bool IRTranslator::translateStore(const StoreInst &SI) {
  assert(SI.isSimple() && "only simple loads are supported at the moment");

  MachineFunction &MF = MIRBuilder.getMF();
  unsigned Val = getOrCreateVReg(*SI.getValueOperand());
  unsigned Addr = getOrCreateVReg(*SI.getPointerOperand());
  LLT VTy{*SI.getValueOperand()->getType()},

      VTy, PTy, Val, Addr,
                               VTy.getSizeInBits() / 8, getMemOpAlignment(SI)));
  return true;
Exemple #2
bool Scalarizer::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI) {
  if (!ScalarizeLoadStore)
    return false;
  if (!SI.isSimple())
    return false;

  VectorLayout Layout;
  Value *FullValue = SI.getValueOperand();
  if (!getVectorLayout(FullValue->getType(), SI.getAlignment(), Layout))
    return false;

  unsigned NumElems = Layout.VecTy->getNumElements();
  IRBuilder<> Builder(SI.getParent(), &SI);
  Scatterer Ptr = scatter(&SI, SI.getPointerOperand());
  Scatterer Val = scatter(&SI, FullValue);

  ValueVector Stores;
  for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumElems; ++I) {
    unsigned Align = Layout.getElemAlign(I);
    Stores[I] = Builder.CreateAlignedStore(Val[I], Ptr[I], Align);
  transferMetadata(&SI, Stores);
  return true;
void InstrumentMemoryAccesses::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI) {
  // Instrument a store instruction with a store check.
  uint64_t Bytes = TD->getTypeStoreSize(SI.getValueOperand()->getType());
  Value *AccessSize = ConstantInt::get(SizeTy, Bytes);
  instrument(SI.getPointerOperand(), AccessSize, StoreCheckFunction, SI);
Exemple #4
void Interpreter::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &I) {
  ExecutionContext &SF = ECStack.back();
  GenericValue Val = getOperandValue(I.getOperand(0), SF);
  GenericValue SRC = getOperandValue(I.getPointerOperand(), SF);
  StoreValueToMemory(Val, (GenericValue *)GVTOP(SRC),
 * Build information about functions that store on pointer arguments
 * For simplification, we only consider a function to store on an argument
 * if it has exactly one StoreInst to that argument and the arg has no other use.
int DeadStoreEliminationPass::getFnThatStoreOnArgs(Module &M) {
  int numStores = 0;
  DEBUG(errs() << "Getting functions that store on arguments...\n");
  for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(); F != M.end(); ++F) {
    if (F->arg_empty() || F->isDeclaration()) continue;

    // Get args
    std::set<Value*> args;
    for (Function::arg_iterator formalArgIter = F->arg_begin();
          formalArgIter != F->arg_end(); ++formalArgIter) {
      Value *formalArg = formalArgIter;
      if (formalArg->getType()->isPointerTy()) {

    // Find stores on arguments
    for (Function::iterator BB = F->begin(); BB != F->end(); ++BB) {
      for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(); I != BB->end(); ++I) {
        Instruction *inst = I;
        if (!isa<StoreInst>(inst)) continue;
        StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(inst);
        Value *ptrOp = SI->getPointerOperand();

        if (args.count(ptrOp) && ptrOp->hasNUses(1)) {
          DEBUG(errs() << "  " << F->getName() << " stores on argument "
                << ptrOp->getName() << "\n"); }
  DEBUG(errs() << "\n");
  return numStores;
static bool unpackStoreToAggregate(InstCombiner &IC, StoreInst &SI) {
  // FIXME: We could probably with some care handle both volatile and atomic
  // stores here but it isn't clear that this is important.
  if (!SI.isSimple())
    return false;

  Value *V = SI.getValueOperand();
  Type *T = V->getType();

  if (!T->isAggregateType())
    return false;

  if (auto *ST = dyn_cast<StructType>(T)) {
    // If the struct only have one element, we unpack.
    unsigned Count = ST->getNumElements();
    if (Count == 1) {
      V = IC.Builder->CreateExtractValue(V, 0);
      combineStoreToNewValue(IC, SI, V);
      return true;

    // We don't want to break loads with padding here as we'd loose
    // the knowledge that padding exists for the rest of the pipeline.
    const DataLayout &DL = IC.getDataLayout();
    auto *SL = DL.getStructLayout(ST);
    if (SL->hasPadding())
      return false;

    SmallString<16> EltName = V->getName();
    EltName += ".elt";
    auto *Addr = SI.getPointerOperand();
    SmallString<16> AddrName = Addr->getName();
    AddrName += ".repack";
    auto *IdxType = Type::getInt32Ty(ST->getContext());
    auto *Zero = ConstantInt::get(IdxType, 0);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
      Value *Indices[2] = {
        ConstantInt::get(IdxType, i),
      auto *Ptr = IC.Builder->CreateInBoundsGEP(ST, Addr, makeArrayRef(Indices), AddrName);
      auto *Val = IC.Builder->CreateExtractValue(V, i, EltName);
      IC.Builder->CreateStore(Val, Ptr);

    return true;

  if (auto *AT = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(T)) {
    // If the array only have one element, we unpack.
    if (AT->getNumElements() == 1) {
      V = IC.Builder->CreateExtractValue(V, 0);
      combineStoreToNewValue(IC, SI, V);
      return true;

  return false;
void PropagateJuliaAddrspaces::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI) {
    unsigned AS = SI.getPointerAddressSpace();
    if (!isSpecialAS(AS))
    Value *Replacement = LiftPointer(SI.getPointerOperand(), SI.getValueOperand()->getType(), &SI);
    if (!Replacement)
    SI.setOperand(StoreInst::getPointerOperandIndex(), Replacement);
/// \brief Combine stores to match the type of value being stored.
/// The core idea here is that the memory does not have any intrinsic type and
/// where we can we should match the type of a store to the type of value being
/// stored.
/// However, this routine must never change the width of a store or the number of
/// stores as that would introduce a semantic change. This combine is expected to
/// be a semantic no-op which just allows stores to more closely model the types
/// of their incoming values.
/// Currently, we also refuse to change the precise type used for an atomic or
/// volatile store. This is debatable, and might be reasonable to change later.
/// However, it is risky in case some backend or other part of LLVM is relying
/// on the exact type stored to select appropriate atomic operations.
/// \returns true if the store was successfully combined away. This indicates
/// the caller must erase the store instruction. We have to let the caller erase
/// the store instruction sas otherwise there is no way to signal whether it was
/// combined or not: IC.EraseInstFromFunction returns a null pointer.
static bool combineStoreToValueType(InstCombiner &IC, StoreInst &SI) {
  // FIXME: We could probably with some care handle both volatile and atomic
  // stores here but it isn't clear that this is important.
  if (!SI.isSimple())
    return false;

  Value *Ptr = SI.getPointerOperand();
  Value *V = SI.getValueOperand();
  unsigned AS = SI.getPointerAddressSpace();
  SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, MDNode *>, 8> MD;

