void statusUpdate(const StatusUpdate& update, const UPID& pid) { const TaskStatus& status = update.status(); if (aborted) { VLOG(1) << "Ignoring task status update message because " << "the driver is aborted!"; return; } VLOG(2) << "Received status update " << update << " from " << pid; CHECK(framework.id() == update.framework_id()); // TODO(benh): Note that this maybe a duplicate status update! // Once we get support to try and have a more consistent view // of what's running in the cluster, we'll just let this one // slide. The alternative is possibly dealing with a scheduler // failover and not correctly giving the scheduler it's status // update, which seems worse than giving a status update // multiple times (of course, if a scheduler re-uses a TaskID, // that could be bad. Stopwatch stopwatch; if (FLAGS_v >= 1) { stopwatch.start(); } scheduler->statusUpdate(driver, status); VLOG(1) << "Scheduler::statusUpdate took " << stopwatch.elapsed(); // Acknowledge the status update. // NOTE: We do a dispatch here instead of directly sending the ACK because, // we want to avoid sending the ACK if the driver was aborted when we // made the statusUpdate call. This works because, the 'abort' message will // be enqueued before the ACK message is processed. if (pid > 0) { dispatch(self(), &Self::statusUpdateAcknowledgement, update, pid); } }
void rescindOffer(const OfferID& offerId) { if (aborted) { VLOG(1) << "Ignoring rescind offer message because " << "the driver is aborted!"; return; } VLOG(1) << "Rescinded offer " << offerId; savedOffers.erase(offerId); Stopwatch stopwatch; if (FLAGS_v >= 1) { stopwatch.start(); } scheduler->offerRescinded(driver, offerId); VLOG(1) << "Scheduler::offerRescinded took " << stopwatch.elapsed(); }
void frameworkMessage(const SlaveID& slaveId, const FrameworkID& frameworkId, const ExecutorID& executorId, const string& data) { if (aborted) { VLOG(1) << "Ignoring framework message because the driver is aborted!"; return; } VLOG(2) << "Received framework message"; Stopwatch stopwatch; if (FLAGS_v >= 1) { stopwatch.start(); } scheduler->frameworkMessage(driver, executorId, slaveId, data); VLOG(1) << "Scheduler::frameworkMessage took " << stopwatch.elapsed(); }
void doVariant(const std::vector<std::string>& strvec) { MyObj o; std::cout << sizeof(o) << std::endl; boost::variant<std::string, double> u(1.1); /* std::cout << "boost::variant" << std::endl; std::cout << "==============" << std::endl; printSize<char>(); printSize<int>(); printSize<float>(); printSize<double>(); printSize<std::string>(); */ std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = strvec.begin(); std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator end = strvec.end(); Stopwatch sw; sw.start(); for (; it != end; ++it) { boost::variant<int, double, std::string> u(*it); int i = boost::apply_visitor(string_int_converter(), u); double d = boost::apply_visitor(string_dbl_converter(), u); u = i; std::string s = boost::apply_visitor(num_string_converter(), u); u = d; s = boost::apply_visitor(num_string_converter(), u); } sw.stop(); std::cout << "variant: " << sw.elapsed()/1000.0 << " [ms]" << std::endl; std::cout << "==============" << std::endl; }
void noMasterDetected() { VLOG(1) << "No master detected, waiting for another master"; // Inform the scheduler about the disconnection if the driver // was previously registered with the master. if (connected) { Stopwatch stopwatch; if (FLAGS_v >= 1) { stopwatch.start(); } scheduler->disconnected(driver); VLOG(1) << "Scheduler::disconnected took " << stopwatch.elapsed(); } // In this case, we don't actually invoke Scheduler::error // since we might get reconnected to a master imminently. connected = false; master = UPID(); }
void LocalSocketTest::testTimeout() { SocketAddress sas("/tmp/poco.server.tcp.sock"); EchoServer echoServer(sas); SocketAddress sac("/tmp/poco.client.tcp.sock"); StreamSocket ss(sas, &sac); Timespan timeout0 = ss.getReceiveTimeout(); Timespan timeout(250000); ss.setReceiveTimeout(timeout); Timespan timeout1 = ss.getReceiveTimeout(); std::cout << "original receive timeout: " << timeout0.totalMicroseconds() << std::endl; std::cout << "requested receive timeout: " << timeout.totalMicroseconds() << std::endl; std::cout << "actual receive timeout: " << timeout1.totalMicroseconds() << std::endl; // some socket implementations adjust the timeout value // assert (ss.getReceiveTimeout() == timeout); Stopwatch sw; try { char buffer[256]; sw.start(); ss.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); fail("nothing to receive - must timeout"); } catch (TimeoutException&) { } assert (sw.elapsed() < 1000000); timeout0 = ss.getSendTimeout(); ss.setSendTimeout(timeout); timeout1 = ss.getSendTimeout(); std::cout << "original send timeout: " << timeout0.totalMicroseconds() << std::endl; std::cout << "requested send timeout: " << timeout.totalMicroseconds() << std::endl; std::cout << "actual send timeout: " << timeout1.totalMicroseconds() << std::endl; // assert (ss.getSendTimeout() == timeout); }
void sendStatusUpdate(const TaskStatus& status) { if (status.state() == TASK_STAGING) { VLOG(1) << "Executor is not allowed to send " << "TASK_STAGING status update. Aborting!"; driver->abort(); Stopwatch stopwatch; if (FLAGS_v >= 1) { stopwatch.start(); } executor->error(driver, "Attempted to send TASK_STAGING status update"); VLOG(1) << "Executor::error took " << stopwatch.elapsed(); return; } StatusUpdateMessage message; StatusUpdate* update = message.mutable_update(); update->mutable_framework_id()->MergeFrom(frameworkId); update->mutable_executor_id()->MergeFrom(executorId); update->mutable_slave_id()->MergeFrom(slaveId); update->mutable_status()->MergeFrom(status); update->set_timestamp(Clock::now().secs()); update->set_uuid(UUID::random().toBytes()); message.set_pid(self()); VLOG(1) << "Executor sending status update " << *update; // Capture the status update. updates[UUID::fromBytes(update->uuid())] = *update; send(slave, message); }
void TimerTest::testTimer() { Timer t(100, 200); assert (t.getStartInterval() == 100); assert (t.getPeriodicInterval() == 200); Stopwatch sw; TimerCallback<TimerTest> tc(*this, &TimerTest::onTimer); sw.start(); t.start(tc); _event.wait(); sw.stop(); assert (sw.elapsed() >= 80000 && sw.elapsed() < 250000); sw.restart(); _event.wait(); sw.stop(); assert (sw.elapsed() >= 180000 && sw.elapsed() < 250000); sw.restart(); _event.wait(); sw.stop(); assert (sw.elapsed() >= 180000 && sw.elapsed() < 250000); t.stop(); }
void OsmAnd::MapRasterizer_P::rasterize( const AreaI area31, const std::shared_ptr<const MapPrimitiviser::PrimitivisedObjects>& primitivisedObjects, SkCanvas& canvas, const bool fillBackground, const AreaI* const pDestinationArea, MapRasterizer_Metrics::Metric_rasterize* const metric, const std::shared_ptr<const IQueryController>& queryController) { const Stopwatch totalStopwatch(metric != nullptr); const Context context( area31, primitivisedObjects, pDestinationArea ? *pDestinationArea : AreaI(0, 0, canvas.imageInfo().height(), canvas.imageInfo().width())); // Deal with background if (fillBackground) { // Get default background color const auto defaultBackgroundColor = context.env->getDefaultBackgroundColor(context.zoom); if (pDestinationArea) { // If destination area is specified, fill only it with background SkPaint bgPaint; bgPaint.setColor(defaultBackgroundColor.toSkColor()); bgPaint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas.drawRectCoords( pDestinationArea->top(), pDestinationArea->left(), pDestinationArea->right(), pDestinationArea->bottom(), bgPaint); } else { // Since destination area is not specified, erase whole canvas with specified color canvas.clear(defaultBackgroundColor.toSkColor()); } } AreaI destinationArea; if (pDestinationArea) { destinationArea = *pDestinationArea; } else { const auto targetSize = canvas.getDeviceSize(); destinationArea = AreaI(0, 0, targetSize.height(), targetSize.width()); } // Rasterize layers of map: rasterizeMapPrimitives(context, canvas, primitivisedObjects->polygons, PrimitivesType::Polygons, queryController); if (context.shadowMode != MapPresentationEnvironment::ShadowMode::NoShadow) rasterizeMapPrimitives(context, canvas, primitivisedObjects->polylines, PrimitivesType::Polylines_ShadowOnly, queryController); rasterizeMapPrimitives(context, canvas, primitivisedObjects->polylines, PrimitivesType::Polylines, queryController); if (metric) metric->elapsedTime += totalStopwatch.elapsed(); }
int main(const std::vector<std::string>& args) { if (_helpRequested) { displayHelp(); } else { URI uri(_uri); std::vector<Thread*> threads; Stopwatch sw; sw.start(); for (int i = 0; i < _threads; ++i) { Thread* pt = new Thread(_uri); poco_check_ptr(pt); threads.push_back(pt); HTTPClient* pHTTPClient = new HTTPClient(uri, _repetitions, _cookies, _verbose); poco_check_ptr(pHTTPClient); threads.back()->start(*pHTTPClient); } std::vector<Thread*>::iterator it = threads.begin(); for(; it != threads.end(); ++it) { (*it)->join(); delete *it; } sw.stop(); HTTPClient::printStats(_uri, HTTPClient::totalAttempts(), HTTPClient::totalSuccessCount(), sw.elapsed()); } return Application::EXIT_OK; }
void run() { Stopwatch sw; std::vector<HTTPCookie> cookies; for (int i = 0; i < _repetitions; ++i) { try { int usec = 0; std::string path(_uri.getPathAndQuery()); if (path.empty()) path = "/"; HTTPClientSession session(_uri.getHost(), _uri.getPort()); HTTPRequest req(HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, path, HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_1); if (_cookies) { NameValueCollection nvc; std::vector<HTTPCookie>::iterator it = cookies.begin(); for(; it != cookies.end(); ++it) nvc.add((*it).getName(), (*it).getValue()); req.setCookies(nvc); } HTTPResponse res; sw.restart(); session.sendRequest(req); std::istream& rs = session.receiveResponse(res); NullOutputStream nos; StreamCopier::copyStream(rs, nos); sw.stop(); _success += HTTPResponse::HTTP_OK == res.getStatus() ? 1 : 0; if (_cookies) res.getCookies(cookies); usec = int(sw.elapsed()); if (_verbose) { FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex); std::cout << _uri.toString() << ' ' << res.getStatus() << ' ' << res.getReason() << ' ' << usec/1000.0 << "ms" << std::endl; } _usec += usec; } catch (Exception& exc) { FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex); std::cerr << exc.displayText() << std::endl; } } { FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex); _gSuccess += _success; _gUsec += _usec; } if (_verbose) printStats(_uri.toString(), _repetitions, _success, _usec); }
