int main( int argc, char** argv ) { QApplication qApplication(argc, argv); qApplication.setOrganizationName("Opposite Renderer"); qApplication.setApplicationName("Opposite Renderer"); QTextStream out(stdout); QTextStream in(stdin); try { ComputeDeviceRepository repository; const std::vector<ComputeDevice> & repo = repository.getComputeDevices(); if(repo.empty()) { out << "You must have a CUDA enabled GPU to run this application." << endl << "Press ENTER to quit." << endl;; return 1; } out << "Available compute devices:" << endl; for(int i = 0; i < repo.size(); i++) { const ComputeDevice & device =; out << " " << i << ": " << device.getName() << " (CC " << device.getComputeCapability() << " PCI Bus "<< device.getPCIBusId() <<")" << endl; } int deviceNumber = repo.size() == 1 ? 0 : -1; while (deviceNumber >= repo.size() || deviceNumber < 0) { out << "Select 0-" << repo.size()-1 << ":" << endl; in >> deviceNumber; } out << deviceNumber << endl; ComputeDevice device =; StandaloneApplication application = StandaloneApplication(qApplication, device); // Run application QThread* applicationThread = new QThread(&qApplication); application.moveToThread(applicationThread); applicationThread->start(); MainWindowBase mainWindow(application); mainWindow.showMaximized(); int returnCode = qApplication.exec(); application.wait(); applicationThread->quit(); applicationThread->wait(); return returnCode; } catch(const std::exception & E) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Exception Thrown During Launch of Standalone", E.what()); return -1; } }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { QApplication qApplication(argc, argv); qApplication.setOrganizationName("Opposite Renderer"); qApplication.setApplicationName("Opposite Renderer"); //attachConEmu(); QTextStream out(stdout); QTextStream in(stdin); //setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, NULL); // vmarz: disable output stream buffering, otherwise printf output doesn't show up consistently //setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, NULL); try { ComputeDeviceRepository repository; const std::vector<ComputeDevice> & repo = repository.getComputeDevices(); if(repo.empty()) { out << "You must have a CUDA enabled GPU to run this application." << endl << "Press ENTER to quit." << endl;; return 1; } out << "Available compute devices:" << endl; for(int i = 0; i < repo.size(); i++) { const ComputeDevice & device =; out << " " << i << ": " << device.getName() << " (CC " << device.getComputeCapability() << " PCI Bus "<< device.getPCIBusId() <<")" << endl; } int deviceNumber = repo.size() == 1 ? 0 : -1; while (deviceNumber >= repo.size() || deviceNumber < 0) { out << "Select 0-" << repo.size()-1 << ":" << endl; in >> deviceNumber; } out << "Using device: " << deviceNumber << endl; ComputeDevice device =; StandaloneApplication application = StandaloneApplication(qApplication, device); // Run application QThread* applicationThread = new QThread(&qApplication); applicationThread->setObjectName("QThread::Application"); application.moveToThread(applicationThread); applicationThread->start(); MainWindowBase mainWindow(application); //mainWindow.showMaximized();; mainWindow.resize(1150,700); // vmarz: start render manager after MainWindow initialization when all signals/slots hooked up application.startRenderManager(); int returnCode = qApplication.exec(); application.wait(); applicationThread->quit(); applicationThread->wait(); return returnCode; } catch(const std::exception & E) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Exception Thrown During Launch of Standalone", E.what()); return -1; } }