 
	// reported in the request, so set default return value to 0
	long spiderLinks = r->getLong("spiderLinks",-1);
	// also support all lowercase like PageInject.cpp uses
	if ( spiderLinks == -1 )
		spiderLinks = r->getLong("spiderlinks",0);

	// . should we force it into spiderdb even if already in there
	// . use to manually update spider times for a url
	// . however, will not remove old scheduled spider times
	// . mdw: made force on the default
	st1->m_forceRespider = r->getLong("force",1); // 0);

	long now = getTimeGlobal();

	// . allow 1 submit every 1 hour
	// . restrict by submitter domain ip
	if ( ! st1->m_isAdmin &&
	     ! canSubmit ( h , now , cr->m_maxAddUrlsPerIpDomPerDay ) ) {
		// return error page
		g_errno = ETOOEARLY;
		return sendReply ( st1 , true );

	//st1->m_query = r->getString( "qts", &st1->m_queryLen );

	// check it, if turing test is enabled for this collection
	if ( ! st1->m_isAdmin && cr->m_doTuringTest && 
	     ! g_turingTest.isHuman(r) )  {
		// log note so we know it didn't make it
		g_msg = " (error: bad answer)";
		//log("PageAddUrl:: addurl failed for %s : bad answer",
		//    iptoa(s->m_ip));
		st1->m_goodAnswer = false;
		return sendReply ( st1 , true /*addUrl enabled?*/ );

	//if ( st1->m_queryLen > 0 )
	//	return getPages( st1 );

	// if no url given, just print a blank page
	if ( ! url ) return sendReply (  st1 , true );

	// make a SpiderRequest

	SpiderRequest *sreq = &st1->m_sreq;
	// reset it
	// make the probable docid
	long long probDocId = g_titledb.getProbableDocId ( st1->m_url );
	// make one up, like we do in PageReindex.cpp
	long firstIp = (probDocId & 0xffffffff);
	// . now fill it up
	// . TODO: calculate the other values... lazy!!! (m_isRSSExt, 
	//         m_siteNumInlinks,...)
	sreq->m_isNewOutlink = 1;
	sreq->m_isAddUrl     = 1;
	sreq->m_addedTime    = now;
	sreq->m_fakeFirstIp   = 1;
	sreq->m_probDocId     = probDocId;
	sreq->m_firstIp       = firstIp;
	sreq->m_hopCount      = 0;
	// its valid if root
	Url uu; uu.set ( st1->m_url );
	if ( uu.isRoot() ) sreq->m_hopCountValid = true;
	// too big?
	//long len = st1->m_urlLen;
	// the url! includes \0
	strcpy ( sreq->m_url , st1->m_url );
	// call this to set sreq->m_dataSize now
	// make the key dude -- after setting url
	sreq->setKey ( firstIp , 0LL, false );
	// need a fake first ip lest we core!
	//sreq->m_firstIp = (pdocId & 0xffffffff);
	// how to set m_firstIp? i guess addurl can be throttled independently
	// of the other urls???  use the hash of the domain for it!
	long  dlen;
	char *dom = getDomFast ( st1->m_url , &dlen );
	// fake it for this...
	//sreq->m_firstIp = hash32 ( dom , dlen );
	// sanity
	if ( ! dom ) {
		g_errno = EBADURL;
		return sendReply ( st1 , true );
	// shortcut
	Msg4 *m = &st1->m_msg4;
	// now add that to spiderdb using msg4
	if ( ! m->addMetaList ( (char *)sreq    ,
				sreq->getRecSize() ,
				coll            ,
				st1             , // state
				addedStuff      ,
				RDB_SPIDERDB    ) )
		// we blocked
		return false;

	// send back the reply
	return sendReply ( st1 , true );