Exemple #1
void StepsUtil::SortStepsPointerArrayByNumPlays( vector<Steps*> &vStepsPointers, const Profile* pProfile, bool bDecending )
	// ugly...
	vector<Song*> vpSongs = SONGMAN->GetAllSongs();
	vector<Steps*> vpAllSteps;
	map<Steps*,Song*> mapStepsToSong;
		for( unsigned i=0; i<vpSongs.size(); i++ )
			Song* pSong = vpSongs[i];
			vector<Steps*> vpSteps = pSong->GetAllSteps();
			for( unsigned j=0; j<vpSteps.size(); j++ )
				Steps* pSteps = vpSteps[j];
				if( pSteps->IsAutogen() )
					continue;	// skip
				vpAllSteps.push_back( pSteps );
				mapStepsToSong[pSteps] = pSong;

	ASSERT( pProfile != NULL );
	for(unsigned i = 0; i < vStepsPointers.size(); ++i)
		Steps* pSteps = vStepsPointers[i];
		Song* pSong = mapStepsToSong[pSteps];
		steps_sort_val[vStepsPointers[i]] = ssprintf("%9i", pProfile->GetStepsNumTimesPlayed(pSong,pSteps));
	stable_sort( vStepsPointers.begin(), vStepsPointers.end(), bDecending ? CompareStepsPointersBySortValueDescending : CompareStepsPointersBySortValueAscending );
Exemple #2
Steps* SongUtil::GetStepsByDifficulty( const Song *pSong, StepsType st, Difficulty dc, bool bIncludeAutoGen )
    const vector<Steps*>& vpSteps = (st == StepsType_Invalid)? pSong->GetAllSteps() : pSong->GetStepsByStepsType(st);
    for( unsigned i=0; i<vpSteps.size(); i++ )	// for each of the Song's Steps
        Steps* pSteps = vpSteps[i];

        if( dc != Difficulty_Invalid && dc != pSteps->GetDifficulty() )
        if( !bIncludeAutoGen && pSteps->IsAutogen() )

        return pSteps;

    return NULL;
Exemple #3
void SongUtil::GetSteps(
    const Song *pSong,
    vector<Steps*>& arrayAddTo,
    StepsType st,
    Difficulty dc,
    int iMeterLow,
    int iMeterHigh,
    const RString &sDescription,
    bool bIncludeAutoGen,
    unsigned uHash,
    int iMaxToGet
    if( !iMaxToGet )

    const vector<Steps*> &vpSteps = st == StepsType_Invalid ? pSong->GetAllSteps() : pSong->GetStepsByStepsType(st);
    for( unsigned i=0; i<vpSteps.size(); i++ )	// for each of the Song's Steps
        Steps* pSteps = vpSteps[i];

        if( dc != Difficulty_Invalid && dc != pSteps->GetDifficulty() )
        if( iMeterLow != -1 && iMeterLow > pSteps->GetMeter() )
        if( iMeterHigh != -1 && iMeterHigh < pSteps->GetMeter() )
        if( sDescription.size() && sDescription != pSteps->GetDescription() )
        if( uHash != 0 && uHash != pSteps->GetHash() )
        if( !bIncludeAutoGen && pSteps->IsAutogen() )

        arrayAddTo.push_back( pSteps );

        if( iMaxToGet != -1 )
            if( !iMaxToGet )
Exemple #4
void ScreenJukebox::SetSong()
	ThemeMetric<bool>	ALLOW_ADVANCED_MODIFIERS(m_sName,"AllowAdvancedModifiers");

	vector<Song*> vSongs;

	/* Check to see if there is a theme course. If there is a course that has
	 * the exact same name as the theme, then we pick a song from this course. */
	Course *pCourse = SONGMAN->GetCourseFromName( THEME->GetCurThemeName() );
	if( pCourse != NULL )
		for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pCourse->m_vEntries.size(); i++ )
			if( pCourse->m_vEntries[i].IsFixedSong() )
				vSongs.push_back( pCourse->m_vEntries[i].songID.ToSong() );

	if ( vSongs.size() == 0 )
		vSongs = SONGMAN->GetSongs( GAMESTATE->m_sPreferredSongGroup );
	// Still nothing?
	if( vSongs.size() == 0 )

