bool Button::IsPixelTransparent(unsigned short x, unsigned short y) { // some buttons have hollow Image frame filled w/ Picture // some buttons in BG2 are text only (if BAM == 'GUICTRL') Sprite2D* Unpressed = buttonImages[BUTTON_IMAGE_UNPRESSED]; if (Picture || PictureList.size() || ! Unpressed) return false; int xOffs = ( Width / 2 ) - ( Unpressed->Width / 2 ); int yOffs = ( Height / 2 ) - ( Unpressed->Height / 2 ); return Unpressed->IsPixelTransparent(x - xOffs, y - yOffs); }
void SpriteSheet2D::UpdateSprite(const String& name, const IntRect& rectangle, const Vector2& hotSpot) { if (!texture_) return; Sprite2D* sprite = GetSprite(name); if (sprite) { sprite->SetRectangle(rectangle); sprite->SetHotSpot(hotSpot); } }
void Animation::MirrorAnimation() { Video *video = core->GetVideoDriver(); for (size_t i = 0; i < indicesCount; i++) { Sprite2D * tmp = frames[i]; frames[i] = video->MirrorSpriteHorizontal( tmp, true ); tmp->release(); } // flip animArea horizontally as well animArea.x = -animArea.w - animArea.x; }
void Animation::MirrorAnimationVert() { Video *video = core->GetVideoDriver(); for (size_t i = 0; i < indicesCount; i++) { Sprite2D * tmp = frames[i]; frames[i] = video->MirrorSpriteVertical( tmp, true ); tmp->release(); } // flip animArea vertically as well // animArea.y = -animArea.h - animArea.y; }
void Projectile::GetPaletteCopy(Animation *anim[], Palette *&pal) { if (pal) return; for (unsigned int i=0;i<MAX_ORIENT;i++) { if (anim[i]) { Sprite2D* spr = anim[i]->GetFrame(0); if (spr) { pal = spr->GetPalette()->Copy(); break; } } } }
void ScriptedAnimation::GetPaletteCopy() { if (palette) return; //it is not sure that the first position will have a resource in it //therefore the cycle for (unsigned int i=0;i<3*MAX_ORIENT;i++) { if (anims[i]) { Sprite2D* spr = anims[i]->GetFrame(0); if (spr) { palette = spr->GetPalette()->Copy(); //we need only one palette, so break here break; } } } }
TTFFont::TTFFont(Palette* pal, FT_Face face, int lineheight, int baseline) : Font(pal, lineheight, baseline), face(face) { // on FT < 2.4.2 the manager will defer ownership to this object #if FREETYPE_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,4,2) FT_Reference_Face(face); // retain the face or the font manager will destroy it #endif // ttf fonts dont produce glyphs for whitespace Sprite2D* blank = core->GetVideoDriver()->CreateSprite8(0, 0, NULL, NULL); // blank for returning when there is an error // TODO: ttf fonts have a "box" glyph they use for this CreateGlyphForCharSprite(0, blank); blank->Width = core->TLKEncoding.zerospace ? 1 : (LineHeight * 0.25);; CreateGlyphForCharSprite(' ', blank); blank->Width *= 4; CreateGlyphForCharSprite('\t', blank); blank->release(); }
Image* ImageMgr::GetImage() { unsigned int height = GetHeight(); unsigned int width = GetWidth(); Image *data = new Image(width, height); Sprite2D *spr = GetSprite2D(); for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x++) { data->SetPixel(x,y, spr->GetPixel(x,y)); } } core->GetVideoDriver()->FreeSprite(spr); return data; }
bool SpriteSheet2D::Save(Serializer& dest) const { if (!texture_) return false; SharedPtr<XMLFile> xmlFile(new XMLFile(context_)); XMLElement rootElem = xmlFile->CreateRoot("spritesheet"); rootElem.SetAttribute("texture", texture_->GetName()); for (HashMap<String, SharedPtr<Sprite2D> >::ConstIterator i = spriteMapping_.Begin(); i != spriteMapping_.End(); ++i) { XMLElement spriteElem = rootElem.CreateChild("sprite"); spriteElem.SetAttribute("name", i->first_); Sprite2D* sprite = i->second_; spriteElem.SetIntRect("rectangle", sprite->GetRectangle()); spriteElem.SetVector2("hotspot", sprite->GetHotSpot()); } return xmlFile->Save(dest); }
