bool PanoDetector::loadProject() { ifstream ptoFile(_inputFile.c_str()); if (ptoFile.bad()) { cerr << "ERROR: could not open file: '" << _inputFile << "'!" << endl; return false; } _prefix=hugin_utils::getPathPrefix(_inputFile); if(_prefix.empty()) { // Get the current working directory: char* buffer; #ifdef _WINDOWS #define getcwd _getcwd #endif if((buffer=getcwd(NULL,0))!=NULL) { _prefix.append(buffer); free(buffer); _prefix=includeTrailingPathSep(_prefix); } }; _panoramaInfo->setFilePrefix(_prefix); AppBase::DocumentData::ReadWriteError err = _panoramaInfo->readData(ptoFile); if (err != AppBase::DocumentData::SUCCESSFUL) { cerr << "ERROR: couldn't parse panos tool script: '" << _inputFile << "'!" << endl; return false; } // Create a copy of panoramaInfo that will be used to define // image options _panoramaInfoCopy=_panoramaInfo->duplicate(); // Add images found in the project file to _filesData unsigned int nImg = _panoramaInfo->getNrOfImages(); unsigned int imgWithKeyfile=0; for (unsigned int imgNr = 0; imgNr < nImg; ++imgNr) { // insert the image in the map _filesData.insert(make_pair(imgNr, ImgData())); // get the data ImgData& aImgData = _filesData[imgNr]; // get a copy of image info SrcPanoImage img = _panoramaInfoCopy.getSrcImage(imgNr); // set the name aImgData._name = img.getFilename(); // modify image position in the copy img.setYaw(0); img.setRoll(0); img.setPitch(0); img.setX(0); img.setY(0); img.setZ(0); img.setActive(true); img.setResponseType(SrcPanoImage::RESPONSE_LINEAR); img.setExposureValue(0); _panoramaInfoCopy.setImage(imgNr,img); // Number pointing to image info in _panoramaInfo aImgData._number = imgNr; aImgData._needsremap=(img.getHFOV()>=65 && img.getProjection() != SrcPanoImage::FISHEYE_STEREOGRAPHIC); // set image detection size if(aImgData._needsremap) { _filesData[imgNr]._detectWidth = max(img.getSize().width(),img.getSize().height()); _filesData[imgNr]._detectHeight = max(img.getSize().width(),img.getSize().height()); } else { _filesData[imgNr]._detectWidth = img.getSize().width(); _filesData[imgNr]._detectHeight = img.getSize().height(); }; if (_downscale) { _filesData[imgNr]._detectWidth >>= 1; _filesData[imgNr]._detectHeight >>= 1; } // set image remapping options if(aImgData._needsremap) { aImgData._projOpts.setProjection(PanoramaOptions::STEREOGRAPHIC); aImgData._projOpts.setHFOV(250); aImgData._projOpts.setVFOV(250); aImgData._projOpts.setWidth(250); aImgData._projOpts.setHeight(250); // determine size of output image. // The old code did not work with images with images with a FOV // approaching 180 degrees vigra::Rect2D roi=estimateOutputROI(_panoramaInfoCopy,aImgData._projOpts,imgNr); double scalefactor = max((double)_filesData[imgNr]._detectWidth / roi.width(), (double)_filesData[imgNr]._detectHeight / roi.height() ); // resize output canvas vigra::Size2D canvasSize((int)aImgData._projOpts.getWidth() * scalefactor, (int)aImgData._projOpts.getHeight() * scalefactor); aImgData._projOpts.setWidth(canvasSize.width(), false); aImgData._projOpts.setHeight(canvasSize.height()); // set roi to cover the remapped input image roi = roi * scalefactor; _filesData[imgNr]._detectWidth = roi.width(); _filesData[imgNr]._detectHeight = roi.height(); aImgData._projOpts.setROI(roi); } // Specify if the image has an associated keypoint file aImgData._keyfilename = getKeyfilenameFor(_keypath,aImgData._name); ifstream keyfile(aImgData._keyfilename.c_str()); aImgData._hasakeyfile = keyfile.good(); if(aImgData._hasakeyfile) { imgWithKeyfile++; }; } //update masks, convert positive masks into negative masks //because positive masks works only if the images are on the final positions _panoramaInfoCopy.updateMasks(true); //if all images has keyfile, we don't need to load celeste model file if(nImg==imgWithKeyfile) { _celeste=false; }; return true; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // parse arguments const char* optstring = "o:p:f:c:s:lh"; static struct option longOptions[] = { {"output", required_argument, NULL, 'o' }, {"projection", required_argument, NULL, 'p' }, {"fov", required_argument, NULL, 'f' }, {"crop", required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, {"stacklength", required_argument, NULL, 's' }, {"linkstacks", no_argument, NULL, 'l' }, {"distortion", no_argument, NULL, 300 }, {"vignetting", no_argument, NULL, 301 }, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, 0 }; int c; int optionIndex = 0; string output; int projection=-1; float fov=-1; int stackLength=1; bool linkStacks=false; vigra::Rect2D cropRect(0,0,0,0); bool loadDistortion=false; bool loadVignetting=false; while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, optstring, longOptions,&optionIndex)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'o': output = optarg; break; case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return 0; case 'p': { projection=atoi(optarg); if((projection==0) && (strcmp(optarg,"0")!