    SqlStorage *sql = CollectionManager::instance()->sqlStorage();
    if( !sql )
        warning() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "could not get SqlStorage, aborting";

    const QString check = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM statistics_permanent WHERE url = '%1'";
    QStringList rsCheck = sql->query( check.arg( sql->escape( m_permanentUrl ) ) );
    if( !rsCheck.isEmpty() )
        QString sqlString;
        if( rsCheck.first().toInt() )
            sqlString = "UPDATE statistics_permanent SET firstplayed = '%1',lastplayed = '%2',"
                        "score = %3,rating = %4,playcount=%5 WHERE url = '%6'";
            sqlString = "INSERT INTO statistics_permanent(firstplayed,lastplayed,score,"
                        "rating,playcount,url) VALUE ('%1','%2',%3,%4,%5,'%6')";
        sqlString = sqlString.arg( m_firstPlayed.toString( s_sqlDateFormat ),
                                   m_lastPlayed.toString( s_sqlDateFormat ),
                                   QString::number( m_score ),
                                   QString::number( m_rating ),
                                   QString::number( m_playCount ),
                                   sql->escape( m_permanentUrl ) );
        sql->query( sqlString );
void MagnatuneDatabaseWorker::doFetchTrackswithMood()
    SqlStorage *sqlDb = CollectionManager::instance()->sqlStorage();

    //ok, a huge joing turned out to be _really_ slow, so lets chop up the query a bit...

    QString queryString = "SELECT DISTINCT track_id FROM magnatune_moods WHERE mood =\"" + m_mood + "\"  ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT " + QString::number( m_noOfTracks, 10 ) + ';';

    QStringList result = sqlDb->query( queryString );

    int rowCount = ( m_registry->factory()->getTrackSqlRowCount() +
            m_registry->factory()->getAlbumSqlRowCount() +
            m_registry->factory()->getArtistSqlRowCount() +
            m_registry->factory()->getGenreSqlRowCount() );

    foreach( const QString &idString, result ) {

        QString queryString = "SELECT DISTINCT ";
        queryString += m_registry->factory()->getTrackSqlRows() + ',' +
                    m_registry->factory()->getAlbumSqlRows() + ',' +
                    m_registry->factory()->getArtistSqlRows() + ',' +

        queryString += " FROM magnatune_tracks LEFT JOIN magnatune_albums ON magnatune_tracks.album_id = magnatune_albums.id LEFT JOIN magnatune_artists ON magnatune_albums.artist_id = magnatune_artists.id LEFT JOIN magnatune_genre ON magnatune_genre.album_id = magnatune_albums.id";

        queryString += " WHERE magnatune_tracks.id = " + idString;
        queryString += " GROUP BY  magnatune_tracks.id";

        //debug() << "Querying for moody tracks: " << queryString;

        QStringList result = sqlDb->query( queryString );
        //debug() << "result: " << result;

        int resultRows = result.count() / rowCount;

        for( int i = 0; i < resultRows; i++ )
            QStringList row = result.mid( i*rowCount, rowCount );

            Meta::TrackPtr trackptr =  m_registry->getTrack( row );

            m_moodyTracks.append( trackptr );
UrlStatisticsStore::UrlStatisticsStore( Meta::Track *track, const QString &permanentUrl )
    : PersistentStatisticsStore( track )
    , m_permanentUrl( permanentUrl )
    if( m_permanentUrl.isEmpty() )
        m_permanentUrl = track->uidUrl();
    SqlStorage *sql = CollectionManager::instance()->sqlStorage();
    if( !sql )
        warning() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "could not get SqlStorage, aborting";

    const QString query = "SELECT firstplayed, lastplayed, score, rating, playcount FROM "
                          "statistics_permanent WHERE url = '%1'";
    QStringList result = sql->query( query.arg( sql->escape( m_permanentUrl ) ) );
    if( !result.isEmpty() )
        m_firstPlayed = QDateTime::fromString( result.value( 0 ), s_sqlDateFormat );
        m_lastPlayed = QDateTime::fromString( result.value( 1 ), s_sqlDateFormat );
        m_score = result.value( 2 ).toDouble();
        m_rating = result.value( 3 ).toInt();
        m_playCount = result.value( 4 ).toInt();
ServiceSqlCollection::trackForUrl(const KUrl & url)
    if ( !possiblyContainsTrack( url ) ) //do we even bother trying?
        return Meta::TrackPtr();