Bitmap* ImageMgr::GetBitmap() { unsigned int height = GetHeight(); unsigned int width = GetWidth(); Bitmap *data = new Bitmap(width, height); Log(ERROR, "ImageMgr", "Don't know how to handle 24bit bitmap from %s...", str->filename ); Sprite2D *spr = GetSprite2D(); for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x++) { data->SetAt(x,y, spr->GetPixel(x,y).r); } } core->GetVideoDriver()->FreeSprite(spr); return data; }
Sprite2D* BAMImporter::GetFrameInternal(unsigned short findex, unsigned char mode, bool BAMsprite, const unsigned char* data, AnimationFactory* datasrc) { Sprite2D* spr = 0; if (BAMsprite) { bool RLECompressed = (frames[findex].FrameData & 0x80000000) == 0; assert(data); const unsigned char* framedata = data; framedata += (frames[findex].FrameData & 0x7FFFFFFF) - DataStart; if (RLECompressed) { spr = core->GetVideoDriver()->CreateSpriteBAM8( frames[findex].Width, frames[findex].Height, true, framedata, datasrc, palette, CompressedColorIndex); } else { spr = core->GetVideoDriver()->CreateSpriteBAM8( frames[findex].Width, frames[findex].Height, false, framedata, datasrc, palette, CompressedColorIndex ); } } else { void* pixels = GetFramePixels(findex); spr = core->GetVideoDriver()->CreateSprite8( frames[findex].Width, frames[findex].Height, 8, pixels, palette->col, true, 0 ); } spr->XPos = (ieWordSigned)frames[findex].XPos; spr->YPos = (ieWordSigned)frames[findex].YPos; if (mode == IE_SHADED) { // CHECKME: is this ever used? Should we modify the sprite's palette // without creating a local copy for this sprite? Palette* pal = spr->GetPalette(); pal->CreateShadedAlphaChannel(); pal->Release(); } return spr; }
bool Animation2D::Save(Serializer& dest) const { XMLFile xmlFile(context_); XMLElement rootElem = xmlFile.CreateRoot("Animation"); float endTime = 0.0f; for (unsigned i = 0; i < frameSprites_.Size(); ++i) { XMLElement frameElem = rootElem.CreateChild("Frame"); frameElem.SetFloat("duration", frameEndTimes_[i] - endTime); endTime = frameEndTimes_[i]; Sprite2D* sprite = frameSprites_[i]; SpriteSheet2D* spriteSheet = sprite->GetSpriteSheet(); if (!spriteSheet) frameElem.SetString("sprite", sprite->GetName()); else frameElem.SetString("sprite", spriteSheet->GetName() + "@" + sprite->GetName()); } return xmlFile.Save(dest); }
Font* BAMFontManager::GetFont(unsigned short /*ptSize*/, FontStyle /*style*/, Palette* pal) { AnimationFactory* af = bamImp->GetAnimationFactory(resRef); // released by BAMFont Font* fnt = NULL; if (isStateFont) { // Hack to work around original data where some status icons have inverted x and y positions (ie level up icon) // isStateFont is set in Open() and simply compares the first 6 characters of the file with "STATES" // since state icons should all be the same size/position we can just take the position of the first one Sprite2D* first = af->GetFrame(0, 0); int pos = first->YPos; // baseline first->release(); fnt = new BAMFont(af, &pos); } else { fnt = new BAMFont(af, NULL); } if (pal) { fnt->SetPalette(pal); } return fnt; }
void AnimatedSprite2D::UpdateSourceBatchesSpriter() { const Matrix3x4& nodeWorldTransform = GetNode()->GetWorldTransform(); Vector<Vertex2D>& vertices = sourceBatches_[0].vertices_; vertices.Clear(); Rect drawRect; Rect textureRect; unsigned color = color_.ToUInt(); Vertex2D vertex0; Vertex2D vertex1; Vertex2D vertex2; Vertex2D vertex3; const std::vector<Spriter::SpatialTimelineKey*>& timelineKeys = spriterInstance_->GetTimelineKeys(); for (size_t i = 0; i < timelineKeys.size(); ++i) { if (timelineKeys[i]->GetObjectType() != Spriter::SPRITE) continue; Spriter::SpriteTimelineKey* timelineKey = (Spriter::SpriteTimelineKey*)timelineKeys[i]; Spriter::SpatialInfo& info = timelineKey->info_; Vector3 