	// Calculate what difficulties to show
	vector<Difficulty> vDifficultiesToShow;
	if( m_bDemonstration )
		// HACK: This belongs in ScreenDemonstration.
		ThemeMetricDifficultiesToShow	DIFFICULTIES_TO_SHOW_HERE(m_sName,"DifficultiesToShow");
		vDifficultiesToShow = DIFFICULTIES_TO_SHOW_HERE.GetValue();
		if( GAMESTATE->m_PreferredDifficulty[PLAYER_1] != Difficulty_Invalid )
			vDifficultiesToShow.push_back( GAMESTATE->m_PreferredDifficulty[PLAYER_1] );
			FOREACH_ENUM( Difficulty, dc )
				vDifficultiesToShow.push_back( dc );

	ASSERT( !vDifficultiesToShow.empty() );

	// Search for a Song and Steps to play during the demo.
	for( int i=0; i<1000; i++ )
		Song* pSong = vSongs[RandomInt(vSongs.size())];

		ASSERT( pSong != NULL );
		if( !pSong->HasMusic() )
			continue;	// skip
		if( !pSong->NormallyDisplayed() )
		if( !pSong->ShowInDemonstrationAndRanking() )
			continue;	// skip

		Difficulty dc = vDifficultiesToShow[ RandomInt(vDifficultiesToShow.size()) ];
		Steps* pSteps = SongUtil::GetStepsByDifficulty( pSong, GAMESTATE->GetCurrentStyle()->m_StepsType, dc );

		if( pSteps == NULL )
			continue;	// skip

		if( !PREFSMAN->m_bAutogenSteps && pSteps->IsAutogen())
			continue;	// skip

		// Found something we can use!
		GAMESTATE->m_pCurSong.Set( pSong );
		// We just changed the song. Reset the original sync data.
		FOREACH_PlayerNumber( p )
			GAMESTATE->m_pCurSteps[p].Set( pSteps );

		bool bShowModifiers = randomf(0,1) <= SHOW_COURSE_MODIFIERS_PROBABILITY;
		if( bShowModifiers )
			/* If we have a modifier course containing this song, apply its
			 * modifiers. Only check fixed course entries. */
			vector<Course*> apCourses;
			SONGMAN->GetAllCourses( apCourses, false );
			vector<const CourseEntry *> apOptions;
			vector<Course*> apPossibleCourses;
			for( unsigned j = 0; j < apCourses.size(); ++j )
				Course *lCourse = apCourses[j];
				const CourseEntry *pEntry = lCourse->FindFixedSong( pSong );
				if( pEntry == NULL || pEntry->attacks.size() == 0 )

					// There are some confusing mods that we don't want to show in demonstration.
					bool bModsAreOkToShow = true;
					AttackArray aAttacks = pEntry->attacks;
					if( !pEntry->sModifiers.empty() )
						aAttacks.push_back( Attack::FromGlobalCourseModifier( pEntry->sModifiers ) );
					FOREACH_CONST( Attack, aAttacks, a )
						RString s = a->sModifiers;
						// todo: allow themers to modify this list? -aj
						if( s.find("dark") != string::npos ||
							s.find("stealth") != string::npos )
							bModsAreOkToShow = false;
					if( !bModsAreOkToShow )
						continue;	// skip

				apOptions.push_back( pEntry );
				apPossibleCourses.push_back( pCourse );

			if( !apOptions.empty() )
				int iIndex = RandomInt( apOptions.size() );
				m_pCourseEntry = apOptions[iIndex];
				Course *lCourse = apPossibleCourses[iIndex]; 

				PlayMode pm = CourseTypeToPlayMode( lCourse->GetCourseType() );
				GAMESTATE->m_PlayMode.Set( pm );
				GAMESTATE->m_pCurCourse.Set( lCourse );
				FOREACH_PlayerNumber( p )
					GAMESTATE->m_pCurTrail[p].Set( lCourse->GetTrail( GAMESTATE->GetCurrentStyle()->m_StepsType ) );
					ASSERT( GAMESTATE->m_pCurTrail[p] != NULL );
Exemple #5
void ScreenJukebox::SetSong()
	ThemeMetric<bool>				ALLOW_ADVANCED_MODIFIERS(m_sName,"AllowAdvancedModifiers");

	vector<Song*> vSongs;