bool OsmAnd::MapPrimitivesProvider_P::obtainData( const TileId tileId, const ZoomLevel zoom, std::shared_ptr<MapPrimitivesProvider::Data>& outTiledData, MapPrimitivesProvider_Metrics::Metric_obtainData* const metric_, const IQueryController* const queryController) { #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS MapPrimitivesProvider_Metrics::Metric_obtainData localMetric; const auto metric = metric_ ? metric_ : &localMetric; #else const auto metric = metric_; #endif const Stopwatch totalStopwatch(metric != nullptr); std::shared_ptr<TileEntry> tileEntry; for (;;) { // Try to obtain previous instance of tile _tileReferences.obtainOrAllocateEntry(tileEntry, tileId, zoom, [] (const TiledEntriesCollection<TileEntry>& collection, const TileId tileId, const ZoomLevel zoom) -> TileEntry* { return new TileEntry(collection, tileId, zoom); }); // If state is "Undefined", change it to "Loading" and proceed with loading if (tileEntry->setStateIf(TileState::Undefined, TileState::Loading)) break; // In case tile entry is being loaded, wait until it will finish loading if (tileEntry->getState() == TileState::Loading) { QReadLocker scopedLcoker(&tileEntry->loadedConditionLock); // If tile is in 'Loading' state, wait until it will become 'Loaded' while (tileEntry->getState() != TileState::Loaded) REPEAT_UNTIL(tileEntry->loadedCondition.wait(&tileEntry->loadedConditionLock)); } if (!tileEntry->dataIsPresent) { // If there was no data, return same outTiledData.reset(); return true; } else { // Otherwise, try to lock tile reference outTiledData = tileEntry->dataWeakRef.lock(); // If successfully locked, just return it if (outTiledData) return true; // Otherwise consider this tile entry as expired, remove it from collection (it's safe to do that right now) // This will enable creation of new entry on next loop cycle _tileReferences.removeEntry(tileId, zoom); tileEntry.reset(); } } const Stopwatch totalTimeStopwatch( #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS true #else metric != nullptr #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS ); // Obtain map objects data tile std::shared_ptr<IMapObjectsProvider::Data> dataTile; std::shared_ptr<Metric> submetric; owner->mapObjectsProvider->obtainData( tileId, zoom, dataTile, metric ? &submetric : nullptr, nullptr); if (metric && submetric) metric->addOrReplaceSubmetric(submetric); if (!dataTile) { // Store flag that there was no data and mark tile entry as 'Loaded' tileEntry->dataIsPresent = false; tileEntry->setState(TileState::Loaded); // Notify that tile has been loaded { QWriteLocker scopedLcoker(&tileEntry->loadedConditionLock); tileEntry->loadedCondition.wakeAll(); } outTiledData.reset(); return true; } // Get primitivised objects std::shared_ptr<MapPrimitiviser::PrimitivisedObjects> primitivisedObjects; if (owner->mode == MapPrimitivesProvider::Mode::AllObjectsWithoutPolygonFiltering) { primitivisedObjects = owner->primitiviser->primitiviseAllMapObjects( zoom, dataTile->mapObjects, //NOTE: So far it's safe to turn off this cache. But it has to be rewritten. Since lock/unlock occurs too often, this kills entire performance //NOTE: Maybe a QuadTree-based cache with leaf-only locking will save up much. Or use supernodes, like DataBlock nullptr, //_primitiviserCache, nullptr, metric ? metric->findOrAddSubmetricOfType<MapPrimitiviser_Metrics::Metric_primitiviseAllMapObjects>().get() : nullptr); } else if (owner->mode == MapPrimitivesProvider::Mode::AllObjectsWithPolygonFiltering) { primitivisedObjects = owner->primitiviser->primitiviseAllMapObjects( Utilities::getScaleDivisor31ToPixel(PointI(owner->tileSize, owner->tileSize), zoom), zoom, dataTile->mapObjects, //NOTE: So far it's safe to turn off this cache. But it has to be rewritten. Since lock/unlock occurs too often, this kills entire performance //NOTE: Maybe a QuadTree-based cache with leaf-only locking will save up much. Or use supernodes, like DataBlock nullptr, //_primitiviserCache, nullptr, metric ? metric->findOrAddSubmetricOfType<MapPrimitiviser_Metrics::Metric_primitiviseAllMapObjects>().get() : nullptr); } else if (owner->mode == MapPrimitivesProvider::Mode::WithoutSurface) { primitivisedObjects = owner->primitiviser->primitiviseWithoutSurface( Utilities::getScaleDivisor31ToPixel(PointI(owner->tileSize, owner->tileSize), zoom), zoom, dataTile->mapObjects, //NOTE: So far it's safe to turn off this cache. But it has to be rewritten. Since lock/unlock occurs too often, this kills entire performance //NOTE: Maybe a QuadTree-based cache with leaf-only locking will save up much. Or use supernodes, like DataBlock nullptr, //_primitiviserCache, nullptr, metric ? metric->findOrAddSubmetricOfType<MapPrimitiviser_Metrics::Metric_primitiviseWithoutSurface>().get() : nullptr); } else // if (owner->mode == MapPrimitivesProvider::Mode::WithSurface) { const auto tileBBox31 = Utilities::tileBoundingBox31(tileId, zoom); primitivisedObjects = owner->primitiviser->primitiviseWithSurface( tileBBox31, PointI(owner->tileSize, owner->tileSize), zoom, dataTile->tileSurfaceType, dataTile->mapObjects, //NOTE: So far it's safe to turn off this cache. But it has to be rewritten. Since lock/unlock occurs too often, this kills entire performance //NOTE: Maybe a QuadTree-based cache with leaf-only locking will save up much. Or use supernodes, like DataBlock nullptr, //_primitiviserCache, nullptr, metric ? metric->findOrAddSubmetricOfType<MapPrimitiviser_Metrics::Metric_primitiviseWithSurface>().get() : nullptr); } // Create tile const std::shared_ptr<MapPrimitivesProvider::Data> newTiledData(new MapPrimitivesProvider::Data( tileId, zoom, dataTile, primitivisedObjects, new RetainableCacheMetadata(tileEntry, dataTile->retainableCacheMetadata))); // Publish new tile outTiledData = newTiledData; // Store weak reference to new tile and mark it as 'Loaded' tileEntry->dataIsPresent = true; tileEntry->dataWeakRef = newTiledData; tileEntry->setState(TileState::Loaded); // Notify that tile has been loaded { QWriteLocker scopedLcoker(&tileEntry->loadedConditionLock); tileEntry->loadedCondition.wakeAll(); } if (metric) metric->elapsedTime = totalStopwatch.elapsed(); #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS <= 1 LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Info, "%d polygons, %d polylines, %d points primitivised from %dx%d@%d in %fs", primitivisedObjects->polygons.size(), primitivisedObjects->polylines.size(), primitivisedObjects->polygons.size(), tileId.x, tileId.y, zoom, totalStopwatch.elapsed()); #else LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Info, "%d polygons, %d polylines, %d points primitivised from %dx%d@%d in %fs:\n%s", primitivisedObjects->polygons.size(), primitivisedObjects->polylines.size(), primitivisedObjects->polygons.size(), tileId.x, tileId.y, zoom, totalStopwatch.elapsed(), qPrintable(metric ? metric->toString(QLatin1String("\t - ")) : QLatin1String("(null)"))); #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS <= 1 #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS return true; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) try { using namespace DB; /** -3 - use reference implementation of LZ4 * -2 - run all algorithms in round robin fashion * -1 - automatically detect best algorithm based on statistics * 0..3 - run specified algorithm */ ssize_t variant = argc < 2 ? -1 : parse<ssize_t>(argv[1]); MMapReadBufferFromFileDescriptor in(STDIN_FILENO, 0); // ReadBufferFromFileDescriptor in(STDIN_FILENO); FasterCompressedReadBuffer decompressing_in(in, variant); // WriteBufferFromFileDescriptor out(STDOUT_FILENO); // HashingWriteBuffer hashing_out(out); Stopwatch watch; // copyData(decompressing_in, /*hashing_*/out); while (!decompressing_in.eof()) { decompressing_in.position() = decompressing_in.buffer().end(); decompressing_in.next(); } watch.stop(); std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << watch.elapsed() * 1000 / decompressing_in.count() << '\n'; /* // auto hash = hashing_out.getHash(); double seconds = watch.elapsedSeconds(); std::cerr << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << "Elapsed: " << seconds << ", " << formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(in.count()) << " compressed" << ", " << formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(decompressing_in.count()) << " decompressed" << ", ratio: " << static_cast<double>(decompressing_in.count()) / in.count() << ", " << formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(in.count() / seconds) << "/sec. compressed" << ", " << formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(decompressing_in.count() / seconds) << "/sec. decompressed" // << ", checksum: " << hash.first << "_" << hash.second << "\n"; // decompressing_in.getStatistics().print(); LZ4::PerformanceStatistics perf_stat = decompressing_in.getPerformanceStatistics(); std::optional<size_t> best_variant; double best_variant_mean = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < LZ4::PerformanceStatistics::NUM_ELEMENTS; ++i) { const LZ4::PerformanceStatistics::Element & elem = perf_stat.data[i]; if (elem.count) { double mean = elem.mean(); std::cerr << "Variant " << i << ": " << "count: " << elem.count << ", mean ns/b: " << 1000000000.0 * mean << " (" << formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(1 / mean) << "/sec.)" << ", sigma ns/b: " << 1000000000.0 * elem.sigma() << "\n"; if (!best_variant || mean < best_variant_mean) { best_variant_mean = mean; best_variant = i; } } } if (best_variant) std::cerr << "Best variant: " << *best_variant << "\n"; */ return 0; } catch (...) { std::cerr << DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(true); return DB::getCurrentExceptionCode(); }
MoveList SmartBogowin::moves(int nmoves) { Stopwatch stopwatch; if (currentPosition().bag().empty()) { signalFractionDone(0); EndgamePlayer endgame; endgame.setPosition(currentPosition()); return endgame.moves(nmoves); } // TODO // Move this all to an Inferrer class // // Generate all moves for all racks opp could have had. // This can be done efficiently by making a big "rack" out of the bag (with the computer // player's own rack removed) and generating moves from that big "rack" with some smarts // added to the move generator to not create moves that have so many tiles not in the // opp's play that they wouldn't have been possible from any of the racks we're looking // for. Make a ProbableRackList of racks from which the opp's play is best or nearly // (really what we're looking for is least bad). Most heavily weight the leaves for which // the play is as close to optimal as possible (an x-point static mistake), and let the // weights taper off to zero as the mistakes approach say x+7. // // Make the Simulator able to select racks randomly from the ProbableRackList if (m_parameters.inferring) { int numPlayers = currentPosition().players().size(); UVcout << "numPlayers: " << numPlayers << endl; if (numPlayers == 2) { bool hasPreviousPosition; GamePosition previous = m_simulator.history().previousPosition(&hasPreviousPosition); if (hasPreviousPosition) { UVcout << "previous position:" << endl; UVcout << previous << endl; } else { UVcout << "no previous position" << endl; } } } UVcout << "SmartBogowin generating move from position:" << endl; UVcout << currentPosition() << endl; const int zerothPrune = 33; int plies = 2; if (currentPosition().bag().size() <= QUACKLE_PARAMETERS->rackSize() * 2) plies = -1; const int