Exemple #1
    virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) {
        if (nodep->user3p()) {
            SplitLogicVertex* vertexp = (SplitLogicVertex*)(nodep->user3p());
            uint32_t color = vertexp->color();
            UINFO(8, "  SVL " << vertexp << " has color " << color << "\n");

            // Record that all containing ifs have this color.
            for (IfStack::const_iterator it = m_ifStack.begin();
                 it != m_ifStack.end(); ++it) {
Exemple #2
    virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) {
        // Anything that's not an if/else we assume is a leaf
        // (that is, something we won't split.) Don't visit further
        // into the leaf.
        // A leaf might contain another if, for example a WHILE loop
        // could contain an if. We can't split WHILE loops, so we
        // won't split its nested if either. Just treat it as part
        // of the leaf; do not visit further; do not reach visit(AstNodeIf*)
        // for such an embedded if.

        // Each leaf must have a user3p
        if (!nodep->user3p()) nodep->v3fatalSrc("null user3p in V3Split leaf");

        // Clone the leaf into its new always block
        SplitLogicVertex* vxp = (SplitLogicVertex*)(nodep->user3p());
        uint32_t color = vxp->color();
        AstNode* clonedp = nodep->cloneTree(false);
        m_addAfter[color] = clonedp;
Exemple #3
    void cleanupBlockGraph(AstNode* nodep) {
	// Transform the graph into what we need
	UINFO(5, "ReorderBlock "<<nodep<<endl);

	if (debug()>=9) {
            m_graph.dumpDotFilePrefixed("reorderg_nodup", false);
	    //m_graph.dump(); cout<<endl;

	// Mark all the logic for this step
	// Vertex::m_user begin: true indicates logic for this step
	for (AstNode* nextp=nodep; nextp; nextp=nextp->nextp()) {
	    SplitLogicVertex* vvertexp = (SplitLogicVertex*)nextp->user3p();

	// If a var vertex has only inputs, it's a input-only node,
	// and can be ignored for coloring **this block only**

        // For reordering this single block only, mark all logic
        // vertexes not involved with this step as unimportant
        for (V3GraphVertex* vertexp = m_graph.verticesBeginp(); vertexp; vertexp=vertexp->verticesNextp()) {
            if (SplitLogicVertex* vvertexp = dynamic_cast<SplitLogicVertex*>(vertexp)) {
                if (!vvertexp->user()) {
                    for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vertexp->inBeginp(); edgep; edgep=edgep->inNextp()) {
                        SplitEdge* oedgep = dynamic_cast<SplitEdge*>(edgep);
                    for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vertexp->outBeginp(); edgep; edgep=edgep->outNextp()) {
                        SplitEdge* oedgep = dynamic_cast<SplitEdge*>(edgep);

	// Weak coloring to determine what needs to remain in order
	// This follows all step-relevant edges excluding PostEdges, which are done later

	// Add hard orderings between all nodes of same color, in the order they appeared
        vl_unordered_map<uint32_t, SplitLogicVertex*> lastOfColor;
	for (AstNode* nextp=nodep; nextp; nextp=nextp->nextp()) {
	    SplitLogicVertex* vvertexp = (SplitLogicVertex*)nextp->user3p();
            uint32_t color = vvertexp->color();
	    if (!color) nextp->v3fatalSrc("No node color assigned");
	    if (lastOfColor[color]) {
		new SplitStrictEdge(&m_graph, lastOfColor[color], vvertexp);
	    lastOfColor[color] = vvertexp;

	// And a real ordering to get the statements into something reasonable
	// We don't care if there's cutable violations here...
	// Non-cutable violations should be impossible; as those edges are program-order
	if (debug()>=9) m_graph.dumpDotFilePrefixed((string)"splitg_preo", false);
	m_graph.rank(&SplitEdge::followCyclic);  // Or order(), but that's more expensive
	if (debug()>=9) m_graph.dumpDotFilePrefixed((string)"splitg_opt", false);