  // Fold away bit casts of the stored value by storing the original type.
  if (auto *BC = dyn_cast<BitCastInst>(V)) {
    V = BC->getOperand(0);
    StoreInst *NewStore = IC.Builder->CreateAlignedStore(
        V, IC.Builder->CreateBitCast(Ptr, V->getType()->getPointerTo(AS)),
    for (const auto &MDPair : MD) {
      unsigned ID = MDPair.first;
      MDNode *N = MDPair.second;
      // Note, essentially every kind of metadata should be preserved here! This
      // routine is supposed to clone a store instruction changing *only its
      // type*. The only metadata it makes sense to drop is metadata which is
      // invalidated when the pointer type changes. This should essentially
      // never be the case in LLVM, but we explicitly switch over only known
      // metadata to be conservatively correct. If you are adding metadata to
      // LLVM which pertains to stores, you almost certainly want to add it
      // here.
      switch (ID) {
      case LLVMContext::MD_dbg:
      case LLVMContext::MD_tbaa:
      case LLVMContext::MD_prof:
      case LLVMContext::MD_fpmath:
      case LLVMContext::MD_tbaa_struct:
      case LLVMContext::MD_alias_scope:
      case LLVMContext::MD_noalias:
      case LLVMContext::MD_nontemporal:
      case LLVMContext::MD_mem_parallel_loop_access:
      case LLVMContext::MD_nonnull:
        // All of these directly apply.
        NewStore->setMetadata(ID, N);

      case LLVMContext::MD_invariant_load:
      case LLVMContext::MD_range:
    return true;

  // FIXME: We should also canonicalize loads of vectors when their elements are
  // cast to other types.
  return false;
// -- handle store instruction -- 
void UnsafeTypeCastingCheck::handleStoreInstruction (Instruction *inst) {
  StoreInst *sinst = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(inst); 
  if (sinst == NULL) 
    utccAbort("handleStoreInstruction cannot process with a non-store instruction"); 
  Value *pt = sinst->getPointerOperand(); 
  Value *vl = sinst->getValueOperand(); 
  UTCC_TYPE ptt = queryPointedType(pt); 
  UTCC_TYPE vlt = queryExprType(vl); 
  setPointedType(pt, vlt); 
Exemple #10
bool CodeExtractor::isLegalToShrinkwrapLifetimeMarkers(
    Instruction *Addr) const {
  AllocaInst *AI = cast<AllocaInst>(Addr->stripInBoundsConstantOffsets());
  Function *Func = (*Blocks.begin())->getParent();
  for (BasicBlock &BB : *Func) {
    if (Blocks.count(&BB))
    for (Instruction &II : BB) {

      if (isa<DbgInfoIntrinsic>(II))

      unsigned Opcode = II.getOpcode();
      Value *MemAddr = nullptr;
      switch (Opcode) {
      case Instruction::Store:
      case Instruction::Load: {
        if (Opcode == Instruction::Store) {
          StoreInst *SI = cast<StoreInst>(&II);
          MemAddr = SI->getPointerOperand();
        } else {
          LoadInst *LI = cast<LoadInst>(&II);
          MemAddr = LI->getPointerOperand();
        // Global variable can not be aliased with locals.
        if (dyn_cast<Constant>(MemAddr))
        Value *Base = MemAddr->stripInBoundsConstantOffsets();
        if (!dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(Base) || Base == AI)
          return false;
      default: {
        IntrinsicInst *IntrInst = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(&II);
        if (IntrInst) {
          if (IntrInst->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::lifetime_start ||
              IntrInst->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::lifetime_end)
          return false;
        // Treat all the other cases conservatively if it has side effects.
        if (II.mayHaveSideEffects())
          return false;

  return true;
Exemple #11
// Not an instruction handled below to turn into a vector.
// TODO: Check isTriviallyVectorizable for calls and handle other
// instructions.
static bool canVectorizeInst(Instruction *Inst, User *User) {
  switch (Inst->getOpcode()) {
  case Instruction::Load:
  case Instruction::BitCast:
  case Instruction::AddrSpaceCast:
    return true;
  case Instruction::Store: {
    // Must be the stored pointer operand, not a stored value.
    StoreInst *SI = cast<StoreInst>(Inst);
    return SI->getPointerOperand() == User;
    return false;
/// \brief Check loop instructions safe for Loop versioning.
/// It returns true if it's safe else returns false.
/// Consider following:
/// 1) Check all load store in loop body are non atomic & non volatile.
/// 2) Check function call safety, by ensuring its not accessing memory.
/// 3) Loop body shouldn't have any may throw instruction.
bool LoopVersioningLICM::instructionSafeForVersioning(Instruction *I) {
  assert(I != nullptr && "Null instruction found!");
  // Check function call safety
  if (isa<CallInst>(I) && !AA->doesNotAccessMemory(CallSite(I))) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "    Unsafe call site found.\n");
    return false;
  // Avoid loops with possiblity of throw
  if (I->mayThrow()) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "    May throw instruction found in loop body\n");
    return false;
  // If current instruction is load instructions
  // make sure it's a simple load (non atomic & non volatile)
  if (I->mayReadFromMemory()) {
    LoadInst *Ld = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I);
    if (!Ld || !Ld->isSimple()) {
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "    Found a non-simple load.\n");
      return false;
    Value *Ptr = Ld->getPointerOperand();
    // Check loop invariant.
    if (SE->isLoopInvariant(SE->getSCEV(Ptr), CurLoop))
  // If current instruction is store instruction
  // make sure it's a simple store (non atomic & non volatile)
  else if (I->mayWriteToMemory()) {
    StoreInst *St = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I);
    if (!St || !St->isSimple()) {
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "    Found a non-simple store.\n");
      return false;
    Value *Ptr = St->getPointerOperand();
    // Check loop invariant.
    if (SE->isLoopInvariant(SE->getSCEV(Ptr), CurLoop))

    IsReadOnlyLoop = false;
  return true;
Exemple #13
void TracingNoGiri::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI) {

  // Cast the pointer into a void pointer type.
  Value * Pointer = SI.getPointerOperand();
  Pointer = castTo(Pointer, VoidPtrType, Pointer->getName(), &SI);
  // Get the size of the stored data.
  uint64_t size = TD->getTypeStoreSize(SI.getOperand(0)->getType());
  Value *StoreSize = ConstantInt::get(Int64Type, size);
  // Get the ID of the store instruction.
  Value *StoreID = ConstantInt::get(Int32Type, lsNumPass->getID(&SI));
  // Create the call to the run-time to record the store instruction.
  std::vector<Value *> args=make_vector<Value *>(StoreID, Pointer, StoreSize, 0);
  CallInst::Create(RecordStore, args, "", &SI);

  ++NumStores; // Update statistics
void GCInvariantVerifier::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI) {
    Type *VTy = SI.getValueOperand()->getType();
    if (VTy->isPointerTy()) {
        /* We currently don't obey this for arguments. That's ok - they're
           externally rooted. */
        if (!isa<Argument>(SI.getValueOperand())) {
            unsigned AS = cast<PointerType>(VTy)->getAddressSpace();
            Check(AS != AddressSpace::CalleeRooted &&
                  AS != AddressSpace::Derived,
                  "Illegal store of decayed value", &SI);
    VTy = SI.getPointerOperand()->getType();
    if (VTy->isPointerTy()) {
        unsigned AS = cast<PointerType>(VTy)->getAddressSpace();
        Check(AS != AddressSpace::CalleeRooted,
              "Illegal store to callee rooted value", &SI);
// Not an instruction handled below to turn into a vector.
// TODO: Check isTriviallyVectorizable for calls and handle other
// instructions.
static bool canVectorizeInst(Instruction *Inst, User *User) {
  switch (Inst->getOpcode()) {
  case Instruction::Load: {
    LoadInst *LI = cast<LoadInst>(Inst);
    // Currently only handle the case where the Pointer Operand is a GEP so check for that case.
    return isa<GetElementPtrInst>(LI->getPointerOperand()) && !LI->isVolatile();
  case Instruction::BitCast:
  case Instruction::AddrSpaceCast:
    return true;
  case Instruction::Store: {
    // Must be the stored pointer operand, not a stored value, plus
    // since it should be canonical form, the User should be a GEP.
    StoreInst *SI = cast<StoreInst>(Inst);
    return (SI->getPointerOperand() == User) && isa<GetElementPtrInst>(User) && !SI->isVolatile();
    return false;
StructuredModuleEditor::ValueList StructuredModuleEditor::getUseChain(
		Value *V) {
	ValueList Vals;

	for (Value::use_iterator UI = V->use_begin(), UE = V->use_end(); UI != UE;
			++UI) {
		Value *ValueToPush;