	//Check to see if there is a theme-course
	//I.E. If there is a course called exactly the theme name, 
	//then we pick a song from this course.
	Course *pCourse = SONGMAN->GetCourseFromName( THEME->GetCurThemeName() );
	if( pCourse != NULL )
		for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pCourse->m_entries.size(); i++ )
			vSongs.push_back( pCourse->m_entries[i].pSong );

	if ( vSongs.size() == 0 )
		SONGMAN->GetSongs( vSongs, GAMESTATE->m_sPreferredSongGroup );

	// Calculate what difficulties to show
	vector<Difficulty> vDifficultiesToShow;
	if( m_bDemonstration )
		// HACK: This belongs in ScreenDemonstration
		ThemeMetricDifficultiesToShow	DIFFICULTIES_TO_SHOW_HERE(m_sName,"DifficultiesToShow");
		vDifficultiesToShow = DIFFICULTIES_TO_SHOW_HERE.GetValue();
		if( GAMESTATE->m_PreferredDifficulty[PLAYER_1] != DIFFICULTY_INVALID )
			vDifficultiesToShow.push_back( GAMESTATE->m_PreferredDifficulty[PLAYER_1] );
			FOREACH_Difficulty( dc )
				vDifficultiesToShow.push_back( dc );

	ASSERT( !vDifficultiesToShow.empty() )

	// Search for a Song and Steps to play during the demo
	for( int i=0; i<1000; i++ )
		if( vSongs.size() == 0 )

		Song* pSong = vSongs[rand()%vSongs.size()];

		if( !pSong->HasMusic() )
			continue;	// skip
		if( UNLOCKMAN->SongIsLocked(pSong) )
		if( !pSong->ShowInDemonstrationAndRanking() )
			continue;	// skip

		Difficulty dc = vDifficultiesToShow[ rand()%vDifficultiesToShow.size() ];
		Steps* pSteps = pSong->GetStepsByDifficulty( GAMESTATE->GetCurrentStyle()->m_StepsType, dc );

		if( pSteps == NULL )
			continue;	// skip

		if( !PREFSMAN->m_bAutogenSteps && pSteps->IsAutogen())
			continue;	// skip

		// Found something we can use!
		GAMESTATE->m_pCurSong.Set( pSong );
		// We just changed the song. Reset the original sync data.
		FOREACH_PlayerNumber( p )
			GAMESTATE->m_pCurSteps[p].Set( pSteps );

		bool bShowModifiers = randomf(0,1) <= SHOW_COURSE_MODIFIERS_PROBABILITY;
		if( bShowModifiers )
			/* If we have a modifier course containing this song, apply its modifiers.  Only check
			 * fixed course entries. */
			vector<Course*> apCourses;
			SONGMAN->GetAllCourses( apCourses, false );
			vector<const CourseEntry *> apOptions;
			vector<Course*> apPossibleCourses;
			for( unsigned i = 0; i < apCourses.size(); ++i )
				Course *pCourse = apCourses[i];
				const CourseEntry *pEntry = pCourse->FindFixedSong( pSong );
				if( pEntry == NULL || pEntry->attacks.size() == 0 )

					// There are some confusing mods that we don't want to show in demonstration.
					bool bModsAreOkToShow = true;
					AttackArray aAttacks = pEntry->attacks;
					if( !pEntry->modifiers.empty() )
						aAttacks.push_back( Attack::FromGlobalCourseModifier( pEntry->modifiers ) );
					FOREACH_CONST( Attack, aAttacks, a )
						CString s = a->sModifiers;
						if( s.find("dark") != CString::npos ||
							s.find("stealth") != CString::npos )
							bModsAreOkToShow = false;
					if( !bModsAreOkToShow )
						continue;	// skip

				apOptions.push_back( pEntry );
				apPossibleCourses.push_back( pCourse );

			if( !apOptions.empty() )
				int iIndex = rand()%apOptions.size();
				m_pCourseEntry = apOptions[iIndex];
				Course *pCourse = apPossibleCourses[iIndex]; 
				GAMESTATE->m_PlayMode = CourseTypeToPlayMode( pCourse->GetCourseType() );
				GAMESTATE->m_pCurCourse.Set( pCourse );
				FOREACH_PlayerNumber( p )
					GAMESTATE->m_pCurTrail[p].Set( pCourse->GetTrail( GAMESTATE->GetCurrentStyle()->m_StepsType ) );
					ASSERT( GAMESTATE->m_pCurTrail[p] );