static void bt_handler(int sig) {
  // In case we crash again in the signal hander or something
  signal(sig, SIG_DFL);

  // Generating a stack dumps significant time, try to stop threads
  // from flushing bad data or generating more faults meanwhile
  if (sig==SIGQUIT || sig==SIGILL || sig==SIGSEGV || sig==SIGBUS) {
    // leave running for SIGTERM SIGFPE SIGABRT

  // Turn on stack traces for coredumps
  StackTrace::Enabled = true;
  StackTraceNoHeap st;

  char pid[sizeof(Process::GetProcessId())*3+2]; // '-' and \0
  char tracefn[StackTraceBase::ReportDirectory.length()
               + strlen("/stacktrace..log") + strlen(pid) + 1];
  sprintf(tracefn, "%s/stacktrace.%s.log",
          StackTraceBase::ReportDirectory.c_str(), pid);

  st.log(strsignal(sig), tracefn, pid);

  //cerr << logmessage << endl;
  if (!StackTrace::ReportEmail.empty()) {
    //cerr << "Emailing trace to " << StackTrace::ReportEmail << endl;
    char format [] = "cat %s | mail -s \"Stack Trace from %s\"%s";
    char cmdline[strlen(format)+strlen(tracefn)
    sprintf(cmdline, format, tracefn, Process::GetAppName().c_str(),

  // Calling all of these library functions in a signal handler
  // is completely undefined behavior, but we seem to get away with it.
  // Do it last just in case

  Logger::Error("Core dumped: %s", strsignal(sig));

  // re-raise the signal and pass it to the default handler
  // to terminate the process.
static void bt_handler(int sig) {
  // In case we crash again in the signal hander or something
  signal(sig, SIG_DFL);

  IsCrashing = true;
  // Generating a stack dumps significant time, try to stop threads
  // from flushing bad data or generating more faults meanwhile
  if (sig==SIGQUIT || sig==SIGILL || sig==SIGSEGV || sig==SIGBUS) {
    // leave running for SIGTERM SIGFPE SIGABRT

  if (RuntimeOption::EvalSpinOnCrash) {
    char buf[128];
    snprintf(buf, 127,
             "Crashed. Waiting for debugger to attach pid %d\n", getpid());
    buf[127] = 0;
    write(STDERR_FILENO, buf, strlen(buf));
    for (;;) sleep(1);

  // Turn on stack traces for coredumps
  StackTrace::Enabled = true;
  StackTraceNoHeap st;

  char pid[sizeof(Process::GetProcessId())*3+2]; // '-' and \0
  char tracefn[RuntimeOption::CoreDumpReportDirectory.length()
               + strlen("/stacktrace..log") + strlen(pid) + 1];
  sprintf(tracefn, "%s/stacktrace.%s.log",
          RuntimeOption::CoreDumpReportDirectory.c_str(), pid);

  int debuggerCount = RuntimeOption::EnableDebugger ?
    Eval::Debugger::CountConnectedProxy() : 0;

  st.log(strsignal(sig), tracefn, pid, kCompilerId, debuggerCount);

  int fd = ::open(tracefn, O_APPEND|O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
  if (fd >= 0) {
    if (!g_context.isNull()) {
      dprintf(fd, "\nPHP Stacktrace:\n\n%s",

  if (!RuntimeOption::CoreDumpEmail.empty()) {
    char format [] = "cat %s | mail -s \"Stack Trace from %s\" '%s'";
    char cmdline[strlen(format)+strlen(tracefn)
    sprintf(cmdline, format, tracefn, Process::GetAppName().c_str(),

  // Calling all of these library functions in a signal handler
  // is completely undefined behavior, but we seem to get away with it.
  // Do it last just in case

  Logger::Error("Core dumped: %s", strsignal(sig));

  // Give the debugger a chance to do extra logging if there are any attached
  // debugger clients.

  if (!g_context.isNull()) {
    // sync up gdb Dwarf info so that gdb can do a full backtrace
    // from the core file. Do this at the very end as syncing needs
    // to allocate memory for the ELF file.