		Instruction *Inst = dyn_cast<Instruction>(*UI);
		if (Inst && Inst->getOpcode() == Instruction::Store) {
			StoreInst *StInst = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(Inst);
			Value *Storee = StInst->getPointerOperand();
			ValueToPush = Storee;
		} else
			ValueToPush = *UI;


	return Vals;
Exemple #17
void ExecutorUtil::checkStoreInst(Instruction *inst, 
                                  std::vector<GlobalSharedTaint> &glSet, 
                                  std::vector<GlobalSharedTaint> &sharedSet, 
                                  AliasAnalysis &AA, 
                                  RelFlowSet &flowSet) {
  bool relToShared = false;
  StoreInst *store = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(inst); 
  Value *pointer = store->getPointerOperand(); 
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < sharedSet.size(); i++) {
    if (ExecutorUtil::findValueFromTaintSet(pointer, 
                                            sharedSet[i].valueSet)) {
      // Related to shared
      if (Verbose > 0) {
        std::cout << "shared store inst: " << std::endl;
      relToShared = true;

  if (!relToShared) {
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < glSet.size(); i++) {
      if (ExecutorUtil::findValueFromTaintSet(pointer,
                                              glSet[i].valueSet)) {
        // Related to global 
        if (Verbose > 0) {
          std::cout << "global store inst: " << std::endl;
// Lowers this interleaved access group into X86-specific
// instructions/intrinsics.
bool X86InterleavedAccessGroup::lowerIntoOptimizedSequence() {
  SmallVector<Instruction *, 4> DecomposedVectors;
  SmallVector<Value *, 4> TransposedVectors;
  VectorType *ShuffleTy = Shuffles[0]->getType();

  if (isa<LoadInst>(Inst)) {
    // Try to generate target-sized register(/instruction).
    decompose(Inst, Factor, ShuffleTy, DecomposedVectors);

    Type *ShuffleEltTy = Inst->getType();
    unsigned NumSubVecElems = ShuffleEltTy->getVectorNumElements() / Factor;
    // Perform matrix-transposition in order to compute interleaved
    // results by generating some sort of (optimized) target-specific
    // instructions.

    switch (NumSubVecElems) {
      return false;
    case 4:
      transpose_4x4(DecomposedVectors, TransposedVectors);
    case 8:
    case 16:
    case 32:
      deinterleave8bitStride3(DecomposedVectors, TransposedVectors,

    // Now replace the unoptimized-interleaved-vectors with the
    // transposed-interleaved vectors.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = Shuffles.size(); i < e; ++i)

    return true;

  Type *ShuffleEltTy = ShuffleTy->getVectorElementType();
  unsigned NumSubVecElems = ShuffleTy->getVectorNumElements() / Factor;

  // Lower the interleaved stores:
  //   1. Decompose the interleaved wide shuffle into individual shuffle
  //   vectors.
  decompose(Shuffles[0], Factor, VectorType::get(ShuffleEltTy, NumSubVecElems),

  //   2. Transpose the interleaved-vectors into vectors of contiguous
  //      elements.
  switch (NumSubVecElems) {
  case 4:
    transpose_4x4(DecomposedVectors, TransposedVectors);
  case 16:
  case 32:
    interleave8bitStride4(DecomposedVectors, TransposedVectors, NumSubVecElems);
    return false;

  //   3. Concatenate the contiguous-vectors back into a wide vector.
  Value *WideVec = concatenateVectors(Builder, TransposedVectors);

  //   4. Generate a store instruction for wide-vec.
  StoreInst *SI = cast<StoreInst>(Inst);
  Builder.CreateAlignedStore(WideVec, SI->getPointerOperand(),

  return true;
Exemple #19
void Lint::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &I) {
  visitMemoryReference(I, I.getPointerOperand(),
                       I.getOperand(0)->getType(), MemRef::Write);
Exemple #20
        bool runOnModule(Module &M) override
            // LOAD: look at each generated function, each a load is followed by writing
            // to a pointer argument with attribute denoting it to be write channel "CHANNELWR"
            // we change the load:
            // 0. replace the original CHANNELWR channel with an address port and a size port (optional)
            // 1. in the absence of burst, replace the load instruction with an address write to
            // the address port
            // 2. in the presence of burst, move load outside of the involved loop and make one
            // address write + one size write
            // 3. add in new function to read memory and write to fifo....the same fifo the downstream
            // guys are reading -- this newly added function would break them into reasonable bursts
            // STORE: let's not do this first
            // 0. replace the original store with an address port and a size port(optional) and a data port
            // 1. in the case of burst, address req get moved outside but actual data is written into the
            // data port as they get created
            // newly created memory access function
            errs()<<"into func run\n";
            std::vector<Function*> memoryAccessFunctions;
            // top level functions layout pipeline accessed at the end
            std::vector<Function*> pipelineLevelFunctions;
            std::vector<Function*> topLevelFunctions;
            for(auto funcIter = M.begin(); funcIter!=M.end(); funcIter++)
                Function& curFunc = *funcIter;
                LoopInfo* funcLI=&getAnalysis<LoopInfo>(curFunc);
                // iterate through the basicblocks and see if the loaded value
                // is written to a channel out put -- we do not convert stores
                // the argument involved here are all old arguments
                std::map<Instruction*, Argument*> load2Port;
                std::set<Argument*> addressArg;
                std::set<Argument*> burstedArg;
                std::map<Instruction*, Argument*> store2Port;
                for(auto bbIter = curFunc.begin(); bbIter!= curFunc.end(); bbIter++)
                    BasicBlock& curBB = *bbIter;
                    for(auto insIter = curBB.begin(); insIter!=curBB.end(); insIter++)
                        Instruction& curIns = *insIter;
                            LoadInst& li = cast<LoadInst>(curIns);
                            // we check if the result of this is directly written to an output port
                            // using store
                            int numUser = std::distance(curIns.user_begin(),curIns.user_end());
                            if(numUser==1 )
                                auto soleUserIter = curIns.user_begin();
                                    StoreInst* si = cast<StoreInst>(*soleUserIter);
                                    Value* written2 = si->getPointerOperand();
                                        Argument& channelArg = cast<Argument>(*written2);
                                        // make sure this is wrchannel
                                            load2Port[&li] = &channelArg;
                                            if(burstAccess&& analyzeLoadBurstable(&li,funcLI))

                        //FIXME: not doing storeInst
                        else if(isa<StoreInst>(curIns))

                // now we have the loadInst which will be converted to pipelined mem access
                // we need to create a bunch of new functions -- we then use these new functions
                // in our new top levels --- after which everything original is deleted
                std::string functionName = curFunc.getName();
                functionName += "MemTrans";
                Type* rtType = curFunc.getReturnType();
                // old to new argument map
                std::map<Argument*,Argument*> oldDataFifoArg2newAddrArg;
                // these are arguments of the newly created function
                std::map<Argument*,Argument*> addressArg2SizeArg;
                std::vector<Type*> paramsType;

                for(auto argIter = curFunc.arg_begin();argIter!=curFunc.arg_end();argIter++)
                    Argument* curArg = &cast<Argument>(*argIter);
                for(int numBurstSize = 0; numBurstSize<burstedArg.size();numBurstSize++)
                FunctionType* newFuncType = FunctionType::get(rtType,ArrayRef<Type*>(paramsType),false);
                Constant* newFunc = M.getOrInsertFunction(functionName, newFuncType  );
                Function* memTransFunc = cast<Function>(newFunc);

                auto  newArgIter = memTransFunc->arg_begin();
                for(auto oldArgIter = curFunc.arg_begin();
                    oldArgIter++, newArgIter++)
                    Argument* oldArg = &cast<Argument>(*oldArgIter);
                    Argument* newArg = &cast<Argument>(*newArgIter);
                    oldDataFifoArg2newAddrArg[oldArg] = newArg;
                auto burstedArgIter = burstedArg.begin();
                    Argument* newBurstArg = &cast<Argument>(*newArgIter);
                    Argument* originalDataFifoArg = *burstedArgIter;
                    Argument* newAddressArg = oldDataFifoArg2newAddrArg[originalDataFifoArg];
                    addressArg2SizeArg[newAddressArg] = newBurstArg;