initialCandidates = m_additionalInitialCandidates + nmoves; currentPosition().kibitz(initialCandidates); m_simulator.setIncludedMoves(m_simulator.currentPosition().moves()); m_simulator.pruneTo(zerothPrune, initialCandidates); m_simulator.makeSureConsideredMovesAreIncluded(); m_simulator.setIgnoreOppos(false); MoveList staticMoves = m_simulator.moves(/* prune */ true, /* sort by equity */ false); m_simulator.moveConsideredMovesToBeginning(staticMoves); //UVcout << "Bogo static moves: " << staticMoves << endl; //UVcout << "Bogo considered moves: " << m_simulator.consideredMoves() << endl; MoveList firstMove; MoveList simmedMoves; MoveList::const_iterator it = staticMoves.begin(); firstMove.push_back(*it); signalFractionDone(0); m_simulator.setIncludedMoves(firstMove); m_simulator.simulate(plies, minIterations()); Move best = *m_simulator.moves(/* prune */ true, /* sort by win */ true).begin(); simmedMoves.push_back(best); double bestbp = bogopoints(best); //UVcout << "firstMove: " << best << endl; for (++it; it != staticMoves.end(); ++it) { signalFractionDone(max(static_cast<float>(simmedMoves.size()) / static_cast<float>(staticMoves.size()), static_cast<float>(stopwatch.elapsed()) / static_cast<float>(m_parameters.secondsPerTurn))); if (shouldAbort()) goto sort_and_return; //UVcout << "best move: " << best << " with " << bestbp << " bogopoints." << endl; MoveList lookFurther; lookFurther.push_back(*it); m_simulator.setIncludedMoves(lookFurther); m_simulator.simulate(plies, minIterations()); Move move = *m_simulator.moves(/* prune */ true, /* sort by win */ true).begin(); double movebp = bogopoints(move); //UVcout << "we just simmed " << move << "; bogopoints: " << movebp << endl; if (movebp + 1.96 * 35.0 / sqrt((double)minIterations()) > bestbp) { m_simulator.simulate(plies, maxIterations() - minIterations()); Move move2 = *m_simulator.moves(true, true).begin(); movebp = bogopoints(move2); //UVcout << "sim it some more: " << move2 << " bogopoints: " << movebp << endl; simmedMoves.push_back(move2); if (move2.win > best.win) { best = move2; bestbp = movebp; } } else { simmedMoves.push_back(move); } if (stopwatch.exceeded(m_parameters.secondsPerTurn)) { //UVcout << "Bogowinplayer stopwatch exceeded its limit " << m_parameters.secondsPerTurn << ". Returning early." << endl; goto sort_and_return; } } //UVcout << "We had extra time! whoopee!" << endl; sort_and_return: MoveList::sort(simmedMoves, MoveList::Win); MoveList ret; MoveList::const_iterator simmedEnd = simmedMoves.end(); int i = 0; for (MoveList::const_iterator simmedIt = simmedMoves.begin(); (simmedIt != simmedEnd); ++i, ++simmedIt) { if (i < nmoves || m_simulator.isConsideredMove(*simmedIt)) ret.push_back(*simmedIt); } //UVcout << "bogo returning moves:\n" << ret << endl; return ret; }
void OsmAnd::ObfMapSectionReader_P::readMapObject( const ObfReader_P& reader, const std::shared_ptr<const ObfMapSectionInfo>& section, uint64_t baseId, const std::shared_ptr<const ObfMapSectionLevelTreeNode>& treeNode, std::shared_ptr<OsmAnd::BinaryMapObject>& mapObject, const AreaI* bbox31, ObfMapSectionReader_Metrics::Metric_loadMapObjects* const metric) { const auto cis = reader.getCodedInputStream().get(); const auto baseOffset = cis->CurrentPosition(); for (;;) { const auto tag = cis->ReadTag(); const auto tgn = gpb::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag); switch (tgn) { case 0: { if (!ObfReaderUtilities::reachedDataEnd(cis)) return; if (mapObject && mapObject->points31.isEmpty()) { LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Warning, "Empty BinaryMapObject %s detected in section '%s'", qPrintable(mapObject->id.toString()), qPrintable(section->name)); mapObject.reset(); } return; } case OBF::MapData::kAreaCoordinatesFieldNumber: case OBF::MapData::kCoordinatesFieldNumber: { const Stopwatch mapObjectPointsStopwatch(metric != nullptr); gpb::uint32 length; cis->ReadVarint32(&length); const auto oldLimit = cis->PushLimit(length); PointI p; p.x = treeNode->area31.left() & MaskToRead; p.y = treeNode->area31.top() & MaskToRead; AreaI objectBBox; objectBBox.top() = objectBBox.left() = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(); objectBBox.bottom() = objectBBox.right() = 0; auto lastUnprocessedVertexForBBox = 0; // In protobuf, a sint32 can be encoded using [1..4] bytes, // so try to guess size of array, and preallocate it. // (BytesUntilLimit/2) is ~= number of vertices, and is always larger than needed. // So it's impossible that a buffer overflow will ever happen. But assert on that. const auto probableVerticesCount = (cis->BytesUntilLimit() / 2); QVector< PointI > points31(probableVerticesCount); auto pPoint = points31.data(); auto verticesCount = 0; bool shouldNotSkip = (bbox31 == nullptr); while (cis->BytesUntilLimit() > 0) { PointI d; d.x = (ObfReaderUtilities::readSInt32(cis) << ShiftCoordinates); d.y = (ObfReaderUtilities::readSInt32(cis) << ShiftCoordinates); p += d; // Save point into storage assert(points31.size() > verticesCount); *(pPoint++) = p; verticesCount++; // Check if map object should be maintained if (!shouldNotSkip && bbox31) { const Stopwatch mapObjectBboxStopwatch(metric != nullptr); shouldNotSkip = bbox31->contains(p); objectBBox.enlargeToInclude(p); if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForMapObjectsBbox += mapObjectBboxStopwatch.elapsed(); lastUnprocessedVertexForBBox = verticesCount; } } cis->PopLimit(oldLimit); // Since reserved space may be larger than actual amount of data, // shrink the vertices array points31.resize(verticesCount); // If map object has no vertices, retain it in a special way to report later, when // it's identifier will be known if (points31.isEmpty()) { // Fake that this object is inside bbox shouldNotSkip = true; objectBBox = treeNode->area31; } // Even if no vertex lays inside bbox, an edge // may intersect the bbox if (!shouldNotSkip && bbox31) { assert(lastUnprocessedVertexForBBox == points31.size()); shouldNotSkip = objectBBox.contains(*bbox31) || bbox31->intersects(objectBBox); } // If map object didn't fit, skip it's entire content if (!shouldNotSkip) { if (metric) { metric->elapsedTimeForSkippedMapObjectsPoints += mapObjectPointsStopwatch.elapsed(); metric->skippedMapObjectsPoints += points31.size(); } cis->Skip(cis->BytesUntilLimit()); break; } // Update metric if (metric) { metric->elapsedTimeForNotSkippedMapObjectsPoints += mapObjectPointsStopwatch.elapsed(); metric->notSkippedMapObjectsPoints += points31.size(); } // In case bbox is not fully calculated, complete this task auto pPointForBBox = points31.data() + lastUnprocessedVertexForBBox; while (lastUnprocessedVertexForBBox < points31.size()) { const Stopwatch mapObjectBboxStopwatch(metric != nullptr); objectBBox.enlargeToInclude(*pPointForBBox); if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForMapObjectsBbox += mapObjectBboxStopwatch.elapsed(); lastUnprocessedVertexForBBox++; pPointForBBox++; } // Finally, create the object if (!mapObject) mapObject.reset(new OsmAnd::BinaryMapObject(section, treeNode->level)); mapObject->isArea = (tgn == OBF::MapData::kAreaCoordinatesFieldNumber); mapObject->points31 = qMove(points31); mapObject->bbox31 = objectBBox; assert(treeNode->area31.top() - mapObject->bbox31.top() <= 32); assert(treeNode->area31.left() - mapObject->bbox31.left() <= 32); assert(mapObject->bbox31.bottom() - treeNode->area31.bottom() <= 1); assert(mapObject->bbox31.right() - treeNode->area31.right() <= 1); assert(mapObject->bbox31.right() >= mapObject->bbox31.left()); assert(mapObject->bbox31.bottom() >= mapObject->bbox31.top()); break; } case OBF::MapData::kPolygonInnerCoordinatesFieldNumber: { if (!mapObject) mapObject.reset(new OsmAnd::BinaryMapObject(section, treeNode->level)); gpb::uint32 length; cis->ReadVarint32(&length); auto oldLimit = cis->PushLimit(length); PointI p; p.x = treeNode->area31.left() & MaskToRead; p.y = treeNode->area31.top() & MaskToRead; // Preallocate memory const auto probableVerticesCount = (cis->BytesUntilLimit() / 2); mapObject->innerPolygonsPoints31.push_back(qMove(QVector< PointI >(probableVerticesCount))); auto& polygon = mapObject->innerPolygonsPoints31.last(); auto pPoint = polygon.data(); auto verticesCount = 0; while (cis->BytesUntilLimit() > 0) { PointI d; d.x = (ObfReaderUtilities::readSInt32(cis) << ShiftCoordinates); d.y = (ObfReaderUtilities::readSInt32(cis) << ShiftCoordinates); p += d; // Save point into storage assert(polygon.size() > verticesCount); *(pPoint++) = p; verticesCount++; } // Shrink memory polygon.resize(verticesCount); cis->PopLimit(oldLimit); break; } case OBF::MapData::kAdditionalTypesFieldNumber: case OBF::MapData::kTypesFieldNumber: { if (!mapObject) mapObject.reset(new OsmAnd::BinaryMapObject(section, treeNode->level)); auto& attributeIds = (tgn == OBF::MapData::kAdditionalTypesFieldNumber) ? mapObject->additionalAttributeIds : mapObject->attributeIds; gpb::uint32 length; cis->ReadVarint32(&length); auto oldLimit = cis->PushLimit(length); // Preallocate space attributeIds.reserve(cis->BytesUntilLimit()); while (cis->BytesUntilLimit() > 0) { gpb::uint32 attributeId; cis->ReadVarint32(&attributeId); attributeIds.push_back(attributeId); } // Shrink preallocated space attributeIds.squeeze(); cis->PopLimit(oldLimit); break; } case OBF::MapData::kStringNamesFieldNumber: { gpb::uint32 length; cis->ReadVarint32(&length); auto oldLimit = cis->PushLimit(length); while (cis->BytesUntilLimit() > 0) { bool ok; gpb::uint32 stringRuleId; ok = cis->ReadVarint32(&stringRuleId); assert(ok); gpb::uint32 stringId; ok = cis->ReadVarint32(&stringId); assert(ok); mapObject->captions.insert(stringRuleId, qMove(ObfReaderUtilities::encodeIntegerToString(stringId))); mapObject->captionsOrder.push_back(stringRuleId); } cis->PopLimit(oldLimit); break; } case OBF::MapData::kIdFieldNumber: { const auto d = ObfReaderUtilities::readSInt64(cis); const auto rawId = static_cast<uint64_t>(d + baseId); mapObject->id = ObfObjectId::generateUniqueId(rawId, baseOffset, section); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //if (mapObject->id.getOsmId() == 49048972u) //{ // int i = 5; //} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// break; } default: ObfReaderUtilities::skipUnknownField(cis, tag); break; } } }