  // re-raise the signal and pass it to the default handler
  // to terminate the process.
Exemple #3
static void bt_handler(int sig) {
    // In case we crash again in the signal hander or something
    signal(sig, SIG_DFL);
    IsCrashing = true;

    // Make a stacktrace file to prove we were crashing. Do this before anything
    // else has a chance to deadlock us.
    int fd = ::open(RuntimeOption::StackTraceFilename.c_str(),
                    O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);

    if (RuntimeOption::EvalDumpRingBufferOnCrash) {

    if (RuntimeOption::EvalSpinOnCrash) {
        char buf[128];
        snprintf(buf, 127,
                 "Crashed. Waiting for debugger to attach pid %d\n", getpid());
        buf[127] = 0;
        write(STDERR_FILENO, buf, strlen(buf));
        for (;;) sleep(1);

    if (fd < 0) {
        // Nothing to do if we can't write the file

    // Turn on stack traces for coredumps
    StackTrace::Enabled = true;
    static const char* s_newBlacklist[] =
    {"_ZN4HPHP16StackTraceNoHeap", "_ZN4HPHPL10bt_handlerEi", "killpg"};
    StackTrace::FunctionBlacklist = s_newBlacklist;
    StackTrace::FunctionBlacklistCount = 3;
    StackTraceNoHeap st;

    int debuggerCount = RuntimeOption::EnableDebugger ?
                        Eval::Debugger::CountConnectedProxy() : 0;

    st.log(strsignal(sig), fd, kCompilerId, debuggerCount);

    // flush so if php crashes us we still have this output so far

    if (fd >= 0) {
        if (!g_context.isNull()) {
            dprintf(fd, "\nPHP Stacktrace:\n\n%s",

    if (!RuntimeOption::CoreDumpEmail.empty()) {
        char format [] = "cat %s | mail -s \"Stack Trace from %s\" '%s'";
        char cmdline[strlen(format)+RuntimeOption::StackTraceFilename.length()
        sprintf(cmdline, format, RuntimeOption::StackTraceFilename.c_str(),

    // Calling all of these library functions in a signal handler
    // is completely undefined behavior, but we seem to get away with it.
    // Do it last just in case

    Logger::Error("Core dumped: %s", strsignal(sig));

    // Give the debugger a chance to do extra logging if there are any attached
    // debugger clients.

    if (!g_context.isNull()) {
        // sync up gdb Dwarf info so that gdb can do a full backtrace
        // from the core file. Do this at the very end as syncing needs
        // to allocate memory for the ELF file.

    // re-raise the signal and pass it to the default handler
    // to terminate the process.
static void bt_handler(int sig) {
  // In case we crash again in the signal hander or something
  signal(sig, SIG_DFL);

  // Generating a stack dumps significant time, try to stop threads
  // from flushing bad data or generating more faults meanwhile
  if (sig==SIGQUIT || sig==SIGILL || sig==SIGSEGV || sig==SIGBUS) {
    // leave running for SIGTERM SIGFPE SIGABRT

  // Turn on stack traces for coredumps
  StackTrace::Enabled = true;
  StackTraceNoHeap st;

  char pid[sizeof(Process::GetProcessId())*3+2]; // '-' and \0
  char tracefn[StackTraceBase::ReportDirectory.length()
               + strlen("/stacktrace..log") + strlen(pid) + 1];
  sprintf(tracefn, "%s/stacktrace.%s.log",
          StackTraceBase::ReportDirectory.c_str(), pid);

  st.log(strsignal(sig), tracefn, pid);

  int fd = ::open(tracefn, O_APPEND|O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
  if (fd >= 0) {
    if (!g_context.isNull()) {
      dprintf(fd, "\nPHP Stacktrace:\n\n%s",

  if (!StackTrace::ReportEmail.empty()) {
    char format [] = "cat %s | mail -s \"Stack Trace from %s\" '%s'";
    char cmdline[strlen(format)+strlen(tracefn)
    sprintf(cmdline, format, tracefn, Process::GetAppName().c_str(),

  // Calling all of these library functions in a signal handler
  // is completely undefined behavior, but we seem to get away with it.
  // Do it last just in case

  Logger::Error("Core dumped: %s", strsignal(sig));

  if (hhvm && !g_context.isNull()) {
    // sync up gdb Dwarf info so that gdb can do a full backtrace
    // from the core file. Do this at the very end as syncing needs
    // to allocate memory for the ELF file.