position(info.x_, info.y_, 0.0f); if (flipX_) position.x_ = -position.x_; if (flipY_) position.y_ = -position.y_; float angle = info.angle_; if (flipX_ != flipY_) angle = -angle; Matrix3x4 localTransform(position * PIXEL_SIZE, Quaternion(angle), Vector3(info.scaleX_, info.scaleY_, 1.0f)); Matrix3x4 worldTransform = nodeWorldTransform * localTransform; Sprite2D* sprite = animationSet_->GetSpriterFileSprite(timelineKey->folderId_, timelineKey->fileId_); if (!sprite) return; if (timelineKey->useDefaultPivot_) sprite->GetDrawRectangle(drawRect, flipX_, flipY_); else sprite->GetDrawRectangle(drawRect, Vector2(timelineKey->pivotX_, timelineKey->pivotY_), flipX_, flipY_); if (!sprite->GetTextureRectangle(textureRect, flipX_, flipY_)) return; vertex0.position_ = worldTransform * Vector3(drawRect.min_.x_, drawRect.min_.y_, 0.0f); vertex1.position_ = worldTransform * Vector3(drawRect.min_.x_, drawRect.max_.y_, 0.0f); vertex2.position_ = worldTransform * Vector3(drawRect.max_.x_, drawRect.max_.y_, 0.0f); vertex3.position_ = worldTransform * Vector3(drawRect.max_.x_, drawRect.min_.y_, 0.0f); vertex0.uv_ = textureRect.min_; vertex1.uv_ = Vector2(textureRect.min_.x_, textureRect.max_.y_); vertex2.uv_ = textureRect.max_; vertex3.uv_ = Vector2(textureRect.max_.x_, textureRect.min_.y_); vertex0.color_ = vertex1.color_ = vertex2.color_ = vertex3.color_ = color; vertices.Push(vertex0); vertices.Push(vertex1); vertices.Push(vertex2); vertices.Push(vertex3); } worldBoundingBoxDirty_ = true; }
const Glyph& TTFFont::GetGlyph(ieWord chr) const { #if HAVE_ICONV if (!core->TLKEncoding.multibyte) { char* oldchar = (char*)&chr; ieWord unicodeChr = 0; char* newchar = (char*)&unicodeChr; size_t in = (core->TLKEncoding.widechar) ? 2 : 1, out = 2; // TODO: make this work on BE systems // TODO: maybe we want to work with non-unicode fonts? iconv_t cd = iconv_open("UTF-16LE", core->TLKEncoding.encoding.c_str()); #if __FreeBSD__ size_t ret = iconv(cd, (const char **)&oldchar, &in, &newchar, &out); #else size_t ret = iconv(cd, &oldchar, &in, &newchar, &out); #endif if (ret != GEM_OK) { Log(ERROR, "FONT", "iconv error: %d", errno); } iconv_close(cd); chr = unicodeChr; } #endif // first check if the glyph already exists const Glyph& g = Font::GetGlyph(chr); if (g.pixels) { return g; } // attempt to generate glyph // TODO: fix the font styles! /* // currently gemrb has exclusive styles... // TODO: make styles ORable style = NORMAL; if ( face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC ) { style = ITALIC; } if ( face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD ) { // bold overrides italic // TODO: allow bold and italic together style = BOLD; } glyph_overhang = face->size->metrics.y_ppem / 10; // x offset = cos(((90.0-12)/360)*2*M_PI), or 12 degree angle glyph_italics = 0.207f; glyph_italics *= height; */ FT_Error error = 0; FT_UInt index = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, chr); if (!index) { return AliasBlank(chr); } error = FT_Load_Glyph( face, index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT | FT_LOAD_TARGET_MONO); if( error ) { LogFTError(error); return AliasBlank(chr); } FT_GlyphSlot glyph = face->glyph; FT_Glyph_Metrics* metrics = &glyph->metrics; /* //int maxx, yoffset; if ( FT_IS_SCALABLE( face ) ) { // Get the bounding box maxx = FT_FLOOR(metrics->horiBearingX) + FT_CEIL(metrics->width); yoffset = ascent - FT_FLOOR(metrics->horiBearingY); } else { // Get the bounding box for non-scalable format. // Again, freetype2 fills in many of the font metrics // with the value of 0, so some of the values we // need must be calculated differently with certain // assumptions about non-scalable formats. maxx = FT_FLOOR(metrics->horiBearingX) + FT_CEIL(metrics->horiAdvance); yoffset = 0; } // TODO: handle styles for fonts that dont do it themselves FIXME: maxx is currently unused. glyph spacing is non existant right now font styles are non functional too */ FT_Bitmap* bitmap; uint8_t* pixels = NULL; /* Render the glyph */ error = FT_Render_Glyph( glyph, ft_render_mode_normal ); if( error ) { LogFTError(error); return AliasBlank(chr); } bitmap = &glyph->bitmap; Size sprSize(bitmap->width, bitmap->rows); /* Ensure the width of the pixmap is correct. On some cases, * freetype may report a larger pixmap than possible.*/ /* if (sprSize.w > maxx) { sprSize.w = maxx; }*/ if (sprSize.IsEmpty()) { return AliasBlank(chr); } // we need 1px empty space on each side sprSize.w += 2; pixels = (uint8_t*)malloc(sprSize.w * sprSize.h); uint8_t* dest = pixels; uint8_t* src = bitmap->buffer; for( int row = 0; row < sprSize.h; row++ ) { // TODO: handle italics. we will need to offset the row by font->glyph_italics * row i think. // add 1px left padding memset(dest++, 0, 1); // -2 to account for padding memcpy(dest, src, sprSize.w - 2); dest += sprSize.w - 2; src += bitmap->pitch; // add 1px right padding memset(dest++, 0, 1); } // assert that we fill the buffer exactly assert((dest - pixels) == (sprSize.w * sprSize.h)); // TODO: do an underline if requested Sprite2D* spr = core->GetVideoDriver()->CreateSprite8(sprSize.w, sprSize.h, pixels, NULL, true, 0); spr->YPos = FT_FLOOR(metrics->horiBearingY); // FIXME: casting away const const Glyph& ret = ((TTFFont*)this)->CreateGlyphForCharSprite(chr, spr); spr->release(); return ret; }
/** Draws the Control on the Output Display */ void WorldMapControl::Draw(unsigned short XWin, unsigned short YWin) { WorldMap* worldmap = core->GetWorldMap(); if (!Width || !Height) { return; } if(!Changed) return; Changed = false; Video* video = core->GetVideoDriver(); Region r( XWin+XPos, YWin+YPos, Width, Height ); Region clipbackup; video->GetClipRect(clipbackup); video->SetClipRect(&r); video->BlitSprite( worldmap->GetMapMOS(), MAP_TO_SCREENX(0), MAP_TO_SCREENY(0), true, &r ); unsigned int i; unsigned int ec = worldmap->GetEntryCount(); for(i=0;i<ec;i++) { WMPAreaEntry *m = worldmap->GetEntry(i); if (! (m->GetAreaStatus() & WMP_ENTRY_VISIBLE)) continue; int xOffs = MAP_TO_SCREENX(m->X); int yOffs = MAP_TO_SCREENY(m->Y); Sprite2D* icon = m->GetMapIcon(worldmap->bam); if( icon ) { if (m == Area) { Palette *pal = icon->GetPalette(); icon->SetPalette(pal_selected); video->BlitSprite( icon, xOffs, yOffs, true, &r ); icon->SetPalette(pal); pal->Release(); } else { video->BlitSprite( icon, xOffs, yOffs, true, &r ); } video->FreeSprite( icon ); } if (AnimPicture && !strnicmp(m->AreaResRef, currentArea, 8) ) { video->BlitSprite( AnimPicture, xOffs, yOffs, true, &r ); } } // Draw WMP entry labels if (ftext==NULL) { video->SetClipRect(&clipbackup); return; } for(i=0;i<ec;i++) { WMPAreaEntry *m = worldmap->GetEntry(i); if (! (m->GetAreaStatus() & WMP_ENTRY_VISIBLE)) continue; Sprite2D *icon=m->GetMapIcon(worldmap->bam); int h=0,w=0,xpos=0,ypos=0; if (icon) { h=icon->Height; w=icon->Width; xpos=icon->XPos; ypos=icon->YPos; video->FreeSprite( icon ); } Region r2 = Region( MAP_TO_SCREENX(m->X-xpos), MAP_TO_SCREENY(m->Y-ypos), w, h ); if (!m->GetCaption()) continue; int tw = ftext->CalcStringWidth( (unsigned char*)m->GetCaption() ) + 5; int th = ftext->maxHeight; Palette* text_pal = pal_normal; if (Area == m) { text_pal = pal_selected; } else { if (! (m->GetAreaStatus() & WMP_ENTRY_VISITED)) { text_pal = pal_notvisited; } } ftext->Print( Region( r2.x + (r2.w - tw)/2, r2.y + r2.h, tw, th ), ( const unsigned char * ) m->GetCaption(), text_pal, 0, true ); } video->SetClipRect(&clipbackup); }