Try<Storage::State> LevelDBStorage::restore(const string& path) { leveldb::Options options; options.create_if_missing = true; // TODO(benh): Can't use varint comparator until bug discussed at // groups.google.com/group/leveldb/browse_thread/thread/17eac39168909ba7 // gets fixed. For now, we are using the default byte-wise // comparator and *assuming* that the encoding from unsigned long to // string produces a stable ordering. Checks below. // options.comparator = &comparator; const string& one = encode(1); const string& two = encode(2); const string& ten = encode(10); CHECK(leveldb::BytewiseComparator()->Compare(one, two) < 0); CHECK(leveldb::BytewiseComparator()->Compare(two, one) > 0); CHECK(leveldb::BytewiseComparator()->Compare(one, ten) < 0); CHECK(leveldb::BytewiseComparator()->Compare(ten, two) > 0); CHECK(leveldb::BytewiseComparator()->Compare(ten, ten) == 0); Stopwatch stopwatch; stopwatch.start(); leveldb::Status status = leveldb::DB::Open(options, path, &db); if (!status.ok()) { // TODO(benh): Consider trying to repair the DB. return Error(status.ToString()); } LOG(INFO) << "Opened db in " << stopwatch.elapsed(); stopwatch.start(); // Restart the stopwatch. // TODO(benh): Conditionally compact to avoid long recovery times? db->CompactRange(nullptr, nullptr); LOG(INFO) << "Compacted db in " << stopwatch.elapsed(); State state; state.begin = 0; state.end = 0; // TODO(benh): Consider just reading the "promise" record (e.g., // 'encode(0, false)') and then iterating over the rest of the // records and confirming that they are all indeed of type // Record::Action. stopwatch.start(); // Restart the stopwatch. leveldb::Iterator* iterator = db->NewIterator(leveldb::ReadOptions()); LOG(INFO) << "Created db iterator in " << stopwatch.elapsed(); stopwatch.start(); // Restart the stopwatch. iterator->SeekToFirst(); LOG(INFO) << "Seeked to beginning of db in " << stopwatch.elapsed(); stopwatch.start(); // Restart the stopwatch. uint64_t keys = 0; while (iterator->Valid()) { keys++; const leveldb::Slice& slice = iterator->value(); google::protobuf::io::ArrayInputStream stream(slice.data(), slice.size()); Record record; if (!record.ParseFromZeroCopyStream(&stream)) { return Error("Failed to deserialize record"); } switch (record.type()) { case Record::METADATA: { CHECK(record.has_metadata()); state.metadata.CopyFrom(record.metadata()); break; } // DEPRECATED! case Record::PROMISE: { CHECK(record.has_promise()); // This replica is in old format. Set its status to VOTING // since there is no catch-up logic in the old code and this // replica is obviously not empty. state.metadata.set_status(Metadata::VOTING); state.metadata.set_promised(record.promise().proposal()); break; } case Record::ACTION: { CHECK(record.has_action()); const Action& action = record.action(); if (action.has_learned() && action.learned()) { state.learned.insert(action.position()); state.unlearned.erase(action.position()); if (action.has_type() && action.type() == Action::TRUNCATE) { state.begin = std::max(state.begin, action.truncate().to()); } } else { state.learned.erase(action.position()); state.unlearned.insert(action.position()); } state.end = std::max(state.end, action.position()); // Cache the first position in this replica so during a // truncation, we can attempt to delete all positions from the // first position up to the truncate position. Note that this // is not the beginning position of the log, but rather the // first position that remains (i.e., hasn't been deleted) in // leveldb. first = min(first, action.position()); break; } default: { return Error("Bad record"); } } iterator->Next(); } LOG(INFO) << "Iterated through " << keys << " keys in the db in " << stopwatch.elapsed(); delete iterator; return state; }
bool OsmAnd::BinaryMapDataProvider_P::obtainData( const TileId tileId, const ZoomLevel zoom, std::shared_ptr<MapTiledData>& outTiledData, BinaryMapDataProvider_Metrics::Metric_obtainData* const metric_, const IQueryController* const queryController) { #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS BinaryMapDataProvider_Metrics::Metric_obtainData localMetric; const auto metric = metric_ ? metric_ : &localMetric; #else const auto metric = metric_; #endif std::shared_ptr<TileEntry> tileEntry; for (;;) { // Try to obtain previous instance of tile _tileReferences.obtainOrAllocateEntry(tileEntry, tileId, zoom, [] (const TiledEntriesCollection<TileEntry>& collection, const TileId tileId, const ZoomLevel zoom) -> TileEntry* { return new TileEntry(collection, tileId, zoom); }); // If state is "Undefined", change it to "Loading" and proceed with loading if (tileEntry->setStateIf(TileState::Undefined, TileState::Loading)) break; // In case tile entry is being loaded, wait until it will finish loading if (tileEntry->getState() == TileState::Loading) { QReadLocker scopedLcoker(&tileEntry->_loadedConditionLock); // If tile is in 'Loading' state, wait until it will become 'Loaded' while (tileEntry->getState() != TileState::Loaded) REPEAT_UNTIL(tileEntry->_loadedCondition.wait(&tileEntry->_loadedConditionLock)); } // Try to lock tile reference outTiledData = tileEntry->_tile.lock(); // If successfully locked, just return it if (outTiledData) return true; // Otherwise consider this tile entry as expired, remove it from collection (it's safe to do that right now) // This will enable creation of new entry on next loop cycle _tileReferences.removeEntry(tileId, zoom); tileEntry.reset(); } const Stopwatch totalTimeStopwatch( #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS true #else metric != nullptr #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS ); // Obtain OBF data interface const Stopwatch obtainObfInterfaceStopwatch(metric != nullptr); const auto& dataInterface = owner->obfsCollection->obtainDataInterface(); if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForObtainingObfInterface += obtainObfInterfaceStopwatch.elapsed(); // Get bounding box that covers this tile const auto tileBBox31 = Utilities::tileBoundingBox31(tileId, zoom); // Perform read-out const Stopwatch totalReadTimeStopwatch(metric != nullptr); QList< std::shared_ptr< const ObfMapSectionReader::DataBlock > > referencedMapDataBlocks; QList< std::shared_ptr<const Model::BinaryMapObject> > referencedMapObjects; QList< proper::shared_future< std::shared_ptr<const Model::BinaryMapObject> > > futureReferencedMapObjects; QList< std::shared_ptr<const Model::BinaryMapObject> > loadedMapObjects; QSet< uint64_t > loadedSharedMapObjects; auto tileFoundation = MapFoundationType::Undefined; dataInterface->loadMapObjects( &loadedMapObjects, &tileFoundation, zoom, &tileBBox31, [this, zoom, &referencedMapObjects, &futureReferencedMapObjects, &loadedSharedMapObjects, tileBBox31, metric] (const std::shared_ptr<const ObfMapSectionInfo>& section, const uint64_t id, const AreaI& bbox, const ZoomLevel firstZoomLevel, const ZoomLevel lastZoomLevel) -> bool { const Stopwatch objectsFilteringStopwatch(metric != nullptr); // This map object may be shared only in case it crosses bounds of a tile const auto canNotBeShared = tileBBox31.contains(bbox); // If map object can not be shared, just read it if (canNotBeShared) { if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForObjectsFiltering += objectsFilteringStopwatch.elapsed(); return true; } // Otherwise, this map object can be shared, so it should be checked for // being present in shared mapObjects storage, or be reserved there std::shared_ptr<const Model::BinaryMapObject> sharedMapObjectReference; proper::shared_future< std::shared_ptr<const Model::BinaryMapObject> > futureSharedMapObjectReference; if (_sharedMapObjects.obtainReferenceOrFutureReferenceOrMakePromise(id, zoom, Utilities::enumerateZoomLevels(firstZoomLevel, lastZoomLevel), sharedMapObjectReference, futureSharedMapObjectReference)) { if (sharedMapObjectReference) { // If map object is already in shared objects cache and is available, use that one referencedMapObjects.push_back(qMove(sharedMapObjectReference)); } else { futureReferencedMapObjects.push_back(qMove(futureSharedMapObjectReference)); } if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForObjectsFiltering += objectsFilteringStopwatch.elapsed(); return false; } // This map object was reserved, and is going to be shared, but needs to be loaded loadedSharedMapObjects.insert(id); return true; }, _dataBlocksCache.get(), &referencedMapDataBlocks, nullptr,// query controller metric ? &metric->loadMapObjectsMetric : nullptr); // Process loaded-and-shared map objects for (auto& mapObject : loadedMapObjects) { // Check if this map object is shared if (!loadedSharedMapObjects.contains(mapObject->id)) continue; // Add unique map object under lock to all zoom levels, for which this map object is valid assert(mapObject->level); _sharedMapObjects.fulfilPromiseAndReference( mapObject->id, Utilities::enumerateZoomLevels(mapObject->level->minZoom, mapObject->level->maxZoom), mapObject); } for (auto& futureMapObject : futureReferencedMapObjects) { auto mapObject = futureMapObject.get(); referencedMapObjects.push_back(qMove(mapObject)); } if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForRead += totalReadTimeStopwatch.elapsed(); // Prepare data for the tile const auto sharedMapObjectsCount = referencedMapObjects.size() + loadedSharedMapObjects.size(); const auto allMapObjects = loadedMapObjects + referencedMapObjects; // Create tile const std::shared_ptr<BinaryMapDataTile> newTile(new BinaryMapDataTile( _dataBlocksCache, referencedMapDataBlocks, tileFoundation, allMapObjects, tileId, zoom)); newTile->_p->_weakLink = _link->getWeak(); newTile->_p->_refEntry = tileEntry; // Publish new tile outTiledData = newTile; // Store weak reference to new tile and mark it as 'Loaded' tileEntry->_tile = newTile; tileEntry->setState(TileState::Loaded); // Notify that tile has been loaded { QWriteLocker scopedLcoker(&tileEntry->_loadedConditionLock); tileEntry->_loadedCondition.wakeAll(); } if (metric) { metric->elapsedTime += totalTimeStopwatch.elapsed(); metric->objectsCount += allMapObjects.size(); metric->uniqueObjectsCount += allMapObjects.size() - sharedMapObjectsCount; metric->sharedObjectsCount += sharedMapObjectsCount; } #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS <= 1 LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Info, "%d map objects (%d unique, %d shared) read from %dx%d@%d in %fs", allMapObjects.size(), allMapObjects.size() - sharedMapObjectsCount, sharedMapObjectsCount, tileId.x, tileId.y, zoom, totalTimeStopwatch.elapsed()); #else LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Info, "%d map objects (%d unique, %d shared) read from %dx%d@%d in %fs:\n%s", allMapObjects.size(), allMapObjects.size() - sharedMapObjectsCount, sharedMapObjectsCount, tileId.x, tileId.y, zoom, totalTimeStopwatch.elapsed(), qPrintable(metric ? metric->toString(QLatin1String("\t - ")) : QLatin1String("(null)"))); #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS <= 1 #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS return true; }