                // if bursted access is in a loop, we want to take it out of the loop
                // make it pre-header -- to do this, we associate each loadIns with
                std::map<BasicBlock*,std::vector<Instruction*>*> bb2BurstedLoads;
                for(auto load2PortIter = load2Port.begin(); load2PortIter!=load2Port.end(); load2PortIter++)
                    Instruction* ldInst = load2PortIter->first;
                    Argument* ldArg = load2PortIter->second;
                    BasicBlock* ldParent = ldInst->getParent();
                        // this load is to be bursted
                            bb2BurstedLoads[ldParent] = new std::vector<Instruction*>();
                // now memTransFunc is the new function
                // we will now populate it, we mirror everybb
                std::map<BasicBlock*,BasicBlock*> oldBB2NewBB;
                // also we need a few preheaders to do the burst load
                for(auto bbIter = curFunc.begin(); bbIter!= curFunc.end(); bbIter++)
                    BasicBlock& oldBB = *bbIter;


                // FIXME: release bb2BurstedLoads


            return false;

Exemple #21
/// processStore - When GVN is scanning forward over instructions, we look for
/// some other patterns to fold away.  In particular, this looks for stores to
/// neighboring locations of memory.  If it sees enough consequtive ones
/// (currently 4) it attempts to merge them together into a memcpy/memset.
bool MemCpyOpt::processStore(StoreInst *SI, BasicBlock::iterator &BBI) {
  if (SI->isVolatile()) return false;
  LLVMContext &Context = SI->getContext();

  // There are two cases that are interesting for this code to handle: memcpy
  // and memset.  Right now we only handle memset.
  // Ensure that the value being stored is something that can be memset'able a
  // byte at a time like "0" or "-1" or any width, as well as things like
  // 0xA0A0A0A0 and 0.0.
  Value *ByteVal = isBytewiseValue(SI->getOperand(0));
  if (!ByteVal)
    return false;

  TargetData *TD = getAnalysisIfAvailable<TargetData>();
  if (!TD) return false;
  AliasAnalysis &AA = getAnalysis<AliasAnalysis>();
  Module *M = SI->getParent()->getParent()->getParent();

  // Okay, so we now have a single store that can be splatable.  Scan to find
  // all subsequent stores of the same value to offset from the same pointer.
  // Join these together into ranges, so we can decide whether contiguous blocks
  // are stored.
  MemsetRanges Ranges(*TD);
  Value *StartPtr = SI->getPointerOperand();
  BasicBlock::iterator BI = SI;
  for (++BI; !isa<TerminatorInst>(BI); ++BI) {
    if (isa<CallInst>(BI) || isa<InvokeInst>(BI)) { 
      // If the call is readnone, ignore it, otherwise bail out.  We don't even
      // allow readonly here because we don't want something like:
      // A[1] = 2; strlen(A); A[2] = 2; -> memcpy(A, ...); strlen(A).
      if (AA.getModRefBehavior(CallSite::get(BI)) ==
      // TODO: If this is a memset, try to join it in.
    } else if (isa<VAArgInst>(BI) || isa<LoadInst>(BI))

    // If this is a non-store instruction it is fine, ignore it.
    StoreInst *NextStore = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(BI);
    if (NextStore == 0) continue;
    // If this is a store, see if we can merge it in.
    if (NextStore->isVolatile()) break;
    // Check to see if this stored value is of the same byte-splattable value.
    if (ByteVal != isBytewiseValue(NextStore->getOperand(0)))

    // Check to see if this store is to a constant offset from the start ptr.
    int64_t Offset;
    if (!IsPointerOffset(StartPtr, NextStore->getPointerOperand(), Offset, *TD))

    Ranges.addStore(Offset, NextStore);

  // If we have no ranges, then we just had a single store with nothing that
  // could be merged in.  This is a very common case of course.
  if (Ranges.empty())
    return false;
  // If we had at least one store that could be merged in, add the starting
  // store as well.  We try to avoid this unless there is at least something
  // interesting as a small compile-time optimization.
  Ranges.addStore(0, SI);
  // Now that we have full information about ranges, loop over the ranges and
  // emit memset's for anything big enough to be worthwhile.
  bool MadeChange = false;
  for (MemsetRanges::const_iterator I = Ranges.begin(), E = Ranges.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    const MemsetRange &Range = *I;

    if (Range.TheStores.size() == 1) continue;
    // If it is profitable to lower this range to memset, do so now.
    if (!Range.isProfitableToUseMemset(*TD))
    // Otherwise, we do want to transform this!  Create a new memset.  We put
    // the memset right before the first instruction that isn't part of this
    // memset block.  This ensure that the memset is dominated by any addressing
    // instruction needed by the start of the block.
    BasicBlock::iterator InsertPt = BI;

    // Get the starting pointer of the block.
    StartPtr = Range.StartPtr;

    // Determine alignment
    unsigned Alignment = Range.Alignment;
    if (Alignment == 0) {
      const Type *EltType = 
      Alignment = TD->getABITypeAlignment(EltType);

    // Cast the start ptr to be i8* as memset requires.
    const PointerType* StartPTy = cast<PointerType>(StartPtr->getType());
    const PointerType *i8Ptr = Type::getInt8PtrTy(Context,
    if (StartPTy!= i8Ptr)
      StartPtr = new BitCastInst(StartPtr, i8Ptr, StartPtr->getName(),

    Value *Ops[] = {
      StartPtr, ByteVal,   // Start, value
      // size
      ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt64Ty(Context), Range.End-Range.Start),
      // align
      ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), Alignment),
      // volatile
      ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt1Ty(Context), 0),
    const Type *Tys[] = { Ops[0]->getType(), Ops[2]->getType() };

    Function *MemSetF = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Intrinsic::memset, Tys, 2);

    Value *C = CallInst::Create(MemSetF, Ops, Ops+5, "", InsertPt);
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Replace stores:\n";
          for (unsigned i = 0, e = Range.TheStores.size(); i != e; ++i)
            dbgs() << *Range.TheStores[i];
          dbgs() << "With: " << *C); C=C;
    // Don't invalidate the iterator
    BBI = BI;
    // Zap all the stores.
    for (SmallVector<StoreInst*, 16>::const_iterator
         SI = Range.TheStores.begin(),
         SE = Range.TheStores.end(); SI != SE; ++SI)
    MadeChange = true;
  return MadeChange;
/// runOnFunction 
bool LongLongMemAccessLowering::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
  std::vector<StoreInst *> storeInstV;
  std::vector<LoadInst *> loadInstV;

  for (Function::iterator I = F.begin(), E = F.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    for (BasicBlock::iterator BI = I->begin(), BE = I->end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
      Instruction *inst = BI;
      if (StoreInst *storeInst = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(inst)) {
        if (!storeInst->getValueOperand()->getType()->isIntegerTy(64)) {
      else if (LoadInst *loadInst = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(inst)) {
        if (!loadInst->getType()->isIntegerTy(64)) {

