Exemple #1
     * \brief Initialize the phase viscosity for oil saturated gas
     * The gas viscosity is a function of \f$(p_g, X_g^O)\f$, but this method only
     * requires the viscosity of oil-saturated gas (which only depends on pressure) while
     * there is assumed to be no dependence on the gas mass fraction...
    void setSaturatedGasViscosity(int regionIdx, const SamplingPoints &samplePoints  )
        auto& oilVaporizationFactor = oilVaporizationFactorTable_[regionIdx];

        Scalar RvMin = 0.0;
        Scalar RvMax = oilVaporizationFactor.eval(oilVaporizationFactorTable_[regionIdx].xMax(), /*extrapolate=*/true);

        Scalar poMin = samplePoints.front().first;
        Scalar poMax = samplePoints.back().first;

        size_t nRv = 20;
        size_t nP = samplePoints.size()*2;

        Spline mugSpline;
        mugSpline.setContainerOfTuples(samplePoints, /*type=*/Spline::Monotonic);

        // calculate a table of estimated densities depending on pressure and gas mass
        // fraction
        for (size_t RvIdx = 0; RvIdx < nRv; ++RvIdx) {
            Scalar Rv = RvMin + (RvMax - RvMin)*RvIdx/nRv;


            for (size_t pIdx = 0; pIdx < nP; ++pIdx) {
                Scalar pg = poMin + (poMax - poMin)*pIdx/nP;
                Scalar mug = mugSpline.eval(pg, /*extrapolate=*/true);

                gasMu_[regionIdx].appendSamplePoint(RvIdx, pg, mug);
Exemple #2
     * \brief Initialize the function for the gas formation volume factor
     * The gas formation volume factor \f$B_g\f$ is a function of \f$(p_g, X_g^O)\f$ and
     * represents the partial density of the oil component in the gas phase at a given
     * pressure. This method only requires the volume factor of oil-saturated gas (which
     * only depends on pressure) while the dependence on the oil mass fraction is
     * guesstimated...
    void setSaturatedGasFormationVolumeFactor(int regionIdx, const SamplingPoints &samplePoints)
        auto& invGasB = inverseGasB_[regionIdx];

        auto &Rv = oilVaporizationFactorTable_[regionIdx];

        Scalar T = BlackOilFluidSystem::surfaceTemperature;

        Scalar RvMin = 0.0;
        Scalar RvMax = Rv.eval(oilVaporizationFactorTable_[regionIdx].xMax(), /*extrapolate=*/true);

        Scalar poMin = samplePoints.front().first;
        Scalar poMax = samplePoints.back().first;

        size_t nRv = 20;
        size_t nP = samplePoints.size()*2;

        Scalar rhogRef = BlackOilFluidSystem::referenceDensity(gasPhaseIdx, regionIdx);
        Scalar rhooRef = BlackOilFluidSystem::referenceDensity(oilPhaseIdx, regionIdx);

        Spline gasFormationVolumeFactorSpline;
        gasFormationVolumeFactorSpline.setContainerOfTuples(samplePoints, /*type=*/Spline::Monotonic);


        // calculate a table of estimated densities depending on pressure and gas mass
        // fraction
        for (size_t RvIdx = 0; RvIdx < nRv; ++RvIdx) {
            Scalar Rv = RvMin + (RvMax - RvMin)*RvIdx/nRv;
            Scalar XgO = Rv/(rhooRef/rhogRef + Rv);


            for (size_t pIdx = 0; pIdx < nP; ++pIdx) {
                Scalar pg = poMin + (poMax - poMin)*pIdx/nP;

                Scalar poSat = gasSaturationPressure(regionIdx, T, XgO);
                Scalar BgSat = gasFormationVolumeFactorSpline.eval(poSat, /*extrapolate=*/true);
                Scalar drhoo_dp = (1.1200 - 1.1189)/((5000 - 4000)*6894.76);
                Scalar rhoo = BlackOilFluidSystem::referenceDensity(oilPhaseIdx, regionIdx)/BgSat*(1 + drhoo_dp*(pg - poSat));

                Scalar Bg = BlackOilFluidSystem::referenceDensity(oilPhaseIdx, regionIdx)/rhoo;

                invGasB.appendSamplePoint(RvIdx, pg, 1.0/Bg);