void doPerformance(int count) { std::cout << "Loop count: " << count << std::endl; std::cout << "Static cast Int32 to double:" << std::endl; std::cout << "--------------------------" << std::endl; fos << "Static cast Int32 to double" << std::endl; Int32 i = 0; double d; Stopwatch sw; sw.start(); do { staticCastInt32ToDouble(d, i); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("static_cast<double>(Int32)", sw.elapsed()); Any a = 1.0; i = 0; sw.start(); do { unsafeAnyCastAnyToDouble(d, a); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("UnsafeAnyCast<double>(Int32)", sw.elapsed()); std::cout << std::endl << "Conversion Int32 to double:" << std::endl; std::cout << "--------------------------" << std::endl; fos << "Conversion Int32 to double" << std::endl; i = 0; sw.start(); do { lexicalCastInt32ToDouble(d, i); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("boost::lexical_cast<double>(Int32)", sw.elapsed()); DynamicAny da = 1; i = 0; sw.restart(); do { convertInt32ToDouble(d, da); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("DynamicAny<Int32>::convert<double>()", sw.elapsed()); i = 0; sw.restart(); do { assignInt32ToDouble(d, da); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("operator=(double, DynamicAny<Int32>)", sw.elapsed()); std::cout << std::endl << "Conversion signed Int32 to UInt16:" << std::endl; std::cout << "--------------------------" << std::endl; fos << "Conversion signed Int32 to UInt16" << std::endl; UInt16 us = 0; Int32 j = 1; i = 0; sw.start(); do { lexicalCastInt32toUInt16(us, j); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("boost::lexical_cast<UInt16>(Int32)", sw.elapsed()); i = 0; sw.restart(); do { convertInt32toUInt16(us, da); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("DynamicAny<Int32>::convert<UInt16>()", sw.elapsed()); i = 0; sw.restart(); do { assignInt32toUInt16(us, da); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("operator=(UInt16, DynamicAny<Int32>)", sw.elapsed()); std::cout << std::endl << "Conversion string to double:" << std::endl; std::cout << "-----------" << std::endl; fos << "Conversion string to double" << std::endl; std::string s = "1234.5"; i = 0; sw.start(); do { lexicalCastStringToDouble(d, s); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("boost::lexical_cast<double>(string)", sw.elapsed()); DynamicAny ds = "1234.5"; i = 0; sw.restart(); do { convertStringToDouble(d, ds); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("DynamicAny<string>::convert<double>()", sw.elapsed()); i = 0; sw.restart(); do { assignStringToDouble(d, ds); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("operator=(double, DynamicAny<string>)", sw.elapsed()); std::cout << std::endl << "Extraction double:" << std::endl; std::cout << "-----------" << std::endl; fos << "Extraction double" << std::endl; a = 1.0; i = 0; sw.restart(); do { anyCastRefDouble(d, a); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("RefAnyCast<double>(Any&)", sw.elapsed()); i = 0; sw.restart(); do { anyCastPtrDouble(d, a); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("AnyCast<double>(Any*)", sw.elapsed()); da = 1.0; i = 0; sw.restart(); do { extractDouble(d, da); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("DynamicAny::extract<double>()", sw.elapsed()); std::cout << std::endl << "Extraction string:" << std::endl; std::cout << "-----------" << std::endl; fos << "Extraction string" << std::endl; Any as = std::string("1234.5"); i = 0; sw.restart(); do { anyCastRefString(s, as); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("RefAnyCast<std::string>(Any&)", sw.elapsed()); i = 0; sw.restart(); do { anyCastPtrString(s, as); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("AnyCast<std::string>(Any*)", sw.elapsed()); ds = "1234.5"; i = 0; sw.restart(); do { extractString(s, ds); } while (++i < count); sw.stop(); print("DynamicAny::extract<std::string>()", sw.elapsed()); fos.close(); }
void PollSetTest::testPoll() { EchoServer echoServer1; EchoServer echoServer2; StreamSocket ss1; StreamSocket ss2; ss1.connect(SocketAddress("", echoServer1.port())); ss2.connect(SocketAddress("", echoServer2.port())); PollSet ps; ps.add(ss1, PollSet::POLL_READ); // nothing readable Stopwatch sw; sw.start(); Timespan timeout(1000000); assert (ps.poll(timeout).empty()); assert (sw.elapsed() >= 900000); sw.restart(); ps.add(ss2, PollSet::POLL_READ); // ss1 must be writable, if polled for ps.update(ss1, PollSet::POLL_READ | PollSet::POLL_WRITE); PollSet::SocketModeMap sm = ps.poll(timeout); assert (sm.find(ss1) != sm.end()); assert (sm.find(ss2) == sm.end()); assert (sm.find(ss1)->second == PollSet::POLL_WRITE); assert (sw.elapsed() < 100000); ps.update(ss1, PollSet::POLL_READ); ss1.sendBytes("hello", 5); char buffer[256]; sw.restart(); sm = ps.poll(timeout); assert (sm.find(ss1) != sm.end()); assert (sm.find(ss2) == sm.end()); assert (sm.find(ss1)->second == PollSet::POLL_READ); assert (sw.elapsed() < 100000); int n = ss1.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); assert (n == 5); assert (std::string(buffer, n) == "hello"); ss2.sendBytes("HELLO", 5); sw.restart(); sm = ps.poll(timeout); assert (sm.find(ss1) == sm.end()); assert (sm.find(ss2) != sm.end()); assert (sm.find(ss2)->second == PollSet::POLL_READ); assert (sw.elapsed() < 100000); n = ss2.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); assert (n == 5); assert (std::string(buffer, n) == "HELLO"); ps.remove(ss2); ss2.sendBytes("HELLO", 5); sw.restart(); sm = ps.poll(timeout); assert (sm.empty()); n = ss2.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); assert (n == 5); assert (std::string(buffer, n) == "HELLO"); ss1.close(); ss2.close(); }
bool OsmAnd::BinaryMapRasterBitmapTileProvider_GPU_P::obtainData( const TileId tileId, const ZoomLevel zoom, std::shared_ptr<MapTiledData>& outTiledData, BinaryMapRasterBitmapTileProvider_Metrics::Metric_obtainData* const metric_, const IQueryController* const queryController) { #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS BinaryMapRasterBitmapTileProvider_Metrics::Metric_obtainData localMetric; const auto metric = metric_ ? metric_ : &localMetric; #else const auto metric = metric_; #endif const Stopwatch totalStopwatch( #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS true #else metric != nullptr #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS ); // Obtain offline map primitives tile std::shared_ptr<MapTiledData> primitivesTile_; owner->primitivesProvider->obtainData(tileId, zoom, primitivesTile_); if (!primitivesTile_) { outTiledData.reset(); return true; } const auto primitivesTile = std::static_pointer_cast<BinaryMapPrimitivesTile>(primitivesTile_); //TODO: SkGpuDevice // Allocate rasterization target const auto tileSize = owner->getTileSize(); const std::shared_ptr<SkBitmap> rasterizationSurface(new SkBitmap()); rasterizationSurface->setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, tileSize, tileSize); if (!rasterizationSurface->allocPixels()) { LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Error, "Failed to allocate buffer for ARGB8888 rasterization surface %dx%d", tileSize, tileSize); return false; } SkBitmapDevice rasterizationTarget(*rasterizationSurface); // Create rasterization canvas SkCanvas canvas(&rasterizationTarget); // Perform actual rendering if (!primitivesTile->primitivisedArea->isEmpty()) { _mapRasterizer->rasterize( primitivesTile->primitivisedArea, canvas, true, nullptr, metric ? &metric->rasterizeMetric : nullptr, queryController); } else { // If there is no data to rasterize, tell that this tile is not available outTiledData.reset(); return true; } // Or supply newly rasterized tile outTiledData.reset(new BinaryMapRasterizedTile( primitivesTile, rasterizationSurface, AlphaChannelData::NotPresent, owner->getTileDensityFactor(), tileId, zoom)); if (metric) metric->elapsedTime += totalStopwatch.elapsed(); #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS <= 1 LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Info, "%dx%d@%d rasterized on GPU in %fs", tileId.x, tileId.y, zoom, totalStopwatch.elapsed()); #else LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Info, "%dx%d@%d rasterized on GPU in %fs:\n%s", tileId.x, tileId.y, zoom, totalStopwatch.elapsed(), qPrintable(metric ? metric->toString(QLatin1String("\t - ")) : QLatin1String("(null)"))); #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS <= 1 #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS return true; }
MergeTreeData::MutableDataPartPtr MergeTreeDataWriter::writeTempPart(BlockWithDateInterval & block_with_dates, Int64 temp_index) { /// For logging Stopwatch stopwatch; Block & block = block_with_dates.block; UInt16 min_date = block_with_dates.min_date; UInt16 max_date = block_with_dates.max_date; const auto & date_lut = DateLUT::instance(); DayNum_t min_month = date_lut.toFirstDayNumOfMonth(DayNum_t(min_date)); DayNum_t max_month = date_lut.toFirstDayNumOfMonth(DayNum_t(max_date)); if (min_month != max_month) throw Exception("Logical error: part spans more than one month."); size_t part_size = (block.rows() + data.index_granularity - 1) / data.index_granularity; static const String TMP_PREFIX = "tmp_insert_"; String part_name = ActiveDataPartSet::getPartName(DayNum_t(min_date), DayNum_t(max_date), temp_index, temp_index, 0); MergeTreeData::MutableDataPartPtr new_data_part = std::make_shared<MergeTreeData::DataPart>(data); new_data_part->name = part_name; new_data_part->relative_path = TMP_PREFIX + part_name; new_data_part->is_temp = true; Poco::File(new_data_part->getFullPath()).createDirectories(); /// If you need to compute some columns to sort, we do it. if (data.merging_params.mode != MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Unsorted) data.getPrimaryExpression()->execute(block); SortDescription sort_descr = data.getSortDescription(); ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::MergeTreeDataWriterBlocks); /// Sort. IColumn::Permutation * perm_ptr = nullptr; IColumn::Permutation perm; if (data.merging_params.mode != MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Unsorted) { if (!isAlreadySorted(block, sort_descr)) { stableGetPermutation(block, sort_descr, perm); perm_ptr = &perm; } else ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::MergeTreeDataWriterBlocksAlreadySorted); } NamesAndTypesList columns = data.getColumnsList().filter(block.getColumnsList().getNames()); MergedBlockOutputStream out(data, new_data_part->getFullPath(), columns, CompressionMethod::LZ4); out.writePrefix(); out.writeWithPermutation(block, perm_ptr); MergeTreeData::DataPart::Checksums checksums = out.writeSuffixAndGetChecksums(); new_data_part->left_date = DayNum_t(min_date); new_data_part->right_date = DayNum_t(max_date); new_data_part->left = temp_index; new_data_part->right = temp_index; new_data_part->level = 0; new_data_part->size = part_size; new_data_part->modification_time = time(0); new_data_part->month = min_month; new_data_part->columns = columns; new_data_part->checksums = checksums; new_data_part->index.swap(out.getIndex()); new_data_part->size_in_bytes = MergeTreeData::DataPart::calcTotalSize(new_data_part->getFullPath()); ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::MergeTreeDataWriterRows, block.rows()); ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::MergeTreeDataWriterUncompressedBytes, block.bytes()); ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::MergeTreeDataWriterCompressedBytes, new_data_part->size_in_bytes); if (auto part_log = context.getPartLog(data.getDatabaseName(), data.getTableName())) { PartLogElement elem; elem.event_time = time(0); elem.event_type = PartLogElement::NEW_PART; elem.size_in_bytes = new_data_part->size_in_bytes; elem.duration_ms = stopwatch.elapsed() / 1000000; elem.database_name = new_data_part->storage.getDatabaseName(); elem.table_name = new_data_part->storage.getTableName(); elem.part_name = part_name; part_log->add(elem); } return new_data_part; }