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < storeInstV.size(); ++i) {
    StoreInst *inst =;
    Value *storeVal = inst->getValueOperand();
    Value *storePointer = inst->getPointerOperand();

    // Insert new instructions
    BitCastInst *storeAddrLo = new BitCastInst(storePointer, Type::getInt32PtrTy(F.getContext()), "", inst);
    ConstantInt *offsetConst = ConstantInt::getSigned(Type::getInt32Ty(F.getContext()), 1);
    std::vector<Value *> gepIdxList(1, offsetConst);
    GetElementPtrInst *storeAddrHi = GetElementPtrInst::Create(storeAddrLo, gepIdxList, "", inst);
    TruncInst *storeValLo = new TruncInst(storeVal, Type::getInt32Ty(F.getContext()), "", inst);
    Value *aShrOffset = ConstantInt::getSigned(Type::getInt64Ty(F.getContext()), 32);
    BinaryOperator *storeValAShr = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::AShr, storeVal,
        aShrOffset, "", inst);
    TruncInst *storeValHi = new TruncInst(storeValAShr, Type::getInt32Ty(F.getContext()), "", inst);

    StoreInst *storeLo = new StoreInst(storeValLo, storeAddrLo, inst);
    StoreInst *storeHi = new StoreInst(storeValHi, storeAddrHi, inst);
    // Remove inst

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < loadInstV.size(); ++i) {
    LoadInst *inst =;
    Value *loadPointer = inst->getPointerOperand();

    // Insert new instructions
    BitCastInst *loadAddrLo = new BitCastInst(loadPointer, Type::getInt32PtrTy(F.getContext()), "", inst);
    ConstantInt *offsetConst = ConstantInt::getSigned(Type::getInt32Ty(F.getContext()), 1);
    std::vector<Value *> gepIdxList(1, offsetConst);
    GetElementPtrInst *loadAddrHi = GetElementPtrInst::Create(loadAddrLo, gepIdxList, "", inst);

    LoadInst *loadLo = new LoadInst(loadAddrLo, "", inst);
    LoadInst *loadHi = new LoadInst(loadAddrHi, "", inst);

    ZExtInst *loadLoLL = new ZExtInst(loadLo, Type::getInt64Ty(F.getContext()), "", inst);
    ZExtInst *loadHiLL = new ZExtInst(loadHi, Type::getInt64Ty(F.getContext()), "", inst);

    Value *shlOffset = ConstantInt::getSigned(Type::getInt64Ty(F.getContext()), 32);
    BinaryOperator *loadHiLLShl = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Shl, loadHiLL, shlOffset, "", inst);
    BinaryOperator *loadValue = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Or, loadLoLL, loadHiLLShl, "");

    // Replace inst with new "loaded" value, the old value is deleted
    ReplaceInstWithInst(inst, loadValue);

  return true; // function is modified
 * Clone a given function removing dead stores
Function* DeadStoreEliminationPass::cloneFunctionWithoutDeadStore(Function *Fn,
    Instruction* caller, std::string suffix) {

  Function *NF = Function::Create(Fn->getFunctionType(), Fn->getLinkage());

  // Copy the parameter names, to ease function inspection afterwards.
  Function::arg_iterator NFArg = NF->arg_begin();
  for (Function::arg_iterator Arg = Fn->arg_begin(), ArgEnd = Fn->arg_end();
      Arg != ArgEnd; ++Arg, ++NFArg) {

  // To avoid name collision, we should select another name.
  NF->setName(Fn->getName() + suffix);

  // Fill clone content
  ValueToValueMapTy VMap;
  SmallVector<ReturnInst*, 8> Returns;
  Function::arg_iterator NI = NF->arg_begin();
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = Fn->arg_begin();
      NI != NF->arg_end(); ++I, ++NI) {
    VMap[I] = NI;
  CloneAndPruneFunctionInto(NF, Fn, VMap, false, Returns);

  // Remove dead stores
  std::set<Value*> deadArgs = deadArguments[caller];
  std::set<Value*> removeStoresTo;
  Function::arg_iterator NFArgIter = NF->arg_begin();
  for (Function::arg_iterator FnArgIter = Fn->arg_begin(); FnArgIter !=
      Fn->arg_end(); ++FnArgIter, ++NFArgIter) {
    Value *FnArg = FnArgIter;
    if (deadArgs.count(FnArg)) {
  std::vector<Instruction*> toRemove;
  for (Function::iterator BB = NF->begin(); BB != NF->end(); ++BB) {
    for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(); I != BB->end(); ++I) {
      Instruction *inst = I;
      if (!isa<StoreInst>(inst)) continue;
      StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(inst);
      Value *ptrOp = SI->getPointerOperand();
      if (removeStoresTo.count(ptrOp)) {
        DEBUG(errs() << "will remove this store: " << *inst << "\n");
  for (std::vector<Instruction*>::iterator it = toRemove.begin();
      it != toRemove.end(); ++it) {
    Instruction* inst = *it;

  // Insert the clone function before the original
  Fn->getParent()->getFunctionList().insert(Fn, NF);

  return NF;
/// tryAggregating - When scanning forward over instructions, we look for
/// other loads or stores that could be aggregated with this one.
/// Returns the last instruction added (if one was added) since we might have
/// removed some loads or stores and that might invalidate an iterator.
Instruction *AggregateGlobalOpsOpt::tryAggregating(Instruction *StartInst, Value *StartPtr,
    bool DebugThis) {
  if (TD == 0) return 0;

  Module* M = StartInst->getParent()->getParent()->getParent();
  LLVMContext& Context = StartInst->getContext();

  Type* int8Ty = Type::getInt8Ty(Context);
  Type* sizeTy = Type::getInt64Ty(Context);
  Type* globalInt8PtrTy = int8Ty->getPointerTo(globalSpace);
  bool isLoad = isa<LoadInst>(StartInst);
  bool isStore = isa<StoreInst>(StartInst);
  Instruction *lastAddedInsn = NULL;
  Instruction *LastLoadOrStore = NULL;
  SmallVector<Instruction*, 8> toRemove;

  // Okay, so we now have a single global load/store. Scan to find
  // all subsequent stores of the same value to offset from the same pointer.
  // Join these together into ranges, so we can decide whether contiguous blocks
  // are stored.
  MemOpRanges Ranges(*TD);
  // Put the first store in since we want to preserve the order.
  Ranges.addInst(0, StartInst);

  BasicBlock::iterator BI = StartInst;
  for (++BI; !isa<TerminatorInst>(BI); ++BI) {

    if( isGlobalLoadOrStore(BI, globalSpace, isLoad, isStore) ) {
      // OK!
    } else {
      // If the instruction is readnone, ignore it, otherwise bail out.  We
      // don't even allow readonly here because we don't want something like:
      // A[1] = 2; strlen(A); A[2] = 2; -> memcpy(A, ...); strlen(A).
      if (BI->mayWriteToMemory())
      if (isStore && BI->mayReadFromMemory())

    if ( isStore && isa<StoreInst>(BI) ) {
      StoreInst *NextStore = cast<StoreInst>(BI);
      // If this is a store, see if we can merge it in.
      if (!NextStore->isSimple()) break;

      // Check to see if this store is to a constant offset from the start ptr.
      int64_t Offset;
      if (!IsPointerOffset(StartPtr, NextStore->getPointerOperand(), Offset, *TD))

      Ranges.addStore(Offset, NextStore);
      LastLoadOrStore = NextStore;
    } else {
      LoadInst *NextLoad = cast<LoadInst>(BI);
      if (!NextLoad->isSimple()) break;

      // Check to see if this load is to a constant offset from the start ptr.
      int64_t Offset;
      if (!IsPointerOffset(StartPtr, NextLoad->getPointerOperand(), Offset, *TD))

      Ranges.addLoad(Offset, NextLoad);
      LastLoadOrStore = NextLoad;

  // If we have no ranges, then we just had a single store with nothing that
  // could be merged in.  This is a very common case of course.
  if (!Ranges.moreThanOneOp())
    return 0;

  // Divide the instructions between StartInst and LastLoadOrStore into
  // addressing, memops, and uses of memops (uses of loads)
  reorderAddressingMemopsUses(StartInst, LastLoadOrStore, DebugThis);

  Instruction* insertBefore = StartInst;
  IRBuilder<> builder(insertBefore);

  // Now that we have full information about ranges, loop over the ranges and
  // emit memcpy's for anything big enough to be worthwhile.
  for (MemOpRanges::const_iterator I = Ranges.begin(), E = Ranges.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    const MemOpRange &Range = *I;
    Value* oldBaseI = NULL;
    Value* newBaseI = NULL;

    if (Range.TheStores.size() == 1) continue; // Don't bother if there's only one thing...