  // re-raise the signal and pass it to the default handler
  // to terminate the process.
Exemple #5
static void bt_handler(int sig) {
  if (IsCrashing) {
    // If we re-enter bt_handler while already crashing, just abort. This
    // includes if we hit the timeout set below.
    signal(SIGABRT, SIG_DFL);

  // TSAN instruments malloc() to make sure it can't be used in signal handlers.
  // Unfortunately, we use malloc() all over the place here.  This is bad, but
  // ends up working most of the time.  Just abort so TSAN won't infinite crash
  // loop.
  if (use_tsan) {
    signal(SIGABRT, SIG_DFL);

  // In case we crash again in the signal handler or something. Do this before
  // setting up the timeout to avoid potential races.
  IsCrashing = true;
  signal(sig, SIG_DFL);

  if (RuntimeOption::StackTraceTimeout > 0) {
    signal(SIGALRM, bt_handler);

  // Make a stacktrace file to prove we were crashing. Do this before anything
  // else has a chance to deadlock us.
  int fd = ::open(RuntimeOption::StackTraceFilename.c_str(),

  if (RuntimeOption::EvalDumpRingBufferOnCrash) {
    Trace::dumpRingBuffer(RuntimeOption::EvalDumpRingBufferOnCrash, 0);

  if (RuntimeOption::EvalSpinOnCrash) {
    char buf[128];
    snprintf(buf, 127,
             "Crashed. Waiting for debugger to attach pid %d\n", getpid());
    buf[127] = 0;
    write(STDERR_FILENO, buf, strlen(buf));
    for (;;) sleep(1);

  if (fd < 0) {
    // Nothing to do if we can't write the file

  // Turn on stack traces for coredumps
  StackTrace::Enabled = true;
  StackTrace::FunctionBlacklist = s_newBlacklist;
  StackTrace::FunctionBlacklistCount = 3;
  StackTraceNoHeap st;

  auto const debuggerCount = [&] {
    if (RuntimeOption::EnableDebugger) {
      return Eval::Debugger::CountConnectedProxy();
    // We don't have a count of xdebug clients across all requests, so just
    // check the current request.
    if (XDebugServer::isAttached()) {
      return 1;
    return 0;

  st.log(strsignal(sig), fd, compilerId().begin(), debuggerCount);

  // flush so if php crashes us we still have this output so far

  if (fd >= 0) {
    // Don't attempt to determine function arguments in the PHP backtrace, as
    // that might involve re-entering the VM.
    if (!g_context.isNull()) {
      dprintf(fd, "\nPHP Stacktrace:\n\n%s",

  if (jit::transdb::enabled()) {

  if (!RuntimeOption::CoreDumpEmail.empty()) {
    char format [] = "cat %s | mail -s \"Stack Trace from %s\" '%s'";
    char* cmdline = (char*)alloca(sizeof(char) *
    sprintf(cmdline, format, RuntimeOption::StackTraceFilename.c_str(),

  // Calling all of these library functions in a signal handler
  // is completely undefined behavior, but we seem to get away with it.
  // Do it last just in case

  Logger::Error("Core dumped: %s", strsignal(sig));
  Logger::Error("Stack trace in %s", RuntimeOption::StackTraceFilename.c_str());

  // Flush whatever access logs are still pending

  // Give the debugger a chance to do extra logging if there are any attached
  // debugger clients.

  if (!g_context.isNull()) {
    // sync up gdb Dwarf info so that gdb can do a full backtrace
    // from the core file. Do this at the very end as syncing needs
    // to allocate memory for the ELF file.

  // re-raise the signal and pass it to the default handler
  // to terminate the process.