void LocalSocketTest::testSocketsPerformance() { Timestamp::TimeDiff local = 0, net = 0; std::size_t initBufSize = 1; std::size_t initReps = 1; bool noDelay[2] = { true, false }; std::cout << std::endl << "OS Name: " << Environment::osName() << std::endl; std::cout << "OS Version: " << Environment::osVersion() << std::endl; std::cout << "OS Architecture: " << Environment::osArchitecture() << std::endl; for (int d = 0; d < 2; ++d) { double locData = 0.0, locTime = 0.0, netData = 0.0, netTime = 0.0; std::ostringstream os; os << Environment::osName() << '-' << Environment::osVersion() << '-' << Environment::osArchitecture() << "-TCP"; if (noDelay[d]) os << "-nodelay"; os << ".csv"; File f(os.str()); if (f.exists()) f.remove(); FileOutputStream fos(os.str()); for (std::size_t repetitions = initReps; repetitions <= 100000; repetitions *= 10) { for (std::size_t bufSize = initBufSize; bufSize < 20000; bufSize *= 2) { char* pBuf = new char[bufSize]; { SocketAddress sas("/tmp/poco.server.tcp.sock"); EchoServer echoServer(sas, bufSize); SocketAddress sac("/tmp/poco.client.tcp.sock"); StreamSocket ss(sas, &sac); int recv = 0, sent = 0; Stopwatch sw; int i = 0; for (; i < repetitions; ++i) { sent = 0; recv = 0; local = 0; do { int s; sw.restart(); s = ss.sendBytes(pBuf + sent, bufSize - sent); sw.stop(); local += sw.elapsed(); sent += s; } while (sent < bufSize); do { int r; sw.restart(); r = ss.receiveBytes(pBuf + recv, bufSize - recv); sw.stop(); local += sw.elapsed(); recv += r; } while (recv < bufSize); locData += sent; locData += recv; locTime += local; poco_assert (sent == bufSize && recv == bufSize); } std::cout << "Local TCP socket, " << i << " repetitions, " << bufSize << " bytes, " << local << " [us]." << std::endl; ss.close(); } { SocketAddress sa("localhost", 12345); EchoServer echoServer(sa, bufSize); StreamSocket ss; ss.connect(SocketAddress(sa.host(), echoServer.port())); if (noDelay[d]) ss.setNoDelay(true); int recv = 0, sent = 0; Stopwatch sw; int i = 0; for (; i < repetitions; ++i) { sent = 0; recv = 0; net = 0; do { int s; sw.restart(); s = ss.sendBytes(pBuf + sent, bufSize - sent); sw.stop(); net += sw.elapsed(); sent += s; } while (sent < bufSize); do { int r; sw.restart(); r = ss.receiveBytes(pBuf + recv, bufSize - recv); sw.stop(); net += sw.elapsed(); recv += r; } while (recv < bufSize); netData += sent; netData += recv; netTime += net; poco_assert (sent == bufSize && recv == bufSize); } std::cout << "Network TCP socket, " << i << " repetitions, " << bufSize << " bytes, " << net << " [us]." << std::endl; fos << i << ',' << bufSize << ','; ss.close(); } delete pBuf; double ratio = ((double) net) / ((double) local); double diff = ((double) net) - ((double) local); std::cout << "Ratio: " << ratio << "(" << diff / 1000.0 << "[us/msg]" << std::endl; fos << ratio << std::endl; } } poco_assert (locData == netData); double locDTR = ((locData / (locTime / Timestamp::resolution())) * 8) / 1000000; double netDTR = ((netData / (netTime / Timestamp::resolution())) * 8) / 1000000; std::cout << (d ? "NO DELAY" : "DELAY") << std::endl << "=================================" << std::endl << "Local DTR: " << ((locData / (locTime / Timestamp::resolution())) * 8) / 1000000 << " [Mbit/s]" << std::endl << "Network DTR: " << ((netData / (netTime / Timestamp::resolution())) * 8) / 1000000 << " [Mbit/s]" << std::endl << "Local sockets speedup: " << ((locDTR / netDTR) * 100) - 100 << '%' << std::endl << "=================================" << std::endl; fos << "=================================" << std::endl << "Local DTR: " << ((locData / (locTime / Timestamp::resolution())) * 8) / 1000000 << " [Mbit/s]" << std::endl << "Network DTR: " << ((netData / (netTime / Timestamp::resolution())) * 8) / 1000000 << " [Mbit/s]" << std::endl << "Local sockets speedup: " << ((locDTR / netDTR) * 100) - 100 << '%' << std::endl << "=================================" << std::endl; fos.close(); } }
void OsmAnd::ObfMapSectionReader_P::readMapObjectsBlock( const ObfReader_P& reader, const std::shared_ptr<const ObfMapSectionInfo>& section, const std::shared_ptr<const ObfMapSectionLevelTreeNode>& tree, QList< std::shared_ptr<const OsmAnd::BinaryMapObject> >* resultOut, const AreaI* bbox31, const FilterReadingByIdFunction filterById, const VisitorFunction visitor, const std::shared_ptr<const IQueryController>& queryController, ObfMapSectionReader_Metrics::Metric_loadMapObjects* const metric) { const auto cis = reader.getCodedInputStream().get(); QList< std::shared_ptr<BinaryMapObject> > intermediateResult; QStringList mapObjectsCaptionsTable; gpb::uint64 baseId = 0; for (;;) { const auto tag = cis->ReadTag(); switch (gpb::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) { case 0: { if (!ObfReaderUtilities::reachedDataEnd(cis)) return; for (const auto& mapObject : constOf(intermediateResult)) { // Fill mapObject captions from string-table for (auto& caption : mapObject->captions) { const auto stringId = ObfReaderUtilities::decodeIntegerFromString(caption); if (stringId >= mapObjectsCaptionsTable.size()) { LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Error, "Data mismatch: string #%d (map object %s not found in string table (size %d) in section '%s'", stringId, qPrintable(mapObject->id.toString()), mapObjectsCaptionsTable.size(), qPrintable(section->name)); caption = QString::fromLatin1("#%1 NOT FOUND").arg(stringId); continue; } caption = mapObjectsCaptionsTable[stringId]; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //if (mapObject->id.getOsmId() == 49048972u) //{ // int i = 5; //} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!visitor || visitor(mapObject)) { if (resultOut) resultOut->push_back(qMove(mapObject)); } } return; } case OBF::MapDataBlock::kBaseIdFieldNumber: { cis->ReadVarint64(&baseId); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //if (bbox31) // LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Debug, "BBOX %d %d %d %d - MAP BLOCK %" PRIi64, bbox31->top, bbox31->left, bbox31->bottom, bbox31->right, baseId); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// break; } case OBF::MapDataBlock::kDataObjectsFieldNumber: { gpb::uint32 length; cis->ReadVarint32(&length); const auto offset = cis->CurrentPosition(); // Read map object content const Stopwatch readMapObjectStopwatch(metric != nullptr); std::shared_ptr<OsmAnd::BinaryMapObject> mapObject; auto oldLimit = cis->PushLimit(length); readMapObject(reader, section, baseId, tree, mapObject, bbox31, metric); ObfReaderUtilities::ensureAllDataWasRead(cis); cis->PopLimit(oldLimit); // Update metric if (metric) metric->visitedMapObjects++; // If map object was not read, skip it if (!mapObject) { if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForOnlyVisitedMapObjects += readMapObjectStopwatch.elapsed(); break; } // Update metric if (metric) { metric->elapsedTimeForOnlyAcceptedMapObjects += readMapObjectStopwatch.elapsed(); metric->acceptedMapObjects++; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //if (mapObject->id.getOsmId() == 49048972u) //{ // int i = 5; //} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check if map object is desired const auto shouldReject = filterById && !filterById( section, mapObject->id, mapObject->bbox31, mapObject->level->minZoom, mapObject->level->maxZoom); if (shouldReject) break; // Save object intermediateResult.push_back(qMove(mapObject)); break; } case OBF::MapDataBlock::kStringTableFieldNumber: { gpb::uint32 length; cis->ReadVarint32(&length); const auto offset = cis->CurrentPosition(); auto oldLimit = cis->PushLimit(length); if (intermediateResult.isEmpty()) { cis->Skip(cis->BytesUntilLimit()); cis->PopLimit(oldLimit); break; } ObfReaderUtilities::readStringTable(cis, mapObjectsCaptionsTable); ObfReaderUtilities::ensureAllDataWasRead(cis); cis->PopLimit(oldLimit); break; } default: ObfReaderUtilities::skipUnknownField(cis, tag); break; } } }
void DatagramLocalSocketTest::testDatagramSocketPerformance() { Timestamp::TimeDiff local, net; std::size_t initBufSize = 1; std::size_t initReps = 1; double locData = 0.0, locTime = 0.0, netData = 0.0, netTime = 0.0; std::cout << std::endl << "OS Name: " << Environment::osName() << std::endl; std::cout << "OS Version: " << Environment::osVersion() << std::endl; std::cout << "OS Architecture: " << Environment::osArchitecture() << std::endl; std::ostringstream os; os << Environment::osName() << '-' << Environment::osVersion() << '-' << Environment::osArchitecture() << "-UDP.csv"; File f(os.str()); if (f.exists()) f.remove(); FileOutputStream fos(os.str()); for (std::size_t repetitions = initReps; repetitions <= 100000; repetitions *= 10) { for (std::size_t bufSize = initBufSize; bufSize < 20000; bufSize *= 2) { char* pBuf = new char[bufSize]; { UDPLocalEchoServer echoServer(bufSize); DatagramSocket ss(SocketAddress("/tmp/poco.client.udp.sock"), true); SocketAddress addr(echoServer.address().toString()); ss.connect(addr); int recv = 0, sent = 0; Stopwatch sw; int i = 0; for (; i < repetitions; ++i) { sent = 0; recv = 0; local = 0; do { int s; sw.restart(); s = ss.sendBytes(pBuf + sent, bufSize - sent); sw.stop(); local += sw.elapsed(); sent += s; } while (sent < bufSize); do { int r; sw.restart(); r = ss.receiveBytes(pBuf + recv, bufSize - recv); sw.stop(); local += sw.elapsed(); recv += r; } while (recv < bufSize); locData += sent; locData += recv; locTime += local; poco_assert (sent == bufSize && recv == bufSize); } std::cout << "Local UDP socket, " << i << " repetitions, " << bufSize << " bytes, " << local << " [us]." << std::endl; ss.close(); } { UDPEchoServer echoServer(bufSize); DatagramSocket ss; ss.connect(SocketAddress("localhost", echoServer.port())); int recv = 0, sent = 0; Stopwatch sw; int i = 0; for (; i < repetitions; ++i) { sent = 0; recv = 0; net = 0; do { int s; sw.restart(); s = ss.sendBytes(pBuf + sent, bufSize - sent); sw.stop(); net += sw.elapsed(); sent += s; } while (sent < bufSize); do { int r; sw.restart(); r = ss.receiveBytes(pBuf + recv, bufSize - recv); sw.stop(); net += sw.elapsed(); recv += r; } while (recv < bufSize); netData += sent; netData += recv; netTime += net; poco_assert (sent == bufSize && recv == bufSize); } std::cout << "Network UDP socket, " << i << " repetitions, " << bufSize << " bytes, " << net << " [us]." << std::endl; fos << i << ',' << bufSize << ','; ss.close(); } delete pBuf; double ratio = local ? ((double) net) / ((double) local) : (double) net; double diff = ((double) net) - ((double) local); std::cout << "Ratio: " << ratio << "(" << diff / 1000.0 << "[us/msg]" << ')' << std::endl; fos << ratio << std::endl; } } poco_assert (locData == netData); double locDTR = ((locData / (locTime / Timestamp::resolution())) * 8) / 1000000; double netDTR = ((netData / (netTime / Timestamp::resolution())) * 8) / 1000000; std::cout << "=================================" << std::endl << "Local DTR: " << locDTR << " [Mbit/s]" << std::endl << "Network DTR: " << netDTR << " [Mbit/s]" << std::endl << "Local sockets speedup: " << ((locDTR / netDTR) * 100) - 100 << '%' << std::endl << "=================================" << std::endl; fos << "=================================" << std::endl << "Local DTR: " << locDTR << " [Mbit/s]" << std::endl << "Network DTR: " << netDTR << " [Mbit/s]" << std::endl << "Local sockets speedup: " << ((locDTR / netDTR) * 100) - 100 << '%' << std::endl << "=================================" << std::endl; fos.close(); }