    // Otherwise, we do want to transform this!  Create a new memcpy.
    // Get the starting pointer of the block.
    StartPtr = Range.StartPtr;

    if( DebugThis ) {
      errs() << "base is:";

    // Determine alignment
    unsigned Alignment = Range.Alignment;
    if (Alignment == 0) {
      Type *EltType =
      Alignment = TD->getABITypeAlignment(EltType);

    Instruction *alloc = NULL;
    Value *globalPtr = NULL;

    // create temporary alloca space to communicate to/from.
    alloc = makeAlloca(int8Ty, "agg.tmp", insertBefore,
                       Range.End-Range.Start, Alignment);

    // Generate the old and new base pointers before we output
    // anything else.
      Type* iPtrTy = TD->getIntPtrType(alloc->getType());
      Type* iNewBaseTy = TD->getIntPtrType(alloc->getType());
      oldBaseI = builder.CreatePtrToInt(StartPtr, iPtrTy, "agg.tmp.oldb.i");
      newBaseI = builder.CreatePtrToInt(alloc, iNewBaseTy, "agg.tmp.newb.i");

    // If storing, do the stores we had into our alloca'd region.
    if( isStore ) {
      for (SmallVector<Instruction*, 16>::const_iterator
           SI = Range.TheStores.begin(),
           SE = Range.TheStores.end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
        StoreInst* oldStore = cast<StoreInst>(*SI);

        if( DebugThis ) {
          errs() << "have store in range:";

        Value* ptrToAlloc = rebasePointer(oldStore->getPointerOperand(),
                                          StartPtr, alloc, "agg.tmp",
                                          &builder, *TD, oldBaseI, newBaseI);
        // Old load must not be volatile or atomic... or we shouldn't have put
        // it in ranges
        assert(!(oldStore->isVolatile() || oldStore->isAtomic()));
        StoreInst* newStore =
          builder.CreateStore(oldStore->getValueOperand(), ptrToAlloc);

    // cast the pointer that was load/stored to i8 if necessary.
    if( StartPtr->getType()->getPointerElementType() == int8Ty ) {
      globalPtr = StartPtr;
    } else {
      globalPtr = builder.CreatePointerCast(StartPtr, globalInt8PtrTy, "agg.cast");

    // Get a Constant* for the length.
    Constant* len = ConstantInt::get(sizeTy, Range.End-Range.Start, false);

    // Now add the memcpy instruction
    unsigned addrSpaceDst,addrSpaceSrc;
    addrSpaceDst = addrSpaceSrc = 0;
    if( isStore ) addrSpaceDst = globalSpace;
    if( isLoad ) addrSpaceSrc = globalSpace;

    Type *types[3];
    types[0] = PointerType::get(int8Ty, addrSpaceDst);
    types[1] = PointerType::get(int8Ty, addrSpaceSrc);
    types[2] = sizeTy;

    Function *func = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Intrinsic::memcpy, types);

    Value* args[5]; // dst src len alignment isvolatile
    if( isStore ) {
      // it's a store (ie put)
      args[0] = globalPtr;
      args[1] = alloc;
    } else {
      // it's a load (ie get)
      args[0] = alloc;
      args[1] = globalPtr;
    args[2] = len;
    // alignment
    args[3] = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), 0, false);
    // isvolatile
    args[4] = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt1Ty(Context), 0, false);

    Instruction* aMemCpy = builder.CreateCall(func, args);

    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Replace ops:\n";
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = Range.TheStores.size(); i != e; ++i)
        dbgs() << *Range.TheStores[i] << '\n';
      dbgs() << "With: " << *AMemSet << '\n');

    if (!Range.TheStores.empty())

    lastAddedInsn = aMemCpy;

    // If loading, load from the memcpy'd region
    if( isLoad ) {
      for (SmallVector<Instruction*, 16>::const_iterator
           SI = Range.TheStores.begin(),
           SE = Range.TheStores.end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
        LoadInst* oldLoad = cast<LoadInst>(*SI);
        if( DebugThis ) {
          errs() << "have load in range:";

        Value* ptrToAlloc = rebasePointer(oldLoad->getPointerOperand(),
                                          StartPtr, alloc, "agg.tmp",
                                          &builder, *TD, oldBaseI, newBaseI);
        // Old load must not be volatile or atomic... or we shouldn't have put
        // it in ranges
        assert(!(oldLoad->isVolatile() || oldLoad->isAtomic()));
        LoadInst* newLoad = builder.CreateLoad(ptrToAlloc);
        lastAddedInsn = newLoad;

    // Save old loads/stores for removal
    for (SmallVector<Instruction*, 16>::const_iterator
         SI = Range.TheStores.begin(),
         SE = Range.TheStores.end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
      Instruction* insn = *SI;

  // Zap all the old loads/stores
  for (SmallVector<Instruction*, 16>::const_iterator
       SI = toRemove.begin(),
       SE = toRemove.end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {

  return lastAddedInsn;
Exemple #25
static StoreInst *findSafeStoreForStoreStrongContraction(LoadInst *Load,
                                                         Instruction *Release,
                                                         ProvenanceAnalysis &PA,
                                                         AliasAnalysis *AA) {
  StoreInst *Store = nullptr;
  bool SawRelease = false;

  // Get the location associated with Load.
  MemoryLocation Loc = MemoryLocation::get(Load);

  // Walk down to find the store and the release, which may be in either order.
  for (auto I = std::next(BasicBlock::iterator(Load)),
            E = Load->getParent()->end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    // If we found the store we were looking for and saw the release,
    // break. There is no more work to be done.
    if (Store && SawRelease)

    // Now we know that we have not seen either the store or the release. If I
    // is the release, mark that we saw the release and continue.
    Instruction *Inst = &*I;
    if (Inst == Release) {
      SawRelease = true;

    // Otherwise, we check if Inst is a "good" store. Grab the instruction class
    // of Inst.
    ARCInstKind Class = GetBasicARCInstKind(Inst);

    // If Inst is an unrelated retain, we don't care about it.
    // TODO: This is one area where the optimization could be made more
    // aggressive.
    if (IsRetain(Class))

    // If we have seen the store, but not the release...
    if (Store) {
      // We need to make sure that it is safe to move the release from its
      // current position to the store. This implies proving that any
      // instruction in between Store and the Release conservatively can not use
      // the RCIdentityRoot of Release. If we can prove we can ignore Inst, so
      // continue...
      if (!CanUse(Inst, Load, PA, Class)) {

      // Otherwise, be conservative and return nullptr.
      return nullptr;

    // Ok, now we know we have not seen a store yet. See if Inst can write to
    // our load location, if it can not, just ignore the instruction.
    if (!(AA->getModRefInfo(Inst, Loc) & MRI_Mod))