    //split out the parts we can be sure about ( strip username and such info )
    QString trackRows = m_metaFactory->getTrackSqlRows() + ',' + m_metaFactory->getAlbumSqlRows() + ',' +  m_metaFactory->getArtistSqlRows() + ',' +  m_metaFactory->getGenreSqlRows();

    QString prefix = m_metaFactory->tablePrefix();

    QString pristineUrl = url.url();

    SqlStorage *sqlDb = CollectionManager::instance()->sqlStorage();

    QString from =  prefix + "_tracks";
    from += " LEFT JOIN " + prefix + "_albums ON " + prefix + "_tracks.album_id = " + prefix + "_albums.id";
    from += " LEFT JOIN " + prefix + "_artists ON " + prefix + "_albums.artist_id = " + prefix + "_artists.id";
    from += " LEFT JOIN " + prefix + "_genre ON " + prefix + "_genre.album_id = " + prefix + "_albums.id";

    QString queryString = QString( "select DISTINCT %1 FROM %2 WHERE %3_tracks.preview_url = '%4' GROUP BY %5_tracks.id;" )
            .arg( trackRows)
            .arg( from )
            .arg( prefix )
            .arg( sqlDb->escape( pristineUrl ) )
            .arg( prefix );

    //debug() << "Querying for track: " << queryString;
    QStringList result = sqlDb->query( queryString );
    //debug() << "result: " << result;

    return m_registry->getTrack( result );
Exemple #5
// ------ directory
SqlRegistry::getDirectory( const QString &path, uint mtime )
    int dirId;
    int deviceId = m_collection->mountPointManager()->getIdForUrl( path );
    QString rdir = m_collection->mountPointManager()->getRelativePath( deviceId, path );

    SqlStorage *storage = m_collection->sqlStorage();

    // - find existing entry
    QString query = QString( "SELECT id, changedate FROM directories "
                             "WHERE  deviceid = %1 AND dir = '%2';" )
                        .arg( QString::number( deviceId ), storage->escape( rdir ) );
    QStringList res = storage->query( query );

    // - create new entry
    if( res.isEmpty() )
        debug() << "SqlRegistry::getDirectory(): new directory" << path;
        QString insert = QString( "INSERT INTO directories(deviceid,changedate,dir) "
                                  "VALUES (%1,%2,'%3');" )
                        .arg( QString::number( deviceId ), QString::number( mtime ),
                                storage->escape( rdir ) );
        dirId = storage->insert( insert, "directories" );
        m_collectionChanged = true;
        // update old one
        dirId = res[0].toUInt();
        uint oldMtime = res[1].toUInt();
        if( oldMtime != mtime )
            QString update = QString( "UPDATE directories SET changedate = %1 "
                                      "WHERE id = %2;" )
                .arg( QString::number( mtime ), res[0] );
            debug() << "SqlRegistry::getDirectory(): update directory" << path << "(id" <<
                    res[0] << ") from" << oldMtime << "to" << mtime << "UNIX time";
            storage->query( update );
    return dirId;
    SqlStorage *storage = m_collection->sqlStorage();

    QList<DirectoryEntry> toCheck;
    switch( m_type )
    case GenericScanManager::FullScan:
    case GenericScanManager::UpdateScan:
        toCheck = mountedDirectories();
    case GenericScanManager::PartialUpdateScan:
        toCheck = deletedDirectories();

    // -- check if the have been found during the scan
    foreach( const DirectoryEntry &e, toCheck )
        /* we need to match directories by their (absolute) path, otherwise following
         * scenario triggers statistics loss (bug 298275):
         * 1. user relocates collection to different filesystem, but clones path structure
         *    or toggles MassStorageDeviceHandler enabled in Config -> plugins.
         * 2. collectionscanner knows nothings about directory ids, so it doesn't detect
         *    any track changes and emits a bunch of skipped (unchanged) dirs with no
         *    tracks.
         * 3. SqlRegistry::getDirectory() called there from returns different directory id
         *    then in past.
         * 4. deleteDeletedDirectories() is called, and if it operates on directory ids,
         *    it happily removes _all_ directories, taking tracks with it.
         * 5. Tracks disappear from the UI until full rescan, stats, lyrics, labels are
         *    lost forever.
        QString path = m_collection->mountPointManager()->getAbsolutePath( e.deviceId, e.dir );
        bool deleteThisDir = false;
        if( !m_foundDirectories.contains( path ) )
            deleteThisDir = true;
        else if( m_foundDirectories.value( path ) != e.dirId )
            int newDirId = m_foundDirectories.value( path );
            // as a safety measure, we don't delete the old dir if relocation fails
            deleteThisDir = relocateTracksToNewDirectory( e.dirId, newDirId );