void OsmAnd::ObfMapSectionReader_P::loadMapObjects( const ObfReader_P& reader, const std::shared_ptr<const ObfMapSectionInfo>& section, ZoomLevel zoom, const AreaI* bbox31, QList< std::shared_ptr<const OsmAnd::BinaryMapObject> >* resultOut, MapSurfaceType* outBBoxOrSectionSurfaceType, const ObfMapSectionReader::FilterByIdFunction filterById, const VisitorFunction visitor, DataBlocksCache* cache, QList< std::shared_ptr<const DataBlock> >* outReferencedCacheEntries, const std::shared_ptr<const IQueryController>& queryController, ObfMapSectionReader_Metrics::Metric_loadMapObjects* const metric) { const auto cis = reader.getCodedInputStream().get(); const auto filterReadById = [filterById, zoom] (const std::shared_ptr<const ObfMapSectionInfo>& section, const ObfObjectId mapObjectId, const AreaI& bbox, const ZoomLevel firstZoomLevel, const ZoomLevel lastZoomLevel) -> bool { return filterById(section, mapObjectId, bbox, firstZoomLevel, lastZoomLevel, zoom); }; // Ensure encoding/decoding rules are read if (section->_p->_attributeMappingLoaded.loadAcquire() == 0) { QMutexLocker scopedLocker(§ion->_p->_attributeMappingLoadMutex); if (!section->_p->_attributeMapping) { // Read encoding/decoding rules cis->Seek(section->offset); auto oldLimit = cis->PushLimit(section->length); const std::shared_ptr<ObfMapSectionAttributeMapping> attributeMapping(new ObfMapSectionAttributeMapping()); readAttributeMapping(reader, section, attributeMapping); section->_p->_attributeMapping = attributeMapping; cis->PopLimit(oldLimit); section->_p->_attributeMappingLoaded.storeRelease(1); } } ObfMapSectionReader_Metrics::Metric_loadMapObjects localMetric; auto bboxOrSectionSurfaceType = MapSurfaceType::Undefined; if (outBBoxOrSectionSurfaceType) *outBBoxOrSectionSurfaceType = bboxOrSectionSurfaceType; QList< std::shared_ptr<const DataBlock> > danglingReferencedCacheEntries; for (const auto& mapLevel : constOf(section->levels)) { // Update metric if (metric) metric->visitedLevels++; if (mapLevel->minZoom > zoom || mapLevel->maxZoom < zoom) continue; if (bbox31) { const Stopwatch bboxLevelCheckStopwatch(metric != nullptr); const auto shouldSkip = !bbox31->contains(mapLevel->area31) && !mapLevel->area31.contains(*bbox31) && !bbox31->intersects(mapLevel->area31); if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForLevelsBbox += bboxLevelCheckStopwatch.elapsed(); if (shouldSkip) continue; } const Stopwatch treeNodesStopwatch(metric != nullptr); if (metric) metric->acceptedLevels++; // If there are no tree nodes in map level, it means they are not loaded. // Since loading may be called from multiple threads, loading of root nodes needs synchronization // Ensure encoding/decoding rules are read if (mapLevel->_p->_rootNodesLoaded.loadAcquire() == 0) { QMutexLocker scopedLocker(&mapLevel->_p->_rootNodesLoadMutex); if (!mapLevel->_p->_rootNodes) { cis->Seek(mapLevel->offset); auto oldLimit = cis->PushLimit(mapLevel->length); cis->Skip(mapLevel->firstDataBoxInnerOffset); const std::shared_ptr< QList< std::shared_ptr<const ObfMapSectionLevelTreeNode> > > rootNodes( new QList< std::shared_ptr<const ObfMapSectionLevelTreeNode> >()); readMapLevelTreeNodes(reader, section, mapLevel, *rootNodes); mapLevel->_p->_rootNodes = rootNodes; cis->PopLimit(oldLimit); mapLevel->_p->_rootNodesLoaded.storeRelease(1); } } // Collect tree nodes with data QList< std::shared_ptr<const ObfMapSectionLevelTreeNode> > treeNodesWithData; for (const auto& rootNode : constOf(*mapLevel->_p->_rootNodes)) { // Update metric if (metric) metric->visitedNodes++; if (bbox31) { const Stopwatch bboxNodeCheckStopwatch(metric != nullptr); const auto shouldSkip = !bbox31->contains(rootNode->area31) && !rootNode->area31.contains(*bbox31) && !bbox31->intersects(rootNode->area31); // Update metric if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForNodesBbox += bboxNodeCheckStopwatch.elapsed(); if (shouldSkip) continue; } // Update metric if (metric) metric->acceptedNodes++; if (rootNode->dataOffset > 0) treeNodesWithData.push_back(rootNode); auto rootSubnodesSurfaceType = MapSurfaceType::Undefined; if (rootNode->hasChildrenDataBoxes) { cis->Seek(rootNode->offset); auto oldLimit = cis->PushLimit(rootNode->length); cis->Skip(rootNode->firstDataBoxInnerOffset); readTreeNodeChildren(reader, section, rootNode, rootSubnodesSurfaceType, &treeNodesWithData, bbox31, queryController, metric); ObfReaderUtilities::ensureAllDataWasRead(cis); cis->PopLimit(oldLimit); } const auto surfaceTypeToMerge = (rootSubnodesSurfaceType != MapSurfaceType::Undefined) ? rootSubnodesSurfaceType : rootNode->surfaceType; if (surfaceTypeToMerge != MapSurfaceType::Undefined) { if (bboxOrSectionSurfaceType == MapSurfaceType::Undefined) bboxOrSectionSurfaceType = surfaceTypeToMerge; else if (bboxOrSectionSurfaceType != surfaceTypeToMerge) bboxOrSectionSurfaceType = MapSurfaceType::Mixed; } } // Sort blocks by data offset to force forward-only seeking std::sort(treeNodesWithData, [] (const std::shared_ptr<const ObfMapSectionLevelTreeNode>& l, const std::shared_ptr<const ObfMapSectionLevelTreeNode>& r) -> bool { return l->dataOffset < r->dataOffset; }); // Update metric const Stopwatch mapObjectsStopwatch(metric != nullptr); if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForNodes += treeNodesStopwatch.elapsed(); // Read map objects from their blocks for (const auto& treeNode : constOf(treeNodesWithData)) { if (queryController && queryController->isAborted()) break; DataBlockId blockId; blockId.sectionRuntimeGeneratedId = section->runtimeGeneratedId; blockId.offset = treeNode->dataOffset; if (cache && cache->shouldCacheBlock(blockId, treeNode->area31, bbox31)) { // In case cache is provided, read and cache const auto levelZooms = Utilities::enumerateZoomLevels(treeNode->level->minZoom, treeNode->level->maxZoom); std::shared_ptr<const DataBlock> dataBlock; std::shared_ptr<const DataBlock> sharedBlockReference; proper::shared_future< std::shared_ptr<const DataBlock> > futureSharedBlockReference; if (cache->obtainReferenceOrFutureReferenceOrMakePromise(blockId, zoom, levelZooms, sharedBlockReference, futureSharedBlockReference)) { // Got reference or future reference // Update metric if (metric) metric->mapObjectsBlocksReferenced++; if (sharedBlockReference) { // Ok, this block was already loaded, just use it dataBlock = sharedBlockReference; } else { // Wait until it will be loaded dataBlock = futureSharedBlockReference.get(); } } else { // Made a promise, so load entire block into temporary storage QList< std::shared_ptr<const BinaryMapObject> > mapObjects; cis->Seek(treeNode->dataOffset); gpb::uint32 length; cis->ReadVarint32(&length); const auto oldLimit = cis->PushLimit(length); readMapObjectsBlock( reader, section, treeNode, &mapObjects, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, metric ? &localMetric : nullptr); ObfReaderUtilities::ensureAllDataWasRead(cis); cis->PopLimit(oldLimit); // Update metric if (metric) metric->mapObjectsBlocksRead++; // Create a data block and share it dataBlock.reset(new DataBlock(blockId, treeNode->area31, treeNode->surfaceType, mapObjects)); cache->fulfilPromiseAndReference(blockId, levelZooms, dataBlock); } if (outReferencedCacheEntries) outReferencedCacheEntries->push_back(dataBlock); else danglingReferencedCacheEntries.push_back(dataBlock); // Process data block for (const auto& mapObject : constOf(dataBlock->mapObjects)) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //if (mapObject->id.getOsmId() == 49048972u) //{ // if (bbox31 && *bbox31 == Utilities::tileBoundingBox31(TileId::fromXY(1052, 673), ZoomLevel11)) // { // const auto t = mapObject->toString(); // int i = 5; // } //} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (metric) metric->visitedMapObjects++; if (bbox31) { const auto shouldNotSkip = mapObject->bbox31.contains(*bbox31) || bbox31->intersects(mapObject->bbox31); if (!shouldNotSkip) continue; } // Check if map object is desired const auto shouldReject = filterById && !filterById( section, mapObject->id, mapObject->bbox31, mapObject->level->minZoom, mapObject->level->maxZoom, zoom); if (shouldReject) continue; if (!visitor || visitor(mapObject)) { if (metric) metric->acceptedMapObjects++; if (resultOut) resultOut->push_back(qMove(mapObject)); } } } else { // In case there's no cache, simply read cis->Seek(treeNode->dataOffset); gpb::uint32 length; cis->ReadVarint32(&length); const auto oldLimit = cis->PushLimit(length); readMapObjectsBlock( reader, section, treeNode, resultOut, bbox31, filterById != nullptr ? filterReadById : FilterReadingByIdFunction(), visitor, queryController, metric); ObfReaderUtilities::ensureAllDataWasRead(cis); cis->PopLimit(oldLimit); // Update metric if (metric) metric->mapObjectsBlocksRead++; } // Update metric if (metric) metric->mapObjectsBlocksProcessed++; } // Update metric if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForMapObjectsBlocks += mapObjectsStopwatch.elapsed(); } // In case cache was supplied, but referenced cache entries output collection was not specified, // release all dangling references if (cache && !outReferencedCacheEntries) { for (auto& referencedCacheEntry : danglingReferencedCacheEntries) cache->releaseReference(referencedCacheEntry->id, zoom, referencedCacheEntry); danglingReferencedCacheEntries.clear(); } if (outBBoxOrSectionSurfaceType) *outBBoxOrSectionSurfaceType = bboxOrSectionSurfaceType; // In case cache was used, and metric was requested, some values must be taken from different parts if (cache && metric) { metric->elapsedTimeForOnlyAcceptedMapObjects += localMetric.elapsedTimeForOnlyAcceptedMapObjects; } }
UInt64 timeElapsed() // nofail, in milliseconds. { return s_stopwatch.elapsed(); }