    Store = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(Inst);

    // If Inst can, then check if Inst is a simple store. If Inst is not a
    // store or a store that is not simple, then we have some we do not
    // understand writing to this memory implying we can not move the load
    // over the write to any subsequent store that we may find.
    if (!Store || !Store->isSimple())
      return nullptr;

    // Then make sure that the pointer we are storing to is Ptr. If so, we
    // found our Store!
    if (Store->getPointerOperand() == Loc.Ptr)

    // Otherwise, we have an unknown store to some other ptr that clobbers
    // Loc.Ptr. Bail!
    return nullptr;

  // If we did not find the store or did not see the release, fail.
  if (!Store || !SawRelease)
    return nullptr;

  // We succeeded!
  return Store;
BlockFlow::BlockFlow(BasicBlock *b, std::vector<BoundsCheck*> *chks, ConstraintGraph *graph, std::map<BasicBlock*,BlockFlow*> *f) 
  blk = b;
  flows = f;
  checks = chks;
  cg = graph;
  numInsts = 0;
  isEntry = false;
  outSet.allChecks = true;
  killAll = false;
  killAllLoc = 0;
  for (BasicBlock::iterator i = blk->begin(), e = blk->end(); i != e; ++i) {
    Instruction *inst = &*i;
    instLoc[i] = numInsts;
    StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(inst);
    if (isa<CallInst>(inst)) {
      killAll = true;
      killAllLoc = numInsts;
    if (SI != NULL) {
      Value *to = SI->getPointerOperand();
      Type* T = to->getType();
      bool isPointer = T->isPointerTy() && T->getContainedType(0)->isPointerTy();
      if (isPointer) {
        killAll = true;
        killAllLoc = numInsts;
      lastStoreLoc[to] = numInsts;

  errs() << "Identifying Downward Exposed Bounds Checks:" << blk->getName() << "\n";
  for (std::vector<BoundsCheck*>::iterator it = checks->begin(), et = checks->end(); it != et; it++) {
    BoundsCheck *chk = *it;
    if (!chk->stillExists()) 

    // May require fixing later?
    unsigned int loc = instLoc[chk->getInsertPoint()]; 
    Value *var = chk->getVariable();
    if (var == NULL) {
      var = chk->getIndex();
      if (var == NULL) {
        errs() << "Could not identify index value for following check:\n";
    bool downwardExposed = true;
    // Find downward exposed checks
    // Inefficient, basically go through the remaining instructions
    // and see if there is a store to the same location
    for (unsigned int i = loc; i <= numInsts; i++) {
      Instruction *inst =;
      StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(inst);
      if (isa<CallInst>(inst)) {
        downwardExposed = false;
      #if DEBUG_GLOBAL
        errs() << "Following Check is not downward exposed\n";
      if (SI != NULL) {
        if (var == SI->getPointerOperand()) {
          downwardExposed = false;
        #if DEBUG_GLOBAL
          errs() << "Following Check is not downward exposed\n";
        } else {
          Value *to = SI->getPointerOperand();
          Type* T = to->getType();
          bool isPointer = T->isPointerTy() && T->getContainedType(0)->isPointerTy();
          if (isPointer) {
            downwardExposed = false;
          #if DEBUG_GLOBAL
            errs() << "Following Check is not downward exposed\n";

    if (!downwardExposed)
    if (loc < killAllLoc) {

    bool blkHasStore = false;
    if (lastStoreLoc.find(var) != lastStoreLoc.end()) {
      blkHasStore = true;

    GlobalCheck *gCheck;
    // Insert lower bounds check if downward exposed, and index <= to variable it references
    if (chk->hasLowerBoundsCheck()){
      if (chk->comparisonKnown && chk->comparedToVar <= 0) {
        bool add = true;
        ConstraintGraph::CompareEnum varChange = cg->identifyMemoryChange(var);
        // Check if there is a store instruction after the check
        if (blkHasStore && (lastStoreLoc[var] > loc)) {
          // If index variable becomes smaller across basic block, can't add lower bounds check
          if (varChange == ConstraintGraph::LESS_THAN || varChange == ConstraintGraph::UNKNOWN) {
            add = false;
        for (std::vector<GlobalCheck*>::iterator gi = globalChecks.begin(), ge = globalChecks.end();
              gi != ge; gi++) {
          GlobalCheck *c = *gi;
          if (!c->isUpper && (c->var == var)) {
            add = false;
        if (add) {
        #if DEBUG_GLOBAL
          errs() << "==============================" << "\n";
          errs() << "Adding Lower-Bound Check to GEN set:\n";
          gCheck = new GlobalCheck(chk, var, NULL, false, loc);
    // Insert upper bounds check if downward exposed, and index >= variable it references
    if (chk->hasUpperBoundsCheck()){
      if (chk->comparisonKnown && chk->comparedToVar >= 0) {
        bool add = true;
        ConstraintGraph::CompareEnum varChange = cg->identifyMemoryChange(var);
        // Check if there is a store instruction after the check
        if (blkHasStore && (lastStoreLoc[var] > loc)) {
          // If index variable becomes bigger across basic block, can't add upper bounds check
          if (varChange == ConstraintGraph::GREATER_THAN || varChange == ConstraintGraph::UNKNOWN) {
            add = false;
        for (std::vector<GlobalCheck*>::iterator gi = globalChecks.begin(), ge = globalChecks.end();
              gi != ge; gi++) {
          GlobalCheck *c = *gi;
          if (c->isUpper && (c->var == var)) {
            add = false;
        if (add) {
        #if DEBUG_GLOBAL
          errs() << "==============================" << "\n";
          errs() << "Adding Exposed Upper-Bound Check to GEN set:\n";
          gCheck = new GlobalCheck(chk, var, chk->getUpperBound(), true, loc);
Exemple #27
/// Attempt to merge an objc_release with a store, load, and objc_retain to form
/// an objc_storeStrong. This can be a little tricky because the instructions
/// don't always appear in order, and there may be unrelated intervening
/// instructions.
void ObjCARCContract::ContractRelease(Instruction *Release,
                                      inst_iterator &Iter) {
  LoadInst *Load = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(GetObjCArg(Release));
  if (!Load || !Load->isSimple()) return;

  // For now, require everything to be in one basic block.
  BasicBlock *BB = Release->getParent();
  if (Load->getParent() != BB) return;

  // Walk down to find the store and the release, which may be in either order.
  BasicBlock::iterator I = Load, End = BB->end();
  AliasAnalysis::Location Loc = AA->getLocation(Load);
  StoreInst *Store = 0;
  bool SawRelease = false;
  for (; !Store || !SawRelease; ++I) {
    if (I == End)

    Instruction *Inst = I;
    if (Inst == Release) {
      SawRelease = true;

    InstructionClass Class = GetBasicInstructionClass(Inst);

    // Unrelated retains are harmless.
    if (IsRetain(Class))

    if (Store) {
      // The store is the point where we're going to put the objc_storeStrong,
      // so make sure there are no uses after it.
      if (CanUse(Inst, Load, PA, Class))
    } else if (AA->getModRefInfo(Inst, Loc) & AliasAnalysis::Mod) {
      // We are moving the load down to the store, so check for anything
      // else which writes to the memory between the load and the store.
      Store = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(Inst);
      if (!Store || !Store->isSimple()) return;
      if (Store->getPointerOperand() != Loc.Ptr) return;

  Value *New = StripPointerCastsAndObjCCalls(Store->getValueOperand());

  // Walk up to find the retain.
  I = Store;
  BasicBlock::iterator Begin = BB->begin();
  while (I != Begin && GetBasicInstructionClass(I) != IC_Retain)
  Instruction *Retain = I;
  if (GetBasicInstructionClass(Retain) != IC_Retain) return;
  if (GetObjCArg(Retain) != New) return;