=0)) { cerr << "Could not parse image number."; return 1; }; if(projection<0) { cerr << "Invalid projection number." << endl; return 1; }; }; break; case 'f': fov=atof(optarg); if(fov<1 || fov>360) { cerr << "Invalid field of view"; return 1; }; break; case 'c': { int left, right, top, bottom; int n=sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d,%d,%d", &left, &right, &top, &bottom); if (n==4) { if(right>left && bottom>top) { cropRect.setUpperLeft(vigra::Point2D(left,top)); cropRect.setLowerRight(vigra::Point2D(right,bottom)); } else { cerr << "Invalid crop area" << endl; return 1; }; } else { cerr << "Could not parse crop values" << endl; return 1; }; }; break; case 's': stackLength=atoi(optarg); if(stackLength<1) { cerr << "Could not parse stack length." << endl; return 1; }; break; case 'l': linkStacks=true; break; case 300: loadDistortion=true; break; case 301: loadVignetting=true; break; case ':': cerr <<"Option " << longOptions[optionIndex].name << " requires a number" << endl; return 1; break; case '?': break; default: abort (); } } if (argc - optind < 1) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; }; cout << "Generating pto file..." << endl; cout.flush(); std::vector<string> filelist; while(optind<argc) { string input; #ifdef _WINDOWS //do globbing input=GetAbsoluteFilename(argv[optind]); char drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; char dir[_MAX_DIR]; char fname[_MAX_FNAME]; char ext[_MAX_EXT]; char newFile[_MAX_PATH]; _splitpath(input.c_str(), drive, dir, NULL, NULL); struct _finddata_t finddata; intptr_t findhandle = _findfirst(input.c_str(), &finddata); if (findhandle != -1) { do { //ignore folder, can be happen when using *.* if((finddata.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)==0) { _splitpath(, NULL, NULL, fname, ext); _makepath(newFile, drive, dir, fname, ext); //check if valid image file if(vigra::isImage(newFile)) { filelist.push_back(std::string(newFile)); }; }; } while (_findnext(findhandle, &finddata) == 0); _findclose(findhandle); } #else input=argv[optind]; if(hugin_utils::FileExists(input)) { if(vigra::isImage(input.c_str())) { filelist.push_back(GetAbsoluteFilename(input)); }; }; #endif optind++; }; if(filelist.size()==0) { cerr << "No valid image files given." << endl; return 1; }; //sort filenames sort(filelist.begin(),filelist.end(),doj::alphanum_less()); if(projection<0) { InitLensDB(); }; Panorama pano; for(size_t i=0; i<filelist.size();i++) { SrcPanoImage srcImage; cout << "Reading " << filelist[i] << "..." << endl; srcImage.setFilename(filelist[i]); try { vigra::ImageImportInfo info(filelist[i].c_str()); if(info.width()==0 || info.height()==0) { cerr << "ERROR: Could not decode image " << filelist[i] << endl << "Skipping this image." << endl << endl; continue; } srcImage.setSize(info.size()); std::string pixelType=info.getPixelType(); if((pixelType=="UINT8") || (pixelType=="UINT16") || (pixelType=="INT16")) { srcImage.setResponseType(HuginBase::SrcPanoImage::RESPONSE_EMOR); } else { srcImage.setResponseType(HuginBase::SrcPanoImage::RESPONSE_LINEAR); }; } catch(std::exception & e) { cerr << "ERROR: caught exception: " << e.what() << endl; cerr << "Could not read image information for file " << filelist[i] << endl; cerr << "Skipping this image." << endl << endl; continue; }; srcImage.readEXIF(); srcImage.applyEXIFValues(); if(projection>=0) { srcImage.setProjection((HuginBase::BaseSrcPanoImage::Projection)projection); } else { srcImage.readProjectionFromDB(); }; if(fov>0) { srcImage.setHFOV(fov); if(srcImage.getCropFactor()==0) { srcImage.setCropFactor(1.0); }; } else { //set plausible default value if they could not read from exif if(srcImage.getExifFocalLength()==0 || srcImage.getCropFactor()==0) { cout << "\tNo value for field of view found in EXIF data. " << endl << "\tAssuming a HFOV of 50 degrees. " << endl; srcImage.setHFOV(50); srcImage.setCropFactor(1.0); }; }; if(cropRect.width()>0 && cropRect.height()>0) { if(srcImage.isCircularCrop()) { srcImage.setCropMode(SrcPanoImage::CROP_CIRCLE); } else { srcImage.setCropMode(SrcPanoImage::CROP_RECTANGLE); }; srcImage.setAutoCenterCrop(false); srcImage.setCropRect(cropRect); }; if(loadDistortion) { if(srcImage.readDistortionFromDB()) { cout << "\tRead distortion data from lensfun database." << endl; } else { cout << "\tNo valid distortion data found in lensfun database." << endl; }; }; if(loadVignetting) { if(srcImage.readVignettingFromDB()) { cout << "\tRead vignetting data from lensfun database." << endl; } else { cout << "\tNo valid vignetting data found in lensfun database." << endl; }; }; pano.addImage(srcImage); }; if(pano.getNrOfImages()==0) { cerr << "Adding images to project files failed." << endl; HuginBase::LensDB::LensDB::Clean(); return 1; }; //link lenses if(pano.getNrOfImages()>1) { double redBalanceAnchor=pano.getImage(pano.getOptions().colorReferenceImage).getExifRedBalance(); double blueBalanceAnchor=pano.getImage(pano.getOptions().colorReferenceImage).getExifBlueBalance(); if(fabs(redBalanceAnchor)<1e-2) { redBalanceAnchor=1; }; if(fabs(blueBalanceAnchor)<1e-2) { blueBalanceAnchor=1; }; StandardImageVariableGroups variable_groups(pano); ImageVariableGroup& lenses = variable_groups.getLenses(); for(size_t i=1;i<pano.getNrOfImages();i++) { int image=-1; const SrcPanoImage & srcImg=pano.getImage(i); for(size_t j=0;j<i;j++) { const SrcPanoImage & compareImg=pano.getImage(j); if(srcImg.getHFOV()==compareImg.getHFOV() && srcImg.getProjection()==compareImg.getProjection() && srcImg.getExifModel()==compareImg.getExifModel() && srcImg.getExifMake()==compareImg.getExifMake() && srcImg.getSize()==compareImg.getSize()) { image=j; break; }; }; if(image!=-1) { SrcPanoImage img=pano.getSrcImage(i); double ev=img.getExposureValue(); lenses.switchParts(i,lenses.getPartNumber(image)); lenses.unlinkVariableImage(HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::IVE_ExposureValue, i); img.setExposureValue(ev); lenses.unlinkVariableImage(HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::IVE_WhiteBalanceRed, i); lenses.unlinkVariableImage(HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::IVE_WhiteBalanceBlue, i); img.setWhiteBalanceRed(img.getExifRedBalance()/redBalanceAnchor); img.setWhiteBalanceBlue(img.getExifBlueBalance()/blueBalanceAnchor); pano.setSrcImage(i, img); }; }; cout << endl << "Assigned " << lenses.getNumberOfParts() << " lenses." << endl; if(lenses.getNumberOfParts()>1 && stackLength>1) { cout << "Project contains more than one lens, but you requested to assign" << endl << "stacks. This is not supported. Therefore stacks will not be" << endl << "assigned." << endl << endl; stackLength=1; }; }; //link stacks if(pano.getNrOfImages()>1 && stackLength>1) { stackLength=std::min<int>(stackLength,pano.getNrOfImages()); int stackCount=pano.getNrOfImages() / stackLength; if(pano.getNrOfImages() % stackLength > 0) { stackCount++; }; if(stackCount<pano.getNrOfImages()) { for(size_t stackNr=0;stackNr<stackCount;stackNr++) { size_t firstImgStack=stackNr*stackLength; for(size_t i=0;i<stackLength;i++) { if(firstImgStack+i<pano.getNrOfImages()) { pano.linkImageVariableStack(firstImgStack,firstImgStack+i); if(linkStacks) { pano.linkImageVariableYaw(firstImgStack,firstImgStack+i); pano.linkImageVariablePitch(firstImgStack,firstImgStack+i); pano.linkImageVariableRoll(firstImgStack,firstImgStack+i); }; }; }; }; cout << "Assigned " << stackCount << " stacks." << endl; }; }; //set output exposure value PanoramaOptions opt = pano.getOptions(); opt.outputExposureValue = CalculateMeanExposure::calcMeanExposure(pano); pano.setOptions(opt); // set optimizer switches pano.setOptimizerSwitch(HuginBase::OPT_PAIR); pano.setPhotometricOptimizerSwitch(HuginBase::OPT_EXPOSURE | HuginBase::OPT_VIGNETTING | HuginBase::OPT_RESPONSE); //output if(output=="") { output=hugin_utils::stripExtension(pano.getImage(0).getFilename()); if(pano.getNrOfImages()>1) { output.append("-"); output.append(hugin_utils::stripExtension(hugin_utils::stripPath(pano.getImage(pano.getNrOfImages()-1).getFilename()))); }; output=output.append(".pto"); }; output=GetAbsoluteFilename(output); //write output UIntSet imgs; fill_set(imgs,0, pano.getNrOfImages()-1); ofstream of(output.c_str()); pano.printPanoramaScript(of, pano.getOptimizeVector(), pano.getOptions(), imgs, false, hugin_utils::getPathPrefix(output)); cout << endl << "Written output to " << output << endl; HuginBase::LensDB::LensDB::Clean(); return 0; }