Try<Nothing> Benchmark::execute(int argc, char** argv) { flags.setUsageMessage( "Usage: " + name() + " [options]\n" "\n" "This command is used to do performance test on the\n" "replicated log. It takes a trace file of write sizes\n" "and replay that trace to measure the latency of each\n" "write. The data to be written for each write can be\n" "specified using the --type flag.\n" "\n"); // Configure the tool by parsing command line arguments. if (argc > 0 && argv != NULL) { Try<Nothing> load = flags.load(None(), argc, argv); if (load.isError()) { return Error(flags.usage(load.error())); } if (flags.help) { return Error(flags.usage()); } process::initialize(); logging::initialize(argv[0], flags); } if (flags.quorum.isNone()) { return Error(flags.usage("Missing required option --quorum")); } if (flags.path.isNone()) { return Error(flags.usage("Missing required option --path")); } if (flags.servers.isNone()) { return Error(flags.usage("Missing required option --servers")); } if (flags.znode.isNone()) { return Error(flags.usage("Missing required option --znode")); } if (flags.input.isNone()) { return Error(flags.usage("Missing required option --input")); } if (flags.output.isNone()) { return Error(flags.usage("Missing required option --output")); } // Initialize the log. if (flags.initialize) { Initialize initialize; initialize.flags.path = flags.path; Try<Nothing> execution = initialize.execute(); if (execution.isError()) { return Error(execution.error()); } } // Create the log. Log log( flags.quorum.get(), flags.path.get(), flags.servers.get(), Seconds(10), flags.znode.get()); // Create the log writer. Log::Writer writer(&log); Future<Option<Log::Position> > position = writer.start(); if (!position.await(Seconds(15))) { return Error("Failed to start a log writer: timed out"); } else if (!position.isReady()) { return Error("Failed to start a log writer: " + (position.isFailed() ? position.failure() : "Discarded future")); } // Statistics to output. vector<Bytes> sizes; vector<Duration> durations; vector<Time> timestamps; // Read sizes from the input trace file. ifstream input(flags.input.get().c_str()); if (!input.is_open()) { return Error("Failed to open the trace file " + flags.input.get()); } string line; while (getline(input, line)) { Try<Bytes> size = Bytes::parse(strings::trim(line)); if (size.isError()) { return Error("Failed to parse the trace file: " + size.error()); } sizes.push_back(size.get()); } input.close(); // Generate the data to be written. vector<string> data; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizes.size(); i++) { if (flags.type == "one") { data.push_back(string(sizes[i].bytes(), static_cast<char>(0xff))); } else if (flags.type == "random") { data.push_back(string(sizes[i].bytes(), ::random() % 256)); } else { data.push_back(string(sizes[i].bytes(), 0)); } } Stopwatch stopwatch; stopwatch.start(); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizes.size(); i++) { Stopwatch stopwatch; stopwatch.start(); position = writer.append(data[i]); if (!position.await(Seconds(10))) { return Error("Failed to append: timed out"); } else if (!position.isReady()) { return Error("Failed to append: " + (position.isFailed() ? position.failure() : "Discarded future")); } else if (position.get().isNone()) { return Error("Failed to append: exclusive write promise lost"); } durations.push_back(stopwatch.elapsed()); timestamps.push_back(Clock::now()); } cout << "Total number of appends: " << sizes.size() << endl; cout << "Total time used: " << stopwatch.elapsed() << endl; // Ouput statistics. ofstream output(flags.output.get().c_str()); if (!output.is_open()) { return Error("Failed to open the output file " + flags.output.get()); } for (size_t i = 0; i < sizes.size(); i++) { output << timestamps[i] << " Appended " << sizes[i].bytes() << " bytes" << " in " << durations[i].ms() << " ms" << endl; } return Nothing(); }
std::shared_ptr<SkBitmap> OsmAnd::MapRasterLayerProvider_GPU_P::rasterize( const TileId tileId, const ZoomLevel zoom, const std::shared_ptr<const MapPrimitivesProvider::Data>& primitivesTile, MapRasterLayerProvider_Metrics::Metric_obtainData* const metric_, const IQueryController* const queryController) { #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS MapRasterLayerProvider_Metrics::Metric_obtainData localMetric; const auto metric = metric_ ? metric_ : &localMetric; #else const auto metric = metric_; #endif const Stopwatch totalStopwatch( #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS true #else metric != nullptr #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS ); //TODO: SkGpuDevice // Allocate rasterization target const auto tileSize = owner->getTileSize(); const std::shared_ptr<SkBitmap> rasterizationSurface(new SkBitmap()); rasterizationSurface->setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, tileSize, tileSize); if (!rasterizationSurface->allocPixels()) { LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Error, "Failed to allocate buffer for ARGB8888 rasterization surface %dx%d", tileSize, tileSize); return nullptr; } SkBitmapDevice rasterizationTarget(*rasterizationSurface); // Create rasterization canvas SkCanvas canvas(&rasterizationTarget); // Perform actual rasterization if (!owner->fillBackground) canvas.clear(SK_ColorTRANSPARENT); _mapRasterizer->rasterize( Utilities::tileBoundingBox31(tileId, zoom), primitivesTile->primitivisedObjects, canvas, owner->fillBackground, nullptr, metric ? metric->findOrAddSubmetricOfType<MapRasterizer_Metrics::Metric_rasterize>().get() : nullptr, queryController); if (metric) metric->elapsedTime += totalStopwatch.elapsed(); #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS <= 1 LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Info, "%dx%d@%d rasterized on CPU in %fs", tileId.x, tileId.y, zoom, totalStopwatch.elapsed()); #else LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Info, "%dx%d@%d rasterized on CPU in %fs:\n%s", tileId.x, tileId.y, zoom, totalStopwatch.elapsed(), qPrintable(metric ? metric->toString(QLatin1String("\t - ")) : QLatin1String("(null)"))); #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS <= 1 #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS return rasterizationSurface; }
Try<Nothing> LevelDBStorage::persist(const Action& action) { Stopwatch stopwatch; stopwatch.start(); Record record; record.set_type(Record::ACTION); record.mutable_action()->MergeFrom(action); string value; if (!record.SerializeToString(&value)) { return Error("Failed to serialize record"); } leveldb::WriteOptions options; options.sync = true; leveldb::Status status = db->Put(options, encode(action.position()), value); if (!status.ok()) { return Error(status.ToString()); } // Updated the first position. Notice that we use 'min' here instead // of checking 'isNone()' because it's likely that log entries are // written out of order during catch-up (e.g. if a random bulk // catch-up policy is used). first = min(first, action.position()); LOG(INFO) << "Persisting action (" << value.size() << " bytes) to leveldb took " << stopwatch.elapsed(); // Delete positions if a truncate action has been *learned*. Note // that we do this in a best-effort fashion (i.e., we ignore any // failures to the database since we can always try again). if (action.has_type() && action.type() == Action::TRUNCATE && action.has_learned() && action.learned()) { CHECK(action.has_truncate()); stopwatch.start(); // Restart the stopwatch. // To actually perform the truncation in leveldb we need to remove // all the keys that represent positions no longer in the log. We // do this by attempting to delete all keys that represent the // first position we know is still in leveldb up to (but // excluding) the truncate position. Note that this works because // the semantics of WriteBatch are such that even if the position // doesn't exist (which is possible because this replica has some // holes), we can attempt to delete the key that represents it and // it will just ignore that key. This is *much* cheaper than // actually iterating through the entire database instead (which // was, for posterity, the original implementation). In addition, // caching the "first" position we know is in the database is // cheaper than using an iterator to determine the first position // (which was, for posterity, the second implementation). leveldb::WriteBatch batch; CHECK_SOME(first); // Add positions up to (but excluding) the truncate position to // the batch starting at the first position still in leveldb. It's // likely that the first position is greater than the truncate // position (e.g., during catch-up). In that case, we do nothing // because there is nothing we can truncate. // TODO(jieyu): We might miss a truncation if we do random (i.e., // out of order) bulk catch-up and the truncate operation is // caught up first. uint64_t index = 0; while ((first.get() + index) < action.truncate().to()) { batch.Delete(encode(first.get() + index)); index++; } // If we added any positions, attempt to delete them! if (index > 0) { // We do this write asynchronously (e.g., using default options). leveldb::Status status = db->Write(leveldb::WriteOptions(), &batch); if (!status.ok()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring leveldb batch delete failure: " << status.ToString(); } else { // Save the new first position! CHECK_LT(first.get(), action.truncate().to()); first = action.truncate().to(); LOG(INFO) << "Deleting ~" << index << " keys from leveldb took " << stopwatch.elapsed(); } } } return Nothing(); }
void ReplicatedMergeTreeBlockOutputStream::write(const Block & block) { last_block_is_duplicate = false; /// TODO Is it possible to not lock the table structure here? storage.data.delayInsertOrThrowIfNeeded(&storage.partial_shutdown_event); auto zookeeper = storage.getZooKeeper(); assertSessionIsNotExpired(zookeeper); /** If write is with quorum, then we check that the required number of replicas is now live, * and also that for all previous parts for which quorum is required, this quorum is reached. * And also check that during the insertion, the replica was not reinitialized or disabled (by the value of `is_active` node). * TODO Too complex logic, you can do better. */ if (quorum) checkQuorumPrecondition(zookeeper); auto part_blocks = storage.writer.splitBlockIntoParts(block); for (auto & current_block : part_blocks) { Stopwatch watch; /// Write part to the filesystem under temporary name. Calculate a checksum. MergeTreeData::MutableDataPartPtr part = storage.writer.writeTempPart(current_block); String block_id; if (deduplicate) { SipHash hash; part->checksums.computeTotalChecksumDataOnly(hash); union { char bytes[16]; UInt64 words[2]; } hash_value; hash.get128(hash_value.bytes); /// We add the hash from the data and partition identifier to deduplication ID. /// That is, do not insert the same data to the same partition twice. block_id = part->info.partition_id + "_" + toString(hash_value.words[0]) + "_" + toString(hash_value.words[1]); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Wrote block with ID '" << block_id << "', " << block.rows() << " rows"); } else { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Wrote block with " << block.rows() << " rows"); } try { commitPart(zookeeper, part, block_id); /// Set a special error code if the block is duplicate int error = (deduplicate && last_block_is_duplicate) ? ErrorCodes::INSERT_WAS_DEDUPLICATED : 0; PartLog::addNewPart(storage.context, part, watch.elapsed(), ExecutionStatus(error)); } catch (...) { PartLog::addNewPart(storage.context, part, watch.elapsed(), ExecutionStatus::fromCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)); throw; } } }