  Changed = true;

  LLVMContext &C = Release->getContext();
  Type *I8X = PointerType::getUnqual(Type::getInt8Ty(C));
  Type *I8XX = PointerType::getUnqual(I8X);

  Value *Args[] = { Load->getPointerOperand(), New };
  if (Args[0]->getType() != I8XX)
    Args[0] = new BitCastInst(Args[0], I8XX, "", Store);
  if (Args[1]->getType() != I8X)
    Args[1] = new BitCastInst(Args[1], I8X, "", Store);
  CallInst *StoreStrong =
                     Args, "", Store);

  // We can't set the tail flag yet, because we haven't yet determined
  // whether there are any escaping allocas. Remember this call, so that
  // we can set the tail flag once we know it's safe.

  if (&*Iter == Store) ++Iter;
  if (Load->use_empty())
static bool tryPromoteAllocaToVector(AllocaInst *Alloca, AMDGPUAS AS) {
  ArrayType *AllocaTy = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(Alloca->getAllocatedType());

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Alloca candidate for vectorization\n");

  // FIXME: There is no reason why we can't support larger arrays, we
  // are just being conservative for now.
  // FIXME: We also reject alloca's of the form [ 2 x [ 2 x i32 ]] or equivalent. Potentially these
  // could also be promoted but we don't currently handle this case
  if (!AllocaTy ||
      AllocaTy->getNumElements() > 4 ||
      AllocaTy->getNumElements() < 2 ||
      !VectorType::isValidElementType(AllocaTy->getElementType())) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "  Cannot convert type to vector\n");
    return false;

  std::map<GetElementPtrInst*, Value*> GEPVectorIdx;
  std::vector<Value*> WorkList;
  for (User *AllocaUser : Alloca->users()) {
    GetElementPtrInst *GEP = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(AllocaUser);
    if (!GEP) {
      if (!canVectorizeInst(cast<Instruction>(AllocaUser), Alloca))
        return false;


    Value *Index = GEPToVectorIndex(GEP);

    // If we can't compute a vector index from this GEP, then we can't
    // promote this alloca to vector.
    if (!Index) {
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "  Cannot compute vector index for GEP " << *GEP << '\n');
      return false;

    GEPVectorIdx[GEP] = Index;
    for (User *GEPUser : AllocaUser->users()) {
      if (!canVectorizeInst(cast<Instruction>(GEPUser), AllocaUser))
        return false;


  VectorType *VectorTy = arrayTypeToVecType(AllocaTy);

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "  Converting alloca to vector "
        << *AllocaTy << " -> " << *VectorTy << '\n');

  for (Value *V : WorkList) {
    Instruction *Inst = cast<Instruction>(V);
    IRBuilder<> Builder(Inst);
    switch (Inst->getOpcode()) {
    case Instruction::Load: {
      Type *VecPtrTy = VectorTy->getPointerTo(AS.PRIVATE_ADDRESS);
      Value *Ptr = cast<LoadInst>(Inst)->getPointerOperand();
      Value *Index = calculateVectorIndex(Ptr, GEPVectorIdx);

      Value *BitCast = Builder.CreateBitCast(Alloca, VecPtrTy);
      Value *VecValue = Builder.CreateLoad(BitCast);
      Value *ExtractElement = Builder.CreateExtractElement(VecValue, Index);
    case Instruction::Store: {
      Type *VecPtrTy = VectorTy->getPointerTo(AS.PRIVATE_ADDRESS);

      StoreInst *SI = cast<StoreInst>(Inst);
      Value *Ptr = SI->getPointerOperand();
      Value *Index = calculateVectorIndex(Ptr, GEPVectorIdx);
      Value *BitCast = Builder.CreateBitCast(Alloca, VecPtrTy);
      Value *VecValue = Builder.CreateLoad(BitCast);
      Value *NewVecValue = Builder.CreateInsertElement(VecValue,
      Builder.CreateStore(NewVecValue, BitCast);
    case Instruction::BitCast:
    case Instruction::AddrSpaceCast:

      llvm_unreachable("Inconsistency in instructions promotable to vector");
  return true;
Exemple #29
void Lint::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &I) {
  visitMemoryReference(I, I.getPointerOperand(), I.getAlignment(),
Exemple #30
Value *BoUpSLP::vectorizeTree(ValueList &VL, int VF) {
  Type *ScalarTy = VL[0]->getType();
  if (StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(VL[0]))
    ScalarTy = SI->getValueOperand()->getType();
  VectorType *VecTy = VectorType::get(ScalarTy, VF);

  // Check if all of the operands are constants or identical.
  bool AllConst = true;
  bool AllSameScalar = true;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = VF; i < e; ++i) {
    AllConst &= !!dyn_cast<Constant>(VL[i]);
    AllSameScalar &= (VL[0] == VL[i]);
    // Must have a single use.
    Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(VL[i]);
    if (I && (I->getNumUses() > 1 || I->getParent() != BB))
      return Scalarize(VL, VecTy);

  // Is this a simple vector constant.
  if (AllConst || AllSameScalar) return Scalarize(VL, VecTy);

  // Scalarize unknown structures.
  Instruction *VL0 = dyn_cast<Instruction>(VL[0]);
  if (!VL0) return Scalarize(VL, VecTy);

  unsigned Opcode = VL0->getOpcode();
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = VF; i < e; ++i) {
    Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(VL[i]);
    // If not all of the instructions are identical then we have to scalarize.
    if (!I || Opcode != I->getOpcode()) return Scalarize(VL, VecTy);

  switch (Opcode) {
  case Instruction::Add:
  case Instruction::FAdd:
  case Instruction::Sub:
  case Instruction::FSub:
  case Instruction::Mul:
  case Instruction::FMul:
  case Instruction::UDiv:
  case Instruction::SDiv:
  case Instruction::FDiv:
  case Instruction::URem:
  case Instruction::SRem:
  case Instruction::FRem:
  case Instruction::Shl:
  case Instruction::LShr:
  case Instruction::AShr:
  case Instruction::And:
  case Instruction::Or:
  case Instruction::Xor: {
    ValueList LHSVL, RHSVL;
    for (int i = 0; i < VF; ++i) {

    Value *RHS = vectorizeTree(RHSVL, VF);
    Value *LHS = vectorizeTree(LHSVL, VF);
    IRBuilder<> Builder(GetLastInstr(VL, VF));
    BinaryOperator *BinOp = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(VL0);
    return Builder.CreateBinOp(BinOp->getOpcode(), RHS,LHS);
  case Instruction::Load: {
    LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(VL0);
    unsigned Alignment = LI->getAlignment();

    // Check if all of the loads are consecutive.
    for (unsigned i = 1, e = VF; i < e; ++i)
      if (!isConsecutiveAccess(VL[i-1], VL[i]))
        return Scalarize(VL, VecTy);

    IRBuilder<> Builder(GetLastInstr(VL, VF));
    Value *VecPtr = Builder.CreateBitCast(LI->getPointerOperand(),
    LI = Builder.CreateLoad(VecPtr);
    return LI;
  case Instruction::Store: {
    StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(VL0);
    unsigned Alignment = SI->getAlignment();

    ValueList ValueOp;
    for (int i = 0; i < VF; ++i)

    Value *VecValue = vectorizeTree(ValueOp, VF);

    IRBuilder<> Builder(GetLastInstr(VL, VF));
    Value *VecPtr = Builder.CreateBitCast(SI->getPointerOperand(),
    Builder.CreateStore(VecValue, VecPtr)->setAlignment(Alignment);

    for (int i = 0; i < VF; ++i)
    return 0;
    return Scalarize(VL, VecTy);