bool RobotNavigator::setCurrentPosition()
	StampedTransform transform;
		mTfListener.lookupTransform(mMapFrame, mRobotFrame, Time(0), transform);
	}catch(TransformException ex)
		ROS_ERROR("Could not get robot position: %s", ex.what());
		return false;
	double world_x = transform.getOrigin().x();
	double world_y = transform.getOrigin().y();
	double world_theta = getYaw(transform.getRotation());

	unsigned int current_x = (world_x - mCurrentMap.getOriginX()) / mCurrentMap.getResolution();
	unsigned int current_y = (world_y - mCurrentMap.getOriginY()) / mCurrentMap.getResolution();
	unsigned int i;
	if(!mCurrentMap.getIndex(current_x, current_y, i))
		if(mHasNewMap || !getMap() || !mCurrentMap.getIndex(current_x, current_y, i))
			ROS_ERROR("Is the robot out of the map?");
			return false;
	mStartPoint = i;
	mCurrentDirection = world_theta;
	mCurrentPositionX = world_x;
	mCurrentPositionY = world_y;
	return true;
Exemple #2
/** Constructor.
 * @param data initial stamped transform data
 * @param frame_id parent frame ID
 * @param child_frame_id child frame ID
TransformStorage::TransformStorage(const StampedTransform& data,
                                   CompactFrameID frame_id,
                                   CompactFrameID child_frame_id)
: rotation(data.getRotation())
, translation(data.getOrigin())
, stamp(data.stamp)
, frame_id(frame_id)
, child_frame_id(child_frame_id)
{ }
  transformSubCallback(const tf::tfMessageConstPtr& msg)
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(m_mutex_pointCloudSubCallback);

    if(frame_id_.size()<1) {
      ROS_WARN("frame id is missing");

    //pcl::PointCloud<Point>::Ptr pc = pcl::PointCloud<Point>::Ptr(new pcl::PointCloud<Point>);

    StampedTransform transform;
          std::string mapped_src = assert_resolved(tf_prefix_, source_frame);

          if (mapped_tgt == mapped_src) {
                  transform.child_frame_id_ = mapped_src;
                  transform.frame_id_       = mapped_tgt;
                  transform.stamp_          = now();
      //ROS_INFO("%s", frame_id_.c_str());
      std::stringstream ss2;
      tf_listener_.waitForTransform("/map", frame_id_, ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(0.1));
      tf_listener_.lookupTransform("/map", frame_id_, ros::Time(0), transform);
      KDL::Frame frame_KDL, frame_KDL_old;
      tf::TransformTFToKDL(transform, frame_KDL);
      tf::TransformTFToKDL(transform_old_, frame_KDL_old);
      double r,p,y;
      double r_old,p_old,y_old;

      if(trigger_always_ || first_ || fabs(r-r_old) > r_limit_ || fabs(p-p_old) > p_limit_ || fabs(y-y_old) > y_limit_ ||
          transform.getOrigin().distance(transform_old_.getOrigin()) > distance_limit_)
        if(triggerKeyFrame()) {
          transform_old_ = transform;
    catch (tf::TransformException ex)
      ROS_ERROR("[keyframe_detector] : %s",ex.what());
  // filter loop
  void OdomEstimationNode::spin(const ros::TimerEvent& e)
    ROS_DEBUG("Spin function at time %f", ros::Time::now().toSec());

    // check for timing problems
    if ( (odom_initializing_ || odom_active_) && (imu_initializing_ || imu_active_) ){
      double diff = fabs( Duration(odom_stamp_ - imu_stamp_).toSec() );
      if (diff > 1.0) ROS_ERROR("Timestamps of odometry and imu are %f seconds apart.", diff);
    // initial value for filter stamp; keep this stamp when no sensors are active
    filter_stamp_ = Time::now();
    // check which sensors are still active
    if ((odom_active_ || odom_initializing_) && 
        (Time::now() - odom_time_).toSec() > timeout_){
      odom_active_ = false; odom_initializing_ = false;
      ROS_INFO("Odom sensor not active any more");
    if ((imu_active_ || imu_initializing_) && 
        (Time::now() - imu_time_).toSec() > timeout_){
      imu_active_ = false;  imu_initializing_ = false;
      ROS_INFO("Imu sensor not active any more");
    if ((vo_active_ || vo_initializing_) && 
        (Time::now() - vo_time_).toSec() > timeout_){
      vo_active_ = false;  vo_initializing_ = false;
      ROS_INFO("VO sensor not active any more");
    // only update filter when one of the sensors is active
    if (odom_active_ || imu_active_ || vo_active_){
      // update filter at time where all sensor measurements are available
      if (odom_active_)  filter_stamp_ = min(filter_stamp_, odom_stamp_);
      if (imu_active_)   filter_stamp_ = min(filter_stamp_, imu_stamp_);
      if (vo_active_)    filter_stamp_ = min(filter_stamp_, vo_stamp_);
      // update filter
      if ( my_filter_.isInitialized() )  {
        bool diagnostics = true;
        if (my_filter_.update(odom_active_, imu_active_, vo_active_,  filter_stamp_, diagnostics)){
          // output most recent estimate and relative covariance
          // broadcast most recent estimate to TransformArray
          StampedTransform tmp;
          my_filter_.getEstimate(ros::Time(), tmp);
          odom_broadcaster_.sendTransform(StampedTransform(tmp, tmp.stamp_, output_frame_, "base_footprint"));
          if (debug_){
            // write to file
            ColumnVector estimate; 
            for (unsigned int i=1; i<=6; i++)
              corr_file_ << estimate(i) << " ";
            corr_file_ << endl;
        if (self_diagnose_ && !diagnostics)
          ROS_WARN("Robot pose ekf diagnostics discovered a potential problem");
      // initialize filer with odometry frame
      if ( odom_active_ && !my_filter_.isInitialized()){
        my_filter_.initialize(odom_meas_, odom_stamp_);
        ROS_INFO("Kalman filter initialized with odom measurement");
      else if ( vo_active_ && !my_filter_.isInitialized()){
        my_filter_.initialize(vo_meas_, vo_stamp_);
        ROS_INFO("Kalman filter initialized with vo measurement");