        if( deleteThisDir )
            deleteDeletedTracks( e.dirId );
            QString query = QString( "DELETE FROM directories WHERE id = %1;" ).arg( e.dirId );
            storage->query( query );
void MagnatuneDatabaseWorker::doFetchMoodMap()
    SqlStorage *sqlDb = CollectionManager::instance()->sqlStorage();
    QString queryString = "select count( mood ), mood from magnatune_moods GROUP BY mood;";
    debug() << "Querying for moods: " << queryString;
    QStringList result = sqlDb->query( queryString );
    debug() << "result: " << result;

    while ( !result.isEmpty() ) {
        int count = result.takeFirst().toInt();
        QString string =  result.takeFirst();
        m_moodMap.insert( string, count );

Exemple #8
SqlPlaylist::trackCount() const
    if( m_tracksLoaded )
        return m_tracks.count();

    QString query = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM playlist_tracks WHERE playlist_id=%1;";

    SqlStorage *sql = CollectionManager::instance()->sqlStorage();
    Q_ASSERT( sql );

    QStringList results = sql->query( query.arg( m_dbId ) );
    debug() << results;
    if( results.isEmpty() )
        error() << "no results for COUNT query on playlist_tracks table!";
        return -1;
    int trackCount = results.first().toInt();
    return trackCount;
Exemple #9
SqlPlaylist::saveToDb( bool tracks )
    int parentId = -1;
    if( m_parent )
        parentId = m_parent->id();

    SqlStorage *sql = CollectionManager::instance()->sqlStorage();

    //figure out if we have a urlId and if this id is already in the db, if so, update it instead of creating a new one.
    if( !m_urlId.isEmpty() )
        debug() << "Checking " << m_urlId << " against db";

        //check if urlId exists
        QString query = "SELECT id from playlists WHERE urlid='%1'";
        query = query.arg( sql->escape( m_urlId ) );
        QStringList result = sql->query( query );

        if( !result.isEmpty() )
            //set this id to the already existing one
            m_dbId =  result.at( 0 ).toInt();
            debug() << "Got existing playlist with id " << m_dbId;

    if( m_dbId != -1 )
        //update existing
        QString query = "UPDATE playlists SET parent_id=%1, name='%2', description='%3' WHERE id=%4;";
        query = query.arg( QString::number( parentId ) )
                .arg( sql->escape( m_name ) )
                .arg( sql->escape( m_description ) )
                .arg( QString::number( m_dbId ) );
        CollectionManager::instance()->sqlStorage()->query( query );

        if( tracks )
            //delete existing tracks and insert all
            query = "DELETE FROM playlist_tracks where playlist_id=%1;";
            query = query.arg( QString::number( m_dbId ) );
            CollectionManager::instance()->sqlStorage()->query( query );
        //insert new
        QString query = "INSERT INTO playlists ( parent_id, name, description, urlid ) "
                        "VALUES ( %1, '%2', '%3', '%4' );";
        query = query.arg( QString::number( parentId ) )
                .arg( sql->escape( m_name ) )
                .arg( sql->escape( m_description ) )
                .arg( sql->escape( m_urlId ) );
        m_dbId = CollectionManager::instance()->sqlStorage()->insert( query, "playlists" );
        if( tracks )

    //HACK! if this has just been added from the collection scanner, the list is full of "dirty"
    //tracks that might not all have been properly trackForUrl'ed, so clear the track list so we
    //reload if we ever need them!
    if( !m_urlId.isEmpty() )
        m_tracksLoaded = false;

    //clean the cache
    if( m_parent )

    return true;